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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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you know, you walk here because you won 30 million, well, there is a question whether these aunts were in the world, most likely they were not, and obviously no relation to the victory of parents, grandfathers, whoever, they they don't have, that's why they can't wear it, but here it's a slightly different story as well, because they just came in prohibited. in the country of symbols in ukraine, the prohibition of the symbols of both nazism and soviet symbols, because they are the same thing, why are they the same thing, here i want to remind you of the words of the great of the soviet russian writer viktor astafiev, who described it beautifully when he talked about how he feels in general, both about nazism and about the soviet government, let's ... listen, because it's never,
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you know, never superfluous to listen to the words a person who really fought in the second world war, who really saw the horrors of this second world war, who described these horrors of the second world war, and who really, unlike all these dressed-up aunts, has the right to wear medals, had more precisely, and can really tell , what it was, how it was, and how before this should be considered. in every russian family, hitler killed someone, my grandfather was killed, yours was killed, only we had our own murderers, no matter where they were, they exterminated so much of their people, unlike hitler, that is , the fascists are scarier, how can those fascists be, what is the difference, which of them killed more, if the shoes there saved germany, that the government had 12 years of fascism, and germany was only lucky in that it... had this comrade for only
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12 years, and we are the 70th, so after 70 we cannot not get up and fix anything? why did i mention that and because, you know, literally a week ago, the whole of russia celebrated the centenary of viktor astafiev, and they were also terribly proud that such a great russian writer and such a great russian person, but you know, they even celebrate... that they somehow managed to omit that , what views did astafyev have on russia and on stalinism, and on what, in general, they are reviving now, but as a result, they even, well , made something so incredible and somehow incredibly vulgar out of this great man, they are all tried to attract to themselves, but let's just make a small one... we will see such a story from
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what literally, well, last week i told, told at kiselyov in the program about the centenary of astafiev. childhood without parents, the front, injuries, working youth and life in the siberian hinterland in russia mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding master of words and world-class writer viktor astafiev. he was baptized twice. no one could remember who was baptized and had to baptize him a second time. astafyev's birthday in oatmeal is a national holiday, noisy, fiery, not dry, of course. you will involuntarily remember how the baby vitya was baptized. the village has changed, but the house has been preserved. nearby is the astafyev national center. i asked how long the exposure was made. they told me that they came in january, and now it opened on may 1. well
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, that is, they decided to privatize astafyev very quickly, but they somehow forgot how astafyev felt about such wars and how they fought in general, what he said about it, and how he thought, well, in fact, they fought criminally in the second world war, which for some reason neither putin, nor those people who are now talking about the fact that this is a great russian writer, viktor astafiev, nor all these propagandists, does not say anything about it. who try to use it, talking about the fish there, about some intoxicants, and not about what really made the world fame of this writer, because he really talked about how they fought in the second world war, and with what blood it was everything was worth it, and that we shouldn't probably dance on our bones when we talk about the second world war, let's listen again to what he talked about it, about how they fought. did
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the germans really fight better than we russians? in every way, better. and the people do not know the truth, only god knows the whole truth about our war so much. it is criminal, it is so bloody, so comprehensive, so much went into it, in total we shot a million people at the front. who can still afford it, who can, it can be allowed by people who carried out collectivization, shooting left and right, people who keep 12 or so millions behind bars, and the same number protect them, inventing all kinds of crimes for them. we they dug like this and worked like this. that in july a gymnast could take a spoon like that, which means we worked for five, for ten, because these faces were sitting there, exterminating our people, they were being exterminated, and in fact , the modern russian government is doing exactly that right now, and
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putin and the russians themselves are following the same path, exterminating just a bunch of people in the war, because they want to take over ukraine, there is no other and... purpose, just to grab something extra, and again, just like that, they kill these russians, just in packs in this war , they have already been killed, well more than the russian army was when it invaded ukraine in february 22nd, they have already killed more russians during this time, and you know, well, it is also extremely disgusting that at the same time they are telling... that no, it is them so they forced this war, no, they didn’t, and it’s most disgusting how they are now pulling out all these songs again, about the russian war wishers, and now i want to show you the last ones too, because it’s, you know, it’s kind of straight cynical and well, i just don't know,
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it's disgusting in general what they do when they these warmongers who glorify war, who feed on this war, who live on war, who in general... no one needs them except that russia is at war, that is, if russia stops fighting tomorrow, all these people are simply stupidly useless to anyone, because they don't know anything else, except to lie about the war, so they organized singing there, and it is even more disgusting that they involved not only ukrainian collaborators who work for them in the occupied territories, from the russian patriarchate of this vile , which is together in melitopol, they put children there, ukrainian children, and now they are trying to make the children under occupation as much as possible and involve them in all these actions, and all this, you know, is so disgusting that when they sing hatyatli
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russian war, it is clear that they sing about how they want this war, how they dream about it, how they directly enjoy it, it is felt in the way they do it, let's see. do the russians want, do the russians want, do the russians want wars, we are faithful to this memory, even if the russians do the russians want, do the russians want wars, do the russians want, do the russians want, do they want? russian wars, do they want russian wars, do they want russians, do they want russian wars, do they want russians, do they want russians, do they want russian
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wars, well, just some, you know, devils have gathered, but i can’t call it anything else, it’s just such devilry familiar faces, that's all, that's all that can be said about it, and after all, these inquisitive faces, what are they fighting for, why are they killing people again, why are they burying everything around them again, so that they are not considered like other countries, that they are not like that, well, we know, they are not like that, they are much worse, they simply do not have the impression of being more... despicable than russia and actually russians with such opinions that they express about the fact that they are somehow exclusive, this is what nazism is, in fact , to think that you have some special rights and have to dictate something to someone, this is a real
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such true nazism, that's how it is, for example, you know, i don't want russia had equal rights from now on. i answer your question very simply, little lithuania will never be able to ensure its security, others can provide, for example, russia, china, the usa, france, great britain, nuclear powers, for this they must have the dialogue that will allow lithuania to be safe today, it is not safe . i want lithuania to remain, let it remain on the map of world-2. you
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are good, i am not good, i am absolutely not interested in the fate of lithuania globally, right? be she safe, not safe at this stage. and the fate of belarus? this is our ally, of course. belarus is not a very big country. i'm interested, so that lithuania does not seriously threaten the citizens of russia. germany, the united states, it does not matter that they do not pose a threat to the citizens of russia. we achieve this by force, by force, we achieve a security guarantee. everything is true, true, today we do it by force, there is simply no other way. but we do not strive for equality. through force, we seek a guarantee of security for our citizens, and then we will decide what rights we will have equal to lithuania, or will they sit quietly and remain silent? well , that is, lithuania is already threatening the citizens of russia, well, that is, everyone threatens the citizens of russia,
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you understand, well, it’s just as disgusting as possible these conversations about how everyone threatens the citizens of russia with something there, well, you know what else is interesting about all this, let’s remember how lying all these people are in general talks about the fact that nuclear countries can guarantee someone some kind of security. you know, security was already guaranteed to ukraine by nuclear countries, when ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons, and between them was russia, such a coincidence, yes, a nuclear state that guaranteed security to ukraine, for the fact that ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons, decided to live peacefully, not to touch anyone, not to attack anyone, and how it ended, with the fact that we were attacked, unfortunately, no one can guarantee the security of countries that do not have ... opportunities to defend yourself, that's what i 'll tell you, and that's why all these, especially when it comes
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to the russians, all these delusional stories that they are striving for some other world order there, no, they are not striving for a different world order, they are striving for , just to be able to dictate to others countries, about which they say that we don't want equality, but that someone should sit there and just listen to what we tell them. well , in the end, now, you know, well, i think that this is a big turning point in general, but this year, well , firstly, the mass ignoring of this victory by other countries, and secondly, the fact that it was simply started to be banned in europe, to forbid them from going, because everyone now understands, first the grandfathers on sticks come, all these immortal regiments, after that they come there to fight, so don't let... russia in in what form, neither their propaganda, nor their ballet, nor all these grandfathers on sticks. that's
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of the cold gorge in the direction of chasiv. see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. disciplinary cases are not timely, as vrp is sabotaging the cleaning of the system. exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges? the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. hello, this is a judicial control program, and as always, we are talking about the main reform on which our european prospects depend. how a new ukraine is being formed. judiciary. why does the supreme council of justice leave unscrupulous servants of themis in their positions? who sabotages system cleanup and reboot? about all this today. but first traditionally, before the news. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine conducted a search of the house of
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lyudmila kropyvna, judge of the northern commercial appeal court, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. at the end of 2021 owned servant of themis , a house of 260 m2 appeared in a summer goat in the kyiv region and 20 acres of valuable land under it. the market value of such an estate with a swimming pool, a gazebo and a sauna is from 1 million dollars, and according to the purchase agreement , the nettle real estate cost eight times less. everything points to the fact that the judge hid the real amount of money she paid for the house, because she would never have been able to explain the purchase with official income. it should be noted that the acquisition. estate coincides in time with the period when krypyvna began to consideration of the case regarding the alienation of shares of poltava gzk in the international company ferexpo in favor of kremlin businessmen babakov and ginner. in the end, the northern commercial court of appeal, and in particular lyudmila kropyvna, legalized the raider seizure of assets. this decision was later overturned by the grand chamber of the supreme court. then
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how did he start investigating where the judge got the funds for the house that was sold for 1 million dollars and whether? was a bribe. kropivna believes that during the search of her estate the detectives made a violation and appealed to corresponding complaint to the supreme council of justice. the third disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to her alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. according to the law enforcement officers, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she used to work, to support the russian occupiers and to cooperate with them, and those who refused were handed over to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the district mongoose the russians killed these servicemen. today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some trick. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind.
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law enforcement officers detained larisa bogomolova last year in august. however, all this time she remained an active judge and continued to receive a considerable judge's remuneration. the final decision on the dismissal of bogomolova must now be made by the entire composition of the supreme council of justice. the judicial system of ukraine is in full reboot mode. there is a lot of work. the higher qualification commission works tirelessly to conduct competitions for positions and evaluate the suitability of the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately interviews are going on in 7 minutes, judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in their seats. the supreme council of justice, which resumed its official function six months ago, is still unable to process a significant volume of judges' complaints, so those involved in criminal corruption cases, high treason and even murder are not exempted
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, and for years they receive millions from the state budget, which the supreme council of justice does not do, actually sabotages the consideration of important disciplinary cases, and those that it considers amnesties a lot, actually exempts judges from responsibility instead. dismiss from office thus, the supreme council of justice decided not to prosecute serhii kovganych, judge of the tolchyn district court of the vinnytsia region. last year in march , the man was stopped by the patrol police because he exceeded the permissible speed twice. the judge argued with the police, denied everything, lectured them and even threatened them. i didn't break anything. i'll tell you one more time. i, as a judge, you can pass anything today . you will send me this resolution. i will appeal to her. to the court and i will collect moral damages from you, personally from you, do you know that i work as a judge? i told you, i told you that i
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work as a judge, i showed you a judge's certificate, despite this, you detained me and used special means. despite the request of the patrol officers to wait for the protocol to be drawn up, the judge got into the car and drove away from the scene, even running over the policeman's leg. instead, the disciplinary chamber of the vrp decided that there was no reason... to prosecute judge kovganych. as a result , the policeman is given 3 years of probation for putting handcuffs on him not according to the procedure, the judge is considering a disciplinary complaint and the case is closed, they are not prosecuted at all, not even given a warning. that is, the supreme council of justice has been renewed, it shouts to the whole society and all judges, wave in front police cards, tell them how to live. drive 60 km an hour faster than the speed limit and you 'll get away with it, it's a wild absolute story. the updated supreme council of justice still
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does not consider disciplinary cases against judges of the liquidated most corrupt and scandalous court of the country, the district administrative court of kyiv. figures of criminal proceedings on grand corruption, the creation of a criminal group for the purpose of seizing power, and the owners of russian passports are still considered active judges, the state spends millions on their maintenance every month. moreover, the supreme council of justice itself does not comply with its own regulations, because they determined that the priority cases for them and wrote it down in the regulations are cases that have a high public resonance and cases that can end with the judge's dismissal. there are such in relation to oask judges, for example, several dozen, 65, at least, the ones we are talking about. it is known, very likely, much more. only now have they begun to open disciplinary cases against individual judges of the district administrative court of the city of
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kyiv, actually not fulfilling their own regulations, which state that such cases should be considered as a matter of priority. instead, they prioritize closing complaints, allegedly those that are rubbish, as they call them. meanwhile, the term of prosecution for disciplinary cases is only three years. so, due to the expiration of the deadlines for... hundreds of cases regarding maidan judges were hidden, the supreme council of justice did not have enough time to consider these complaints, now they themselves determined that such complaints are a priority, so god forbid that this should not happen, because it has been going on for more than a year, for about six months the complaints of the supreme council of justice have been considered again, which again will not have enough time to consider those complaints that are, well, key for society, the same judges asku, the same princes, the same, well, absolutely. about being drunk , about violation of the process, about violation of driving rights, such as about many other things, of a person, which should be considered by the supreme council
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of justice. he is a member of the supreme council of justice, a judge of the civil court of cassation, in the composition serhiy burlakov of the supreme court, and he plays one of the key roles in exonerating judges from responsibility, the record holder simply for, firstly, closing cases, and secondly, for not holding judges accountable where they should be held accountable. burlakov is closely associated with kharkiv millionaire and deputy of the ninth convocation oleksandr feldman, a former member of the zabo'. of the pro-russian opz party. burlakov, most interestingly, traveled to the russian federation as a judge, had connections with a pro-russian deputy and businessman svyatash in kharkiv. and he has such a colorful biography. in 2018, burlakov managed a bulgarian company, and according to the declaration , he did not receive anything for it. this is a very strange story, because in fact he agreed to provide serious services, to manage
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the company. but he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or he actually received some funds, but hid them. the fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. for example, to have a judge in 2018 was able to acquire an apartment with an area of ​​almost 40 m2 in boryspil, kyiv region, with an income of uah 29 as of 2017. another 217 hryvnias of savings. serhiy burlakov forgot to indicate the price of this apartment of his mother, however, we are sure that the real estate cost exactly 29 hryvnias more expensive. similarly, burlakov does not declare the value of a land plot with an area of ​​more than 100 km in kharkiv region and more than 60 thousand square meters in kirovohrad region, which his wife acquired earlier. huge questions, where
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did the money come from to buy this real estate. burlakov was repeatedly spotted on alleged manipulations with the value of his property. in the declaration for 2017, as a candidate for the post of judge of the supreme court, he indicated ownership of the corporate rights of three enterprises. the cost of just one of them reached over one hundred thousand hryvnias. at the request of the law, after being appointed to the position , burlakov got rid of them. according to the words. experts consider burlakov a creature of boris gulka, head of the civil court of cassation within the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so-called judicial mafia, which destroyed the judicial system of ukraine all these years. therefore, the only way to truly cleanse the judiciary now is to finally stop this circular bailout. the ethics council and our international partners have drawn their own conclusions from this, but we need to draw our own conclusions from this, and if this continues
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, we will continue to take away from judges the ability to actually determine and punish judges, because we already have this circular guarantee. i'm sorry, i've had enough, it's been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering. the eurore foundation filed a complaint against the actions of serhiy burlakov, a member of the ukrainian people's liberation army. however, taking into account the practice and consideration of complaints, it is not necessary to wait for a quick decision on it. we, together with a group of experts, continue to monitor everything that happens in the judicial system. topic today and we hope that the work on the errors will not be delayed. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal solutions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week.
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6 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention. news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. canceled event. the sounds of the siren sounded in kyiv right at the moment of the joint press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi with the president of the european parliament roberta metzola. according to the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, at that moment there was a threat of using ballistic weapons. a meeting that continued near the office the president was immediately interrupted by the ukrainian head of state.


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