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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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there is no force yet in the case, that is , there is no verdict yet, convicted, this is a slightly different procedural status, this is when the case accusing a person of committing a crime or other criminal offense has already been considered, there is a guilty verdict that has entered into legal force and the person is serving a sentence in places deprivation of liberty, if you speak in the context of the law that was passed today, then punishment in the form of restriction of liberty or deprivation of liberty. that is, in fact, these are different procedural statuses, this will in no way affect the possibility of stopping, but it gives the possibility of, er, conditionally early release from further punishment of a certain category of people who have already been convicted of a type of crime, and let me, just not all of our people are lawyers, i will try to translate and check if, for example, there is a person who convicted, i don't know, for rape or for some serious murder, she... according to this
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law that was passed today, she cannot join the army, because it is a serious crime, and if the same person is only accused of rape or a serious murder there, and she still has no verdict, no sentence court, so she can go to the army, it turns out like this, well, it turns out essentially like this, ah, since there are slightly different procedures, here we are talking about exemption from serving the sentence, and with regard to the accused, if we are talking about the stage when the case is ... is considered by the court, then this is about suspension, but it does not exempt, that is, it does not exempt a person from punishment, it is possible, but you know, if, for example, let's say that it does not exempt, let's hypothetically consider the option, i don't know, there they are considered in the courts the case has been going on for seven years, for example, or 8 years, yes, and after 10 years, there is a rule that the statute of limitations expires, yes, there are certain deadlines for each severity.
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to criminal responsibility, that is, in each case separately, someone may be released, there the person will join the army, and again it is not known whether he will be in the army, what he will do there, because here too, as i understand it, there are various cases, absolutely, there are different cases, look, it cannot be equated to say that if a person was accused, i am not now i am talking about some special categories of crimes, in this number of 11,000 criminal cases from... a bunch of other cases came, including cases concerning activists, pro-ukrainian activists who defended ukraine, are defending ukraine, but one way or another, a- and, under certain conditions, were brought to criminal responsibility and cases against them were considered by the courts, and they were mobilized from the first days, and so these cases are now mostly stopped even after demobilization, after people are released from military service, these cases continue. consider, but there are also other
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categories of cases that are not socially difficult to accept in such a way that a person who is accused of voter fraud can now go to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, but before that there is a corresponding procedure, that is, not all contractors are taken to ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, there are certain situations that are specifically given in the publication, yes, but it still happens. these people probably pass a certain check there in the plc, and you know, for example, the famous judge yury tandyr, yes, he is the same death also brought down a person and he also really wanted to mobilize, even there he brought some certificate from the terrodefense that nizhynska thought that they were ready to join him in the army, and only thanks to the fact that the case was public and many people knew about it, and i understand... that he was not given this opportunity,
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but we see that this, this opportunity is used, as you say, not only by activists, yes, i do, of course, we also had a similar case in our practice , when one of the accused in the attack on kateryna handziuk, in the organization of this attack on kateryna handziuk, and also tried to mobilize, provided documents from the military unit, his defender provided documents from the military unit that they... take him into their unit, but then the military unit publicly commented that this letter was never there was, and that ’s basically all, well, maybe it’s a fake, but allow me one last clarification, please tell me how much it is, how promising or corrupt this scheme is, when, for example, some military units...
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just write these letters and they say they are they are ready to take the convict, but in the end the convict will be released there, he will not appear in the military unit, and it is not known who wrote the letter, that is, for money there is a practice that such letters are simply written for money. look, i don’t know this practice, so i can’t make any comments here, i think it’s more up to the representatives of law enforcement agencies, whether they documented such facts or not, whether they have any statistical information, sorry, i have not personally encountered with such cases, but see, as a matter of fact, this new one the draft law, if we are talking about convicts, that is, people who already have a court verdict, which was passed today. yes, yes , criminal responsibility is actually provided for there, the new article 336 with the mark two, which provides for the responsibility of a person who is released on parole from serving sentences with the purpose of his further mobilization there, but he evades this
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mobilization, there are provided for appropriate punishments, from 5 up to 10 years of imprisonment, that is, a person in principle in the future, if he tries to avoid it somehow manner of mobilization, and will be defined accordingly. punishment, moreover, a part of the unserved sentence from the previous sentence will be added to this sentence, that is, if a person was sentenced there conditionally, five years of imprisonment, he served two years there, he has three left, he was released on parole, and then he also evaded mobilization, so these three years will be added to the new punishment that will be determined by the court. thank you very much for your comment, ilya vorobyova, lawyer and partner in criminal practice. law firm miller was on radio svoboda. thank you. well, now about nato. in the declaration, which will be adopted at the nato summit in july of this year, it is planned to directly write down the refusal to send troops to participate in the war in ukraine.
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the italian newspaper corriere della sera reports on this so far with reference to an already prepared draft of the final statement, which, as the journalists claim, they have at their disposal. in addition, as reported by the publication. in the declaration, they intend to indicate that they will coordinate the military assistance of the north atlantic alliance in ukraine not pentagon chief lloyd austin, as is the case now, but nato headquarters in brussels. corriera della sera notes that there is a political explanation for this step, they say, the coordination of aid by nato structures, i will quote it here: it will look more democratic in the eyes of both society and vladimir putin. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg, i will remind you, has repeatedly stated that the alliance will not... send troops to ukraine, but if this condition or guarantee will be spelled out literally in the final statement of the nato summit, then this is actually something new, such a thing has never happened before the summit, i remind you, will take place in july in washington, oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the ukrainian
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prizma foreign policy council, joins our broadcast. good evening, i congratulate you, good evening to you oleksandr, we haven't seen you for a long time, let's start from the beginning, there will be a nato summit in july, some kind of final communique should be adopted there. declaration, and here the italian press writes that already in this declaration there will be a refusal to send troops to participate in the war in ukraine, please tell me, it looks like it looks realistic, to be honest, not yet, and it looks unrealistic in some respects, well, first of all, it must be said that such a concession, and it is indeed a concession on the part of nato, will not find the support of a large part of the alliance members, the same french, the same ... the italians, even the same balts, poles, northern europe, they will clearly not be ready to support such a resolution, this is the first thing that is important to understand, the second thing that is important to understand is that a lot of nato member countries already have troops on the territory of ukraine , that is, if we count trainers, experts, advisers and
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so on, in principle from the point of view of russian propaganda, as they have repeated it many times, these are nato military personnel who are on the territory of ukraine, so it is now possible to flip through all the training missions. to curtail the specialists, the military engineers who are here, who monitor the use of their equipment, that is, it completely contradicts what nato said before , both about the use of its weapons, and about the control of these weapons, and about the civil-legal control of how money and weapons that come to ukraine are used, that is, a lot of related issues arise, and the most important thing for us is that such a decision by nato will contradict all the previous logic that was aimed at support. of ukraine and will contradict logic even from the point of view of the supervision of the aid provided to ukraine. therefore, it is still very weak to believe that such a statement can really receive sufficient support. but if they write about it, well, probably still, maybe it is a proposal of individual, individual members of the alliance, i don’t know,
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is there a conditional hungary brought its draft project, the draft statement? well, in fact, yes, such a proposal can be, although at the same time we cannot reject the fact that it is... well, a direct attack by the opponents of nato, a direct attack by the opponents of ukraine, which is precisely used to destabilize the situation, that is, it is necessary to understand that modern media, western, it still gets information where... it can get it, and yet, as you yourself perfectly understand, journalists in the west make money from clickability, if the article is clickable, if against the background of the meeting with sydynpin, the meeting with sydynpin was quite productive, they said a lot of things that the russians did not expect, against this background, russia conducts nuclear testing, russia says that in the 16th they will be perceived as a carrier of nuclear weapons, in response to which, the netherlands say that yes, they will soon, starting from the fall of this year, and against this background... you see the news that they say that at the nato summit they will let us all down, ukraine will be abandoned and everything will be bad,
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you know, from the point of view, if you put yourself in the place of a russian propagandist, it would be a very successful maneuver, which would just calm down a little all the confusion that is happening in the information field. but it is already obvious that ukraine will not be invited to nato either. yes, unfortunately, we understand that we should not wait for an invitation at this summit, or rather, such an invitation as we wanted, after all. there are several approaches even to this. the ideal scenario for ukraine is a clear invitation that says at what moment ukraine will become a member of the alliance. compromising the option from the point of view of our diplomacy, our national interests is, well, approximately the same as what happened with the european union on december 15 last year. when the european union said that we will start negotiations, it does not mean that ukraine will become a member of the eu right here, right now, but here is ukraine's road map, here is a set of points that it has in a strategic perspective. must fulfill and then it will become a member of the eu, and something similar was proposed, by the way, by stoltenberg,
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what he called the copenhagen criteria of nato, i.e. the same as the european union, only for nato membership. for us, it was a compromise option, and right now very active negotiations are underway, first of all with the americans, precisely in order to prescribe a similar strategy and similar criteria for ukraine. but, but against this background, as we can see, there are beginning to throw in, there are beginning to talk about the fact that even this is something that at... to escalation, and that's why there are such news as this one about the alleged refusal to send troops, they exactly and, unfortunately, for us, they can work, at least in the information field of the event, well, i think that on these questions will be answered there literally in a day or two, maybe there will be some comment from nato directly, but again, going back to what the italian press wrote, there they indicate that in this declaration they allegedly intend or plan to indicate what to coordinate military aid to nato will now be... not the head of the pentagon, how is it happening now, the ramstein meetings and so on, but the nato headquarters, do you
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allow such changes and what does it affect, we literally have a minute left , here it is more reasoned statement, because this is a part of stoltenberg's plan, which was proposed a month ago, that romstein would come under the leadership of nato, and together with the newly created fund of 100 billion, which stoltenberg also proposed at that time, they say it can be done much more effectively than what was done. the united states should manage the aid to ukraine, because a very short note, the last three ramsteins, the states came with nothing, then the question really arises, whether it will not be more effective when nato takes over the leadership of romstein, brussels takes over headquarters, and then we will really see some better results, that is, this very proposal, this theory, it has a place because it has been talked about for long enough. thank you very much, oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism boom. radio svoboda. we have everything for today. i encourage
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forte 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many important topics, today we are with you. let's talk for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please word to you to keep abreast of economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandrevka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the day of the guests, as well as the distinguished guests
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of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two'. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand side by side with brothers, until the holy victory. anyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine . let's stick together. congratulations. today i
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will talk about three children from the kherson region who have gone missing and whom we are trying to find. i will say right away that , unfortunately, not much is known about them, so very much we hope for your concern and help. please watch this video carefully, and if you recognize any of the children in question, do not delay and immediately call the hotline 116/30. so, oleksiy khrustalov. stella naydenova and bohdan kotenko. all of them disappeared during the occupation and until now nothing is known about them. the connection with oleksiy was cut off at the very beginning of the war and there was no more news from him. we only know that he is 17 years old, and before the start of the full-scale invasion, he lived in the village of nova-zburivka in the skadovsky district
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kherson region. unfortunately, we do not know what happened to him and where the boy is now. and i emphasize once again that there is really a great hope that one of you will recognize oleksiy, so look into his face, and if you suddenly know something about the boy, report it to the hotline of the children's search service at 116:30. we will be grateful for any information. and this is 14-year-old stela naydenova. she, like oleksiy khrustalov, disappeared at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. it happened in kherson, when the city was under russian rule occupation, there has been no contact with her since then , and it is unknown where the girl is. unfortunately, it is possible that she could have been taken out or deported to russia. in general, the deportation of children is part of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you know of any
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crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation, do not remain silent... and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our site stopcrimeua. you can even do it anonymously. bohdan kotenko also disappeared in kherson region, he is 15 years old, and we know when it started full-scale invasion, he lived in skadovsk, kherson region. just as in the situation with oleksiy khrustalov and stela naydenova, due to the fact that bohdan disappeared during the occupation, there is actually... no information about him, but it is very important that we have his photo, and accordingly there is a chance that one of you will recognize him, so i ask once again, please, look as carefully as possible into the faces of oleksiy khrustalov, stela naydenova and bohdan kotenko, and first of all i appeal to the residents of the temporarily occupied part
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of the kherson region who can see this video on youtube, if you have information about... these children, who may still be in the kherson region, immediately notify us on the hotline 116:30. if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, you can contact us by writing to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or on our website. let's not be indifferent, and let's try to find oleksiy, stela and bohdan together. and at the very end, i once again ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service. here in the section "disappeared "children of ukraine" you can see the boys and girls who are currently wanted. look carefully at their faces, i will be very grateful if you share information about
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the missing children in your facebook or instagram, because, of course, the more people see announcement about the search for a child, then there will be more chances to find him. and if you recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource that allows you to report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america service chas time. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. on the night of may 8 , russian troops attacked the ukrainian energy industry and damaged the equipment of three thermal power plants of the company det. the white house condemned another massive shelling of ukraine and declared that the united states was doing it everything in their power to protect ukraine. we've been talking about our concerns for more than two years about what the russians are doing to the energy system. our position is clear. we want to be sure that we provide ukraine with adequate security assistance to protect it against russian aggression. we do everything in our power. we were grateful for the approval of the additional... advancement of national security. obviously, its ukrainian component was extremely important, as we saw that ukraine was losing ground due to inaction congress so we are going to continue
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to provide ukrainians with what they need for protection. despite the fact that the united states has approved funding for ukraine and has already provided two packages of weapons, it is still too early to talk about the effect of this funding on the battlefield, and it is possible that kyiv could receive some of the allocated funds. need more time. at the same time, the most important needs of ukraine now are air defense equipment and artillery ammunition. this was stated by the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, presenting the budget request of the ministry of defense in the senate for fiscal year 2025. we will talk with ostap yarysh about the situation with american weapons in ukraine and when to expect the next aid packages. congratulations ostap. greetings maria. ostape, when will the long-awaited weapon have an effect on... polyba and when can we expect these new aid packages? maria, what we know for sure is that the weapons continue to come in, some of them have already arrived, we know that the united states has actually committed
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two military aid packages, quite large packages to fill this gap with the lack of funding and due to the lack of aid packages and weapons for ukraine for almost six months, in fact today loydin, speaking in the us senate, said that there will be no immediate effect, it is necessary to wait until ukraine receives... a larger number of weapons and all that, all that equipment , which was given to her by the united states. as for the next aid packages, maria, we can judge from how it was before. we know that in the past , when the united states announced arms packages for ukraine, it was about once every two weeks. we are waiting what will happen now, the pentagon has not yet announced a new aid package, however, if they follow the same pace, we can expect it to happen soon. what we know for sure is that the funding from congress is there, and now there should be no delay in announcing new aid packages for ukraine. we also know that olei dostin spoke with the minister of defense of ukraine
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roslem omirov, literally, literally yesterday, they talked about the further steps of the united states to support ukraine, about further military support as well, and they talked about the situation on the battlefield and what are the critical needs of ukraine now. loyt dosim, speaking on the senate floor today, said the united states will remain focused. primarily on ammunition for the air defense system and also on ammunition for artillery, we know that the usa has the largest production capacity, that is, they can cover the largest part of these needs in terms of the role of american assistance, let's hear what the secretary of defense of the usa said about this today in the senate i communicate with my colleague, the minister of defense, every week of ukraine. i spoke to him yesterday and asked about the situation. i believe that our help will be very, very useful, but coming back to your question, it is difficult to make up for lost time, without this help ukraine would be very
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difficult. not defend against the overwhelming force of the russians. ostape, what about f-16 aircraft, which ukraine needs so much, at what stage is pilot training now? and we also know earlier that the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash, said that they will be in ukraine already after easter, do you have any new information on this? yes, maria, let's go in order, so with regard to the training phase, we know that it continues, it continues in several countries, we know that now ukrainian pilots are training, in particular in denmark, before that they ... underwent basic training and language courses in britain , also training is taking place here in the united states in arizona, and we know that at least in the united states these exercises are in the final stages, we've been told by the pentagon, when to expect them to be completed, depending on the level pilot training, depending on when they started training, we know there were different groups, and some took longer to master
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the language training here in the u.s., some started... faster, so the pentagon, in answering this question, says that roughly you can expect us training pilots to graduate between the end of may, also august, depending on, yes again, what the training level of the pilots was, but the first batches should be graduating at the end of this month, maybe early june, that's what we hear from representatives from representatives of the united states department of defense, regarding the status of these exercises, let's hear what the head of the united states national guard has to say about it. as far as we know, the training of the cadets we have is going according to plan. if their numbers grow, then that may be a different conversation, depending on the availability of aircraft and instructor pilots, but for now everything is on track to complete training later this year. maria, the question arises when the planes will be able to be in the ukrainian sky, this is another stage, we know that we have undertaken to provide ukraine f-16, including countries such as the netherlands,
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denmark, norway and. belgium, denmark say they are going to deliver the planes this summer, the netherlands plans to deliver them in the fall. as for norway, belgium, the time frame has not yet been named, but we also know, maria, that after the trainings now taking place in europe, the united states, in particular, another stage is also expected, this is training in romania at the air base, which is currently being prepared, and planes are also currently allocated for this airbase, so it is expected that f-16s will be able to be in ukrainian skies after this thank you ostap, we will definitely follow this topic further, it was my colleague, ostap yarysh, who talked about new american weapons for ukraine. as russia continues to attack critical infrastructure, ukraine's top priority is to acquire additional anti-missile and anti-aircraft missile systems. in washington, after a meeting with us president joe biden, romanian president klaus iohannis said that he was open to
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discussing the issue. there was a discussion about who could send the patriot systems to ukraine during the last few weeks? romania has these systems and of course we were also asked, president biden also mentioned it during our meeting and i am open to a discussion, i have to discuss it in the high defense council to see what we can offer and what we can get as a replacement, because... why should we leave romania without air defense? but nico lange, a researcher at the european policy analysis center and a former official of the german ministry of defense, believes that the patriot systems could the first to share is spain and greece, which are far from nato's eastern flank. in an interview with my colleague yulia yarmolenko, he talked about how the pressure on chancellor scholz is increasing in germany to hand over taurus missiles to kyiv, and why there are restrictions on
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their use. mobile weapons for strikes inside russia are illogical. us defense secretary austin recently mentioned that he is having face-to-face talks with his european counterparts to convince them to send their patriot batteries to ukraine. he said they should take more risks. what do you think is this a legitimate request, given the fact that the us itself sent to ukraine. only one patriot battery. the united states has far more opportunities than any other country, and it can do far more. i don't understand why tanks and bmp should gather dust in the desert and not be used in ukraine. and when it comes to air defense systems and missiles
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for air defense, especially systems that you'. american companies, i believe the connection.


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