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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii. grudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. hello hall, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we continue the great etheria, now in the international review from julius fizer , find out about it. what happened outside
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our country? china supports holding a peace conference to find ways to end the war in ukraine, but both ukraine and russia must participate in it. such a statement was made by the ambassador of china to russia, zhang han hui. according to him, official beijing advocates the timely convening of an international peace conference a conference approved by the russian and... ukrainian parties, but with equal participation of all parties and a fair discussion of all peace options. at the same time , the ambassador added that his leadership is ready to continue to promote this in every possible way. romania is to hand over one patriot air defense system to ukraine. this was said by the country's president, klaus iohannis, during his visit to washington. at the final press conference with us president joseph biden, the romanian leader said that...
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he can and is even ready to make such a decision to adopt, but only after consultation with the security council of romania, while klaus iohannis emphasized that the transfer of the patriot to ukraine should not affect security. his state, which means bucharest must get something in return. the pentagon sees no signs of russia preparing to use nuclear weapons. this was stated by the deputy head of the us department of defense, sabrina singh, during the briefing. therefore , the united states of america currently sees no reason to adjust the deployment of its own nuclear forces. yes, she commented exercises planned by the russian general staff to improve the readiness of non-strategic forces. nuclear forces, while ms. singh emphasized that the us considers such a decision by russia to be completely irresponsible. putin should not get away with his brutal war of aggression in ukraine, said german defense minister boris pistorius during a visit to new york. according to him, in this case
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it is not only about ukraine, but also about the whole of europe. according to the head of the german ministry of defense, russia is now representing threat to the entire continent, therefore... the continent must protect ukraine and itself from putin. now, says minister pistorius, this is the most important strategic issue for all leaders of the free world. the us is preparing guyana to attack venezuela, just as it prepared ukraine to attack russia. this was announced by the president of venezuela, nicolas maduro. according to him, 12 cia bases and 14 secret bases of the southern command of the armed forces are already operating in guyana. the united states, while he promised to provide proof of this in time and added that latin america and the caribbean must remain a zone of peace. peoples should oppose the american militarization of this region. well, from international news to
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economic news, oleksandr morchyvka is next to me. money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please. good evening, congratulations. in the next few minutes i will talk about the heating season, about court cases, you will learn everything in detail in a moment, wait, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, i will start with the heating season, the topic is very painful for of ukrainian critical infrastructure, for us ordinary household consumers, but here it is... trying in every way to help the problem created by the enemy. the cabinet of ministers will organize the so-called training headquarters until the next heating season. well, they say in the government that it will coordinate the work to overcome the consequences of the energy terror, which
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the muscovites arranged. this was announced by prime minister denys shmyhal about the creation of such a body. the composition will include representatives of key ministries, people's deputies, also... the public at its meeting the cabinet of ministers also increased electricity subsidies for residents of kharkiv oblast, who were left without electricity due to russian attacks, to five. in addition, it plans to more actively attract help from international partners and work on solving the debt crisis in the industry. well, vasyl, it seems to me that the creation of such similar associations, organizations, headquarters, indomitable indomitable, and td, etc. they say, well , it's just creating some kind of soap bubble, just like we talked about nesting billions in the preparation of our energy facilities for shelling, and then it turned out that oh, and it was only from the shaheds or only from drones, and where are the billions, and we do not know, well, that is, no one here accuses that the missiles
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can really blow up a lot of things, but there was just a lot of talk about it, we are ready, we have covered it with concrete and armor of some kind, with concrete, with sandbags, that is, when the government reports on specific... steps, and then these steps, like that sand, are scattered, that's it most disappointing for ukrainians. well, really, if you remembered these protective structures, which, in which millions poured in by the government, indeed today also suffered from russian shelling of the thermal power plant, and already at 6 p.m. it was announced that in all regions, enterprises, household consumers may be left without electricity, and... in particular , ukrainians are urged to conserve electricity, because currently there is indeed a shortage of electricity, as early as this morning ukraine asked for help from international partners, in particular , they received additional kilowatts from the european union in order to somehow maintain the power system. the situation is complicated, and it
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seems to me that the creation of some headquarters, headquarters, where public organizations, officials, government officials will just sit and report something, well, this... it seems unpromising, but there is a prospect, as far as i'm concerned, in ukrainian gas: naftogaz plans to accumulate at least 13 billion cubic meters of our own ukrainian fuel. this was announced by the chairman of the board of the company, oleksiy chernyshov. currently, more than 8 billion cubic meters are stored in underground gas storages. given that ukrainian mining is now actively increasing production, consumers' needs are expected to be covered in the winter with domestic energy resources. let me remind you that with at the beginning of the year, the company ukrgazvydobuvannya increased its production volume by 12%, this is such a large, well, optimistic indicator, if compared with the same period last year, well, really, it seems to me that it is
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ukrainian gas that should go to the needs of households, at least consumers completely, and such in a way to keep the price for ukrainians in the payments, but unfortunately, again there is information that the gas infrastructure, in particular in the western part of our country, was also attacked by the enemy today, and... it was not the first time that naftogaz reported that the storages are underground storage facilities are also an object of muscovites, well , for now they are destroying the infrastructure that is on the surface, but, well, vorokh is trying to get to everything, well, in principle , because gas storage facilities are a promising investment, the prospect of filling the ukrainian budget is precisely ukrainian gas storage facilities, well one of the largest in europe, which bring profit due to the fact that... the fuel of european companies is stored precisely on the territory of ukraine, and that is why it is
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really the enemy's target. the enemy's target is also our fertile one land, but will not succeed. more than 11,500 halkhoz allotments were surveyed this year by mine countermeasures operators. almost all the plots were returned to farmers to manage. this was reported to the ministry of economy. they say they work faster than a year. pace of demining. managed to increase thanks to the development of domestic production of machinery and equipment, also attract foreign technologies to ukraine, will accelerate the clearing of agricultural allotments, as well as the opening of the humanitarian demining market, i.e. services for agricultural producers will be provided companies, farmers will pay for this, for this the government has already determined compensation for landowners, three... billion hryvnias have been allocated, so that they will pay for the fact that international or ukrainian companies will help
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rid the moskovytskyi ironworks of fertile land. well, the higher anti-corruption court arrested in absentia the ex-head of the state property fund dmytro sinychenko, reports the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office. he is suspected of laundering more than 10 billion hryvnias, according to the investigation from 2019 to 2022. headed a criminal group that illegally seized the funds of several state-owned enterprises. currently, the ex-official is wanted internationally. i remember this story, when there was already information that something was wrong with the head, the former head of the states of the state property fund, then there was a story with the former head of the national bank, kyril shevchenko. the press and the public already talked about the fact that something was wrong, but it is clear that these people
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left ukraine during the war, left peacefully, and then appeared on facebook posts, for example, by the ex-head of the nbu, about what they say are some slanders and this and that, well, just as journalists have already unearthed, they have already shown photos of the real estate of this odessa military commissar on the internet, some officials continued to say that based on ... there is no way to talk about it, but then , thank god, the reasons appeared, at least the person did not flee outside ukraine, well, of course, we believe in the legality of the law, i will conclude the column about money during the war with this information, but the big broadcast continues , there are many more interesting, watch us, thank you. morshevtsi, thank him for his good work and important information. i remind you, today is may 8, the day of reconciliation and remembrance,
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we talked about it, maybe we will remember it today, i don't know, i think serhiy rudenko will also mention it in the verdict program, or at least what he planned to talk about today with his guests, let's go to him and ask. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. congratulations to vasyl, of course, today we will talk about the day of remembrance and reconciliation in the context, in particular. the last massive strike by the russian occupiers on the territory of ukraine, because it so happened that on the very morning when we celebrate this day, or honor... the memory of those who died in the second world war, and talk about reconciliation, russia launched a massive missile strike on the territory of ukraine, the enemy is hitting energy facilities, and how can one not draw parallels here between hitler's nazism and hitler's fascism and putin's racism. this is exactly
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what we will be talking about for the next two hours. in our first studio. will be volodymyr ariev, people's deputy of ukraine, aviation expert valery romanenko, and former employee of the security service of ukraine ivan stupak, we will also remember the unsuccessful attempt on the life of president zelensky, because just yesterday the security service of ukraine announced that it had detained two colonels of the state security department who were preparing for... on the life of volodymyr zelenskyi, that is, on the instructions of the fsb, they wanted to destroy the president of ukraine, and not only the president of ukraine, but also the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyryl budanov, the leaders security services of ukraine, i.e. the case is quite resonant. we will
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talk about all this in the first part of our program, which will start at 20:00. in the second part of our program, we will have political... experts oleg sahakyan and igor reiterovych, we will talk about how the world slept through the revival of nazism in russia . , that over the past 24 years, russia has turned into a nazi state, a state where they despised... other peoples, other nationality, and how did it happen that russia started a big war against ukraine, despite the fact that ukraine, as you know, friends, suffered during the second world war, many people died in the fight against the german fascists, and this is how it actually turns out that because of 80 years
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after the end or 79 years after the end of this war, ukraine is forced to defend itself again, now already against the russian invaders. what does the legitimization of putin for a new presidential term mean and why actually part of the world treats putin as the president of the russian federation, although apparently after the last election he should have been called a self-proclaimed president or er... a president who has lost his legitimacy. we talk about all this with oleg sahakyan and igor reiterovych. the second part of our program will start at 21:15. in 12 minutes we will start with the verdict, so stay tuned to our channel, watch the big broadcast of winter, the verdict will follow. vasyl, you have a word. thanks to serhii, so at 20:00 the verdict with
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serhii rudenko and his guests, it's just time to talk about world events. those moreover, it is very hot there, in fact yevgen most importantly gathered yevhen postokov next to me, good evening, please, congratulations to vasyl, good evening to the dear viewers of the tv channel, what really about the champions league, about the semi-finals of the champions league and not only about the champions league, let's talk in a moment. so, borussia dortmund is the first finalist of the uefa champions league. season, on the eve of the champions league semi-final in paris , the german team beat paris saint-germain in the second round. the only winning goal early on borussia veteran mats hummels scored in the second half. the defender closed the feed from the corner. however, despite several very good moments, it was not possible to win back at least. so the sum of the two
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matches is 2:0 in favor of the yellow and black. in the last borussia, which. reached the final of the champions league in 2013, but lost there to bayern munich. now dortmund are waiting for an opponent in the upcoming final, but the current head coach of borussia eden terzic admitted that he is already happy. it sounds very, very good, a little surreal, but if seriously, we did it. i think... that in two games we deserved to go to the final, when you win two matches and don't concede twice, you deserve to go through such a strong opponent, we did it with a very good team.
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there is no consolation when you lose the semi-final of the champions league, you lose at home, there is no consolation, and now there are two difficult and painful days ahead, but this is life, this is sport, i think it is very important to know how to win, but it is also very important to know how to lose, because we are an example for... many children and young people, and we should to congratulate dortmund on the victory. the second finalist of a handful of european champions will be decided today, late tonight, maybe even tonight. at the santiago bernabéu in madrid, real will host bayern munich. the first match in munich a week ago ended in a 2:2 draw. the madrid players come to the meeting as the newly crowned champions of spain. now carlo ancelotti's team can concentrate in... all their efforts on the fight for the eurotrophy. real madrid is playing in the semi-finals of the champions league for the fourth time in a row. unlike galacticos, bayern failed
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indoor season. the setback for bayern is second place in the bundesliga, which still needs to be maintained. but fans will probably forgive munich's home failures if tomos tuhal's men win the big cup. in the semi-finals, we will see a battle between experienced, star-studded teams who have winning mentality. on the eve of this game , carlo ancelotti, the coach of real madrid, spoke about some similarities between real madrid and bayern munich. i think that as clubs, real and bayern are similar, they have great traditions, great history, a lot of success in the league champions we respect them, besides, we have to respect the opponent, because they performed. very good, they were better than us in the first match. this is one of the most difficult stadiums to win, but it is not impossible. we played very well in the first match, we were
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a bit better team, but unfortunately we didn't win. perhaps, given the fact that real will play at home, madrid have 51% of the overall chances of success. so the match at the santiago-barnabeo in madrid, real-bavaria will start today at 20. kyiv time, this game will be judged by the polish referee szymon marchenyak, and i will also remind you that the goal of real madrid in this match will be defended by the goalkeeper of the ukrainian national team andriy lunin. and we continue, and in conclusion we will talk about tennis. lesya tsurenko started with a victory at the wta 1000 tournament in rome, italy. in the match 1.64 of the final, the ukrainian beat the representative of croatia, donna vekic, 37 racket of planeta. triumphed in three sets. lesya won the first game 6:2, lost the next set 3:6 and won the final 7:5 in a tiebreak. the next round of the tournament awaits us in the eternal city
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the ukrainian confrontation between lesya tsurenko and angelina kalinina. kalinin advanced to the second round as the 30th seed. ukrainians elina svitolina, marto kostiuk and dayana yastremska will also play in the capital of italy. it was the last one. news in the sports column, but stay with espresso, in a moment my colleague vasyl zima will continue his long broadcast. well, thank you very much yevhen pastukhov and we are waiting for a spectacular and dramatic semi-final at the santiago bernabéu, because yesterday, to be honest, there was not much drama at park the prince. well, well... i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, but i'll just take it now and say goodbye, because i hope you won't see me again today, but i'm not stopping the conversation on the espresso tv channel, the big one
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will last a little longer, natalka didenko will talk about it , what will the weather be like in ukraine tomorrow, and don't miss the verdict program on the 20th, it will be a good evening with espresso, stay with us, take care, we will donate to the armed forces of ukraine and goodbye. greetings to all, our dear viewers, today is may 8 we celebrate memorial day and victory day over nazism. for ukrainians, this is a special day, no one like us, especially now, is fully aware of what it really means. we will start our meeting today with a tangential topic. we are talking about military meteorologists and for your attention some interesting historical facts. already by the 14th year of 1914, the territory of ukraine was so confused by a network where meteorological observations were conducted
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and... during the first world war , the first combat use of weather stations took place, according to their forecasts, airplanes flew then and in 1917, artillery adjusters went up in balloons, the work of meteorologists did not stop even in 1917 on the territory of ukraine. during the second world war, the hydrometeorological service was part of the armed forces. units of the hydrometeorological service provided the troops with reports on the state of the weather, and these reports. were very widely and usefully used for planning and conducting defensive and offensive operations. even in the temporarily occupied territories , meteorological observations were carried out by partisan units and special forces intelligence groups. in 1941, there were 70 underground weather stations, and in 1943 there were 134. during the time of independence of ukraine and the development of the armed forces of ukraine, on june 1, 1900
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, the hydrometeorological service of the armed forces of ukraine was created. training of the odessa state environmental university, this is an incredibly important branch of meteorology. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now for your attention the predictive chart, with it is visible what will be observed. certain fluctuations, but no moderate or strong magnetic storms are predicted, so we just observe and move on to the actual weather forecast for may 9 and we start traditionally from the western regions, tomorrow i want to say that the weather will be fresh but sunny everywhere, so tomorrow in precipitation is not expected in the western regions, there will be a lot of sun and a fairly high air temperature of +17-22° in... in such regions as
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volyn, rivne region, ternopil region, khmelnytsky region, there is a possibility of frost. on the north of ukraine, in all regions of the north frosts are expected at night, during the day the air temperature is also quite low, +11 +15°. in the eastern part of ukraine , the anticyclonic nature of the weather will prevail, without precipitation, clear skies, and it is this clear sky that will give the opportunity for frost to spread everywhere. they will. and in the east of the coming night, during the day the air temperature will be between 12-17°c, the maximum air temperature will be similar in the central regions, in the afternoon in the center and on the ground , frost of 0.3°c is expected. in the southern frosts are unlikely in parts of ukraine, although it will be fresh there at night, but still not as cold as, for example, in the north or in the center, well, during the day the air temperature
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will range from 16 to 21°, in kyiv tomorrow it will be enough, well i can't say that it's cold, but at least it's cool, because the maximum air temperature will be in the range of 11-12° of heat, +3-+5 in the next night, and there may be frost on the outskirts of the capital, but in the daytime, despite such fresh weather , yet precipitation is not expected and the sun will shine, and i remind you once again that today is the day of... memory and the day of victory over nazism, we defeated the nazis then, we will win now, good evening, we are from ukraine, today the verdict with serhiy rudenko is on the program, a massive strike on energy , on the day of commemoration and victory over nazism, the latest russian nazis attacked
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ukraine from the air again when... the air force will be able to close the sky over most of the territory. forces of unmanned systems. the government supported the draft presidential decree on the creation of a new type of troops in the armed forces. why the government is delaying the development of the most promising means of waging modern war for six months. take hostage and kill. the sbu exposed the preparation of another assassination attempt on president zelenskyi. are you ready? special services of the eu countries to oppose russian sabotage throughout the european continent. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. racism and nazism, putin and hitler, the attempt on zelenskyi and how in
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ukraine. forces of unmanned systems.


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