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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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may 15, 2014, which in response to the submission of 104 people's deputies of ukraine clearly defined, unambiguously absolutely, that the president of ukraine is elected for a term of 5 years, and such a moment creates in ukraine as well as provides the ground for these discussions, which... are spreading and which are actively fueled today, for this it was necessary to think about the responsibility of the president's office itself to make a submission to the constitutional court regarding the interpretation during martial law, but they did not do this, as far as i know it is known, they even talked about the fact that they were afraid of the negative. novice, but this is a kind of
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legal, such a small failure, which creates all these conversations, however, to fulfill the powers of the president of ukraine according to the constitution, zelensky will be before taking office as the newly elected president of ukraine. then there will be only, i think, discussions about the legality of acceptance. certain decisions, here i see the greatest danger arising from the lack of interpretation by the constitutional court of powers, extension of powers president during martial law, but ukrainian society and the western world in general, well, in principle, the western world is ready to support and recognize the legitimacy of the president after the 20th. may, because
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there is simply no other option to ensure the continuity of power in the current conditions. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ariev, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you see? parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see these parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, then 0 800 211 381, not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, please vote. these
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program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, thank you for the invitation. good evening. good evening to you too. so, ukraine survived another massive missile strike. at night, russian troops attacked ukraine with 55 missiles of various types and 21 attack drones. nine enemy targets were destroyed, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reported. the aim of the attack was energy facilities in different regions of ukraine, there is damage, 14 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged in kyiv and kyiv region, unfortunately, two people were injured. mr. valery, what are the features of the latest strikes by the russian invaders on the territory of ukraine. how are they different from
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what was before, and most importantly, er, what else are they capable of, besides these so-called combined strikes, maybe some new specifics of these strikes appear, or some special missiles or special means of destruction of our civil infrastructure? well, the russians moved to the classic modern network-centric non-contact warfare. non-contact war, when the main task of the armed forces, well , the war is taking place somewhere on the front line, yes, ah, but the main task is to destroy the infrastructure, management systems, ah, industry, transport system of another state, and whoever is the first he implements it, he wins the war, here, here the russians are now trying to implement this concept, the concept in practice, for this, they use,
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intended, actually intended for this means: long-range missiles, such as ballistic, yes, airballistic, and winged, yes, and drones, well, the only thing, the only difference, they... forgot that our rear is europe and the united states, apart from everything, yes, apart from the fact that we, and in our something is being produced from weapons, but the russians now want to implement their fix idea, to drive the ukrainians into caves, that is, they could not do anything with the armed forces, and now, following the example of syria, they want to take advantage of the civilian population, that is, they can be seen that... they started strikes not only on power plants, thermal plants, there the strikes began at the hydroelectric power stations, but they also hit the stria, where our gas and gas storage facilities are actually close to it, yes, that is , the gas transportation system is already under the sights,
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let's say, yes, or our gas reserves, because before the russians did not shoot at the gas transportation system , because for... they receive gas through ukraine, yes, they received it there, in any case, i don’t know how now, but now, and as for the new means of destruction, well , the kha-69 missiles have recently been added to the standard ones that we have been used to for two years, i apologize, yes x60 missiles were added. well, yes in general, there is practically nothing new, but the only thing is that one of the main russian missiles , the kha 101, came out, now the russians are using a modern , well, improved version, a version with an increased
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warhead. by the way, defense express published photos of this missile, today's downed kh101 missile, its serial number indicates. on the fact that it was manufactured in the second quarter of the 24th year, that is, it was used literally from the assembly line, in addition , it had a double warhead, so about this double warhead and this missile, the russians they talked a lot and talked about the fact that they are modernizing this missile, what are the features of this missile, what does it mean that a double is a double. power or how or a double warhead, look at the range of this missile to hit objects in ukraine, that is, the range of the russians there was announced as 5-5 thousand km, and if the russians launch
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from engels, the ceratov region, or it means there further south from the caspian region of the sea, then this distance. they not only have enough, even to lviv, yes, but there is also some reserve left for maneuvers, there are some detours along the route, that is, what did the russians do, they reduced the amount of fuel on board and due to the reduction of the fuel tank, they installed a second combat unit there, the first main combat unit is standard 450 kg, they added another 350 kg, i.e.. . you understand, these are such and such people, you know, what they can kill once is not enough for them, yes, they made bombs there, these winged bombs of 500 kg, then they were carried by 1500 kg, and now they
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already they cook for 300 kg, you know, at the russians there are no brakes, there is no brake, as to how much needs to be destroyed and how ... in the united states, there is clearly, and in europe, there is clearly high-precision weapons, the house where the terrorists are located must be destroyed and the houses nearby must not be damaged, the whole quarter of the russians must be demolished. so in this plan they work, they doubled the warhead so that in the event of a hit, because this particular missile, it was shot down with a double warhead. in the event of a hit, so that the damage is double, so that it is not only damaged, but with... everything around is destroyed, well, such, such, so to speak, this is the character of people, and they work according to this, well, i clarified, mr. valery, probably they should not be called people, let’s say, creatures, because people do not act like that planet earth, well, or at least those people
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who do that, they don't live long, well , at least, because it's such terrorism on a state scale, on a world scale, that is, it's state terrorism and it's ideology is the main thing. which is in the russian federation, and as the spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash, says, russia will continue combined strikes on ukraine, primarily on energy. structure, this is what he said in an interview with the espresso tv channel: the enemy is targeting our energy infrastructure, continues to destroy it, continues to try to hit various objects, of course, we must be prepared for the fact that the enemy may continue such strikes , we see a slight decrease lately, shahedi, however, this night also used more than two dozen of his... attack uavs, and in this regard, we must be ready to repel all possible
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air attack options. mr. valery, it is absolutely obvious that neighbors are not chosen, and we will obviously have to live next to russia for hundreds of years, and our children, and our grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and that's enough, i wouldn't, i wouldn't do it, i'm sorry, dear drink, i would not make such global predictions. perhaps we will live with the kuban people's republic, with the bryansk people's republic, and russia will be somewhere behind the ural mountains, well, until russia has fled beyond the ural mountains and moved there, we will still have to somehow defend ourselves and protect our cities our infrastructural facilities, critical infrastructure facilities, is there any uh... recipe, or maybe some construction that will allow us to close the sky over ukraine,
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maybe partially, maybe completely, that is, and how far is this story with the iron dome, which is in israel, to what extent it can be scaled for ukraine, of course, that israel is somewhere in the kyiv region, or at least beyond the territory, and it is much easier to close the sky there, what can we do in this? stories? well, first of all we need would be to make an information dome over our country, yes, so that we can see, in case of arrival, so that we can see the routes of the missiles, when they are launched, when they fly over, what route they follow and what maneuvers they decode. as the poles did, it means that they have no planes, flying radars of their own, only nato ones, but they bought four airships. with radar stations that can be raised to a height of several thousand meters, well
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, at least yes, at least by a few hundred meters, let’s say thousands, yes, this is my mistake , so by a few hundred meters, that’s a lot increases the possibility of inspecting the territory, if we did the same, we would have, in terms of information, most of the territory of ukraine, we could inspect it, monitor it, any flights, because now we are rockets that fly over, sometimes we see it, sometimes we don't see it, we see it again, then we see it again, then we don’t see it, but i would do it , unfortunately, we don’t have the opportunity to buy very expensive flying radars or borrow them from someone, firstly, secondly, we need several of them , because the russians track one or two such radars and flying radars, theirs will be destroyed, this is the first moment, the second moment, it must be, if we fall under the wing
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of nato, then this whole procedure of the defense of ukraine, it will be joint, the armed forces of the nato countries will take part in it, just as they are currently defending the baltic states , poland and in general all the countries that are part of nato, there is joint defense, flying radars, everything from. follow up and pass on to the appropriate parts what we could do at this stage, yes, well, let's say as soon as we get fighters, we could, we certainly the effectiveness of our air defense will increase, when, for example, in terms of destroying cruise missiles, they will not be able to work according to ballistics, but the number of cruise missiles will probably be greater than the number of destroyed cruise... missiles, because, for example, i calculated from today's raid, in we were shot down by only three
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out of four incoming missiles, in general, of course, the indicators were better in previous raids, well, let’s increase the number of fighter aircraft once, besides, now we are already creating our, let’s say, air force, it is no longer based on the old soviet technology, which, you know, is already the... last century, yes, but they are already being created on modern radar systems and on modern anti-aircraft missile systems, somewhat anti-aircraft missile systems, such as ours. we are able to produce ourselves, i hope that as soon as the war ends, we will produce at least one medium-range complex that will cover the ground forces. we also produced r-27 missiles, and we produced radar stations, we produced optoelectronics, and in general, all this should
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be combined into a single system and create ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system is at least medium-range, well, somehow... but generally reliable, this applies to cover from aerodynamic means of attack, i.e. airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles. as for ballistics, here only in a very clear connection, so to speak, with the american armed forces, because in this case we need information from satellites, and a huge number of patriots, which we probably won't be able to and... mr. valery, you already mentioned fighter jets, and ukraine is now waiting for f-16 fighter jets from our western partners, the netherlands has already stated that the first f-16 fighter jets will begin to be delivered to ukraine this fall, although the first deliveries are expected in the summer, but the main
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part will arrive in the fall, the minister said at a briefing. pilots, training of service personnel and transfer of the planes themselves. currently, according to the plan, we are helping to train ukrainians in a training center in romania, and they are also training in denmark, the united states of america, and other countries. if we manage to stay on this path, and ukraine provides everything necessary from its side, then the first planes the data will be delivered already this summer and we... we hope to participate in deliveries with our f-16s from the fall. it is clear that the supply of these f16s requires a certain infrastructure, maintenance of these fighters. the russian federation, after the strikes, today's strikes on the infrastructure, as they claim, on some airfields there or on some places where
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these f-16 aircraft may be in the future, they are talking about the fact that they will strike there... . in those places where these fighters can be, and talk about what in general, the f-16 is a carrier of nuclear weapons, it was officially announced, in your opinion, in the conditions of war, we can maintain them, operate them and, most importantly, protect them from the blows of the russian invaders, just as we did with our planes, in the same way no difference, the only thing is that we will not have the opportunity technically. complex maintenance, but to do it at all, so to speak, airfields of dispersion, as it is happening now in our country, well, what's the difference, the russians attack all the time, for example, on starokostiantynov, this is the base airfield of our su-24-kh, this is known information from the internet, it is generally known, and eh, so i
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will not say anything new here, yes, we will also carry out the dispersal of these... planes, we will also carry out maintenance, which means we will carry out the escape of many airfields, and i think that the planes will also be moved from one place to another several times during the day, so that the enemy does not strike specific blows, that is, the main method will be dispersal, in addition, i think that we will do the following temporary easy...shelters that just will provide the enemy, they will not give the enemy the opportunity to see whether there is a plane under it or not, this is what the russians did, they covered some of their airfields with light shelters, under which, for example, their helicopters or tactical aviation planes stand, and it is not visible whether there is a plane under it or not, to shoot at him or not
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to shoot, well, in general, there is active preparation, but what should i pay attention to? and the first thing that the prime minister of denmark wrote was the training of the flight crew, so next year we will have more planes than trained pilots, because the training, as she said in romania, well, according to the latest information, it has not yet started, which means that it was planned to start training at the borc air base in... romania , from somewhere in the middle of the year, from the third quarter pilots who will be able to fly these planes and a qualified engineering staff who will be able to maintain and prepare them for combat sorties in combat conditions. mr. valery, at the very end of our conversation, i wanted to ask you about the new type of troops of the armed forces of ukraine,
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which was announced in february 24th, these are the forces of unmanned systems, information appeared that kabin supports the draft of zelensky's decree on the creation of a separate type of military and for the implementation of this initiative the ministry of defense will prepare and introduce the corresponding draft of the law of ukraine to the government meeting. this was reported by the minister of defense rustem umyerov, how do you assess the pace of creation of these forces of unmanned systems, taking into account the fact that, in principle, these already unmanned systems are quite active at the front, and this is what distinguishes this war probably from all the previous ones, because drones give enough... great effective work and advantage on the battlefield. so, look, you need to distinguish between drones and drones. yes, if
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we are talking about fpv drones, and light drones, scouts, we have dozens of them there, there are layers, so there are other types of drones, yes, they are weapons, so to speak, a nomenclature of weapons that... is included, which is in the service of infantry, motorized infantry, that means there are tank units, no one will transfer them to a separate type of troops, because it is not obvious, in our there are no mortar troops, we do not have anti-tank missile troops, yes, of course, i say, yes, what are we talking about, if such forces are created, then they will be long-range kamikaze drones or long-range scouts, well... let's put it this way, baryakhtars make sense to transfer, although in general they are now under the control of the air force. that is, what it will be, i still do not understand well,
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i think that if mr. budanov and the sbu agree to transfer their units, together with specialists, to a separate structure, well , maybe these troops will be created, but separately for now. gur deals with this, there are separate units in the sbu, separate units in, let’s say, the air force, well, that’s why i can’t comment on it yet, because i don’t see how all this can be brought together and how the relevant commanders of these types of armed forces forces and special forces, how will they coordinate the transfer of their units under sub-sub-sub-subordination and others to some structure. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation. it was valery romanenko, an aviation expert. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well
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on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our poll today. today we ask you about the following: do you see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have your own. please leave a comment below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see direct parallels between putin's regime and hitler's regime (0800-211-381), no (0800-211 382). all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize the results of this vote, vote. next, we will be in touch with ivan stupak, military expert, former employee of the security service of ukraine, mr. ivan, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, and thank you very much for the invitation. on the eve of the so-called inauguration of the so-called president of the russian
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federation and the so-called putin, the security service of ukraine announced that they foiled the plan of the federal security service to liquidate the president of ukraine and other representatives of the highest military and political leadership of the state. let's listen to a statement from the security service of ukraine. the plans were owned by an agent network, which was stolen in advance by the security service of ukraine with the assistance of the leadership of the state security office. the network, whose activities were overseen by the fsb from moscow, included two udo colonels who leaked secret information to the russian federation. thus, the enemy was actively developing plans to eliminate president volodymyr zelenskyi. one of the most important tasks of the fsb agent network was the search performed among the military, close to the protection of the president, who could take the head of state hostage, and later kill him. mr. ivan, this is not the first statement and not
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the first. the information that an assassination attempt was being prepared on president zelenskyi, of course, there is a war going on, and the enemy is trying to use all resources in order to strike at the ukrainian state and the leadership of the ukrainian state, but the sbu reports that two colonels of the udo, this sufficiently high positions in the state security department participated in the preparation of this attempt, as you, how do you assess the capabilities of our special services... to prejudge such stories and find these moles, obviously there are many of them in various structures, including in the special services, because we know this great period that was before petro poroshenko, under yanukovych, there in the sbu, fesbshnyk sat on fsbniki, well, at least that's what the former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalivachenko, told me, what do you think? to this
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history and our ability to prevent it, or to do everything to find these steps. yes, a great question, let's start with it from the very beginning, without a doubt, we should, well , make a big bow to the security service of ukraine, to the experts, who really once again warned of this crime without exaggeration, without excessive pathos, there were also statements earlier, but about the fact that someone tried somewhere , but there wasn’t any... information here and there, if i’m not mistaken, 12 minutes of such a movie was made, and photos and video materials, correspondence of these people and radio conversations, well, interception of telephone conversations with a supervisor from the fsb, where he clearly outlines the tasks , that is, it should not be doubts that it really looked like that, there are certain moments that raise questions so far, there is no answer, but structurally everything looks clear, once again
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honor and praise to... special agents, counterintelligence employees, counterintelligence, which are several weeks, maybe even a month or a half, they introduced these people, documented their every step, and i really hope that, first of all, this case will go to court on its own wheels, and the court, taking into account all this evidence, will make a really correct decision, in accordance with current legislation, according to the degree of injury. now look how many such people there are, we don't know, we really don't know, there is a suspicion. but the suspicion itself will not go to court in a guilty verdict or there will be a court verdict, it is not converted, it must be proved, it must be worked, now they are working, if we are talking about this case in particular, then there is a lot of work ahead, to rework almost 300 employees of the state administration protection, and there such a number is determined according to the legislation, that is, it is clearly defined in the law, it seems even 2900, well up to 300.
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people, they guard the president, the prime minister, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, they guard the buildings, ah, the premises of the verkhovna rada, the president's office, the cabinet of ministers, ah, other buildings there, places of rest, that is, there is a lot to work with, i think , that the president must make certain personnel decisions in this organization, because it's just a matter of putting the brakes on that, well, okay, they exposed, they exposed, well, it doesn't happen with anyone, let's continue the movement, it can't be done like that, it has to be done by personnel. decision, i think that the work will continue, not only in this institution, we must understand that the russian special services they do not treat president zelensky, there are people who love him, there are people who have a completely negative attitude towards him, there are neutral, but once again, there was a fact of preparation of an attempt on the head of state and they will work in other institutions, in other military institutions, formations, to look for these people, because the russians will not abandon these... attempts
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to make the next attempt successful, especially because there is a negative balance in terms of the actions carried out on the enemy's territory, that is, on our territory, on their territory the security service of ukraine is actively hooliganizing, well , together, of course, with the main intelligence department, well, let's take successful cases, well, before, givi plus motorola plus vladlentatarskyi. that is, there are many, many active measures, i am not even talking about the crimean bridge, i am not talking about the oil refinery, there are many active measures, but the russians did not do them here, so of course they have such a coma, they have a desire to satisfy both the head of the state, as well as with the head of the security service of ukraine. indeed, this is a very serious matter.


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