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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. dictation with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we
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are coming back, and we spoke with vitaly barabash, who is worried about his native places, where there are battles, and there is a temporary occupation, as well as for a native of donetsk, our colleague, a political scientist, who protects both you and me and his native land, kirill sazonov, in we also have many questions. cyril, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, roman, glad to see. maybe we will start with today's date after all, because we remember how the russians shouted that they would take time by may 9, today is the 9 may, today they have their sabbashka in moscow, and sometimes, like time, something went wrong with them, something was done to them, maybe something really went wrong, but in honor of the faith, they did not even enter, although in fact they competed at... for two
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weeks they climbed very tightly and directly to the canal microdistrict, this is the closest district to bakhmut, and they tried to take the city from lyshta from two hundred sides, they keep the roads under fire, it is quite difficult, but our city, sometimes they came very, very close, there were already shooting battles from the city, but they never went to the city entered, well, within the framework of such informational influences time. now you hear that the question of occupying the time of the ravine is a question of time, and then you look at this person, you look at the fact that until recently there were completely different moods, man, what is this, this is being specially accelerated, is the operational situation really like this, that if we don't change something, then we will lose time and faith, just like avdiivkuya bakhmuty, the operational situation is actually very difficult and...
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and the enemy has an advantage, as we all know, in terms of the number of anti-tank missiles, in terms of the number of shells, the aviation is working, the cabs are dropped for a while, works barrel art, a lot of cluster munitions, that is, the city is being destroyed little by little, there are already a lot of houses, houses, whole streets destroyed, but even civilians remain, even the head of the military administration said about... i'm sorry, that's a cat, he told me, he called the exact the number, but it is difficult to calculate exactly how many people do not want to evacuate, that is why the city is alive, if you can call it life, mr. kirill, actually we have a figure slightly less than 700 inhabitants, 679, refuse to leave time and faith remain, we remember in avdiivka, when the situation was difficult. and
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the military told us that, of course, one thing is the own life and safety of these residents, but there is another important moment when these people simply prevent the ukrainian armed forces from doing their work, because they remain on the ground. are there any ideas, scenarios, algorithms, how to convince people, if necessary, how to act so that civilians do not hinder the military along the way. we have no personal idea, if they are civilians, free people, if they want to stay at home, but we cannot forcefully evacuate them, it hurts that evacuation is now, it is not a very easy matter, it is not the case that you leisurely packed your things, got on a comfortable bus and went to kostyantynivka, evacuation is under fire, because the city all the time under fire, the roads to the city are under fire, and everyone understands...
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it's wonderful that the occupiers will not make any exception for civilian cars, buses, or if any signs are painted on them that they are civilians. tso will not stop them at all, there will be drones, there will be art, that is, what about us we can do with the civilians, they don’t want to evacuate, there is one shop here, even in a small town, it’s a miracle, well, a miracle, because i don’t understand how a shop can work, it has one owner, he is both a pear seller and a seller, i.e. the city somehow, maybe people hope that somehow we will hold the city, we will be realistic, there are those who... are even still waiting for the russian peace, we see that, i wanted to ask about them, kirill, we just spoke with vitaly barabach, he says , there are no production videos, everyone knew him, he knew from every inhabitant's face, it says two dozen zhduns who came for the humanitarian worker, signed, greeted, glory
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to ukraine, took the humanitarian worker away, and now they are being filmed in those cheap videos that our freedom and we are happy, in this case among those residents of chasya yariv. .. will i have a similar story with the zhduns as in avdiivka? well , you see, we don't, they don't talk about their love for russia until russia comes. now everyone is saying, guys, hang on, because we are counting on you, and when the russian comes, someone will come to them, say, thank you, that released from banderivtsi. it is not for nothing that we went to kostyantynivka and druzhkovka to kramatorsk, where we also went to other front-line cities. it is not for nothing that we have an order to move around in civilian clothes, when we go somewhere to some object, to some important meeting, we no longer paint the cars that we drive around these cities, we do not paint pixels, they are ordinary, ordinary intelligence,
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because these same dunes, they actually inform the russians through messengers about where our bases are, where the warehouses are, where the military is located. so that's a problem, but how about to work with it, well, we can't really twist our hands and forcefully take them out. that is, these are not useful idiots, but these are people who purposefully work to harm ukraine, and are not just waiting, cooperating, yes, collaborators, but we have a law on collaborationism, and we have a security service, and we there are already worked out mechanisms, and even punishment for collaborators, what a difficulty it is to make it work. but against collaborators precisely in front-line areas like chasiv yar now? counterintelligence works, in fact, it works a lot they take adjusters, gunners effectively and with great frequency, and this is not only
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in the front-line territories, we know that this happens in kyiv, and in rivne, i think, and in odesa, in mykolaiv, that is , they fly to your city, and then you ... you take and adjust the enemy's fire, even though you grew up there, your friends live there, it's your street, well, it's actually shocking, but it exists, they work, they take it, but it seems to me that each of the collaborators is counting on the fact that he will not be taken , and then he will receive a large one from the occupiers an award, some position, will manage something, will earn something. kirill, when you sit in the deep rear, and then read from the guys from ur, we are pounding in the very morning, it seems that bc was brought in, well, this is very, very optimistic, but we cannot verify this without being at the front, that is, is there really any feeling already , that something is coming, there is a feeling, but you understand, to say fully about what has happened, where either the leadership of the direction,
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or the general staff or the ministry of defense can, because they have the whole picture, there is no such thing as a certain amount of stable projectiles we can watch how it changes, that is, it may be a little more somewhere, a little less somewhere, while, well, it's hard for me to say, but our guys with drones here from time to time do what they did on kupianske, fire bombs, fire enemy positions, we already see it, we already feel it, even without western weapons, all our own. mr. kirill, you explained about the weapons, but what about the people, because in fact we also read that if in previous years they asked for weapons, weapons, weapons, now... they say that weapons, drones, and people are needed, in fact it is so , we ask weapons, we ask for drones, we ask for everything, but it is not weapons that kill, people kill, and these people who use weapons are very necessary, because the tcc
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sends, in general, we already say this frankly, not the ones that are needed, where strong guys to 35 years, where motivated volunteers send the old, the sick, some kind of unmotivated... well , what are they needed for, that is, something needs to be done about it, there are not enough people, precisely people who, from whom something will come out, that is the question, probably, what is needed it is not through tsk to grab someone on the block. simple, and through recruiting teams directly, so that a person, so that, with your help, we can tell you how we are, what is happening, who, who will serve, what will be done and what it looks like, and so that people can directly come to the brigade, undergo training here, hold a position here, undergo some kind of vlk, that is, directly, botsk is a lottery that scares many, let's be frank, it scares unnecessarily, kirill, and here we are at the heart of the matter. here , the political scientist kyrylo sazonov will speak, as we were used to even in peacetime, but we got to
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the heart of the matter, because in fact we have eyes, and your confirmation that this version of ipso with the disruption of mobilization as a constant important process of the defense of the region took place, if you read the history of ukraine and the first russian-ukrainian war during the time of the ukrainian people's republic, then in fact... then the main problem is losing to the russians the issue of mobilization was a failed issue for the bolsheviks, and in this case you sit and think, this is such a cool ipso and the russians did it so well, or is it so cool and the pso did it so well in kyiv? in fact , yes, history repeats itself and it repeats itself to many did not teach me anything, when now i see some videos, some statements, comments on social networks in defense of the ukrainians, that my mother's cherry was not born for war, let
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the boys go, we are turning into a police state, what kind of dictatorship, and the tasekashniks are hunting on people, they must be resisted, i see it, i understand that this is how the russian pso is, but we have too many useful idiots, and here i am not going to fight for this government, i did not go to fight for this government, i went to fight for this country, like many of my boys. and we are far from all politically motivated, many people do not understand politics at all and are not interested, but this is your country, you will change it, make it the way you want, we change the government if we do not like it, two maidans, so the proof is that the country must be defended, but yes and the enemy and the dogs and our useful idiots are a lot of trouble, it seems to me that the state and a little bit, well, a little bit we all, probably both the military and the state, have lost this... moment when it was necessary to build good communication with society, because people are afraid that they are going to die
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here, this idea was brought to them, you they will take you to the front and you will go to die, firstly, there are not so many people at the front compared to the entire armed forces, secondly, not all who go to the fronts sit directly in the trenches, there are drivers, guards, those who deal with logistics, drone pilots , arta, well, that is , many people, and other things, we all came, we all came not to die, to kill the enemy, but here more, kirill, here she is more interested in this rot from those arguments, because before the invasion we very often heard from our voters mass, those who said that the country is not the state, the country is not the government, but now they are suddenly the exchange of concepts is done in the reverse version, we do not want to defend this government, they say, although in fact it is the defense of the country and... and this is not about the government, how is this version, where does this rottenness come from, that when
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necessary, you divide the country and the state, but when such a moment comes, on the contrary, you replace it with one another, you know, i respect those guys who say directly, i 'm afraid, i won't go, because i'm very, very afraid, if everyone is afraid , who begins to look for such... as they say from a smear, that this power, so be it i’m in a hurry, i didn’t know, the clerk recently found out by accident that we have two local deputies who are fighting, and one of the people’s deputies is constantly coming, they just didn’t advertise it, that is , different people, different, there are people who held some very serious positions , they have been fighting since the first day, there are people who were mobilized, they are also fighting in different ways, some showed themselves very well, some not so well, then... there is no need to explain it, i always explain it simply: you can write it down here in tiktok, on youtube, you can
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write it on the forum, you can tell it tsk, you won't go, but show me that paper, that paper, you have the authority, and there is a constitution, i have a lawyer, it's all good, it's all fun, imagine how you will tell this to rusna, when she occupies this territory, no one will give you a lawyer there, no one will listen to you about the constitution or your rights... two or a forced slave will grind their teeth by example and you will go to fight, and behind you will be sunning three and such a prospect - this is not just some kind of fantasy , this is reality, kirill, thank you. for the conversation, thanks for being with our viewers, kyrylo sazonov, a military serviceman and political scientist from the donetsk section of the front. we are going to take a short break and talk about the front, a few words after this break in a few minutes. gasoline trimmers
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at espresso dinner. pick up the wounded in time. for the fight, it means saving his life, bc gave a ride, giving a ride to the boys, the atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. and a lot of
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things that concern. this is the aggravation, and as the combat officers say, the most dramatic, perhaps now, moment of the russian-ukrainian war, at least i heard about it yesterday only from zhorin, he is in the third assault unit, that is, and i won't exaggerate, but we will now ask military columnist denys popovych about all this in connection with our studio, mr. denys, congratulations, good morning. well , this is really the most dramatic moment, especially as zhoren says, it is no longer a joke, it is already quite serious resources that the enemy has pulled up... in many directions, there is simply not only an advantage there, as it always was in bc, in equipment and weapons, and there is an advantage actually in human
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resources, in some areas, zhorin says, for the third year in a row, in fact, without serious personnel reinforcements are holding the defense, and he believes that there is a danger, a danger on the donetsk, kharkiv and southern directions . well, it is very difficult to argue with this, especially with the issue of personnel reinforcement, this is what i hear, not only from mr. zhorin, but also from those people who are directly on the front line, without significant personnel reinforcement it was very difficult, especially in the conditions , when the ammunition has not yet reached everywhere, we hear, we hear that somewhere it has arrived, somewhere it has not yet, in most areas of the front. it is not there yet, i mean those parties that the west gives us, including the united states of america, then without these components it will be very difficult to oppose the russian federation,
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which is actually going to abank. that is, she now understands that one way or another, one day this ammunition will be suitable, and by that time it is necessary, well, to have territorial gains, first of all in the east, because of that it is very difficult to argue with mr. zhorin and there are other arguments so far... there are none even today day, there are several directions where the russian federation can significantly, well, it can't i will say, it is trying to move significantly, it is definitely to the west of pokrovsk, to the west of pokrovskyi, to the west of avdia, to the side of pokrovsk, i apologize, it is definitely time, it is the lyman direction, it is the kupin direction, there is a threat, we are already hearing about it. recently, there has been an accumulation of troops in the direction of the kharkiv region by the russian federation, it is insignificant, but how many there are, how many they have now
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accumulated, there, if we say opposite the kharkiv region, about 30-35, this is what vadym skibiyskyi said, and more happens the deployment is about 3,500, they landed in the kursk region and they are now somewhere on may 9. every day, obviously, this deployment must be completed and then we will see what their actions will be, this is generally not enough to storm kharkiv, now everyone is talking a lot about the storming of kharkiv and so on, but distracting actions, raid actions, capturing some territories are not insignificant in kharkiv region, in particular , well, as the rdk, the icon of freedom of russia, did it in his time, but already in our direction, they are capable of this, accordingly, we need to look further, that they will be there, it means to do. but this is a distracting action in conditions when the reserves, as mr. zhori says, are not very good, then this may also matter, mr. denys, about the missile,
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slightly updated, modernized, kha-10, in fact, it has become more powerful, much more now has destructive power, but it flies twice as far, that is , now the target will work harder in spite of the front zone, what are they for? such modifications are made, because we observe that the center of ukraine and the western regions were also actively shelled, that is, lviv oblast the previous night, and on the other hand, we see that the distances are getting shorter, but it is important that it is powerful, well, this is what british intelligence says about strengthening the action of the kha-101 and about modernization in such and such a way, defense express also wrote about it, well, well ... further simply, further simply, they are already deploying how it will work, explaining, it really does not matter to them, anyway, they
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reach any, any, that is, any point on the territory of ukraine with the help of these missiles , power really matters to them, it in order to cause more destruction, in the case of hitting a residential building, to cause more human casualties, they are for this... by the way, recently, we remember, there was an iskander attack on odesa, with a cluster warhead, reinforced also , that is, by the fertile levants, that is, all this is created in order for more terror, more destruction, more human sacrifices, it is absolutely clear, but we will not know the final effect, thank god, thanks to the work of our air defense forces, yesterday was shot down 33 missiles, i mean the x101 type x550. we will never know how they could have acted, where they would have landed, but again, well, it rests on help from our western partners, because otherwise there will be a shortage of popo missiles without it, so again
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here it is... the defense industry of ukraine, we remember these interviews, literally yesterday they came out the day before yesterday, well, this is a plus, a big plus, but then again, the situation is exactly what it is, i would like to ask you, mr. denys , about this gamebreaker option, as the military say, kill what breaks the rules of the military game on the front line, general pavel, aka the president of the czech republic, says that the first party has left, it’s about bc, it’s about shells, er, well, from the american package too, something is moving, as they say, and something is already there, we we deliberately speak in the words of the military, so that the russian-fascist occupiers, who have not yet gotten drunk on may 9, because they are also listening to it, so that's the sum. will give
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an opportunity to at least break the game where it is read and they are not hiding, that is , the same one behind krasnohorivka, where they went now, we understand that they are there novamykhaynka, krasnohorivka want to get behind the defenders of the coal mine, play some small cauldrons, we understand that they want to bypass the abyss of time, because they cannot do anything with it head-on, that is, we know these games that they drew on their maps in military terms, or this help... will break this game, come on, before i answer your question, i will say that we are here with you, after all, we are trying to assess the situation more or less realistically, but we must understand that the enemy has his own problems that we create for them, but recently, when they attack, they try to drive in on motorcycles, but we show it, that is, not tanks anymore, not even golf carts anymore, and not even tanks anymore, but
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motorcycles, that is, on motorcycles... they hear populated areas, there they are trying to bring a shoroka, these motorcycles are destroyed, that ’s how, this is how theirs happens, that is , their raids, what does this indicate, this indicates that there is no equipment, that is, we have to complete the task of advancing, there somewhere to set up our flag, maybe they are guarding , but they are unlikely they take care, well, if there is a task to advance, well, it is necessary to advance, you understand, and how to advance if there is not? well , here we are now seeing equipment, it is not necessarily russian equipment, it is equipment in general, but i'm just telling you, i'm telling you what the situation really is, but it's obvious that there's a robot in front of us, now it was on the staff, it's just a robot to do this, they'll jump in on motorcycles, break through to the center, destroy there, they manage to set up some kind of flag there, take it to the mountain, and in this way such an information background is created that they are advancing everywhere, this must also be understood.
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but this is no less a general, generally difficult situation at the front, first of all, it is the eastern part of our country. now to your question, yes, it can change the rules, the rules on the front, but it has to be appropriate, because again, we hear that it is there somewhere, and i hear that with the people i talk to, that there there is no, that is, it needs to come up, it will come up gradually, that is , it appeared here, it appeared there, and as long as it levels out, as long as it will have an effect at the same time... we will tell you, well, how much time will pass time, we actually don't have time right now and the defenders don't have time either, so it takes weeks or a longer period, well, it's weeks, it's weekly, of course, mr. denys, it's just getting closer, the whole national moment of silence, we want to thank you , denis popovych, a military columnist with an analysis of the war in the east and in the south, and now is actually the time
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to remember and honor the memory of everyone. those soldiers, civilians, and also foreigners who died for the independence and will of ukraine, due to the fact that the russians came to our land and they kill our compatriots, they kill ukrainians and also foreigners. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in... the war that was unleashed by russia.


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