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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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18:00 in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. canceled event. the sounds of the siren sounded in kyiv right at the moment of the joint press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi with the president of the european parliament roberta mytsola. according to the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, at that moment there was a threat of using ballistic weapons. the ukrainian head of state immediately interrupted the meeting, which was taking place near the president's office. he said that the next shelling
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the enemy celebrates may 9 and demonstrates its true attitude to peace. after that , the politicians and the delegation left bankova. this is the may 9 parade of the nazis . this is their real attitude to peace, their real attitude to the fight against nazism. this is reality, it is. here it is. after the end of the air alert, the president of the european parliament, roberta mytsola, spoke in the verkhovna rada. as people's deputy oleksiy honcharenko told, she had to address a half-empty hall. deputies probably did not wait for the visit after fruitful work in the morning european politics. during the address to the ukrainian parliamentarians, mytsola assured that the eu's support for ukraine will continue until then. until it is needed,
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the president of the european parliament concluded her speech, quoting the ukrainian national anthem. we have always said that the home of ukraine is europe, and europe keeps that door open, and this is a commitment that will remain after the mandate of this term of the european parliament ends, and the 10th term opens after the elections on july 17 year thank you all and thank you. ukrainian citizenship for foreigners. the verkhovna rada adopted the relevant draft law in the first reading, people's deputy iryna gerashchenko reported. the government bill, which was registered in the summer of last year, was supported by 263 people's deputies. it allows volunteers from other countries who joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine to defend our country to obtain ukrainian citizenship.
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will be required to confirm the termination of another citizenship. they must do this already after the end of martial law. now officially, president volodymyr zelenskyy dismissed the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny from military service, and by another decree. appointed him ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the corresponding decrees appeared on the website of the head of state. the documents state that the ex-chief is retiring for health reasons with the right to wear a military uniform. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed mykola solsky from the post of minister of agrarian policy. 273 people's deputies voted for the relevant decision. solsky was present in the hall during voting. let me remind you, mykola solsky. wrote a resignation letter on
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april 25, because he is suspected of taking over state land worth more than uah 290 million. the higher anti-corruption court arrested the official, but he was released on bail in the amount of about uah 76 million. to make it work. i would probably like to see a replacement immediately for such an area as agrarian policy. it sounds like it sounds, but none the less. as my colleague rightly said, when we fire, we have three vacancies in the cabinet, plus three more, and we don't know who will replace them, this week there will be no appointments and all that, well, it looks, to put it mildly, not very predictable and like the country's policy during the war. the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed oleksandr kubrakov from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine. 200. 72
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people's deputies voted for this decision. kubrakov was not present at the meeting, he noted on his facebook page that the head of the government and the faction did not discuss the decision to resign with him. let me remind you, currently in the government. plan to divide the ministry into two separate structures, namely the ministry of infrastructure and regional development. a year and a half ago, when there was an alleged merger, in fact there was an absorption, 9-95% of specialists from the ministry of regions were dismissed, accordingly, the whole industry ruled us, european partners repeatedly told us about this, if we raise the reports of the european commission, their recommendations, in us nothing gets done, that's going to be a problem, so we decided we should split it back, we made a mistake, we 've admitted it, we're fixing it. run away from service and sang songs about evaders, a military serviceman from ivano-frankivsk, who boasted that he would not return to the army from leave and incited other
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comrades to escape, was declared a suspect, the state bureau of investigation reported. the perpetrator was arrested, he is charged with desertion under martial law. for this , the man faces up to 12 years in prison. the first 180,000 artillery shells that the czech republic purchased from third countries for kyiv will arrive in ukraine in june, president of the republic peter pavel said in an interview german zmi. he admitted that the czech initiative is not progressing as quickly as it would like. at the same time, he added that within its framework , contracts have already been signed, with another five to five six-figure number of shells. on may 9, in poland, russian ambassador sergey andreyev was met with shouts by terrorists when he came to lay a wreath at the cemetery of the mausoleum of soviet soldiers in the warsaw district, mokotów. the russian diplomat's jacket had a st. george's
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ribbon on it. protesters dressed in white dresses covered in red paint were waiting for the ambassador near the cemetery. on women's clothes there were also inscriptions with ukrainian names. cities that are destroyed by russians, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, an exhibition of unusual icons opened in the capital, it was presented in the large lava bell tower of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, the works were painted on wooden boxes from bullets by artists. sonia atlantova and oleksandr klymenko. the material was brought to the artists from the war zone. in particular, from the kyiv, kharkiv and donetsk regions. according to the authors of the icons, the main idea of ​​this project is to turn the symbol of death, the weapon box into life, which in the ukrainian spiritual tradition
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is personified by images. proceeds from the sale of paintings will go to support military medics. ukrainian. lam noosphere left and completed her third antarctic season and docked in porto cape town. it was the ship's longest season with the largest scientific program. it started on november 17, 2023 . as last time, the current noosphere expedition was jointly ukrainian-polish. so icebreaker carried cargo and crews of scientific stations of both countries. conducted a number of studies and collected samples of marine fauna and geology. noosphere will be docked in the port of cape town until next season. krygulam will return to ukraine only after the end of the war. and
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i want to remind you about our collection, because with your help we were able to collect funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the aeroroz group. a group of air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need to be prepared for combat service. our goal is 120,000 uah. and it remains to collect a little more than uah 115, so please join the collection. you can now see all the details on the screen. thank you to everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine and donates. together we are strength together to victory. such was the news at that time, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you a quiet and peaceful evening. well, literally
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the center of the main ask the magazine country at the points of sale that after the inauguration in the kremlin , the fifth inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin, now the dictator, took place. received the right to serve as president until 2030 . all the most important today at 9:15 p.m velikiy lviv speaks to the project. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more tops. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays, from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver, alo holk, and what about a gall bladder? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zema. today we will discuss a lot of important information with you. today we will separately discuss a problem that does not exist, but that is artificially created around societies. public broadcaster, which works in all regions of our country, and the representative of the servant of the people maryana bezugla
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calls to exclude him from the marathon and in general to put in his place, on his prime time, the programs of other tv channels that are directly financed from the state budget and are loyal to the bank, this is a big problem, this is a big problem of a possible attack on freedom of speech and access to objective information. we will remind that the existence of the social itself as a phenomenon is one of the conditions of the european integration of ukraine, because people have the right to have access to objective information. i will remind you once again that three tv channels espresso, the fifth and... direct are completely switched off from the t2 network, but now there is also a public offensive in order to completely clear the information field. we will have a visit from the chairman of the board of the social organization today, we will talk about it in detail with him, and why the infamous people's deputy maryana bezugla insists so much on this topic. well, apart from that , we will discuss a lot of other important information, as well as the reform
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of the cabinet of ministers, why ministers are dismissed and what and who will decide. the general needs of the ukrainian government, well, now about the situation at the front, around the front, related to weapons and, in general, to what today is this great war of ukraine against the aggressor. serhii zgorets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, is with us. serhii, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the record-breaking use of our drones for strikes. to the next russian refinery about the results of the defense industry forum of the eu and ukraine, this is the first such forum that took place in brussels and about the development of our high-tech companies with the help of the brain one cluster, about all this in a moment. so, today
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in our military column we will not talk about combat operations, but... but about weapons for the front, we know that now the replenishment of the arsenals of the armed forces and defense forces is carried out at the expense of american and european aid, as well as our own defense industrial capabilities, and as a confirmation of our potential, this is precisely today's use of long-range drones on the largest, one of the largest oil refineries in russia, this is gazprom, the salavat oil refinery in bashkiria, two drones flew up to... and hit an oil processing station at this enterprise and a distance of 1,400 km, this is the biggest milestone that our strike drones have overcome today, i hope that there will be more, at the same time, we understand , that today we can manufacture weapons worth 20 billion dollars a
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year, the minister of strategic industry, minister of strategic industry said about this in particular. reeds, but there is still potential, relatively speaking, for more, and the question is where to find money for our defense enterprises, and this, by the way, was one of the issues raised at the first ukraine-european union defense industry forum, which was held in brussels this week, and we will be able to learn about the topics of this forum, about how ukrainian european companies discussed, in a conversation with our guest, anton mikhnenko, a military expert who was at this event and directly participated in this actually, as for me, historic event, joins us. mr. anton, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, from each other. i would like to start from the first simple question, because there have been reports anyway that some
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new financial mechanisms have been proposed to support our defense industry using potencies. european union, what are the mechanisms, what is promised, how will it work? in fact, we really have to note that such a large forum as the european union ukraine is being held for the first time at the moment, there were several forums that were aimed exclusively at the cooperation of ukraine with specific european countries, in particular there denmark, great britain, such other countries, and now such a more serious, larger-scale forum, where the issue was precisely the cooperation of the european union with ukraine. a fairly wide range of issues was raised there , including the provision of assistance to ukraine at the expense of the financial resources of the european union, on the one hand, the creation of certain programs and projects aimed at helping ukraine, the creation of conditions for that ukrainian manufacturers, in particular , cooperate with european manufacturers, cooperate actively with the european
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union, so that ukrainian manufacturers could join those programs... projects that exist within the framework of the european union regarding the creation of certain samples of military equipment, well, of course, the europeans, in particular during the form we emphasize the topic that they eventually reached an agreement obtaining the opportunity, let's say, the financial resources that the russian federation currently has in europe, which are frozen, there are frozen assets, but there are profits from them and the very use of profits from these frozen assets, which are the russian federation in europe , this is the one... mechanism, one of the mechanisms that the european union proposed, and now recently, as you know, has actually been dropped, that is, the financial resources that russia could receive through dividends, they will be asked to make it possible buy. weapons for ukraine, and this can be a different mechanism, one mechanism is the direct purchase of weapons at the expense of these funds from ukrainian enterprises for the ukrainian armed forces
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of ukraine, another mechanism is the purchase of these weapons, possibly from an enterprise in europe, and these are weapons that are directly needed by our armed forces of ukraine and will be delivered in the interests of ukraine, but in principle such mechanisms, in particular, were discussed, many such and problematic points were discussed, but this is already a separate topic, and... this is what was at the political level, but you had the opportunity to communicate with european companies, because there were 40 ukrainian companies and 100 european companies, what was discussed, how the dialogue was built, whether european companies perceive us as potential partners, or so far only as market for their products? look, the forum was divided into two key parts: the first, let's say, it's simpler, it's a political component, where representatives of the european union, some european associations, ukrainian officials, ukrainian
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companies and land companies spoke, this is, let's say , a component of the forum where political statements were made and certain problematic points and ways of solving them were discussed. the other component, exactly what you are talking about, is precisely the business component, where there was an opportunity for ukrainian enterprises, ukrainian companies communicate with european companies directly. and directly european companies also had the opportunity to communicate with us, because we are, in principle, such a two-way dialogue, that is, it did not mean that we were the only initiators of the fact that we communicated with these or other manufacturers, but the europeans were also interested in to communicate with manufacturers in ukraine, i'm sorry, but nevertheless, if i was just on several forums in ukraine of a similar meaning, i would like to emphasize that it is noted certain such a change. to imagine, if, let 's say, at the first such forums of a similar type in ukraine, it was mainly about europeans selling or supplying their weapons to ukraine, now they are already
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changing their philosophy a little, they understand that ukraine has a powerful the defense-industrial complex, there are good solutions that sometimes even prevail on the battlefield than the solutions proposed by the europeans, i fully understand that some of their solutions do not work effectively, and precisely at the expense of cooperation. with ukrainian enterprises for due to cooperation with customers in ukraine, the armed forces, the defense forces, they can improve their own samples of weapons, military equipment, and therefore this approach is more so now, of course they are interested in sales, but nevertheless they are also interested in cooperation and cooperation, and there were questions when approaching, how can we help you, how can we find points of contact in the creation of certain samples, what you can do, and what we can do, what we can do together to make it effective, that is, dialogue. open enough, as they say, but nevertheless, there are definitely certain shifts in this context, if compared with what was at the beginning, let's say such similar forms in ukraine, and with what we have now, and were there
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any there are wishes from european companies, because sometimes i have heard from our manufacturers, european manufacturers, that everyone wants to know the practice of combat use of certain samples on the battlefield, is there such a dialogue between. by our military and european arms suppliers, you know, this is a question, i must say, this is a question was raised, by the way, some manufacturers pointed out that they lack this feedback communication, it is true, there is a lack of this verbal communication with our direct users in ukraine, that is , the armed forces of ukraine, regarding how this or that sample manifested itself on the battlefield, what is missing, how can it be upgraded, where can it be improved... the effectiveness of this feedback is lacking for them, it can be for several reasons, one reason is that, for example, these manufacturers do not have access generally to the territory of ukraine to come, on the one hand, we
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perfectly understand the issue of security, the second point, the companies themselves, the managers of these companies, they do not allow, european countries, i mean, do not allow their direct employees to go to ukraine to see why, that's why that they are worried about their own security, and this is logical, we must also understand, and here it is important... the moment of organizing proper cooperation between the ministry of defense of ukraine, where, in principle, this feedback from the use of these weapons is ukrainian and european institutions, perhaps specifically with european companies, so that they simply understand how to improve this or that type of weapon and use it more effectively, that is, this is an important moment, and i think that this is such a moment that we need to develop and as i can quickly decide, the europeans have a serious potential for improvement. of certain samples that were supplied, and we should definitely use that potential, it is beneficial for us, because in the end we get such a more effective sample, if
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it is now less effective. at the expense of this communication to increase than it was before, on the one hand, on the other hand, it is definitely an opening for the same european countries to export markets, that is , they can show that their example is really effective during the hostilities in ukraine , and it can really be sold, for example, to export markets, not only there in ukraine, but to other countries. mr. anton, thank you very much for the explanation, i will remind our viewers that this was anton mikhnenko, a military expert on security and technology, i hope that... the defense industry forum of the eu ukraine will have a fruitful continuation. and let me remind you that relatively speaking, at this forum it was discussed that there is a european aid fund for ukraine in the amount of 5 billion euros. and it is precisely one of the proposals of the ukrainian side, which is currently being considered by the european union, that the funds from this fund be directed to
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the purchase of ukrainian. their weapons at ukrainian enterprises, not all countries from the very beginning reacted with great readiness to this, because even if we remember the history with france, when there was an idea to purchase ammunition for the armed forces from this fund, at the very beginning france itself said that it made sense to start production in european countries first, but when it became clear that the pace of production of this ammunition in europe would not as needed in... in the country, because in fact it is necessary to deploy the european defense industry, then it was decided that from these budgets, from this fund, ammunition can be purchased outside the european union, and actually the same model we see, it will now be implemented when these funds will be used for the purchase of equipment and weapons from the ukrainian companies themselves. it was also discussed that joint ventures should be created, and also at
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this forum. it was about the need to create not only joint enterprises, but also joint projects, because now the european union has somewhere around 1.5 billion euros allocated for the creation of new models of new technological solutions. the european companies themselves say that 1.5 billion is actually a very small amount, but in any case, all recognized that ukrainian enterprises should also be involved in these processes. because the creation of new types of weapons requires , first of all, not only a technological base, but also a certain experience, and now the same european companies do not always understand what requirements are formed by the battlefield for certain models, and those companies that have already developed such weapons have in ukraine, they already have this certain experience, and the new models need just the right close interaction with our
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users, with our armed... forces, security and defense forces, this concerns actually of the entire spectrum, starting from unmanned systems, completing by one means or another the impression that even the most technological samples, in particular the same german howitzers panzergatsi 2000, which were considered the most technological solutions on the battlefield, in fact, when they were in combat conditions, revealed , that the intensity of use of these howitzers is so high that even german designers could not estimate... the load that will be placed on their design of this howitzer, then there were also refinements of this a technological hack, which is now effectively and actively used in the armed forces. a similar story was with german unmanned systems, which are now, relatively speaking, being purchased quite actively by the armed forces, but at the first stage, all these and german, and by the way, american free
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systems... sometimes turned out to be powerless under the conditions of the russian slave, in that time, how our apparently simpler systems worked sufficiently stably and stably in the conditions of the russian slave, then these refinements of the design of american unmanned systems, european, they are now being implemented in those models that we purchase with our own money or with the money of our partners to equip our armed forces, so in any case we understand that war is associated with significant technological requirements and new companies that are created in ukraine, and those companies that are already more powerful, in one way or another, are forced to respond to price requirements so that the weapons samples meet our needs, and now we are waiting for the bray1 cluster head natalia to join our conversation koshnerskaya, let me remind you...


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