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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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it also does not apply to corrupt officials. the military unit will independently decide whether it is ready to mobilize the prisoner. now, this document must be signed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stepanchuk, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. house slovo is an endless novel, the premiere of taras tomenko's feature film thundered in the capital. the tape was also watched by our correspondent tetyana golunova, who is now with us on... live on the connection. congratulations to tanya, who came to the premiere, such events have also taken place within the framework of this cultural event, please, you word. i congratulate vasyl, i also congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so today in kyiv the long-awaited film house of the word, an endless novel about writers of the era of the executed revival, was presented. the entire tape is shown in black and white. the house of
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the word endless novel is a dramatic story about writers who were gathered under the roof of one house in order to force them to work for the benefit of the system. the film tells the story of how a communist paradise turns into a communist hell. the story is based on real events, and everyone should watch this film just so they don't forget their own history. the cast of the film is actually stellar, the main roles in the film. played by dmytro oliynyk, vyacheslav dovzhenko, nina naboka and maryna koshkina. let's hear about the importance of such filmmaking work right now. our team worked hard. probably, talking about work is important to our team. definitely.
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talk about work, about importance, about relevance, we understand all this, for me this story is more important, it is important to remember those people who have done so much for us. saussure, wavy, very, very les kurbas. as part of this premiere , a charity event aimed at collecting books from ukraine was also held. all the people who came to today's premiere brought with them books by ukrainian authors, these books are kept on the shelf right here in the ukrainian house, where the premiere took place, and will later be transferred to ukrainian libraries. these books will be collected from today until may 17. what is the essence and purpose of such an action? let's hear the next comment. we always are. wanted to do some kind of action in
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support of the tragic date of may 13, it is the day of commemoration of the death of mykola khvylovy, and we had this idea that we can show with such an action that ukrainian writers are alive, that the memory of them is not destroyed, above the ribbon is a house word endless novel, cinema... the team worked for more than 10 years, the premiere was supposed to take place in 2022, but a full-scale russian invasion got in the way. the scenes were shot in kharkiv, but all the main scenes were in the capital. the tape is also in in the 21st year, it was already presented at the warsaw film festival. ukrainians will be able to see it starting tomorrow , may 9. so from tomorrow this film is a waste, this film is released in the national cinema.
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rental, at the moment i have all the information, so vasyl, i am passing the ether to you, thank you very much, tatyana golonova is our correspondent about the presentation of the movie, the house of slovo, the endless roman, i highly recommend going and watching, supporting the ukrainian film producer, of course, and generally enjoying and more information about those times and those great and suffering people. from now on, general valery zaluzhnyi, an honorary citizen of kyiv, is the title of the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. appropriated by the kyiv council. zaluzhnyi became an honorary citizen of the capital for his services in protecting the sovereignty of ukraine and for repelling the enemy during the defense of the capital. the title of honorary citizen of the capital was also awarded to the outstanding poet and legend of ukrainian literature elina kostenko. let me remind you that in march, laris zaluzhnyi became the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. memorial day and victory over the nazis'. world war ii, volodymyr
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zelenskyi took part in a commemorative event near the motherland monument, during his speech the president compared nazism 80 years ago with the current russian nazism. terror, the head of state also presented the order of the golden star to the relatives of the fallen heroes of ukraine. the supreme commander-in-chief also awarded the soldiers with the cross of combat merits. as it was 80 years ago, now humanity should remember the victory over nazism, not the ruins. and it will be, and may it never be human memory does not disappear those. whose courage, whose strength preserve life on earth, let cooperation and law prevail, which ensure normal, peaceful coexistence between peoples. on may 8, ukraine commemorates the day of remembrance and
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victory over nazism in the second world war, 1939-1945. about the replacement of symbols and the path of our state to rethinking. this date is more detailed in our story. victory day was celebrated on one of the ukrainian tv channels in 2021 with such a large-scale concert . even before the great invasion , traditional russian pathos was imposed on us around the triumph of the red army. people are crazy. around the so-called victory day, well, this is simply a manifestation of what happens when memory is erased, and when the memorial day becomes part of an ideology that
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has nothing to do with history, in russia even defeats are still met with parades of equipment and st. george village. as experts point out, such symbols have nothing to do with the holiday, because orders and military symbols will never appear again instead of a narrative, we cannot repeat them. russia justified and led preparations for a new one war, because the cult of the victory monster is the devaluation of suffering, the devaluation of the crime of war, the devaluation of losses and scale. tragedies of war, because in the cult of victory , instead of this truth about war, only the parade of victory remains. in ukraine, since 2014 , the red poppy has become a symbol of the memory of the second world war. its flowers represent the bloody
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traces of bullets. this symbol honors the victims of military and civil armed conflicts all over the world. therefore, since 2015 , ukraine, together with all civilized states , pays tribute to the victims and winners of that of the terrible war on may 8 with a red poppy on his chest, the first moment of peace. max became such a symbol of a delicate transition from this, which replaced all this, excuse me, brutal russian bullshit with something calm, with dignity and respect, this transition, accordingly , from all these victory-mad practices of russia of the type we can repeat and so on, until this. i 'll never do it again, but i'm glad that in principle it has acquired such a ukrainian interpretation, and under gasm we remember, we win. experts add that the new date and the correct meanings of the victory day and reconciliation took root among ukrainians in
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the right years. although nowadays everyone already understands that the war is not celebrated, but only remembered with fear. may 9 became the day of europe last year. a symbol of our extremely difficult struggle for freedom and the european future. today, ukrainians are more europeans than europeans themselves, because it is ukraine and ukrainians who are currently the bearers of those general principles and values ​​of the free world formulated in recent times, because ukrainians pay daily with their blood for these values, and they are not simply declared. 8 and 9 of may became not just replacements of dates, but part of a much wider process of decolonization and changes in ukraine. today, we, like the entire developed world, honor, not celebrate.
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well, actually, now our special project to have poppies in memory of 10 years is starting, i introduce to the guest who visited us today to talk about it, yerena yasenevich, she is the director of the research center. of the liberation movement, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well , actually, we will start anyway, probably with a plot in which we will tell and show more, then we will discuss it and you you will definitely get more important information about this date and about the war that raged many decades ago, about the participation of ukrainians in this war, so the tragedy lasted for six years, total losses according to various data from 50 to 75 million people, among them from eight up to 10 million in... ukrainians, who won the second world war and why ukrainians were not indirectly involved in the destruction of nazism?
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let's look further, now the story is being prepared for ether, literally for a few seconds i want to say, you know, there was once such a story, when either putin or some russian representatives came to waushua in poland, they talked about how they liberated this concentration camp, the prisoners in this concentration camp and then the poles said, but it was done by the soldiers of the ukrainian front. this is verbatim about how ukrainians are remembered in the second world war. let's watch the story, then we'll discuss. we remember, we win. day of remembrance and victory over nazism, a symbolic day of germany's surrender and the end of the war in europe. until recently, the russians tried to impose on us what exactly the soviet army was triumphed in world war ii. outright neglecting the significant contribution of ukrainian tsiv to the victory of the anti-hitler coalition. at the beginning of the war, the ukrainian people were forcibly
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divided between several states. so in some places ukrainians were forced to kill ukrainians and fight for other people's interests. what's more, ukrainian territories have also become the arena of atrocities. in general, our ancestors fought in the army of the ussr, poland, the usa, great britain, canada, france and the upa itself. together it's over. 7 million people. ukrainian oleksiy berest raised the ussr flag over the reichstag. ukrainian michael strang - us flag on iwo jima. the tank that demolished the gate of the auschwitz-birkenau concentration camp was commanded by ukrainian ihor pobirchenko. cumulative demographic losses of ukrainians and citizens of ukraine of other nationalities during 1939-1945 are currently estimated at more than 8 million people. the facts. but the ukrainians had to stand on different sides of the front, but afterwards there was no enmity left,
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only a bitter understanding of the losses. this is precisely what united both the veterans of the red army and the upa veterans who lived to be able to talk calmly with each other, lived to dialogue, and who got along very quickly, in fact, well enough quickly, maybe as quickly as we would like them, their grandchildren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but... got along, understood each other, because they understood the price, that's why until 2023, may 8 was officially considered a day of remembrance and reconciliation, the reconciliation of both sides for the sake of world peace, which russia could not resist violating. it is not that someone won over someone, but that this is the day of victory over nazism, something passed and reconciliation between europeans. it is obvious that...
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the understanding of that terrible struggle continues to be formed among ukrainians. it is important to understand that the victory was not won by the red army, but by the anti-hitler coalition, and not in the great patriotic war, but in the second world war. and the contribution of ukrainians to this victory cannot be overestimated. the evolution took place in the direction that, initially, there are two versions, two variants of views on the second world war, that the great patriotic war is only a segment of the second world war, through explanations, and how and when it was singled out, for what politically, and already through the explanation of this, to the fact that ukraine gradually began to move more towards the concept of western europe. the second world war brought factories of death, the holocaust, into the history of the world. and atomic bombing, then participants on both sides cynically violated all laws and rules
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of warfare. today, russia continues this trend, and ukrainians, as in the past, give their lives for peace in europe and the world. let's talk about it, iryna yasenevich, i remind you, she is the director of the liberation movement research center. let's start with why today, well, let's start with the main thing. why did stalin and hitler start world war ii? key facts that maybe will open someone's eyes, although i think everyone already understands how for someone they will be a reminder that this war was not only started in... in berlin on august 23, 39 they signed the pactry of the hammer of ribetrop , well, molota rebentrop signed a non-aggression pact as representatives of those two states, and with that document of stalin, the stalinist ussr freed hitler's hands for an attack on western europe, in the flesh
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hitler thought that everything was calm with him. moreover, not only solved, they also provided methodical. and military aid to the germans until the moment when they, as they thought there in the soviet union, a treacherous attack on the soviet union, but then already at that moment hitler felt quite confident, so he turned the war on two fronts, but if, history does not know this connection, but if the soviet union had not helped hitler, perhaps he would not have so easily walked through... captured, and this war would have been localized much earlier. i read the book, sovorov, it's called operation groza, where he talks about the fact that the germans had already invaded the territory of the soviet union, and they were continuing the echelons with resources, well, some rolled metal, something else needed for the german
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army from the territory of the soviet union, well, plus i'll remind you that on pilots were trained at training grounds of the soviet union. wow, in the future, marshal paulus also studied and trained here in the soviet union, because there could not be these formations on the territory of germany, it’s just, well, and again, when hitler attacked, well, first there were the sudetenland, then the anschluss of austria, but the war itself began with an attack on poland, and at the same time hitler was tearing apart the baltic countries, then finland, then this joint parade in brest, where the nazis and the soviet troops, well, the defense . on ukraine, that is, when we talk about the annexation of poland, we must say that it concerned western ukrainians, and this whole concept of memory, which he abandoned 10 years ago, was about returning to history the people who are in it were, and this is from the 39th to the 41st year, as if ukrainians did not exist, as if there was no attack on carpathian ukraine, as if
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western ukraine did not fall under occupation and... eh, how are we, we simply did not mention them, because we preferred not to mention that the soviets came and what they did when they entered western ukraine and what they did in the year 41 and what the soviets did, what the hitlerites did, and what hitler's allies did, we mean, now let's remember the horthy regime at the time, if i'm not mistaken, hungary , what they did in modern transcarpathia, that's it it's great, it's two years of tragedy of several million people, and only and... we have only in the 14th year ukraine officially said about it, that's how we remember them, we remembered, we, we this dating 41st 45- still expanded to the period of the war, and here the following challenges, which are about seeing that for carpathian ukraine, the war began on march 15, 39, that is, before this official
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world date, and in the end, for ukrainians, the war continued for a long time , because... in front of the ukrainian-postan army, it lasted until well before in 1954, while the last commander-in-chief of the upa was still fighting, and the last battles took place in the 1960s, that is, this is the framework of the war, but they cannot be so narrowly defined in the ukrainian experience, and now it seems to me that well even with the time that has passed, it is important to talk about what the ukrainian experience in the second world war really is, because we are so slowly turning... our face, to ourselves, and, all these varieties of experience, we recall, unfortunately, we recall in the conditions , when we are, well, in the same terrible conditions as people in the forties, it is important to say that
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ukrainians went to liberate europe, ukrainians, not only on several fronts, there the first ukrainian, the second ukrainian. er, they were participants in the combat units of the armies of allied countries in the anti-hitler coalition from canada, from the united states of america, from great britain, ukrainians came here to the continent to fight, perhaps the most interesting stories that i know, that there was a ukrainian hero who received award from the hands, from the hands of the then british king for his exploits on the battlefield, i just can't remember his name now, unfortunately, but i know for sure, that... they manifested themselves in different armies, is this being investigated and again, are there even approximate numbers of ukrainians in the armies, well, the same in the polish army, when it was attacked by hitler. old on one side and on the other. you know this, this is such a big dark spot that we are trying to clear up, because, well,
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for example, you mentioned auschwitz, about the fact that it was liberated by the ukrainian front, and by the ukrainian, the first ukrainian front, the overwhelming the majority of the soldiers were still ukrainians, although he was not the only one to be called that because it was exclusively composed and commanded by a ukrainian, but in... uh, when we talk, for example, about the prisoners of auschwitz, as well as about soldiers in other armies, were they manifested by ukrainians, because in auschwitz some hundreds of people who were prisoners, who were recorded as ukrainians, are members of the uun and the upa, but their position was to record them that way, and the rest of the ukrainians, who were many, many thousands there, were recorded either by russians, because because it's all council people was, or respectively. if they got there from the territory that ukrainians belonged to poland, and only now these detailed studies are ongoing, but i know
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it by heart, an employee of our center, dr. olesya isayuk, she is researching it, if we talk about participants in other armies, well, it is now like with this great cultural restitution, access to the archives, let’s say specifically of canada, descents , their surnames, their origins, because for example here... here i came in, finishing the whole broadcast, and about michael strank, who is recorded in this age-old photograph of the installation of the flag over yewodjima, well, strank is not a ukrainian surname, it has been carried out there was a study in order to find out that this is a ukrainian, and moreover, a person who recognized himself as a ukrainian at that time, but there are a lot of such people, and we still know very little about ourselves in this war of the past, you know, in the plot, which we watched, there was first... footage of the celebration of may 9, 2021 in ukraine, stand up, the country is huge, the family is the mother, the factory and all the eyes narrated in ukraine, and it was presented on one of the tv channels, well,
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we remember all these words about that we won't, i just don't want to russify, even i know very good for these presenters, who voiced it personally, but let's not call the streets by their names, that means nazi henchmen, they were already renamed here in kyiv , bandera avenue. shukhevych, we are celebrating it, it is the 21st year, it is a year before the full-scale invasion, i want to understand here why it worked in ukraine for a long time, that it is only the work of the russian agency in the media in politics, which allowed this, but it is the 21 -th year, 2021, it is not the 12th, well, it seems to me, including the position of those people, because in the 21st year, being on the tv channel, marathons, now they are all for victory, but here is the archive, they don't collect, let's give credit. not that every person has a moment of insight, and the moment of insight, even if it came with rockets, after all , it is our people, why did they do this, because for a long time
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ukraine generally preferred not to mention the past and the second world war, and even in russia, by the way, well, in the early 90s, everyone was busy with the crisis and survival, later, when the russians began to actively build their own myth, which is obviously... in need of this revenge, and we can repeat this slogan and invest huge resources in it, nothing further happened here, and the information field at that time was also largely occupied, and where it was not occupied, there simply was no alternative product offered, because on it was always not enough money, and this is how he created the great patriotic war and a united nation, the winner. it was built and entered the heads, later, maybe some people thought, like these presenters, that you were setting an example, although i think it was, me too, i
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it seemed that in ukraine, when she said on the tv channel, i understood what it was about, er, i think it was a political position, er, and a value position, to belong to something big, bigger, er, to those who do not enough is a country of 50 million people and the creation of some kind of product, a creative product of one's own, who looks up to the older brother and in the shadow of the older brother, tells this and approached, in fact approached, well, we can estimate how close the russian missiles came, but it didn't depend on us, that's all after all, the russians produce them, but what depended on us was that our ukrainians, people, were unprepared. and they did not expect the kind of russian behavior that happened here in busha, vorzel, i and my neighbors from vorzel, when i said: "leave, they
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said, the russians won't do anything bad." and this broadcast on the internet of the 21st year , the children came, not even the ones they expected, the ones that, i am talking about those people who did not want the russians, they will not do it, they thought that there was nothing wrong, these are the consequences of this propaganda , which was actually broadcast tv channels in which the russian media had a share, that is, it is simple and these people who took part in this should ask themselves this question, well, it should be at least, you know, in my time i communicated with real veterans... participants in hostilities, not those who walked with a cheerful, lively step along the avenues and squares with medals there in the 55th 60th of some year there, but i remember being in moscow on some day of victory, as a segment even before the beginning of the 10th year somewhere there and there was such an old woman, a veteran, i came up, she came under she fought in stalingrad, then she was a nurse, what can i say, you are heroes, that's all, she says, the match, she says, what heroes we are, she says, it
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was just flesh and blood, she says somewhere... i wonder, the sky is black, nothing it is not visible, survive the fire, thank god, and these are such stories, i will remember them for a very long time, because this wicked war, as it was, unfortunately, it was not even shown, well, maybe somewhere at the beginning there after the war, it was not reported to the people, and therefore, for sure, these horrors of the war are repeated today, and this war was presented to the russians themselves, to their leadership in their bravura films, as something like this, you know, such and such and such is positive, i will prove that as it is now possible, that it is necessary to invest, well, creative energy. first of all, but to show this war in all its manifestations, well , at least the future generation, maybe they will see and understand it, and already on the example of this war as well, er, the most important thing, well, there is this well-known phrase that the next war begins, another war begins when the last living witness of the previous war dies, and it is about this transformation of experience and memory, that when in bravura there are some moments that are purely
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heroic... to pack the military reality even with some positive goal of forming a national identity there, we do not prepare an adequate level of prevention in society and a good instinct for self-preservation, and we do not cultivate politicians who will be so aware that they will try with all their might to avoid war, but to prepare for defense, because... ukraine's huge mistake was that we, somehow , were calmed down, asleep, this is us, this is like the classics, this is with such a stolen ukraine aroused, we didn't prepare for war, we thought that it was not necessary to build an army, it was not necessary to spend on defense, and even recently we did not spend on defense properly, and now we express, well, we want help from the allies, because without it... we
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won't win, but when we ask our allies why you don't help us well, we should ask ourselves why we didn't spend on it ourselves, without allies, as stalin once said, what if the western help, then we would be somewhere behind with you uranus buttons were sent, because the russian soviet army, speaking on red square, then called the soviet union, britain, and the united states the winners of the war, so now they say that we could have done it ourselves , but about the participants, i will say that the last ones are who. .. were actually drafted into combat formations in the second world war, at least in the soviet union, they were born in 27, that is, they are almost 100 years old, are these people still alive, well, i have great doubts if these people really passed the war, could they to survive, it's about that, yarinivych was with us, she is the director of programs of the center for research of the liberation movement, thank you very much for joining this marathon, and it was our special project commemorating 10 years.
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