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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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over most of the territory. forces of unmanned systems. the government supported the draft presidential decree on the creation of a new type of troops in the armed forces. why is the government delaying the development of the most promising means of modern warfare for six months? take hostage and kill. the sbu exposed the preparation of another assassination attempt on president zelenskyi. are the special services of the eu countries ready to resist? russian sabotage throughout the european continent. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. racism and nazism. putin and hitler, the attempt on zelenskyi and how in ukraine the forces of unmanned systems are being created.
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armed forces of ukraine. over the next hour, we will talk about all this with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine volodymyr ariyev, aviation expert valery romanenko and former employee of the security service of ukraine ivan stupak. in the second part of our program, we will have political experts oleg sahakyan and ihor reiterovych. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how a russian bmp ran into an anti-tank vehicle. near the village of solov'ove in donetsk region, fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of magura installed the explosives remotely with the help of a vampire drone. let's see how it all happened.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the roshi invaders. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to ours page, and also take part in our survey. this, today, it sounds like this: do you see. you are direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own, separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see similarities between the two modes, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. and we have our first guest on the line, this is volodymyr ariev, the people's .
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deputy of ukraine, member of the committee of the verkhovna rada on issues of digital transformation, former head of the ukrainian delegation in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. so, today, may 8, on the day of commemoration and victory over nazism in the second world war, putin launched 50 rockets and 20 rockets over ukraine. during the commemoration of the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war, the president. zelensky emphasized that modern russian nazism threatens not only ukraine, but also the whole world. let's listen to what zelensky said. and we hear how they in moscow threaten exactly the same extermination that they bring to ukraine, exactly the same ruins, to other peoples of the world as well. this is what is modern. nazism, this nazism of putin
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wants its borders to end nowhere, but still there is and will be a line that the russian nazis cannot cross, this is the bravery of all those who stand against evil. mr. volodymyr, why does part of the world not see or pretend not to see that putin today is hitler yesterday. well, actually, let's start with what is the definition and the main features of fascism and the main features of fascism are the cult of personality, militarism, totalitarianism and the perception of hostility to any other opinions, and of course, if we take historical examples from history, then intolerance to...
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liberal ideas, in fact, everything this is inherent in the russian regime today, completely and entirely. another thing is... that if already, for example, many of the famous historians, for example, let's take timothy snyder, who clearly promotes exactly the fascist basis, the fascist explanation of the russian ideological basics, then we have to understand that in principle. in comparison with what happened in 2014, when putin started his expansion, land and aggression wars, still the su happened, another thing that didn't happen to the end, and here we have to look at which, which the connection
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of the european, in particular, the western economy, with scarce energy resources, and here, i believe, is the main reason why the west mistakenly believed until 2022 that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with putin in one way or another, this dialogue will lead to something sooner or later, and therefore all ukraine's warnings, which sounded after 2014, were, unfortunately... for the western world, the voice of a howler in the desert, and when today we do not have to prove anything to the west, to our partners, to the european countries, and there is a need to
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gain time in a certain way by supporting ukraine and not finally severing relations with russia. in order to replace the dependence on resources for trade with russia with other sources, they already understand that a war with russia, if not very much, if not is not, and not is not. yes, it is very likely, at least if we see the behavior of france now, the same france that is suffering from russian attacks in africa, where
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pmk wagner poses very strong problems to the french legion and in general to french interests on the african continent. and yet, a representative of france came to the so -called inauguration of putin and was one of the six european countries that attended this event, that is, until the event, the western partners will not be able to finally break away from russian resources, which they consider themselves tied decades after the collapse of the soviet union. and i think that there will be no open recognition of the russian regime as fascist, there will only be a gradual strengthening of the rhetoric. well, mr. volodymyr, what is the danger of this, i would say, political-economic color blindness, or pretended political-economic color blindness, when some of the european states,
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well at least six, which were represented at the so-called inauguration of the so-called president of the russian federation , how it threatens the world, i.e.... the fact that putin is perceived or they recognize him as the president, and they don't say whether he is a self-proclaimed president, whether he is an illegitimate president, whether he is a dictator, that is, they don't resort to such definitions, how does this threaten the world? well, we see that , for example, the united states of america did not recognize the russian elections as democratic, but recognized putin as the president, that is, they... open, let's say, not a door, but a room for possible agreements with a dictator, well , that's how they always behaved with dictators , until finally these opportunities are not for them were closed, and the west is actually now
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trying, let's say, not to permanently lose ties with the russian federation, and here... it is precisely for the west that it is also an important moment to win this time, because the costs, in particular on the european continent of most nato countries on... . on defense needs were much less than 2% of gdp, which are indicated in the founding documents of the north atlantic alliance, and now in fact, i know absolutely clearly that both poland, and germany, and france, they are actively arming themselves, poland is especially active, and therefore, in order to be able to already meet... the enemy, who will inevitably, i still believe, will try to enter into
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a direct conflict with nato, they need to buy their time, this is such a model, in principle, which, if to take ukraine as an analogy, it was a model of the minsk agreements, when a much better armed and prepared russian army could simply crush the ukrainian army that was completely destroyed and robbed during yanukovych's time, which at that time could not resist in a direct confrontation effectively and that is why the minsk agreements were invented, which became in a certain way and by hook for putin and sometimes in order to win over ukraine and restore the armed forces, now europe. is also trying to do it, another thing, well, the question here
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is whether it will be too late, i think we will see at the end of the year where, in my personal opinion, the greatest opportunities, the window of opportunity for putin, regarding in order to test nato's unity and strength, meanwhile, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine officially declared that they do not see the right grounds for recognizing the russian dictator putin. the president of the russian federation, since the provisions of numerous international documents were violated during the so-called elections in russia, in particular due to the organization of the election process in the occupied territories, i will quote the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. based on the above, as well as taking into account the current warrant of the international criminal court for putin's arrest, ukraine sees no legal grounds for recognizing him as the democratically elected and legitimate president of the russian federation. mr. volodymyr, just a few weeks ago, the european parliament passed resolutions. in the resolution, in which he stated that no you, the status of the president according
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to putin is not recognized, it is clear that the resolution of the european parliament, it is of a recommendatory character, has a recommendatory character or a declarative character, in your opinion, and how many european countries, referring to this resolution, will not recognize the powers of putin. or its legitimacy? and i think that we will see attempts to go through the cracks until it finally becomes clear that putin is the enemy of europe, that is , a little bit of chamberlainism in europe, and, unfortunately, more churchills in this world they don't therefore, i think that the policy will be as cautious as possible, but i am absolutely
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sure that preparations for the deterioration of relations with the russian dictatorship and an understanding of all the consequences of the racist regime are now in europe and they will now try to, well, let's say so for now... the opportunity to counteract russian influence in the south on the global south and hinder the creation of strong alliances with countries that were in economic blocs with russia, for example, brics, and therefore, i think, there will now be a kind of preparatory, let's say, diplomatic war. well, it is clear that if it is won by a global
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event, so to speak, yes, then it will be much easier to create conditions for taking the russian dictator in a pinch, but here we need a very active and well- coordinated work at but... at least i see china's efforts to drive a wedge, in particular between the united states and the same france, when uh, diplomacy. support for the creation of alternative nato alliances, it does not cause problems for china, and then, this visit is xi jinping's last to france, by the way, he was also significant in the sense that he did not go to moscow, chose the european
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tour, it opens up opportunities to play with china, but china will, i think, try to ... kill, well, make such a decision 'unity between the key players in the western world in order to accordingly establish their goal of creating a second powerful pole and returning the world to a bipolar option, only where the second pole will no longer be the soviet union, but namely... china, against the background of how we in ukraine discuss putin's illegitimacy and hear the calls of meps that putin's authority should not be recognized, the kremlin is trying to delegitimize president zelenskyi, well , at least during the last month there have been repeated statements that after
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may 20, 2024, when five years have passed since the inauguration of president zelenskyi, zelenskyi , they say, will lose its legitimacy, and for russia, zelenskyi will not be the current president, well, at least lavrov said so, and representatives of the putin administration, for whom are these arguments about zelenskyi’s illegitimacy convincing? i think that the split that is happening is political in ukrainian. in society instead of unity, he is there, well, those who want to get rid of the current power impatiently, then they support this idea, but here it is important to understand the legal nature of everything that is happening, and article, if i am not
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mistaken, 108 of the constitution, i am on these... i may be wrong, but the constitution clearly states that the president of ukraine continues to exercise his powers until the newly elected president of ukraine takes office. and on the other hand, there is a solution of the constitutional court of may 15, 2014, and... which, in response to the submission of 104 people's deputies of ukraine, clearly defined, unequivocally and absolutely, that the president of ukraine is elected for a term of 5 years, and such a moment also creates in ukraine, that is what gives the opportunity for these discussions, which
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are spreading and which are actively fueled today. for this, of course, it was necessary to think in advance, and the office of the president itself should make a submission to the constitutional court regarding the interpretation during the martial law, but they did not do this, as far as i know, they even talked about the fact that they were afraid of a negative conclusion, but that's just the way it is. such a small legal failure, which creates all these conversations, however, zelensky will fulfill the powers of the president of ukraine according to the constitution before taking office as the newly elected president of ukraine. then there will be only, i think, discussions about the legitimacy of making
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certain decisions. and here i see the greatest danger. which arises due to the lack of interpretation of powers by the constitutional court the continuation of the president's powers during martial law, however, ukrainian society and the western world in general, well, in principle , the western world is ready to support and recognize the legitimacy of the president after may 20, since another option is provided. continuity of power in the current conditions simply does not exist. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ariev, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, i will remind you that we work directly. broadcast on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us now live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey. today we
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ask you about this, do you see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see these... all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we'll pick up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, thank you for the invitation, good evening. good evening to you too. so, ukraine survived another massive missile attack, at night russian troops attacked ukraine with 55 missiles of various
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types and 21 attack drones, 59 enemy targets were destroyed, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reported. the target of the attack was energy facilities in various regions of ukraine, there is damage in kyiv and in the kyiv region, 14 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged, unfortunately, two people were injured. mr. valery, what are the features of the latest strikes by the russian invaders on the territory of ukraine, how do they differ from what happened before, and most importantly, what are they still capable of, in addition to these so-called combined strikes, maybe some new specifics appear of these strikes, or some special missiles, or special... means of destroying our civil infrastructure? well, the russians have moved to a classic, modern non-contact war, a network-centric
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non-contact war, when the main task of the armed forces, well, the war is taking place somewhere on the front line, yes, but the main task is to destroy the infrastructure, management systems, industry, transport system. of another state, and the one who implements it first will win the war, but the russians are now trying to implement this concept, the concept in practice, for this purpose they use the means intended for this, the proper purpose for this purpose, long-range missiles, such as ballistic, and airballistic, and winged, yes, and drones, here, the only thing, the only difference, they forgot that our rear is europe and the united states, apart from everything. yes, in addition to the fact that we, we also produce something from weapons, here, but the russians now want to implement their idea of ​​fixing,
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to drive the ukrainians into a cave, that is, they could not do anything with the armed forces, and now, following the example of syria, they want to play back to the civilian population, that is, it means that they, it is clear that they started strikes not only on... the strikes began at the hydroelectric power stations, but they also hit the stria, where our gas and gas storage is actually located near it, yes, that is , the gas transportation system is already under the sights, let's say, yes, or our gas reserves, because before the russians did not shoot at the gas transportation system , because in general its allies in europe are hungary. there is slovakia, yes, they receive gas through ukraine, yes, they received gas in any case, there, i don’t know how now, but now, and as for the new
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means of defeat, well, the standard ones, which we have been used to for two years, the last sometimes kh-69 missiles were added, i apologize, yes, kha-69 missiles were added, so, well, yes, in general, nothing new, practically. well , the only thing is that one of the main russian missiles (x) 101 came out, now the russians are using a modern, well, improved version, a version with an increased warhead, by the way, the defense express publication published photos of this missile, the downed today's x101 missile, its the serial number indicates that it was manufactured in the second quarter of '24, so... it was literally used off the assembly line, besides had a double warhead, the russians talked a lot about this double part and this missile and... they talked about the fact that
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they are modernizing this missile, what are the features of this missile, what does it mean that double this means double power or something is it a double warhead, and look for hitting objects in ukraine, the range of this missile is too long, that is, the russians announced the range there as 5 5. and if the russians are launching from engels, it is the saratov region, or it means it is further south from the caspian sea region, then they don't have this range only enough, even to lviv, yes, and there is still some reserve for maneuvers, there are some circling maneuvers along the route, that is , what did the russians do, they reduced the amount of fuel
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on board and due to the reduction of the fuel tank, they installed a second combat unit there . the first main warhead is standard 450 kg, they added another 350 kg. that is, the russians, you see, these are such and such people, you know how they can kill once there, it’s not enough for them, yes, they made bombs there, these 500 kg winged bombs, then they were carried on 1500 kg. and now they are already preparing for 300 kg, you see, the russians have no brakes, no brakes, as to how much needs to be destroyed and how, here in the united states, there are clearly and in europe, there are clearly high-precision weapons, the house must be destroyed , where the terrorists should not damage the houses nearby, the russians should demolish the entire quarter, but in this plan they are working,
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they doubled the part so that in the event of a hit, because this particular missile, it would be shot down with a double warhead, in the event of a hit, so that the damage is double, so that everything was not only damaged, but completely destroyed , well , people have such and such a character, so to speak, and they work according to this, well, i would clarify, mr. valery, probably they should not be called people, let’s say , creatures, because people don't do that on planet earth, or... at least those people who do that, they don't live long, well , at least, because it's such terrorism on a state scale, on a world scale, that is, it's state terrorism, and this is the main ideology, apparently, which is in the russian federation, and as the spokesman for the air force of the armed forces says ilya yevlash of ukraine, russia will continue combined strikes on ukraine, primarily on the energy infrastructure, this is what he said in an interview with the tv channel. the enemy
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is targeting our energy infrastructure, continues to destroy it, continues to try to hit various objects, of course we have to be prepared for the fact that the enemy can continue these attacks, we see a slight decrease recently shahedi, however, this night also used more than two dozen of its attack uavs, and in this regard, we must be ready to retaliate. all possible options air attack, mr. valery, it is absolutely obvious that the neighbors are not chosen, and we will obviously have to live next to russia for hundreds of years, and for our children and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and there is enough of this, i would not do it, sorry, to be honest, i would not make such global forecasts, well, i think we will live with the kuban people's
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republic. bryansk people's republic, and russia will be somewhere behind the ural mountains, well, until russia has fled beyond the ural mountains and not there has moved, we will still have to somehow defend and protect our cities, our infrastructure facilities, critical infrastructure facilities, is there any recipe or maybe some construction. which will allow us to close the sky over ukraine, maybe partially, maybe completely, that is, to what extent is this story with the iron dome, which is in israel, to what extent it can be scaled for ukraine, of course, that israel is somewhere in the kyiv region, right? at least for the territory, and there for...


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