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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. disciplinary cases are not timely, as vrp sabotages the cleaning of the system. exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing cases of unscrupulous people judges the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. on thursday, may 9, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays. club every saturday for espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, there are a lot of events today, both political and economic and energy. and there are even judicial ones the news is important, so the kyiv court of appeals recognized as illegal the order on the criminal code regarding the acting chairman of the constitutional court of ukraine, serhiy holovaty. yes, the story is extremely serious, well... we congratulate
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the fair decision of the kyiv court of appeals, so we understand how important the position is, even, if not the chairman, then the acting chairman of the constitutional court of ukraine, well, accordingly, they found out and, so to speak, in the case and found out that a prescription was illegally imposed on the zk. volodymyr tsybulko, political scientist joins our ether. sir volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. greetings hero. glory, well, the news arrived: zaluzhny officially became the ambassador of ukraine to great britain, zelensky released him from military service due to his health with the right to wear a military uniform, we already knew that zaluzhny could become ambassador to great britain , but this appointment actually took a very long time, and there are certain assumptions that all this time zaluzhnyi was preparing for diplomatic work, recruiting, so to speak. diplomatic experience already
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so prepared, ready to go and form a team, what do you think, here are your assumptions, why did this process take so long? well, in fact, by diplomatic standards, i would say, well, a lightning-fast process, because it’s only a couple of months, in fact, that is , britain provided agriman within a month, it did not pull, you can... say that britain understands the weight of general zaluzhny, and she it is very important that he has, well, as much as possible wider opportunities within the framework of british british politics, for communications, for uh, well also for the communications of the british political elite with the ukrainian authorities. mr. volodymyr, look, well... before the president
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of ukraine already made public, or signed, or made public his decree, as we understand, this was preceded by an extremely symbolic and important story, yes, well, the ukrainian segment of facebook. photos of general zaluzhnyi with lina vasylivna kostenko, as well as the mayor of kyiv klitschko, circulated on the buk. and we understand that it was perceived in certain circles as an extremely serious application, not for a diplomatic, but for a political career. well, indeed, the event is extremely symbolic, especially it gained, so to speak... relief or expressiveness against the background of the fact that the servant of the people faction in the kyiv city council staged a demarche and refused to vote both for renaming pravda avenue to the european union avenue and granting the status of
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an honorary citizen , both for lina vasylivna kostenko and for general zaluzhnyi. in fact, the initiative for... these individuals was introduced back in february, and vitaliy klitschko repeatedly emphasized that the kyiv city council was going to grant the status honorable citizens, he especially emphasized the meritocracy, and this was such a significant irritant, it is obvious that the servant of the people faction put its own political ego above, well , the objective, objective sympathies of the people of kyiv. this is very significant, the most important thing is that general zaluzhnyi and lina vasylivna became honorary citizens of kyiv on the same day, it is such, well , the symbolism is a mixture of spirituality and
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defense capability, because after all, when the mayor of the city vitaly klachko emphasized that general zaluzhnyi would be proclaimed. a citizen of kyiv, it immediately shook certain people the environment is political, and at the bank it was perceived as an especially frank slap, but now, when uh, i want to remind you that zaluzhnyi dragged on with the dismissal of general zaluzhnyi from military service, dragged on for quite a long time, why, because he is not a dismissed military man ... in principle, he is somewhat limited in his media activities, just as he is not an appointed ambassador, so in this sense he is coming out to the people, and general zaluzhny was silent for a very long time, the last publication on his telegram account happened on february 24, then he was already
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the last a few days before its provision the status of an honorary citizen of kyiv, he began to shine in the media quite neatly. and this granting of the status of an honorary citizen of kyiv obviously pissed off the bankers that they quickly dismissed him from military service, realizing that in principle there were no more mechanisms of pressure on him left in the banker. now general zaluzhnyi is free-floating, although the status of an ambassador, he also requires a great deal of accuracy regarding media activities. so, we remember how the story ended. vodym prystayk in his position, we hope that valery fedorovych will be able to fulfill his duties in such a way that he will bring benefits to our state and at the same time will not go, as they say, into a confrontation with the president's office, well, let's talk about something else: today the russians
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are trying to show their sabbath on red square and on ukrainian tv channels, it is known that they were able to hack several media. actually, the company and the espresso tv channel also tried to hack, but it didn’t work, it didn’t work, and the inter tv channel somehow managed to, you know, such a suspicious person got hold of the keys in entrances and said, you are careful there, if you take the keys, then close them behind you, so the russians hacked, in my opinion, due to a silent agreement with the owners of the channel. that's right, mr. volodymyr, we can't help asking you. about the extremely interesting continuation of mr. kolomoiskyi's case, he was in custody, well, he has now been remanded in custody in the case of attempted murder and ordered to be arrested without bail, so kolomoiskyi is in custody, but
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he could be released on bail of almost 2 billion uah. but here new circumstances appeared and the prosecution will now consider a rather old case. that is, it is more than, i think, a quarter of a century, well, but, or about a quarter of a century, it is an old matter, but, but, so to speak, what do you think is happening with the case of mr. kolomoisky, did it come to him? so to speak, political, economic and so on, his career is over, he has already reached the cash register, as he liked to say, and do you remember this analogy with a supermarket, life is a supermarket, said kolomoisky, yes, so to speak , you can dial anything on the route you want, eat whatever you want, well, but still the final calculation is at the cash register, well, here is such an accusation, kolomoisky mastered this truth much earlier than those to whom he addressed this... his wisdom, but this is about something else, it's about the fact that, to be honest, to pull out
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such a, well, let's say, mossy in russian, or mothballed, a little bit like that , a case of murder, and murder is a serious story and accusation, accordingly, attempted murder, it's serious, and there this case was investigated many times and for a long time, but somehow does not attach to her. all of kolomoiskyi, to be honest, the circumstances under which this case was linked to kolomoiskyi, and there is testimony, in my opinion, some kind of verbal excuse or verbal statement in a conversation with someone of the former prosecutor general, well, this is a basis of a kind, to be honest , tie kolomoiskyi to this case, although, if you dig well, you can get out there on raider cases... how many, but korban must be pulled out somewhere then, obviously, to
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tie kolomoiskyi to this, and they deprived korban of his citizenship , so so this is a strange story, to be honest, it seems to me that this is all a waste of time, because if the bank is counting on the favor of the united states and american politics, then in... kolomoisky should be handed over to the american famida, if the ukrainian famida is not in its condition to condemn, because the case against him in the united states is not the only one for money laundering, but the american case for money laundering will pull a thread on the counterparties of er kolomoiskyi in the private bank, and there very interesting characters can weave and er. they were already mentioned on the eve of the 2019 elections , so the laundering of private funds through
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cypriot offshores may involve a whole string of ukrainian politicians currently active, ugh, an extremely serious signal, mr. volodymyrov, we cannot but ask you about certain international events, in particular we are talking about the visit of xi jinping, the leader of the chinese communists to france, hungary and... serbia, so we understand that he did not go there for nothing, on the other hand, we understand that in this way he made himself legendary and got an alibi for what, for that , lest to refuse putin, and did not even go to the inauguration, and not this one to the parade on red square, so xijin ping is rather starting a new phase of his individual-chinese, that is , powerful-strategic game, what will it be, and what do we do with how can... xi jinping play, for example, in the situation of the russian-ukrainian war. the fact is that sidney pinh
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has tied putin to himself to the extent that he considers him, well, his bologna. only people don't visit bolonka, well, the owner of bolonka can come to visit bolonka only out of his own will, and not at bolonka's request, that's the point. secondly, by myself. everyone should be very careful about the chinese economy, and the main markets, as you know, are the united states, the european union, in addition, when the united states is very strict about technology, especially the very strict restriction that president biden introduced on microelectronics, in particular of modern chips, it is forbidden to supply modern chips to china, and china is very afraid of this... it is complex, because it is starting to fail technologically and fall behind, so the chinese leader found for himself
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the main negotiator in the european union, of course , president macron, knowing a certain tradition of french friendship towards america and french ideas regarding european sovereignty, pan-european, i.e. the idea of... armor to build the armed forces of the european union, i.e. china likes it all, because china always has an opportunity still keep. access to high technologies, in particular french, and because of this, china is ready to trade very successfully, i want to remind you that with germany, although trade with germany in european, oh, in china, significantly more than with france, but judging by chancellor scholz's last visit to china,
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it is obvious that there, well... mistrust between the partners has grown and, in fact, xi decided to bet on france as such an icebreaker for himself in the european union, and the bet on serbia and to hungary is done with the aim of turning these countries into certain hubs for chinese products. at one time, by the way, china considered ukraine as a potential hub for trade with the european union. because chinese analysts clearly understood that ukraine would receive a free zone trade, and then back in the 13th year, we remember how yanukovych's visit ended with the allocation of a credit line for ukraine for 15 billion dollars for the creation of a
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huge technopark in crimea on lake donuzlav and after that it began. russian aggression, that is why russia essentially broke china's game in ukraine, and now russian aggression is also breaking china's other, other games, that is, china will have to distance itself in relations with russia, of course, leaving a party of influence, because the chinese party in the russian political system, it steadfastly dominant and... now you can to say the main problem that can tie his hands and make his hands gray and make him the full-fledged master of russia, this is essentially a retaliation for the rebellion that the pro-china party in russia can commit, with the replacement
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of putin, and well, let's say, bringing it to the fore . position, some more technical figure, thank you, mr. volodymyr, well, we would listen and listen to an extremely interesting analysis, so to speak, i imagine, as everyone says, raise my eyelashes and so on, and to see the new, new russian the leader, unfortunately, we have to go further, drove for the review, i liked him, klim mishustin is a few more characters, oh well, let's keep our fingers crossed, as they say, to make it faster. destabilization in russia will, i think, be greeted with applause throughout the civilized world. volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, political scientist was in touch with us, now we are going for a short break, after which we will talk about the news that will arrive from the verkhovna rada today. wait. tired of heavy and
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the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. in on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. well, dear viewers, we welcome you. consequently, the verkhovna rada adopted a bill on new fines for evasion of mobilization. so,
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the decision was supported by 256 people's deputies. according to people's deputies, the changes that the committee promised to implement have been made. many negative norms have been removed, but for evasion of mobilization in wartime, fines are provided for citizens from 17 to... 2,500 hryvnias, and for officials and legal entities from 34 to 59 hryvnias. a minimum fine of 17 hryvnias will be imposed for appearing at the tk under the pretext of evading registration and for untimely updating of data. businesses that will ignore the need to keep military records employees will be fined from uah 34,000. well, congratulations, and so to speak... let's hope that our citizens will demonstrate a high level of responsibility at the present moment, which will manifest itself in visiting the tsc to, so to speak,
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clarify the data. by the way, i want to remind here that in more detail about how the algorithms will work, fines, what will happen if the fines are not paid, you can watch all this on our youtube channel, in the video section there is a clip with andriy mosadchuk. actually a member. of the profile committee of the verkhovna rada, and we actually talked about it together with him, so if you are interested in this topic, or you want to see more of our unique content, then be sure to visit our youtube channel, subscribe to it in order to be aware of the most important events. well, now we are waiting for the inclusion of people's deputy of ukraine natalia pipa. currently, we are trying to restore contact with her, and i would like to occasionally remind you of what the people's elected representatives did today. so, today the verkhovna rada dismissed. minister of agricultural policy mykola solskyi, the first deputy chairman of the tax committee of the council yaroslav zheleznyak announced this. he says that 273 people's deputies voted for such a decision.
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it will be recalled that solsky is suspected of dealing with land worth 500 million. on april 25, he wrote a resignation letter, and oleksandr kubrakov also resigned from his post. he was the minister of reconstruction of ukraine, minister of development of communities, territories and. infrastructure, 272 people's deputies, the government official himself voted for this decision there was no meeting hall, and here it is important to note that now in the service of the people they are talking and discussing a possible option regarding the division of infrastructure mines in half, i.e. once there were two separate ministries, they were connected, and now they have decided again that these ministries should be separated to combine, and accordingly the question of who will head these ministries, will this mean... conditionally speaking, that kubrakov will become a minister of some divided ministry, that is, we do not know this at the moment, but we really hope that the deputies will clarify the light for us , yes,
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that is, what will they share from... this information, maybe they have more data about what kubrakov's fate might be after he was actually sent to this resignation, we will, we will continue to inform you as information regarding these of personnel decisions, meanwhile , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , officially released the veteran from military service and appointed him as an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador to the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. natalia pipa is in touch with us. the people's deputy, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, is not with us yet, mrs. pipe, well, but we are waiting, waiting, waiting, she will join us from minute to minute, well , at least we hope so, well, but the verkhovna rada is working today, so there may be no less important matters, although, on the other hand, it may be more important than informing our citizens, but dear tv viewers, journalists are returning to the verkhovna rada, and
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this is also on... of course a big plus, we understand, that is possible for some of the people elected officials will not like this matter, but we, the espresso tv channel, will inform you about all the most important things that will happen within the walls of our parliament. well, while we wait, we hope that we will be able to connect natalia pipa, because of the shelling, so let's talk now about the situation with our energy system, in ukrhydroenergo they say that two hydros were found due to the shelling of the operation. power stations, this is actually due to the morning shelling that took place the day before, these stations suffered significant damage and, accordingly, they were out of order, and i i will also remind you that today ukrenergo has already announced that the evening hours will definitely limit business and industry, due to the fact that we have a certain deficit in the energy system, and they also
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say that it is possible to... here and disconnect household consumers, well, but this will happen if electricity consumption increases, and accordingly, our energy system will not cope with the volume that is required, so let's save, so in the evening hours, as we understand, we need to consume less energy of such costly appliances, these are some boilers, these are also coffee machines, washing machines, washing machines, in short, by the way, i started using them myself. you save electricity, i save, here i am, you know, there is such a thing, the manual for household appliances, sometimes it is useful to open it, i opened my instructions, read where and what to set there, and now there is an opportunity before i go to bed to put on the program, it is possible to postpone the admission for three, six hours, even nine hours , savings are possible, you understand, this is translation, postponement for later a little, so it is necessary to do something, less vacuuming, dear ones. so
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to speak, representatives of the male sex, so to speak, well, you have an argument, you need to vacuum less, dear women, you can use washing machines and irons less, that is , we understand, in principle, you can walk in unironed clothes, and hair dryers, hair dryers are extremely energy-consuming units , we understand that it is possible now, well, summer is coming, may is plus or minus warm, well, in principle, you can not dry your head somehow like this, here i am, for example, but take a shower you have to, you have to take a shower, well... well, you won't put this kettle on, some people have boilers, well, just kidding, but you have to save money, dear tv viewers, the situation in the energy sector is difficult, the enemy has taken out two more hydroelectric power plant is out of order, well , we understand, this is how the shutdown and the implementation of regular emergency schedules begin, so we need to save as much as possible, well, these are the realities, well
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, our colleague iryna will tell us more news soon. koval, the news editorial team has already managed to prepare relevant and fresh information as of now a minute, iro, we congratulate you, give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you have managed to find out so far. thank you, marta, well, an air alert has been declared in the greater territory of ukraine, where explosions have been heard, which are already known, i will tell you in a moment, so wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. now , president volodymyr zelenskyi has officially fired the former commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny of the armed forces of ukraine from
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military service. and he appointed him by another decree.


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