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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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they cannot offer anything new, all possible types of weapons, i emphasize, all possible types of weapons, except for nuclear weapons, have been used against us, and that more than 10,000 missiles were fired, it broke the battle line, no, it sowed panic and host among ukrainians , no, they no longer have any other means of intimidation, thank you, thank you petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the zsu. we have to go on a break now, i also remind you about our fundraiser for armored vehicles for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone, please join this fundraiser and now we have a break, then we will talk a little more about the direction of the time gap with another guest. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war. now
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we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what is the world living? and now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, war at close quarters. crisis on the border between ukraine
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and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to do... help to understand the present and predict the future for the world, the second presidency of trump will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamika drone attacks.
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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed is a report. about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio an espresso event with anton borkovsky. so, back to the conversation, these are war chronicles. i am olga len, and therefore, i remind you once again.
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to you about the fee for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk-zaporizhsky direction, here is our account number, there is a qr code, and this is primarily for the minibus that delivers repair teams to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment, and we were joined by volodymyr nazarenko, senior... lieutenant officer of artillery of the fourth freedom battalion brigade of the rubizh national guard, i congratulate you, mr. nazar, oh, volodymyr, gentlemen, please excuse me, good day, studio, good day, viewers, thank you for the opportunity to meet you, mr. volodymyr, well, look, what under the abyss of time, well, it seems that there are constant attempts from one side. there were offensives and
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all, but on the other hand, it seems as if some forces are even accumulating, at least this is what various analysts who observe what is happening are talking about it. well, the fact that the yar river is an important direction for russians says that the russian airborne troops are concentrated there, which are conducting an offensive there, in particular the 98th airborne division from ivanovo and the 11th, a separate airborne assault brigade, i want to ask you exactly how you see it, that is , the troops are accumulating, you see this accumulation, they are preparing are they up to something, or is it going, as it goes all the time, that is, there is... well , the dynamics of all this? i agree with your first and second thesis, the situation really seems to be going as it is going, but actually you expressed yourself quite appropriately, how can you characterize the tactics, the general
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tactics, the general tendency of the enemy's actions, in most cases we clearly understand that the enemy's tactics depend on the unit, on the forces that receive that... task, that have their own section, their responsibility, in which they received the task. in general, during days, weeks, and months, i will not be afraid of this word, and years, the enemy received the task in the east, in particular in the bakhmut direction, to exert maximum pressure. previously, they chose a specific settlement and pressed, pressed, pressed there, and all their actual butchers assaults, technical assaults, all their metallobrukt simply chose a specific area and tried to... move there and simply exerted their forces, now during the last few months, actually since the beginning of winter, since autumn, since the end, including winter with the onset of more- less favorable weather conditions, favorable weather conditions, the enemy chose the tactic of pressing
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with the widest possible front at many points, in many places, in many populated areas, in general it is hundreds of kilometers, in general the northern dozens of kilometers... north and south of bahmut, these are other directions, such as kupyansky, such as lymansky, such as vdiivsky, such as, again, the southern sections of the front, and along all these fronts, along all these sections , the enemy in one way or another uses his techniques, his equipment, his living force the storms are different, as in general infantry using mercenary units, there are meat units, such as similar assaults, as there were in 22...23 in the bakhmuts direction, when the enemy simply tried to advance with infantry in small groups, small groups, also tries to make conveyor attacks, yes, unfortunately, the enemy is active and uses assaults using armored vehicles, on which
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the landing party tries to storm, tries to reach our zero positions and land, unfortunately, the enemy can again use several units or more than a few units of tanks on which... the landing party also uses, in general, the enemy's tactic is to accumulate, to reach its zero line, because in most cases, i speak as an artilleryman, thanks to our artillery units of our fourth brigade of the national guard of the frontiers clearly understand that when any attempts of the enemy to accumulate, concentrate, form some columns, groups are detected, this happens in the rear of the enemy and we immediately begin to work on these... enemy accumulations, on these enemy forces, in principle, any what target is a target that we have to destroy in this way in a way that is expedient, that is rational, and the enemy in most cases can't even get to
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his zero line, build up, but unfortunately, again, those attempts to storm the enemy, on which it accumulates, they fight back, and in general, the trend is such that... in a certain way, it seems that the enemy has an unlimited number of reserves, replenishment, not even reserves, but the replenishment that they drained during one assault, waited for replenishment, this is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes a week, sometimes two weeks, that is, it is quite difficult to say how long a specific brigade, a specific unit of the occupying forces receives this or that replenishment, as soon as they received this or that replenishment, whether in equipment or in manpower, they try again... poke at the rather strong dynamic defense of the defense forces of ukraine. well, i see such expectations that we have to wait for a new wave of offensives, as if by the end of this week, there is a little regrouping, as if there is some
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kind of paratroopers going on, and we can expect that they will try, well, first of all , probably in the ivanovo area, so there and the bridge was blown up, which is actually important for them, i understand. very ivanovske, because it prevents them from starting a wider offensive there at the time of the ivars, the situation is difficult to affirm, therefore that the enemy is trying to attack not only at times. in general, starting from bilogorivka, ending in klishchiivka, even further south in kurtyumivka, and all the way to mayorsk, the enemy is trying to press, that is, dozens, dozens of areas, specific places, sometimes in one city, then in another city, sometimes one landing, then another, the enemy is trying to storm, one village, then another village, then several villages, several streets at the same time, in villages where the demarcation line actually passes through villages, through populated areas, well... i am abstracting, i am not saying specific links there, but in general trend
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such that sometimes in one place or another the enemy tries to press and in general it depends, that is, all units of the occupying forces, they were given the task of advancing, in particular, it is really, unfortunately, very difficult, a difficult situation under the time gap, the enemy is pressing, and we clearly we understand that when the enemy tries to advance physically, that is , the use of armored vehicles or manpower in... extremely dangerous is the bombing, the use of artillery that they use, they do not stop using artillery, in fact, from bombing the near and far rears, zero positions, unfortunately, they are trying to use, use artillery as well, their fire means under hepter adjustment, not just to cover the squares, as they used to do, but to try to lead, that is , to make aimed shots at force defense positions, there is a certain danger in this. therefore , we as artillery units of our brigade understand our responsibility in
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counter-battery fighting, counter-battery duels. and this is such a gap between the capabilities of our artillery there and that of russia, it still exists, or the situation is little by little corrected, well, they said a little less than 30 to one, even at some point it was, yes, 30 to one was in the 22nd year, when in... simply echelons, batteries, divisions were lined up and they simply tried to plow through and in principle began to use this tactic of an endless barrage of fire, when they do not go to the usual assault battle there, first they plow everything over, and then try to advance, now recently the trend is 1:10, 1:5, one to three, but here it is critically important to understand various technical, tactical indicators of the enemy's artillery and... which is provided to us by our western partners. soviet artillery was not created for target shooting, in
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principle, all equipment, all military doctrine, everything that the soviet empire did, which was preparing for the third world war, it planned to overwhelm with number, number and again number, they believed that the key to their victory - this is a number, and we clearly understand, even the thesis that for one tank of the nato countries,... the soviet empire was preparing 10 of its tanks and understood that it was physically easy, which would no matter how technically equipped and prepared the tank of the nato countries is, it still will not be able to cope with ten tanks of the enemy at the same time . the western artillery, which is provided to us by our... and allies, clearly shows that the maximum economy of ammunition and
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maximum efficiency are important, therefore in confrontation, in defensive dynamic battles, in defensive dynamic battles, of course, parity of firepower is critically important power, firepower, but another key indicator is the aiming, that is, the destructive power of this firepower, and here the western artillery samples actually win, because... they are much more accurate, easier to aim, faster, better, and have better ammo, more destructive, bigger caliber, respectively 155 tam on 3 mm, but still bigger, so one shot can hit a gun, even when the enemy gun fires 30 tam shells or 10 shells or 20 shells, enough less shots of western artillery in order to ... or destroy the enemy's cannon, mr. volodymyr, in general, assess to what extent we, well, we also partially use
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soviet-style artillery, but how does this process take place in dynamics, well, that's why that, well, we still need a large supply of ammunition, or we are gradually withdrawing this artillery, well , because, well, there, the barrels simply wear out and are not restored. that's how dynamic the replacement is, if you say so now there is such and such a proportion of nato-style artillery there, such and such a proportion is still soviet, so we can estimate it somehow, i will give a certain analogy, when i am asked whether there is enough ammunition, i say, there is enough ammunition , it's only when they are stored and not used all enemy targets are destroyed or there are no targets to shoot these ammo then that's enough ammo, the same way i model for
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weapons, for weapons ranging from a machine gun, from a pistol, from ... finishing the artillery of the highest caliber, as long as there is the presence of the enemy, as long as there is the accumulation of the enemy, as long as there is the logistics of the enemy, as long as they are present in their positions, on their zero lines, and are not knocked out of their zero lines, their reserves are not knocked out, their rears are not knocked out, everything, that shoots, everything that can shoot with the ammunition that is actually available now, it must be used, everything we must use for our victory, in order to repel as much as possible ... that pressure of the enemy and put as much pressure on the enemy as possible, starting again from maksym machine guns, which are still pirs are used and show a certain effectiveness and have certain technical characteristics, in fact they shoot, there are cartridges for them, and they can mow down the occupier, finishing, well, i also model quite effective 82-caliber bm
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37-37 mortars, i emphasize , mortars are just as effective. the 120-caliber 38-year-old is used by the defense forces, which, unfortunately, the occupiers use these systems, and starting from this, the weapons are quite often used, just as they were during the second world war actively. invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club, every saturday for espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no
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political season. exclusive interviews, reports with the hottest. point of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and not biased you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on malice. of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. who is with traitors have already said goodbye to their property? i think that russian lands should go to
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russia. but how did the war reduce the number of kremlin sellers? became much less, congratulations, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about those scoundrels who began to serve the occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. all traitors of our state should remember: if you want to help russia, be ready not only to receive suspicion, but also to say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which in execution of the decision the nsdc managed to confiscate certain collaborators in court. ok, more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing of enemies, accomplices, and occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war became a real tragedy for ukraine, it helped reduce the number of traitors. there are a lot of people, so according to
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the current legislation, these people have become much smaller. well, the war itself, honestly, war is a great tragedy, but war for sure assistant to the reduction of traitors in ukraine, where this is a fact. traitors are discovered almost every day, some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences in absentia, some of them are ambushed by our partisans, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly working on the list of sanctioned persons who were inc. collaborative activity. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. the most famous among the collaborators, from whom the ministry of justice of ukraine has already confiscated, acquired by an overbearing traitor by work the property is volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. the fake governor is known not only in ukraine, but also in the swamps. due to his own stupidity
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, in the summer of 2023, he became famous all over the world, when after the russians blew up the kakhovka gez , the audience saw a tragicomic video, where the balance stands against the background of a new kakhovka flooded with water, but says that there is no flooding in the city. people are calmly moving through the streets, just passed through the streets, people are calm. not residential premises, parking spaces, a separate residential building, etc granite quarry in zhytomyr region. all this was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit of the state. the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with his reputation and property, but also with his own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department. of one of the hospitals in crimea, explosives also repeatedly went off under the traitor's car. an improvised explosive device filled with nuts
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and bolts was detonated, and it was detonated just as the patrol car was leaving. in in november 2023, the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment. will he circumcise them? it depends only on who is the first to grab the traitor by the throat, law enforcement officers, special services or partisans. the probability of not reaching the prison alive is very high. and this is another collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lower rank, the head of the occupied new hovel , volodymyr leontiev. here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 year all authorities are working, the city is whole, the city is clean, we need to save everything. "we have to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, despite the fact that min lived in ukraine in abundance and
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had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine, the ministry of justice confiscated his apartment in kyiv in podil, a private house in nova kakhovka , a motor boat, an apartment in luhansk region and 50% of ukrtrans nadra imprisonment. hello russia! the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye to their property. in particular, from this traitor, the ministry of justice confiscated apartments in donetsk and kharkiv regions: a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, a member of the so-called terrorist people's council. the dnr came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation, as ukraine claims, but a real civil war. anti-ukrainian theses
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kateryna martyayanova has been promoting for 10 years since the first invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the broadcasts of propaganda programs in the temporarily occupied territories, on the novorossiya tv, oplod tv, and narodne tv channels of donbas, until the occupiers closed them down due to lack of funding. the people's republic was elected to the people's council by 68 deputies from the public movement - donetsk republic. martyayanova has been awarded by pushilin and zakharchenko. since 2014 , he has been actively involved in the creation of the occupation authorities in donetsk. in 2022 year, she actively helped in the organization and holding of illegal referendums. so now all her property in donetsk, makiivka and kharkiv region belongs to the state according to the court decision. and this... the so-called colleague of martyanova from the neighboring luhansk region, this is svitlana gizai, a deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. we talked with the women's club about the life of
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the luhansk people's republic. and what does the club do. the ukrainian ministry of justice confiscated an apartment in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region from deputy kygizai, and she was left not only without land and housing, but also without a husband, a historian and a teacher. oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014 during an explosion in the luhansk administration building, when it was already captured by separatists. the so-called appalachians gave him a lavish funeral. no one thought that they would bury him today. the main task for today is to continue his business with the younger generation. this is who will definitely continue and complete their work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region. then these are ukrainian patriots, all traitors will sooner or later end up either in prison or in the ground, and there and there, they
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will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine. among the traitors who got rid of their real estate by the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who until 2014 built a brilliant scientific career in crimea, free from invaders, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in 2020 , the occupiers appointed him rector of the local pseudo-university. the evening before , the prime minister of russia, mykhailo mishustin, signed an order on the appointment of andrii falaleev to the post of crimean rector. federal university. here paleleev leads a tour of the university with a propaganda team, a portrait of putin hangs on the wall above his chair. here it is, you see, i have given you this sign, this time you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously, thank you very much. but putin's portrait did not help falaleev to stay in the rector's chair for long. only 3 years. in 2023, the occupation authorities themselves forced him to resign. everything is in the old russian tradition.
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the russians do not. throw in addition, before that, the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated falaleev's apartment. but don't be sad andriy, the doors of the ukrainian prison are always open for you. surrender to our law enforcement officers, and you will definitely have a place to live for the next 15 years. i believe that schools should order textbooks because they are teaching. this is not politics. and this scientist posipaka of the occupiers is known to the general public. dmytro taba. was the minister of education of ukraine under yanukovych, now he is in the temporarily occupied territories, actively participates in the logistical support and functioning of the occupation administrations. here he is in august last year speaks on the broadcast of the krym-24 propaganda channel dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think that russian lands should go to russia.
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the population there is far from ukrainian, so if ukraine is divided along historical borders, the hungarians will remain well-fed, the poles will remain well-fed, and definitely the romanians. according to the results of the lawsuit to the ministry of justice, vaks collected the property of the traitorous tobacconist from the state income. half of an apartment, five plots of land, a residential building near kyiv with an area of ​​673 m2, cash in the amount of $144,000 and rights of claim to cash in the amount of about 41 million hryvnias. the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. in all, 13 traitors
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and collaborators from gow appear in the latest list of the ministry of justice. yters to the relevant officials in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these scoundrels have already said goodbye to their apartments, houses, cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some, perhaps, to life. the fate of those who by their actions supports the enemy, unpredictable, but always a disaster. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremi zaprovodinci, write. to this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the espresso tv channel, the program of the studio.


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