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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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they will not abandon these attempts to make the next attempt successful, especially due to the fact that there is a negative balance from the point of view of the actions carried out on the territory of the enemy, that is, on our territory, on their territory the security service of ukraine is actively hooliganizing, well, together, of course, with the main intelligence department, well , let's take the successful cases, well, before, giviv plus, motorola plus, and... that is , many, many active measures, i 'm not even talking about the crimean bridge, i'm not talking about the oil refinery, there were many active measures, and the russians did not do them here, therefore, of course, they have such an oskoma, v they have a desire to satisfy both the head of state and the head of the security service of ukraine. indeed, this is a very serious matter. and here, well, if someone did not comment on this
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story, but the fact is the fact, and we see that even the european special services are reporting and warning the governments of their countries that russia is planning sabotage even on the european continent and in european states, the financial times writes about this , that is, putin, as a representative of the soviet kgb, will do his usual business, which is to conduct special operations. in neighboring countries, that is, he, announcing the svo in ukraine, of course, now wants to create the svo already on the entire european continent, how effective, i apologize for literally two words, look how deep i am in this material, in recent years putin does not give direct orders, he tries to that's all, to build all these meetings so that...
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the initiative went from the subordinates, so that the subordinate proposed, so that the subordinate understood putin's thoughts and caught putin's thoughts, and well , remember how in the classics, you have diamonds in your hands, you are entrusted with an operation, you are busy, the subordinate must guess, if the subordinate guessed, class, well done, you will receive a medal, if the subordinate did not guess, he will fly from his post, and you will even remember when february of the 22nd year, when this is the famous famous for... meeting of the national security council of the nsdc in the russian federation, when they spoke about the start of the war, well , it was not about the war, about the svo, they were confused even there, to start something, to recognize something, but what is not clear, that is, putin tried to pull everyone together at once, tie everyone up in this war, what else, about which few people still know guessed, and then to lead this process, that is, the same is happening now with all these... sabotages
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planned on the territory of european countries, he does not directly give instructions, he observes and waits for the report: if the report suits him, a person receives a hero's star, there is an order, medals, a new, new position, i don't know there is access to a budget resource, and this is how he continues to work, well , but the goal of the russian federation and dictator putin is to weaken european states from the inside, to create conditions for destruction of both. critical infrastructure or some important objects, it is clear, and as the head of polish intelligence, jarosław struzyk, says that no one can know when a direct clash between russia and nato will occur, but he suggested that the russian dictator may already be ready for an invasion, i quote yaroslav struzhyk. putin, of course, is already ready for some kind of mini-operation against one of the baltic countries, for example, entering the famous narva or landing on one of the roads. islands, this is a question of putin's intentions,
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but what the west is doing together, supporting ukraine, shows him that in the event of an attack on nato, the reaction of the west will be even greater. how do you, mr. ivan, assess the possibilities of putin to play a small blitzkrieg, there, as they said earlier, it could be the suva corridor or something else, but in any case it will be a war with the north atlantic alliance, as far as... it can go this border and start this war, although now all military experts are inclined to the fact that russia's resource is not as limitless as it seems, and against the alliance, well, russia simply cannot stand against it, a great question, look, really from the kremlin has a resource, well, there are limitations, everything is used, everything is dragged into ukraine, all logistical routes would be fuel... supplies, people
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who go to this war, they all go on a conveyor belt to ukraine, die there, get injured, missing people die in captivity, that is , all this is putin's ability. is from the point of view of a small, very small, but very effective operation, it was mentioned about one of the swedish islands, this is the island of gotland in the baltic sea, and several years ago, five years ago, it seems that on federal television they just i'm sorry, but they were getting together, they were just really destroying themselves and laughing in the studio, what are they going to do, they will first make a system of electronic warfare to suppress communication. in general, around the baltic sea, on this island, so that there is no connection with the baltic countries, then they cross the suvalki corridor, then they enter estonia, lithuania, latvia and create the estonian people's republic there and this is a delusion, as usual, they they were laughing a lot on the air, the first stage is already working, almost
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for seven months since november last year , a more powerful one has been operating periodically in the baltic sea from kaliningrad. er , super-powerful systems of radio electronic warfare, there are already hundreds, maybe even thousands of complaints, from the baltic countries, from the polish coast, from the polish coast of the baltic sea, scandinavian countries about problems with communication with gps, and with navigation, precisely because of the work of the russian rebu, maybe this is the first stage, and maybe it will not go anywhere further, they will continue to hooliganize, but i completely i am realistically considering the possibility that the russian federation... is trying, for example, to capture the same narva by the forces of some small special unit, well, small by the standards of the ukrainian war, of course, i don’t know, to capture 1,000-200 people and then sell it as that's all we need, we don't need any more, we're not promoting any more
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war, don't even dare bring your troops here, otherwise we'll respond with a nuclear strike, that is, it's a kind of creeping operation, well, we're fantasizing again, first the brawl... then neighboring some small village, village, town, then on the left, then on the right, and, for example, i don’t know there, conditionally, in a year you can occupy half of the country under the auspices, which is the last piece, we will not eat this cake anymore, that is, on this creeping offensive can really be counted on, well, since we ask our viewers on air, on tv and on our youtube and facebook platforms, whether they see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, i ask the very end of the program and you, mr. ivan, do you see these parallels analogies, are they appropriate? 100%, listen, so that there is no doubt, there is a dictatorial regime, there is a regime of individual dictatorship, where one person makes all the decisions, no other force,
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person, group of people, has any influence at all, has a definite voice there, there is a struggle within for the attention of the leader, well, it is clear, there are such political moments... troops are deployed in ukraine, the war is going on, as well as in nazi germany, by the way, so that the final nail has already been hammered, so that skeptics have no doubts, in the russian federation already not the first month has been looming, well, such a ridiculous idea that everyone who does not agree with putin's policy, well, of course there are criminal articles, the article admin, there is a proposal to use, as in the times of the soviet union, punitive psychiatry, that is, to recognize people who do not support putin, well... that they have problems with their heads sending them to a psychiatric hospital for a month for two or three years, but apafiosis is labor camps, that is , labor camps in the state duma, this issue is already being discussed, so far there is no solution final, but as nazism germany one-on-one almost looks, and
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if there are parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, can we expect that putin's regime will end exactly the same as hitler's? look, now putin reacts quite well, well, well, successfully, his regime, he, his government, reacts to some external manifestations, well, not that of hostility, to sanctions, but they were able to adapt, well, they are working, they were somehow able to adapt to western weapons, destroying western missiles, reducing their effectiveness, these are all there, and putin is there with all the challenges that are there, threats, he eliminates, well, please remember, beautiful, there was his... beautiful: there is no yevhen prigozhen, it has been almost a year, the threat was eliminated, but sooner or later the leader gets tired, the dictator, the leader, he gets tired, uh, no, well, i don’t have the strength, i got sick, i didn’t react in time, i made the wrong assessment, my subordinates didn’t come, they didn’t
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say, boss, you have to make a decision, because they are waiting for instructions, and then the first domino chip can really, ah, well, hit the second, the third, and that's it... the regime may fall, let's recall a classic example, who is it? well, i give three examples: nicolai ceausescu in 6-7 days, from 90% rating to execution near a dirty barracks. of the military, ah, muammar gaddafi, well, there was a slightly different story, but still, it seemed, he keeps the troops, everything is cool, everyone loves him, he remains on the air, and the last example is shekhriza arrogant, he is the ruler of iran until of the iranian revolution, he also managed it for about 30 years, but then at one point he forgot, failed and became angry, let's hope that he will end it in the same way, it was ivan stupak, military expert, ex. an employee of the security service of ukraine. friends, during the broadcast we are conducting a survey, asking you this: do you see direct parallels between
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putin's and hitler's regimes, the interim results of the survey are 96 against 4%, or 95 against 5. next we have news from the bbc, then we will return to the studio with political experts oleg sakyan and igor reiterovych, do not switch. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers kors from unpack tv, order now at a special price. total from uah 990. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach
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discounts in may for tizin 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health ladies and gentlemen, me called mykola veresyn. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two... hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what is the world like, two hours to keep up
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with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy. rudenko, in the release today. the world slept through the revival of nazism. on the day of remembrance and victory, zelensky called on other countries unite in an anti-putin coalition. when racism will be condemned at the international level. legitimization of putin. six european
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countries sent their delegations to the inauguration. why are some eu members for... with the russian dictatorship. a dangerous precedent: the un urges not to reward russia for its aggression by recognizing its captured territories, under what conditions can peace come to ukraine? we will talk about this and other things on air for the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now. watch us there live, please vote in our poll, today we ask you this, do you see direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes? yes no it's pretty simple on youtube if you watch us on tv pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see these parallels between the two modes 0800 211 381 no
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0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today 's studio, this is oleg sahakyan, political scientist, head of the unified coordination center platform, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, my congratulations also, and ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. so, gentlemen, since. we ask our tv viewers and viewers whether they see parallels, direct parallels between putin's and hitler's regimes, let's in the format of a blitz poll, you, mr. oleg, will answer this question, yes, the parallels are direct, but at the same time there are certain differences: the russian regime is cosplaying, or
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more simply, playing with the reconstruction of nazi germany, even the texts being inspired by it in some places. taking, simply for tracing paper, copied, pasted, replaced germany, the reich, with russia, the russian world, etc., and thus they fully try to repeat it, but the problem for them is that nazism implies a certain picture of the future, a certain idea of ​​an ideal world , and the russian regime postmodern, it is built with its head 180° backwards, so it actually looks like a chinese counterfeit of european isms. century, well, like zhigul and fiat, came out of the same assembly line, but two completely different cars, but putin's russian world is about the same today, it is racism, similar to german nazism, its caricatured, but no less bloody and inhuman copy. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. igor, you know, once upon a time, umberto
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veca described 14 signs of fascism in his famous article, and for today. day russia corresponds to 13 of these signs, so definitely there are direct parallels here, the russian regime in many spheres not only imitates, in some respects even surpassed the nazi regime, i think that in the context of propaganda, all the current propagandists that are in russia, they already gave goebbels and everyone else a head start a long time ago engaged in this propaganda in the third reich, but it is clear that there are certain specificities, there are certain differences that are characteristic of the 21st century. but this version, which is currently built in the russian federation, it seems to me that it is even more dangerous, therefore that the world conditions are different now, different, yes, and the problem is that there is a large part of countries for which this model that putin is building, well, it looks attractive enough, and they do not oppose this regime, even
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indirectly support it. today, gentlemen, is the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. war, the war that lasted from 39 to 45, and why do you think that part of the world, remembering the crimes of 85 years ago or 80 years ago, avoids talking about russian racism, well, not because they are not there are being brought up to german fascism or nazism, and because they do not want... putin to be compared with hitler, why am i talking about this, because i wrote a book about putin and ukraine and about... hatred about the causes of the russian-ukrainian war, and my german agent says to me: "don't, don't, don't try to put
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hitler and putin on the same level, because, well, that's not quite correct, and they won't understand you in europe, although it seems to me that they are absolutely straight here parallels regarding putin's crimean speech, hitler's judicial speech, i.e very, very many different parallels about which..." mr. oleg, you said that they are just trying to copy, but they are not successful copies, but there is such a thing as racism, and there are signs of this racism, why is this concept and why the perception of this concept and the spread and condemnation of this racism, well, as a phenomenon, why does it not become as widespread in the world as the same nazism first of all, we are still in
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the crucible of war, and we are very close to it. it's just that we feel this, this fraternal embrace in the clutches of racism, and accordingly, therefore , we understand all the horrors of racism as such, just as, in fact, the jews could in the 38th, 39th, and 40th. in the years to ask about the nazi regime, and they understood all its horrors, feeling for themselves as a people, but if you ask someone in europe in the year 39, the average european, if he thinks that nazism is the embodiment of evil, well, in the 38th, for example, year or 39th, it is not a fact that the opinion would be unequivocal if in this moment already ask in the 39th year in the united states from the american. citizen, and is hitler a threat to the united states, is he the personification of evil on earth? i am afraid that the answer of the americans of that
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time would have surprised us. let me remind you that the united states entered world war ii only after being attacked at prole harbor. before that, they helped arms, they helped, and not as actively as europe wanted, and actually prepared to help britain lead. partisan struggle already on its own territory, expecting that germany will manage to capture at least part of the british peninsula, and many other things that we know from the history of the second world war. nazism began to be perceived this way, after the world experienced it to its fullest extent, when most of those who today condemn nazism experienced it, that is, after the fact, we are currently still in the beginning. in this phase of understanding what racism is, and most of those we expect to see these analogies say, yes, putin is the new hitler, they
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they don't feel this hitler, they felt it, and only then realized it. and the second, no less important point for me, is that with nazism, the stage of its condemnation was passed, and accordingly, we are already talking, comparing one ideology, which... was condemned, passed the tribunal, which was banned, disassembled into atoms and entered into european historiography, as something unacceptable and as an evil that was simply beyond the limit, and regarding racism, we are not yet at this stage today, awareness, and its predecessors, russian peace, quastnoy patriotism, as soltakovin himself wrote about russians, crimes of both the russian union and the crimes of the russian empire, russian colonialism, all this was not condemned at different stages, each time russia was simply allowed turn the page and say: well
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, now the soviet union and all the crimes of tsarist russia are over, what to think about them, what to reflect on, we start with a clean slate, then the soviet union collapsed and the world again wanted to be very friendly, said: " that's all, we're sorry, then there were others, then there was the bloody soviet regime, but now there will be a democratic russia." and the last ones. every time the new regime imitated and inherited all those bloody pages, glorifying them, elevating them and making them part of its political myth, and not condemning them, as the spirit of the time required and history, and accordingly, at the moment, when we talk about putin, about racism, we hear from the pope of rome, no, some northern peoples of the caucasus can kill, well , russians are tolstoy, chekhov, and all the rest. we take it in quotes, this is a big theater, you you talk to a european intellectual, he says: well, listen, there is such humanistic literature, but i would go to the russian ballet,
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well, we talk about different russias with you... no, well, you can't compare putin and hitler, because we work with everyone that stratum in the centuries of russian propaganda, construction of the facade image of russia, customs in ukraine, the baltic countries, others who felt the russian influence on themselves, we know the reverse side of russia, we know the real russia, at least, due to the evil joke of history, we all speak russian and we know russian folklore and we know that byut means to love, to be afraid means to respect, we... understand how they think, not everyone to the west of us knows this, and that is why there is such a gap, that is why two two points: the first context is our historical the war in which we are now, its stage, and secondly, the fact that we are now fighting not only racism in the name of putin, but racism in the name of all the general secretaries of the soviet union, reaching stalin and lenin, and all the russian imperial oppressors, reaching there to kateryna, peter,
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ivan the terrible. and all others who are well inscribed in russian, european and western historiography. today, president zelensky called to stop the revival of nazism in his address on the occasion of the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war, he said that it is necessary to create an anti-putin coalition and stop the revival of nazism. let's listen to what zelensky said. the world fell asleep, the revival of nazism. five o'clock is early. february 24, 2022, and today everyone who remembers the second world war and lived to our days, feeling déjà vu, pages from textbooks about the second world war, russia returned to the headlines of the world news, the terrible past, russia returned to the daily news feed, proving with each new crime...
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nazism was revived, only with a new label, made in russia. mr. igor, zelensky says that the world slept through the revival of nazism. do you agree with this statement, and why is racism not such a concept now that the world protests against, that condemns, because well, judging by what mr. oleg said, i understand that ... that we are somewhere, relatively speaking, in the 38th year, well, if we draw analogies, and everything is still ahead in the world, well, and accordingly in ukraine as well, well, the 37th-38th year, here we can also agree in parallel with the president, he said , that he did not sleep, to some extent even ignored it, and there are quite obvious reasons for this, there are three of them: the first, oleg already partially mentioned it, current russia is not yet at least at war
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against... western countries, countries of western democracies , moreover, she constantly, at least publicly, declares that she is not going to fight, well, we know what their promises, but they make them, they make them, they are made by putin, they are made by lavrov, this modern goebbels, they are made by some other representatives of the so -called political class of the russian federation, they are made even by people who call themselves philosophers, but they are certainly not such, but are well, frankly inadequate there , let's say, like the same dugin, who said in a recent interview that russia is not going to fight the western world there, on the contrary, it can make peace with it there and live normally there by simply dividing the spheres of influence, and this is the most important reason, therefore what if there was an attack to some nato country or a country of the european union, well, probably the reaction would be different, the world would be forced to react differently. the second reason, well, we may not like it, but we have to name it for many western countries, even to
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this day, i am silent. about the countries of latin america, africa, for example, a large part of asia, what is happening in ukraine, in their opinion, it is happening, well, almost in the sphere of influence by and large of the russian federation, they still live in this the stereotype that this is some former soviet union, and accordingly that there are some wars between them, it is inside the so-called soviet union, russia as a great power, a nuclear power, well, not what has the right, but... she can afford to do such things, unfortunately, there is such an opinion, i will say more, i met her even in completely academic, scientific articles, she certainly did not sound as straightforward as i say about it, but the essence of it was by and large such an account, and this is what people who studied russia in detail, researched russia, shift responsibility.


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