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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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offices, this is, you know, we have the greatest leader of our time today, now lonchayaka laughs, says: what are you talking about zelenskyi, she says, no, i am talking about yermak, well, this is according to the version of the times magazine, here, there is a network, which was created, and personnel appointments, and the entire vertical is now being sharpened precisely under the greatest leader of our time, yermak, signatures on many decrees, from which the other most outstanding leader of the past modernity, zelenskyi, puts it. yes, this is the entire vertical, what do you think that all of them pass special inspections, then if we let's talk now about special checks, then i want to remind you that special checks are carried out by other cabinet officials appointed according to yermak's quotas, who sit in the sbu, and if we recall the arrest of recent attempts on the lives of three leaders of ukraine, then i want to ask who i signed these special inspections for them, because one... special inspector
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naumov, a general, declared a traitor to ukraine, he led a bunch of people into this vertical, and these people were not released, not imprisoned, not sitting, you understand, they are further in offices, and again regarding, mr. igor, you were told by mr. bakanov, a well-known lawyer from poltava, so far there is a new problem, lawyers have not been included in the list of those booked, no, i am talking about special inspections, how they check there, so that only then a network of two colonels runs all over kyiv. well, you see, you also say, the network consisted of two colonels, and they had to follow three persons at the same time, namely budanov, malyuk and zelenskyi, and it was necessary to follow them at the same time in order to collect them in one pile, but no in the bunker, well, to be honest, this crash of course with this attempt, well, i can laugh, but okay, well, let's take it seriously, it's 1,500 attempts on president zelenskyi. the information about which
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we were told today, well, the truth is that the previous 1,549 were not reported, but what a difference, but i think that this is again a situation for tightening the nuts, because now these two colonels are in order not to receive for life, they will write a report and say that the entire network was included, a seagull, a lapin, well , you can take a couple more people, our phones are in the internet is there, so you can stick to how we will take oksana with us, so that it would be more fun for us to sit in the company. mr. igor, i have a question for you from the editors of the magazine, well , there were supposed to be three people at the liquidation, but where is the most influential one? and no, wait, wait, who has the right, who will lead the country, in this case, well, that is, if the most influential will stand. the fourth according to the version
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of the magazine, then it won’t be a matchup, you know, i’ll tell you, but why are they throwing such stories under such a sauce, because maybe there really is some kind of attempt crime, maybe there's good work there, but after unknown people disrupted the meeting of the un assembly, well, i mean, when they put balls on the driver's car with precision and mass, and all this cringe story that ... interrupted the work of the president in new york, because one by one they shot and missed, and it all ended in a whistle, then very often after that we do not trust any such stories, where the direction does not even reach the numbers of the 95th block, well, let's talk frankly, when did this news come out? she blurted out in parallel with several other news, one of them is the situation really at the front, which is very difficult and must be interrupted by something, and the second arose in parallel. er, kolomoiskyi
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was announced as a suspect in a ten -year-old case regarding the organization of a murder, uh, and it was announced by the police, that is, you understand, yes, this is for me, you know, like a signal, there are two news, three news, and they are all very serious by force , then something behind something is hiding somewhere, and let's put it this way, i think that the situation of kolomoisky sizo, the sbu can turn into a situation... kolomoisky in sizo in general from the ministry of internal affairs, and there may be some precautionary measures, and the bails will not be like that and so on, well , we will watch, of course, but these are three such news, one of them, unfortunately, only about the war, and two about the hype, in order to knock down situation, problems at the front. and by the way, one more thesis about the prisoners, i must say, we have questions about the red cross, especially the azov residents, who were interrogated in the presence of representatives of the red cross, and again... and it was through the representatives of the red
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cross that i had control over azov citizens from mariupol, and we remember it all very well, that's why the international institutions that are responsible for the prisoners, especially for us. our captives, they discredited themselves a long, long time ago, well, you see, the red cross knows how to do other things, for example, kidnap ukrainian children to belarus and brag about it, so these are different levels of criminal organizations, on this interesting note, according to which will fight goals and netflix, well, i mean to make our answer to the movie lion killer, to make, for example, the movie beniya killer, we have to say goodbye, but we will follow this case as well, and thank you... for the conversation, mr. igor, igor lapin, our deputy of the previous convocation and defender, a veteran officer of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. igor described the situation we have today, and how it came to this, in a few minutes we will ask the military historian vasyl pavlov, stay with us, it will be interesting,
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. we are coming back and very glad that this is important and the historic watershed for which yesterday and today have become. today is europe day, and we as europeans congratulate you all, here our enemies are the continuation of the cult of false history and the so-called victory fighters, here to deal with all this we will be helped by a very good historian i have known for a long time, he is a military historian, the head of a public organization center of military history, vasyl pavlov, mr. vasyl, we are glad to welcome you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes and congratulations. now let's look right now where the pictures are coming from moscow,
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this very ancient rite is important for the empire, you can call it differently, the russian empire, the ussr, the russian sfsr, as you like, but this rite is unchanging, that is, parades are the key foundation of this empire . but this one, which is connected with may 9, here you can't dig everywhere, lies are distorted everywhere and a ceremonial is made of it based on lies, starting from even the ambush, i.e. why one ally, who started the second world war with another ally, suddenly from this must make a cult and ritual and drag it through the ages, what do you say, well here... it should be said that each state forms its own history and historical policy, based on what
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purpose it has in the present, in fact we have pure oruel, the one who controls the present, the one who controls the past, whoever controls the past controls the future, and the russians, in fact , having no other options for a national unifying myth, except... victory in the great patriotic war, well, actually i take this term, they use it, and the parade for this is such a kind of fetish what they are are used to mobilize both their own population and, as they think, to show their capabilities to the world, i am very sorry, there is really no way to see what is happening in them, although it is happening. the pictures that are now coming from the center of moscow, here you have to watch,
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you know, this parade, i always do an analysis for myself every year, i break it down into atoms, because behind each of them there is a huge amount of meaning, if it seems to us that they no, well, trust me, they are, if you compare the parade every year, especially narratives that are embedded in symbolic elements, they are quite substantial. but you absolutely rightly pointed out that if lies are the basis of the narrative, then the narrative itself will be false and will perform the same functions, and here we see that, in fact , under the guise of victory over the evil of nazism, the russians are trying, or their military- the political leadership, are trying to justify their current crimes, and under the guise of... the fact that once they defeated nazism, now they have the right, have to build such a certain, well,
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such a long historical narrative, because for two years they are the same as nazi germany, i mean all the soviet people and their descendants, who are now being told on red square that we are descendants, there is a second a very difficult moment from this story, because stalin himself, even his supreme marauder, who... robbed the defeated allied germany with wagons, i mean the beetle, they didn't even risk making the day of victory, how many years they were afraid, until not cleared from all veterans and the wounded, they did not clear the city, but until, well , in one word, until brezhnev leaned in and explained to everyone that there was a small land somewhere in the crimea, this is the main battle of the planet for its entire existence, only then did the battle begin. that's what everyone remembers in russia, whether it was possible to erase the memory of the ally, i think that in
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russia they do not remember all of this at all, precisely the history of the creation of the holiday, the history of its transformation, the history of how the soviet union at the initial stage, the stage was deprived of veterans, in general, veteran policy, if so you can say. in the ussr in the first years after the second world war, they try not to discuss it, and what you are talking about, by and large, not many russians know, and others either do not want to, or specifically shrug it off, and for they really, well , what it is customary for them to call there the cult of great victory, really begins during the time of brezhnev, then enters the golden stasis and is the same element of everyday life and its
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perception as i don't know new year's olivier eh.. . irony of fate with light steam, in lights and so on, that is, this is such an element of soviet masculinity, but which was aimed at satisfying certain ideological needs of soviet society for such a kind of ideological domination, clearly understanding that there is nothing else to be proud of, in russia we have to talk about that somewhere from 95% of the year, it was not only putin who started it, it was also started by yeltsin, when the pathetic 50th anniversary of the victory of the ussr in the second world war was celebrated with a parade to bow to the gre, and this is precisely the restoration of this tradition, because even the soviet tradition, it did not provide for annual parades on
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victory day, soviet parades took place once every 10 years, here we see that on may 9. and the parade actually turned into an annual coven, an annual element of some sort, but again, it ’s interesting, now there was a shot of one strategic rocket going, whereas before they just launched them in divisions, you can watch both soviet footage and footage from the russian parades, zeros of the beginning of the tenth, now it is clear that something has changed, not everything can be dragged. well, actually, mr. vasyl, this is it we want to ask, because in fact, before the collapse of the soviet union, it seems that there were only four parades, the first one was in june immediately after the end of the war, then 20 years later , when people began to forget a little what it really was, how terrible this really was war, and that this is not a victory at all, but a tragedy for the people, and in the 90s it was renewed
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every year, as you say, or in recent years, in the last... 10 years, and especially in the last more than two years, this is the third year since we've had a full-scale war, their way of holding parades is changing, i not talking about the fact that they canceled the immortal regiment, but in general the way they present themselves, the way of advice does not change, only the textual narratives change and the amount of equipment changes, the amount of equipment changes in a decreasing direction, because we see that they do not have that... resource, which they would have the opportunity to drag across the red square, and a lot of equipment that we saw there in the 20th year, in the 21st year , had already been identified as destroyed in the battles in the 22nd 23 years on the territory of ukraine, so now , after the end of the parade, a reading will be released, well
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infographic, we will see how many units, what equipment... was used during the parade and then we will be able to compare in detail, now we can say that it was many times less, because it was even less than last year, that is, here we see that the technical component is constantly decreasing, and the ideological component is constantly increasing, i wanted to ask you, mr. vasyl, if there are any circumstances, i don't know, some things that can bring these things back. tens of millions of zombies, who simultaneously receive several cults in their heads, are actually still there double-mindedness, which orwell spoke about, is absolutely used in them in the heads of these red flags of victory are used with imperial flags, with stalin, with the orthodox church and with those
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priests, some of whom they shot, and others swore to the germans. it is all used in them, it is such a mess that any doctor, psychiatrist should give up, but is there any circumstance that will return the true story to these lands, and at least to at least a part of these people who participate in these shenanigans a monster of complete lies. in my opinion, it is only the disintegration of this state, the reshaping of individual or national or territorial state formations, the formation of their own... historical policy, an attempt to restore, whether regional or national historical memory, already further, well, decades-long enlightenment. work with the population, a radical change of public historical policy, maybe something will be done, but it will not be very fast, it will not be based on
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some one-time, one-time action, this, if we enter this, this period will begin, then it will one or two generations, no less, huh, but we remember, even a few years ago, any person in ukraine could say that what it was in... the result of the second world war, it was the victory of kolema over buchenwald, and even then such people were always told: you can't say anything else like that. now we see a completely different sociology, an attitude towards victory and victory on the part of ukrainians, and here, is it the ukrainians who have become wiser, or are these simply the consequences of russian aggression, we should not fool ourselves that people have suddenly become more historically literate and do the right things conclusions, well... this situation in our country is a combination of factors, after all, we have a more open information society, we have a huge number of information channels that ukrainians can perceive, after all, a
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lot of ukrainians in one way or another in previous years visited in europe, they saw what it looks like and how it can be celebrated, how it can be remembered, and plus, well, really, the consequences of russian...aggression in ideological terms cannot be dismissed, i think that here it simply all came together, so in our it happens faster but let's be honest in general, any changes in ukraine have always happened faster than in russia, therefore social and political changes are no exception in this matter, we have literally a minute left, and actually what you are saying now, and may 1 and the day of may 9, do not call it the day of victory, in ukraine have become the least popular. holidays, we are moving in the right direction, how much more time do we need to generally cleanse ourselves from this soviet, those, soviet holidays, from the commemoration
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of that past. here everything is very simple, here no one canceled the formula of moses, that in order to the nation has become completely free, the last born in captivity must die. the only thing is that it happens much faster in ukraine. therefore , i think that ukraine still needs approximately, well , no more than 20 years in order for the soviet consciousness, the soviet component, to completely disappear into the past and not affect it in any way for the present or for that day, well, believe me, this very fast. mr. vasyl, thank you for having an interesting talk with the viewers of espresso vasyl pavlov, military historian, head of the center. of literary history was with us, i wanted i wish it was just as fast, but 20 years was enough for us to get rid of all these scumbags, fsb agents, and so on, in
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our entire country. now there is a short pause, then it is time for news about the fines for evaders and the release of kubrakov. khrystyna parubiy will tell. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable. i want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. recors garden trimmer unpack tv, order now at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and
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are so convenient. to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery powerful saws are strong, that's what you need to call. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed oleksandr kubrakov from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine. 272 people's deputies voted for this decision. kubrakov was not present at the meeting. on his facebook page
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, he noted that the head of


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