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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:00 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how ours will affect today? for
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our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey in... every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. greetings, i'm olga lentsa of the chronicles of combat operations, and we at espresso are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions.
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the recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather, day, night, and for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, tanks, bmps, battleships, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as a pneumo-hydraulic jackhammer for operational repair, well, in particular, of foreign military equipment, this is... very important, because there will be equipment, there will be something to fight on, so please join, look, there is a collection number, this is such an important thing, well, in principle an important direction in general for such assistance to our soldiers at the front, it also depends to a large extent that everyone is whole, healthy and able to fight and beat the enemy, so please join us. well, now
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let's take a quick look at the map of the hostilities, what has been going on in recent days front, and then we will discuss it. map of military operations for the period may 1-8, 2024, the armed forces of the russian federation lost victory on may 9. despite the fact that the russians are carrying out assaults along the entire front line with the hope of obtaining at least some kind of victory by may 9, the zsu. still did not receive enough ammunition, but the situation at the front was mostly stabilized. luhansk region, offensive on kupyansk. having captured kesrivka at the end of april, this week the rashists unexpectedly developed their offensive to the west and south. therefore, they occupied the village of kotlyarivka and advanced along the road to kupyansk, to which they still had the same 20 km. in addition, the zsu withdrew from a small section of the highway between krokhmalny and novoserivskyi and secured it. near berestovo, unexpectedly,
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near kopyansk itself, our soldiers retook several positions north of senkivka, which the russians have not been able to take for more than a year. meanwhile, both the russian and ukrainian military leaders are actively talking about a possible offensive from the belgorod and kursk regions to kharkiv and sumy. however, their grouping of troops in this direction increased by as much as 4,000. this is clearly not enough for a full-scale offensive, and therefore, most likely, we are talking about raids in the depths. of ukraine to divert our reserves. the russians trivially copied the tactics that the rdk implemented a few months ago. chasiv yar is preparing for victorious assaults. until may 9, as putin commanded, the russians not only failed to take the yaral river and did not even prepare the battlefield for a decisive attack on the city. in particular, near bohdanivka, their advance was very insignificant, and the zsu even succeeded to recapture one position south of the village from the enemy. defense forces continue to hold
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positions on the edge of ivanivskyi, which makes it impossible for the russians to carry out their favorite evasive maneuver. our defense is also in klishchiivka and andriivka. is firmly held, since no one canceled putin's order, then probably the occupiers will try to advance at the time of yar head-on without preparing the flanks, which may end in a total disaster for them. this is indicated by a series of events, in particular, small reconnaissance groups of the occupiers have already begun to cross the channel, despite the fact that the armed forces assure that they have eliminated all of them, but in some areas there are still battles for access to the outskirts of the city, but they will definitely not be able to gain a foothold here. can. in addition, the enemy carried out powerful aerial bombardments and destroyed the city through the canal connecting the main part of the temporal ravine with the canal district. they blew up another bridge in ivanovsky to complicate logistics for our troops, who are receiving part of this village.
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pokrovsk-toretsk front. on the postavdiyiv front, the situation finally began to resemble a certain stabilization of the front. this mostly concerns the southern section near umansky, where the enemy has advanced. by almost 100 m in the non-tail region and by a couple of hundred meters in the direction of yasnobrodivka, in addition, the russians have occupied a gray zone south of pervomaiskyi, this will increase their pressure on the village of nevelske, in which the armed forces of ukraine have been defending for over a year and a half. after the occupation of semenivka and berdychiv, on that part of the front, the defense forces managed to completely stop the movement of the enemy to the west. the village of sokil, in which defensive positions were previously built, became an important area of ​​defense. and so the occupiers did not manage to get far from the previously captured solov'ovo. in addition, it was in this area that the armed forces managed to prevent the expansion of the enemy-controlled zone around the already completely occupied ochereteny. therefore, they are trying to bypass the village of sokil from the south and made their way for a kilometer in the direction
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of novopokrovsky. on the other hand, to the north of ocheretiny, the russians are advancing, albeit slowly, but still. in the western direction, they approached a kilometer from. the outskirts of novoaleksandrivka, and from the north, after the capture of ceramics, the armed forces of ukraine were forced to leave and arkhangelsk, due to the fact that it was cut off from logistical routes, and the topography of the area did not allow to maintain defense here. the russians still have the choice of an offensive vector to the west on pokrovsk or to the north on toretsk and kostiantynivka. however, certain developments indicate that the armed forces are in control of the situation. in particular , the 110th brigade returned to the avdiiv direction, which replenished its ammunition and immediately shot down an su-25. instead, the third assault brigade and the 47th brigade went on rest, and therefore they had such an opportunity. krasnohorivka in five months after the complete occupation of maryanka, the rashists still cannot leave the borders of this
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destroyed city. their offensive in the western direction on georgiyivka was a complete failure, as well as the offensive in the south, where their maximum success was... the capture of the village of pobyeda, which had several dozen houses. therefore, the occupiers concentrated their efforts on storming the city of krasnohorivka, which is north of maryanka. they attack from two sides, from the east and south, if the defense forces did not allow the enemy to enter the city from the eastern flank, then in the south, the russians managed to gain a foothold in several quarters and regularly attack the central districts of krasnohorivka. at the same time, the armed forces regularly knock out the enemy from there and push them back again. on the outskirts after the occupation of novomykhaliivka, the russians started for paraskoviivka and their movement to the west stopped, besides, their preparation for a new assault on the coal mine is obvious. currently, our soldiers repel all attacks, but the armed forces of the russian federation are preparing new reserves to
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take this strategic for defense daughters of the city. southern front revision of the results of the counteroffensive of the armed forces. a large-scale offensive by the russians. in the direction of berdyansk, where they stormed the fertile and staromajor region during the week. in a few days, they were able to occupy several of our positions near both villages and come a kilometer closer to their surroundings. however, it cost them very dearly, at least 23 units of armored vehicles, tanks, bmps and armored personnel carriers. despite the expansion of the gray zone in the central streets of the village of robotyne and the enemy's attempts to break through to the northern streets of the village, the defense forces continue to control most of it. including the western and eastern parts of the settlement. on this part of the front , the enemy's armed forces also had the task of achieving victory by may 9, having audited the results of the summer counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine, but to no avail. we defeat death to our enemies every day. well
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, now we have with us petro chernyk, a military expert, a colonel of the zsu. greetings, mr. peter. glory to ukraine. hero. glory, and you know, let's start with what happened tonight, it's such a combined missile, a massive strike on ukraine, 55 missiles, 21 strike drones, 39 missiles and 20 uavs shot down our defense forces, and targets, in particular, well , it seems that mostly energy targets, that is, energy, an attempt to knock out energy, and what do you think, this psychological pressure, does it have any practical meaning for the russians, well , that is, this kind of, you know, concentration... on energy and concentration, well, unexpectedly in the summer and not in the winter, objectively nothing
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new, the enemy was hitting our infrastructure, so he will beat, why he just now switched to power generation systems, because before that, as a rule, he drank transformer systems, there really is a certain strategic sign here, if it did not sound strangely positive, what it consists in, the enemy comes to the conclusion that he will no longer be able to return ukraine back to himself, and just the brightest destruction the culture is that they are trying to hit the underground gas storages in stryshna, why it is one of the largest storages in general in eastern europe, there are such gas reserves that such countries as the czech republic, slovakia and hungary can live on them for several years. in perspective, europe european gas will definitely be abandoned, but in general neither the production nor the household sector will ever abandon it as a fuel, because it is the best fuel in terms of energy vision and there is practically none of it. or rather has a very low coefficient of combustion products, and
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given that the production of very large volumes of gas begins in the northern shelf of norway, and also compressed gas is delivered from america, we could be a very serious tetanus in the market for its storage, i.e. russia is trying to harm us, in part that in general , there is nothing new about the missile strikes last night, i emphasize that they have already made no such waves and on... in my opinion, they will make sprytul until the last day of this war, well, mr. peter, well, actually, about what is happening there in the sumy and kharkiv regions, well, the enemy continues to accumulate his forces in the border zone, now according to the latest data available, as in the belgorod region, it is about 33-35 russians accumulated, in the kursk region 13-14. well, there is a total number are calculated as about 50 thousand soldiers,
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well, as if this is not enough for someone to attack kharkiv or sumy or somewhere there, how they constantly try to scare, but still this will allow them to take some actions and as you can predict, what can it be, that is, what can we expect, possible operations of the type entered-exited, what is entered-exited di. penetrated our territory for several kilometers, we will be forced to engage in battles with them, and therefore divert some forces and means that could be useful directly along the battle line, in order to conditionally storm kharkiv, you need at least 100, at the very least, it can’t be less, why is it 40 km that you have to go through with battles, everything on the border itself is mined and fortified, they have been passing through the small avdiivka for 10 years, it is five, it has a diameter of up to... 8 km no more, they really took bakhmut, but the bakhmut did not advance further, the strategic heights, as they belonged to us, still
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belong to us, have certain tactical successes in advancing several hundred meters, not to mention already about a few kilometers, then how with such forces y 35 00 to travel 40 km, well, in my opinion, this is nonsense, at the same time, you can't expect anything from crazy people, and they can strike, let's recall the tv series in chornobayek, where in one place... more than 20 times the forces and means were located, we destroyed them, and they deployed again, and so on ad infinitum, until the brilliant kherson operation was launched, i do not neglect the enemy in any way, they can really surrender to anything, but claim that everything and sumy and kharkiv will be under attack , is also incorrect, because at the very least, give a 100,000-strong corps in one direction, not along the entire border line, these are the three kyiv regions. which is sumy and kharkiv, in one direction, and if all three directions, then we need another 300,000 plus
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, where can they get them now, well, can they really get them, so you say where to get them, or can they get them somewhere to drive there from the depths of russia, it’s interesting, well, once again, all units are full-time, which are actually involved, they announced the creation of 14 new mechanized divisions, 16 new mechanized brigades and two combined armies, how much is it? the potential is just somewhere up to 300,000, but there are several nuances, the first nuance is the so-called replacement, in the month of april we destroyed 26,000 of them, and these indicators of 26/3,000 are just... these are states, starting from the fall of last year, so we we are exterminating them, they must be replaced, these are also people who must be brought into line, if they could create these units so quickly, then they would not withdraw a full-fledged brigade of marines from the far east and send it to of ukraine, realizing that they will never be able to return it back, or in
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a strategic sense, they still have a margin of safety in terms of human resources, they have up to 3 million people. 100 million, of course there are not 100 million in warehouses, but kalashnikov assault rifles are still being produced, this production does not stop, there are still thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of tons of cartridges in warehouses, cartridge and projectile factories are loaded to full capacity, that is, the infantry shafts are completely it is probable that they will form them, but i do not share the point of view that the strongest... other and heaviest blows should have taken place at the end of may or the beginning of june, so that such a wave of people will be brought into line, it will take at least 3-4 months , if they manage to reach the declared indicators for the month of september, then it will be a success for them, huh, that is, you don’t think that in may-june you can expect something like this, well, massive,
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i very, very correctly placed the accents, i didn’t i cancel that those 30, 15, 25 thousand. can leave to attack, yes they can, why can't they, they can, but what result will they achieve if they want to break through 40 km, well, this is a huge section of the march, huge, so much more strength is needed, that's my position, i'm not me i do not claim that this will not happen, i claim that it is unlikely, but look, for example, can we expect, well, for example, an attack on vovchansk with the aim of entering the rear of our kupyansk. grouped for this , these forces are in principle sufficient on the one hand, and on the other hand we are now seeing an intensification of fighting in the direction of kupyansk, in kupyansk, lymansk, well, that is, just in that zone. it is quite logical, it is quite logical for the revival of fighting there, why, because in their understanding they still have a chance to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region,
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they have such a chance, at least that is how they draw it, that they have to complete this task, they have to enter the occupation zone to... deliver an immeasurable variety of physical resources, and first of all the lyman-kupyansk direction, especially kupyansk itself, the kupyansk junction, it's a railway, that's all there is is happening, there have been intensified, active hostilities there for several weeks, there is nothing fundamentally new. well, if we talk about an exit, an attempt to exit to the borders of the donetsk and luhansk regions, then, in principle, this is now a relaxation along the entire front line. starting from kupyansk further there chasiv there also chasiv in principle, well, it seems like a preparation, and an attempt to advance further in the pokrovsky direction or toretsk, rather , by the way, how do you evaluate it, will it still be turkish or pokrovsky, i don't know, i don't know what direction will they choose for the main
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assault strike, because there is a third law of war, it sounds very, very simple: covert maneuver and they... will try to implement it, general philosophies, i will probably say the fourth test sometime, nothing for them does not change, donetsk region and luhansk region are in full, donetsk region is currently 57% occupied, and 403 still needs to be passed , regardless of which location we choose, do not discuss and analyze, in the very logic of the conduct of the battle and tactics, the implementation of this the task will not change anything. and tell me, mr. peter, from your point of view. here are these attempts to revive hostilities and somehow, well, he can prepare some kind of simultaneous offensive at several points at once, in order to overstretch our forces, what could be the timing of all this, you already said that you do not really think that they will have time to prepare, now rather, it is
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autumn, but in the fall we can also expect more weapons to arrive, that is, it also... creates additional, well, difficulties for them, well, that is, according to the idea, they have to somehow be in time before we receive new weapons, the same planes, for example, f16, this is how they should play, this is the window of opportunity so that it does not close, and on the other hand, to have time, in my opinion, they have a window of opportunity for several weeks, there is no more, the first package for a billion dollars has been declared, there is a lot needed things for us, first of all. munitions and it was declared that i don’t know, there was information back in march, in june the first s-16 was announced, now the main point of the day’s agenda is what they are for... somewhere in the summer, it’s hard for me to say when they the real one will work, but can a large influx of weapons, primarily artillery ammunition, ammunition cartridges for m142 hymers and m-270
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and especially a large number of atakams missiles in combination with the work of the f-16 change something, can and can change so radically, if f- 16 will solve the problem of pre-school corrected aviation bombs, pub 250-500 in 1500, they drop them in a day. along the entire neutralization line up to 120 units and it is possible to solve the problem with the f-16, because they should shoot down with 34, then this will allow us to refocus, and having sufficient the number of artillery, even to go into counter-insurgency operations, but everything rests on the number of weapons and their speed to control, that's all i can say in that direction, and how in general russia can't prepare for the arrival of the mf-16, well, we hear periodically there are cries to bomb romania, but it seems to me that this is not such a realistic prospect, but what is realistic? a realistic perspective
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is the use of s-500 complexes, although there are not many of them, somewhere within 30 launchers, but this is really a breakthrough in their understanding technology, they can calculate the target even up to 800 km and, underline, they can shoot down precisely such aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 600 km, this is their only... the answer they can give, of course, they will try to hunt for places their storage, but i'm sure that defense technologies have reached such a high level, especially in the part that concerns the underground basing of aircraft, that they will not be able to shoot down even one unit, they have no more options for answers and will not be maybe, but when they talk about underground storage, which is capable at all, well, taurus, for example, is such a missile that just works underground. bunker, yes, the russians have something as relevant as the taurus? well, x47 m2 dagger, i just worked on such options, but considering the way they hit,
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they can’t penetrate several dozen meters down to get to the gazoskovsche, so i doubt that, especially in the carpathian zone , where the very magnitude of the carpathians stands against them and there to find such a point that would it has been confirmed that it can... be hit very hard, and this is a very sensitive topic, i do not advise to develop it in a thorough analysis, the enemy will listen to our every word. well, yes, i agree with you here, let it be more of a hassle for them than for us, and you know, i want something else, again, now russia has announced these exercises, its use of tactical nuclear weapons, well, obviously , that for them this is some new round of intimidation of the west. a new round of attempts to stop the supply of arms to ukraine, but, well, watching them conduct, try to conduct these exercises, what would you
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say it looks like, and how realistic is it that they will actually conduct them, with the equipment of nuclear weapons, or we will just see, as always, some, well, in words , a bigger thing of this kind, here there is one point in the categories that are very incorrectly interpreted. what are tactical nuclear weapons in the correct military sense, they are shells for artillery 152 mm 200 200 of the third millimeter installation 2s7 pion and there is even an active-reactive mortar 2s4 plyupan 240 mm, this is a tactical nuclear weapon , the emphasis must be placed very correctly, because it is all that can be put on the iskander, it is already an operational weapon of the highest order, i cannot imagine how such a missile can be used in... combat exercises with a nuclear warhead for 10 - 50 k-tn can explode in belarus, i can’t imagine, the soviet union is in the deep rear for this, from there all the
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way to the urals in the orenburg oblast, or in northern kazakhstan they built special, special test sites or even in kamchatka for testing strategic nuclear weapons warhead, well, it’s actually more of a bluff here, although, again, one can expect anything, the most difficult problem is if one nuclear projectile explodes, and not even on the territory of russia, and not on the territory of unoccupied ukraine, let’s say somewhere in donetsk, in the donetsk region , precisely those from the zone that is occupied, how to respond to this will have no meaning for us, i emphasize no, tactically, nuclear weapons are greatly overestimated, they were developed precisely in order to break concrete walls. well, this will happen, well, they will losses, and what in the end, what will it change, they,
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they already fall asleep with cabs, if at all. in the energy equivalent, take tens and tens of thousands of tons of the explosion as such, but how to respond to the western world, i don’t know, and why this is happening right now, there is hope for a large number of new weapons, there is hope for the f-16, and europe is beginning to succeed in the rhetoric of the use of nato troops on the territory of ukraine, and what else remains for them to answer, they cannot offer anything new in the conventional sense, all possible types of... weapons, i emphasize, all possible types of weapons, except nuclear weapons were used against us, and more than 10,000 rockets were fired, it broke the battle line, no, it sowed panic and host among the ukrainians, no, they no longer have any other means of intimidation, thank you, thank you petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, we have to go
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on a break now, i remind you also about... our collection for armored vehicles for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone, join this collection, please, and now we have a break, then we will talk a little more about the direction of the time ravine with another guest, there are discounts present coco may discounts on voltaren forte, 20% at pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on fenstyl 15. in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland.
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topics that cause resonance in our. society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win, help to understand the everyday and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at
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1:10 p.m. the second at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on. and
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turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.


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