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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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that these fortifications will somehow be able to affect the actions that we are going to take there, well, it is not worth it, i think that we all understand this perfectly, and if we still decide to liberate crimea, well, i would like to this year the beginning of liberation, then in order for crimea to be liberated, forgive me for being a bit taftological, we need to destroy the kerch bridge , one of the russians' ... melitopol, via volnovakha, via well from the russian federation, and that plazderem that we have near krynyk, it is not actively expanding yet, but we have been holding it for more than six months, and i am sure that what we, the knowledge we have acquired on... more precisely, experience, how should it
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be done, our special units of the main intelligence agency, which, well, they are called teams that know how to conduct combat operations from the water, they trained in great britain for at least six months, they were already experienced people, they are not those who are newly mobilized , but nevertheless they came for additional training, therefore, we expect that further after krynyk we will be able to move... somewhere already in the direction of skidovsky, in the direction of armyansky, well, the main thing is to cut off crimea from external supplies, turn it into a conditional island, destroy the anti-aircraft defenses located there, the means of communication , what we are actively doing is to destroy the airfields that jinkoi saki, about that too, you just said, then any fortifications that will be built there, they will not matter, then the military group that will be left with nothing and of any supply from... who often
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part of the russian federation will be largely doomed, the patients understand this very well, they were preparing for it, but to do something substantial, they even wanted to turn large landing ships into transports in order to deliver something, realizing that logistical criteria can be broken, but i think , that our and the main directorate of intelligence and the security service of ukraine, especially the general staff, and the ranks of the supreme commander-in-chief understand perfectly what needs to be done and we are gradually already taking these actions. you know, mr. oleksiy, i really like him read the russian occupation, crimean telegram channels, well, i like it, because they are panicking there, especially after the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine with weapons attacks on crimea and on russian military facilities, and you know, they write about the fact that ukraine's tactics are now like this, it destroys russian and weakens russian air defenses in order to during the inauguration of... russian leader putin and
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just hit the kerch bridge, that's how you like the story, can we really expect such a gift for vatashka russians? well, not much was involved, the inauguration is planned on may 7, not quite legitimate, according to the european union, the president, well , it would be very good, you know, for the russians, the russians love it. to adapt some actions to certain dates, it is inherent in them, well, it is not quite correct from the cart point of view, but sometimes before that, well, war is the continuation of politics by other means, and it necessarily has a political component, if on on october 7, just in time for the inauguration, to hit the kerch bridge, i think that the effect will be very, very serious, you can imagine it is a holiday, when it is a holiday for us, when on... on
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the day of putin's inauguration, there will be a message in all russian newspapers that the kerch bridge has already been destroyed, although i think that if we do it on this particular day, then the russian means the mass media will report about it, well, not earlier, somewhere after may 10-11, because for them the ninth is a sacred date, the seventh is also almost a sacred date and to indicate such news for these days, well, for them it will be almost impossible. well, as far as i remember, the first attack was on the kerch bridge was also related to the date, it seems that putin's birthday there was plus or minus one day, and this is the birthday of october 6, or the seventh, wait, the seventh, regularly, regularly greetings are sent by our armed forces, and there are many such interesting dates , you are right that if not may 7, it is possible may 9, not may 9, so in the summer, but... already
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signals that the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge will be destroyed, are being sent not only by the armed forces of ukraine, we have seen for example, how the lithuanian ambassador to sweden published a post on the internet: with a hint that it is better to take pictures near the bridge now, because in the future such an opportunity may not present itself, that is, ukraine's western partners support such a development and know about such plans and will not object. lithuania is our reliable partner, they are our friends, and when they make such statements, well, you know, well , still, yes, we repeat that war is also, children by other means, but pressure, emotional pressure, political pressure on there must be an enemy, especially if it is made from our partners, from those countries that are members of the alliance, then this is very good, and we can see this on the screen of another publication,
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a ukrainian diplomat already hinted that the kerch bridge may disappear, and depicted various forms of places that exist in the world, where it is written. not kerch, there is no bridge there, so the signals are more than transparent, but the question is how it will be done, the russian newspaper kommersant published details of how the kerch bridge was blown up for the first time, whether it was a solid-propellant tver, solid explosives from or solid fuel from a rocket , which was transported by truck wrapped in polyethylene and... e the second attack was already by sea drones, what is more likely to happen now, some kind of sabotage technique with trucks, with transport, or drones, or missiles? well, you know, there are only three options, how it can
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be done, this is an air attack, a sea attack and a sabotage attack, obviously one of them, if we say that there will be one of these three, then we will guess 100%, because there will be others cannot be most likely, a combined attack will be used, because it will be the most difficult for the russians to prevent it. and i am sure that it will be some sabotage actions, well, of course, all of them we are waiting for the missiles that we have, but it is possible to destroy the canvas on the bridge with rockets, but sometimes it is still necessary to destroy it with explosives from the water, well, although it is possible, if the rocket hits accurately, it will hit the support, and it will be some kind of powerful a rocket, then... it is quite possible, well , two or three more rockets, then the main thing is to knock down, not the canvas, well, not what lies on top, to put it simply, but not what it rests on, this must be destroyed, i am sure that when it collapses, it will be extremely difficult to rebuild it, especially since these, well,
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the russians will most likely try to start some repair work, but destroying those repair works is easier than destroying the bridge. that's why the russians also understand this perfectly, well , let's see, i'm sure that the attack will be combined after all, and all three components must work at the same time, then there will be very little chance for the russians to defend themselves. and mr. oleksiy, and what consequences will these have for the russian occupiers, well, of course, from a political point of view, this is both for the fsb and for putin, a very powerful image blow, yes, when they say that... crimea is unsinkable aircraft carrier, and now such a strike as it was, for example, last time, it was really very powerful, but if we talk about the military point of view, what will be the consequences for the russian occupiers and how it can radically change the situation on the battlefield, as with from the point of view of crimea
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and the southern direction, well, you know, we don’t sink the aircraft carrier, it can even be agreed, because it is really impossible to sink the peninsula directly, but if such... the aircraft carrier will be left without everything necessary for its life, for its life life support, then the aircraft carrier, as the russians say, turns into a flying dutchman, that is, it will not be sunk, but it will not function, well , it will not be able to function, how will it affect the course of hostilities, well, i am sure that some hostilities actions in the east, it is unlikely that he will be able to even almost sink an aircraft carrier. is unlikely to be able to do, eh, the russian troops that are concentrated there and the logistics that exist there, they will still remain, will remain, but there is more here, well, what will be the significance of the military, we will free a very large part of our territory, and then we will be able to build
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some of our strategic objects, tactical objects, maybe there, we can use our aviation, we hope that it will be in the 16th, it will have an impact, but not like that, no, directly on indirectly on on the entire front line, well, this means such questions, they are so, well, not obvious, but they are so voluminous that what exactly, well... well, everything will be affected, everything will be affected immediately, this is a war hybrid, it consists, among other things, of political, economic, ideological, informational and so on, components, that is all these components, they will work, and besides, this is our territory, here is yours, mr. ulsun, i think that you, your brothers, our friends, the crimeans, the crimean tatars whom you represent, they will also be inspired by this . god willing, and by the way, the ukrainian political leadership has sent a signal that
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the crimeans mobilized by the occupiers will not be prosecuted in ukraine under certain conditions, it is said that if they were forcibly mobilized, and this is a sign that ukraine clearly understands who its enemies that are not crimeans, directly residents of crimea, and there are occupiers who seized crimea, and if it happened that crimeans could not avoid mobilization, then they can count on the fact that they will not be judged for this, if they did not participate in some radical actions against the ukrainian armed forces, is this an important signal, well, purely psychologically, is it too late to talk at all, this is a very important signal, the fact is that when the preparations for the so-called elections of president putin began in the temporarily occupied territories, in including in the crimea, then cooking like lists of voters, they once again checked
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where everyone is, where people of conscription age are, and after the elections were held on march 15-17, they began to mobilize people with all their might, according to those supposedly electoral lists, to avoid mobilization, well, it was extremely it's difficult, because there could be very strict responsibility up to... not prison, up to execution, there the russians already used such and such a means of punishment and we heard about it within their troops and around, so i don't think that it makes sense to somehow blame these people, there are traitors, well, there are traitors in any country during any war, therefore those people who went with weapons in their hands to fight against ukraine voluntarily or very actively. they were performing their supposedly official duties, well, this is their official duty, but it's a crime to carry out a criminal order,
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it's also a crime, so people, i'm sure there will be certain, certain actions from our law enforcement agencies, all other people, they have no reason to it is to be condemned, on the contrary, i am sure that they will form that base, that foundation of those people around whom there will be the power in crimea will be formed, around whom will be the ukrainian power in crimea, we already remember how many cases when people disappeared in crimea, especially of the tatar nationality, how many fabricated accusations were made against them, that's why i think it's going, let's remember remember that our underground people work there, our partisans, who help us a lot in certain data, in certain actions related to intelligence, those missiles that arrive at airfields, other things, they are not... that we use , when we plan these, we prepare these battles orders and plan these combat measures, that
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we rely only on this intelligence char intelligence, space development, well intelligence provided, including the intelligence provided by people who are very risky in different ways, but help our armed forces to quickly liberate this peninsula of occupation, therefore, that is, there is internal support from the side, many times we heard intelligence from our headquarters, you know, well , when... they greeted us with the same s400, and then they said that the underground helped us a lot, well , it was just yours, maybe yours, even i know you, mr. volsun, so it is possible that there may be, but i am not sure, the russian occupiers are also spreading information that they can shoot down atek missiles, that the russian military should not be afraid of them, but the united states of america. they say it's not true, so can they knock them down or can't they? no, knocking down after knocking down there is a big problem,
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but they, you know, they are improving, the russians, they also see what kind of weapons we use, during the war, the improvement of everyone is going very fast, of each type of equipment, taking into account, well, their capabilities and capabilities, how to protect against them, there is, yes, there is such information that using radio-electronic means... well, they impair the gps signals that guide missiles, and the accuracy of such missiles, of all the missiles, well, the ones we use, the ones that use external control, control in exactly all of them. deteriorates and the efficiency drops, well, we also expected it, we understand it perfectly well, that the russians will improve, and we also have to improve our means of attack, with which we attack russian military facilities, well , it does not happen that some weapon used by any of the parties becomes impossible to impress the other party, and the other party
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draws conclusions and prepares very quickly, and the russians are also like that ... are doing, so to say that these missiles will also cause the same damage as at the beginning of when we started to receive them, it is not worth it, of course, their effectiveness, well, that is what they say in the pentagon, their effectiveness is decreasing, that is, fewer missiles hit the target thanks to some capabilities for intercepting the anti-aircraft missile system and means of radio-electronic warfare, but this does not mean that they have become unnecessary and they cannot cause... significant damage to the enemy, the only thing that will have to be, well, unfortunately, used on a few percent more rockets to achieve the same wash as a half horn. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, chokhsaglin, for taking the time to join our broadcast. oleksiy getsman was in direct contact with us. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran
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russian-ukrainian war. and we have a short break, right andrii? yes, 5 minutes for advertising and we meet again. with you in the beraber together program, this is the main news of crimea, a joint project of the crimean tatar channel atr and the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also respectable. guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening! silya malika, we welcome you to the joint project of the atr tv channel and the tv channel, i gulsom
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galilova and my colleague andriy yanitsky are working for you in the studio. greetings, greetings to everyone, we are talking about... the main crimean news and we are not talking about ourselves, we are inviting experts, today the second expert in our program is olga koryshka, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, ms. olga, congratulations, congratulations vaslya malik, congratulations, let's focus on humanitarian issues, the first block was more about military issues, and before you, let's talk about pensions, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, crimea, the rada of ukraine adopted a law that simplifies restoration of pensions for crimeans, for ukrainians who move from crimea to the territory controlled by kyiv, do you know about these simplifications, why they are important or unimportant for crimeans, and now, as far as i understand, not so many crimeans are moving, this is already preparation for the liberation of crimea, when
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will it be necessary to integrate crimeans into crimean society or? and it is possible to consider this signal in this way? yes, this is an important issue, precisely about pensions, since this bill, it was expected for a long time, the issue of pension payments for residents of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, it has been standing since the very beginning of the temporary occupation, there have been several attempts to regulate this issue, all this time this situation looked like that... a person moves from the territory of crimea, applies to the branch of the pension fund from application for payment renewal, that is, we are talking only about those pensioners who became such before 2014, those who already received pensions, were registered, and then the mechanism was already started, when a person had to provide information, confirmation, yes information that he does not receive a pension there in
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the temporarily occupied territory, there was an exchange of pension cases on... the legal environment also reacted very negatively, and the people themselves complained about it, since in fact it was a matter of personal data that moved between countries that are at war, this draft law, i cannot say that it will definitely directly improve the existing situation, but we consider it as the first step towards removing restrictions on receiving a pension for temporary residents. of the occupied territory of crimea, unfortunately, not many people are actually moving now due to the full-scale invasion and the long way that must be overcome from the territory of crimea to the controlled territory of ukraine. but there are such people, there are those people who have not been able to receive a pension all this time, because after a large-scale invasion, all diplomatic ties with the russian federation,
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and people became hostages of the situation, now this draft law will unlock this possibility, there is still waiting for the preparation of subordinate legal acts, i am talking about the decisions of the government, which should precisely prescribe the procedure, where and how and in what manner a person should apply, well, this is really what i wanted to ask, when and where to come and, if before the large-scale invasion, and citizens of ukraine came to kherson, the kherson region, and where the office of the permanent representation of the president of ukraine in crimea worked, and right now, there is simply no such possibility, that is, where can people come to kyiv, directly to the office? no, we are not a pension fund, these will be defined pension administrations, i think that the pension fund
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is taking care of this issue, as far as i know, it will be possible to apply to any pension territorial pension department, but we are waiting for the development of the government's decision, just there it must be spelled out, the main thing is that the restrictions have been removed and this system must become law. it is simply determined that during a certain period a mechanism must be developed, then we are waiting for it. ugh. let's talk about the crimeans, who are forced to be under occupation, now, how life is in crimea. i read such information that during the 10 years of occupation of crimea , russia condemned 320 residents due to political motives and are condemned, including for such things, for example, performing a ukrainian song in public. or wrote something wrong in social networks, or saw elements of the colors of the ukrainian flag in clothes and someone wrote to us, is everything so surreal
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in crimea now, what facts do you record and how can this be fought? yes, unfortunately, we do record such facts, here i think it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are several types of responsibility to which the aggressor state attracts. temporarily occupied territory, what you are talking about is criminal responsibility, some of these people are those who are political prisoners, we consider them to be people who are deprived of personal, illegal personal freedom by the aggressor state, according to some articles, and this happened since the beginning of the temporary occupation, more that which concerns on the contrary, it is precisely when a person has already repeatedly committed administrative offenses. and were brought to criminal liability, also at the moment we recorded about 800 administrative cases of fines for the so-called discrediting of the armed forces
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of the russian federation, before the broadcast, when i was watching, at the moment, somewhere around 21.6 million russian rubles have been collected in the form of fines for just such violations, that is, there is also music here, we know of cases when it... a woman was detained because she had a manicure that looks like the ukrainian flag, for listening to music, for liking, for reposting, for some information or some image that, according to the occupying authorities, can be considered as support for the armed forces of ukraine, there is a case just after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories a woman was detained in crimea because she wrote "we are waiting" on a bulletin board. zsu, that is, for such cases, people are detained, brought to various degrees of responsibility, either administratively or criminally. and fines, and if i'm not mistaken, the last one
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sometimes there are a lot of fines against activists of crimean solidarity, and not only because of this article regarding the discrediting of the russian army, and it even started to happen that they come with an administrative case, and the discrediting of the rosarmy of the lib dem. putin, and then they find in the house of the person who is being searched, some weapons, or just some cartridges, artillery or other, and then open a criminal case again? yes, we recorded about 780 such facts in administrative proceedings for discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation federations, these are exactly the fines you are talking about. is there any e? selectivity, if we look at the ethnic and religious origin of the detainees, is there a bias towards
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the detention of crimean tatars and muslims? and whether muslims and slavs equally detain ukrainians as well? well, look, i would say that there is no particular selectivity or there is no logical approach, because the actions that are taken, as i said before, are for anything that they consider a threat to themselves, with about 130 political prisoners we count 218 political prisoners, 135 of them are crimean tatars, these are precisely those who have been detained and held in the places of nesvoboda since 2014, if, for example, we talk about administrative cases, then here we conducted for ourselves, these are quite such interesting statistics , which is about 40% of those who are brought to
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administrative responsibility, for example, that is, this means that almost every second person detained, or the one for whom an administrative protocol was drawn up, is a woman, in relation to some other disagreements there, we information was not collected, with the general position that they detain, they can detain anyone and for anything, well, the situation with political prisons is really difficult now, because we see how the russians... sir , they are phasing yes, the crimean tatars are not only detained there under the articles of terrorism and so on, but simply to other colonies, for example, yesterday it became known that the russian occupiers transported rustem sheikhaliyev to a siberian colony, and political drunkards talk about the fact that there are very difficult conditions holding and we know that, for example, last year,
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dzemil gafa. so the crimean-tatar political prisoner simply died in a russian prison because of the inhuman attitude of the russian occupiers. how is the situation with these issues now, for example, is the issue being discussed with the turkish side regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we see how the russian occupiers and jailers simply treat our political prisoners and we can already say that they are simply killed in prison. such as dzhemily gafarov. yes, i think it's worth it to explain, including why they are staged, so far, because the russian federation actually pursues several goals, the first is the goal of severing any ties with relatives or those who can support these political prisoners, since it is very far and to get to these places of detention, you need to fly and
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agree on this meeting in advance. or with the head of this institution, this is the first, second, for the fact that the articles under which these people are detained and then sentenced provide for very long terms, according to that legal reality of the russian federation, people who receive such significant terms, special places of detention are provided for them, which, as a rule , are very far away, so here, as it were , they are specially applied to them. such articles to send as far as possible. regarding the negotiations, i do not know this information at the moment, i think that this is more a question of those of our bodies that deal with exchanges or take care of these issues, for my part, i can say that we are constantly conducting an information campaign that concerns the violation of the rights of the residents of the temporarily occupied
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territories, including those illegal for... we constantly communicate with our international partners and talk about including these people in various resolutions, so that these voices and these people are heard, regarding the places of detention, we constantly communicate with relatives in order to , to make such information about what are the terrible conditions of receipt, and including that international. the community could react to this, knowing about it, because the situation with afarov, it is simply extremely blatant, since this was a person already at an age, he had chronic diseases even before his detention, and these are just the conditions of receipt and really led to the fact that he died, ugh, well, there was simply, you know, the situation with sheriff malkoch and the shoemaker, the turkish shoemaker, who came to kyiv and even...


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