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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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it is not time to remember and honor the memory of all those, both military and civilians, and also foreigners, who died for the independence and for the will of ukraine, due to the fact that the russians came to our land and are killing our compatriots, killing ukrainians and also foreigners. let's honor the memory of the ukrainian military and peace with a moment of silence. citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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at night, drones attacked an oil depot in the krasnodar territory, explosions rang out in belgorod and fires started, meanwhile... moscow is preparing for the celebration of may 9, which there should be, and we will also talk today about the mobilization of convicts, this is the freedom of the mornings, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. so, drones attacked an oil depot in the krasnodar region of russia, about six drones were destroyed, but some fell on the territory of an oil depot in the village of yuryivka, near anapa. a fire broke out, several tanks were damaged, but no one was injured. yes, with reference to the operative. the kuban headquarters
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was informed about the attack by the russian state media, and telegram channels distributed videos from the scene of the events. here guys, it's on fire the seventh arrival, the seventh arrival, this is the seventh drone, now it has arrived, the seventh drone has just arrived? he noted that the authorities of the krasnodar region blame ukraine for the attack. official kyiv has not commented on the event so far, and the russian ministry of defense did not mention the incident either. instead, the agency says 15 destroyed rockets and one drone over the belgorod region. governor gladkov reports on eight victims in belgorod, says there are direct hits in residential apartment buildings and cars. he noted that in the ministry the defense of russia also writes about two downed
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drones over the bryansk region and three over the kursk region. ukraine has not yet commented on the accusations. the football player was taken away from the station by tsc. you must have read such news and that the football club complained about such actions of the tsk. let's talk about it in detail. the ukrainian football association is not authorized to influence the mobilization processes, which are carried out in accordance with the law of ukraine on mobilization training and mobilization. it is called, yes, that's exactly how it is, the publication, tribune commented on the statement of the khust football club regarding the team's defender mykola sirash. the day before, the club announced that one of the main players was taken directly from the city station by employees of the state committee and taken to the military, they say that the football player was 25 years old at the time of his arrest, although the law has not yet come into effect. the operational command of the west reacted to the incident, saying that they support ukrainian football, but...
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they put the defense of ukraine first. if the athlete does not have a legal basis and a properly issued booking, he may be subject to call for mobilization. this is a quote, that's what ok said. west. at a time when hundreds of outstanding athletes in the ranks of the defense forces heroically fight against the aggressor, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. to put it mildly, the football club's efforts to make its players privileged compared to other citizens of ukraine and to put the interests of the football club at the forefront are strange. on the defense of the country, says the message of the ok. west. of course, we asked for a comment from the transcarpathian tcc, so that they would clarify the situation with the srshm football player. however, we were refused and referred to the fact that that the management did not give permission to comment on it and ask to consider the official position exactly the comment ok. the event i announced earlier. we also turned to the ministry of defense, the ground forces, and the general staff for comments. but the mobilization processes are there.
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they also refuse to comment now. in this story, it should also be emphasized that on april 4, the law on reducing the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years came into force in ukraine, it was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi almost a year after its adoption in the ukrainian parliament. document provides that men over the age of 25 who are deemed fit for service can be mobilized. well, next we want to talk about one more incident, also related to mobilization. odesa musician oleksandr samson spent two days in the tcc without contact with his family, according to his relatives, the man was removed from the bus and, despite the fact that he had not previously received a summons, taken to this... recruitment center, and from there to the training part service according to his wife yulia, the man was mobilized without proper verification and without taking into account the state of health. oleksandr has a heart disease, due to which excessive physical activity is contraindicated for him.
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yulia told radio svoboda about the conditions in which her husband was kept. he was detained in the transit zone of the odesa region, he tried on a minibus, he was stopped, turned around, they said that he... can't go, he said that if he can't, then it's fine and he's going home, then they said that he there is no going back anywhere, and they are going to the tcc. sashko insisted that he be issued a summons and that he be exhibited to the shopping center at the place of his registration, but they did not listen to him and took him to kirary shopping center first. he managed to write me a message about it, and then contact him. disappeared, i already called the bilogorod-dniestrovsky tcc, we went there in person, then he was closed in the tcc for two days and without communication, i was told that he had already passed the medical examination, but he did not pass it, they were intimidated when he complained about his state
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of health, no action, no help was provided to him, when they said that they were being delivered to vinnytsia, we took the bus to follow them. on the meeting place before being sent by bus to vinnytsia, an ambulance and the police were called to write a statement regarding the abduction of a person and receiving without contact with relatives. his passport was also immediately taken away from him. he was short of breath, he had pain in his heart. the emergency doctor went to the military and said that she strongly recommends that he be taken to the hospital. after that, the military pushed him out of the carriage. ambulance straight from the couch, despite the fact that i tried to stop them, he is forcefully removed from quick, i ask you to record this, here are the people who do it, here, why not arrange, on
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what basis are you taking him, on what basis are you taking him? loses consciousness, that is, with such a diagnosis , it is difficult for the heart to pump blood and he is constantly
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dizzy, this is not only dangerous for his health and his life, but also dangerous for those who will be with him in the war, now he is currently in training part, so he now has in his hands a document with his signature, which he did not sign, and this document says that he consented to military service, but the only document he signed on the very first day when he was delivered to the shopping center was that he agreed to the processing of his credentials, that is , the forgery of documents, before that he did not have any summons, he did not receive and he did not go to the military office, his data was not there before that. a musician, he works in the ukrainian cinema, we gave many volunteer, charity concerts, which were directed to raising funds for the armed forces. he is kind of unyielding, just according his physical condition and medical diagnosis,
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it is clear that he is more useful in movies, music, and as a volunteer. such actions are qualified very simply as illegal deprivation of liberty of a person, this is article 146 of the criminal code of ukraine and the responsibility is quite serious and may even threaten deprivation of liberty. it can also be an excess of official authority. the law provides for only one option: this is the delivery of a subpoena, which is filled out immediately, that is, not filled out on the go, and that's it, that is , the tsc does not have any other measures of influence. accordingly, any actions are connected with the fact that someone is kidnapped there on the street, in
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buses, in cars, held there illegally, well, of course, that's all, it's all illegal and it's all not provided for by any regulatory legal acts, if even tsc employees are together with the police, the police can, for example, have the authority to ask a person to present a document, the code provides for the possibility of delivery to the tsc by police officers only for the purpose of drawing up a report, he must go to the vlk where he is registered. they can't just suddenly send you to any vlk in ukraine, any tsc of ukraine. this is not provided by law. if he did not put his personal signature or voluntary consent, this is already 358, forgery of documents, also criminal responsibility. if a person is in the military, he has corresponding responsibilities regarding military registration there, he must submit, update his data on health, education, and work, if they moved even for more than seven days, just left even theoretically for rest. on more than 7 days you must register there, this is all compliance with the rules of military registration, but the law provides for non
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-compliance, so if it is not followed, there is a corresponding penalty for this. according to the new order 402, because literally the other day, on may 4 , we have changes due to this disease, he is a person who can serve in the support units of the tcc, in the rear parts, logistics, and so on, but not on ee not in war zone, not directly. there yes to perform tasks, health status is not allows you to do this, unfortunately, often and unfortunately, the vlk really does not take into account all health problems, that is why we have many cases, unfortunately, regarding the complaint of the roll, regarding the mobilization of illegal and so on, and more and more, with from morning to evening i can show my phone, i have it like that every 15 minutes, probably sometimes someone called too, while i 'm talking here, every 10 minutes 15 rings, rings, rings, i think it's impossible to feel motivated to fight if you pushed there by force, it is impossible to feel motivated when you
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you see injustice and lawlessness. i emphasize once again that when we are preparing these topics, we always turn to the representatives of the tsk and the ministry of defense for the comment that you said we turned to, they have not commented on it yet, so even now i am saying that we are ready to provide time in on the air for an official comment and... the specific case of this in odesa and the situation in general, it is very important that you share your own experience in the comments, have you encountered the work of the tsc, what is the situation there in your city, is it positive or negative experience, well, i will also remind, emphasize, about this date, we all seem to constantly hear from the news that on may 18, a new law on mobilization comes into force, and with it all men of draft age must update their data. in tsc, again, if you already update this data, have such experience, then write in the comments how it happens and
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also contact journalists, specifically our journalists, in order to cover some important situation there, and this is also very important, you can find our editorial mail on the radio liberty website. well, now let's talk about mobilization, but the mobilization of convicts, such a law was passed in the parliament in general, from 15 to 20 thousand people can be a mobilization resource among prisoners, the chairman said. faction of the servant of the people david arahamiya. after the court's decision, passing the vlk, prisoners can go to the army, but only at their own will. at the same time, it should be no more than three years before the end of their sentence. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak, after the adoption of this bill by the verkhovna rada, wrote in his telegram channel that the anti-corruption committee partially removed corruption risks in it. in particular, the right to mobilize from prison. cleaned up for deputies and some top corruptors, as well as those guilty of serious crimes. the
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anti-corruption center said that some corrupt officials will still be able to avoid prison in exchange for mobilization. part of the work of anti-corruption bodies in previous years may go to waste, because many judges, prosecutors and other officials convicted of corruption are already serving their sentences, who will now be able to use this mechanism and get out of jail let me remind you... minister of justice denys malyuska proposed the release of convicts back in february. he added that we are talking about tens of thousands of people, and there must be justice during the mobilization, they cannot be mobilized in... prisoners for crimes against the foundations of the national security of ukraine, for the intentional murder of two or more people or sexual assault combined with rape violence, those convicted of terrorism and those who interfered with the lives of law enforcement officers, for example. about the details of this innovation of the new law let's talk further. andrii osachuk, the first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on law enforcement from
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the voice faction joined our broadcast. greetings, thanks for joining. good morning. tell me in more detail what it involves, the so -called voluntary mobilization of certain categories of prisoners, who among the convicts can join the army, when can this happen, well, i understand that we have already said about it that it is only at their own will, that is, if a convicted person does not want to do this, then he will not initiate these processes, well, of course, of course, it’s all voluntary, look, let’s quickly draw such a general picture so that you understand me, because my position is a little different from... the position of my colleagues, i didn’t really like this story from the very beginning, because it copies russian practices to some extent, but ukraine is still not russia. plus , there are a lot of procedural questions from the point of view of criminal justice, how to implement all this in general, because it all does not really dance to the general logic of ukrainian criminal legislation, but nevertheless, communicating with the ministry of justice, together with the law enforcement officers,
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know for sure that there are indeed prisoners who sincerely say that... let's go to the army, or will we eat state food here, and there are a certain number of such people, unfortunately, the discussion with regard to the potential number, she was also quite manipulative, and in your introduction to our conversation you also mentioned, i understand, david georgiyovich rahami, who called the number, how many did you say, from 15 to 2000, and he called, well, i said such a number never heard at working meetings at the committee level, it was voiced so gently at first the number may be within ten per... it varies at the level of three, in the best case, because we have to understand that, after all , there are not so many people in prisons in ukraine, it is somewhere in the range of 30 thousand, that is all together , and women and men, and old and young, and sick and healthy, that is, there purely according to the criteria of health, gender and such general fitness, there are not so
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many of these people, but less nevertheless, it is not such a large group, but considering , that there are such people who really want, then on... it would be reasonable to give them such an opportunity, given the conditions in which we are, and i actually supported the very idea of ​​giving them the opportunity, but then we all got into some kind of absolute dead end, into some kind of maze of legal elements that led to the fact that the final decision, which yesterday was adopted by the verkhovna rada, it is in principle very difficult to explain it, because i, for example, as a lawyer, cannot explain it, you referred to the statements of some corrupt people and of course... "everyone sings his own song, everyone has his own interests, but i can't understand why, for example, everyone is worried, so that someone convicted of corruption does not get the possibility of early release and join the army, for example, a thief in law, or a person who led a criminal community there, she has this right, that is, in fact, with this decision
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, we recognized that some bandits are high-ranking for society, they are less safe, less dangerous." than some judge who was caught for a bribe in i don't know there in the amount of 300 dollars and he is in prison, also with serious crimes against the person, again it was a very emotional discussion, and of course they were excluded there rapists and all forms of sexual violence, well, that probably looks logical, but if someone explains to me why rape, sexual violence is worse than torture, and we have a 60-year-old man sitting behind... that is, it is proven by a court verdict, one of the most severe crimes, then they can, but how to explain it, i cannot explain it, that is, from the point of view of any basic legal logic, from the point of view of human rights, this decision is completely devoid of any logic, i understand that the profile committee, well me too profile committee, but you understand that the leaders made the decision, first of all
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the leadership of the servant of the people faction, as i understand it, the president's office was reacting to it, they tried... to satisfy certain groups of the most interested or the most vocal activists or politicians there, but as a result the decision was, to put it mildly, very strange. there was a lot of discussion about murderers, and with this law we do not allow people who have committed two or more murders, or murders with extreme cruelty, to use this program. which is probably reasonable, but how to explain that killing one person on purpose is normal. i can't either, so in summary, it was such a compromise between what iminus and the ministry of internal affairs said we should provide, if only as much as possible. the breadth of people's involvement in this program, if someone wants, but on the other hand, the restrictions that are set, they are more of an emotional, more political nature than dictated by some
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legal logic. i once proposed a very simple filter, not to extend the program to people who have committed particularly serious crimes against a person and crimes of national security and defense, period, this would probably be enough, but it happened as it happened. another question is procedural, how will it all happen in general, because as i said at the beginning, it all looks very complicated, and the ministry of internal affairs, the national guard, these poor people agreed for about two weeks, because they could not put this puzzle together, and it looks like of course, this is a personal statement of a person who must express in writing that he agrees to participate in this program, sign it all under these conditions, unfortunately, vlk cannot be conducted in places of deprivation of liberty, because this is a completely different procedure, but there... it will be necessary to carry out some kind of preliminary medical examination, well, to understand in general the suitability of a person for military service, after that, i understand, there will be some interviews with the military, while the person is still behind bars,
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well again, to give at least some general assessment, is he suitable for this story at all or not, then the case is transferred to the court, the court will consider it and based on the actual statement of the person of all the data that i have already said, the court will make a decision about ahead of time cancellation or termination, early release, it is called conditional early release, but this person, i am mr. andriy, i clarify, this person, he will not receive, will not have the opportunity to leave, and he will be there in special, separate special military units , the ministry of defense will be responsible for this, administrative supervision will be carried out over these people, if they violate the law, then a new violation of the law is added, and the excess that they did not serve for the old violation of the law, that is, for they will be some. special supervision, this should also be monitored by special people, separate parts are organized, it should be organized realistically, work is already underway on this, you ask very correct
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questions, we tried to discuss these issues at working meetings, meetings and at the committee meeting, clear answers i i didn't get it and not only i, because again there are more questions than answers, i will end simply on how a person should get into the army, that is, an important point right here, ukraine is not russia. after the announcement of the decision court, in fact a person becomes free. and there is a mechanism that she is obliged to appear at the tcc within 24 hours. oh, and she has the duty to appear there accompanied by the national guard, what that means, i don't fully understand either. but the point is that if she doesn't show up there to pass the signing of the contract, then she will be charged with additional criminal liability, something will be soldered right away. plus 5 years, that is, the logic is that if you even try to escape somewhere, well even if it is theoretically possible, but you will automatically extend your term, what will happen next
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with these people, when they sign the contract and will, well, pass the vlk, sign the contract with the armed forces, it is still not completely clear, because yes, on the one hand there must be some kind of surveillance tools, but how to do it in the military, i don't think anyone knows, just like there isn't. confidence, will some separate units be formed from these citizens, or will they be dispersed in some way? i think it will be decided what is called from the wheels, probably now the ministry of defense and the general staff are dealing with this, because we really need some algorithms, how it will work further, but it still depends, mr. andriy, on the number of people, as far as i understand, well, relatively speaking, if 10 people will submit his application, that's one thing, they will be allowed to do it, if, as you say, 300, and maybe, and maybe me too, well, that is, it depends on. but it is very interesting that you also have many questions, like a people's deputy, and excuse me, don't forget not just the number, but that it takes important time, it is not that we
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went like a handsome bandit and recruited a certain number of people in prisons, transferred them to the army, we are forced to go through all these procedures, hearings in court, courts are overwhelmed with cases, it is not that we brought a person to the court and the judge dropped everything and began to consider it, that is, i think that not before somewhere, well, if this law is signed by the president, i think... it will be signed, but not before, probably, there from august-september we will see what in general with this happening, with this process, how much is there at all helps some configuration, that is, in the dry balance there are more questions than answers, it certainly does not solve some general problem of mobilization, but if it gives the opportunity to join the army to those who really want and really have a suitable physical condition for it, and and and it is all by law, if it is decided, regulated, and for those people it will really be an opportunity, we will follow, thank you mr. andriy for joining, andriy osachuk, first deputy chairman of the committee
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on law of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. security activities fraction voice was a guest morning freedom the european union is preparing another 14th package of sanctions against russia. the day before, it was discussed by the ambassadors of the eu member states. radio svoboda correspondent zoryana stepanenko will tell what the new round of restrictions offers, how they will work and when they can be approved, from brussels. a sanctions package with sensitive measures, because they relate to the energy sector. the european union refused russian coal and marine crude oil. but he continued to buy blue fuel, although he reduced its consumption. another set of restrictions for the first time, the european commission is targeting the russian gas sector, namely liquefied natural gas. the eu is not ready to ban its import, as this gas is bought in relatively large volumes by belgium, france, and spain, but proposes to limit its re-export, i.e. further transportation of liquefied fuel through eu ports. eu firms may also be banned from investing in future
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skrapleny-related projects. gas in russia. politico newspaper estimated that due to these measures, the russian federation could lose about 2 billion euros. russia's entire profit from lng has quadrupled bigger, but direct deliveries neither to the eu nor to other parts of the world, the 14th package will not stop. analysts believe that countries in europe need to make more targeted efforts at the national level to limit russia's gas revenues. the mentioned countries need to make more efforts to replace lng imports from russia with imports from other countries. look at germany, which may not be a christomantic example in many other cases, but when it comes to replacing lng imports from russia with imports of this fuel from qatar, middle east, north america, canada, germany achieved good results. export control may be strengthened for fifty companies, ships that violate
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sanctions may be prohibited from entering... harbors, and existing restrictions on russian aviation may also be strengthened. among other proposed restrictions is a ban on the purchase of russian helium. four media outlets accused of spreading russian propaganda can also be added to the blacklist: voice of europe, ria novosti izvestia, a russian newspaper, and european political parties, ngos and the media want to be banned from taking money from the russian government or its proxies, but experts we spoke to doubt that this will significantly limit russia's influence in europe. i am sure that they will try to find funding from alternative sources, which will probably end up being connected to the russian government. so i expect that if you can no longer, from the point of view of these parties, extend your hand to vladimir putin, you will extend your hand to viktor orbán, hoping that way get some funding. the european commission emphasized that the purpose of the sanctions is not to collapse
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the russian economy. and to make it more difficult for the kremlin to fight against ukraine and the introduced measures are considered to be working, reminding that the effectiveness should be evaluated primarily in the medium and long term, it is expected that the new 14th package, which has just begun to be discussed, will be approved by july. from brussels, zoryana stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. in russia, today they celebrate victory day in the second world war, which was fought there continue to be called that. military parades are planned to be held in 25 cities, however, in ukrainian regions captured by russia, they were canceled for security reasons, there will be no traditional march of the immortal regiment again this year in russia, although such actions were held in many cities abroad. the leaders of eight states will take part in the victory day celebration in moscow, mainly the leaders of the former soviet republics, such as belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, and
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the president will also come. cuba, the asian country of laos and of the african state of guinea-bissau. it is interesting that the prime minister of armenia pashinyan, who was in moscow at the eurasian economic union summit the day before , did not participate in the victory day parade or in putin's inauguration, which took place two days ago. but the ambassadors of unfriendly western countries, in particular the usa, great britain, france, and germany, were not invited to the may 9 parade, the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, maria zakharova, said through them. as she says, an aggressive policy towards russia. in the parade 2,500 units of military equipment and weapons will participate by the day of victory. this was announced by the minister of defense of the country, serhiy shoigu. and reuters writes that this is less than in the years before the start of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine. but on may 1 , moscow opened an exhibition of allegedly captured nato equipment brought from the so-called svo zone, as the war against ukraine is called in russia. there are 32.


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