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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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for the first time in 5 years, chinese leader xi jinping came to europe: france, serbia, hungary. why did he choose these countries? we are talking about this on the bbc live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. in all three european capitals, xi jinping is greeted with honors, a red kelim is unrolled in front of him. in france, which was his first stop, xi jinping spent two days visiting emmanuel macron. after the reception in paris, they had a private meeting. the leaders of the countries went to the mountains near the border with spain, there macron v as a child, he went to visit his grandmother, in belgrade today, president oleksandr vucchich met sijinpin, and the next stop of the chinese leader will be. but let's look in detail at what
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the results of all these meetings could be, and let's start with france. i will say right away that china is primarily interested in trade. prevent a trade war with the eu over chinese electric cars. trade was one of the priorities of the talks for xi jinping, but apart from that, there was talk of russia's war against ukraine in paris, as were the united states and most of the eu. france wants beijing influenced moscow, with which it maintains friendly relations. "we respect the long-standing ties between china and russia and the efforts made over decades to stabilize those relations. given this difficult history, we welcome the commitment of the chinese authorities to refrain from selling any arms or aid to moscow and to strictly control the export of dual -use goods this is what emmanuel macron heard from sidzimpina, but the chinese leader has a slightly different view of russia's war against ukraine
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repeatedly expressed his position on the situation in ukraine. china did not start this crisis, is not a party or participant in the war. however, we did not just observe the situation, but also played an active role in achieving peace. the special representative of the chinese government for eurasian affairs has started the third round of shuttle talks. this is china's usual position, official neutrality. calls for peace, by the way, one of the meetings in paris took place with the participation of the president of the european commission, ursela fondelaien, said that the eu expects on china to use all its influence on russia to stop the war. by the way, you remember that a year ago, both macron and fonderlein came to beijing with the same call to bring russia to its senses. whether xijin ping will listen to them now, this is what the european columnist of the hong kong newspaper from brussels said. i drew attention to... to information
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in social networks about a certain embryonic plan for peace talks regarding ukraine. these rumors have not been confirmed, and frankly, i would be very surprised if such rhetoric appeared after this trip. both the parties say they want peace in ukraine, but they have too different views on how to do it. xijin pin repeated his vision of this in paris, spoke about the need to respect the legitimate security interests of all parties to the conflict. and this is anathema to both ukrainians and europeans who consider russia to be the aggressor in this war. chinese diplomats have been traveling to europe for several months and insist, for example, on taking part in peace talks in switzerland. they told eu officials that they wanted the west stopped supplying weapons to ukraine. this will not happen. i mean, we're only seeing an increase in supply. i could be wrong, but these rumors seem to be true. pulled by the ears.
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vladimir putin will go to china next week, so i don't see any cooling in relations between moscow and beijing. macron said he had a commitment from xi jinping, but he also said this last year when he went to beijing in april about dual- use goods. europeans note a sharp increase in the intensity with which china supplies things like printed circuit boards and microchips, surveillance equipment and... satellite imagery, these are the kinds of dual-use goods that they say are getting into the battlefields of ukraine and killing ukrainians. from this meeting , we saw that the chinese supported the french proposal for an olympic truce, which would mean a ceasefire in all global conflicts for a time, which would mean a ceasefire in all global conflicts for the duration of the paris games in july and august, which of course sounds ok, but then again i... don't
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i am sure that the russians or parties to other conflicts will consider the time of the olympics to cease fire. and after france, swinpine's next stop is belgrade. and the date of the visit is not accidental. the day before was a significant anniversary. 25 years ago, the united states launched an airstrike on the chinese embassy in belgrade, during nato's operation in yugoslavia. it is a member of the european union, has close relations with russia and friendly relations with china. during the meeting , president oleksandr vuchysh exchanged warm words with sizimpin. in particular, they announced a new chapter in the relations between the countries. there was a strategy. partnership, and now a common vision of the future, such diplomatic rhetoric, in practical terms, dozens of agreements were signed during this visit. bbc correspondents saw how the chinese leader was met in belgrade. these negotiations are very
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warm, behind the red flags is the palace of serbia, where the two presidents are having lunch. they obviously enjoy serbian delicacies. this is what the president...promised the chinese guest while he was here. as for the statements that came from both sides, sijin pinn said that he is a true friend of serbia, where he is very comfortable and cozy. both leaders upgraded their relationship from a strategic partnership to a shared future. and this is portrayed as a very serious thing that will lead to even deeper relations between serbia and china. from a diplomatic point of view, the president. stated that it is very important to feel that serbia has the strong support of china in the un, as sydzenpin personally assured him. and given that serbia often has problems at the un regarding issues related to kosovo and bosnia and herzegovina, it is for belgrade is undoubtedly very important. i
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tried to find out how the serbs feel about the visit of the chinese president. a lot of people look at it quite pragmatically, saying that there is some investment coming from china and that should be... good for the development of the country. a crowd gathered outside the palace of serbia this morning, but people were brought in by buses. it wasn't a spontaneous gathering of people who came to greet sydney ping, it was all organized. president vučić announced that he will treat the chinese guest to local wine, which is not as expensive as french wine. and at least it will not be subject to customs duty in china after the free trade agreement between the two countries. but still, why did the chinese leader xi jinping, in addition to france, choose serbia and hungary for his first post-pandemic visit to europe? this is what the reviewer of the british publication spectator says. for
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more than 10 years, china has been establishing relations with the countries of central and eastern europe, and to a greater extent , the current events essentially demonstrate how china solves historical problems, including with serbia. it happened in 1999 the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade, which effectively united the two countries in the hands of nato. obviously, this will become the topic of their conversation. on the other side of the question of money, we are talking about huge investments. china is the largest investor in the economies of both serbia and hungary, but serbia and hungary are also china's largest allies in europe. when contradictions arise in the european union regarding china. the chinese flag as china donated a million doses of vaccines. so all this is positive pr for china, and it really is appreciates this level of relationship, especially at a time when the world is becoming increasingly hostile. the president
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of serbia, oleksandr vucic, and the prime minister of hungary , viktor orban, are european friends of xi jinping, who visited him in beijing in october, when there was a jubilee summit, one belt, one road. by the way, orbán was then the only leader from the european union at this event, where putin was also present, and this was their meeting, where both serbia and hungary are happy about chinese investment, while the rest of europe is wary of chinese technology and capital. but in general, russia's war against ukraine and trade were the key issues during sijin ping's visit to european countries, says a reviewer from the british royal chathamhouse institute of international relations. regarding this visit, we heard two main things: firstly, it is russia's invasion of ukraine and china's position on it, and it is clear that beijing has not changed its position, not to support russia militarily, and that is
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what was clearly communicated. but what, in my opinion, was less clear was the economic one the question of where china and france, china and the eu are now almost on the brink. trade war related to electric cars, so i think it will be a more difficult and long-term conversation between china and france and china and the european union. the eu is china's second largest... partner. on the other hand , china is also not at the stage of realizing economic transformations and is trying to grow from a country with a low level of production to a country with a high level of production. so essentially chinese companies are looking for sales markets in europe. and it is obvious that it is a way to generate exports, stimulate growth. obviously, this is what china wants to rebuild its economy, but i think the europeans are less willing to accept china. china,
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despite the position of the united states. for china, the united states is the main political and economic rival in the race for world leadership, but still, if we sum up the results of xijin ping's european tour, this is the opinion of the audience. of the british publication the economist. xi jinping has a message for europe and the whole world that china is committed to providing a kind of anti-american, anti-western position. the message for europe is primarily to remain open to chinese exports, because if european markets were to reduce access to chinese goods, as, for example, american markets began to impose higher tariffs. this would be a big problem for china, but beijing also wants to show that the west does not have a single position, and
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this is addressed both to the public in china itself and to the whole world. sijin ping sought to find countries in europe that from china's point of view, can resist the american leadership, so in this regard, france is not a coincidence. he chose france, where the politics of such leaders as general de gaulle are practiced. who did not want the americans pointing out the french. china and france have independent foreign policies. after paris , china's leader is visiting serbia and hungary, two european countries with pro-russian and pro-china stances, underscoring china's message that america does not dominate europe. the day before, the american secretary of state announced that if he wants good relations with europe, the key. with the openness of trade, it should not at the same time promote the military industry of vladimir
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putin. according to the americans, almost 90% of some high-tech components used in missiles, tanks and drones come from chinese companies, contradicting china's claims that it is neutral in russia's war against ukraine. europeans are very worried about support. because this war in ukraine is a great threat to all of europe. european governments, as well as washington, clearly saying that china cannot count on good trade relations by helping vladimir putin, and simply denying it. the chinese are now playing a very interesting game in which they are clearly not a neutral player in the war in ukraine. they clearly help vladimir putin, they don't want... he lost in ukraine because it was a victory for the americans. china is generally betting
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on vladimir putin. so the chinese are trying to gain a foothold in europe, sowing discord between european countries. this is the opinion of the columnist from the british publication the economist so, the chinese leader xi jinping came to europe for the first time in 5 years. his first stop was in france, where he met with president emmanuel macron. they spoke. in addition to both trade and russia's war against ukraine, representatives of the european union want china to put pressure on russia to stop the war. the next stop of the chinese leader was in belgrade, where he met with the president of serbia oleksandr vučić, he was warmly received there, they signed many different agreements, announced partnership relations between the countries that reached a new level and... his next stage of this european tour will be hungary, where he
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will meet with prime minister viktor. so, that's all, see you tomorrow. greetings, friends. live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, in the release today. the world slept through the revival of nazism. on the day of remembrance and victory, zelensky called on other countries to unite in an anti-putin coalition. when racism will be condemned at the international level. legitimization of putin. six european countries sent their delegations to the inauguration. why would some eu members flirt with the russian dictatorship?
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a dangerous precedent. the un urges not to reward. russia for aggression by recognizing the territories captured by it, under what conditions can peace come to ukraine? we will talk about this and other things on air for the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now. be please vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you see direct parallels between with the putin and hitler regimes? yes, no, it's pretty simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see these parallels between the two modes: 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like
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to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is oleg sahakyan, political scientist, manager. of the unified coordination center, mr. olezh, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, my congratulations also, and igor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joined our broadcast. so, gentlemen, as we ask our tv viewers and viewers whether they see parallels, direct parallels between putin. and hitler's regimes, let's use the format of a blitz poll, you, mr. oleg, will also answer this question, yes, the parallels are direct, but at the same time there are certain differences, the russian regime is cosplaying, or simply playing with the reconstruction of nazi germany, being inspired by it, in some places even the texts, simply taking tracing paper, copied,
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inserted, replaced germany, the reich with russia, russian peace. etc., and in this way they completely try to repeat it, but the problem for them is that nazism assumes a certain picture of the future, a certain idea of ​​an ideal world, while the russian regime is postmodern, it is built with its head 180° backwards, that is why it is actually similar on a chinese counterfeit of european isms of the 20th century, well, like a zhigul and a fiat, came out of the same assembly line, but two completely different cars, that’s about the same, the same is true of putin’s russian world today, it is racism, similar to german nazism, its a caricature, but no less a bloody and inhuman copy. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. igor. you know, once umberto ecca described 14 signs of fascism in his famous article, and today russia
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corresponds to 13 of these signs. therefore, of course, there are direct parallels here, the russian regime in... in many areas it not only imitates, in some cases it even exceeded the nazi regime, i think that in the context of propaganda , all the current propagandists in russia already give a head start to goebbels and all the others who engaged in this propaganda in the third reich a long time ago , but it is clear that there are certain specifics, there are certain differences that are characteristic of the 21st century, but this version, which is currently built in the russian federation, it seems to me that it is even more... dangerous, because the world conditions are different now, different, yes, and the problem is that there is a significant part of countries for which this model that putin is building, well, it looks attractive enough, and they do not oppose this regime, even indirectly support it. today, gentlemen, is the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war, and the war that lasted
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from 39 to 45 years, and why do you think. of the world, remembering the crimes of 85 years ago or 80 years ago, avoids talking about russian racism, well, not because they are not there they bring up german fascism or nazism, and because they do not want putin to be compared with hitler, why am i talking about this, because i co-wrote a book about putin and ukraine and about the anatomy of hatred, about the causes of the russian-ukrainian war, and here my german flight agent tells me: "you don't, you don't , you don't." don't try to put hitler and putin on the same level, because that's not entirely correct, and you won't be understood in europe, although it seems to me that there are absolutely direct
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parallels to putin's crimean speech, to hitler's judicial speech, that is, very, very many different parallels, which, mr. oleg, you said that they are just trying to copy, but they are not successful copies, but there is such a concept: racism and there are signs of this racism, why is this concept and why the perception of this concept and the spread and condemnation of this racism, well, as a phenomenon, why does it not become as widespread in the world as the same nazism? well, if you allow me, because there are several, in my opinion, objective circumstances, and here the truth is simple. we must look, first of all, we are still in the crucible of war and we are very close to him, we simply feel this fraternal embrace in the clutches of racism, and accordingly we understand all
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the horrors of racism as such, just as you could actually ask the jews in 38, 39, 40 with about the nazi regime, and they understood all its horrors, feeling it for themselves as a people, but if... if you ask someone in europe in the year 39, an average european, whether he thinks that nazism is the personification of evil, well in in the 38th, for example, or in the 39th, it is not a fact that the opinion would be unequivocal if at this moment you ask in the 39th year in the united states , an american citizen, and whether hitler is a threat to the united states, or is it the personification of evil on ... earth, i am afraid that the answer of an american of that time would surprise us. let me remind you that the united states entered world war ii only after being attacked at prole
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harbor. before that, they helped arms, they helped, and not as actively as europe wanted, and they were actually preparing to help britain wage a partisan struggle already on its own territory, expecting that germany will manage to seize at least part of the british. islands, and many other things that we know from the history of world war ii. nazism began to be perceived this way, already after the world experienced it to its full extent, when most of those who condemn nazism today experienced it, that is, after the fact, we are currently still in the initial phase of understanding what racism is, and most of whom we expect should see these analogies. and to say so, putin is the son of hitler, they are they don't feel this hitler, they felt it, and only then realized it. and the second, no less important point, in my opinion, is that
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the stage of its condemnation was passed with nazism, and accordingly, now we are already talking, comparing one ideology that was condemned, passed the tribunal, that was banned, disassembled into atoms and invested in european. historiography as something unacceptable and as an evil that was simply beyond the limit, and regarding racism, we are not yet at this stage today, awareness, and its predecessors, russian peace, leaven patriotism, as saltakov shchedrin himself wrote about russians, the crimes of both the soviet union and the crimes of the russian empire, russian colonialism, all this was not condemned at different stages, each time russia... was allowed to simply turn over page and say: well, now the soviet union and all the crimes of tsarist russia are over, what to think about them, what to reflect on? we start
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with a clean slate. then the soviet union collapsed and the world again wanted to be very friendly and said: "well, that's all, sorry, there were others, then there was a bloody soviet regime, now there will be a democratic russia." and as a result, each time the new regime imitated and inherited all those bloody pages, glorifying them, elevating and making them part of its political myth, and not condemning them, as it were needed the zeitgeist and history, and accordingly, at the moment, when we talk about putin, about racism, we hear from the pope: no, some northern peoples of the caucasus can kill, well, russians are tolstoy, chekhov, tolstoyevsky and all others, we take it in quotes, this is a big theater, you you talk to a european intellectual, he says, well, listen, there are so many humanists there. literature, yes, i would go to the russian ballet, well, we are talking about different russias with you, no, you cannot compare putin and hitler, because we are working with all that layer in the century
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of russian propaganda in... building the facade image of russia, customs in ukraine, the baltic countries, others who have felt russian influence, we know the reverse side of russia, we know the real russia, at least because of the evil joke of history, we all speak russian, and we know russian folklore, and we know that byut means love, fear means respect, we understand how they think, not everyone to the west of us knows this, and that is why there is such a gap, that is why there are two points, the first is the historical context of our war , in which we are now, its stage, and secondly the fact that we are now fighting not only racism in the name of putin, but racism in the name of all the general secretaries of the soviet union, reaching stalin and lenin and all the russian imperial oppressors, reaching there to catherine, peter, ivan the terrible and all others who are good inscribed in russian, european and western historiography. today, president zelenskyi.
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called for stopping the revival of nazism in his address on the occasion of the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war, he said that it is necessary to create an anti-putin coalition and stop the revival of nazism. let's listen to what zelensky said. the world fell asleep, the revival of nazism. at 5 am on february 24, 2022. and today everyone who remembers. of the world and lived to this day feel deja vu. pages from textbooks about the second world war, russia returned to the headlines of the world media. the terrible past, russia has returned to the daily news feed. proving that with each new crime, nazism was revived, only with a new label, made in russia. mr.
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igor, zelensky says that the world slept through the revival of nazism, do you agree with this statement, and why is racism not such a concept that the world protests against, condemns, because, judging by what mr. oleg said, i understand that we are somewhere relatively speaking, in the 38th year, well, if we draw analogies, everything is still ahead in the world. and accordingly in ukraine as well, well , the 37th-38th year, here you can also agree with the president in parallel, he said that he did not sleep, to some extent even ignored it, and there are quite obvious reasons for this, there are three of them: first, oleg has already partially mentioned it, the current russia so far, at least, does not fight against western countries, countries of western democracies, moreover, it constantly, at least publicly, declares that it is not going to fight...
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well, we know what their promises are worth , but they make them, make them putin does them, they are done by lavrov, this modern goebbels, some other representatives of the so -called political class of the russian federation do them, even people who call themselves philosophers do them, but they are certainly not such, but are frankly inadequate there, let’s say, like the same dugin, who in a recent interview said that russia is not going to fight the western world there, on the contrary, it can make peace with it there and live normally. simply dividing the spheres of influence there, and this is the most important reason, because if there was an attack on a nato country or a country of the european union, well, probably the reaction would be different, the world would be forced to react differently. the second reason, well, we may not like it, but we have to name it. for many western countries, even to this day, i am already silent about the countries there in latin america, africa, for example, there, a large part of asia, what is happening. in
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ukraine, this is happening in their opinion, well , almost in the sphere of influence, by and large, of the russian federation, they still live in this stereotype that it is some former soviet union, and accordingly, the fact that there are some wars between them is inside the so-called soviet union, russia as a great power, a nuclear power, well, not that it has the right, but it can afford to engage in such things, unfortunately, there is such an opinion, i will say more, i met it even in completely academic... scientific articles, of course, it did not sound as straightforward as i say about it, but its essence was, by and large , just like that, and this is what people talk about , who studied russia in detail, researched russia, and they shift the responsibility to a large extent, the war was temporarily on ukraine and even more on the west, which invaded the sphere of influence of the russian federation, and accordingly russia so...


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