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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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of the occupied territory, including these illegal detentions, uh, we are constantly communicating with our international partners and talking about including these people in various resolutions, so that these voices and these people are heard, uh, regarding the places of detention, constantly we are communicating with relatives in order to make such information about the terrible conditions of reception, and... including so that the international community can react to it, knowing about it, because the situation with gaferov, it is simply extremely egregious , since it was a man already in age, he had chronic diseases even before his detention, and these are simply the conditions of receipt and really led to the fact that he died, ugh, well, there was simply, you know, the situation with sheriff malkoch and the shoemaker, the turkish shoemaker, who came to kyiv and even... he took part in an iftar with
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the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and then had a meeting with representatives of the border region of the crimean tatar people and directly with the permanent representation of the president, and as you know, they talked about exactly that, about the possibility of negotiations between the russian obbutsmen and the turkish obbutsmen regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we already have such experience with akhtemm cheygoz and ilmi umerov and... now a lot of questions are coming to our editorial offices from the families of political prisoners regarding these changes. i understand that ms. olga does not take part in these negotiations, so she cannot clarify this story for us, but i thank ms. gults for telling us in more detail. mrs. olga, if we talk about washing the cities of the crimeans, especially the children of the crimeans, about how it is with ukraine. are made by the russians, the bearers of ideas
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russkogo mira, how it happens, where this propaganda is stitched, we saw some absolutely wild photos about how children kneel and in the shape of a pentagram of some kind, and to celebrate or mark the day, as now the russians are trying to do the genocide of the russian or soviet people from the german-fascist invaders, well, that kind of thing , well, it’s not like a scoop, well, it’s just some stalinist times, it seems to me that even in stalin’s times there was no such thing, such propaganda and washing of cities, which innovations in this direction are used by the russians, well in fact, they are deepening this story, because recently there was a youth event there, to which they seemed to try to attract... representatives
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of international and other foreign countries, the youth union, or whatever it was called, so they are trying to include crimea in the all-russian context, in including in communication with those countries that still somehow communicate with the russian federation, organizing joint events. in fact, the situation is stable-bad. well, here we always talk about the army, about militarization education, now a lot of people are dealing with educational issues - in the government, certain decisions were made in this regard, and they also studied the information that is taught there in the temporarily occupied territories, then all education is permeated with propaganda - in any of its manifestations, these are educational hours, there is also the question of memorialization, how
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many people who, for example, studied at school in crimea, and then died in the war of the war of russia against ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, open memorial plaques and demand that the children go directly to the parade ground and solemnly were present at the opening of these boards, that is why various methods of influence are used here, unfortunately, it is really children as the category that can most perceive this story, and the russian federation has always bet on children, eh, they are, of course, very, very under the influence of the reality imposed by the russian federation, but on the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to understand what challenges the state will face after the de-occupation of the territory, and what we need to start doing now, communicating which programs. .. implement projects for
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to return young people, to return children from the occupied territories, and here we can actually talk not only about crimea, because crimea was the territory where the russian... federation made, implemented its project, and then simply began to extend it to new temporary occupied territories, because the same story with passporting, er, the same story with, for example, forcing you to get a passport and in that case you will be provided with some kind of medical or social assistance, that is, all this is repeated, they also started burning books and throwing them away them in in the newly occupied territories and introduce their... program, that is, what they did in crimea, they are now spreading to the newly occupied territories. that is, can we talk about the factor of the lost generation, because the children who were born in 2014 are already 10 years old, and those who were 10 years old are
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already in their 20s, and this constant militarization of children's consciousness , it has very serious consequences, how are we going to deal with it, you know, i wouldn't call it a lost generation, i don't know, maybe because of the fact that i'm already working with this topic i have been dealing with the topic for a long time and in general since 2015, it does not seem like a lost generation to me, i just have this opinion that it is these groups of people, children, that they should be exactly that group when where the state policy should be directed , these are people... who need support, and in fact, every year i help with the admission company, the implementation of the admission company for crimeans to come, enter ukrainian educational institutions, i communicate with these people, and i see what they want , can and in
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they have the ability to adapt, including the issue of language, it concerns the issue of life here in general, because the child who comes, maybe he does not consider himself a child, but he comes as a young person, he already comes without parents and without the opportunity at any moment to go home and see her relatives, she is forced to adapt here, then it works out quickly for them, i see their successes, so i cannot conclude that this is a lost generation. mrs. olga, thank you, olga koryshka, patroness the permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea was with us about entering a ukrainian university. for the crimeans, we will definitely talk about it in our next issues, for today we are finishing up, this is the beraber together program, a program that is made jointly by two tv channels, crimean tatar, the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel, all-ukrainian, and in the studio
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were me, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, my colleague. thank you very much. goodbye. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property? i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how did the war reduce the number of kremlin sellers? these people became much less. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about those scoundrels who began to serve the occupiers at the call of their soul and wallet. all traitors of our state should remember: if you want to help russia, be ready not only to receive suspicion, but also to say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which
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was confiscated from individual collaborators in accordance with the decision of the national security council. more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting an external aggressor every second. by russia cleansing of enemies, accomplices, and occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war became a real tragedy for ukraine, it helped reduce the number of traitors. there are a lot of people, so according to the current legislation, these people became much less, and the war itself. honestly, war is a great tragedy, but war is definitely a helper. reduction of traitors in ukraine, where this is a fact. traitors are discovered almost every day: some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences in absentia. our partisans set up ambushes on some of them, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly working on
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the list of sanctioned persons who have been indicted for collaborative activities. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. the most famous among the collaborators, who have the ministry. the justice system of ukraine has already confiscated the property acquired by treacherous hard work of volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. the fake governor is known not only in ukraine. and in the swamps, due to his own stupidity in the summer of 2023, he became famous all over the world, when after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gez, the audience saw a tragicomic video where the balance stands against the background of a new kakhovka flooded with water, but says that there are no floods in the city, people are calm are moving the streets, i just drove through the streets, people are calmly working gas stations, shops are working. saldo owned three plots of land and three apartments in ukraine. non-residential premises, parking spaces, a separate residential building and a granite quarry in the zhytomyr region. all this
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was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit of the state. the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with his reputation and property, but also with his own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives were also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. it was blown up. an improvised explosive device filled with nuts and bolts, and it was detonated just as the patrol car was leaving. in november 2023, the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment. whether he will put them behind bars depends only on the one who grabs the traitor by the throat first, law enforcement officers, special services or partisans. don't get to prison alive, well, very high. and this is another
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collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lower rank, the head of the occupied new hovel , volodymyr leontiev. here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 . all authorities are working, the city is intact, the city is clean, we need to save everything, we need to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in... the days of the war, despite the fact that min lived in abundance in ukraine and had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine, the ministry of justice confiscated his apartment in kyiv on podoli, a private house in nova kakhovka, three avkivkas, a motor vessel, a trailer, an apartment in the luhansk region and 50% of ukrtrans-nadra. at the end of march of this year , leontiv was sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello russia, cheers! the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye to their property. in particular, from this traitor, the ministry of justice
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confiscated apartments in donetsk and kharkiv regions: a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, deputy of the so-called people's council of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that an anti-terrorist operation is taking place here, as ukraine claims, a real community. kateryna martyayanova has been promoting anti-ukrainian theses for 10 years since the first invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the airwaves of propaganda shows in the temporarily occupied territories. on the channels novorosiya tv, oplod tv, narodne tv donbas, until the occupiers closed them down due to lack of funding. donetsk people's republic passed to the people's council 68 deputies from the public movement of the donetsk republic. martyanova has an award. from pushilin and zakharchenko. since 2014, he has been actively involved in the creation of the occupation
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authorities in donetsk. in 2022, she actively helped organize and hold illegal referendums, so now all her property in donetsk, makiivka and kharkiv regions belongs to the state according to a court decision. and this is the so-called colleague of martyanova from the neighboring luhansk region. this is svitlana gizai, a deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. we talked to the women's club about life luhansk people's republic and what the club does. the ministry of justice of ukraine confiscated an apartment in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region from deputy kyzai, leaving her not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and teacher oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014 during an explosion in the luhansk administration building, when... it was already captured by separatists, the so-called appalachians arranged a luxurious funeral for him. no one thought that
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they would bury him today. the main task of today, so that his work will be continued by the younger generation. those who will definitely continue and complete their work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, are ukrainian patriots, sooner or later all traitors will end up either in prison or in the ground, and there . they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine there. among the traitors who got rid of their real estate by the verdict of the ukrainian court are those who, until 2014, built a brilliant career in crimea, free from invaders, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of department. in 2020, the occupiers appointed him rector of the local pseudo-university. the evening before , the prime minister of russia, mykhailo mishustin, signed an order on the appointment of andrii falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here, falleev
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is conducting a tour of the university with a propaganda team, above his chair on the wall you see... a portrait of putin. here it is, you see, i have given you this sign, this time you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously, thank you very much. but the portrait of putin did not help falaleev for long to sit in the rector's chair. only 3 years. in 2023, the occupation authorities themselves forced him to resign. everything is in the old russian tradition. the russians do not abandon theirs. in addition to this , the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated falaleev's apartment. but don't be sad, andrei. the secret doors of the ukrainian prison are always open for you. surrender to our law enforcement officers, and you will definitely have a place to live for the next 15 years. i believe that schools should order textbooks because they are teaching. this is not politics. and this scientist is a well-known savior of the occupiers to the general public. dmytro tabachnyk was
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the minister of education of ukraine under yanukovych. now he is in the temporarily occupied territories, takes an active part in... material and technical support and functioning of the occupation administrations. here he is in august of last year speaking on the broadcast of the krym-24 propaganda channel dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think that russian lands should go to russia, and let the experts criticize me, as a historian, i believe that galicia is not ukrainian land. and the population there is far from ukrainian, that's why if ukraine is divided along historical borders, the hungarians will remain fed, the poles will remain fed, and certainly the romanians will remain fed. according to the results of the lawsuit to the ministry of justice, vaks collected the following property of the traitorous tobacconist from the state income:
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half of an apartment, five plots of land, a residential building near kyiv with an area of ​​673 m2, money. funds in the amount of usd 144,000 and claims on funds in the amount of about uah 41 million. the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. in total, 13 appear in the latest list of the ministry of justice traitors and collaborators from the gauleiter to petty officials in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these noblemen have already said goodbye to their apartments. houses, cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some, perhaps, to life. the fate of those who support the enemy by their actions is unpredictable, but always disastrous. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about kremi zaprodyns, write to us at this e-mail
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address or simply on facebook. together let's send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you a week on espresso. 15-year-old dmytro batikov, 12-year-old georgy chupir and 17-year-old vasyl lebedenko. all these boys disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region and where they are now. no one knows, so i really hope for your help. of course, first of all i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region. i know that not everyone has the opportunity to watch ukrainian tv channels, but i hope that you can watch this program on social networks, so please look carefully at the faces of the children.
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dmytro batikov turned 15 at the beginning of april. he looks his age, he has dark blond hair and brown eyes, the boy lived in the city of bare pier, and information about the child's disappearance came even on the first day of the full-scale war. georgy chupir looks about 12 years old, he is of medium build, has light blond hair and gray-green eyes. the boy also disappeared on the first day of the full-scale invasion of the village of abrikosivka. and this is vasyl lebedenko, he is 17 years old, skinny guy. has dark blond hair and brown eyes, looks maybe a little older than his age. vasyl was last seen in february 2022 in the city of gola prystan. this is scud. the district of kherson oblast, which remains occupied since the first days of the full-scale war. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of dmitry, george
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or vasyl, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can contact magnolia children's tracing service call at any time of the day by dialing the short number 1163. calls from all ukrainian... mobile operators are free, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children. found and now everything is with them okay, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them, believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website
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of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time, in the territories controlled by ukraine. children also disappear, as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. be interested in your child's interests. invite her friends over. even if it will be very noisy, even if after that there will be a terrible rout in the house. it's still useful, it's still good. why? because, first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you. secondly, you will know what she is interested in, with whom she communicates, to whom
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contact in case of thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you too. and lastly, even if it is not your child who needs help, but one of his friends, perhaps because you will be the only adult. who will be able to provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, simply go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrame u.a. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. congratulations viewers of the espresso channel, my name is kateryna galko and this is our exclusive conversation with the ex-prime minister of the republic of moldova. let's start. mrs. natalya, you held the post of prime minister at the exact time when a full-scale invasion began in ukraine. so, how do you remember the mood in moldova at that time, and did you see a threat? then also for moldova. of course, we believed from the very beginning that this russian invasion of ukraine was a flagrant violation of international law.
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we supported ukraine from day one. we knew about the intelligence, we knew the information that the war might start, so we prepared in case of unforeseen circumstances. but at the same time, until the last minute, we did not think that such a large , full-scale war, the largest in europe after the second world war, could happen very close to ukraine. therefore, of course, we mobilized the entire society in support of ukraine. first of all, they helped the influx of refugees, but then, of course. also,
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of course, we had to focus on minimizing the impact of the war on our citizens, even in our country there is no combat war, we are engaged in a hybrid war. we observed rather tragic economic consequences, therefore , at the same time as helping the ukrainian people, we also focused on helping the moldovan people. how the attitudes and the scale have changed to... first of all, let me mention people-to-people contacts, because i think that's the most important thing. i think that there were many ukrainians who discovered moldovans and many moldovans who discovered ukrainians, and i know very beautiful stories about how people get closer, about how people are starting to cooperate, whether it's mayors or local authorities or businessmen, i know that ukrainians
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are for... business here, started a new life, and i think we saw a high appreciation of how moldovan society responded to the refugee crisis, you know before the war at unhcr, the high commissioner for refugees, you know, thought that we could take in a maximum of 25,000 people, but as the whole society mobilized and we saw people taking people into their homes, we see... because of this at the peak of the crisis, we were able to accept 125,000 refugees, that is, five times our total estimated capacity. and you know, we've seen a lot
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of these human... they're still less than 50% because neutrality has been used for a long time as a concept that would help us get rid of russian troops, but of course, now we're seeing that it doesn't work that way. therefore, we observe profound changes,
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as in contact. moldova and ukraine simultaneously began their journey to the european union. how difficult was this path for your country, and what are the biggest challenges now? i believe it was a natural path, as for ukraine, as well as for moldova. you know, we have a majority in the parliament, and if you look at the election manifesto, we said that we will apply for... accession to the eu by the end of the mandate in 2024, actually the 25th year. so, you know, we felt that applying for candidate status was a natural next step to our association agreement and the association process itself. and we have always
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talked with the eu about the fact that our neighbors... should not mean our exclusion from the status of a potential candidate. now we saw that the war in ukraine brought us very close to european partners, and this concerns the architecture of the entire european project. that is why it is important for europe that ukraine wins. so we didn't see it as a hard road, we didn't see it as a course change. and we are grateful that our european partners saw, saw our point of view, and when i say ours, i mean ukraine and moldova. the russian federation still has a significant influence on life in moldova. how to reduce its impact. so, one thing i want everyone to understand is, you know, it's like 2014.


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