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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, on the air of news, khrystyna is working in the studio. perubiy a man died in lviv oblast due to a grenade explosion. this was reported to the regional police. the tragic incident happened in boryslav. a 24-year-old local resident died on the spot. law enforcement officers are establishing the circumstances of the incident. in cherkasy, a trolleybus collided with a fire truck. as a result of the accident, two people were hospitalized. among them is a child. four more passengers got minor injuries.
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wound. this was reported in the regional office police the accident happened at the intersection. a fire engine with flashing beacons and siren was crossing the road at a red light. after the collision, the trolleybus flew onto the pavement. five more cars were damaged. the police are investigating the circumstances of the accident. at night, the enemy launched 20 shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky destroyed 17 drones. in odesa, reported the air force of ukraine. drones attacked our territory from mysuchaud in the temporarily occupied crimea. burning in russia, in the krasnodar region. drones attacked an oil depot. about this local media reports. russian rep systems allegedly neutralized six drones, but several drones still fell on reservoirs in the village of yurivka. i got busy there.
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fire, the consequences are currently being investigated. it was a hellish night in russian belgorod as well. at night , explosions rang out in the city, according to the local governor, residential buildings and cars burned. presumably, the hits occurred due to the failure of the russian anti-aircraft system. eight people were allegedly injured. they grab people on the street, give them a grenade. and throw them on a tank, fictions about mobilization have been flooded en masse ukraine, this is a consequence of the fact that the authorities distanced themselves and transferred the responsibility for mobilization to the military, according to people's deputy from the european solidarity party mykola knyazhytskyi. now is the time to unite and finally the authorities take responsibility so that the situation does not become even more problematic. now is the time for unification, now is the time for everyone and the ministry. calculate
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who exactly is needed and at which enterprises, because it is impossible to bleed the economy either. now is the time to tell the mass media that our military is preparing to training centers, that they don't throw a tank at a grenade, that we have a strong army, that we are ready to defend our country shoulder to shoulder, but when we say shoulder to shoulder, then the president should also stand shoulder to shoulder, who should not just address and talk about the necessary offensives, and call for mobilization and the parliament, all these laughs that we see at the marathon and on tv channels, when the military is made fun of, which infuriates the whole society, this does not contribute to mobilization. germany should be the leader in supplying arms to ukraine, said the fifth president of ukraine petro poroshenko. he spoke in berlin at... the christian
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democratic party, which is one of the largest in the republic. poroshenko called on partners to convert support into weapons for ukraine. he also suggested that the bundestag adopt a resolution inviting ukraine to join the alliance before the nato summit in july. i want to convince all europeans. i want to convince all germans that we will achieve sustainability. peace and security situation on the continent is absolutely impossible without ukraine's membership in nato. and therefore, if one wants peace, one must invite ukraine in nato. medical mission: plastic surgeons from the united states of america once again came to lviv to consult and operate on our defenders and children with maxillofacial injuries.
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our correspondents will tell you how the international team worked. the injury reminded him of the war. a military man originally from the rivne region, viktor gandzilevsky got a mine. in august 2023, in the zaporozhye region, the man was operated on jointly by american and ukrainian plastic surgeons. doctors cut out a scar on his pike and restored aesthetics face with special stitches. viktor is currently feeling well and recovering after an operation at the lviv regional hospital for war veterans and repressed people. mine 120 from a mortar exploded not far from me, it hit my leg, injured my face. there were such shams here. big, the doctors said, all the girls here, orderlies, nurses, they say, scars decorate a person, i say, why do i have so much beauty in one thing, i want to be like everyone else. as part of the reconstruction mission , an interdisciplinary team of seven american narrow-profile specialists came to lviv.
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we have already seen many wonderful people with facial deformities. we came here not just to operate on children and everything. we work in collaboration with dr. roman, ms. khrystyna, and ms. natalia, and we came here to teach them and learn something from them ourselves. i hear that it is my duty to come back to my country, despite the fact that i am truly an american, and somehow help. plastic surgeons from the usa helped patients in two medical institutions, including the lviv regional hospital. specialists consulted and treated defenders shchelopym. injuries, such a mission, it was carried out for the first time in our hospital, i would like to emphasize that it was carried out thanks to the foundation of the christian medical association with razom for ukraine and the american organization global leap
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missions. in one day, we performed five operations, they were quite difficult, because they touched different facial plastics. plots other surgeons from the american-ukrainian team worked with young patients at the children's medicine center of okhmadyt hospital. after consultations, surgeons from the usa, more than fifty children with congenital facial defects and those who suffered as a result of military operations were operated on. these are children from the eastern regions, specifically donetsk, kharkiv, mariupol, kherson, who did not have the opportunity to receive qualified highly specialized care at their place of residence. who lost relatives, parents. what is special about this mission is that the doctors came to train our doctors, this is their sixth visit, that is, many operations are performed by our doctors, and our american colleagues advise and point out nuances during the operation.
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american surgeons have planned their next visit to ukraine for the fall, when doctors will operate for the second time on military officer viktor gendzilevskyi, they plan to reconstruct the wing of his nose. kateryna oliynyk. vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. from today , a feature film directed by taras tomank will be released at the national box office. the house, the word infinite novel. the premiere of the film took place yesterday, the film tells the dramatic story of ukrainian writers of the era of the executed revival. the team worked on the film for 10 years, most of the scenes were shot in kharkiv and kyiv. the feature drama was ready in 2020. the first one was supposed to hit the screens a year later, but the full-scale russian invasion got in the way. the film house, word, endless novel is a film about a shot revival, about an incredible period in the life of ukraine, in the life of kharkiv
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in the 20s and 30s, it is about the heyday of ukrainian art, ukrainian poetry , ukrainian music, ukrainian theater, it is a film about the drama of mykola khvylovy, about the drama of... ukrainian writers, the most talented of the whole galaxy, the whole generation, it was necessary to find such a correct course as to romanticize this time a little at the same time, and at the same time not to turn outstanding figures into monuments, so that they still remain living people, not ideal in something, and the environment around them they were supposed to be like in life, and we ask you to support... our military, with your help we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two suvs for the group air reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator to transport the fallen heroes have already arrived in
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ukraine. but they need training for military service. our goal is uah 120,000. don't be indifferent, even the smallest donation makes a huge difference. you can see all the details on the screen. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, and join us on our social networks. put your preferences, then on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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for some reason tram ta, beethoven, ludvyk ivanovych, z
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on the day of europe, we want to congratulate our viewers, we hope that most of ukraine was able to sleep that night, except for our defenders and those parts and areas where the shaheds flew, but we will talk about this a little later, so that our defenders can sleep a little more, a little better, we can to... everyone will participate in this together, i am talking now about our collection for atvs, this is the kind of transport that is very necessary not in the mountains, not somewhere in the resort area, but now it is needed on the front line, because it helps to evacuate the wounded, helps to bring ammunition, helps to move when you need to do it quickly and maneuverably, so please, 4 million for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold ravine needs to be raised very, very quickly, we hope to do it ... with your help, qr codes , card numbers, you see all this, and you know what to do with it, because more than one
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collection has already been closed, and now we are also counting on you, well, about the events in ukraine, we will tell a little later, first about the happy events, they say , which is in belgorod just today there will be a big staircase, they will share their impressions, how they admire, the word "svovnykh" has three letters, then a special military operation, that's how they call the war. well , let's remind you of the krasnodar krai, we are also delighted with how beautiful the fireworks are there, we just always tell the occupiers, if you are looking for the nearest point of invincibility, then today is the heating point, this is the krasnodar krai, what is the name of this oil depot they have there , well it is yurivka, but they say yurivka, oh, here is the point of infamy, a miracle happened there at night, blessed fire descended. to the oil depot, and the governor, as always, said that everything was planted, the rebs were beaten, and everyone was shot down, and the locals
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counted, we will not allow it, but it is all voiced in russian on our airwaves, but when you listen to the accompaniment to these shots, you hear about the seventh flight is on fire, and accordingly they shot down some good drones at the depot, you can’t do that, okay, come on, let’s collect information for our... viewers from all corners , we will start from the north, deputy of the kharkiv oblast for the advice of galina kuts, in connection with our studio, mrs. galina, good morning, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, eh, tell me right away the latest information about the children who played football, we know that they are in the hospital, what is their condition children, yesterday, on the day... there was another russian attack on some object, it has not yet
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been determined whether it is a missile or a guided aerial bomb, and it went to an educational institution again, eh, russia just constantly destroys our educational institutions, there are no more not a single university that has not succumbed to the arrivals, schools, colleges, that all the time, and this happened on the sports ground, and of course there were children there, boys were playing football, there was a mother with girls... she was her own, and the children are in a rather difficult condition, because they got into the affected area, especially two children , there is a teenager who had his leg amputated, this teenager was playing football, that is... now he will not be able to play football anymore, we understand that, unfortunately, and the girl who was with her mother, she has a brain injury, er, that is , a head injury, er, of course, one must understand that people, all who were nearby, not far in the neighboring buildings, these people have concussions, it is no longer reported, but we understand that the residents of kharkiv, who fall into the affected area,
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all of them later have problems with eardrums, with hearing, with headaches, because this also affects them. on people, and i also want to say that when you get into the zone of damage of those cabs, guided aerial bombs, they have a very strange stuffing there, i went to work like this and it fell not far near the university at this time during the day, then immediately for some strange situation with fillers, because the whole center is like this there was a chemical smell that was impossible to breathe. and we all returned from the street to the premises, just waited until the wind blew away these smells, that is, the respiratory systems and contusions are also affected here, and besides, these injuries are difficult for children, and this one, the suspicion of some additional chemical fillers, it can there must be some kind of chemical weapon inside these
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shells or whatever, what the experts say, maybe i don't know what they say, but since they are mine. own feelings and well, at the moment when i was there and when the cap fell, it fell from us somewhere 600-700 meters, it seemed that we got into some kind of chemical laboratory, where everything was broken, that my throat was sick, my eyes watered and we just ran away, and at that time the wind really got up very strong, which was good and quickly dissipated, i.e. such moments are cumulative, ms. galina, and what is the radius of the actual damage, because you say... that the people who were in the affected area also have contusions and that this is a common, already standard phenomenon during all raids, during all blows, about what is the radius? here again, everything depends on what arrived, if it's a cap, then ee there are fewer contusions, because when the warhead falls, it
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falls more quietly and not like the skander or the x-axis missiles and so on, these missiles have... a larger area of ​​damage, more contusions, that is, it depends on what has arrived, we still do not know what happened yesterday, and yesterday, you know, at this time right after the flights , the commission of our regional council was meeting, i am the chairman of the commission on science, education and spirituality, and we had a meeting, we postponed it several times , because it is very difficult to get together due to periodic absence communications in kharkov, we have a part of online deputies meeting, and imagine, we are meeting before the arrival, and we are all in shock, again an educational institution, and we are the commission of science and education, and again, again, again, and we we understand that russia simply wants to destroy all educational institutions so that young people do not return to kharkiv, to show that there will be no future here, because i see no other reason to constantly spend millions on destroying education, i see no other reason, but
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tell me please, well, it's the north, it's saltivka, it suffers as much as possible, that is, it is school, school... stadium, i.e. do you think that the russian-fascist occupiers really see that this is an educational institution, this is a school stadium, we aim there, shoot and hit, i.e. these are deliberate attacks and they program, as they say goals exactly, well, look, saltivka is not the north, it is the northern saltivka, it is the north, but saltivka is such a large district, it is the largest sleeping district not only of ukraine, but of course. that, that, where it flew, it's more like a nearby saltivka, there, it's not, it's not that far. as for educational institutions, here are the cabs guided air bombs, if it fell, they are partially mistaken, most likely the arrival should have been over the school. for some reason, when i read russian telegram channels now, the supposedly kharkiv russians, they for some reason believe
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that the military is stationed in schools now, but they have such periodic information, they make such omissions. and for some reason they believe that it is there, so it may be that they beat on purpose, or it may be that their informants just wanted to make money and made such a tip, well, what begged, yes, there may be there is something, and they just didn’t get into the school, that ’s all, plus look, they still destroy schools so that no one returns, and here it just happened that they announced that the first underground school was built in kharkiv, because in our children don't fit in... school, children want to go to live learning, and the metro school is small, well, at five metro stations there are classrooms in utility rooms, there is a huge queue, they take turns studying there several times a week. gather children from different schools so that they can at least see the teachers, and let them enter the first underground school, only this was reported, another blow to the ground school, that is, in fact
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, it is about destroying the future and everything and turning kharkiv into the whole zone, we know that the actual issue of education is something that hurts you a lot and what you are worried about, are there any plans in kharkiv, apart from this underground school, apart from the metro school, to somehow actually expand... this network of educational institutions, where children will be able to go from september, the school year is now ending, but a new one will start in just a few months, we will start this first underground school and already the trial training will be in may for children, since the demand is high and there are children in kharkiv and the children need to go somewhere, they are also planning to build two or three underground schools by september 1, there are other such plans. i also want to say that in a few months there will be time to reach the maximum number of schoolchildren in kharkiv? well, first of all, those schools are already engaged in them,
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they are being built, secondly, it will still not be possible to cover as much as possible with those schools, and our education is mostly online, and here the situation is that, as with the metro school, that simply is going a schedule that, for example, twice a week this school brings its children, twice a week another, and and... they work in shifts from morning to evening, even by the hours, i constantly, when i go there to the university metro station , i watch how the parents pick up their children in shifts, how the children hug each other, how the teachers in shifts come, the rotation in shifts, that is, the situation here is to reach at least twice a week each child so that she can come, see i want to meet people, children, because live communication is very important for children it's important, i still want to tell you. about, well, our commission on issues of education, science and spirituality, also about the religious situation, i want to dwell on it a little, since it was easter, and once again in kharkov all these holy days were just
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beating, and on good friday, and on holy saturday and on the night of easter, i just saw the sky on fire from the window, because there was an arrival, that was our easter night, and there were a lot of appeals to me during those days, both to the deputy and to the... chairman of this commission, where are the ukrainian churches in kharkiv, where are they, because when they say that there is persecution against the moscow church, but in kharkiv everything is the opposite, in kharkiv the ukrainian church is discriminated against, there is not a single one in the center, there is not a single ukrainian parish, all are only from moscow, and this, you know, is a disguise, this is an imitation, when the uoc is written on the church the ukrainian orthodox church, even some of the saleswomen from the kiosks are already asking me if i want them for easter, saints, i used to go to this church, i say, well, it’s the ukrainian orthodox church, but it’s written in ukrainian, and this moment, again, during passover during christmas arises, why there is no center in kharkiv
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not a single ukrainian church, why only russian ones, and please tell me, but when s-300 missiles fall from belgorod or guided aerial bombs from russia, moscow priests in kharkiv cross. are they singing or singing hallelujah, cyril? and they are just silent, they are silent at all, they don’t talk about it, and it is not clear that there, although there were flights and churches, some churches were not very badly affected, but some churches of the moscow patriarchate were affected, although, although there were more flights, i i will say to the ukrainian churches, which are located more on the outskirts, well, those who belong to the ocu, the greek catholics who belong to... they are not in the center, and this is a problem, and also, you know, i see that this religious issue is activated in the russian public, again, the kharkiv type who write , here in ukraine there are 800 parishes of the moscow,
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russian church, and i think, well , it’s an imitation again, during yanukovych’s time, they legally registered those alleged parishes in the same kharkiv region, then forced them to legally register them at all educational institutions, universities, and medical institutions , and they... non-existent legal incomes, and it turns out that there are supposedly a lot of them, but no one goes there, that is, two imitations are covered under the name, under the number of parishes, and to the outside world it looks like some kind of persecution is going on, but in fact, these easter days again show that it is simply necessary this law, so that they legally re-register and show their true essence, how many there are, whose they are, and so that people understand in the places where they go. the same people will somehow choose, because it is very difficult to explain to everyone separately where to go to the ukrainian church, but it is difficult to get there, when you arrive, the transport does not run, it is easy
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to get to the center, because the metro... works in the center, well , that is the situation with us, mrs. galina, but you know, with this law, it is already one and a half year he is tormented by these amendments, the committee passed, but still, even this, this week, they are on the agenda, even though it is posted on the website of the verkhovna rada, he did not get, in a word, in these, the roof of moscow priests must be sought there in the verkhovna rada , because somewhere there it all stands, only at the end tell us how you reacted to this information from the head of the kharkiv regional military says that some kind of military group is being formed in the kursk region, well, kursk should in principle worry more about the borders of the sumy region, he said it as a threat to kharkiv, although here it seemed whether the belgorod people's republic should threaten whether kharkiv residents still react to such statements, or it's just the third year of the war and it's already a habit, knowing better to stay.
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to do their work at home and not worry about the fact that some russians may be gathering somewhere, so what's the reaction? well, of course, the head of the administration should talk about this, because there are a lot of statements that there will be an attack on kharkiv, these statements cannot be ignored, under no circumstances, we already ignored the statements before the full-scale invasion, we were told that there would be barbecues let's remember, you can't just ignore it, now i think that every resident of kharkiv, especially those with children... understand, have backup routes, what to do and where to go, if the enemy suddenly approaches, we remember 2022 year we had an enemy, the front was in the kharkov district, we remember it well, and it was a problem, now, why in kurshchyna, most likely, if our head of the regional administration says that they want, that they are going to go to kharkiv, it may be, they can take,
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plan to take kharkiv. of the northwest, that is, to cut off the road to poltava, these may be their plans, well, that is why they are gathering there, of course, they are less interested in the sums, because the town is small, and they are more interested in kharkiv, because there are many different defense complexes and railway lines and so on and so on, it is clear, at the same time those the people of kharkiv who are here, who are here, they are all focused on working for victory, that is, the majority of people who stayed here and work are... people who help the military, help, volunteer, help the country, that is, the majority of people , most likely will not go, well , those who are already here and who have already learned to live here, they will help kharkiv, and kharkiv must endure, at the same time, we must be honest with people and tell them honestly what is happening, whether evacuation is necessary or no, especially for people with children, it is necessary always speak honestly, thank you, ms. halyna, we wish you a peaceful, at least
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a calmer day today, halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about the situation in kharkiv and the region, but how about the occupied territories and the front, we will talk about luhansk region, in a few minutes stay with espresso, don't forget to tip. fm: galicia. listen to yours. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate abbreviations increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for
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