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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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tajikistan, turkmenistan, the president of cuba, the asian country, laos and the african state of guinea bissau also came. it is interesting that the prime minister of armenia, pashinyan, who was in moscow the day before at the summit of the eurasian economic union, did not take part either in the victory day parade or in putin's inauguration, which took place two days ago. but the ambassadors of unfriendly western countries, in particular the usa, great britain, france, germany , were not invited to the parade on may 9, the spokeswoman of the ministry of... russian affairs maria reported. zakharova because of their, as she says, aggressive policy towards russia. 2,500 units of military equipment and weapons will take part in the victory day parade. this was announced by the minister of defense of the country, serhiy shoigu. and reuters writes that this is less than in the years before the start of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. but on may 1, moscow opened an exhibition of allegedly captured nato equipment brought from the so-called svo zone, as the war against ukraine is called in russia. there are 32... two units of equipment, in particular, as
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the russian media claim, german tanks leopard, american abrams and bradley. ilya ponomarov, russian politician, member of the state duma of the russian federation from 2007 to 2016, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning! putin's inauguration was on may 7, but may 9 is victory day, does moscow celebrate these dates on a grand scale and today specifically, what are they going to do there, or not? will join the celebration, some unexpected methods of celebration, something new, maybe unexpected guests from abroad, or the list that i read earlier, that's all, and what is there scale, they didn't even invite these foreign ambassadors, although even during the cold war they were always there participating in all the parades on red square and always there, always there, but now they are not even invited there, and everyone knows what will be there a very
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limited, limited holiday, because of the danger, they are afraid of drone attacks, and that is why they banned the celebration altogether there in many regions of russia, in the same belgarad, there in kursk and in other cities, and in this same immortal regiment, as you rightly said , also... his it won't happen, that is, if there is something where it is possible to create some kind of action there, they forbid it, because they are not sure that they can ensure security and arrest anyone there, who who, who will do what at this parade. mr. ponomaryov, we started the program with that, and actually tonight there was an attack there.
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drones, well, in russia they say that they are ukrainian drones, and at the oil depot in the krasnodar region of russia, and there are some explosions in belgorod, somewhere in the belgorod area, and in general, what is happening, maybe they were expecting such and such events in moscow, that is why they approached the celebration of this day more modestly, well, that's exactly how, if we remember the previous, previous holiday there, they just took such... hostages to spend at all this is it on may 9 in the 23rd year there were, i forget , three or four leaders of other countries there and they were sitting there next to putin and waiting for the drones, i'm looking at where they are already flying , well, this year there will be eight - well, but such very
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famous countries, well, i think that putin does not have them it's too bad if something, something happens there. can you explain one more point, there is news that russian flags, military uniforms, posters with the letters v or z and other symbols and signs that may glorify russia's war against ukraine were banned even there in berlin during the events on may 9. and why do citizens of russia go abroad to celebrate. why is this important to them, does it mean support for putin and... his policies, does it mean support for the war in ukraine? look, here is a very difficult question, because this date may 9, of course, is very sensitive for many, and for me, by the way, as well, my grandfathers fought, my great-grandfather died in the war, and that is why this date is may 9. it has always
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been so very very important in my family, and when there is a ban, the ban is usually because of an aggressive war, because of an offensive one. ukraine is emotionally very understandable to the whole world, but many russians have such a protest there, because they are not ready to understand this emotion, they are far from the front line, they feel that it is the whole world against russia, and that is why they are trying to do something through... by the way, this is also in europe, and here we have the ambassador of our congress trying to disrupt such events in canada so that they do not take place in the united states the states have them, and the western countries , of course, also understand all this sensitivity, and
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they try to close their eyes and not interfere with these measures, and if we talk about about russia's role, russia's actions, for example, in european countries, european special services have warned their governments that russia is planning violent acts of sabotage on all continent, following the course of constant conflict with the west, the financial times reported about it, and what the kremlin might be planning, and many other things, there is now such a recruitment of various radical movements in different countries. and that's how long it was a week ago, 10 days ago people were arrested in poland, who were controlled by a man there formally with a belarusian passport, but of course he was a subordinate of a russian
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special agent, and they even used polish football fans there in order to to create attacks, there was... an attempt on zelenskyi, what they have already done there, they attacked leonid volkov, it is from the movement of oleksii navalny in lithuania, and even against me there, there were certain plans in poland, well, that’s only one country, and that’s exactly how there are such people in germany, in england, and even in the united states, and... in poland they exposed a spy network, there was information that the russian special services were recruiting agents in poland via the internet, and what are you talking about, and britain will even expel of the russian air force, because he, according to the minister of internal affairs affairs is an undeclared officer of military intelligence, that is, the spy network in europe, it is growing now during this war,
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it is changing, i would say so, because the methods are changing, the countermeasures that create the event are changing. country, and that is why russian intelligence is adapting to new challenges, i.e. here before it was more of such a secret intelligence, plus official diplomats, now there are more such murderers, saboteurs who work more along the lines of the gru, i.e. military intelligence, not civilian intelligence, that is, there is such a certain rotation, and because of this there is a new danger, plus the situation with the so-called agents of influence is also changing, in
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the last 10-15 years , a real network of western politicians was created there, who were paid money, their parties were sponsored there, movements there, when the large-scale invasion of ukraine began, of course it was stopped, because it was already a shame to openly cooperate with russia , but not such formal relations, they remain, i thank you for joining, as always, when you are with us you are included in... in the comments, someone will write and say how young you are, that you have learned the ukrainian language, and you use the ukrainian language on the airwaves. ilya ponomerov, a russian politician, a member of the state duma of the russian federation from 2007 to 2016, was a guest of freedom mornings. we talked about may 9 and, in general, about the spy network of the russian
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federation in europe. well, next, an important topic, especially for those who live in the occupation or have relatives there, eight pravoz'. of these organizations in ukraine appealed to president volodymyr zelensky with a request to welcome the law, which obliges employees to report on connections with people under occupation. the open appeal to the president is posted on the center's website. human rights change. according to the law, employers will have the right to fire their workers if they have not informed their management about existing connections with relatives who remained in the temporarily occupied territories. human rights activists point out that the adopted law contradicts the state policy of reintegration of the occupied territories, and allegedly makes displaced persons and people registered in occupation by those who are in contact with those who should be perceived as a threat to the national security of ukraine. rights defenders say that the law is not up to date. explains what the employer should actually do with the notification of contacts with people in the occupation, in view of this, they call
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for it to be returned for revision, in particular , they propose to remove the disputed norms. let's talk about it now, alyona lonova, advocacy director of the zmena human rights center joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning. alyona, what risks do you see with the adoption of this law, what with it not so, really, what are the specific threats, well... tell me, maybe they have already reacted, because it has been a week or more, even this statement is there, maybe there in the president's office they have already reacted to it, well, i'll start with the last one, there is no reaction yet, but we hope that the lack of reaction is evidence that the office studies this issue more thoroughly than the people's deputies studied it before the vote, because in fact it is a big problem, if the deputies are told that this bill is against collaborationism, then they, unfortunately, do not read his text, and we saw it's obvious in the comments. in particular to our call for privatization, because people's deputies started telling us that oh, if you
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had informed us about these risks earlier, we would not have voted for it, but in fact it is a matter of presenting any bill as such, which fights with collaborationism, it deprives, it seems to me, of a rational, rational vision regarding the texts of bills and the consequences they bring with them, as regards this law in particular, we see really serious risks as such a general political nature, we are talking about... the general vision of how the state should reintegrate the de-occupied territories, for reintegration it is necessary to maintain ties with the people of the occupation, with people who left the occupied territories, if these ties are put under such it is actually illegal to say that if employees have any connections at critical infrastructure facilities, which, by the way, are not defined by law, what exactly these connections are, then this must be reported without fail, then this means that, in principle, the state subscribes to non'. the activity of our reintegration policy, that we want to perceive people who come from the occupation or live in the occupied territories
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as a threat to national security, but there are very practical problems of this law, as i have already said, the question of what are the connections with the residents of the occupied territories or by those who have a registered place of residence in these territories, the law does not define whether it is family ties, whether it is friendly ties, or whether people once studied together at school, at the university, that is, what is it that is unclear, due to incomprehensibility, what are connections about which it is necessary to inform, actually the problem is that then the employee, who must necessarily inform about his connections, can be fired if he has not fully reported, probably he has not reported all the connections, eh, that is, not so much now it is clear how this law will work in practice, and secondly, what is important, it is really unclear what the employer should do with the information that will be provided to employees, it is not yet clear whether it will be information about the presence or absence of connections, or is it... be personal data of people living in occupation, whether the employer will demand it,
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that is, it is completely unclear, only one thing is clear, that the state gives a very strong message to the inhabitants of the occupied territories, that the company must be informed about the connections with them, and that it actually carries such connections carry risks to the national the security of ukraine, well, it must be said for sure that these can be risks for people in the occupation and, because if the information about this somehow... goes to the local occupation authorities with people, it can also be problems, potentially it will be people , which will fall to kativeni, or through which they will put pressure on people who work at critical infrastructure facilities, and again, if we say that these are changes, and these are changes to the code of labor laws, that is, this is such a general law for everyone, yes in ukraine, if we are talking only about critical infrastructure objects, about which people's deputies talked a lot, yes, but what to do with other important... structures, such as the ministry, yes, our political bodies, such as the verkhovna rada itself , people's deputies did not prescribe for themselves
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the need to report on connections with residents of the occupied territories or with internally displaced persons, i.e. for some reason they do not consider their organization to be as important as critical infrastructure objects, and we also drew attention to the fact that, if measured by such logic, a lot of authorities, the armed forces of ukraine, then there are a lot of people to report, and each of us has hundreds of them. maybe more connections with people living in the occupation, whether they are internally displaced persons, we have more than 5 million internally displaced persons, it is not known yet what, how many people went abroad in connection with the war, that is, it is in fact... everyone should report on everyone, everyone should report on everyone, some story is familiar, well, we will wait with you for the reaction of the president to this statement of yours , you and your fellow human rights defenders, thank you for joining alyona lonova, advocacy director of the zmena human rights center. write your impressions of this broadcast in the comments, subscribe to radio svoboda, and we will see you
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remove the protective film and the mattress takes its shape, just call for... and order orthopedic mattress camel, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half. thank you colleagues for your work, we have been following both the news and the development of the whole situation, and for those of our good viewers who are always helping with donations, we are collecting professional answers to... and now in touch with our studio people's deputy, she is a member of the committee on national security and defense, iryna friz, mrs. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, well, we are trying something, we are already on it way, when it becomes more or less clear, somehow more clearly, that with that mobilization, who
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can claim what, i wanted to ask about the mobilization of convicts, we understand that the positions were different. opinions were divided, because they voted, but they voted, there are certain categories that can really perform certain tasks on the front line, and also not only on the front line, but, for example, in the construction of fortifications, and, that is, depending on whether whether or not we can entrust weapons to these people, what will it look like actually this system, well, the system will look like this: after the adoption of the law, it must be signed. to make a regulatory framework accordingly so that it is implemented in the legislative field, according to the algorithm, that is, the commanders of military units can send to the court the appropriate submission regarding this or that person who is convicted according to the list of articles defined in the law, and after
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the decision is made court, this person can receive conditional early term, conditional early... release in lieu of serving a sentence, which is replaced by the signing of a contract and readiness to defend the state during martial law, i.e., this is the algorithm by which the law should and should work in the future. as for the content of the draft law that was adopted, european solidarity has determined for itself that the list of articles contained in this law has already been adopted. is insufficiently developed, we believe that there is a list of articles that should also be excluded from, so to speak, the replacement permit. but serving a sentence with conditional early release and protection homeland, because there is a certain list of articles for crimes, which, from our point of view, should not
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fall under this possibility, in addition, we actually remember the position of the head of the army, who was quite categorical on this issue, he believed that the army, especially the army... during wartime it is no place to re-educate, or to attract people who are serving time for crimes. at the same time, the draft law was passed yesterday, so we will see what consequences it will have and whether it is real will live up to the expectations placed on it by the initiators. i will immediately point out that the numbers, for example, that came from the representative of the servant of the people faction, in particular, that it could be 10 or 20,000, they are completely unrealistic, at most it will be a few thousand, this is the maximum of what is
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possible now, from the analysis of which was made, and therefore whether it was necessary for the sake of there, two thousand people, this is the maximum, i will emphasize once again, who can be mobilized, or who can enter into contracts in order to defend the state, to change the legislation. will show the time and as much as it will be, as much as it will be correct, the time will also show the time. mrs. iryna, what logic did the authors lay down, for me, for what degree of crimes can the law be applied and a person joins the army, and what degrees of criminal violations cannot be categorically taken, is there some clear watershed? well, clearly, look, there is a list of articles according to which people have the right. to receive a conditional early release instead of serving a sentence, this list of articles, it is defined at the level of the law, respectively it can be applied and implemented
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in the future during the implementation of this law, as for the extent to which the contents of these articles, which were included, have been developed, i will emphasize once again, we believe that it is underdeveloped, in particular, including the corrupt officials for not... corrupt people, as mentioned, that is, for example, people's deputies or former high-ranking officials there, such as ministers, they will not be able to receive, if they are convicted of corruption crimes, they will not be able to receive the possibility of parole, which will be replaced service in the army, for example, has not been cleared, it is in this case, that is, a person on the loose has not had a criminal record cleared, we have such cases and... accordingly, this is a candidate for the armed forces, is it not subject to the law? well, as far as i understand, this can be a candidate if he voluntarily comes and signs a contract
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with the armed forces of ukraine, and his outstanding criminal record falls under the list of articles specified in the law. i will once again return to corrupt persons, for example, a corrupt person who either took or gave bribes and bribes in kind of there, well, the equivalent of 50%. then he will be able to replace the sentence with a conditional early release with further service on a visa, but we understand what corrupt people are capable of, i.e. if he took, gave, then , accordingly, leaving prison, he can once again take advantage of the opportunity to give bribes for to do it, conditionally speaking, to serve in the army, well, for example, not in the combat zone, that is, in the rodian combat cauldron or in the truskavets front line, and we know that, but here i am still
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talking about money for nothing, but i not in vain mentioned these fortifications, we understand that now we need not only a lot of military personnel, but also labor force, people who can work quickly and hard, in fact, in addition to such a mobilization directly to... the army, are you also considering other options, so that to build fortifications in order to be useful somewhere else, alternative service, yes , yes, because now they will start again due to the state of health or something else, well, the formation of the so -called engineering troops, etc., yes, what you are talking about now, well, look, actually legislators lay a framework, yes, that is , a legislative framework, then its application, its implementation will be carried out directly. the general staff, the ministry of defense, and accordingly, there have already been some theses, i don't know how true they will be to the fact
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that some separate units will even be formed from these people who ... receive conditional early release battalions, from my point of view it looks quite vulnerable, i will explain why, because people who will be, relatively speaking, together, yes, in and who have served a sentence for a certain list of crimes, yes according to the articles, and they will be together, will they not need an additional one as well. i don't know, the protection, if you want, or indeed their use then without weapons, as you say before the formation of engineering carts in order to be able to use them during the construction of fortifications, all this already falls on the shoulders of the executive branch of government and the ministry defense with the general staff, and how professionally and... well, literally qualitatively
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they will approach this issue, will depends on the number of risks that may accompany this law in the future, ugh, i am talking about one more parameter, because arahamia says that potentially 15-20 thousand are mobilized, this does not solve anything within the framework of protection itself, it just supplements, but it is not what, as they say, changes the situation on the front line, we have a few, a few thousand, not 15, not 10, less, even less, much less, a few thousand, and this is the maximum that can be possible, but now about the big numbers let's talk, i just always liked it i liked it so much, you have money, you are sinless, remember in the middle ages, oksano, you could come and buy an indulgence in the church and in fact it... took away all
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sins, and the one who does not have money is a sinner, that's all, he will leave to hell, and in this case the parameters are the same, when i read this discussion about what kind of economic reservation we should apply, and yesterday arahamia explained to us without batting an eye that there are 35, if there is a tax, then you can no longer go, or vice versa book yourself employees and pay an indulgence of 20 00 hryvnias for each one, and i can't either to understand the essence of this discussion, explain. well , the point of the discussion is to draw another chapter of division in society from my point of view, because if we talk about justice and unity, then this is one such topic, about economic reservation, which is dividing our society once again, i i consider it completely false, some authors even tried to make appropriate amendments to
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the law on mobilization. they were rejected by the committee as being totally unacceptable in the law on mobilization on the one hand, and on the other hand on the other hand, those who do not have a reasoned position, because you know, if we are talking about the attachment to the level of wages or to taxes, and which is one of the other directions of this economic reservation, then we ... immediately fall with you in a situation where, for example, cities like kyiv, yes, they will be able to do some part, or large corporations, like, well, i don't know there, or big stores, supermarkets, like the epicenter, what they will be able to do there show some number of people with the corresponding, or the level of wages, or the payment of taxes, but again, if we take small cities, i am not talking about towns or
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villages, there are no entrepreneurs there, except for the director who does not want to mobilize, and mrs. iryna can show , we have news time, news time has come, but we are grateful to you for interpreting such sensitive things, which, admittedly, did not give us much optimism. iryna friz, people's deputy, member of the committee on national security and defense, about what was decided in the parliament yesterday. then it's news time. khrystyna barubiy ready to talk about the most important thing at this moment. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in the ukrainian regions after the russian shelling in the issue, as well as which other country refuses to cooperate with russia. just a moment, wait.


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