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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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of dimension saws, strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need to call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parobiy is working in the studio. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed oleksandr kubrakov from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine. 272 people's deputies voted for this decision. kubrakov was not at the meeting was present at his page on facebook
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noted that prime minister denys shmyhal did not discuss the decision to dismiss with him. he was allegedly not invited to the meetings of the servants of the people faction and the specialized committee. let me remind you that the government plans to create a separate ministry that will deal with regional policy. the parliament is also currently considering the dismissal of minister of agrarian policy mykola solskyi. meanwhile, deputies. the minister of agrarian policy was arrested. such a decision was made during a meeting of the higher anti-corruption court. markiyan dmytrasevich will remain in custody until july 7, with the possibility of bail in the amount of more than uah 20 million. he is suspected of complicity in the illegal acquisition of land worth about uah 300 million. i will remind you earlier that the higher anti-corruption court arrested the minister of agricultural policy mykola solskyi for this crime. he was released on bail for more than uah 75 million. identify
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the suspect. parliament raised fines for evaders. 256 people's representatives voted for this decision. according to the document introduce three regimes: breach, repeat breach and breach during martial law. in particular, a minimum fine will be imposed initially for appearing before the tcc on a summons for evasion and late updating of data. 17 hryvnias, later the amount of the fine will be increased, it may rise to 25,500 hryvnias. he spied on the positions of the ukrainian army in kharkiv. the security service of ukraine detained a man who was collecting information about the armed forces of ukraine for the russians. the attacker monitored the delivery of weapons and locations of ukrainian air defense. all of them i marked the collected coordinates on the map. and then
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forwarded the occupant's information. currently, the perpetrator is behind bars, he faces up to eight years in prison. and to the news from the regions: a man and a woman died as a result of an early morning attack in the dnipropetrovsk region. two more people were wounded - reported the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. as a result of the shelling, a fire broke out in the house, two private houses and five lots were also damaged. apartment buildings, a shop, two trade pavilions, utility buildings and a gas pipeline. one person was injured due to the russian attack on the kherson region. the occupiers beat residential buildings. in his own home , a 74-year-old local resident received an explosive and craniocerebral injury, shrapnel injuries to his legs and head. he is currently in hospital in a moderate condition. a total of 12
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high-rise buildings and 54 private houses were damaged, oleksandr prokutin, head of the regional military administration, said. the enemy also hit critical and transport infrastructure facilities, an administrative building, a post office, and gas pipelines. three children are in intensive care in a serious condition due to a missile attack on kharkiv. another victim - an eight-year-old girl - was transferred to outpatient treatment. let us know about it. head of the regional military administration olek senigubov. let me remind you that yesterday the russians hit the stadium on the territory of the educational institution. at the time of the impact, the boys were playing football on the playground. as a result of the attack , seven people were injured, a school and residential buildings were damaged. the usa is preparing a new aid package for ukraine. state department spokesman matthew miller said this at a briefing. according to him, the united states
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plan to return to the stable rate of allocation of aid to ukraine, which washington followed before the break in funding. german development minister sveniya schulze arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit. the german media write about it. the minister's trip is taking place as part of preparations for the conference on the restoration of ukraine. it is expected that the summit will gather about 1,500 participants in berlin, including heads of state and government. the conference is scheduled for june 11 and 12. funny about sad, the english-speaking theater in kyiv presented a play about english theater about ukrainian refugees in a stand-up format, about how it was possible to tell tragic rescue stories with jokes, further in our story.
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so fun, but sad. english-language theater in kyiv pro english theater staged a play once in ukraine. the director says that he tried to create a ukrainian odyssey. the retrospective journey runs along the evacuation route to germany, then to lviv, and from there to the basement in mariupol. all mentioned in standup format. our performance, too, it does not, does not aim to burden the audience with the fact that, uh, war, how it's terrible, we all know that war is terrible, but the point is how we overcome our moments of crisis, our mental
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traumas, experiences, where we find an outlet for our emotions, our feelings, and so on. in the center of the plot are four heroines, these are collective images of ukrainian women, created on the basis of real stories of people, tragedy and difficult life circumstances from the stage are shown with jokes. the audience in the capital is diverse, both ukrainians trying to improve their english and foreign guests who sometimes did not even expect to see a comedy. this is about recent history, so there's a lot of tragedy in it, a lot of trauma, and i want to. to see it, i mean to be here in the theater, also adds such an artistic aspect to this trauma, so i'm very interested to see the play, and you know it's a comedy? i didn't know it was a comedy, really, it's such an extra twist. this performance has already
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been seen in germany, where it was played on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion. the actors admit that sometimes it is difficult to tell foreigners about... mashes grief with humor, but the audience understands everything, wants to accept it differently. they look at such people, as we say, at a serious borscht, they come with such faces, we watch a play from ukraine about refugees, it is a comedy, well, in short, it is very, very difficult to get them to some kind of real live reaction, because they are used to it , that ukraine should be supported with a petrified expression. our viewers, i see from experience, focus more. funny moments, funny stories, and first of all, because we already have too much negativity in our lives. pro english ceater was founded in 2018, during this time they staged 15 english-language plays, five of which are still
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shown around the world. the founder says that since the beginning of the great war , the audience has been formed anew, because domestic viewers began to watch all ukrainian. before. currently, the main task is to convey ukrainian voices to a foreign audience. we now work abroad much more than in ukraine, because now it is very important to speak with foreign partners in the language they understand. and now you will not surprise with the news. you can still do art surprise and break through, there is no protection from art. the play once in ukraine will be shown in kyiv in june, after which the play will be taken around the world. in particular, to spain and the canary islands. spoiler in the sad story of ukrainian refugees happy ending. which you will find out after watching. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. and we ask to support our military. with your
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help, we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two suvs for the hor air reconnaissance group and air defense forces. pickup for the 43rd separate. artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need preparation for combat service. our goal is uah 120,000. it remains to collect less than 30 00 hryvnias, so do not be indifferent, even the smallest donation is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. we will summarize the morning at 12:00, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the discussion switch stay with the espresso team. we come back and
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come back with the news that the president of the european parliament, roberta metzola, has come to kyiv. the visit was not announced, but it was probably not planned just like that, because today is europe day, and we are already used to reading such symbolic hints. that ukraine is also europe, about european affairs, literally in 15-20 minutes we will talk on our airwaves, and now it's time for our domestic-ukrainian affairs, because it's time to talk about energy, since we can't ask in kubrakov, how did he manage to properly use the billions of hryvnias of the second line of protection of energy facilities so that they were all destroyed, maybe he told someone in the verkhovna rada, we don't know, we are looking for this person, if anyone from there... kubrakov before his resignation, let's be heard , give us two green whistles, we will definitely put you on our air, but
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we will now ask about the consequences of all this from our former minister of fuel and energy, and now the chairman of the union council of the all-ukrainian energy assembly , ivan plachkom, in connection with our studio , sir ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, good health to everyone, mr. ivan, look, they are hitting all, all... components of our energy infrastructure in terms of generation, transformer distribution, high-voltage power lines, to everything, that is, they made such a plan of total destruction, but at the same time, we see that after each such massive strike, the energy workers manage to provide something, switch it on, turn it on. where we need green generation, where we need the flow of imports and, in principle, to keep ours from collapsing
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energy system, how strong is it still with us, how long will it be able to withstand such shocks and do we have this opportunity to always switch from scheme a to scheme b, after b to c and so on? well, look what the enemy's goal is, it means to achieve that... a total blackout in the country, which means when all the power plants, networks, consumers are turned off, it means a total blackout, after that the energy companies will raise the power system, but they will raise if such islands, regionally, there is a generation around this one generation will be connected by consumers and so on, well, this is the physics of the process, what is really happening today? we lost a very large amount of generation, there
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is very little thermal generation left, coal is being transported, hydroelectric stations, zaporizhzhia as and so on, and today we already have a very large capacity deficit in order to ensure consumption, now it is covered by the import of this of electricity, but the capacity of the intersection. it is also not unlimited, they are there, well, we also have the corresponding power we can only receive from our european partners, so uh, if there will be continued strikes on substations, on high-voltage substations, especially in western ukraine, those that provide transmission, then the situation will, unfortunately... worsen and well we are entering a very
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difficult summer season, remember, we usually say, here is the autumn-winter maximum and so on and so on, well, we now have a safety margin somewhere, as a rule, in peaceful times of the power system, it was 40, well , up to 30-40%, well, at least 30, and now i think that we... have a safety margin of minus 20%, well , this does not mean that the power system will fail and there will be a total blackout, really. energy experts, find such schemes, such regimes, even, even incredible, but we need to remember how consumers, first of all, uh, reduce the consumption of electricity as much as we can, we need to pay for this electricity 100%, even if it is
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possible for us to repay the barge, because in order to restore it, money is needed, unfortunately, the energy industry today has money no, regardless of the help and equipment and money of european partners, there is a great lack of funds from energy workers, we need to prepare for wind shutdowns, and we already know that yesterday the reductions for industry have already started, somewhere in the evening maximum, i think that today it will be ... to be continued, and if there is a summer period and we increase the consumption of air conditioners, then of course, and i do not rule it out, i would even advise that there should not be a schedule of emergency shutdowns, when the same consumers are disconnected and not at the appropriate time , it is not clear which
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the term and when, and the schedule of power outages, you and i will know that for two hours... there will be no electricity, and after two hours there will be, and there will be no other for two hours, well , this is the situation, actually, or why these schedules, this is primarily for industrial consumers, or if we arrange schedules for ordinary citizens, for individuals, will it not be possible to fill this and that void in electricity, that is, is this simply not enough, because we understand that after all, if enterprises are working, then they fill the budget. and pay for the same electricity, they are much more than us, and surely it is easier for me to sit without light for two hours in the evening to limit myself than the enterprise? you are an absolutely correct question, and a logical question, i also say this repeatedly, you know, the attitude of the ukrainian government
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to electricity today, well, not only today, for all the years of independence, this attitude is not through the prism of economic indicators, what expediency and so on further, through the electoral lens, we do not need to raise tariffs for the population, because the rating is about to drop, although today the population there pays twice as much, well, that's already been decided, i also agree with you and i keep saying, for example, that's what people do, if they tell us there, people won't tell, let's do it.. . we turn off your enterprise in the morning, it will not work, it will fall under the schedule of emergency shutdowns, they will turn it off, and you will sit at home and watch tv, well, what is the logic in this, really, this is the economy, this is the budget, this salaries and so on, but i do not know why such a decision has not been made, although we are still in
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in the 90s, when it was very difficult, at the end of the 90s, we used it. well, that's the only way to do it, well, i think we 'll come to that, i was there yesterday, there was another meeting of the headquarters with the prime minister in attendance, well, there were such valid questions about the repair schedules, about the situation in general, i ... i think that this decision will be made, unfortunately, unfortunately, in the energy industry now, there is no such coordination, no mobilization, no very quick decisions, and when there will be the next headquarters, headed by the prime minister, i i'm going there in two weeks, huh today it is necessary to work 24/7,
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online, and there must be a person in the status of the first vice prime minister, who will... develop and manage these schedules and so on, but today, well, i do not see such mobilization, all the more so, mr. ivan, we actually talked about this last time, since that time, you see, and the axis is still there, there is nothing from the point of view of mobilization and non-stop work, well, they work well in spurts, although they are gathering, i b now about the figure that since yesterday we... heard from minister herman galushchenko about the loss of actually eight gigawatt is read so correctly 8 gvv regarding generation sees. that there are the following processes: quick connection of private producers who have excess, for example, green
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generation, or produce more than necessary, for example, with small, so-called maneuverable generation, how much can we cover from this figure of 8 gvv for the summer and the beginning of autumn the same solar wind... or these mobile small gas, as it is called correctly there, gas turbines of some kind, all these installations that we have in europe are gas pistons, gas turbines and so on, how many from that figure, look, as far as the connection to the additional capacity, which today is solar wind, and even domestic, they are almost all connected, i think that here... uh, we will not get anything, as far as the construction of additional distributed there of the so-called gas piston, gas turbine, additional
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solar, additional wind generation, unfortunately, we will be able to do, well, i think a maximum of 300-400 mw, because this is a long-term process, it needs investments and so on, now it is now... ukrenerga announces and tries to attract investors, investors for them to do this, but unfortunately, there are none, if the technical issue of ukrenergo is decided by everyone, what is for the connection, the financial issue is not resolved, or who will pay for this electricity, and there will be payment for this electricity, and what will be the payback period of all these investments and so on, unfortunately, this is... on a legal financial model, it has not been developed, well, i want to say that we have generators today in ukraine, probably per gigawatt, if not more, so this
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will be a very substantial compensation, but the main thing factor, i will repeat once again, the main factor of preserving the entire energy system, the main factor of passing the difficult summer and most importantly. in the winter period, there is air defense of those objects that remained, no building structures, they will not be able to protect these objects, only air defense, so we need to focus on these objects, on those thermal power plants, in a word tell me more, mr. ivan, look now, in kubrakov there was one of... those, because they were divided into several people there, there was one of those who was responsible for the development of these billions of hryvnias for the protection of the first, second level, protection of various thermal and other
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generation facilities, and now he was fired, he did not report anything, and we still did not understand, you emphasize again, the only protection for of large objects - this is air defense, we were never told, but where did they bury or solder these billions, well... i don't even want them to tell me now, i'm thinking how to make it so that more billions were not buried for nothing, we will figure it out later, well, that was it from the very beginning it was clear that this was a futile matter, it was impossible, we had to listen to experts, alas, i don’t know how decisions are made, i’m already confused, i don’t understand, i can’t solve puzzles, that’s how it is in the government, kubrakov there...
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it's a hard winter, and now we have to concentrate everything, mobilize everything, in order for us to do this , we have a very hard winter ahead of us, we really didn't allow this total blackout, and the russians know our energy system very well, they know the coordinates, they all know. since soviet times, and they they know our weak cities very well, and what needs to be done, but you have reached the point where we can't do that, so that money does not go to waste again? i, i say once again, the first deputy prime minister, who is responsible for the fuel and energy complex for everything, he coordinates the work, he determines what needs to be done in... first of all, secondly, thirdly, how to ensure, how many people, which companies check and so on, everything, and he, he answers, will say, i... well, he
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must be, of course, a professional of the highest quality, so that he from the meeting don't stop pretending, he is given authority and he says: everything, i am responsible, i report for every penny, for every action that i did, where i got these ee generators, what, look, now i will give an example, usad gave steam gas station, er, somewhere megawatt. 30 or 35 and they instructed the energy atom, if not a year ago, to assemble it and put it into operation, it was assembled, not assembled into a fighter, it is not yet working, please tell me who should be responsible for this, well, the equipment was already donated, that's all what is needed now and it has not yet been put into operation, and what kind of person can come to the energy atom,
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who... understands these matters and will understand what the problem is, what the reason is, and then he will order them, give appropriate instructions, involve those what can i do and put it into operation in a month, on the attestation , the surname, the minister, well, he won’t be able to do it, he, well, well, he is a lawyer and so on, a political figure, and everyone in the government too, who will deal with it, here on it's a pity, this is such a failure, you know, it's understandable. yesterday the thought came very interesting, now i will tell you to summarize, because literally 20 seconds, i summarize, i summarize, you know, unfortunately, not only in energy, but also in other industries, and in all these appointments, when people are appointed to management positions, they are not checked for professionalism, it seems to me that 80% of people are professional. the basic
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personnel law of ukraine. ivan plachkov, our former minister of fuel and energy of ukraine , helped us to understand why kubrakov does not report and resigns and in many other matters. we leave you with this, because we are going to a short break, but in a few minutes we will return and we hope. you will be with us when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a matt topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose the mattrik topper, which comes in
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