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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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relevant and fresh information as of this moment, iro, we welcome you, give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out as of this moment. thank you, marta, well, an air alert has been declared in the greater territory of ukraine, where explosions have been heard, which are already known, i will tell you literally in a moment, so wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. now, president volodymyr zelenskyi has officially fired the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi from military service, and appointed by another decree. ambassador
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of ukraine to great britain. the corresponding decrees appeared on the website of the head of state. the documents state that the ex-chief is retiring due to his health, with the right to wear a military uniform. an explosion rang out in pryluky in the chernihiv region, this happened after the announcement of an air alert in the region, local media write. the authorities have not yet commented on the situation. and in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region, in... as a result of the attack by the occupiers a 62-year-old man and his 65-year-old wife died. during the next shelling , they were in their own yard. two more men were wounded by shrapnel, the national police said. in the morning, the enemy covered the city several times with artillery. one private house burned down, two more were destroyed. five apartment buildings, a store, trade pavilions, farm buildings and a gas pipeline were affected. in kupyansk, kharkiv oblast
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, a local resident was killed by enemy shelling. at 10 o'clock in the morning, the enemy covered the city with fire artillery, informed the prosecutor's office of the region. a 51-year-old man died of his injuries in the hospital. a 48-year-old woman was also injured and was hospitalized. in sumy oblast , residents of border settlements are being evacuated due to constant enemy shelling. in the sumy region , state emergency service workers joined the rescue of citizens, the state emergency service said. a convoy of cars in which families with children were traveling was taken to a safer place. rescuers and psychologists were already waiting for them there. the evacuees were provided with temporary housing for them free consultation services are available. shelling in russian belgorod. local governor hladko. stated that the city
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was allegedly attacked by the ukrainian army at night, two dozen high-rise buildings were damaged, windows were blown out, some had holes in the walls, 37 cars parked in the yards of buildings were also destroyed, 11 local residents were injured, they suffered shrapnel wounds, there was unrest in the region as well, in one of the settlements two or two private houses and several cars were damaged. and at once, two oil depots were attacked by unknown drones in the krasnodar region of the russian federation at night. the enterprises are located in the village of yurivka. at a distance of 2 km from each other - write the local public. previously, due to the fall of a drone on the territory of the lukoil oil depot, one tank was damaged, but it did not catch fire. but the tempe oil depot, where fuel oil is stored, was attacked by as many as seven drones. there , three cisterns burned down. according to the ukrainian
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media, this was a successful operation of the attack drones of the security service of ukraine. the oil depots that were attacked are transshipment points for supply of fuel to russian troops in crimea. it was also loud in russian bashkiria, where unknown drones attacked an oil refinery in the city of salavat. it is almost 1,500 km from the front line. the local authorities have acknowledged the fact of the attack. however, at first they assured. that there was only smoke in the area of ​​one of the installations, however, later there was information about a fire in one of the workshops and the evacuation of workers. at the same time , the russian public writes that the drone hit the catalytic cracking installation. electricity supply will be limited in the evening in ukraine. as the company ukrenergo reported that during the day there was a significant shortage of electricity in the network. outage schedules. plan to apply from
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18 to midnight for industry, but if consumption continues to grow, it is possible that emergency unlocking will affect household consumers as well, they add. energy industry two hydroelectric power stations were decommissioned. hes suffered serious damage after yesterday's enemy attacks, the ukrhydroenergo company said. they add that due to the devastating blows of the russians, the entire hydrogeneration was affected, and destroyed equipment requires significant funds, as well as considerable efforts to repair and restore facilities. russian hackers tried. to hack the espresso satellite channel, however, the specialists of our channel managed to repel the attack and the russians managed to hack access to the channels of the starlight media group and inter and launch the broadcast of the parade in moscow on red square - confirmed
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the editor-in-chief of detectormedia natalya ligachova. the same information was confirmed in the national council for television and radio broadcasting. ukrainian providers have moved on iptv signal. in the village of pylypcha , an unusual photo exhibition was opened: save the hugs. its author is oleksandra pavlovska, a ukrainian photographer, artist, artist who tries to convey through the lens the emotions of people in the first months of a full-scale war. what is the special feature of the exposition? next, see the material of my colleagues. an exhibition dedicated to hugs. was opened in the village of pylypcha, which is 20 minutes away from the white church, its author was the artist oleksandra pavlovska, the woman works with photo projects that violate themes loneliness, emotionality and carnality, as the author shares, the photos were taken at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, then 20
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complete strangers lived in the artistic residence of nazar vuytovych, in the ternopil region, and became a real family in a difficult time. 20 people. because of dogs, seven children, four cats, this is the maximum amount of filling the residence, we arrived there, and for a week more people arrived, people who escaped from the war arrived, and so it happened that five more artists gathered, and everyone was experiencing their own stress, their fear in different ways, and which ones artists' tools, artistic, and everyone who painted, who... i took photos, someone made movies. at that anxious moment , creativity and good people around helped relieve stress. actually, the photo shows those who lived in the building. we cared about each other, we became very close, and this is about the importance
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of hugs in these difficult times. and although oleksandra has had many exhibitions in ukraine and abroad, this is the first time she has experience in the village. after all, she only recently moved to bilotserkivshchyna, the paintings presented at the exhibition are this stories, if you approach and look at the photo carefully, you can find something unique and familiar for yourself. someone is moved by a grandmother, someone is moved by small children, someone is moved by women who gather together, everyone has their own emotions, here i am talking, i have favorite photos, i imagine, and i have goosebumps. such exhibitions are a novelty for the village... instead, everyone is happy to look at the photos. each picture is each, this is a problem that constantly surrounds us today. a very emotional exhibition, i saw the first two paintings, tears came to my eyes right away converted, because you can immediately feel how it split into one, in one moment,
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life split into happy and pain, unhappiness, i can't say, happiness and pain in every person, in every picture, there is literally a little bit of happiness. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and i want to remind you that our collection for repair and preparation of cars for sending to the front is ongoing. with your help, we managed to purchase two suvs for the gur air reconnaissance group and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for transportation heroes the transport is already in ukraine, but it needs preparation for combat service. our goal is uah 120,000. and it remains to collect less than 20 thousand. you can now see all the details on the screen, so join the gathering.
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security measures have been tightened in the city of malmö before the second semi-final of the eurovision song contest, which will take place today. this is reported by the agency. reuters. the streets of the swedish city are additionally guarded by an increased number of police patrols. as the agency notes. big events are planned in malmö today pro-palestinian protests in connection with israel's participation in the song contest, so the law enforcement officers are on the lookout to prevent clashes or riots. that was the news for this time, we will see you in less than an hour, namely at 16, you can read more news on our website espresso tv. follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. and then my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkov.
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the information day of the tv channel continues, well, the verkhovna rada made an extremely important decision today, when we are talking about changes in the punishment of those who did not register and evade such procedures, administrative fines have increased by an order of magnitude, well, that too. an unimportant story , kubrakov was dismissed and a big, big, and maybe not so big reinstallation of certain government directions is coming, well, we will not only talk about that today, but not only that, we will also talk about rethinking our historical dates, historical events. today in the kremlin , this pabyedusia parade is taking place, ukraine refused it, now we are celebrating europe day, and as ukrainians show in surveys. nevertheless, all these historical events, as well as these important dates, are being reinterpreted,
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we will talk about this in more detail with anton hrushetsky, executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology. mr. anton, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, let's look at the latest surveys, yes, in 10 years we know that almost half of ukrainians no longer celebrate victory day, there is a certain small cohort of people. who are still doing it, well, but please share the numbers with us, well look, here this question must be viewed in dynamics, we regularly ask questions about which of the public holidays, we are talking about the public holidays, are the most favorite for ukrainians, and over the past 15 years there have been drastic changes, now we are talking about may 1, labor day and about victory day, remembrance day, which is currently being celebrated, and if back in 2010 it was one of the most favorite holidays of ukrainians, now it is one of the two least favorite... you know, you can bet on that, for example, dynamics the attitude towards stalin, which has deteriorated sharply over
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the years, and the perception of various holidays. our most favorite holidays are easter and christmas, but at the same time, ukrainians have grown in love for such things as independence day, defender of the fatherland day, that is , ukrainians push aside all these soviet narratives, soviet holidays, holidays associated with russia, this past, and purely ukrainian or religious, family holidays come to the fore. and in principle, as you know, what is being implemented in practice is implemented moscow, and such demarcation of the line with russia and delineation of itself, another modern ukrainian nation, not as russia tries to show it. mr. anton, look, well , accordingly, we understand that we are unmooring from certain, so to speak, markers of the historical plan, there are also markers of the religious plan, and kmis conducted an extremely interesting study in this regard. whether or not ukrainians trust the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and
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accordingly we would like to ask you, please be kind, we are a survey it is not the first time that we are holding this question, and we are interested in this question for several reasons, the first is how ukrainians in general treat the ukrainian orthodox church, which was the moscow patriarchate until may 22nd. 82% of ukrainians... do not trust this church, although it may retain control over the majority of parishes, but the absolute majority of ukrainians do not trust it, and by the way, when we ask the question, which church do you identify with, we are left with only a few, five to 10% of those who identify themselves with the opc. we also asked our monitoring question, what should be the policy regarding this church, and there were three options: from not interfering and investigating individual offenses, if they occur, to establishing state control or a complete ban. and now we have more than 60% of ukrainians in favor of the complete ban of this church, and another 20% for the establishment of state supervision
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and control over it, and only 12% believe that it is not necessary to interfere in the affairs of this church. this once again shows that at least for the last year this church failed to prove to ukrainian citizens that it is ukrainian, that they have no ties with russia, and therefore it causes such a frame. this is not a question of incitement, by the way, we see some western commentators, these data are classified. their attempt to incite violence against the parishioners in pcmp, which is not really the case, and most people express a claim not even to the local priests, but to the top leadership of this church, who are not capable of self-judgment. and before the reformation, mr. anton, see more we would like to ask you, we know that kmiz also conducted a survey on the dynamics of attitudes towards the status of the russian language in ukraine, so we understand that during the full-scale invasion, a lot of ukrainians switched to the ukrainian language, we can observe certain isolated and scandalous cases, yes, when there
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are some conflicts on the basis of language, but this is more, well, i would say exceptions, yes for the most part. ukrainians nevertheless now use ukrainian and perceive positively the process of ukrainization, which is happening in the country, but i would like you to share the latest figures that you know about this attitude towards the russian language, to what extent people are now trying to distance themselves from it and use it less? you know, we have been monitoring the attitude towards the status of the russian language since the 90s, if in the 90s the majority of ukrainians wanted the russian language to have a certain official... or a second state in which there were many, or a second regional language in in individual regions, then as of the spring of this year, we repeated it question, and the majority of ukrainians, both at the level of ukraine as a whole and in all regions, believe that ukrainian should be the only state, official language, so russian can be used, for example, in everyday life, but not in official communication, and even those you now on the graph, you show
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a certain percentage of people who are ready for ukrainians in certain regions to have russian as a second language. regional, but even among them, when we asked about their own region, the majority opposed it, so in fact we have both in the west and in the east, and in the north, in the south, the majority is against the russian language having a certain official status, although still in the south and east there is a certain appreciable share of those who would like to see russian as at least a certain official language in these territories, but their has become significantly less than it was before, firstly, secondly, they really have a much more favorable attitude towards the ukrainian language and the processes of ukrainization. very few people wanted to exclude the russian language from being studied in schools, now in all regions a huge number believe that the russian language should not be studied at all, then it is necessary to understand that this issue retains a certain emotional sensitivity, and therefore it is still necessary to act a little more carefully, that is, certain such radical categorical statements bordering on a certain insult, they
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will not contribute to the cause, because it is necessary to understand that it is more difficult for middle-aged people to return to the ukrainian language, but it is necessary to understand that younger generations, they are already growing up in a different environment, and it is simply necessary to bring out such a smooth and constructive work, so that in two generations, the ukrainian language will be much more established in all regions of ukraine. mr. anton, well, on the other hand, we understand that there is, so to speak, a certain reality, you described quite correctly a certain sociological picture, yes, but we understand that there are a lot of people who, despite the fact that they consider it... that the status of the russian language should not be present in ukraine, as such, they still use the same russian language, this very often creates a strange, strange impression, and this is noted in many regions of ukraine, well, i won’t even talk specifically about these or other people, yes, from which regions they can, for example, come, but how about with those
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realities, yes, because there are frankly native speakers of the russian language in ukraine, and there are quite a few of them. you know, the key question for us now should be what worldview values ​​these people share, that is, if these people and in the polls we see that the absolute majority of russian-speaking citizens, and such people now there remains a considerable percentage, at least 20%, who mostly speak russian at home, and we still have 20% who claim to speak ukrainian and russian equally, but among them the absolute majority share the same values ​​as all ukrainians, they support ukraine as a member. union, as a member of nato, they hate russia, they believe that russian should not be the official or state language, they want their children to better understand the ukrainian language, and here the question evolutionary process, more ukrainian-language content, learning the ukrainian language in kindergartens, in schools, so that people grow up in this environment, and then their children, their grandchildren will already be more ukrainian-speaking, and by the way, it will even be easier for such people
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to switch to ukrainian later, because if you live in a russian-speaking environment, you know, it is very difficult to switch to... the ukrainian language, but now it is more important what values ​​these people have, and it is important, you know, not to fall into insults and how someone tries that russian-speaking citizens - this are not the same citizens as everyone else, but this is not the case, and we can see from the front and from the rear that russian-speaking citizens are also ukrainians who also give a decent age, you said that here are russian-speaking ukrainians, they also support and ukrainian-speaking ukrainians profess the same values, and you mentioned about nato itself, about defense alliances, and we also observe a certain trend, a change in this trend during the independence of our state, when in the early 2000s there were mostly ukrainians. ..were not very excited about the idea of ​​joining nato, now already these numbers are radically different, what are these numbers now, how much
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the trend has changed to the fact that ukrainians are still in favor of ukraine becoming a member of nato. you know, back in february 2014, on the eve of the end of the revolution of dignity and the occupation of crimea, only 15-20% of ukrainians supported ukraine's accession to nato, and this was, in principle, the majority in all regions. except for certain areas of the event, they were against ukraine's membership in nato. after the revolution of dignity and the full-scale invasion, the percentage of support increased to 50-60%. but in the northeast there were a lot of people who were against it anyway and it was such a sensitive issue. after a full-scale repetition in ukraine , 80-90% generally support ukraine's membership in nato, depending on the wording of the question. including in the southeast, at least 70-80%. that is, this is an issue that used to be... supported by the population, and at certain periods separated different categories of the population, now they are unifying for all residents of ukraine, and lviv, and kharkiv, both russian-speaking and ukrainian-speaking, so it is
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now for ukrainians, nato is a certain one a priority goal, by the way, when we asked the question, what is more important now in ukraine , membership in the eu or in nato, the majority in our country answered that it is membership in nato that is more important, because people want a certain security, and they believe and say so and in the west and in the east. mr. anton, finally we would like to ask you, well, returning to the topic of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, so the majority of ukrainians support the complete ban of the uocp, yes, that is, 60, now, now, now, 63% of ukrainians, if to talk about certain changes, how much more people support the complete ban of the uocp, if we talk, maybe about some, i don't know, deeper. sociology deeper sociological research, which was conducted in this direction, in the opinion of people , this ban should be solved in what way?
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well, you know, regarding the dynamics, immediately after the invasion, the behavior of the church did not inspire confidence among the population, and still so many images were formed, if not even of the fifth column of russia, or those who sympathize and sympathize with russia. in december of the 22nd year, 58% were in favor of a complete ban, in may 23 , 65, but this... was immediately after the events of the lavra circle and a number of high-profile cases, now 63%, that is, we can actually talk about a certain stable negative perception, but people do not demand, you you know, certain such violent actions against the church, people still expect a solution to the issue in a certain legal field, and in fact it would be much calmer for everyone to resolve this issue in such a way that if the leadership is really pro-russian responsible, it should, according to the current by law to bear the appropriate responsibility and suspension. further, the church can follow the path of self-revelation, reformation, and then really unite with the orthodox church of ukraine and create a single church that is orthodox and would operate in ukraine, but we
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understand that so far the leadership of the uocp is actually impossible for them to follow this path and they won't go with it, and i see more by the way, they don't even focus on the defense in ukraine, but we saw how some of their, apparently, a lawyer already tweeted a post that kmist conducted a falsified poll for defamation of the church, but... by partners, explaining that this is not the case at all. look, your poll also shows 20% of people who support the establishment of state supervision and control over the activities of the uocp. and what would people think, if you carried out the relevant sections, well, what should the establishment of state supervision look like, that is... who should be put there, i don't know, send someone to each parish, send a representative of the district military administration or i don't know the ministry of culture and information policy there
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with karandeev's signature, some or other, i don't know, emissaries or commissioners should be dispatched, so what should state supervision look like? you know, we added these options specifically because many ukrainians don't like the word ban, because in our country ban is always perceived as something negative and often. not even for the benefit of the state, but, let's say, to pursue certain political motives. in our country, by the way, until the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a large number of people, even about 40%, believed that the ban on russian social networks was a step for conditionally limiting the rights of citizens, so that the authorities pursue their motives. regarding the church, we added this option, just so that some people understand that there is an option of a partial ban, it may be easier to accept and respond. this format can be different, of course, it can be as representatives of local authorities. of the local military administration, it can be other structures, we still exist, and a specialized agency that deals with religion, religion, there can be other options, well, rather the question is that this church
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conditionally does not act sa... independently in independent sailing, nevertheless is under a certain reliable supervision, which would ensure the safety of citizens, because many ukrainians feel direct physical danger, because it seems to them, let's say, that the positions of the ukrainian troops are being transmitted, or they are acting there is a certain panic or despair, or other russian narratives are being promoted there, and they would like many citizens to see a more proactive position of the state. thank you, anton hrushetskyi, executive director of kyiv international institute of sociology. worked for you at espresso, we are now going on a short break, but before that i want to remind you that the collection of the espresso tv channel is ongoing in order to purchase atvs for the evacuation of the wounded for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, we are currently collecting enough a large amount, it is 4 million, we understand that this is quite an ambitious goal, but we also closed quite a few collections with you, but we
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closed the previous collection for 2 million with your joint efforts. and this time we count on your help, please if you can, join the collection , you can now see bank card numbers and qr codes, if it is more convenient to make your donation via smartphone, then please use qr codes, but we are now going on a short break, after which we will continue our ether ahead of many , a lot of useful and interesting information for you, there is something to discuss, so stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trime kors unpack the tv, order in time at a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places: near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees,
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