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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. greetings, this is svoboda life. sbu drones fly into russia and hit its oil refineries. the verkhovna rada dismissed two ministers, putin in moscow. threatens the west
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with nuclear weapons, we are not the only ones talking about it today, my name is iryna sisak, and we are starting. a drone attacked the gasprom naftohim salavat oil refinery in beshkyria, russia. this was announced by the head of the republic, radii khabirov. as a result of the attack, a fire broke out, emergency special services went to the enterprise. now, according to khabirov, the plant is working normally, the source informed. svoboda reported that the drone belonged to the security service of ukraine and set a historical range record. it was a security drone that set an all-time record by covering a distance of 1,500 km the sbu once again proved that it has powerful technological solutions that help deliver painful blows to the enemy. and i will note that the city of salavat is located approximately 1,500 km from the ukrainian border, the oil refinery itself is there. one of the largest
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oil refining and petrochemical production complexes in russia, which specializes in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel and other types of petroleum products. in addition to bashkiria, there was also a fire in the kuban, on the night of may 9, drones of the security service of ukraine hit two transshipment oil depots in the krasnodar region of russia. this was reported anonymously by a source of the ukrainian pravda publication in the sbu. according to him, the drones targeted two oil depots in the village of yurivka, which is located there. for anapa. the oil depots themselves are transshipment points for the supply of fuel to the russian troops in the occupied crimea, as they are located near the peninsula. the operative headquarters of the krasnodar region, in turn, confirmed that it was ukraine that attacked the factories. they even noted that about six drones were used for the attack. eyewitnesses of attacks in russian refineries filmed videos and posted them on social networks. as it was, i suggest you look further. he guys.
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the factory was told that on the ninth holiday there would be a drone flying, yes, it will fly there, then it will drop me, let's go faster, then you will wind up, it will explode. hit, yes on the fly,
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it blew up all by itself, blew up, it blew up itself, smoke, smoke, here in the shitty factory, the smoke went black, i see, i see, yes. on the night of may 9, explosions also rang out in the russian city of belgorod, the local authorities accused ukraine of an air attack, as a result of which eight people were injured. the governor of the belgorod region of russia , vyacheslav gladkov, announced direct hits to residential apartment buildings and cars. photos of fires in the city were published on social networks. officially, ukraine
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did not comment on this information. and ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general and deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010, joins our broadcast. in hand. mr. igor, good evening. good we started the issue with a drone strike on russian oil refineries and not only on them, the attacks were carried out by the security service of ukraine, at least this is what rfe/rl's sources confirm. can we estimate today from the photos and videos that we have available on the network, what damage these drones have caused to russian factories? not to the full extent, but from the outside, according to the circumstances that we see, well... you can see that there were probably hits, especially in the first place, those warehouses, which were damaged, well, and probably some fragments were also hit and on the residential part, therefore, one way or
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another, the principle of constant influence is implemented, especially when all the activities are carried out. shelling of our territories with various weapons, and therefore, from a military point of view, it is a legitimate target that is struck. a rfe/rl source claims that the sbu drone that hit the oil refinery in bashkiria set a historical record by covering a distance of 1,500 km. do you have an understanding of what kind of drone it could be and whether this strike could indicate the technical improvement of ukrainian drones, that is... representatives of the sbu, gur, and more, we also had statements from
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the ministry of strategy and industry, in my opinion, and ukroboronprom, which passed exams that have such units already, and now there are ... extractions, that is , a larger number of releases, the production of such drones, and we see the results, one way or another, they are carried out in the conditions of waging war on objective laws, that is , i give this example when there is a conversation to strike don't beat, on oil refineries, the americans don't advise and so on, they did it during the second world war, we still have just the eighth, ninth date, back in the 43rd year. agreed between churchill and roosevelt regarding the fact that before the normandy exhibition it is necessary to beat, to reduce the potential of wehrmacht aviation, and therefore it is necessary to be ready oil refineries, their analogues, should be at factories that produce weapons, and we do that, and we should
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be at airplanes at airfields, which in our case were still faus at the time, we already have various missiles, well, they have what we need to destroy and , thirdly, the most... effectively strike at launchers with missiles even before they are launched, and we do all this, that is, to implement the principles of the introduction of war and the objective laws of the introduction of war, therefore all these goals are legal for us, because rather, that this is a terrorist country that attacked us. and is it possible, by the way, to expect in this situation critics from western partners, who just said about these strikes on the refinery, that they are not too happy about them. not to be expected, but this wish or something is already happening on the part of the same americans, at first they kept it secret, and then the statement came from the minister of defense in the fall, although he is a general, he knows these laws and these approaches and knows
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the necessity, but there is a political leadership and therefore he does according to their instructions, the question is that, for example, we should not hit the oil refinery or... territory, so we need to provide appropriate weapons, long-range, for example, we will attack not only with outdated combat units, but already at 300 km, and another set of tools with which we could hit the fuel warehouses, logistics, the enemy in the occupied part, but when they will need to provide us with such weapons in large quantities, then we will use our weapons we will be able to apply. in accordance with their wishes, and for now everything still needs to look exactly like this, because we are at war, and they give us pauses for six months, thus helping the russians. mr. igor, regarding the situation on the fronts, in particular near krasnohorivka. currently, the military
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reported that the city is under the full control of the armed forces of ukraine, but the day before in osuv khortytsa, they declared that the russian military did break through to krasnogohorivka. this is evidenced by the deep state map. do you know what the situation is there now? they came to this factory, they were, let's say, vanguard groups, sabotage and intelligence groups, well, there were 10-15 vanguards there. and at this plant, our defenders blocked them, and then began to eliminate these, part of these groups, part by part, and the situation is not easy for them, and the question is how much they can, will they be able to get out before they eliminate all of them there, that is, the russian military still remains at this plant, did i understand you correctly, well, from what i know, some part remains, they are trying and... will break out of this trap from the inside, we will see how far they will succeed. regarding the other
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direction of the yar times, in particular, according to british intelligence, the number of russian shelling in the chasovoy yar area increased several times in april. it is obvious that the army of the russian federation is everything is more actively trying to storm and establish control over the city. but, as noted by british intelligence, again in april tactical successes were insignificant, and russia suffered a lot of losses. what are the prospects for the time gap and will it be possible to hold the city, how long can it hold? it depends on the forces that will be gathered by the enemy after striking from the means, and there they also strike with guided aerial bombs, they have enough artillery, shells, and they transfer additional personnel reserves there, and therefore, if it is from all sides there will be potential to grow. and our defense potential will not be strengthened, then there may be serious
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problems, and these are options, they apply similar to what they did in avdiivka, that is, to demolish some of our defensive strongholds, in the city, around, here is aviation and artillery, and then advance in these directions the appropriate. groups to take over the territory gradually, so to answer when exactly, hardly anyone can now either side hardly, but taking into account the fact that the situation is dynamic is changing, the threat is a big threat, and i say that it consists in the fact that the russians , since the beginning of the war, well, first of all, have increased the total number of more than half a million manpower in the group. on our territory and every month they add 40 thousand, here
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it doesn't look like that, unfortunately, and in terms of armaments, those who provide assistance there, it is slowly entering the front line, because what is the situation with armaments , because the day before lloyd austin said that it is still too early to say about the effect of the weapons provided by the united states, why, that is, it is a slow pace? i was in your place austin, i would answer him that guess one day why, you understand, this is happening, because there was a pause, which means that the help to the russians is not six months, and if the weapons are coming in now, just count the logistics, i would like nothing to interfere from europe, from different points, warehouses and everything else, to enter the territory, and then through the territory, it must be delivered not just to ukraine, but... it must be delivered to the front line, where these weapons must be used, all this takes time, that is,
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it will take place on the situation, this billion aid, sometime in a month, and her will definitely not be enough to stabilize the situation, and stabilization means stopping the advance of the enemy, for that we need a new package and as soon as possible, so that we don't wait again for the second package to come in a month later and so on and so forth, as they do with the help of the americans... mr. igor, another question about personnel changes in the military, president volodymyr zelenskyi today dismissed serhii lupanchuk from the position of commander of the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, and instead appointed the hero of ukraine oleksandr trepak to this position. or can you rate this rotation, what you know about him and what the military is saying about him, maybe you have something to share? no, i don't have such detailed information on this matter, but i believe that... the frequent change of the leadership of the special
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operations forces, which have a very important role under the law on national resistance, and this is, as it were, in this triad, which i mean, that is , attack drones, missile weapons and special structures, squads, they include representatives of gurmo, the sbu and also from special operations forces during the years of the war, this... reflect, in my opinion, a not very good , unstable personnel situation, because with such a regular replacement and such frequent changes of the troops. what are the special operations forces, well, in my opinion, you have to behave very carefully and very responsibly, and these changes often do not reflect such a situation. mr. igor, i can’t help but mention that today putin announced the combat readiness of russia’s strategic forces, the yars missile systems
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that can launch a nuclear warhead also drove around red square, how do you evaluate these statements, what they can state your opinion. by no means, because it was, there is nothing new, and well, just use what he is doing, scarecrows, these scarecrows, for the leadership not so much of our military-political, because we have too hardened, but more to the west, the pressure under this , that they can start and all the rest, he will not start strategically, if he wants to play most of all with... tactical nuclear, and if, well, this is a separate topic, we need a conversation about what the use of tactical nuclear would give, which they also pressured, pressured using this, or any, that is, two directions of pressure - this is, let's say, escalation, but we see that
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countries and already some countries cross this... the red line that putin draws on this, putin draws on this matter, such as france , there is lithuania, poland, and some others, and there are still nuclear weapons, but with nuclear weapons he understands that it will turn out to be more and worse for them, and therefore the profitability of use, even tactical, not to mention strategic, is very small, well, literally the other day, russia announced nuclear drills, and today... statement, this is such a reinforcement of the statement about these exercises, which were made in particular after the statement of great britain that britain gives permission to strike on russian territory with its weapons, what do you think? well, they have a lot of nuclear weapons, they said that if the troops , such as the french, were to start, they would consider this a violation and be ready
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to apply it according to the british ones, that they would present theirs in the 16th, which is not important. maybe it has been modernized to such a level simply as 16 and they made a lot of them allies of howitzers and said that this is the edge, it means a red line and the answer will be like this, one must be quite critical and engage in information hygiene regarding the reaction to such circumstances, and now as for tactical nuclear weapons, i say this as the commander of... and the commander of the brigade that had anti-aircraft missiles with nuclear warheads , and i was the commander of the brigade in kyiv, which is now performing such a very successful task, and there were nuclear weapons in the divisions, so i prove to you that the training with the divisional and with the command post, i was responsible for it, and a special the officer controlled that in accordance with
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the requirements of the documents on nuclear weapons that we had, we, therefore, perform all this once. for a month, every month, every time in russia, the gunners who shoot, in special operations, where there is a nuclear knapsack, and the missileers, say, iskander, are held where there are warheads, this kind of training is held, there are requirements and controls by what is happening, but it is done, it is closed, let's say, well, how everyday, we did when we had and did not give thanks to our... fathers, that is, and they do it too, but now they have opened up to the fact that they again put pressure on everyone, on citizens, first of all, on ours, on our leadership, and even more so on those who are perceived as such, perceived by the leadership
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of individual states our allies, that's why they are doing it, but by the way, can this statement somehow affect aid. in ukraine, just from the west, are they critical of putin's statements there? there are different attitudes, you see, the critical thing, americans, is the statement of the official representative from the pentagon, in my opinion, that this is, well, an informational pressure, no more than that, and they have confirmation, their intelligence is controlled, because these warheads are in the appropriate warehouses, and they control how they all assembled, it's just like that, it's... it's not just a projectile to take out and carry, it there is fanit, there are external signs by which it can be tracked and so on, and those parts that will be spent on will be under control, as it were, and that's how they do it. every month, so this is another method of putting pressure on the relevant leadership of our allies. mr. igor, thank you for your thoughts, it was igor
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romanenko, retired lieutenant general and deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces in 2006-2010. well, let 's talk about it in more detail. putin used the parade in moscow to intimidate the west with nuclear weapons and to promote the war in ukraine, writes the german publication bilt. in his ceremonial speech, putin accused the west of allegedly distorting the vision of the second world war, and blamed foreign politicians for revanchism, nazism and colonial politics. then he threatened the strategic forces, which are in combat readiness. simultaneously the head of the kremlin added that russia will do everything to prevent a global clash with the west. after the performance , three missile complexes passed through red square. which are part of russia's strategic nuclear forces, and while they were on the move, the commentator called them, quote: a formidable nuclear deterrent capable of guaranteed hitting a target anywhere on
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the globe. end of quote. and here i will remind you that putin's threats of a nuclear strike sounded against the background of the announcement, as i have already said , by the kremlin of preparations for the next nuclear exercises. it was a few days ago. what do the statements of the head of the kremlin mean? we will talk further, but for now listen to what putin said during the speech. in moscow." we reject the claims of any state or alliance to exclusivity. we know what the excess of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global clash, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on the alert of ukraine in great britain. the relevant decree is already on the president's website. before that, by another decree volodymyr zelenskyy dismissed the soldier from military service. the
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decree states that this is a resignation due to the state of health, with the right to wear a military uniform. it became known about the probable appointment of zulzhuj as an ambassador in london in march, when the president approved his candidacy for this position, and the ministry of foreign affairs sent a request to great britain. later, the media reported that the ex-head was still in the winter. passed the vlk, which declared him unfit for army service. we will talk about this and more with oleg shamsher, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, who joins our broadcast. mr. oleg, good evening to you. good evening. after two months of waiting, valery zaluzhnyi is officially leaving for the diplomatic service in london. how do you assess this appointment, do you think he is ready for the diplomatic service and how effective will he be in this position? well, how effective he will be depends on himself, a priori, i believe that he has
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all the reasons and opportunities to be effective. it is clear that the hard worker is not a professional diplomat, so it is very important that there is such a strong and effective structure under him. embassy in great britain, obviously, this is a well-known figure, it is from the point of view of communications, opportunities for meetings, to influence public opinion, on british politicians, an absolute plus, of course, it will be necessary to learn some basics of diplomatic work, e. the functioning of the ambassador, but i have almost no doubt that mr. zaluzhny will succeed. you said there is
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prerequisites that he will be effective, what exactly do you mean, his experience, i mean, well, first of all, he is a strong personality, we see his professionalism and, i would say, the intellectual level that creates, in my opinion , absolute... prerequisites for him to learn, as i said, and azam ee, well , increase his professional, professional training in terms of diplomatic work, and if he wants to, i think he has it, i think , that he will be an effective ambassador, and if we talk about his... tasks in this position, then what are they key goals for the lad now in london? and to be honest, obviously the key tasks for him would be, and i have no doubt that
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i formulated to the president. countries, but can we now assess, at least suggest that it might be, suggest, well, on the one hand, we understand that the uk is one of our key, allies, our partners, which in many issues leads the er process, occupies a leadership position, obviously it is important for him that this not only be preserved, but also that the volume and depth of support are even greater strengthened, it is also important that he has an intensive dialogue with the political circles of great britain, and thirdly, of course, his communication with the british public is important, which in turn is important so that support for ukraine does not decrease or stop. more
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intense, on the contrary, it was intended. as for the meritorious, it is clear, but i want to return to the statements from moscow. before our conversation, we listened to a fragment of putin's speech, in which he quite openly threatens the west with nuclear weapons, talks about the combat readiness of strategic forces. what do these mean now statements? are they just words, can they have any real consequences, especially considering that this is happening against the background of preparations for the nuclear exercises that russia has announced. there is absolutely nothing new in putin's statements, as well as in the rhetoric he used, as before during his speech on red square, in my opinion, this is another, another attempt to intimidate ukraine, to intimidate its partners, and unfortunately, it must be admitted that very often it works, and such
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a deterrent for... for many of us partners, there is the argument that russia is a nuclear power, while it is not necessary to understand this, to do everything so that russia does not use either strategic or tactical nuclear weapons, but at the same time not to be intimidated by putin and not to formulate his decision under the influence of these threats that... the possibility of using, i think that the use of strategic nuclear weapons, which he just talked about, is unlikely, practically impossible, because putin, as we know him, he is clearly not suicidal and does not want to put a cross on one's life is a greater danger, as i believe, here i would leave a few percent on, maybe even
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more. on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, but here we need our partners to give him a signal, not necessarily, not necessarily, even publicly, not publicly, through informal channels, what the consequences will be, and for it to be convincing enough so that he has no doubts , that his actions receive a response and even a response by conventional non-nuclear forces is enough, that is... about conducting nuclear exercises, which i already mentioned mentioned, russia announced after the statements of great britain, which allowed british weapons to be struck on russian territory, then the russian ministry of defense said that this was a response, i quote, to provocative statements and threats of certain western officials, they also mentioned macron’s statement about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, how far do you think these statements from both sides can go, you just mentioned what i said from the side.
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russia's statements about the use of tact, tactical nuclear weapons should be taken very seriously seriously and really send such clear signals that, let's say, if you use nuclear weapons, we will tactically destroy the black sea fleet, and as far as i read such statements informally, there was such a message russia. received, regarding strategic ones, i have already said, but most importantly, i emphasize once again that decisions regarding russia should not be made under the influence of this intimidation, this bluff on the part of putin, i.e., as always, one should prepare for any option, but not give in to putin to intimidate, on the contrary, i would say, we need to change the paradigm so that... he was also afraid of us,
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and our partners.


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