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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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for daggers there, it is possible to adapt it to iskander, or there zircons, which can also become there in the format of a land version, how far is this direction now under the power of the russian federation? well, in certain quantities, in demonstration quantities, well , there could be as well as korean missiles, as well as iranian shaheds, as well as separate launches of zircons, it is possible, i just very much doubt that any of these... missiles has, well, has reliable, reliable nuclear equipment, after all, all these missiles, they appeared after they were at all many nuclear programs and tests have been stopped, the only thing that can be said is that, probably, for the calibers and for the iskander m, there cannot be old, old ammunition, which was made there for the oka back in soviet times, for their various there.. .sea missiles,
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that might be, but well, i doubt it's a real threat that wouldn't be covered by the patriot and sumpti complexes we're getting, even if there's a chance that half of those missiles will be shot down, well it is already unacceptable, i think, for a nuclear strike, because it is not known to whom... those warheads that will not detonate, where they will fall. oleksiy, that is, i can now make an assumption that in any case, in these exercises, and in statements from the russian federation, from belarus, there is more of such a political, ideological, psychological component than the technical components related to the creation, all the more with the use of these tactical weapons on the battlefield, so it's more of that now, but that... of course, that doesn't mean
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that there can't be any nuclear threat at all, it can be, well, for example, in in such a situation, when russia tries to restore this horror of nuclear weapons, it is not restored, well, it is possible that at a certain stage they will do something more serious, but if we talk in general about what can now be called the karaganov program, well, because there is such a russian analyst who proposed there 20 steps to restore nuclear ... before russia's nuclear weapons, and then now there is a problem, it turned out that he has real estate in those european cities when he proposed to carry out nuclear strikes and now it is not very perceived but russia, we see, it is trying to restore this horror, and at a certain, at a certain stage, well, there is a probability of several percent of probability that they will be forced to, well , to demonstrate their intentions. something
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can be applied there, but for now it is a restoration of horror , and while the first role in this restoration is played by lukashenko, not putin, putin speaks, and lukashenko acts, that is, what is on someone’s mind, what is on someone’s tongue, then i think , now it is still, after all, such a political preparation for what will be written in the final declaration of the nato summit. are trying to influence the text, well then, so that the effect of the influence is significant, are there certain circumstances when russia will be forced to conduct a demonstration of the capabilities of tactical nuclear weapons, are there any, conditionally speaking, well, there is such, well, there is such, i think that well as before such decisive defeats, decisive and demonstrative defeats for russia. and
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they can be painful for russia, well, it seemed that the destruction of the crimean bridge could be such an event that they would prevent it, or some other event during the parade in moscow on may 9, or during the inauguration, it seemed yes, but we now see that they have even unloaded the crimean bridge and are preparing for its loss of functioning due to this bridge. therefore, it is difficult to say now, it is just hypothetical, it is necessary, well, we can assume that there is such an event when they will demonstrate, it is just that they do it too persistently all the time, and it seems that no one is horrified anymore, they are still horrifying, so such a possibility is not excluded, i still, i think that something around such a quick catastrophic defeat, and that is why the old prescription remains, that this pill...
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russia, they need to be fed gradually, so that they do not have the effect of using, forcing to use nuclear weapons, in any case, the use of nuclear weapons. weapons are possible only in the state of effect, in the state of effect of the kremlin authorities, if they are not in the state of effect, well, it is difficult to imagine and what it could be. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for these important accents in this quite complex and such a worrying topic, i would like to remind you that it was oleksiy yezhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, that was the main emphasis in the military results of this of the day, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. catching up on the topic of the war, i will say that in india they started arresting people who recruited local citizens for russia's war against ukraine, this is
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already a big positive. i want to say right away that today from 19:10 to 19:30 i will be broadcasting a special project called poppies of memory, it will be a conversation with yaryna. yasenevich, let's talk about the rethinking of may 8 and 9 in ukraine over the past 10 years, plus about losses of ukrainians in the second world war. well, actually, it is important to understand how many ukrainians fought in the armies of different countries, and how they showed themselves, because in fact ukrainians showed themselves very well in different armies in this great war, and the victims and participants of which we remember today, remember we praise and honor others, those who started this war, we condemn, by the way, i started this war... i want to say that both hitler and stalin, they both started this war, these two bloody regimes, the nazi and the bolshevik communist soviet regime. well, now we will talk about the situation in the regions, the enemy struck different regions of our country, the consequences are different, we will start
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with a conversation about the kherson region, yevgenia virlych, head, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavuon city, ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, dear. it is nice to hear good evening, although we understand that today is not good for most of the territories of ukraine, and actually for all of ukraine, but, but we are overcoming the consequences, as they say, we are overcoming the consequences of enemy attacks, the enemy struck today, we will talk about the various communities where the plane arrived, what were the consequences, unfortunately, there is a dead woman, there are victims, there are wounded, but the enemy hit the kherson railway station, as well as the tracks, i read that allegedly in... they have already resumed work of this nodal center, so to speak, well, tell me more about it, please, yes, indeed, the russians attacked the tracks, in the morning the station was closed for the arrival of trains, well, actually, this is a kyiv
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train, during the day they updated, researched so that there was no debris because we are fine we understand that the arrival is debris. it can be the remains of what did not break and so on. during the day, ukrzaliznytsia reported that the arrival of trains to kherson will be resumed as of tomorrow. actually, this is what concerns the railway. well, here, a big plus, we remember that this is not the first attack of the enemy on the railway station, we remember the terrible story that happened in kramatorsk at one time, well, the enemy also hit... other stations, some are not mentioned, stations , where, well, as they say, there are their own logistical points, but the enemy is looking for them, unfortunately, both people died and workers, this is again not the first, and certainly not the last blow with such an enemy, and after the enemy
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attack on kherson region, 52 settlements were cut off, as in general, the situation with the supply of electricity with the possibility of using it, is it possible somewhere in the community where, in principle, such a thing as electricity is something, you know, a very temporary phenomenon, well, i am absolutely not here at the moment with any irony, it is not irony, it's a pain and because of that is happening, and somewhere it is possible to restore it, how difficult it is to restore it, because the strikes continue, again constantly, we understand that the enemy is very close, the enemy is on the left bank of the kherson region, please, and there are such communities, even in kherson city territorial community, this is primarily antoniivka, sadovo, some others. microdistricts of kherson, which are located along the banks of the dnieper and are constantly under fire, it is extremely difficult to restore there, they also deliver generators, drinking water, and not only drinking, and technical as well, by shelling with a very high risk to life, right there, exactly as you said, you
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understand everything correctly, there is systematically no light as such anymore, well, after the armed forces liberated the right bank and russians they started shelling it, but from that moment on there is always light, or there is light for a very short time, or there is no light, in principle, because it is very difficult to restore, electricians died, died. sprayers during the restoration of electricity, if we talk about the region, then it is the berislavsky district, precisely that part of it, which is constantly under fire and in bereslav itself there are big problems with light in the bereslav district, nevertheless our indomitable people, even in these conditions, sowing continues, it is very difficult for them and recently in... they noticed that all these may holidays , the so -called sacred dates, they are very strongly felt by the aggression of the russians, which has increased,
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very recently, simply, let's say, the shelling has increased, the power of the shelling has increased, but nevertheless, even behind such a critical systematic in the absence of light, people continue to work, sow seeds, work in the fields. yes, indeed, you know, putin’s post-communist regime is also in a lot of pain, obviously the defeat in the war, which i once reminded, i will remind today, it was often started by stalin and hitler themselves, with their moltov and ribbentrop agreement, i will remind you that in brest, well remember you see, this story is about the brest fortress, and at one time soviet nazi troops marched there in a victory parade when they knocked out polish troops from there, so these are twin regimes and it is obvious again... the modern russian authorities, above all their ideologues, are very pained by the defeat they suffered
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at the hands of the civilized world at the time, well , it is just so strange that those who started the war also turned out to be the winners in this war , i mean stalin and his and his entourage, and i bilzerka was fired upon by the enemy, why did i mention this, because they wrote that a woman died, there are also three injured, and if possible also in other regions. haviaudar was on the red beacon, as well as artillery shelling of dar'ivka and stanislav these are populated areas, you are definitely better than me, you know the geography there, the kherson region, these are populated areas that are constantly under fire, and that these are airstrikes, and other artillery fire is that the artillery is long-range, or maybe not long-range the enemy is taking from the left bank, well , the russians are taking everything from the left bank, these are communities that are mostly constantly under fire. the lake was not so often under fire, so far today, and yesterday, and
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the day before yesterday, a lot of private houses there were also damaged, it is not far away kherson, in my opinion, within 15 km, even stanislavska hromada - it is not far from bilozerka, it is about 30, a little more kilometers from kherson, these are all long distances, that is, all this is from the left bank, daryevka is also very close to it. .. with the city a little in the other direction, with the city of kherson, i mean, and the russians, the red beacon is the beryslav district, and actually the red lighthouse, this is exactly the community, as i said, which has been without of light, nevertheless, people live, people try to make life last in the community, but these are basically all communities that are under fire from time to time, some. longer, some more systematically, some less, but here it should probably be noted that
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civilians are suffering, private houses are being destroyed, infrastructure is being destroyed, but today there was no light for a long time during the day in kherson and in those communities that were shelled nearby, you said 52 settlements, trolleybuses did not run around kherson almost all day, that is, today was... very difficult, actually, well, in general, i i see that there is a decision by ukrenergo that it will limit the supply of electricity for businesses from 6 p.m., and then the same thing will be waiting for the population, by the way, this will be throughout the territory of ukraine, as far as i understand, i managed very briefly today to withdraw 11 children from the occupation, from the occupied territory of the kherson region, if possible, a few words about this, and to catch up on what horrors continue to happen in the occupied territory, today it became known that the occupier, sorry for the details, this is news, raped a ukrainian woman for more than a month in the occupation so that even needed the help of doctors, this is before
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the enemy continues to behave in the occupation, who sing about how they liberated someone there, a terrible story, well, it is a good story of liberation, please, if you can, a few words about these children who managed to take them out, well actually yes, they are doing just terrible things there, it is not known how many children are still left, but there are still children who remained in the occupation, 11 children really managed to be returned, this work continues... constantly, the work that the government also does, and business helps with something, maybe by paying, for example, some trips, law enforcers and so on, and of course public organizations. charitable foundations that work on this, but unfortunately, some children still remain, we do not know exactly how many remain in the occupation, i thank you very much, take care, evgenia virlych, the editor-in-chief of the kherson publication watermelon city , was with us on yazka, and some short news about the kherson region, the armed forces of ukraine managed to push back the occupiers in
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the krynyk area, where fierce fighting has been going on for a long time, the armed forces of ukraine were able to to create a bridgehead, and not just one. on the left bank, well, the enemy also tried to attack ne island on hydrocycles, which is also being fought over, but, however, they failed to do so , the enemy attack was repulsed on the island of nestryga. well, now we will not leave kherson oblast, we will stay in the south and talk about the situation in the zaporizhzhia region . alisa sasoeva, with us is a deputy of the zaporizhia district council, mrs. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. i am glad to see and hear you, mr. vasyl, well, the enemy attacked both zaporozhye and zaporizhzhia region, in general, let's start from the city, from the regional center, about the consequences of the enemy attack, and if there were consequences that had to be overcome during today, then i would like what you told about them, you know, mr. vasyl, if the enemy hit probably a little later, today
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the shelling started at us around 4:35 in the morning, so i think the consequences would be... more catastrophic, because in addition to the fact that they sweated into the infrastructure object, which was reported to the military administration, and also they they also targeted civilian objects infrastructure, in particular, there were hits in the cultural center and even in the park, and you know, ironically, this park is called victory park, and there just such a huge funnel has formed, and for now they will be in the swamps. to go about your business, to do your own thing, in our country , people who could just stroll through this park could have been injured, and neither people nor animals have peace from russian missiles, an animal shelter was also injured today, and dogs were injured, well such these are the consequences, the main thing is that people survived, there are no reports of victims,
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there are no injured victims, so today during the day they eliminated exactly such consequences, in particular , they inserted usb into broken windows, carried out work with people, because the garage was also targeted cooperative, here we see burnt cars, well, today was such a bad morning, in total we heard about eight explosions, what exactly we were fired at, there is no such information yet, but during the day there was also a message that there was a threat of ballistics, well that's why this one seemed alarming to us today. well, yes, indeed, the enemy is hitting the zaporizhzhia region, i am good at kherson ballistics, obviously it can come from the crimea, or somewhere else from the donetsk region, well, but this night, let me remind you, the enemy raised tut-95 strategic bombers into the sky, also, for the first time in a long time , a submarine appeared in the waters of the black sea, a submarine that was a carrier of cruise missiles, caliber missiles. well
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, about the educational institutions and hospitals that were affected, how critical is this damage and can it continue? robot, well, first of all, we are talking about the hospital, because we understand that people need to be helped, and here is a quick question, i know that the electricity consumption restriction schedules have been announced in the zaporizhzhia region, we understand that this will also be the case throughout the territory of ukraine, i i will remind you once again that from 6 p.m. the consumption of electricity for businesses will be limited, then it will affect the population as well, the whole country will to a greater or lesser extent save somewhere so that this electricity remains in the network and is available, the question is how much... baked zaporozhye is at least the key facilities like hospitals, social facilities, utilities that keep the city alive with generators, powerful generators, is that still a problem today, and maybe we would still need to have such large charging stations to keep things going again critical institutions at least? well
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, we are officially informed that the situation is under control, what about... the consequences, well, there were such direct hits, as high-rise buildings were destroyed, such no, of course these facilities will need repairs, well, but one that will be fully connected, there is no, as for the blackout, here i confirm what you said, they also said that there will be veil blackouts for big business, but this was started at the moment when the dniproges was hit, in general, as far as... civilians of zaporizhzhia are concerned, but today there were no such problems, interruptions with electricity, with water, in principle, we can say that the city is still more or less calm survived this attack because the most important thing is that there were no deaths or injuries, and as for these outages, we are promised that they will not affect residents globally.
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you know, there is constant talk of an enemy attack on kharkiv, actually the enemies themselves are fueled by this information and the accumulation of their troops and various statements made by the enemy, but the attack on zaporozhye is actually no less a threat and no less a real threat, today i read about the fact that the enemy is forming new units, even creating a training ground there for the placement of military units in the berdyansk area, we understand where they can to support these forces, in the event that they are gathered, as they say, mobilized and provided with everything necessary for possible offensive actions, or at least for some kind of march to zaporizhzhia, or active work continues not only on the construction of defensive fortifications around the city, again we do not name the location, but you yourself know it well, how it is prepared, how the population reacts to it, because again, we perfectly understand that the enemy is not as far from the regional center as possible, it seems to some, who never looked at the map hostilities and does not understand where this enemy is, well
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, on the positive side, there is information, which is confirmed by official sources, that the enemy did not capture robotino, robotino is a settlement, for which there is almost no more left, but for it they have been going on for a long time battles, it was recaptured from the enemy during the counteroffensive of last year's summer, but today the enemy is trying to carry out an audit and... actively trying to capture the robot, then on the positive side, the capture of the robot by the occupation forces is not confirmed, please, but really, you you know, the topic working in our country, it is always under a very close eye, but i still want the military to comment on this topic, because there have already been such misunderstandings, because there are official comments, and there are people who, for example, watched deep state and voiced other comments, so always. we are waiting to hear exclusively from official sources of the military, and as for the construction of fortifications, i am constantly reporting to us that this work is ongoing, we have already been informed that
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additional funds have been allocated for the construction of fortifications, and now, you know, one of the main such media topics of our new head of the military administration , ivan fedorov, therefore, in principle , we will receive all photos, video comments precisely through - through official sources, and as for the enemy, unfortunately, we will understand that he is getting stronger, moreover, we know that mobilization has begun in the occupied territories, and it is already official, well, of course, if you can call it that, their official occupation administration issued a decree, so now there is active military registration there, and we understand that in addition to the fact that they constantly bring russians from the mainland. of russia, because it is reported that about a third of the local population remains in the occupied territories of the zaporizhia region, the rest are imported russians, and that, most
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likely, after this mobilization , the inhabitants of the occupied territories will be forced to fight for the russian federation, that is, this is such a terrible reality there. well , today, by the way, i will remind our viewers that there will be a special project, actually it lasts all day on the espresso poppy memory tv channel from... 19:10 until 7:30 p.m. it will be on the air of our program, and i would like to ask you in connection with this, what is today's relationship in zaporizhzhia to may 8, may 9, the day of reconciliation and remembrance, or all- there are still people for whom the so-called victory day is relevant, because the day of victory is one thing, of course, and the victory day is completely different, this is how russia presents this event, again, let me remind you, the soviet union, led by stalin at the time, was as guilty of the war as hitler because the soviet union saturated hitler with resources, started the war with hitler and made a deal with hitler to start the war and to divide europe. actually, without
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the soviet union, there would be no national germany, i perfectly understand that many of hitler's generals and soldiers were trained in the territory of the soviet union, because after the treaty of versailles , germany did not have the right to conduct any military training on the territory of germany, so it was done under outside germany, on the territory of the soviet union, it's just me. i will remind you constantly today for those who does not remember how the second world war began, how this day is perceived in zaporizhzhia today, and again, are there people who still want, well, to return to the past, please, well, as for just today, you know, the zaporozhye people were not up to it, precisely because of the mass attacks, but if you look at how it happened during the last two years, of course, there is no such victory anymore. how can we say, it was there eight years ago and five, nevertheless, this wave is faltering a little and of course we can't to say that everyone in zaporizhzhia is now
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exclusively a patriot. of ukraine and the influence of the russian peace, which lasted for many, many years, has been completely eradicated, but at least we can say for sure that these people have become fewer, and if they are, they do not advertise their position now, because zaporizhzhia is near the front the city, in our country, the war feels very special here, we have a lot of soldiers, in our every family, there are probably acquaintances, or someone who is currently serving, and you know, if you were there before and... some who gathered people and even tried in zaporizhzhia to arrange a retreat of this immortal regiment, then there is no such thing now, and it will definitely not work in them, because people will not understand it, so we will believe that it will continue to be like this, and in the end it is all dismemberment, it will remain somewhere in the past, well, i will ask you finally, there was a statement from ukrainian energy experts that
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the enemy would not be able to revive crimea with the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, but again, it would not be technically possible, there were more political, legislative problems which definitely never stopped the enemy from implementing his plans, he may or may not be able to according to some laws, well actually for russia it always didn’t care, it didn’t care about its own laws either, let alone the laws of ukraine or international law, then is there some information comes to the point that the enemy is still trying to throw something over there, as they say, plus and minus and heal the crimea or the occupied territories from the zaporizhzhya nuclear plant. please. unfortunately, i can't add anything new in this regard, you said the last operational one the information that we know, you know, we receive more information from the nuclear power plant about what the russians are doing there, recently it was reported that they have deployed a training
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ground for their own... and as for such energy questions, well, in principle, there is very little information, only these are the official comments that you voice on the air. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, take care, alisa sesoeva, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, was in touch with us, well literally in a moment about the most important news, as of this hour i will tell you in detail, plus we will have another inclusion from our correspondent. good evening, we are from ukraine. and, unfortunately, the number of victims as a result of the attack on kharkiv increased, seven people were injured, among them four children, they were hospitalized in a serious condition, this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office, the russians hit the stadium on the territory of an educational institution, the school was damaged as a result of the attack and residential buildings, emergency services are on site services they returned home, another 11 children
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managed to be taken out of the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, reported about this. we are talking about two orphaned girls aged 10 and 13, as well as four boys and five girls aged from one year to 16. currently, children in a safe city receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance. the bill on mobilization. convicts was adopted in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the people's deputies of our state informed about it, the corresponding decision was supported by 279 people's elected representatives, so the document allows prisoners to be released for military service under a contract, but this does not apply to those convicted of aggravated intentional murder, sexual violence, terrorism and treason, nor does it apply to corrupt persons, the military unit will independently decide whether it is ready
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to mobilize the prisoner . now this document must be signed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stepanchuk, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. house of the word, an endless novel, the premiere of taras tomenko's feature film thundered in the capital. our correspondent tetyana golunova, who is now live with us, watched the tape . i congratulate tanya, who came to the premiere. such events also took place within the framework of this cultural event. please. you have a word. i congratulate vasyl, i also congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so, today , the long-awaited film house of the word, an endless novel about the writers of the era of the shot renaissance, was presented in kyiv. the entire tape is shown in black and white.


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