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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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i would not make such global predictions. perhaps we will live with the kuban people's republic, with the bryansk people's republic, and russia will be somewhere behind the ural mountains. well, well, until russia has fled beyond the ural mountains and moved there, we will still have to somehow defend ourselves and protect our cities, our infrastructure facilities, critical infrastructure facilities. is there some recipe or maybe some construction that will allow us to close the sky over ukraine, maybe partially, maybe completely, that is, and to what extent is this story with the iron dome, which is in israel, to what extent it can be scaled for ukraine, of course, that israel is somewhere over there the kyiv region, or at least for the territory, and there for... a much
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simpler sky that we can do in this story? well, first of all we would need to make an information dome over our country, yes, so that we can see, in case of arrival, so that we can see the routes of the missiles, when they are launched, when they fly over, what route they follow and what maneuvers are coded, how made by the poles, so they have there are no planes, flying radars of their own, only on... but they bought four airships with a radar stations that can be raised to a height of several thousand meters, well at least yes, at least a few hundred meters, let's say thousands, yes, this is my mistake, it means by several hundred meters, it significantly increases the possibilities of inspecting the territories, if we did the same, we would have, in terms of information, most of the territory of ukraine... we could inspect it,
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monitor any flights, because now we are rockets flying over, sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't we see it again, then we see it again, then we don’t see it, but i would do it, unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to buy very expensive flying radars, or to borrow them from someone, firstly, secondly, they you need a few, because the russians are on the trail. one or two such radars and flying radars, they will destroy them, this is the first moment, the second moment, it must be, if we fall under the wing of nato, then this whole procedure of the defense of ukraine, it will be joint, the armed forces will take part in it nato countries, as they are currently defending the countries the baltic states, poland and generally all the countries that are part of nato there. joint defense, flying
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radars, everything is tracked and transmitted to the appropriate parts, what could we do at this stage, yes, well, let's say as soon as we get fighters, well, we could, we will certainly increase the effectiveness of our air defense, with for example , in terms of destroying cruise missiles, they will not be able to work in terms of ballistics, but the number of cruise missiles. there will probably be more destroyed cruise missiles, because, for example, i counted today's raid, we shot down only three out of four incoming missiles, in general, of course, the indicators were better than previous raids, well, let's increase the number of fighter aircraft once, besides, now we are already creating our, let's say, air force, it is already based not on old soviet technology, which, you know, is already
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the last century, but they are already being created on modern radar systems and on modern anti-aircraft missile systems. we are capable of producing some anti-aircraft missile systems, such as those on sams. i hope so as soon as the war ends, we will release at least one medium-range complex that will cover the ground forces. we released and r-27 rockets, and we produced radar stations, we produced optoelectronics, and in general, all this should be combined into a single system and create a ukrainian air defense system, at least of medium range, well, somehow, but in general, it is reliable, it concerns cover from aerodynamic means of attack, i.e. airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles. as for ballistics, here only in... so to speak, in a very clear connection with
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by the american armed forces, because we need satellite information in this case, and a huge number of petri. which we probably won't be able to get and keep. mr. valery, you already mentioned fighter jets, and ukraine is now waiting for f-16 fighter jets from our western partners. the netherlands has already announced that it will start delivering the first f-16 fighter jets to ukraine this fall, although the first deliveries are expected in the summer, but the main part will arrive in the fall, it said. at a briefing at the minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa olongren, that she says: we have everything planned according to the project, which consists in training ukrainian pilots, training service personnel and handing over the planes themselves. currently, according to the plan, we are helping to train ukrainians in a training
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center in romania, they are also being trained in denmark, the united states of america and other countries, if we manage to stay on this path, and ukraine provides everything necessary from its side, then... the first planes the data will be delivered already this summer and we hope to participate in deliveries with our f-16s from the fall. of course, that the supply of these f-16s requires a certain infrastructure, the maintenance of these fighters. the russian federation after the strikes, today's strikes on the infrastructure, as they claim, on some airfields there or on some places where these planes may be in the future. they are talking about the fact that they will hit the places where these fighters can be there, and they are talking about the fact that in general the f-16 is a carrier of nuclear weapons, they officially announced this, in your opinion, in the conditions of war, we can to service them, operate them and most importantly
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protect against the russian invaders, just like we did with our planes, same, no difference. the only thing is that we will not have the capabilities of complex maintenance technicians, that is, to do this at all, so to speak, airfields of dispersion, as is happening now in our country, well, what is the difference, the russians are always hitting, for example, on starokostiantinov, this the base airfield of our su-24s, this is well-known information from the internet, it is generally known, so i will not say anything new here, right? so will we carry out the dispersion of these planes, we will also maintain a-a, that means, carry out escapes from many airfields, and, i think that the planes will also be moved from
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one place to another several times during the day, so that the enemy does not strike specific blows , that is, the main method will be dispersion, in addition, i think that we will make such temporary light shelters that will simply provide the enemy, will not give the enemy the opportunity to see whether there is an airplane under it or not. the russians did it this way, some of them they covered their airfields with light shelters, under which, for example, their helicopters or tactical aviation planes stand, and it is not visible whether there is a plane under it or not, whether to shoot at it or not, but in general it works. training, but what would i pay attention to, and the first thing that the prime minister of denmark wrote was the training of the flight crew, so next year we will have more planes than trained pilots, because training, as she said in romania, well
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according to the latest information, it has not yet started, which means that it was planned from somewhere with in the middle of the year, from the third quarter to start training at the borcha air base in romania, yes, that is, now we have a problem with qualified pilots who will be able to fly these aircraft and qualified engineering personnel who will be able to service them in combat conditions and to prepare for combat sorties. mr. valery, at the very end of our conversation, i wanted to ask you about a new branch of the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which was announced, the creation of which was announced... in february 24, it is the forces of unmanned systems, then there was information that kabin supports the draft decree zelenskyi on the creation of a separate type of troops, and for the implementation of this initiative , the ministry of defense will prepare and submit a corresponding draft law of ukraine to the government meeting, defense minister rustem umyerov announced.
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how do you assess the pace of creation of these forces of unmanned systems, taking into account the fact that, well, in principle, these are already unmanned systems. outside of this particular type of troops are quite active at the front, and this is what distinguishes this war, perhaps from all previous ones, because ... unmanned vehicles give a sufficiently large effective work and advantage on the battlefield. so look, you have to distinguish between drones and drones, right? if we are talking about ffv drones, and light drones, scouts, we have dozens of them there, there are layers, so there are other types of drones, yes, they are weapons, so to speak. the nomenclature of weapons that are included, which are in the service of
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infantry, motorized infantry, that means there are tank units, no one will transfer them to a separate type of troops, because it is not immediately , we do not have mortar troops, we do not have anti-tank missile troops, yes, i understand i say, yes, what are we talking about, if such forces are created, then they will be long-range kamikaze drones or... long-range interceptors, yes, well, let's put it this way, it makes sense to transfer baryakhtars, although in general they are now under the control of the air force , that is, what it will be, i still do not understand well, i think that it is, if mr. budanov and the sbu agree to transfer their units together with specialists, to transfer them to a separate structure, well , maybe this one... the troops will be created, but so far, gur is doing this separately, there is a separate one
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units in the sbu, separate units in, let's say, the air force, well, that's why i can't comment on it yet, because i don't see how all this can be brought together and how the relevant commanders of these types of armed forces and special forces, as they will agree on the transfer of their units under... subordination to some other structure. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery romanenko, an aviation expert. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey today. today we ask you about the following: do you see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes? no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching
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us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and vote if you see direct parallels between putin's regime and hitler's regime (0800-211 381, no), 0800 211 382, ​​all calls on these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize the results of this vote, vote. next, we will be in touch with ivan stupak from expert, former employee of the security service of ukraine. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, and thank you very much for the invitation. on the eve of the so-called inauguration of the so-called president of the russian federation and the so-called putin, the security service of ukraine announced that they foiled the plan of the federal security service to eliminate the president of ukraine and other representatives of the highest military and political leadership of the state. let's listen to the statement from. security services of ukraine. the plans had to be implemented by an agent network, which
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was abducted in advance by the security service of ukraine with the assistance of the leadership of the state security department. the network, whose activities were supervised by the fsb from moscow, included two udo colonels who leaked secret information to the russian federation. thus, the enemy was actively developing plans to eliminate president volodymyr zelenskyi. one of the most important. tasks of the fsb agent network was to search for executors among the military, close to guards of the president, who could take the head of the state hostage, and later kill him. mr. ivan, this is not the first statement and not the first information that an assassination attempt was being prepared against president zelensky. of course, there is a war going on, and the enemy is trying to use all resources in order to strike at the ukrainian state and the leadership of the ukrainian state, but here... the sbu reports that two colonels of the udo, these are fairly high positions in the state security department,
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participated in the preparation of this attempt. how are you how do you assess the capabilities of our special services, to bias such stories and find these moles, obviously there are many of them in various structures, including in the special services, because we know this great period that was... before petro poroshenko, yanukovych there in the sbu, fesshnyk sat on fesshnyky, well, at least that's what the former head of the security service of ukraine told me. how do you evaluate these stories and our ability to prevent it, or to do everything to find these moles? yes, great question, let's go from the very beginning, undoubtedly, we should, well, make a big bow to the security service of ukraine, to its specialists, who really once again, without
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exaggeration, without hypocrisy, warned about this crime, there were statements like that before, but about... what did anyone try somewhere, but there was no clear information, here and there, if i’m not mistaken, 12 minutes of such a movie was made, and photos and video materials, correspondence of these people, and radio conversations, well, interception of telephone conversations with a supervisor from the fsb, where he clearly cuts task, that is, it should not be doubts that it really looked like that, there are certain moments that raise questions so far, there is no answer, but the structures... everything looks clear. once again, honor and praise to the special services, counterintelligence, counterintelligence officers, who for several weeks, maybe even a month or a half, brought these people in, documented their every step, and i really hope that first this case will go to court on its own wheels, and the court, taking into account all these evidences, will issue a really correct decision, in accordance with subsidiary
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legislation, according to the degree of guilt. now look at how many such people there are. we don't know, we really don't know, there are suspicions, but the suspicion will not go to court by itself, it cannot be converted into a guilty verdict or a court verdict, it must be proven, it must be worked on, now they are working, if we are talking about this particular case, then there is a lot of work ahead to retrain almost 300 employees of the state security department, and there such a number is determined according to legislation. the law clearly defines, it seems, even 2,900, well, up to 3,00 people, they guard the president, the prime minister, and the head of the verkhovna rada, the buildings of the verkhovna rada, the premises of the verkhovna rada, the office of the president, the cabinet of ministers, ah, other buildings there, places of rest, that is, there is a lot to work on, i think that the president should make certain personnel decisions in this organization , because it's easy
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to put the brakes on that, well, okay, well, they exposed, they exposed, well, it doesn't happen with anyone. let's continue the movement, i can't, we have to make personnel decisions, i think that the work will continue not only in this institution, we must understand that the russian special services, they are, as it were did not treat president zelenskyi, there are people who love him, there are people who have a completely negative attitude towards him, some are neutral, but once again there was a fact of preparing an attempt on the head of state and they will work in other institutions, in other military institutions , formations, look for these people. because the russians will not abandon these attempts to make the next attempt successful, especially due to the fact that there is a negative balance from the point of view of the actions carried out on the territory of the enemy, that is, on our territory, on their territory the security service of ukraine is actively hooliganizing, well together, of course, with the main intelligence management, well, let's
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take successful cases, well, earlier, giviv plus, motorola plus. vladlin tatarsky exploded, exploded, zakharchenko exploded, i almost forgot who else was with us, illakiva, that is, many, many active measures, i ’m not even talking about the crimean bridge, i’m not talking about the refinery, many active measures, but the russians did not , that's why, of course, they have such a desire, they have a desire to satisfy both the head of state and the head of the security service of ukraine, it's really great. a serious matter, and here, well, if, who, no, no commented on this story, but the fact is the fact, and we see that even the european special services are reporting and warning the governments of their countries that russia is planning sabotage even on the european continent and in european states, the financial times writes about this, that is , putin, as a representative of the soviet the kgb will
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do its usual business, which is to carry out... special operations in neighboring countries, that is, he, announcing the svo in ukraine, of course, now wants to create a svo on the entire european continent, as far as effectively, i apologize for literally two words, look how immersed i am in this material, in recent years putin does not give direct orders, he tries to do everything in such a way, to build all these meetings that... so that the initiative goes away from subordinates, so that the subordinate offers , so that the subordinate understands putin's thoughts, catches putin's thoughts and well... remember how in the classics, diamonds are in your hands, you are entrusted with this operation, and you do it, so the subordinate must guess, if the subordinate guessed, class, well done, you will receive a medal, if the subordinate did not guess, he will fly from
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his post, and you will even remember when february 22 of the year, when this is the famous meeting of the national security council without the national security council in the russian federation, when they spoke about the beginning of the war, about the war, about the svo it didn't work, they were even confused there, something. to start, to admit something, and what is not clear, that is, putin tried to pull everyone together at once, to bind everyone in this war, which yet, about which few people had yet guessed, and then to lead this process, that is, this is how history itself is now is happening with all these sabotages that are planned on the territory of european countries, he does not directly give instructions, he observes and waits for the report, if the report suits him, the person receives a hero's star, there is an order, medals, a new, new position, i don't know, there access to the budget resource, and this is how it continues to work now, but the goal of the russian federation and dictator
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putin is to weaken european states from the inside, to create conditions for the destruction of critical infrastructure facilities or some important objects, it is clear, and as the head of polish intelligence, jarosław struzyk, says that no one can know when ... a direct confrontation between russia and nato will happen, but he suggested that the russian dictator may already be ready for an invasion, i quote yaroslav struzhyk. putin, of course, is already ready for some kind of mini-operation against one of the baltic countries, for example, entering the famous narva, or landing on one of the swedish islands. this is a question of putin's intentions, but what the west is doing together, supporting ukraine, shows him that in the event of an attack on nato, the reaction of the west will be even greater. uh, how do you, mr. ivan, assess putin's possibilities to play some small blitzkrieg there, they said before, it
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could be the suva corridor or something else, but in any case it will be a war with the north atlantic alliance, as far as putin can cross this line and start this war, although now all military experts are inclined to the fact that russia's resource is not as limitless as it is. as it seems and against the alliance, well, russia simply cannot stand against it, a great question, look, really with the resources of the kremlin are limited, everything is used, everything is dragged into ukraine, all logistical routes, fuel, ammunition, people who go to this war, they all go on a conveyor belt to ukraine, die there, get injured, missing people die in captivity, i.e. that's all there is. putin's capabilities are from the point of view of a small, very small, but very effective operation, it was mentioned about one of the swedish islands, this is the island
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of gotland in the baltic sea, and several years ago, it seems like five years ago, on federal television, they just , i i'm sorry, but they were arguing, they were just really mocking and laughing in the studio, what are they going to do, they are going to make the electronic warfare system of the pridu first. communication in general around the baltic sea, on this island, so that there is no connection with the baltic countries, then the valkya corridor is redistributed, then it goes into estonia, lithuania, latvia and they create the estonian people's republic there and this is a delusion, like usually, they smiled a lot on the air, the first stage is already working, it has been almost seven months since last november in baltic sea from the territory of kaliningrad simply works periodically. more powerful more powerful electronic warfare system, already hundreds, maybe even thousands of complaints, from the baltic countries, from the polish coast,
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from the polish coast of the baltic sea, from the scandinavian countries about problems with communication, and with gps, and with navigation, precisely because of the work of the russian rebu, maybe this is the first stage, and maybe it won't go anywhere, they will continue to hooliganize, but i am quite realistically considering the possibility through... the russian federation will try, for example, to capture the same narva by the forces of some small special unit, well, small by the standards of the ukrainian war, of course, i don’t know, to capture a thousand, 200 people and then sell it, as if that’s all we need, we don’t need any more, we we are not advancing any more war, do not hesitate to bring your troops here, otherwise we will respond with a nuclear strike, that is, this is a kind of creeping operation, well, we are fantasizing once again. first narva, then some small village, village, town nearby, then on the left, then on the right, and for example, i don’t know, you can conditionally occupy half of the country in a year, under the auspices of...
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this is the last piece, we will not eat this cake again, that is , we can really count on this creeping offensive, well, since we ask our tv viewers in on the air, on tv and on our youtube and facebook platforms about whether they see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, i will ask you at the very end of the program, mr. ivan, do you see these parallels, analogies, are they appropriate? 100%, listen so there is no doubt, there is a dictatorial regime, i... the regime of an individual dictatorship, when one person makes all the decisions, no other power, person, group of people has any influence at all, there is a certain such dour voice, there is a struggle within for the attention of the leader, well, that’s understandable, there are such political moments, troops have been sent to ukraine, the war is going on in the same way in nazi germany, by the way, so that the final nail has already been hammered in, so that skeptics have no doubts,
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it is not the first month in the russian federation... looming, well, such a ridiculous idea about that everyone who disagrees with putin's policies, well of course, there are criminal articles, the admin of the article, there is a proposal to use punitive psychiatry as in the times of the soviet union, that is , to recognize people who do not support putin, that they have problems with the head, to send them to a psychiatric hospital for a month for two or three years, but and apafios are labor camps, that is , labor camps in the state duma are... the question is already being talked about, there is no final solution yet, but what nazi germany looks like one by one, well, if there are parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, can we expect putin's regime to end exactly the same as hitler's. look, now putin reacts quite well, aptly, successfully, his regime, he, his government reacts to some external manifestations, well, not that of enmity.
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they were able to adapt to the sanctions, well, they are working, they were somehow able to adapt to western weapons, destroy western missiles, reduce their effectiveness, that’s all there is, and putin is there, he will eliminate all the challenges that are there, threats, well, please remember prigozhin, there was yevhen prigozhin, there is no yevhen prigozhin, the threat has been eliminated for almost a year, but sooner or later the leader gets tired, the dictator, the leader, he gets tired, well, come on. no, i got sick, i didn’t react in time, i made the wrong assessment, the subordinates didn’t come, they didn’t say, boss, you have to make a decision, because they are waiting for instructions, and then the first one can really be a domino chip, ah, well, touch the second one, the third and this entire regime may fall. let's recall a classic example, who is it? well, i give three examples. nikolay cavusescu in 6-7 days from 90%
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rating before being shot from... the chest barracks of the military, muammar gaddafi, well, there was a slightly different story, but still, it seemed, he was holding the troops, everything is cool, everyone loves him, he remains, and the last example, this is a arrogant shekhriza, this is the ruler iran before the iranian revolution, he also managed for about 30 years, but then at one point he forgot, failed and let's hope that he will finish in the same way, it was ivan stupak, the army... a former employee of the security service of ukraine, friends, during the broadcast we we are conducting a poll, we ask you about this, do you see direct parallels between the regimes of putin and hitler, the interim results of the poll are 96 to 4%, or 95 to 5, then we have news from the bbc, then we will return to the studio with political experts oleg sakyan and igor reiterovich, do not switch.
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for the first time in 5 years, chinese leader xi jinping came to europe: france, serbia, hungary. why did he choose these countries? this is what you are talking about. bbc live from london, i'm evgenia shedlovska. in all three european xi jinping is greeted with honors in the capitals. a red kelim is spread in front of him. in france, which was his first stop, xi jinping spent two days visiting emmanuel macron. after the reception in paris, they had a private meeting. the leaders of the countries went to the mountains near the border with spain. as a child, macron used to go there to visit his grandmother.
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president oleksandr vuchichna met sidzinpin in belgrade today. the introductory stop of the leader of china will be.


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