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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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a team of people who make public broadcasting, well, look, we don't have any evidence that it's there, all these things are connected, because there's so much going on, that when it could be several things that coincided in time, but that's not less, if we had a discussion about the distribution of slots within the marathon, it is true, and today we will finally return... to a constructive discussion, i said so at the committee, at the meeting of the humanitarian policy committee, that for public broadcasting, for us fundamentally, or preservation of the parity condition, production of content within the marathon, or we are ready to consider the possibility of expansion and broadcasting on the first channel, then in any case both and that option are okay for us, we are ready for two scenarios of this, for today we are. ..
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we actually, with the help of the representatives of the committee and the committee on freedom of speech of the chairman of the committee, we are looking for opportunities, how, let's say, legally, the procedure of all these things, and even so, i hope that, after all, in the next week we will find some kind of solution, which would be useful to the audience, and actually, well, if it was. informal or unofficial pressure, communication, let's say, takes place with some of the people who may be directly or indirectly connected with the bank, now with the public, well, let's somehow solve this issue, but not publicly, what and what and here the question is, what specifically, well, it is clear with maryana bezugla, actually she is either voicing certain opinions, or voicing... her understanding of the situation, let's say
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, she is a people's deputy, she was elected by someone , well, not someone, specific people from kyiv, but the question is what is not satisfactory in the public sphere, is it the reason that it was actually declared to the public, that the telethon became ineffective and outlived its usefulness, or is it the reaction of certain people, i will say again, certain people, to the way events are covered , how is communication with people, about the war, about the political situation, about again the guests who are invited, because about the fact that there is a black list. or a block list of guests for a telethon, it’s not a secret, i don’t have any evidence in my hands, but they talk about it, well, in society it’s a completely different story, please well, actually, look, i don't know there, if, who specifically, that's not okay with us, as a public broadcaster, we, actually, our mission is to follow journalistic standards, it's definitely important for us to continue to do that, and we do it, the monitors show it there. and that's it, so i would, well,
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i can't say, does anyone have any lists, i know how our team works, they follow journalistic standards, can we make a mistake, well yes, of course we can, we are accordingly there we analyze, we react, but i would say that those the posts of the people's deputy, i still believe that this is a form of pressure and devaluation of the work of people who... work for the company and who make a product that is important and trusted by our citizens, and it is still unacceptable, well, such a number manipulations, i would like to remind you that before this last people's deputy who approached criticism of public broadcasting in this way was andriy derkach, well , that's a story of sorts, that's why it seems to me to be enough. aware when this
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happens, and i am very grateful that the members of the committee on humanitarian policy, the head of the committee on freedom of speech and the committee on european integration supported us as a public broadcaster, and it is important that these people's deputies understand the key role of the public broadcaster in the architecture of democracy, please tell me, or not? after the appearance of this scandal in the public sphere, and the need to resolve this issue, was there any, and did colleagues, partners, or representatives of the embassies of the big seven countries, say, in kyiv, who are in kyiv, contact you, and they asked, and what happening, or what we can we help you, or what is this problem in general and where did it come from, was there no such contact, and if there was, in what format, eh? indeed we got a lot of
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support from everything from and from embassies and not just j7, others, and we got a lot of support from our colleagues, other broadcasters. in the european union, which are part of the european broadcasting union from the general director of the european broadcasting union, that is, actually many of the international stakeholders of the public broadcaster are interested in this situation and it is important follow what is happening. well, here it is important to understand, and what it wants, i will not say that it is the government, but perhaps individual people who are in one way or another responsible for the media, for the media and... for communication with society during the war, i want public broadcasting sent some different messages, hushed up some news, did not talk about something, showed the war in a different way, showed the rear in a different way, i.e. what and is there a risk that, let's say , the prime airs of the public can be
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replaced by the airs of tv channels that directly, well, let's be frank , depends from state funding, and therefore from those people who sign this state funding, and we know where these people basically sit. well, here is the state, as it were, all this is financed by taxpayers’ funds, including us, as a public broadcaster, and well, i would say that how it is done is the responsibility of the editorial teams, and well , if the editors were our responsibility, see , i don't know how our story will end, how it will be, whether we will return to the distribution within the marathon, or it will be. increasing speech on the first channel of ours, i.e. we are in any case in a discussion, today i emphasize that it is constructive, i cannot say that at the moment we have any pressure there or something like that, i.e. we are currently in a constructive discussion in order to
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solve this situation, so i hope we find a reasonable solution to this, because at this point i don't think it 's ... at, which can somehow be reflected on the country, the public broadcaster, well, that is, me i think that after all, ah, we are capable of making normal, reasonable decisions in difficult times, well, here maryana bezugla is talking about what i will quote you, that is, social. will listen and watch in the same way as more than two dozen of your channels, which are financed by almost uah 2 billion through the state budget with 3 thousand employees, of which more than 400 have armor, as employees of the facility, employees of the critical infrastructure facility, are currently watching according to your information, i want to ask here, do you know the issue of 2 billion hryvnias
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- this, well, i am not clinging to the number here now, so do you know what the issue is, that when you receive money, i understand that there is transparent reporting on how this money is used, that we understand that, people work in all regions, many people, and this is stated by those who or otherwise involved in the activities of tv channels, where there are people with such a purely pro-russian past, where certain programs are financed for tens of hundreds of millions with a dubious context, where a lot of so-called good russians appeared, so here is the question of the use of these two billion, if is an adequate amount, and then, and then... the criticism of the marathon and those programs that are there, which again show content for our taxes, but which was obviously not ordered by society, is understandable, do these people then have the right to criticize public affairs at all? well , let's divide this issue like this, because if we are talking about what
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the people's deputy wrote, then in this case, to be more precise, this year's budget is 1,850, which is less than what should be provided by law . .. i would like to add that since 2017, this legal norm has not been implemented in a single year, in a single year, so our budget, well, for understanding, we have a budget similar to that of the estonian public broadcaster, for example, which is many times smaller than ours, ah, it is important that we have 35 people working, of which 1,300 work in the regions, we, for example, have things that we would gladly get rid of in order not to spend. hryvnias, that is, there is the question of how the state could help to allow us
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to work more efficiently. the second thing is, yes, but the budget without a public broadcaster should be larger. we have, we put, that is, here is such an interesting story, we ask, where is your bbc, and... and remember what the bbc's budget is, relatively speaking, well, that is , such and such things are important. we understand that the war, we understand that everything is a reduction, but in this case the social moment... always followed the final principle and thanking the donors, it is important that those who helped with financial resources, including the company developed and the company did some projects, for example, like our last documentary projects, most of them were filmed with donor funds, i am very grateful to you thank you, so if and besides, well, accordingly , all the funds we spend are public funds. according to the law on public procurement on prozoro, this is all displayed, well if, that is, i can enlighten you, i think
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it would be better to report to those people who spend millions on some not, i will just remind you that in estonia the population is 1.400, and the budget commensurate with the budget of a social country, which even after the war has a population of up to 30 million, it's just so that we understand, thank you very much, i hope that this issue will be resolved exactly positively for first of all of public viewers who trust you, mykola chornotytskyi, chairman. the public broadcasting department of the national public telephony of ukraine talked about this problem , i will tell you in detail about the most important news in a moment , we will also have a talk with a political scientist about the reformatting of the cabinet of ministers. good evening, we are from ukraine. the event was cancelled, sirens sounded today in the capital of... the state just at the moment of the joint press conference of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with
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president of the european parliament roberta metsolo, who visited ukraine. the ukrainian head of state immediately interrupted the meeting, which was taking place near the president's office. he said that the enemy is celebrating may 9 with regular shelling and is demonstrating its true attitude to peace. after that, the politicians and the delegation left bankova street. europe day, this is their real attitude to peace, their real attitude to the fight against nazism, this reality, it is like this. now officially, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, fired the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery. luzhnyi from military service, and by another decree appointed him ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the corresponding decrees appeared
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on the website of the head of state. the documents state that the ex-chief is retiring due to his health, with the right to wear a military uniform. we wish success to general valery zaluzhny in his new position in working with our strategic partner, which is the united kingdom. russian hackers tried to intercept the satellite signal of the espresso tv channel. the specialists of our channel succeeded repel the attack and the russians managed to hack access to the starlight media group's channels on inter and launch a broadcast of the parade in moscow on red square - said natalya ligechova, editor-in-chief, media director. the information was confirmed by the national council for television and radio broadcasting, ukrainian providers switched to iptv. signal, by the way, by the way, i want to say, here for myself, i found information that unknown hackers
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hacked the air of the tv provider ufanet, in bashkurtovstan and the orenburg, omsk and irkutsk regions, this is also siberia and not only siberia is closer to kazakhstan, so instead of a parade on red square, residents of these regions of russia watched footage related to the war in ukraine, so as they say, here is the answer, but the fact that our workers were able to repel this attack... to allow the enemy to demonstrate his victory frenzy, this is a great honor to the specialists of the tv channel, for this, and it is good that you did not see this disgrace to our tv channel so precisely, the victory frenzy. on may 9, in poland , the ambassador of the russian federation, serhiy andriyev, was met with shouts by terrorists when he arrived lay a wreath at the cemetery of the soviet soldiers in the mokutów district of warsaw . russian on the jacket lapel. st. george's ribbon was worn by the diplomat, protestors
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dressed in white dresses covered in red paint were knocking on the ambassador near the cemetery, the women's clothes also had inscriptions with the names of ukrainian cities that are being destroyed and have already been destroyed by russian soldiers. terrorists. terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, well , russians really have to understand that... they are not welcome anywhere, next we will talk with our guest on a rather topical topic, taras zagorodnyi is in touch with us, he is, he is a political technologist, mr. taras, i congratulate you, so have a good day, so the verkhovna rada of ukraine is no longer there, i don't know by whose order, although i guess, they fired minister
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kubrakov , plus on one of the telegram channels, through which they are connected with the president's office, he was called quite a non-face. with measured words , the minister of agrarian policy solsky was also to be fired. please tell me what is happening in the cabinet of ministers with these dismissals, or will there be any later appointment, will it be a reform that will lead to something, and how will the cabinet of ministers live at this time, while these reshuffles are taking place? well, he lives as he lived before that, so i don't think that these changes will lead to something so drastic, the only thing is... that i am against the shuffling of these ministries, well, they have already united the ministry, so be it, because as soon as something starts to be combined or separated in our country, these ministries are paralyzed for at least four months, and in general, according to bureaucratic laws, simply according to bureaucratic laws, and in this case, well, solsky himself left, since he is still
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there, as i understand, because of a criminal case, kubrakov, it is not known, by the way, because of what? left, yes, it’s still not clear, but in this case, well, and so on, well, no, i’m in general a supporter of the resignation of the cabinet, because i believe that the cabinet of ministers will not consult with the organization of the military economy in our country, because it is not ensuring adequate crediting of the military industry, unsecured insurance of the military industry so that the entrepreneurs where the missiles arrive can receive compensation, an unsecured long-term contract for troops their enterprises, what do they complain about, if you at least do not give them money for orders, then please at least let them export weapons so that they at least bring currency into the country and continue mass production, because the enterprises are just standing, because the cabinet of ministers i am not able to organize a permanent
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order for them, although it can be done, but i remember, you know, the 21st year, in my opinion, as it should have been ukraftodor. to give money, they quickly found an opportunity. at that time, ukraftodor issued bonds, in the parliament decisions were made on uah 23 billion. well, wait a minute, that's about 1 billion dollars. yes, they issued bonds, the state bank, ukreekstim bank bought back these bonds, the cabinet of ministers provided, provided its guarantees, and the national bank of ukraine refinancing for... in order to include it there or in the statutory fund, or for these banks to have it there was such a more favorable offer, nothing, then they were able to, but now it turns out that it is impossible to do, the national bank with the cabinet of ministers pretends that it is impossible to do, so i believe that in general i am in i saw shmogal's resignation with pleasure,
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because i don't see a completely dysfunctional government, here you know, another one, well, again, it's probably... well, it's not very hygienic, i would say, to quote on the air of a licensed tv channel, because we have a license, we have responsibility, we have rights and obligations, as well as punishments for violating certain rights and rules, telegram channels do not have anything like that so far, so they write what they want, and here is the joker telegram channel, which is linked, again, being associated with the office or someone in the president's office, i'm not saying that it is conventionally andriy yarmak or president zelenskyi, i absolutely do not say this, but yes, he called kubrakov... a rat, well , again, this is such a thief's jargon, a person who seems to steal from his own, someone else, another someone was called, and they spoke very negatively about him, here is the question, and then it started to be said that the former favorite minister of the president, and whose favorite minister he was there, suddenly became an enemy, this is a smoke screen, could there really be any
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differences , or we are talking about some finances, about some streams, about well, because you don't know, well, you... think that it should be honest, there is no corruption, no one steals money, he still goes to the army, he still goes to war, as they say, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, here it turns out that someone is ratting on someone, please explain, such telegram battles, i, well, look, i don’t know to the office there , not to the office, you know, we have telegram channels , when they are anonymous, you know, well , to be honest, i don’t think it’s necessary to comment on them, if it’s about, for example, some reason was from official sources, then... it would be possible to comment on such, such, such, and so they can write anything there , we do not know what is happening there, why kubrakov was removed, although he is long time was in the bracket. well, they probably disagreed on some issues, but there is a mono majority, they can fire him whenever they want in this case, because
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since we do not have a coalition government, in fact, all responsibility falls equally on the parliament, the servants of the people, which he was released today, by the way, without of the report, you know, the ministry must also be reformed. veterans and the ministry of culture and information policy, as far as i understand, there should be such global changes, well, if it will work effectively, thank god, then maybe some crisis managers have found a formula by which it will work, but here, you know, the question is different , but in the end , i would like to say that, by the way, under kubarkov, the crisis on the border with poland, which lasted for a long time, was resolved, so it is still there to some extent, but of course, now it was still possible to solve this issue one way or another, that's why it's here... you can say it's a plus for him, but the question is, you know, these changes in the government, which everyone understands very well , that de facto de facto only simply carries out instructions, and does it not try
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to hide in this way the omnipotence of other people who do not have official responsibility, sitting in various institutions and having connections with people in banking, today actually manage the executive branch the authorities, that is, we here we will reform everything, in fact the people who really solve the issues in the country and... nothing happens to them, no reforms, there is a screen here and there, let's reform five ministries, 10, and what is the difference, you know, reform in for a long time, too often, it has already turned into some kind of swearing, some kind of endless reformation, when it will work, well, look, well, the influence of banking on the executive power in ukraine has always been, let's be honest, to one degree or another, because that's how in we have a constitution, and... which i am a supporter of should be changed, well, at least i am a supporter of the american model, when the president heads the executive branch, because
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after the so-called reform, here we can say 2004, which by the way was written by medvedchuk, yes, we have created a dual government in the country, the people elect the president, yes, he considers him, in fact, since they... voted for him as the personification of the executive power, and the executive power in our country rests with the prime minister, the prime minister is not so legitimate in the eyes of the president in the eyes of the people , because it is chosen by some incomprehensible deputies who are very, very suspicious for most people, and therefore the influence of the bank, it has always existed under all the presidents there, starting with kuchma, and it has always been like that, because the president is forced. the president is forced to control some processes of the executive power, because you know, the responsibility is always on him, we always have the prime minister, you know, i'm kind of useless, although, mr. taras, i
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know that the main thing here is that the president he understood very well that now the responsibility is on him, not even on those people who are from him on behalf of these or other decisions are made, i thank you very much, i'm sorry that i broke off a few half-words, thank you for joining in, thank you for your comments, taras zagorodny, political technologist about the dismissal of minister kubrakov and... well, now about the events outside outside of ukraine, we will talk with yuri fizer with me already, yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today about this, projectiles within the framework of the czech initiative for ukraine, in which case lithuanian military instructors can to teach ukrainians precisely in ukraine, and another victorious sabbath in russia. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i'm just getting started. besides, let me start with this: we have not fulfilled the promises we made
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to ukraine earlier. that is why russia managed to achieve success and gain a foothold on the battlefield. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this the day before during his visit to italy. according to him, the allies, in particular, were unable to send... to ukraine the million shells they promised, they were sent much later and much less than planned, he recalled the head of the north atlantic alliance and the delay of congress with the adoption of the law on the allocation of additional funding to ukraine in the amount of 61 million billion dollars. well, but now the situation is changing, says nato secretary general. in addition, jens stoltenberg foucault emphasized that not a single serviceman of the alliance is in ukraine. won't happen, well that's what yen stoltenberg says, but the representatives of other member countries of the north atlantic alliance say
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yes, they won't in... they will definitely take part in military operations on the territory of ukraine, but will there not be any at all, well , more on that later, and now on this: in the near future, the united states of america will return to the same rate of aid to ukraine as it was before the break in receiving funding. the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller, said this during the briefing . according to him, the administration of the white house, together with all other departments, have already started preparations. of new aid packages, however , the specific terms for which we can receive this aid, the american representative he did not name the foreign policy department, he did not name it, as his journalists did not ask for it, well, i want to remind you once again about this additional funding that was approved in the house of representatives, this is the lower house of the american congress, it is 61, even a little more than a billion dollars, yes here more than... 20
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billion dollars will remain in the united states itself and they will go to replenish the reserves that have already been spent to help ukraine, that is, weapons will be produced by the americans, american weapons in order to remain she is in the united states. well, another part of the money was allocated to finance the activities of american servicemen stationed in countries near ukraine, about 14... billions will go to ensure that ukraine itself acquires the weapons it wants and where it wants. it's interesting, i'm sorry, the one she wants, but it is possible to buy a nuclear bomb from the united states of america, for example, i think it would be very there, i think there they prescribed anyway, which you can, anyway, but this is impossible. but where did ukraine buy our nuclear bombs with our money? we need to allocate money in order to replenish our own stocks of nuclear bombs,
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let's go further, in june of ukraine. can receive 180,000 artillery shells. the president of the czech republic petr pavel said this in an interview with the german tv channel ard. we are talking about the ammunition that was purchased thanks to the czech initiative in third countries. at the same time, the czech leader added that contracts have already been concluded for the purchase of another five or six large quantities of projectiles. at peter pavel once again emphasized that he is active. communicates with his colleagues in order to involve as many other countries as possible in his initiative, because, says the czech president, help should be given to ukraine immediately and in full, so that kyiv does not lose even more people and even more territories daily, let's hear from petr pavel literally, in this situation,
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and i've been talking about it for a long time. it is important to support ukraine in every possible way, it is important so that it can make russian understand to the aggressor that there is no point in continuing the war, that russia will not achieve any further military success, because as long as russia has at least some hope of success, it has no reason to hold peace talks. i can yuriy, i will make one remark, not a remark, but an addition to this text, that... while there is any hope for success, i will say that russia has already lost its enormous success, i listened to a russian economist who left russia, he held positions there, he said that russia had already spent a total of 167 billion dollars on this war in ukraine, if divide this money among the russians, each russian could receive a million, a million each and live better in principle, for sure, like some residents, and their pipes would not burst, and the toilets would be normal and
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correct. and well, this is the price of which success can be talked about, it is difficult for me to say where the success is, well, yes, it is true, i remember the words, i read in the memoirs of goldener, the prime minister of israel, she said that it is easy to say, easy to understand when we lost, it is much more difficult to understand when we won, but let's move on, and here i go back to what i already announced whether western military personnel will be in... ukraine lithuanian military instructors could train ukrainian officers and soldiers directly in ukraine. this possibility was not ruled out by the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielius lansbergis, in an interview with the british publication guardian. according to him, it would be more practical than training ukrainians on the territory of nato member states. at the same time, the minister emphasized that the lithuanians could do this as part of the coalition they were
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part of. still other states and necessarily from under


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