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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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then this is usually true, words can be chosen as usual, and one of the surprises of many western experts and politicians regarding russia was that putin would go out and brag right in the face, not only in front of the cameras, but behind closed doors, we can remember it the same memories of mr. hollande or retellings, say merkel's words after a number of rounds in the norman format. and that is why putin's words should not be taken as real thoughts, because here the west very often makes this mistake, continuing this logic that, well, okay, maybe putin takes it, well, but in general, if they sat down and said their positions, then russia declares its position, no, russia never declares, russia keeps its own mind, everything that has been said is already happening within the framework of waging a total war , all that is said is to confuse the opponent, they play. moreover, deceiving all the time, and therefore
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the thesis about the illegitimacy of president zelenskyi is an attempt to play on the fact that they will not sit down at the negotiating table with zelenskyi, accordingly, it is necessary to change, accordingly, it is necessary for elections, but here we the election took place, and there it did not take place, and this whole story is the inflation of information bubbles of this lie in order to capitalize on it. in fact, the russian federation has only one goal, which is the destruction of ukraine, they repeatedly voiced it, then tried to moscow. and then it is pushed out again. we saw it in butchi, we saw it in mariupol, we see in many other places what russia is and what russian interests are. therefore, it is precisely to be deceived by the fact that, according to russia, ukraine has expired powers of the president of ukraine, and because of this they will not talk now, so how many times before that they said that zelensky is illegitimate, how many times they called the post-maidan government in russia, they said that president poroshenko is illegitimate, and what?
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they said about acting president turchynov at one time, yanukovych is still legitimate in them, so we listen less to russia, and focus more on what ukraine needs now in order to survive and win this war. russia will now be abroad and in the middle of ukraine, of course, to expand this thesis as much as possible, to spread it as much as possible regarding the illegitimacy of the ukrainian government, which is absolutely false. and the president of italy , sergio matare. at the un general assembly, said that peace in ukraine is possible only when the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity are restored, and not when russia is rewarded for its aggression. let's listen to what he said from the rostrum of the un general assembly. no state, no matter how powerful it is or equipped with a threatening nuclear arsenal, can even think about violation of principles, including oneself.
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the position of the president of italy is quite clear, although it seemed to me that the italians were somehow trying to maneuver in the russian-ukrainian war, and even more so before putin, italy made some curtseys, but we see that the president of italy clearly speaks about what should not be done. there is no need to fence off or reward russia for aggression, but not a single leader and not a single one of our western partners, the leader of the free world... really, as you say, mr.
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igor, does not say that we need to put an end to putin's russia or putin’s russia will be bottled there, and there is no such thing, putin is going to rule for another 20 or 25 years, well, at least with modern medical technologies, it may well be, that is , in general, he has some plans for the 30th or 35th year, i’m even starting to count how many i will be years old at that time and... he is going to live, well , taking into account the fact that gundyaev told him that by the end of the century he will rule, whether in the other world, probably also, to me, it seems to me that , it's not clear why, why the world can't say, listen, it's like that russia, it poses a threat not only to russia, but also to the entire planet earth, mr. igor, well, i think there are two reasons here, the first reason is nuclear weapons, well, they are objective, you understand, no matter how hard we try... her put it off, it
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is, but, but, the second reason is more important, it seems to me, today in the world, in the democratic world, there is no leader, that is, there is no country or. the leader of some country who could take, or who could take responsibility and say what you are absolutely right about, in the end, well somewhere in the 70s and 80s , there was such a leader at that time in the democratic world, and they were basically the same reagan and partly thatcher and others, they just finished the soviet union, but then the leadership of the united states did not cause, for example , doubts, and they used the tool of sanctions, they used the tool of mass culture, they used some other tools, and all this led to the collapse of the soviet union and the cold war was lost by the soviet union. now by and large it was possible to use the same
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tools that western countries once used to counter the soviet union, the same sanctions, well, only in a slightly different format, not the same as they are today, then the same rate there for the younger generation, especially , that a certain category of russians who lived for democracy, even if it was short-lived, it exists, and it is big enough, and these people, they remember the 90s not only as some kind of pregnant 90s in a negative way, about what putin is constantly trying to talk there, for example, and they remember it as a period of maximum freedom, the opportunity to say what they think is necessary and to discuss any topics, but for this... leadership is needed, that is, someone must not just from the podium of the united nations organization, but on specific some actions, unite other countries, take them with you and make it so that the russian federation, the regime that exists in the russian federation, sooner or later it will cease to exist, because this nuclear deterrence,
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which was during the cold war, it is stored by and large today, but other mechanisms have not yet been included and have not been brought to the level that was, for example , in... because we were attacked, we became the trigger for some of these changes, but well, given the current circumstances there, it 's taking a little longer than we would like, and the margin of safety in the russian federation, well, actually so far it appears to be greater than it was, for example, at that time in the soviet union. thank you sir igor, mr. olezh, just a minute. altars are on the air, what do you think, how will putin's russia end and when? the collapse of the system, and it can happen at any moment, even this year, even in a few years, they have a margin of strength, there is a margin of adaptability, but
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problems are accumulating and black swans are flying in, from where they are not expected, they say that by secret decree in ukraine, one of years of the ural rivers was promoted to the status of a strait and not a river, because the special water operation, in my opinion, made russia is no less a disaster than a certain ukrainian unit. and such calamities are accumulating in russia, then forests are burning, then they have problems with the hospital system everywhere, as soon as it gets to the power block, it is he who is the only bulwark on which russia is holding on. the square nest method of placing security forces in russia. that's when we can see the collapse of the middle. system, judging by everything, it must crumble to the very end, and this can happen at any moment, a cob on clay feet. thank you, we will put an end to this optimistic note to our beautiful conversation today oleg sahakyan, ihor reiterovych were guests of our program today. thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program. throughout our
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broadcast, we conducted a poll, we friends asked you about this, do you see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, these are the results of a television poll 95. yes 5% no, on youtube we have the following ratio: 93%, yes, 7%, no, that’s it, friends, i’m putting an end to it, it was the verdict of provia serhiy rudenko program, i’m saying goodbye to you until tomorrow until 20:00, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on fen 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. no leo will overcome allergies ts3 leo. ts3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts
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represented by coco may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. big broadcast of vasyl zima, this is big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, let's start, two hours of airtime, two hours. of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, right now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to be with you up to date with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much elina chechen for information. about news culture, presenters, who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready
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to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. events actions that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand, antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them , modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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moscow issued orders to increase the production of weapons and ammunition, this happened
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after the approval of the president of the united states , joseph biden, a package of military aid worth 61 billion dollars. this is the same famous package that has been blocked in congress for months. un investigations are ongoing in an effort to confirm whether north korea used weapons russia, which is already actively launching iranian shahedis to strike ukrainian cities. so, they are already arriving in russia. rates, and now it looks like it wants to effectively double its spending on weapons. joining us from washington for analysis is jacob heilbran, editor of the national interest and staff member of the atlantic council. jacob, congratulations and thank you for being with us. how do you interpret the news that russia is increasing its defense spending? well, putin has decided to move in a totalitarian direction. he tries to translate everything the russian economy. on war rails, significantly increasing arms spending and neglecting the economy and the standard of living of the russians, and this is only
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one of the points, because there will be people who will work in manufacturing plants and they can earn good wages, but in general, as you just pointed out, this approach takes a lot of money away from the general public, doesn't it? this is true, and the russian economy... although it managed to drag on much longer than i think the biden administration initially predicted. however, i think that within the next year or so two, russia will have to reap the rewards of its actions, as the number of deaths. among russians continues to grow, and more and more russian resources are being invested in what is essentially a colossal waste. obviously, this is a race against time, because the money that has been blocked in the congress by, let's call it, the trump faction, it's about 61 billion dollars of military aid, which is now going to kyiv from washington, it's clear that they still
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have to wait, don't they yes, such resources do not arrive overnight, russia also does not sleep and tries to increase everything. what can you do now the whole thing has effectively turned into a race against time to arm your troops and make progress on the battlefield. of course, we see that the russians are trying to go on the offensive as quickly as they can, but the ukrainians are already using long-range missiles that they received from the us and other countries to strike behind enemy lines. today, the daily losses of russians amount to more than a thousand people. just imagine. thousand per day, this is an absolutely impressive figure. lloyd austin, the us secretary of defense, called a few days ago countries that have, no matter how strange it sounds, free patriot missile complexes, transfer them to ukraine. the question is why this did not happen earlier, and whether it will be enough. it's never enough, but it's
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absolutely vital, as ukraine has been neglected for months, especially by the united states, and the russians have been systematically... attacking ukraine's energy sector and definitely damaging ukraine's economy and morale. let me remind you that with the new aid package from the usa, ukraine can return as morale, as well as their lost territories. the other day, ukraine hit the energy sector in russia's kursk region. arrival in odesa, the post office, which, judging by everything, did without victims. in fact, there is little information about what is happening, because as we speak, the war is ongoing. i suggest returning to what volodymyr zelenskyi said, namely that nato rushed to help israel when it was attacked by iran, no one hesitated whether it was right or not, zelenskyi points out why not to help ukraine like this, can nato act like this? no, i think we have to exercise
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some caution because we're talking about potentially getting into a direct conflict with russia. this is the red line that joseph. biden will never cross it, but he continues to advance more and more on it, and sending long-range missiles to ukraine is certainly a much more aggressive step than those he was willing to consider before. however , there is evidence that north korean missiles could have been used on the russian side. the un investigated this issue back in january, and just a few days ago odessa was hit by an iskander with a cluster munition. it turns out that there is one. demarcation lines follow one rule and another rule. putin is a dictator who stops at nothing, we are shocked by the figure of a thousand, but he is ready to throw as many people into this meat grinder as he deems necessary. i think that biden managed to unite nato. he managed to provide ukraine with another package of weapons, while
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putin brewed such a mess, which in the end the result can endanger his own. good evening mez of ukraine. glad to see you, i congratulate you, dear viewers, on the day of remembrance and reconciliation. greetings, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes, and we have
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a full broadcast today, and we will have a special project today, where we will actually talk about the second world war , will be for... to visit us in order for you to learn and understand a lot of important information and learn, learned a little more from what you already knew, well, let's start with the announcement of the collection, we ask you to join, we really ask, i even add from myself, to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles for the combat zone in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions -recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray with... so-called neither ours nor yours, in the open air, in any weather day and night, the actual war has no breaks and weekends, so for emergency recovery and return on the battlefield of damaged... military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile, repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks
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for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 500, 630 00 hryvnias, i looked today, we were able to collect a little less than 60 00 hryvnias, actually we need to collect 10 times more, so i am asking you to join, especially on the day of reconciliation. remembrance day is when we remember our ancestors who gave their lives life and health, for the victory over the brown plague, today our army, and actually our whole country is fighting against the tricolor plague that putin brought to our land, and we really need this help, i believe in you, the armed forces of ukraine believe in us, i am convinced that in the near future we will speed up and be able to collect the necessary amount, you understand, the situation in everyone is different - problems with money, lack of finances, it's all there, but if you can, what you can give, and sometimes even a little more, please contribute and donate to the needs of the armed forces.
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well, about the situation at the front, about the situation related to weapons and many other important topics and issues that are directly related to the war, i will ask serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day. serhii, congratulations, you have the floor, please. i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in one of our columns , we will talk about individual details of the enemy missile attack on ukraine, about the probability of receiving the patriot air defense system from romania, and about the tactical nuclear exercises of russia and belarus. it seems that russia is getting quite nervous about the scale of aid to ukraine from the europeans and americans. more on that in a moment. tonight, after an almost two-week pause, the enemy launched another such combined
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missile attack on ukraine, the enemy used 76 means of influence, there were sea-based, land-based and air- based cruise missiles, there were shaheds, there were ballistic missiles from oterk iskander and an air-ballistic dagger. team. the air force reported that it managed to intercept 57 whole, that is, 75%. not managed to shoot down ballistic missiles and a dagger. we know that the enemy's main target was electricity generation and transmission facilities, and despite the powerful work of air defense, such are the hits to critical infrastructure facilities. and ukrenergo reported today that there is a possibility of a supply restriction in the evening. electricity to household and industrial consumers throughout ukraine. regarding the kha-1 cruise missiles, which were used the most in the attack, 45 flew and 33
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were shot down. we received a photo of the wreckage of one of the missiles that was shot down near kyiv. now we are it we will show the photo, and there are two important details here. first, the serial number of the downed missile. shows that it was manufactured in the second quarter of the 24th year, that is, this kh101 missile was literally taken off the assembly line by the russians to attack ukraine, and the second feature of this kha-101 is that it had a double warhead, that is in fact , in addition to the warhead weighing 450 kg, there was another one weighing 350 kg, and here are such missiles with a double warhead... the enemy began to create and use them sometime in march, so we can talk about the fact that he is trying to find such options for more effective strikes on our
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objects, but this missile was shot down by an air defense complex, none of the warheads detonated, and beyond that, of course, the question of strengthening our air defense systems, ukraine is asking partners to transfer more patriots, we know that... we have three patriot batteries, one, another battery was promised to us by germany, the situation that concerns the patriots from israel, who are there are decommissioned in two months, so far this discussion with israel continues, but today it became known that romania can strengthen the defense of ukrainian skies, the president of romania, after a meeting with the president of the united states, said that... he is ready to discuss the possibility of providing ukraine with the patriot air defense system , but it will be after he holds government meetings in his own country
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with... i say that in romania, there is actually one patriot battery now, but three more have been ordered, so this battery is actually ordered, which is the closest to supply from the united states, may be transferred to ukraine, but these are political statements for now, we will see when they will be implemented in practice, then we will talk about the situation with russia and belarus, because this unity to... can ukraine from the side european countries, on the part of the united states, the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine, which french president macron spoke about, britain's permission to use its long-range weapons, in particular the stormshadow missile on russian territory, as well as well as the unblocking of aid from the united states seems to have significantly alarmed the russian authorities, and against this background the russian
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side announced. about conducting exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, and belarus has even started conducting such exercises. what does it all mean? we will talk about this with our guest. we are joined by oleksiy yezhak, an expert at the national institute of strategic studies. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. in return, i congratulate you. and that's how long russia is preparing to conduct exercises with tactical nuclear weapons. and these studies have to pass in the district that is tangent to the borders of ukraine, training has already started there today with su-25 aircraft, with otrk iskander missiles, i would like to ask you, because you have been doing research related to the concept of strategic nuclear deterrence for a long time , here russia and belarus are starting
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to use. tactical nuclear weapons or, let's say, the mention of these weapons as an element of influence on the western world, what will be, conditionally speaking, the consequences of such actions, what is the political and technical side of these exercises, what is important to understand in this current situation, well i'll start with a small note, you mentioned the kha 101, which has a dual warhead, it's obvious that they are converting this missile from strategic to non-strategic. because the double main part, it means that the range is less, and here it should be noted, it is perhaps important, that even when the soviet union and the united states first negotiated the start treaty, the start-1 treaty, there was such an agreement that cruise missiles would not will be equipped with main parts that are separated, so russia is returning somewhere back to those times in the 80s, in the 70s. something there
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well, this is generally the movement of russia somewhere in the opposite direction, so i think from this point of view you can look at what they are doing now, in terms of exercises, they are trying to bring back the fear of nuclear weapons, and we see how this is happening, putin says, and lukashenko seems to be doing something, and besides, there are a lot of strange things, so to speak... well, for example, these exercises are complex iskander plus su-25, well, well, iskander, yes, iskander, there is probably the main part for iskander there , but su-25, there is still a reminder, when it came down to it, there were inconsistencies, when lukashenko and putin did not understand which aircraft would actually be dual-purpose, the su-25, it must be said, were specially created so that they would be non-nuclear,
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specifically, precisely in non-nuclear. in the form they existed in the soviet union, and the fact that such a nuclear role is attributed to them now, well, that is also strange, but in general, if we talk about all these absurdities, they are about the fact that russia wants, well, it is now trying to close the gap, it was it is more or less clear that no matter how our partners feel about nuclear threats russia, in principle, understood that nato countries... they will be directly involved in this war, weapons will be supplied in this way, but, but there will be no weapons of their own on the territory of russia, and no troops of their own in ukraine, and now we see that the united states observes, they, as they say, do not encourage the use of their nuclear weapons, their weapons on the territory of russia and their troops, it remains such a taboo, but france and the united kingdom.


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