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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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which, by the way, and the american unmanned systems, they sometimes turned out to be powerless in the conditions of the operation of the russian rake, while our, seemingly simpler systems, worked sufficiently stably and stably in the conditions of the russian rake, then these refinements of the designs of the unmanned systems of the american , european, they are now being implemented in those models that we purchase with our own money or with the money of our partners to equip our... armed forces, so in any case we understand that war is connected with significant technological requirements and new companies that are being created in ukraine, and those companies that are already more powerful, in one way or another, are forced to respond to these new requirements, so that the weapons samples meet our needs, and now we are waiting for you to join our conversation head of the bray one cluster natali kushnerska, i would like to remind you that this
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cluster was created a year ago in order to speed up the implementation of technological solutions in the work of the security and defense forces, this cluster was created on the initiative of the ministry of defense, of the general staff of national security and defense, the ministry of digital affairs, the ministry of economy, and it was supposed to become such a platform, a launch pad, where all young ukrainian companies that... create certain types of weapons, had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the military, on the one hand, and on the other on the other hand, taking into account these requirements and a number of procedural difficulties, would still have the ability to quickly pass the test cycles, receive support and financial, and sometimes organizational support , so that these solutions are then used on the battlefield, in particular, indeed, quite a lot was done during the year of operation of the brain one cluster. so we know that, well
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, in particular, now we see robotic platforms, during this time, at least 200 different technological solutions in the field of unmanned ground platforms have been created, and now 50 of these platforms are in use or are being tested in the armed forces, and this is just one of the directions, which is extremely important for its technological approach to conducting hostilities. the same applies to the new priorities for brai one, because we know that the minister of digital transformation, in particular, there, a month ago, he announced that teams were being created to find a solution on how to fight these russian eagles, because, relatively speaking, they are training our armed forces by the fact that they conduct reconnaissance in the depths of our territory, then yes... the reconnaissance data
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of the zorlans is transmitted to the means of impression, and the enemy creates such a fire complex of impression, which becomes more and more effective, and therefore it is precisely necessary to have these russian eyes in the form of eagles, or the hall must simply be blinded. mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, i am glad can be seen on the espresso channel. let me remind our guests that this is natalya kushnerska, head of the brave one cluster, if you can hear and see me now. then i would like to ask you a few questions. yes, of course, good evening, glad to hear and see you. exactly one year has passed since the formation of your technology cluster, i would like you to summarize what your team managed to do during this difficult year? well, first of all, we managed to create a unique project in the whole world, projects of rapid development, defense, innovation. and them
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deliveries to the front in the literal sense of the word, this is, on the one hand, to build an architecture and structure, when all manufacturers have the opportunity to receive a military expert opinion, when manufacturers have the opportunity , after a high evaluation of this opinion , to calculate and receive help with the preparation of documents and about passing codification procedures are further procured by the state. during the year of work, there are already more than 10 such successful cases, which have already received their contracts, such decisions, but what is the main thing, it is certain that during this year of work, we were able to open, let's say, the sphere of defense innovations in ukraine, were able to show the whole world how powerfully we are developing, how many effective solutions we have, and such solutions. to develop, you
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spoke absolutely correctly, you gave an example, with regard to ground robots, there is another direction that we have taken in the work, zebrer, it is the application of artificial intelligence in... products, and in fact we see how such directions, one can say, following the example drones and following the drone army project that opened up such a market and the field of drones, as well full-fledged spheres of ground robotic complexes, the sphere of ukrainian rebu rer, the sphere of application of artificial intelligence are opening up, i am sure that these are far from all our great possibilities. these successes are precisely in the development of technologies. and this year, by the way, you received much more funds from the budget than in the previous year, if i am not mistaken, for this year the budget provides for the allocation of as much as 1.5 billion hryvnias for the needs of technological solutions. i would like
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to ask you how much of these funds have already been distributed, and how you intend to use these funds to support either young teams or certain technological solutions. you are absolutely right, last year for the past year up to this moment we have financed more than 180 projects in the amount of more than 3 million dollars, for this year 1.5 billion hryvnias have been allocated from the budget, just tomorrow our grant program will start, we will start with grants for 500,000 hryvnias, one million and two 2 million hryvnias, and i think that in a month more large grants will be launched there, the grant program there... will receive 4.8 million hryvnias for those priority developments that today needed by the security and defense sector. and i , somehow, the request from young teams is changing, at the beginning of the start of the cluster itself and
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now, are there any nuances in the interaction with these teams, maybe there are some priorities, interests have changed, opportunities, what has changed? well, first of all, when... last year the grant program was started, and in general, bryvan, you can say that we acted blindly, because we did not understand the entire scope of the teams, did not understand their level of readiness, did not understand the entire list of decisions, which are and needs in fact teams, and so it's obvious that $500, $25, this is a grant program that's now ending its activity, it's just going to be continued and the renewed, let's say, grant program, was uh... the minimum amount, and many producers said that they were actually able to buy more certain components, to pay for certain services, salaries, to take even people to full-time work on the development of these technologies, and these grants helped them precisely in this, but for a large number
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of teams, it was the same, you can say motivation from the state that they their teams, their developments, their work is needed by the state, needed by the military, and they have an interest in them. but we also understand that $5.25 is quite a small amount of money when we're talking about uh, science- intensive uh r&d that needs more funding, because we, we today understand both teams and their capabilities, and their request, and the requests of the military, what exactly is needed today at the front, then these grants are large, they will help the teams to create such leases. mrs. natalya, thank you very much for your work, for the work of your team for our security forces, for the defense forces. let me remind you that it was natalya kushnerska, head of the brain one cluster. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news, later on
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to segy zgurets, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, and now i will announce the collection and call you to join, yesterday, by the way, i actively encouraged you to join, and you joined, today we have already collected more than 70,000 hryvnias, although yesterday it was still 58 thousand, so we are asking join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone. out in the open in all weathers, day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, well as well as pneumohydraulic
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jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment that arrives at the front and works at the front. our goal is uah 630,000. i don't even spare time now, it's literally a second, it will take us a second, well , let's go, after we watch the plot, we 'll look at the amount that we've already managed to collect with you as our... respected and beloved viewers of the tv channel , who trust us, and during this time we collected huge sums and closed a lot of needs, i believe that we will also close this one of uah 630,000, we will just take it, as they say, and let's do well, now we will have a story about a problem, and this is a problem that did not arise yesterday, but it is gaining momentum and it is not clear how it will all end. an attack on freedom of speech or an attack on democrats, which are actually concepts... each goal is simply partial and general, democracy is general, freedom of speech is partial, but
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actually, a conflict that does not arise, its provoking for a public broadcaster who works, let me remind you, in various regions of our country, practically in all regions of our country, covers local problems, illuminates regional problems, illuminates problems of national importance, has grants from abroad, the existence of a public and transparent public broadcaster, this is one of the conditions for ukraine's entry into... i will remind you once again that the representatives of separate authorities, i do not know who they are , but such people were found, obviously at one time, more than two years ago they turned off the t2 network, the espresso tv channel, the pyatiy tv channel, the pryamiy tv channel, but this turned out to be not enough, and now there is still an active attack on the public, plus, what before this one joins an odious deputy like maryana bezukhla. let's watch the material, then we 'll talk with the head of the board of the public, what's going on, what are the risks and threats, we'll watch the plot. a telethon for its own, public, one of the six producers
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of the national marathon the only news this week found itself between two fires. colleagues announced their intention to take away from him the prime evening slots, which are watched by the largest number of viewers, people's deputy from the servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks accusing to the address of the broadcaster. the experts immediately got in touch. these two events brought to mind the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, which resembled a special information operation, and it was also started by maryana bezugla, this time the deputy accused the public, apparently of a small audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of schemes for the employment of men with the aim of booking them, but the main message was a call to reduce public funding. so, currently we have defacto a6 state channels, public with
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in all branches, rada, dom, freedom, telethon, army media holding. i believe that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine. create an information and cyber-military ukraine. but the public is no longer state, thanks to the support of the west. countries after the revolution of dignity, once a truly state-owned channel was reformed and became public, the office of the president, the cabinet of ministers, and even the verkhovna rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on its editorial policy. monitoring shows that the public is the only telethon participant who allows himself to give different points of view, for example, to invite people's deputies from different factions, in particular from european solidarity. maybe there are some... letters or something else to other channels, as the opposition often says, they are forwarded and
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established, they agree on specific speakers in the marathon, we don’t have such a thing, and maybe this worries the authorities, that they can’t interfere in our editorial policy, the single news telethon was launched on february 24, 2022, for participation it united leading media groups and tv channels, at the beginning. after the full-scale invasion, the telethon fulfilled its function: to prevent panic and promptly inform ukrainians about the progress of the war, but now, according to many media experts, it has become an informational relic. confidence in him continues to fall. according to the kmis survey conducted in february 2024, only 36% of ukrainians trusted the marathon, while 47% did not. telethon. also mentioned in the recent american report on human rights violations in ukraine in 2023,
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as an example of restriction of freedom of speech. however , the government does not plan to abandon the format under its control, serhiy leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, stated this in particular on the air of the same telethon. part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged by discrediting the marathon. society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. the telethon is not the only one. an example of the government's desire to completely control the information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. still on april 4 in 2022, an unprecedented event occurred in the ukrainian media field, without any formal decisions and even without explanations, the authorities illegally removed three
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nationwide tv channels from digital broadcasting at once: espresso, direct and the fifth channel. this is still the decision. not cancelled. obviously, not to talk about what these three channels have done, to say: "no, you will leave the public." well, we will quietly forget about them, because we are ashamed, we understand that we will not convince them, because this is power, well, this is hypocrisy. why should we then? social and everything else? where is the truth then? the truth is that the public must definitely be protected, the telethon definitely needs to be closed. on the other hand, even before the war, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, the authorities helped ukrainians become addicted to information. this needle of the telegram messenger, which was launched by the russian pavlo durov, and which, as many experts assume, may be connected with the russian special services. in particular , representatives of anonymous telegram channels were invited to president zelensky's press conference. now it seems even at the bank they realized that this was a threat. head of gur kyrylo budanov directly called
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messenger with russian roots a problem of national security. and in the verkhovna rada already. a draft law on the regulation of this and other social networks in the part related to information activities has been registered. well, actually, the problem is obvious, the problem is actually artificially created, the question is only for what purpose and who can be the beneficiary in this story, we will ask mykola chornotytsko, who is the chairman of the board of the national public of the tv and radio company of ukraine or public broadcasting, i congratulate you. good evening, congratulations , mr. mykola, well, in the plot, we actually talked about the main problems, let's start with what, who created this problem and what kind of problem it really is, i am now talking about you, about the team of people who make public broadcasting, well, look, we don't have any evidence that it's something, it's all connected,
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because there's so much going on that it could be several. things that coincided with the times, but none the less, if we had a discussion and well regarding the distribution of slots within the marathon, it is true, and today we have finally returned to a constructive discussion, as i said at the committee, at the meeting of the humanitarian policy committee, that for public broadcasting, we are fundamentally concerned with preserving parity conditions for content production in... in the middle of the marathon, or we are ready to consider the possibility of expansion and broadcasting on the first channel, that is, in any case, both and that option are okay for us, we are ready for two scenarios of this, for today we actually a - and yes with the help of the representatives of the committee and the committee on freedom of speech of the chairman of the committee, we are looking for
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ways to legally process all these things. anyway, i hope that in the next week we will find some kind of solution that would be useful for the audience, and actually, well, if it was once the former and for the country as well, and useful, informal or unofficial pressure communication, let's say so , happens to someone from people who can be directly or indirectly. it is related to banking, now with the public one, well, let's solve this issue somehow, but not publicly, what and what and here the question is, and what specifically, well , it is clear with maryana bezugla, in fact, she either voices certain opinions, or voices some of her own understanding of the situation, let's say, she is a people's deputy, she was elected by someone, well, not someone, specific people from kyiv, but the question is, what does not suit the public, or is it
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the reason that it was actually declared public, that the telethon became little... active and lived his life, is it the reaction of certain people, again i will say, certain people about how events are covered, how people are communicated with about the war, about the political situation, about, again, about the guests who are invited, because about the fact that there is a blacklist or block list of guests for the telethon, this is not it's a secret, i don't have any evidence on hand, but they talk about it, well, in society it's a completely different story, please, well, actually, look, i don't know there, if anyone there specifically, which doesn't suit me. us, as a public broadcaster, we, in fact, our mission is to follow journalistic ones standards, and it's definitely important for us to continue to do that, uh, and... we do that, it's shown in the monitoring and everything, so i would, well, i can't say if anybody has any lists, i know , how does our team work, they, they adhere
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to journalistic standards, can we make a mistake, yes, of course we can, we do analyzes there accordingly, react, after all, i would say that those posts of the people's deputy, i i still believe that this is a form of pressure and devaluation of work. the people who work for the company and who make the product, who is important and who is trusted by our citizens, and this is still unacceptable, well , so many manipulations, i will remind you that before this last people's deputy, who approached criticism of public broadcasting in such a way, was andrii derkach, well, that is, so and so story. so it seems quite strange to me when this happens, and i am very grateful that the members of the committee on humanitarian
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policy, and the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech, and the committee on european integration, supported us as a public speaker, as is important, that these people's deputies understand the key role of the public broadcaster in the architecture of democracy. please tell me whether, after the appearance of this scandal in the public sphere, and whether there was a need to resolve this issue, whether you were contacted by colleagues, partners, or representatives of the embassies of the g7 countries, say, in kyiv, who are located, and asked, what is going on, or how can we help you, or what is the problem in general, and where did it come from, was there no such contact, and if there was, in which... e-e really we got a lot of support from that from and from the embassies and not just j7, others, and we
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got a lot of support from our colleagues from other european union broadcasters that are part of the european broadcasting union, from the director general of the european broadcasting union, well, actually many of the international stakeholders of the public broadcaster are interested in this situation and it is important. they follow what is happening, and here it is important to understand, and what is wanted, well, i will not say that it is the government, but maybe individual people, who in one way or another are responsible for the media, for the media and for communication with society during the war, i want the public to send some other messages, keep some news silent, not talk about something, show the war in a different way, show the rear in a different way, that is, which ones and whether there is a risk. the fact that, say, the prime airs of the public can be replaced by the airs of tv channels, which directly, well , let's be frank, depends on state funding, and yes, on those
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people who sign this state funding, and we know where these people are in principles sit. well, here the state, well, if, it is all financed by taxpayers' funds, including us as a public broadcaster, and well, i would say that how it is done is the responsibility of the editorial teams, and well , if... are responsible for this, look, i don’t know how our story will end, and how it will be, whether we will return to the distribution within the marathon, or it will be repeated, the increase in broadcasting on the first channel of ours, that is, we will be in any - in any case, in the discussion, it is for today i emphasize constructive, i can't say that at the moment we have any pressure or anything like that, that is, we are now... constructive discussions in order to resolve this situation, and i hope that we will find a reasonable solution to this , because -
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today i don't think it is right to arrange, well, for anyone, relatively speaking, to do some strange things that can, that can be reflected in some way on the country, on the public broadcaster, well, that is, i think that.. . still, ah, we are capable of making normal, reasonable decisions in difficult situations. well here maryana bezugla is saying that what i will quote you, that is, public, will be listened to and watched in the same way as more than two dozen of your channels are now watched, which are financed by almost uah 2 billion through the state budget with 3 thousand employees, of which more than 400 have armor as facility workers, critical infrastructure facility workers. according to your information, i want to ask here, you know, here the question of 2 billion uah is eh, well, i am not clinging to the number here, here you know what the question is, that when you receive the money, i understand that it is transparent
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comes from... reporting on how this money is used, especially since we understand it, people work in all regions, many people, and this is stated by those who are involved in one way or another in the activities of tv channels where there are people with such a purely pro-russian past, where certain programs are financed for tens of hundreds of millions with a dubious context, where a lot of so-called good russians appeared, so here is the question of the use of these two billion, if it is a... a private amount, and then , and then the criticism was understandable marathon and those programs that are there, which again show content for our taxes, but which was obviously not ordered by society, then do these people have the right to criticize society at all? well, let's divide this issue like this, because if we talk about what the people's deputy wrote, then in this, to be more precise, this year's budget is 1,850, which is less than what should... be
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provided for according to the law, i will add that since 2017, this rule of the law has not been implemented in any year, here is our budget, well, for understanding, we have a budget similar to that of the estonian public broadcaster, for example, which is many times smaller than ours, it is important that we have 3,500 people working, of which 1,300 work in the regions, we have, for example, things that well... we would gladly get rid of you in order not to waste them, well, for example, the olivets tv center, which we left, for the fact that it simply exists there, for the fact that it simply exists, for the fact that it is serviced, it is tens of millions of hryvnias, so there is a question, if the state could help to allow us to work more efficiently, the second thing is, yes, but the budget without a public broadcaster should be bigger, we have to, we bet, that is, there is such an interesting story here, we
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ask... where is your bbc, and remember what the bbc’s budget is, relatively speaking, well, that is, such , such things are important, we understand that the war, we understand that everything is some kind of decrease, but in this case the public broadcaster always followed the final principle, and thanking, thanking the donors, it is important that, who helped with financial resources, including , the company developed and... the company did some projects, for example, like our last ones documentary projects, more of them were filmed with donor funds, so if and in addition, well, accordingly, all the funds that we spend are public funds, in accordance with the law on public procurement on prozoro, it is all displayed, well, if , that is, it is possible, i think it would be better to report to those people who spend millions on some non, i will just remind you that estonia has a population of 1,400 and...
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it is commensurate with the budget of a social country, which even after the war has a population of up to 30 million , it's just so we understand, thanks to you very much, i hope that this issue will be resolved positively for, first of all , public viewers who trust you, mykola chornotytskyi, chairman of the board of public broadcasting, the national public television and radio company of ukraine, talked about this problem, new literally in a moment about the most important news, i will tell you in detail, by the way, it will be included in the news, and we will also talk with a political scientist about reformatting. cabinet of ministers, good evening, we are from ukraine, the event was canceled, sirens sounded today in the capital of our of the state, just at the moment of the joint press conference of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with the president of the european parliament roberta metsolo, who visited ukraine. the ukrainian head
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of state immediately interrupted the meeting, which was held near the president's office, he declared that... the enemy celebrates may 9 with shelling and demonstrates its true attitude to peace, after that the politicians and the delegation left bankova street, europe day, this is their real attitude to peace, the real relationship to the fight against nazism, this reality, it is like this. now officially, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi dismissed the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi from military service, and by another decree appointed him the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the relevant decrees appeared on the website of the head of state, the documents state that the former head of state is resigning for...


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