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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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dismiss from office but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges? the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. on thursday, may 9, at 5:45 p.m., watch the program "court control with tatyana shustrova on the espresok tv channel." verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusions. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc ride,
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boys ride, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the verkhovna rada is extremely active today. a number of important, no doubt, legislative initiatives, they relate, in particular , to tougher administrative fines, but we will not only talk about this now, yes , yesterday the verkhovna rada also voted on a law that will allow the mobilization of convicts, the head of the servant of the people faction davyd arakhamia has already assumed that several thousand convicts could be released from serving their sentences to go to military service, well, but we will now talk about... about those people
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who try to use mobilization to the ranks of the armed forces in order to avoid real punishment, which includes even imprisonment. in particular, this applies to the famous judge of the makariv district court, oleksiy tandyr, who shot down a national guardsman in kyiv, and it is known that this person is now trying to avoid punishment in order to pass. mobilization service in the company for moral and psychological support, we will talk in more detail about this and not only with oleksandra gubytska, project manager, co-deputy of the independent anti-corruption center ngl-mediaa. mrs. oleksandra, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. well, thank you for an extremely useful and powerful publication, so called instead of prison to the army, consideration of almost 11 thousand criminal cases was stopped due to mobilization. of the accused,
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we recommend that you read it on the ngl media website, but alexander, if we talk, for example, about the collection of information, how difficult it was to summarize the relevant amount of data, and if we talk about these or that, so to speak, high-profile cases, in particular, such as the tandyr case, how difficult was it to get information from official institutions? in fact, the state judicial administration does not keep such statistics, that is, the first thing we did was, of course, make a request. to find out if there are official data on how many cases have been stopped, as of now and what are the dynamics of the stopped cases, but there is no such data, so we actually involved our data analysts in this, who analyzed the data of the court register, that is, downloaded the entire court register for the 22nd, 23rd year and partially 24th year, for the months that were available, and the search query was formulated to select all cases that were related to mobilization.
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defendants, and we're guessing that's not even the full number of cases that are actually in the court registry, because very differently we 've modified our search query to get that number there, well, to pull as much data as possible, and i think maybe there are some more requests that we haven't tested there, and there may actually be more of these cases. speaking in terms of criminal proceedings, that is, in general, we have according to the data that you managed. get almost 11,000 criminal cases, and what articles do they refer to, if possible, please elaborate, well, in fact , most of the cases relate to light crimes, such as theft, for example, or buying drugs, that is, we are not talking about any very strict articles , but the lion's share is also occupied by cases related to certain corruption crimes, such as receiving a bribe, for example, abuse of official position, forgery of documents. of course, there are also very serious ones
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crimes such as intentional murder, violence against people, including minors, that is, a certain number of cases also refer to such cases. serious crimes the story with tandyr. still, we would ask you to detail and tell the story of how judge tandyr mobilized, mobilized, but as far as we understand, and did not mobilize, as far as we understand, were there even any forged documents? in fact, i will frankly say that we did not analyze the tandyr case in detail, we actually cited it as one of the very media examples, incited that including ours. before such a study, there the story was a little different, since he was in custody, then they asked the court to first release him from custody, and already for mobilization, and if the court allowed it, then only then would a new petition come after how he mobilized
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to stop the case. we actually studied this second stage, when the matter has definitely been stopped. by default, the actual mobilization was not authorized by the court, and the military unit actually refused. i am afraid to accept him as much as i am understood, and therefore the mobilization was unsuccessful, but it seems to me that if it were not for the principled position of the court, it would have taken place. ms. oleksandra, look, we would like you to actually explain to our viewers how the analysts and journalists of ngledia came to the conclusion that certain defendants use mobilization precisely to avoid punishment, yes, because, well, if you put it this way, you know, in general, well, well... he thinks that a person wanted to mobilize, decided to rehabilitate himself before society, but what is actually important here to prove these cause-and-effect relationships so that, after all, people understand why we are actually talking about a certain kind of redemption from prison? in fact, if the court register
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indicated in great detail where the charges are served, we could directly analyze in great detail the whole picture of how it is possible with the help of ... such mobilization to avoid prison, but in most cases it is not indicated exactly where serve the accused, we were able to analyze only the part of the cases where the judges found out, or the prosecutor, for example, reported that the accused serves in the rear, and that is, when a person serves, for example, in the guard company of a military commander, then in the opinion of the court, in principle, such accused can participate in meetings using video communication and, well, mobilization. was carried out in order to actually avoid punishment, to delay the trial of the case, as well as in many cases this is written directly in the decisions, and both the prosecutor and the judge emphasized that they believe that the accused is trying to delay the trial of the case by using this very honorific
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the duty to protect the country, and there are such situations, of course, if every court found out in detail where the accused is, then our analytics could be very deep, we could put on the shelves how many of these people are serving in the rear , how many actually serve in the war zone, but the problem with article 335 of the ccp is that it is clearly written there: the prosecutor, the court stops the consideration of the case in case of mobilization, only some judges find out in detail and actually consider this article, not as their duty connection directly stop the case that they really have to investigate where the accused is, whether he can participate in the sessions, and therefore the percentage of those cases in which the court refuses to stop the proceedings is very small, because the judges perceive it directly as necessarily before the implementation of the norm, and
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look, well, there is also a corresponding legislative initiative, which is already gradually acquiring the status of a draft law, draft law number 11079, hyphen-1 on voluntary. mobilization of prisoners, so there are certain restrictions, what not convicts who committed intentional murders and crimes against the foundations of national security of ukraine, rapists, pedophiles and persons who occupied a particularly responsible position will be able to be released and mobilized, but given, so to speak, certain experience, we understand that there are still a number of characters who, for example, they could commit, well, powerful economic crimes or something else. haven't they analyzed this draft law for any, so to speak, loopholes? no, we didn't analyze it, but we actually wrote a text about the accused, because that included already then, in the first reading, this draft law was adopted, and in it certain categories of convicted people were excluded from
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the fact that they could be mobilized, and it seems to me that a discussion is also needed regarding the mobilization of the accused, that after all, those accused of certain crimes should not be ... are mobilized, there is a public demand for what should be, well, the inevitability of punishment, if a person has committed a serious crime, sexual violence against another person, or an order against... treason, that is, really about such serious serious crimes, then such a person should be tried, not sent to the front. and finally, ms. alexandra, what were the biggest cases you considered while writing this article, maybe some of the most high-profile cases, many people worked on the material directly with their last names, and i don’t keep all the last names in my head, it was possible without last names, well, what surprised you, is the army guarding you? a person wrote, they asked for a comment, but the person says, i serve,
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i perform combat tasks there, but it doesn’t say where, that is, we don’t say that please, tell us directly exactly your location, at least the direction in which you serve, but the person does not directly answer, there was a very interesting case, by the way, for me, it somehow got very bad in the lviv region in the drohobytskyi court, when a person in a military uniform also worked, as far as i remember, and the court initially refused to stop. case on this basis, well, a person goes home to bed every evening, and then, although no circumstances have changed, the court stopped the case for some reason, that is , it seems to me, and the court did not want to explain to us in the comments, and by the way, we saw that even the berkots, who took part in illegal actions in the 14th year, in many major corruption cases, are being mobilized, we were not able to describe all these stories in detail, because... and so this text turned out to be very long, we analyzed in detail about 400
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cases and it seems to me that somewhere around 30 or 40 it was possible to explain all this directly in great detail, but the text would be difficult, there are a lot of interesting stories, visit our website and read. thank you, oleksandra gubytska, project manager, co-founder of the independent anti-corruption center nglia, there was veteri espresso, we're going to take a short break now, but by the way, before it, i'll remind you about that. that you can see our live broadcasts not only on tv, but also on youtube, so please join our youtube family, subscribe to our youtube channel, on which you and i already have more than 2 million, there you can see our exclusive content, clippings from our broadcast, as well as special projects and programs, in the shorts section watch short videos on hot topics, and please don't forget to subscribe, spread the content that you like, it is important for us that you are aware of the main events, and let
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it up the stairs without obstacles, it is enough to put it on the bed, remove the protection of the liver, alohol, and for the gallbladder what, alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture. russian culture was imposed on us as a superior culture nation tchaikovsky's name in the name of the kyiv conservatory. after the inauguration, the fifth inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin took place in the kremlin. now the dictator has received the right to remain in the post of president until 2030. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy
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lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. information day of the tv channel, there are a lot of events. therefore, the well-known citizen kolomoisky was given a preventive measure in the case of the organization of the murder, assigned to kolomoiskyi. without the right to bail, although kolomoiskyi is already in custody, but he could potentially be released on bail of 2 million billion hryvnias, so until july 7, kolomoiskyi will be in custody without the right to bail, and let me remind you that since september last year he was he was also arrested in
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the case of fraud and legalization of property, but now the court considers kolomoisky to be involved. to the organization of an attempt to kill a lawyer, although it was 20 years ago. it is about the 2003 murder in feodosia. well, today we celebrate the day of europe, from this the president of the european parliament, roberta mytsola, arrived in kyiv for the occasion. by the way, she came under an air raid alert in the capital at that moment, when she was giving a press conference together with president volodymyr zelensky. well, but at the same time we know. that in the kremlin on red square today was pabedobesiya day, and actually about victory day, yes, about its correct interpretation, about the losses suffered by ukrainians in this second world war, we will talk in more detail with olesya isayuk, historian, member scientist of the council of the liberation movement research center, a research associate of the national museum
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of the türmanskyi memorial. mrs. olesya, we welcome you to our airwaves and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. to begin with, let's take a look at the story of our colleagues about the losses, according to various data, from 50 to 75 million people died during the second world war, among them from 8 to 10 million ukrainians, who won in the second world war and why ukrainians were not directly involved in the destruction nazism, i suggest you look further. we remember, we win, memorial day and'. victory over by nazism - the symbolic day of the surrender of germany and the end of the war in europe. until recently, the russians tried to impose on us that it was the soviet army that triumphed in the second world war. completely neglecting the significant contribution of ukrainians to the victory of the anti-hitler coalition. at the beginning of the war, the ukrainian people were forcibly
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divided between several states. so in some places ukrainians were forced to kill. ukrainians and fight for other people's interests, moreover, ukrainian territories also became the arena of atrocities. in general, our ancestors fought in of the armies of the ussr, poland, the usa, great britain, canada, france and the upa itself. together, this is more than 7 million people. ukrainian oleksiy berest raised the ussr flag over the reichstag, ukrainian michael strang, the us flag on iwo jima, with a tank that demolished the gates of the auschwitz-birkenau concentration camp. the nau was commanded by ukrainian ihor pobirchenko. cumulative demographic losses of ukrainians and ukrainian citizens of other nationalities during 1939-1945 are currently estimated at more than 8 million people. in fact, the ukrainians had to stand on different sides of the front, but after that there was nothing left
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enmity, only a bitter understanding of losses. this is exactly what united both veterans of the red army and veterans. in the upa, who lived to be able to talk calmly among themselves, lived to dialogue, and who got along very quickly, in fact, well enough quickly, maybe as quickly as we would like them, their grandchildren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but got along , understood each other because they understood the price, which is why until 2023 may 8 was officially considered a day of remembrance. and reconciliation, the reconciliation of both sides for the sake of world peace, which russia could not resist violate, it is not that someone won over someone, but that this is the day of victory over... nazism, something has passed and reconciliation between europeans, it is obvious that now in ukraine, for example, it cannot be formulated that way, because you here is a slightly different
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request. the understanding of that terrible struggle continues to be formed among ukrainians. it is important to understand that the victory was not won by the red army, but by the anti-hitler coalition, and not in the great patriotic war, but in the second world war. and the contribution of ukrainians to this victory cannot be overestimated. evolution took place in direction is that, first of all, there are two versions, two variants of views on the second world war, that the great patriotic war is only a segment of the second world war, because of the explanation, and how and when it was singled out, for what politically, and already because of the explanation of this, to the fact that ukraine gradually began to move more towards the concept of western europe. the second world war brought death factories, the holocaust and atomic bombing into world history. then the participants on both sides cynically violated all laws and regulations
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conducting hostilities. today, russia continues this trend, and ukrainians, as in the past, give their lives for peace in europe and the world. we are in touch with olesya isayuk, historian, once again glory to ukraine, mrs. olesya. when we talk about the losses of ukrainians in the second world war, we understand that a certain difference of interpretation is possible, but it is millions and millions of dead. so, how many ukrainians died? give, be kind, approximate numbers. when we talk about the losses of ukrainians in the second world war, we take into account the losses of soldiers on the field casualties and losses among the civilian population. and the numbers called by the researchers range between 8 and 12 million. in any case , it is clear that we are talking about at least 8 million
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odioforits, both civilian and military losses. mrs. olesya, we understand that now russia, yes, the soviet union, which was actually in this anti-hitler coalition, is now appropriating this victory for itself, considers itself the rightful successor. of this victory, but we understand that neither the soviet union nor russia are the ones who overcame nazism, now they are essentially reviving this nazism, and it is very difficult we need to convince the whole civilized world that russians are fascists, nazis, and racists, because everyone blindly thinks about the events that took place during the second world war, and what is and isn't, the same cannot be the case , then the soviet union, on the contrary, was against it, and for... now it turns out that everything has changed places, in your opinion, how should we properly convey to the world community the fact that russia, which was once in this
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anti-hitler coalition, is now in fact a country that professes nazism? you see, i to the belt to explain the west, actually speaking, russia's aggressiveness. then actually we have to start with the second world war itself, because the fact is that er, because the fact is that, first of all , the arrival of the soviet union, its expulsion of the nazis, the nazis from central europe, meant for this europe, this central europe, for by and large the new occupation, which was in the end... framed in the form of a system of satellites, institutionalized in the form of the same warsaw pact and the council of economic mutual assistance, but in fact
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it was about the control of the soviet union, moscow's control of half of the continent of europe, what churchill said was the iron curtain over half of europe, and the evidence of this imperial flight... and there is no doubt, there is no doubt a whole series of precedents, starting with the coup in czechoslovakia in 1948 , and ending with violent repressions, such as the hungarian uprising or the democratization of czechoslovakia in 1956. in this way, it is possible to show europe that, first of all, moscow was not ashamed, and secondly ... that this russian nazism is we can also appeal to experience to say that he is not guilty of racism. in
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soviet anti-semitism, not officially declared, it was in the third reich, but quite existing, and in the end, recall the case of the actual non-release of jews to israel, in fact, in fact, the actual obstruction of the repatriation of soviet jews to their ancestral homeland and related conflicts , after all. so to speak, in order not to create some, so to speak, not completely correct mind, there are different manifestations of anti-semitism, yes, of course, we do not compare a certain dimension soviet anti-semitism with the nazi policy of extermination, extermination of people on the basis of ethnicity, that is, they are just slightly different, well, significantly different things, yes, but also that. it is
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actually about the fact that when we talk about how to explain the event, we are going to convey to the event that what russia is currently creating in ukraine did not appear from nowhere, you understand, it was called not from nowhere, that certain manifestations were and before, certain manifestations were there before, and, let's say, the roots of this are actually very deep. after all, in the end it must be said that paradoxically, but the information about let's say this, the real face of russia, really the essence of what the russian troops are doing in ukraine, in the occupied part of ukraine, that they actually have already broken this paradigm to a certain extent, that russia, let's say, is the liberator and the victor of nazism and the like, well, here you see what a thing , that russia... calls itself
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the victor over nazism, if russia actively, let's say, directly exploits this myth of the second world war, the myth of victory over nazism, then this requires it to a certain extent, to a certain extent , to correspond to this myth, uh, that is requires a certain line of behavior, and here the whole world sees with the help of modern technologies that russia does not correspond to this myth, this... the myth breaks down accordingly, do you understand what? thank you . , our colleagues will continue to work for you to keep you informed the most important events. well, we
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will see you in this studio. it's already tomorrow, so take care , see you very soon, see you tomorrow. in ukraine, at 5 p.m. , a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is for your attention. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. canceled event. the sounds of the siren sounded in kyiv right at the moment of the joint press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi with the president of the european parliament roberta metzola. according to the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, at that moment there was a threat of using a ballistic missile.


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