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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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system, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on thursday, may 9 at 5:45 p.m on the spresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. and we return. we will remind that today in ukraine. europe day, unexpectedly not
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announced, the head of the european parliament is already in kyiv, we see that even the chinese communist emperors ignore what is happening in the ugrofid swamps, zenpin came to shid, he came already with orban, he meets, in a word, a lot is happening around globally, about what should we ask our next guest, well, precisely about the consequences of such a global game, an analyst at the stockholm center for the study of eastern europe. andre az in connection with our studio, mr. andres, we welcome you, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, you know, there is a lot we wanted to ask about german politics, but we have to start with certain such very annoying things that have been circulating the day before, there is such a minister of foreign affairs in our neighbors, who now and then goes to sochi, then kisses lavrov, his name is sierto, he works as a minister.
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of foreign affairs of hungary and the day before said that hungary, as nato members and the homeland of democracy and other orbáns, that they would block this fund, which announced nato in support of ukraine for 100 billion, because he said that this is just a criminal plan of nato, so hungary will block it, in szijártó's head it is not a criminal plan. russia, which is bombing, shooting, shelling, and the fund that they will block is criminal, and here it becomes unclear all the time, but every week the authorities of hungary have problems either with democracy along the budapest-brussels line, or with ukraine, which hinders everything , what to do with all this, with this hungarian clique? this is a good
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question, i think if the most important here is that hungary itself, it is no longer a democracy, it is already classified in... such representative studies as an authoritarian regime, and the paradox is that this authoritarian regime is a member, that is, a member country of nato and the european union, if if hungary were not a member of these organizations and would have submitted an application for accession, it would not have joined, of course, neither the european union nor nato. well, this foreign policy, both in relation to russia and in relation to china, is aimed at continuing this authoritarian regime and to use all possible tools,
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i don't think that it is so much connected with ukraine itself or with the war, it all simply reflects domestic politics. e of hungary and the fact that orban wants to stay in power, and in this way he organizes himself, if such external support from russia, from china, etc., and he wants to extend his power in this way. mr. dreas, germany announces that there has been a cyber attack on, in particular, one of the parties that... is in germany, that a similar situation has occurred in other european countries, recall before the very inauguration of their dictator, their ambassador. britain says it is expelling the russian embassy's defense attache. what do these very
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clear steps indicate? please translate it from diplomatic language to the language of facts? at last. there is an open conflict between western europe and russia. in fact, there has been such a conflict for many years, but let's say in germany they didn't want to see it and didn't want to make it a topic of german politics, and now it's impossible, and even now is to open a conflict, and now, let's say, with such. like germany, this is less about great britain, the problem there is that it does not want to help ukraine as it should, because the germans are afraid of russia, that is, there is a completely different legitimacy there, if these
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politicians were as moderate as it is seen in germany , and it is no longer, it is, it is not yet... it concerns putin or the understanding of putin, putin fest or something like that, it is simply fear of russia and the fact that this war may turn into a third a world war, a nuclear war, and of course russian propaganda plays with this, but the conflict is already open and it is reflected in various spheres, for example diplomacy, the media, the economy, and so on. further, that is , there is a conflict, but most of these western countries are, well, the problem with them is that they are simply afraid of russia. well, this is fear at the level of political elites and leadership, and i am talking about another dimension of today,
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there is a coven going on in russia right now, it is called pobedobiysia, where they have distorted history by exactly 180°. and accordingly, having started this war as hitler did, now they pretend to be on the axis of good, and two years after that world war they were one and the same and allies, in a word, a wild lie and even from that a whole occult variant , it seems that it has already become obvious and understandable at the level of communities, cities in germany, because we see that now not individual cities in germany are separate. land, and in fact in germany they banned today all the symbols of fascist russia, i.e. all the trikalo eyes, the invented st. george ribbon, i.e. colorado, it was invented in the 2000s, all the flags are red, although some hackers
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hacked the system at the brandenburg gate and let in the lights, but we can see that on a german scale there is an awareness that all these are symbols of aggression and the new. of totalitarianism, and this is on a level, on a completely different level, not supreme, there, then there is no fear, but then i flip through a huge number of videos and see her... excuse my undiplomatic vocabulary, how drunken russians bully on the lawns of german each of them has a bridge or an id card or a german passport, and why do they allow them to do this, because they do this nonsense there with all the symbols that were allegedly banned, that's how i saw it too, but still, on the scale of the whole of germany, these are small such cases, eh. .. and it’s just that in germany there are a lot of emigrants from e from
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russia from other post-soviet republics and therefore there are millions of people among these millions of people, of course there are these pro-putin e people who i see here watching russian television and so on, i would not said that something so symptomatic for for germany, and with regard to discourse, understanding, there is certainly progress here, not only in politics, but also in society , now there is a completely different atmosphere, as it were, a completely different attitude towards russia than, say, three years ago, then there was this strange discussion about the nature of putin's regime, that's all... it has changed, but as, as, as i said, if it comes to financial aid for
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ukraine, let's say, these taurus missiles, then , unfortunately, now there is this fear with which the kremlin is working, and partially, at least successfully. how protected germany is now in relation to espionage and other manifestations, why are we asking, oksana and i recently discussed how the plant burned for three days in... the center of berlin, it is in the defense complex, it is also connected with certain production links of airesti and others, before therefore, the czechs have already shown more than once how the germans blow up, the germans say , warehouses are blown up in the czech republic if not in germany, well, what is the value of leaking information about the meetings of the bundessphere, and these negotiations on the taus, in a word, as far as now no, for example, germany is protected from everyone those to whom they once turned a blind eye, they bought mansions for themselves in munich, they sat there, because they have such a cult there that munich is
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the capital of all spies, but they were everywhere, now it’s a little different, it’s a threat to germany as well, as much as germany can, for example, to counter all this agency, well, i 'm afraid that for germany it is more difficult than for other countries, because, as i said, we have a lot of immigrants here, and among them there are... of course, then in east germany there is also this past, that is, there is the stasi ministry of security, state security, so-called the former east germany, which was, so to speak, this cadebist system of eastern europe, that is, here in russia there are a lot of connections and people who can be used as an agent. as spies, and that is why i, i think, am now in germany, well, they understand
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this problem, and it is a political problem, an economic problem, a diplomatic problem, but for russia there is a lot here, as in other countries of the former warsaw pact, the so-called , there are of course many networks where they can their... there through which they can to carry out their operations, whether they are clean or not, because we see no fewer migrants in the same london, but the mi5 mi-6 will work and the spy will be caught, deported, in germany we do not hear such loud revelations, or just quiet are they sending all those or the wrong volumes, maybe even if you keep the stasi, but you have to remember that there were also such in britain... the murders of litvinenko there against the skripals, that is, everything is not so
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good there either, of course, they missed the shots , even nuclear ones, yes, yes, that is, there, there are probably also there problem, but it is for germany, i think, especially difficult for german, for german counter-intelligence, because there are a lot of such... historical connections from russia through migrants through the former so-called german people's democratic republic. which is so-called, and well, it’s not, it’s not that simple, here i also have to say that i understand the difficulties, because even stasis veterans still remain faithful kegists, but we must end on this note, let’s put three dots, mr. andres, thank you for the conversation, andres umlan, an analyst at the stokol center
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for the study of eastern europe, and a representative of another center will now be with us on... good day, and what, we had a scheme, suitable, limited suitable and unsuitable, we are shortening, now there is only suitable or unsuitable, what to do to those who were previously limited fit, that is , there is some kind of procedure, and how long it takes, you know, it started on may 4. a new regulation on military medical examination is in force, which was approved by the order of the minister of defense of ukraine, which makes the military medical examination, she performs a medical examination, she recognizes the degree of suitability for military service and the causal relationship, and diseases, injuries, disfigurement in connection with the death of a serviceman or a person discharged from
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military service. as you correctly reminded us that now we have a suitable and an unsuitable one, what exactly is the solution? is accepted by the military medical commission, which is specifically created to conduct a military medical examination, there are five of them: the first is fit for military service, the second is fit for service in the military support units of tsksp, higher educational institutions, logistics, communication, security, medical units. the third decision is temporarily fit, this is when a person, unfit, or rather, needs treatment, is treated, rehabilitated, is given the status of temporarily unfit, and then is still unfit for military service with a review after 6-12 months, and unfit for military service service with exclusion from military registration, how is this degree
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of suitability for military service determined, here is a new one, there is a schedule of illnesses, there is an appearance. to schedule diseases, and there is a table of additional health requirements, that is, in fact , the individual assessment of fitness has now been canceled, that is, now the members of the vlk must not make decisions at their own discretion, as was the case before, but must be guided only by clear norms, that is , such an algorithm has been approved. the decision of the vlk, that is, a medical examination, a clearly defined term: 14 days. what is important, a copy of such a certificate, a large vlk, is provided to the person who underwent this medical examination, necessarily. the vlk can make its decisions as if on the road meetings, and can make decisions
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remotely, which is interesting for our servicemen who are passing through. for example, treatment abroad, this resolution of the vlk is valid for a year, but it is definitely possible to re-examine if, for example, the state of health has changed, and to do, after six months, for example, another medical examination, this is a resolution, this is a decision, it is mandatory necessarily, in the unified register of conscripts and conscripts and reservists. that is , all information will be stored there. and here you said what to do with it, which were recognized limited by suitable so, everyone needs to undergo a re-examination, pass the vlk, in the period from may 4 , 2024 to february 4, 2025, but no one
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needs to run anywhere. we are now already observing what we have. queues at the ccsp to receive a referral. yes, the referral must wait, the person who is not currently a military serviceman, the tsksp must issue such a summons and call for a medical examination, but then the commander of the military unit and, or the doctor in which, will still make him a military serviceman. who is being treated, yes, yes, i still don't i understood, but why now so many young people are standing for two days at the tsk, which seemed to promise us that it would work 24x7, it is so... of course it does not work at night until 9 o'clock, the queue is already standing and standing, there is some kind of calculation on some other scheme or something? why did queues suddenly appear not among
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those of the category we just talked about, that is , the same category that had the mark of limited fit for service, that is, for them, it is clear that they have to go to one of the categories, either unfit or fit, and when suitable, then there is also this list division suitable for something. in general, in the category that was still and only registered somewhere, the most young people are standing in these queues, and we will have to find out about this now, whether we have a restored connection, in a few seconds, we will do it, i actually want to to announce that it is not yet to emphasize that it is not yet may 18. that is, the season hasn't started yet, in fact, everyone who is doing it now is doing it on ms. lyudmyla, you came back to us both by sound and by picture, so tell me why there are young people in the queues at the tsk now
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is standing, the law has not entered into force, this category does not apply to those who are in queues, you understand, but people are worried about what to do if they are recognized as having limited fitness, they would have been under the old law, now they need to go through this, go through this review, but... there is no need to worry, they should be called by the tsk sp for this procedure, and as for military employees, they will be given this referral either by the commander of the military clearing, or by the doctor from whom they are being treated, and anyway i don’t understood, then why are there queues at the shopping center, if all this is stretched out for six months, everything will be calm, you know, a person is worried about what has already been determined... there are many diseases that are the basis for being recognized as unfit for military service, but i must tell you that this schedule diseases,
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conditions, physical disabilities and explanations for them, this is more than 120 pages of the document, ugh, so it's easy for a person to find out how he will be recognized as suitable for military service or suitable for a military unit, somewhere there he can work... tsksp, yes, it is very difficult to serve, i will show you for example, the examples are such that in each group, in each category, and 18 of them are defined, they can be both suitable and unsuitable, well, for example, if a person had a boil and only a scar remained, the conclusion will be suitable, and if there was an operative intervention and a part. stomach is removed, then the person will be unfit, for example, a cancer disease, that is, a person who is now in remission, before she
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was limited to fit, now she will be fit, lyudmila, we won’t have time to look over the whole table now, i looked too, it very big, well, it seems to me that just some of the people who are standing in these queues, it would be better to sit at home, look over this table of clear in... diagnoses, according to which you are classified in one category or another, but if you have questions , always contact the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, they will give you a professional answer there, mrs. lyudmila, thank you for participating in the program, lyudmila denisova, a human rights defender, was with us, we are also saying goodbye, because in a few minutes, khrystyna parubiy will tell the news about the most important thing, stay with us.
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12:00 pm
khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. president of the european parliament roberta mytsola came to kyiv on europe day. she reported this on the x social network. the president's visit was not announced in advance, so its details are still unknown. i should note that her trip to ukraine is probable.


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