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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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the ukrainian head of state, he declared that the enemy celebrates may 9 with regular shelling and demonstrates its true attitude to peace, after that the politicians together with the delegation left bankovoy street, europe day, this is their real attitude to peace, their real attitude to the fight against nazism, reality she is like this. now officially, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , dismissed the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny from military service, and by another decree appointed him the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the corresponding decrees appeared on the website of the head of state. the documents state that the ex-chief is retiring with... due to
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his health, with the right to wear a military uniform. we wish success to general valery zaluzhny in his new position in working with our strategic partner, which is the united kingdom. russian hackers tried to intercept the satellite signal of the espresso tv channel. the specialists of our channel managed to repel the attack and the russians managed to hack access to the groups' channels. star light media da inter and launch a broadcast of the parade in moscow on krasnoy ploschi - said natalya ligechova, editor-in-chief, director of media. the information was confirmed by the national council for television and radio broadcasting. ukrainian providers switched to iptv signal. by the way, i want to say for myself that i found information that unknown hackers hacked the air of the tv provider ufannet in bashkortostan and orenburg. in the omsk and irkutsk regions,
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this is siberia and not only siberia, and is closer to kazakhstan, so instead of a parade on red square, residents of these regions of russia watched footage related to the war in ukraine, because they say, here is the answer for you, well, the fact that our employees were able to repel this attack, at least allow the enemy to demonstrate their victory, is a great honor to the specialists of the tv channel for this, and it is good that you have so accurately defeated this disgrace for our tv channel. did not see any clearer. on may 9, in poland, the ambassador of the russian federation, serhii andriyev, was met with shouts by terrorists when he came to lay a wreath at the cemetery of the mausoleum of soviet soldiers in warsaw's mokutów district. on the lapel of the jacket of the russian diplomat was the st. george ribbon, and near the cemetery on protestors dressed in white dresses covered in red paint were waiting for the ambassador. the women's clothes also had inscriptions with ukrainian names. cities that are being destroyed and have already
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been destroyed by russian soldiers, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, well , russians really need to understand that they... are not welcome anywhere, then we will talk with our guest on a very relevant topic: taras zagorodny is he is in touch with us, he is, he is a political technologist, mr. taras, i congratulate you, yes, good day, well, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i don’t know by whose orders, although i'm guessing that they fired minister kubrakov, plus on one of the telegram channels that connect with the president's office, he was called rather hypocritical. with her words
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, she also had to fire the minister of agrarian policy, solskyi. please tell me what is happening in the cabinet of ministers with these dismissals, whether there will be appointments later, whether this will be a reform that will lead to something, and how the cabinet will live at this time, while these reshuffles are taking place. well, lives as, as he lived before that, so i do not think that these permutations before something so drastic will result, the only thing is that... i am against shuffling these ministries, well, they have already united the ministry, so be it, because as soon as something starts to be united or separated in our country, it is a paralysis of these ministries at least for four months, and in general, according to bureaucratic laws, just according to bureaucratic laws, and in this case, well, solsky himself left, since , as i understand, he was there because of a criminal case, kubrakov, it is not known, by the way, why he left.
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yes, it is still not clear, but in this case case, and so on, well, no, i am generally a supporter of the resignation of the cabinet, because i believe that the cabinet of ministers does not consult with organizations. tion of the military economy to our country, because the unsecured very proper crediting of the military industry, unsecured insurance of the military industry so that the entrepreneurs where the rockets arrive can be compensated, the long-term contracts for the military enterprises are not secured, which they complain about if you don't at least give them money order, then please let me at least export weapons in order for them to bring currency into the country. at least they started and continued serial production, because the enterprises just stand still, because the cabinet of ministers is not able to organize a permanent order for them, although it can be done, i remember, you know, the 21st year, in my opinion, as it should have been they quickly
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found an opportunity to give money to ukraftodor, ukraftodor then issued bonds, the parliament passed a decision for 23 billion hryvnias, well, for a moment, for these times, that's about it. yes, they issued bonds, the state bank, ukrexim bank bought it bonds, the cabinet of ministers provided, provided its guarantees, and the national bank of ukraine provided refinancing in order to be included there, or in the statutory fund, or for these banks to have such a more favorable offer, nothing, then they were able to, but now it turns out that it is impossible to do, a national... bank with a cabinet of ministers pretends that it is impossible to do, so i believe that in general i was happy to see shmagal resign, because i do not see a completely dysfunctional government. here, you know, another one, well, again, it's probably not much
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hygienically, i would say so to quote on the air of a licensed tv channel, because we have a license, we have responsibility, we have rights and obligations, as well as punishment. for violating one or another rights and rules, telegram channels have nothing of the sort so far, so they write what they want, and here is the joker telegram channel, which is linked, again, linked at all, or with someone at all presidents, i’m not saying that it’s andriy yarmak or president zelenskyy, i’m not saying that at all, but yes, kubrakov was called a rat, well, again after all, this is such a thief's jargon, a person who seems to steal from his own people was called someone else, someone else, and they spoke very negatively about him, but here is the question and then let's say that the former favorite minister of the president, and whose is he there was a beloved minister, he suddenly became an enemy, this is a smoke screen, could there really have been any differences, were we talking about some finances, some streams, about, well, because you don’t know, well, you think that he has to be
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honest, there is no corruption, no one steals money, still goes to the army, still goes to war, as they say, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, here it turns out that someone is ratting on someone, please explain, such telegram battles. well, look, i don’t know there to the office, not to the office, you know, we have telegram channels, when they are anonymous, you know, well, to be honest , i don’t think it’s necessary to comment on them, if it’s about for example, some reason was from official sources, then it would be possible to comment on such, such, such, and so they can write anything there , we do not know what is there is happening, why was kubrakov removed, although he was in the cage for a long time. well, they probably disagreed on some issues, well, there is a mono majority, they can fire him whenever they want in this case, because since we do not have a coalition government, in fact, all responsibility falls equally on the parliament, the servants of the people, who
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fired him today, by the way, without a report, you know, the ministry still needs to be reformed. of veterans and the ministry of culture and information policy, as far as i understand, there are such global changes must be, well, if it will work effectively, thank god, then maybe some crisis managers have found a formula by which it will work, but here , you know, the question is different, but in the end i want to say that, by the way, when under kubarkov, the crisis on the border with poland, which lasted for quite a long time, was resolved, so it is there and continues to some extent, but of course now it was still possible to resolve this issue one way or another, so it can be said here. .. go to plus for him, but the question is, you know, with these changes in the government, which everyone understands perfectly well, that de facto ma facto is just simply following instructions, and whether it is not trying to hide in this way the omnipotence of other people who not having official responsibility, sitting in various institutions and
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having connections with people in the banking sector, today they actually manage the executive power, that is , we will reform everything here, in fact, they are the people who really solve the issues in the country and... nothing happens to them , no reforms, here there is a screen, let's reform five ministries, 10, and what's the difference, well, you know, the reform in our country has already changed too often. some kind of swearing, some kind of endless reformation, when it will work, well, look, the influence of banking on the executive power in ukraine has always been, let's be honest, to one degree or another, because this is how our constitution is built, which i am a supporter of , to be changed, well, at least i am a supporter of the american model, when the president heads the executive branch, because after... uh, here we can say the so-called reform of 2004, which, by the way, was written
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by medvedchuk. power, ah, the executive power in our country rests with the prime minister, and the prime minister is not so legitimate in the eyes of the president and in the eyes of the people. because it is elected by some obscure deputies who are very, very suspicious to most people, and therefore the influence of the bank, it has always existed under all presidents, there since kuchma, and it has always been like that, because the president is forced, the president is forced to control some processes of the executive power, because you know, the responsibility is always on him, you know, the prime minister always seems to be useless, although paras, the main thing here is that... i understood very well that now the responsibility is on him, not even on those people who make certain decisions on his behalf,
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i thank you very much, i'm sorry for interrupting a few half-words' i, thank you for joining, thank you for your comments, taras countryman, political technologist about the dismissal of minister kubrakov and the changes that will take place in the government, and now we will talk about events outside ukraine with yuriy fizarny, right next to me, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today about such a thing, a projectile within the framework of the czech initiative for ukraine, in which case lithuanian military instructors can train ukrainians precisely in ukraine, and another victory-winning coven in russia. me my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, i'll start with this, we didn't fulfill the promises we made before... ukraine, that's why russia managed to achieve success and gain a foothold on the battlefield.
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nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this the day before during his visit to italy. according to him, the allies, in particular, were unable to send the promised million shells to ukraine. they were sent much later and much less than planned. the head of the north atlantic alliance mentioned the delay of congress in passing the law about... the allocation of additional funding to ukraine in the amount of 61 million billion dollars, but now the situation is changing, says the nato secretary general. in addition, jens stoltenberg emphasized in kokotre that not a single serviceman of the alliance will be in ukraine. well, that's what jen stoltenberg says, but representatives of other member countries of the north atlantic alliance say yes, they won't. to definitely take part in the military operations on the territory of ukraine, but whether there will be any at all,
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well, but about that later, and now about that. in the near future, the united states of america will return to the same pace of providing aid to ukraine, which was before the interruption in receiving funding. this was stated by the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller, during the briefing. according to him, the white house administration, together with all other departments, have already started preparing new ones. the aid packages, however , the representative of the american foreign policy department did not name the specific terms for which we can receive this assistance, he did not name it, as his journalists did not ask him to do so. well, i want to remind you about this one again about the additional funding that was approved in the house of representatives, this is the lower house of the american congress, it is 61, even a little more than a billion dollars, so more than two. will remain in the united states itself and they
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will go to replenish the stocks that have already been spent to help ukraine, that is , weapons will be produced by the americans, american weapons so that they remain on the territory of the united states. and another part of the money was allocated to finance the activities of american servicemen stationed in countries near ukraine, about 14... billions will be used to ensure that ukraine itself acquires the weapons it wants and where it wants. this is interesting, i'm sorry, the one she wants can be purchased from the united states of america. well, a bomb, for example, i think that it would be very good there, i think, there they prescribed, after all, which ones are allowed, but which ones are not allowed, and where are our nuclear bombs, ukraine bought them with our money , we are not, we need to allocate money in order to replenish our own stocks of nuclear bombs, let’s move on, in june ukraine can to receive 180,000 artillery shells,
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the president of the czech republic petr pavel said in an interview with the german tv channel ard, it is about those ammunitions that were managed to... be purchased thanks to the czech initiative in third countries, while the czech leader added that now contracts have been concluded for the purchase of another five or six large quantities of projectiles. at the same time, peter pavel once again emphasized that he actively communicates with his colleagues in order to involve as many other countries as possible in his initiative, because - he says czech president, aid to ukraine must be given... immediately and in full, so that kyiv does not lose even more people and even more territory. daily, let's hear peter pavel directly. ukraine, in this situation, i have been talking about it for a long time, it is important to support ukraine in every possible way. this is important so that it can make it clear to
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the russian aggressor that there is no point in continuing the war, that russia will not achieve any ... further military successes, because as long as russia has at least some hope of success, it has no reason to lead peaceful talks. i can yuriy, i will make one remark, not a remark, but an addition to this text, that there is still some hope for success. i will say that russia has already lost its huge success, i listened to a russian economist who left russia, he held positions there, he said that russia has already spent on this war in ukraine. a total of 167 billion dollars, if this money were divided among russians, each russian could receive a million and live better in principle, probably, like some residents, their pipes would not burst, and the toilets would be normal, and well this is the price of which success can be talked about, it's hard for me to say where the success is, well, it's
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true, i remember the words i read in goll's memoirs. prime minister of israel, she said that it is easy to say, easy to understand when we lost, much harder to understand when we won. but let's move on, and i'm going back to what i already announced, will there be western military personnel on the territory of ukraine? lithuanian military instructors could train ukrainian officers and soldiers directly in ukraine. the minister did not rule out this possibility of foreign affairs'. according to the guardian , it would be more practical than training ukrainians on the territory of nato member states. at the same time, the minister emphasized that the lithuanians could do this as part of a coalition, which would also include other states , and necessarily with a powerful protection of air defense means, which ukraine
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must immediately provide for this. at the same time, they would also protect a part of ukrainian. heaven says gabrielius lansbergis. well, this is simply the most reasonable approach that can be: firstly, we do not spend money on logistics for training ukrainian servicemen, secondly, in order to train them, we need air defense equipment. let's give air defense equipment to ukraine, and in this way we will also close the sky over ukraine. i have certain doubts as to whether this initiative will be heeded, since the decision in... is adopted unanimously, to my great regret. let's go further: the powerful coalition china and hungary will ensure peace and stability in the whole world. this is what xijin pin, the leader of the celestial empire, said said in budapest, where he arrived on a three-day working visit. according to him, the governments of both countries plan to energetically and
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confidently form, further - a quote from mr. xi: humanity with a common future. at the same time , the chinese leader expressed confidence that his visit to hungary will be very successful and will bring mutual relations between the two countries to a qualitatively higher level than it was before. i would also like to remind you that before this, sijin pinh also visited serbia and france. well, really such a powerful coalition. china and hungary, hungary and china there will be something for them to do in order to ensure peace and stability in the whole world, but god forbid... that they at least think, and maybe after all it is necessary to change the course they are following now and help ukraine, and not talk about some negotiating tables about how important it is to put the president of ukraine and... the leader of a dictatorial country at the same table, perhaps it is worth giving us weapons and telling the ukrainians, you must win, no, unfortunately,
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this coalition does not have such a thing. donald trump is the biggest threat to the democracy of the united states states of america. yes, said the current president of the united states, joe biden, about his likely competitor in the elections. during a meeting with supporters in chicago, this is the state of illinois, he recalled trump's words that ... the biggest problem and threat he considers to be criminals entering the united states through the border with mexico, and added - a quote from joe biden, what , the biggest threat is trump himself. at the same time, in an interview with the american tv channel cnn, the incumbent owner of the white house also stated that, in his opinion, if donald trump will not win the election, and this will happen, adds biden, because the dynamics are on his side, then he, that is, trump, will not recognize the result. voting, but trump has repeatedly talked about it, what will happen, how will it happen, i admit, although i am sure of my victory, well
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, but it will really happen, and what if he does not win, what then, well, agree, it would be very surprising if trump did not respond to this statement by joe biden, and he responded and did it in his usual style, writing a small post on his own social network truth social. there he called the 40-year-old current president of the united states of america, joe biden, weak and corrupt, said that joe biden is on the side of terrorists in everything they do and that by his actions he is leading the world to the third world war, well, and beyond, already recognizable, recognizable raisin from donald trump, he said, but if i were president, all this would never have happened, well it's ... yes, that's what he says, but would it be so, it's unlikely that he would stay in office, the speaker of the lower house american congress, the house of representatives, mike johnson, who delayed
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the allocation of an additional aid package to ukraine for almost six months, avoided impeachment. tonight , kyiv time, only 43 out of 435 congressmen voted for his removal from office, 359 voted against, the rest simply did not vote. the relevant motion for impeachment was brought to the agenda by the well-known ukrainophobe marjorie taylor green, it is also noteworthy that even in the republican faction in the house of representatives, her initiative was supported by only 11 colleagues from the party, therefore the show goes on for mike johnson. well , today another annual victorious sabbath took place in russia, which in... the people often gets the name "grandfathers" on sticks. thousands of russians today some hell go out on the streets of their cities on the occasion of, as they say, the day
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of victory, although the day of victory over nazism in the second world war, the whole civilized world celebrated yesterday. and at the same time , they have sticks in their hands with attached photos of people whom they mostly do not know, but at the same time they claim that these grandfathers fought in many russian cities today, due to security reasons, such parades were canceled, in moscow it took place, although there was practically no equipment, and in moscow there were no traditional grandfathers on sticks either, but the main russian grandfather was still sitting near the mausoleum. it is noteworthy that only one t-34 tank drove, they drove, i even watched vasylno , it took 15 minutes in total , it was not there at all, because there was only one tank, there were. armored cars at the bases there of various manufacturers of the russian automotive industry, there were iskanders, there were yars, flew by, well, i don’t know, maybe 15 planes, maybe not 15 planes over
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it, well, the orchestra went through it and the leaders of how many countries were there, five, maybe a little more, a little more, well, bissau was definitely belarus, belarus lukashenko was sitting, momoli was sitting rahmon from tajikistan. muhamedov, in a word, colleagues, there was still some african country there, well, an active participant in the second world war, as i understand it, yes, by the way, it is strange that kimchanyn did not come, well, he probably has enough of his advice, and there yes, there is more than one tank driving there, he congratulations, well, to celebrate this sabbath with a festive fire , drones friendly to ukraine decided to do it almost 1,500 km from the ukrainian-russian... border in the city of salavat yuleiv, this is bashkortostan, iron birds, according to the information of russian telegram channels, hit the catalytic cracking unit of the oil refinery, which is part of the gazprom holding.
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after that, employees of the enterprise heard an explosion and saw smoke in the area of ​​the southern passage. then i read, they said it hit, but not too much damage, whatever whatever the damage was, it's worth remembering that it's 1,500 km from the ukrainian-russian border, so we'll get it. this is actually why one tank drives, that this drone flies at a subsonic speed, 1,500 km, arrives. the city of selavat yulayev is being kissed, because there is nothing, by the way, it is interesting that selavat yulayev, he generally fought in his time with the russian tsar, well, with the emperor in the times of the 18th century, yes, the 18th century, it is surprising that the metaphor is so very good there is, well, on this good, good vasyl metaphor i want finish finish today's column world about ukraine, i will finish it only today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch.
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