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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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and what kind of success can we talk about, it is difficult for me to say where the success is, well yes, it is true, i remember the words, i read in the memoirs of goldener, the prime minister of israel, she said that it is easy to say, easy to understand when we lost , it is much more difficult to understand when we won, but we are moving on, and here i am returning to what i have already announced, whether there will be western military personnel on the territory of ukraine, lithuanian troops... instructors could train ukrainian officers and soldiers directly in ukraine, such possibility is not excluded the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania gabrielius lansbergis in an interview with the british publication guardian, according to him, it would be more practical than training ukrainians on the territory of nato member states. at the same time , the minister emphasized that the lithuanians could do this as part of a coalition, which would include other states, and necessarily with...
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powerful protection of air defense means, which should be given to ukraine immediately for this, at the same time they would also protect a piece of the ukrainian sky, - he says gabrielius lansbergis. well, this is simply the smartest approach that can be. first, we do not spend money on logistics for the training of ukrainian servicemen. secondly, in order to train them, air defense equipment is needed. give us air defense equipment. we will give to ukraine and in this way we will also close the sky over ukraine, but whether they will listen to this initiative, i have certain doubts, since the decision in nato is adopted unanimously, unfortunately. moving on, the powerful coalition between china and hungary will ensure peace and stability in everything the world the leader of the celestial empire xijin pin said this in budapest, where he arrived on a three-day visit. with the working visit, according to him,
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the governments of both countries plan to energetically and confidently form a further quote from mr. xi: humanity with a common future. at the same time , the chinese leader expressed confidence that his visit to hungary will be very successful and will bring mutual relations between the two countries to a qualitatively higher level than it was before. i would also like to remind you that before this, sijin pinh also visited serbia and france. such a powerful coalition china and hungary, hungary and china, they will have something to do in order to ensure peace and stability in the whole world, but god forbid that they at least think, and maybe they should change the course they are following now and help ukraine , instead of talking about some negotiation tables, about how important it is to sit the president of ukraine and its leader of a dictator country at the same table, maybe it is worth giving us weapons and saying: ukrainians, you must win. no,
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unfortunately, there is no such thing from this coalition. donald trump is the biggest threat to the democracy of the united states of america. yes, the current president of the united states, joe biden, said about his likely competitor in the elections. during a meeting with supporters in chicago, this is the state of illinois, he recalled trump's words that he considers the biggest problem and threat to be criminals entering the united states through the border with mexico. and he added a quote from joe biden: well, the biggest threat is trump himself. at the same time, in an interview with the american tv channel cnn, the current owner the white house also said that in his opinion, if donald trump does not win the election, which will happen, biden adds, because the dynamics are on his side, then he, that is , trump, will not recognize the results of the vote. so trump repeatedly talked about what will happen, how it will happen. i admit, although i am sure of
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my victory, well, it really will be, but what if he doesn't win, what then? well, agree, it would be very strange if trump did not respond to this statement by joe biden, and he responded and did it in his usual way style, wrote a small post on his own social network truth social, he called the 40 current president of the united states of america, joe biden, weak and corrupt with... said that joe biden is on the side of terrorists in everything they do and that by his actions he leads the world to the third world war, and then there is the already recognizable, recognizable highlight of donald trump, he said: but if i were the president, all this would never have happened. well, it is so, so he says, but it is unlikely that it would be so. he remained in office, the speaker of the lower house of the american.
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congressman mike johnson, who delayed the allocation of an additional aid package to ukraine for almost six months, avoided impeachment. tonight , kyiv time, distance only 43 out of 435 congressmen voted to remove him from office, 359 voted against, the rest simply did not vote. the corresponding motion for impeachment was brought to the agenda by marjorie taylor green, a well-known ukrainian phobe. it is also noteworthy that in the republican faction in the house of representatives her initiative was supported by only 11 colleagues in the party, so the show is for mike johnson. continues, but in russia today another annual commemorative sabbath took place, which is often called "grandfathers" on sticks. thousands of russians today some hell are taking to the streets of their cities on
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the occasion of, as they say, victory day, although the whole civilized world celebrated yesterday the day of victory over nazism in the second world war, and at the same time they have sticks in their hands with sticks attached to them.. . by photographs of people whom they mostly do not know, but at it is claimed that these grandfathers fought. in many russian cities, such parades have been canceled today for security reasons, in moscow it took place, although there was practically no equipment, and in moscow there were no traditional grandfathers on sticks either, but the main russian grandfather was still sitting near the mausoleum. it is noteworthy that only one drove. they drove the t-34 tank, i even watched vasyl, it took only 15 minutes, it wasn’t so short today, short at all, because there was one tank, there were some armored vehicles at the bases there of different manufacturers of the automotive industry, of russia, there were iskanders, there were yars, i don't know, maybe 15
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planes, maybe not 15 planes flew over it, and the orchestra went through it, and the leaders of how many countries were there, five? well, maybe a little more, bissau was definitely belarus, belarus lukashenko was sitting, mali rahmon from tajikistan was sitting , berdy muhamedov was sitting, in a word, colleagues there were still from some african country, well, an active participant in the second world war, as i understand it, so strange by the way, that kimchanyn did not come, well, he probably had his own parades enough, and there is not one and there is more than one tank driving there, he congratulated, well, let's note this one. drones friendly to ukraine solved tabash with a festive fire. they did it almost 15 km from the ukrainian-russian border in the city of salavat yuleivtse, bashkartostan. iron birds, according to the information of the russian telegram channels, hit
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the catalytic cracking unit of the oil refinery, which is part of the gazprom holding. after that, employees of the enterprise heard an explosion and saw smoke in the area of ​​the southern passage. then i read, they said that it hit, but not very severe damage, whatever it was, whatever the damage was, it's worth remembering that it's 1,500 km from the ukrainian-russian border, so we'll get it, that's exactly why one tank is driving, that this drone flies at a subsonic speed of 1,500 km, flies to the city of salavat tyulaev and kisses him, because there is nothing, by the way, it is interesting that salavat yulaev, he actually fought with the russian tsar at one time. like that, with the emperor in the 18th and 18th centuries, it is strange that, well, her metaphor is so very good, well, what about this good good vasily metaphor, i want to finish to finish today's world column about ukraine, i'm finishing it only today,
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there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub on the spresso tv channel airs the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on... moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict
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the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at
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any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso . good evening, we are from ukraine, well, the big one continues, we continue, thank you for staying with us, and you waited for the news. about money, oleksandr, next to me, money during the war. oleksandr, you have a word, good evening. good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience, the next few minutes will be short and dynamic, we will talk about the new fines for evaders, and you will also find out that the council considered the issue of black grain, what was decided and what farmers should expect, all in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money. during the war i follow the situation in ukraine energy, energy, it is complicated, in fact
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, ukrainians are urged to continue to save light, save electricity, especially from 18 to 23. let me remind you that yesterday also started turning off business and industry in the evening hours, temporarily, but they say the situation is only getting worse, and now two hydroelectric power plants were taken out of operation altogether, i will remind you that they were seriously damaged after yesterday. enemy attacks, he told about this at the ukrhydroenergo company, they add that the entire ukrainian hydrogen generation well, indeed, the equipment requires significant funds to restore, considerable effort to repair, and also requires human resources. energy workers are working with all their might. it is a difficult situation, i am following it, but people's deputies are actively working, in particular, today the parliament raised fines for evaders. 256
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people's representatives voted for this decision. according to the document , three regimes are introduced: violation, repeated violation and violation during martial law. in particular, for coming to the shopping center, following a subpoena for evasion and untimely updating of data, first, a minimum fine of uah 17 will be imposed. over time, its size will be increased, it can grow up to 25.5%. thousand hryvnias. and the verkhovna rada supported the second reading of the draft law on the fight against the so-called black grain and the non-return of foreign exchange revenue. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported this. therefore, the legislators decided to introduce a new mechanism, which provides for the registration of tax invoices for operations on the export of agricultural products, exclusively by vat payers, i.e. if the company is not a payer value added tax, he cannot, this
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enterprise, this businessman cannot take grain, oil, sunflowers out of the territory of our state. another amendment provided for the establishment of a 14% value-added tax rate for agricultural exporters, but this amendment was criticized by industry associations, in particular the all-ukrainian agrarian council and people's deputies about... this tax rate was simply rejected. let's listen to the direct speech. nina yuzhanina talks about the initiative. now there will be a norm that if you are a farmer, you grow for love products that fall under this regime of special export support, and you do not have unreturned revenue of more than 20%, then a tax invoice will be registered, but without paying additional payments to the budget. i don't know how clear it is, but this, a complex mechanism, which is simple for an ordinary
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agriculturist, he will simply understand in a direct text that he must stop or completely go into the shadows. let's go further. more than 400 families have been rejected by the recovery program. we are talking about those families whose real estate was destroyed as a result of full-scale russian aggression. this was reported by the head of the organization committee. state power, local self-government, regional development, olena shulyak. the main reason for the refusal is the lack of registration of housing in the state register of rights. let me remind you that it was launched. only in 2013, and therefore a lot of real estate was simply not brought there, so in such a case a person can get the right to compensation only through the court, well, as practice shows, says olena shulyak, decisions are usually made in favor of the plaintiffs, so if your real estate it is not registered there, you are refused under the program there is a recovery, contact
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the ukrainian themis for help. well, an interesting number appeared among. information field, according to the national bank, last year investors invested 4 billion 250 million dollars in the economy of our country, is this really such a figure, we will talk with the guest who joins our conversation, oleksandr bondarenko, managing partner of the bureau of investment programs, good evening, i congratulate you, oleksandr, mr. oleksandr, well, here is such a figure, we will talk about it in war conditions, positive dynamics, is it so that, for example, a business restores something that was destroyed as a result of full-scale aggression, that is, the restoration of assets is also an investment, or is it really capital money that flows into a real sector of the economy? well, again, i would say that this money of 4.5 billion investments a year is more reinvestment
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of ukrainian businesses structured in other countries, that is, by non-residents. reinvestment in its own ukrainian business, therefore the inflow of net capital investment in construction hundreds of new plants, so far we are not observing, but we are working on it, i must say, and now in june there will be an investment summit in berlin on june 11, 12, to once again activate investment funds and focus industrial companies so that they invest more in construction. new factories, because ukrainians will feel this as new jobs, as high salaries and so on, so far we are not actively observing this, unfortunately, or we are observing, for example, the company bair or the company tsersenit, they are completing these workshops that started even before the war to build there in 20-21 years, that is , we really see such investments, and the last thing
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i will say here is that we need to look at the net inflow. of investments, because it happens that investments come, but at the same time there is an outflow of capital, that is, but this is really a war, it is an embargo on capital investment, what is the net investment inflow recorded at the moment, to understand, because the government, the national bank call really such general figures, they can really impress, but if we talk about specific dollars, specific euros, which go to create a new one. for the construction of new ones factories, as you say, i think that here we will be talking about a figure of 1.5 billion dollars of net such capital investments, but we are not in a position to tell you how much the capital outflow was, because there is really a ban on withdrawal and dividends in
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foreign currency and, in principle, on any foreign currency transactions, it is very difficult even there to generate revenue for foreign companies. to withdraw from ukraine, so the statistics are somewhat limited, but really, the war does not help to attract investments, i, as the head of an investment management company, can responsibly say this, having been on various at the forums there in lugano, warsaw, in america in february, they are not standing in line, as investors say, but are preparing to really start investing after the active phase of the war is over. they don't really hide it and say: prepare quality projects so that there is room to invest, and then we will invest after what? in your opinion, in your opinion, what quality projects can today be offered to foreign investors by the domestic ukrainian market, active ukrainian entrepreneurs, owners of assets, property, factories, plants, what industries in
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prospects? this is a very, in principle, clear answer to the agrofood project. the production of food products with an export orientation, this is green energy, because the cost of energy generation here is much lower than in europe, it is logistics and commercial real estate, because again , the cost of a square meter is almost twice as low as in germany. or poland, well, in principle, these are the directions, but there is really such a problem, for example, i take entrepreneurs there in the fall... on such an investment tour, but there are few quality projects, that is, you are trying to collect at least eight-10 projects worth 10-15 million euros, well , each one. company to attract investments, but there are no ready-made projects, that is, this is my appeal to entrepreneurs: well, prepare at least normal business plans, presentations, estimates,
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cash flow, calculations, and so on, because, well, you need to prepare in order to be worthy, to attract a normal european investor. and finally, the topic of confiscation of russian assets is being actively discussed, for example, the owners, well, managers. depository euroclear, which essentially stores securities of muscovy, against the complete confiscation of this money in favor of ukraine. the ambassadors of the big seven talk about the fact that you can really direct interest on these assets, which are gradually earned, and this money can really go to us for reconstruction. in your opinion, to what extent can these debates around money also affect investments within our state? indeed, if a decision is made that at least interest there in the amount of 3-5 billion euros per year will be invested in
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investments in ukraine and in the recovery of the ukrainian economy, it will be really positive a very signal for investors that this will be a real influx of investments into ukraine, and if the body itself is at least there, i don't know 20%, that's already 60 billion euros will be invested in ukraine within two or three years, then this will be a super signal, and indeed the police will have more capital, more funds will be more actively invested in directly ukrainian projects, but this should happen once, well, and secondly, the european union, euroclear should have the political will to unlock these funds, we are trying, we hope that the us will press here ok and indeed they will unlock these funds but it will be really cool. a signal that the money has gone, the infrastructure is being restored, economic flows and projects are becoming more active, this will be a really cool signal for large
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funds. and let's not forget about the restructuring of eurobonds this year, this is also a very important factor that will contribute or not to the investment attractiveness of ukraine, because if we successfully finish the negotiations on the restructuring of eurobonds, this year it seems two. we have to pay already there over the last three years about the long-term eurobonds, if we agree with our ministry of finance, then it will be a victory and again our investment indicators will rise for international credit agencies, investors , oleksandr, on these two essentially important decisions for me - this is moscow's money for the benefit of ukraine and indeed, a certain restructuring of external debt payments is this. signals that will help attract funds for the reconstruction of ukraine. oleksandr bondarenko, managing partner of the bureau of investment programs was in touch. i will conclude mine on this conversation rubric, but the big broadcast continues, there will be
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more, watch us! while we have literally a minute of time, our bright star lina shechenina, a cultural reviewer, is preparing for the broadcast. she just came to such an event today, but it is very important , in fact, and then i will call you again to join the gathering, we will not, a little later , you will donate, donate, here you see the qr code, but lena chechenina is already with us, so the festival of american cinema opens in these minutes independence , the ukrainian-american porcelain tape was a discovery the war that tells about the artists from kharkiv lina chechenina, now leave such an event, good evening, please tell me your impressions and expectations, good evening,
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vasyl, expectations that probably came true, in part, in part, because i apologize to the director, i can hear myself, unfortunately, in just a second i will tell you why this movie is worth watching and why it is important. so, friends, we are now near the october cinema in the capital, already the premieres of our films can be met not in the hall, but in the fresh air and i will say that there are a lot of movies, now our cultural events in the capital, at least, are simply incredible, every day i have to go somewhere, it makes me happy, but if we ... talk about today's opening of the independence festival, then it opens with a really wonderful film, which will be repeated on saturday, it will be shown in lviv on the 15th,
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it is called porcelain in... it is a ukrainian-american film about kharkiv artists and one of the slogans, perhaps of this film, sounds like ukraine, like porcelain, her can be broken, even easily broken, but impossible to destroy, and this film tells the story of three artists who live in kharkiv, work with porcelain, this is a couple and another artist, and here they meet... a full-scale war and try to somehow live in these conditions in kharkiv and are trying to continue to create, but i want to say that i saw, unfortunately, the opening was delayed a little, and we only saw only five or 6 minutes of this film, which won an award at the sundance festival this year, and i want to say that this is an extremely correct movie the same word is used correctly, precisely
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for... foreign audiences, because the film shows exactly our indomitability, and the directors and also the videographer spoke here, and there was a lady ambassador of the united states in ukraine, and they all said that they admired the ukrainian tenacity, courage, and this is what works very well in cultural diplomacy, and in this tape the porcelain war, somewhere it is approximately. so it looks, and i want to say that the sundance festival, at which this film won the grand prize is generally famous for ukrainian victories, i will say that it is one of the most famous festivals in the world and one of the definitely top festivals in the united states, and there our films constantly receive some high awards, this is iryna tsylyk’s film earth, blue, like orange and the same 20 days in mariupol also won an award at this
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festival, which is a lot. others, the russian diatl, it is also a ukrainian co-production together with ukraine, which tells a very bizarre story about the causes of the chernobyl disaster, and at the santens festival, they already know ukraine and the ukrainian context very well, and i know very well that there is quite a cool cinema in ukraine. well, please also look at the program, in general, the festival of american film independence, usually the selectors select. very good tapes that satisfy a fairly wide audience, and also don't forget that the movie house of the word is an endless story was released in prokatnyn, we will talk about it in our broadcasts, in particular on saturday, it's a tape about a non-shot revival the word about the house is famous in kharkiv, and i will say that a lot of people who were not open the day before, it was bright enough, and almost with one voice said and are now writing in social networks that this is a tape that
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just has to be. because it's an audience film, it's interesting and smart at the same time, so you have a lot of reasons to come to the theaters if they are in your city this week, and i'll say goodbye to you for now until saturday, well, thank you very much line chichenyi for and i certainly invite you to come to this festival and see it cinema, and also the house of the word is endless. not an endless novel, let me remind you once again about the collection, we are collecting for a minibus for our soldiers who are fighting in the solodarsk direction, in the zaporizhia direction, we need this minibus in order to deliver repair groups and the necessary equipment for the repair of equipment that fights with the enemy every day in any weather, in the gray zone, that is, this is the zone where neither
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those nor other military formations control it, no... ukrainian, no aggressor formation, that's right the so-called gray zone, and you don't have to run there on foot, it's preferable to drive up there, that's why we collect a minibus for this, in this way we reduce time, we improve logistics, we save people's lives, and because the repaired equipment is a sooner she will join the battle and give the enemy, as they say , in the face, to put it mildly, well, plus, it again saves the lives of people who travel on this minibus, it is still not to run through the fields with heavy... hydro jacks for equipment, we need 630, hryvnias, for the evening we collected more than 75 thousand, i believe that you and i will do it, we will be able to, i will say goodbye to you right away, thank you for being with me and my colleagues, but first of all, the great ater is not saying goodbye to you yet and...


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