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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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before informing us about the most important events as of this moment, we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, iro, and ask you to briefly tell us what you managed to find out about? the day of layoffs, today is march in ukraine, you can call it that, and i will also tell you about fines for evaders, so wait. 4 p.m. in ukraine, news time on spressa tv channel in the iryna koval studio. the event was cancelled, sirens sounded in kyiv right at the moment of the joint press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi with the president of the european parliament by roberta mazzola.
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the ukrainian head of state immediately interrupted the meeting, which was taking place near the president's office. he stated that the enemy celebrates may 9 with regular shelling and demonstrates its true attitude to this peace. after that, the politicians and the delegation left the bank. this is their real attitude to peace, their real attitude to the fight against nazism. this is real. she is like this. now officially, president volodymyr zelenskyy dismissed the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi from military service, and by another decree appointed him ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the corresponding decrees appeared on the website of the head of state. the documents state that the ex-head is resigning. due to the state of health with the right to wear
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a military uniform. day of layoffs. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed mykola solsky from the post of minister of agrarian policy. 273 people's deputies voted for the relevant decision. solsky was present in the hall during the voting. let me remind you that mykola solskyi wrote a resignation letter on april 25, because he is suspected of taking over state property land in the amount of more than uah 290 million. the higher anti-corruption court arrested the official, but he was released on bail in the amount of about 76 million hryvnias. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed oleksandr kubrakov from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine. 272 people's deputies voted for this decision. kubrakov was not present at the meeting, he noted on his facebook page that... the head of the government and the faction did not
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discuss the decision to resign with him. let me remind you that the government is currently planning to divide the mini-ministry into two separate structures, a namely the ministry of infrastructure and regional development. parliament raised fines for evaders. 256 people's representatives voted for this decision. according to the document, three regimes are being introduced: violation, repeated violation and... violation during martial law, in particular for failure to appear at the shopping center on a summons, evasion and late updating of data, initially a minimum fine of uah 17 will be imposed, later the fine will be increased. it can increase to uah 25.5. an interactive weapons museum was opened in ivano-frankivsk. the lion's share of the exhibition consists of digital animations, videos and
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photos. among the virtual exhibits are interactive showcases dedicated to the first and second world wars. in another hall , there is an exposition about the recent history of ukraine, restored ukrainian statehood and the russian-ukrainian war. it is still being supplemented. at the same time, in the museum you can also see real examples of military clothing from different time periods. there are certain sound effects. visions, which are better perceived in a small company, that is, in a small group, when you can walk surrounded by soldiers of different eras, and see, listen, hear, and also our museum is multilingual, if we have an exposition in english, in romanian as well, since these are the project partners, we have romanian, since potocki is from poland, we hope to expand the language. and to create a polish language,
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let's see how it will be, here, but there are many ideas, how we can continue to work with the exposition, such a museum is certainly an opportunity for us to plunge into the tumult of the past. to look at those samples of weapons that were used in different eras, to see mannequins, clothes, weapons, and different military units, right? of course, it is an important component of our history, not only of ukraine, but of european countries in general and the whole world, because weapons also give us the opportunity to see, weapons can be considered as art, that is, the very ways of their manufacture, different materials, different developments in different eras, and of course, thanks to weapons, we can just... word in the war. the sixth all-ukrainian forum of military writers started in lviv. for four days , war veterans, servicemen and relatives of fallen soldiers will present their publications. theirs
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the books describe and reflect the realities of the modern russian-ukrainian war. traditionally , the participants will travel through the communities of lviv oblast, where they will hold author meetings. during the forum , there will be a book fair where you can buy books by military writers. admission to literary events is free. what to expect, to wait for a little pain, to wait for a little reflection on what we are losing, but through this pain to go to strength and somewhere to joy, exactly to joy, because i have no other recipes. than books, books have no others conductors than their authors. for me, uh, creativity is, a means to not go astray, no, not to go crazy, it is a certain, it is, you know, a certain tool, a certain means of my personal
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social rehabilitation, in the war, without leaving the cash register, as they say , and you know, this is a certain bridge between the past. the ministry of defense released a motivational video "we are a nation", the main idea, video "we are strong when united", and we are united by a soldier who defends our values, our families, our identity on the front lines. your place is waiting for you. the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you
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on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you always. you are in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you.
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our collection for repair and preparation of cars for sending to the front continues. with your help, we managed to purchase two suvs for the group of air reconnaissance and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes. the transport is already in ukraine, but needs preparation for combat service. our goal is uah 120,000. so it remains to collect less than 20 thousand. i believe that we can do it, you have all the details now. you see on the screen, that was the news at that time, you and i see you at 5 p.m., then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii continue the broadcast. thank you to iryna koval, thank you
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to the news editor, well, we are informing. there are a lot of you about the most important events today. the verkhovna rada worked extremely actively today and passed a bill on new fines for evasion of mobilization. the intended essence. increased penalties for violation of military registration, for example, for evasion of mobilization in wartime fines for citizens from uah 17 to uah 25,000, and for officials and legal entities from 34 to 59 hryvnias for coming to a shopping center with a notice of evasion of registration and for untimely updating of data , a minimum fine of 17 hryvnias will be imposed, companies that will ignore the absence of military records of employees will be fined in the amount of 34,000 hryvnias. fines
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will increase for repeated violations. so, dear tv viewers, update your data in the tcc. well, we will now add to our list valerykh, a military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. mr. valery, welcome to eter espresso. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. studio, congratulations, dear viewers, well , not too good news actually arrived, that satellite systems manufactured in ukraine, and in particular they are manufactured in uzhhorod, may end up in the russian army. how can this actually happen? it may happen because the contractor of the pentagon, the israeli one, officially supplies them to the russian federation, and in fact, we would like to ask you more about this topic, because it is quite serious news, and actually, what do you think, in
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principle, as practice shows, is it somehow realistic not to allow, conditionally speaking, a manufacturer that produces this or that product, to prohibit supplying to other countries, for example, when we remember when we were waiting for certain supplies from germany of leopards, and there were countries that had these leopards, they couldn't give them to us, because germany... had to give its consent to it, and it turns out, can we talk somewhere practically about a similar scenario? but here it should be noted that it is information, it became known thanks to the investigation of the ukrainian publication "investigation info", and here we must talk about the fact that it is connected with certain, let's say, manipulations that can be carried out by companies. in order to resell their products, and here, well, we are talking about, we are talking
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about communication equipment, which is used in satellite communication, and here, let's say, if there is such a supply, then it is not at ... and it can happen, well , most likely, with the knowledge of such a company as satellite networks, with the fact that to support their consumers on the territory of the russian federation, and here the investigators do not rule out that part. similar equipment can be supplied from among what was manufactured at one of
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the factories, which manufactures the very equipment under the gelat brand, in uzhgorod, and what is being said here is that similar products are first exported there to the territory of european countries, and then... er , it er, let's say this, through manipulation, er, with customs clearance, can theoretically get to the russian federation. investigators, that's right are talking about the fact that it is quite difficult now to solve the issue of banning or subjecting such manufacturers, even under international sanctions, because... a similar story happened earlier with the company, as well as
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the supply of satellite communications , and one of the main factors is that this company could fall under the sanctions ban, it is necessary, well, there is already evidence that this equipment can really be used there in the so-called special. these are for military needs, which is rather complicated, in relation to the company, there are signs the use of products that were there, and not. it was proved that now a similar story is unfolding with the company dilats and products under this brand, the fact is that this company, it has also helped develop satellite networks in the russian federation, and
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it should also be noted here that if there at the beginning... large-scale aggression , the number of supplies decreased, and in particular , the researchers investigated that if in the 21st year this company supplied such communication equipment to the russian federation in the amount of 982 thousand us dollars, in the 22nd this year, this indicator went up by about 15 percent, already. in the 23rd year , 5-7 million of such components were supplied. this suggests that, well, the manufacturer is deliberately going to supply such components, well, as researchers say, this is covered up by the fact that, well, this is
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communication equipment that can be used there for civilian purposes, and the fact is that it is. it is not even, shall we say, not a dual purpose product, but this does not remove the possibility of its use on the battlefield from the agenda, and in particular , ukrainian researchers have recorded several facts, and not repeated facts, when such equipment was transferred by so- called volunteers for the needs of of the military, communication with valery ryabikh was so messed up, well, let's hope that the connection will be restored now, because they wanted to ask mr. valery about the extremely successful arrival of a drone in bashkiria, in particular, at the enterprise of the oil refining complex of the russian gazprom neftekhim salavat, one of
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the largest in russia, oil refining complexes for 10 million tons of oil. well, there is already a corresponding video and so on and so on, i would like, sir valery asked how it could fly into the so-called strategic rear of our enemy. mr. valeriy ryabykh restored the connection, we are waiting, waiting, waiting, currently we are waiting, yes, and while we are waiting, it is already known that this drone, which covered 1,500 km , was a drone of the security service. actually , it is also known that the drone hit the catalytic oil cracking installation, and as you already mentioned that this is one of the largest oil refining and petrochemical production complexes in russia, it specializes in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel and other types petroleum products, and it is also known that our
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drones were not only at this plant, they also flew to other regions of russia. federation, well, but about everything in order, mr. valery, does he hear us or see us yet, mr. valery, please continue in touch, we will continue the topic that, let's, let's give another topic, because we are deep in such technical details, you understand that, so to speak, it is difficult for an untrained viewer to understand, the topic is much simpler, there is bashkartstan, there was a fire, before that there was a fire in tatarstan, the oil refining enterprise of the russian so -called deep strategic rear of our enemy, well, something like this is flying, what can fly and how often can we launch the corresponding super-duper drones? and here, well, if you are guided even by the statements of representatives of the ukrainian defense industry, in particular , herman smitannin,
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the production of similar drones has been increased in ukraine, it's kind of like that. already her shahedov, who terrorize ukrainians every night, if not every night, and here is the statement of the representative of the ukrainian defense industry, ukraine is already producing more such drones at the same pace as the russian federation, but from what we know, it is at the beginning. this year, the russian federation produced about 330-350 such drones and they tried, let's say, to increase this pace to 800 drones by the end of the 25th year, well, if you analyze the statements of our own high-ranking officials, such as the minister
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of strategic industries oleksandr kamilshin , then this year we have to leave already at the rate of 800 such drones per month. because it was declared that 10,000 drones of a similar class will be manufactured in ukraine and another thousand drones that can fly, well, even further there from 1,000 to 2,500 km, so in principle they took a good pace, we can say that here the main drones, which can use... for such strikes, from what you can look at in open sources, these are drones, they
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are precisely the main cause of the fires that are taking place on the territory of russia federation, the beaver drones have also been lit up a lot in the information space, and these are precisely those without... which allow to achieve damage to important enemy objects, recently, which, which combat, which combat part of these drones, because the ukrainians, when they see when something flies there, of course everyone thinks about what damage it can cause, well, it definitely cannot be compared to a missile, but if we are talking about such characteristics, what damage such drones can cause, well... of course, if this is not secret information, so please share with us? well, judging by the external parameters of these drones,
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the warhead cannot be large there, well, there are hundreds of kilograms, we are talking about tens of kilograms, from 20 to 40 kg, and here it should be noted that such fragments, they are precisely designed for damage to the target objects, in order to just... ignite those distillation columns, and for this you don't need a lot of explosives, or, for example, to hit the same electrical substations on the railway, which we saw, by the way, at the beginning of may, and here is also a combat unit 2040 kg, it can be effective, well , in addition... there is evidence that such warheads can also be thermobaric, and the exact use of one or another part
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can, say, depend on the type of target at which such warheads are launched drones, and that's all, mr. valery, let us, our enemies, they can somehow counteract these drones now, do they currently have nothing to eliminate them, well, of course they try to counteract, and a separate art is to have these drones fly exactly to those objects at which they were aimed, because well, one there with such powerful steps, what needs to be done is to cross the line of combat collision so that part of the drones, at the same time, act as such komikaze, to distract from the work of the russian air defense, and further it is necessary to understand the entire situation on the territory of the russian federation, bypassing the main nodes
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of air defense, but it should be noted that the further and deeper into the territory of the russian federation, the more problems the occupiers have with this, and as we can see, these tasks are now being solved by the ukrainian military and on this... the same newly created forces of unmanned systems are working on it, every day it is more and more efficient, and our manufacturers of similar systems are also helping in this, and it should be noted that it is the nomenclature of such systems, it expands and adapts to the requirements of the battlefield on which they should be applied. and mr. valery, finally, i just wanted to briefly clarify with you, look at the pace of production, we can already, well, compare plus or minus what
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we produce. and what the state produces aggressor, we have a minute of time, well, just focusing on the statements of herman smitanin, we can say, focusing on our intelligence statement, we can say that at least 500 of this class of drones are manufactured per month, and this is just right, if you correlate with possible... produced by the enemy somewhere in the region of up to 400 such drones, but we do not forget that we still produce somewhere under 100 thousand every month, and he may already have more of the same fpv drones, which are also a weight tool, which now plays a very important role on the russian-ukrainian fronts
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war thank you ryabyk, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was eteri espresso. we will move on. now we have a short break planned, after which we will continue our information day. so be with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then saw strong unpack tv is just for you. they will cut with ease. trees and shrubs, they are convenient to use for carpentry, it is a perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 999 uah choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now, free delivery is available, check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with strong saws, just look how quickly they do
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