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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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what after the inauguration? the fifth inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin took place in the kremlin. now the dictator has received the right to be president until 2030. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there is
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a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder, good evening, we are from ukraine, well, the great ether continues, we continue, thank you for being with us, stay, and you waited on news about money, oleksandr, along with by me, money during the war. you have a word, good evening. good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience, in the next few minutes i will briefly and dynamically tell you about the new fines for evaders, and you will also find out that the council considered the issue of black grain, what was decided and what farmers should expect, all in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. i follow the situation in the ukrainian energy sector. energy, it is complicated, in fact,
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ukrainians are urged to continue saving light, save electricity, especially from 18:00 to 23:00. i would like to remind you that yesterday also temporarily shut down business and industry in the evening hours, but they say that the situation is only getting worse, and now two hydroelectric power plants have been taken out of operation altogether, i will remind you that they suffered serious damage after yesterday's enemy attacks, he told about the stories. about this at the ukrhydroenergo company, they add that due to the devastating blows of the russians , the entire ukrainian hydro generation has been affected. well, indeed, the equipment requires significant funds for restoration, considerable efforts for repair, and also requires human resources, energy are working hard. it is a difficult situation, i am following it, but people's deputies are actively working, in particular, today the parliament raised fines for evasion.
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256 people's representatives voted for this decision. according to the document, three regimes are introduced: violation, repeated violation and violation during martial law. in particular, for coming to the shopping center under a evasion summons and not updating the data in time, a minimum fine of uah 17 will be imposed at first, later its amount will be increased, it can rise up to uah 25.5 thousand. and the verkhovna rada supported to the second reading of the draft law on the fight against the so-called black grain and the non-return of foreign exchange revenue. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported this. therefore, the legislators decided to introduce a new mechanism, which provides for the registration of tax invoices for operations on the export of agricultural products exclusively by vat payers. that is, if the enterprise is not... a value-added tax payer, he
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cannot, this enterprise, this businessman, cannot take grain, oil, sunflowers out of the territory of our state. here is another correction provided for the establishment of a 14% value-added tax rate for agricultural exporters, but this amendment was criticized by industry associations, in particular the all-ukrainian agrarian council and people's deputies , simply this tax rate from... let's listen to the direct language, nina yuzhanina speaks about the initiative. now there will be a rule that if you are an agriculturist who grows any products that fall under this regime of special export support, and you do not have unreturned revenue of more than 20%, then a tax invoice will be registered, but without payment of additional payments to the budget. i don't know how clear it is, but it's... a complex
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mechanism, which is simple for an ordinary farmer, he will simply understand in a direct text that he should stop or go completely into the shadows. let's go further. more than 400 families have been rejected by the recovery program. we are talking about those families whose real estate was destroyed as a result of full-scale russian aggression. this was reported by the head of the committee on the organization of state power, local self-government, and regional development, olena shulyak the main reason for refusal is the lack of registration of housing in the state register of rights. i would like to remind you that it was launched only in 2013, and therefore a lot of real estate was simply not deposited there, so in this case , a person can only get the right to compensation through the court, well, as practice shows, says olena shulyak, the decision is usually in favor plaintiffs, so if your real estate is not registered there, you will be refused under
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the recovery program, contact the ukrainian themis for help. well, it's interesting the figure appeared among the information field, according to the national bank of investors. 4 billion 250 million dollars were invested in the economy of our country last year, is this really such a figure? let's talk with the guest who joins our conversation, oleksandr bondarenko, managing partner of the bureau of investment programs, good evening, i greet you, oleksandr, mr. oleksandr, well, here's the figure, we'll talk about it in war conditions, positive dynamics, is that right, to, for example, restore what was destroyed as a result of a full-scale disaster aggression, i.e. recovery of assets is also an investment, or is it really capital money that flows into the real sector of the economy? well, again, i would say that this money is 4.5 billion
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investments a year, it is more reinvestment of ukrainian businesses structured in other countries, that is, by non-residents, reinvestment in fresh ukrainian ones. business, so we have not yet observed the inflow of net capital investments in the construction of hundreds of new plants, but we are working on it, i must say, and now in june there will be an investment summit in berlin on the 11th of 12 in june to once again activate investment funds and focus industrial companies so that they invest more in the construction of new factories, because ukrainians will feel it. like new jobs, like high salaries and so on. so far, we are not actively observing this, unfortunately, or we are observing, for example, the bayer company or the cersenit company there, they are completing the construction of these workshops, which they started
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building there even before the war in the 20th-21st years, that is, we really see such investments. well, the last thing i will say here is that you need to look at the net inflow of investments, because it happens that investments... come, but at the same time there is an outflow of capital, that is , the difference is the war is an embargo on capital investment, what is the net investment inflow recorded at the moment, to understand, because the government, the national bank call really such general figures, they can be really impressive, but if we talk about specific dollars, specific euros, which go to the creation of new enterprises, to the construction of new factories. as you say, i think that here we will be talking about a figure of 1.5 billion dollars net capital investments, but we are not in a position to tell you how much capital outflow there was, because there is indeed a ban on the withdrawal and
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dividends in foreign currency, and in principle , it is also difficult for foreign companies to withdraw the proceeds from ukraine even there for any currency transactions, so become somewhat limited. but the war really does not help to attract investments, i, as the head of an investment management company, can say this responsibly, having attended various forums there in lugano, warsaw, i was in america in february, there are no queues, as investors say, but they are preparing to really start investing after the end of the active phase of the war, they don't really hide it and say, prepare... quality projects, so that there will be a place to invest, and then we will invest after. in your opinion, in your opinion, what quality projects can the domestic ukrainian market offer to foreign investors today, ukrainian active, entrepreneurs, owners
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of assets, property, factories, plants, what industries are in the future? this is a very clear answer in principle: agrofood projects, production food products with export. orientation, this is green energy, because the cost of energy generation here is much lower than in europe, it is logistics and commercial real estate, because here again, the cost of a square meter is almost two times lower than in germany or the czech republic or poland, well, in principle, these directions are here, but there is really such a problem, for example, i take entrepreneurs to sweden in the fall with such an investment tour, and there are few high-quality projects, that is, you try to collect at least 8-10 projects there amount 10-15 million euros, well, to attract investments to each company, and ready-made projects. no, that is, this is my appeal to entrepreneurs: well, prepare at least normal business plans, presentations,
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estimates, cash flow, calculations and so on, because you need to prepare in order to be worthy, to attract a normal european investor. and finally, the subject of the confiscation of russian assets is being actively discussed, for example, the owners, well, managers of the euroclear depository, which kept. in fact, the securities of poskovia against the complete confiscation of this money in favor of ukraine, the ambassadors of the big seven say that it is possible to really direct interest on these assets, which are gradually earned, and this money can really go to us for reconstruction. in your opinion, to what extent can these debates around money also affect investments within our state? indeed, if... a decision is made that at least the interest there in the amount of 3.5 billion euros per year will be invested
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in investments in ukraine and in the recovery of the ukrainian economy, this will be a very positive signal for investors that it will there is a real influx of investments into ukraine, and if the body itself is at least there, i don't know 20%, that's already 60 billion euros will be invested in ukraine. within two or three years, this will be a great signal, and indeed the police will have more capital, more funds, more active investment in directly ukrainian projects, but this must happen, this is the first time, and the second time, there must be political will in the european union, euroclear to unblock these funds, we are trying, we hope that the usa will press well here, and indeed they will unblock these funds, but it will be a really cool signal that the money has gone, the infrastructure. is recovering, economic flows and projects are becoming more active, this will be a really cool signal for large
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funds, and let's not forget about the restructuring of eurobonds this year, this is also a very important factor that will contribute or not to the investment attractiveness of ukraine, because if we successfully finish the negotiations about the restructuring of eurobonds, this year it seems that we have to pay 23 billion dollars. already there for the last three years about overdues eurobonds, if we agree with our ministry of finance, it will be a victory and again our investment indicators will rise for international credit agency investors. mr. oleksandr, for these two essentially important decisions, in my opinion, this is the money of muscovy in favor of ukraine, and indeed a certain restructuring in terms of payments, in terms of foreign debt, these are signals that will help attract funds to... the structure of ukraine oleksandr bondarenko, manager the partner of the bureau of investment programs was in touch.
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i will end my column on this conversation, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us! well, we are continuing our great work, i thank oleksandr morchavka, you should also thank him, i want to say that we continue, of course, our collection. i only promised to announce to you, well, we collected uah 75,871, we need uah 630, so i urge you to actively donate to the needs of the armed forces, but we may talk about this later, and now i will give the floor to serhiy rudenko, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m. :00 and what will be discussed today, we will actually ask sergey now. good evening, serhiy, please. good evening vasyl, today we will have only one hour of the verdict program, its guests will be people's deputies of ukraine roman kostenko and oleksiy goncharenko and diplomat
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oleksandr khara, we will talk about the latest events in the domestic and foreign politics of ukraine. well, first of all, of course, the personnel changes that took place today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine dismissed two ministers: oleksandr kubrakov and mykola solskyi. the latter is suspected of abusing and... uh, trying to seize land illegally, solsky headed the ministry of agrarian politician, kubrako was the vice-prime minister of ukraine and for oleksandr kubrakov said that he was not even warned that they would be removed, why these ministers were removed, what does this mean, will it somehow affect the atmosphere in power and in the government, we will talk about this with our people's deputies of ukraine , let's also talk about
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how today putin once again threatened the world with atomic weapons, nuclear weapons, because... today in moscow there was a pobedobesiya parade, and there putin shouted again that he would not allow anyone to put russia on knees and that he has strategic weapons, although russia seems to have been on its knees for a long time, and it was putin who brought russia to its knees. the visit of sijin pinna to europe and his position on the global peace summit, which is on june 15-16. should take place in switzerland, there are a number of other topics that we will discuss, and of course, the most important thing is the next month, what will he be like at the front, respectively, what will he be like in ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko, i hope you will share your thoughts and
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predictions about how events will unfold on the eastern front, and not only on the eastern front, but... in the kharkiv, sumy , and chernihiv regions. in short , there are many topics for conversation, i hope that in 13 minutes you, dear viewers, will be with us. vasyl zima's big broadcast continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, sergey. serhiy rudenko, wait at 8 p.m., today is the hour of the big broadcast, well , let’s wait until we have literally a minute of time, our bright star lina shechenina, cultural columnist today i came to such an event, it’s simple, well, it’s really important, and then i ’ll call you to join the gathering again, we, or not, then a little later, you’ll donate, here you see the qr code, but lena chechenina is already with us, therefore , the american film festival independence is opening these minutes, the opening
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was the ukrainian-american film porcelain war, which tells the story of artists from kharkiv. at the opening, she could not ignore such an event, good evening, please share your impressions and expectation. good evening, vasyl, the expectations have probably come true in part, in part, because i apologize to the director, i can hear myself, unfortunately, in just a second i will tell you why this film is worth watching and why it is important. so, friends, we are now near the october cinema in the capital, already the premieres of our films can be met not in the hall, but in the fresh air, and i will say that there are a lot of movies, now our cultural events in the capital are at least simply
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incredible, every day i i have to go somewhere, it makes me happy, but if we... say about today's opening of the independence festival, it opens with a really wonderful film that will be shown again on saturday, it will be shown in lviv on the 15th, it is called porcelain war and it is a ukrainian-american film about artists from kharkiv and one of these , perhaps one of the slogans of this the film sounds like ukraine is like porcelain, it can be broken, even easily broken, but impossible to destroy, and this... the tape tells about three artists who live in kharkiv, work with porcelain, this a couple and another artist, and here they meet a full-scale war and try to somehow live in these conditions in kharkiv and try to continue creating, but i want to say that i saw, unfortunately,
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the opening was delayed a little, and we only saw everything 5 clean minutes. the film that won an award at the sundance festival this year, and i want to say that it is an extremely correct film, the same word is used correctly, especially for foreign audiences, because the film shows exactly our indomitability, and here directors, and also a videographer, and there was a lady ambassador of the united states in ukraine, and they all said that... admired ukrainian steadfastness, courage, and this is what is very good, which is called working in cultural diplomacy, and in this the film porcelain war, somewhere it looks like... and i want to say that the sundance festival, at which this film won the grand prix , is generally famous for ukrainian victories,
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i will say that it is one of the most famous festivals in the world and one of the definitely the top festivals in the united states, and there our tapes constantly receive some high awards, this tape by iryna tsylyk zemlya, blue nachi orange, and the same 20 days in mariupol also received an award at this festival, and many more. others, the russian diatl, this is also a ukrainian co-production together with ukraine, which tells a very bizarre story about the causes of the chernobyl disaster, and at the suntens festival they already know ukraine and the ukrainian context very well, and i know very well that ukraine has quite a cool cinematography, well please also see the program in general , the independence of the american film festival is usually selected by the selectors. very good tapes that satisfy a fairly wide audience, and also don't forget that the movie "the house of the word is an endless story" was released in prokatnyn, we will
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talk about it in our broadcasts, in particular on saturday, it is a tape about not a shot but a revival about the house of the famous word in kharkiv, and i will say that a lot of people who were at the open house the day before, it was bright enough, and they spoke almost with one voice and now they are writing in social networks that this is a tape that just has to be cool. because it's an audience film, it's interesting and smart at the same time, so you have a lot of reasons to come to the cinemas if they are in your city this week, and i'll say goodbye to you for now until saturday, well, thank you very much checheniniya line for and i invite you, of course, to come to this festival, watch a movie, and also the house slovo inschenny. never ending novel, let me remind you again about the collection, we are collecting for a minibus for our soldiers who are fighting
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in the solodarsk direction, in the zaporizhzhia direction, this minibus is needed in order to deliver repair teams and the necessary equipment for the repair of equipment that fights the enemy every day in any weather in the gray zone, that is, the zone where it is not controlled neither those nor other military formations, nor in... in this way, we reduce time, we improve that is why we collect exactly on this minibus, logistics, we save people’s lives, and because the repaired equipment, it is faster it will enter the battle and give the enemy, as they say in the face, to put it mildly, and plus it again saves the lives of people who travel on this minibus, it's still not running through the fields with heavy repairs. all kinds of accessories to repair, plus there are also hydraulic jacks for equipment, we need 630 uah, we have collected more than 75 thousand for the evening, i believe,
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we will do it, we can, i will say goodbye to you right away, thank you for being with me and my colleagues, but first of all, the big ether is not saying goodbye to you yet, and the espresso tv channel will be with you in the future, already natalka didenko, he will tell you about the weather literally in a moment, and at 20 the verdict by serhii rudenko, be with us, don't forget... don't forget anything, take care of yourself and everything will be fine. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians. today we are talking, as always, about the future weather, that is, about the weather forecast for may 10, but for now we will talk about the current, unfortunately, perhaps, well , rather unfortunately, phenomenon that... occurs in may, but a little even breathes about frosts in winter, frosts are a characteristic phenomenon for may, nothing there is nothing abnormal about this, and
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i would like to say that according to statistics, frosts in ukraine occur until the end of may, that is , they are likely, and there is even a possibility of them at the beginning of june, and the first frosts are already observed at the end of summer in september, frosts - this is a decrease in air temperature to zero and below. against the background of generally positive, positive air temperatures, and of course, frosts can harm future crops, fruit trees, plants, bushes, flowers, especially, so of course you need to fight them, but in fact extremely it's difficult, well, you know, the internet is full of such videos, when smoke is made in barrels, something is lit and smoked. vineyards, thus saving such small plots from frost, i know that even just people cover them with something, hide theirs for the night. and precious
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future berries and fruits and vegetables, and i casually want to say that frosts are expected, but we will talk about this when we talk about the weather in each region of ukraine. and now we turn to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. not tomorrow no magnetic storms are expected, neither moderate, nor even any weak, nor strong, minor fluctuations, as always observed, so we move on to... actually to the weather forecast for may 10, in the western regions of ukraine, frosts are not expected, there will be the weather is generally the warmest in ukraine, well, compared there, for example, to the north, the air temperature during the day will range from 18 to 22° c, and precipitation is not expected. in the north of ukraine, there is a high probability of frost, mainly on the ground, however, in the afternoon it will warm up to 14-17. there will be no precipitation, there will also
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be increased atmospheric pressure, an anticyclone, in the east of ukraine there is also an anticyclonic nature of the weather, and i will also remind you that it is during an anticyclone in the spring, for example, in may, that there is the greatest probability of frost, but when it is quiet, calm , the weather is clear, this is what it will be like in the east of ukraine, there will be frosts at night, the air temperature during the day is +15, +18°. there is also a high probability of frost in the central part of ukraine, because the sky... will be almost cloudless at night, the sun will shine during the day and thermometers in the central parts of ukraine will rise to 14-19° heat. in the south of ukraine, there will be no precipitation tomorrow, no frost at night, with a fairly comfortable air temperature during the day +18 +22°. and in kyiv on may 10, the weather is also expected to be partly cloudy. the air temperature during
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the day will rise to 15 degrees celsius, at night it will still be cold and there is even a chance of frosts in the kyiv region, since may 11 frosts will stop, at least for now, this is the nearest synoptic situation, of course, as always, keep a close eye according to updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with... rudenko. without discussions and warnings. oleksandr kubrakov was dismissed from the post of vice prime minister and minister of infrastructure. what government reform is planned in the office of the president? propaganda parade. putin used may's pobedobesiya rally to glorify russian aggression in ukraine and the west's nuclear threats. which of the foreign leaders came to moscow on
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the ninth? strengthening of failed mobilization. the verkhovna rada allowed the convicts to serve and increased the punishment for draft evasion, will the late decisions of the parliament correct the situation? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. during us. we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. on the day of victory, putin again threatened the world with nuclear weapons, ministers kubrakov and solsky are retired, and the mobilization of prisoners, how it will take place in ukraine and who will fall under this mobilization, we will talk about this and other things over the next hour with by our guests, two people's deputies of ukraine, roman kostenko and oleksiy
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honcharenko, as well as a diploma. mother oleksandr khara. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian defenders magically destroyed a russian t-90m breakthrough tank, soldiers of the shadow unit dropped an american m-67 grenade on it, and destroyed military equipment in the area of ​​tonenko in donetsk region. let's see how it all happened.


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