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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porobiy is working in the studio. one person was injured as a result of a night attack on kharkiv. the occupiers aimed at the residential building and set it on fire. fire - reported the head of the region oleg senigubov. the russians also shelled the city of dergachi. information about the victims is currently being clarified. according to the general staff, at night the russians released 10 shaheds across ukraine. our air defense forces shot down all the drones. an anxious night in russia. the first plant of the oil refining enterprise is on fire in the kaluska region. his alleged attack. drones were fired,
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several explosions rang out at the oil refinery, propagandist media reported. the moscow authorities also complained about the drone attack, according to the mayor, russian air defense allegedly destroyed the drone 50 km from the russian capital in podolsk. at night , explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol, - the mayor's advisor petro andryushchenko reported. according to him, the hits were recorded in the former confectionery factory, where the occupiers are now based. the consequences of the attack are being clarified. he threatened to kill a policeman. in breweries, an inebriated customer caused a scandal in a restaurant. when the police were called to him, he first cursed the law enforcement officers obscenely, and then took out a weapon and started brandishing it. the 50-year-old bully has been a bully many times before. a criminal, according to local
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publications, he is a criminal authority, if he threatens a policeman, he can again sit down and play for 5 years. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 95 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians stormed in four directions, the hottest - on avdiivskyi. there, the defense forces repelled 20. eight attacks. another 21 assaults were stopped in the direction of bakhmut, near bilogorivka, ivanovsky, klishchiivka, and andriivka. the russians also became active in kharkiv oblast. in the kupian direction, our defenders stopped 13 enemy assaults. another 19 attacks were repulsed in zaporizhzhia, near robotino and staromayorskyi. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 19 areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers. a... niki and
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gunners destroyed two warehouses with ammunition, a radar station and a vehicle air defense of muscovites. and we ask for support for our military. with your help, we raised funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. two off-road vehicles for the air reconnaissance group gur and sil ppo, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for... transportation of fallen heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they need to be prepared for combat service. our goal is uah 120,000, and we already have almost 110,000, there is very little left, so don't be indifferent, even the smallest donation is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. germany will buy new haimars units for ukraine. this was announced by defense minister boris.
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according to him, berlin together with the united states of america will transfer three additional systems of salvo fire. these installations are currently on the balance sheet of other western countries, but berlin is ready to pay for them. pistorius has not yet announced the approximate dates of the purchase and transfer of the systems. fun, sad. english theater about english theater.
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so fun, but sad. the english-language theater in kyiv pro english theater staged a play once in ukraine. the director says that on... he tried to create a ukrainian odyssey. the retrospective journey follows the evacuation route to germany. then to lviv, from there to the basement in mariupol. all mentioned in the standup format. our performance, too, it does not, does not aim to burden the audience with the fact that war, how terrible it is. we all know that war is terrible. but the point is how we overcome our moments of crisis, our own. and some mental traumas, experiences, where we find an outlet for our emotions, our feelings and so on further. in the center of the plot are four heroines, these are collective images of ukrainian women, created on the basis of
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real people's stories. tragedy and difficult life circumstances from the stage are shown with jokes. the audience in the capital is diverse, and there are ukrainians who are trying to improve. his english and foreign guests, who in some places did not even expect to see a comedy. it's about recent history, so there's a lot of tragedy, a lot of trauma, and i want to see that. i mean , being here in the theater also adds such an artistic aspect to this trauma, so i'm very interested see the play do you know that this is a comedy? i didn't know it was a comedy, really, it's such a... extra twist. this performance has already been seen in germany, where it was played on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion. the actors admit that sometimes it is difficult to tell foreigners about our grief with humor, but the audience understands everything and perceives it differently. they look at such people, as
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they say in our country, at a serious borscht, they come with such faces. we are watching a play from ukraine about refugees. this is a comedy. well, in short, very, very difficult. take them out on some real live reaction, because they are used to the fact that ukraine must be supported like this with a petrified expression on their faces. our viewers, i see from experience, focus more on funny moments, on funny stories, and first of all, because we already have too much negativity in our lives. pro english seat was founded in 2018. during this time, 15 english-language plays were staged, five. and are still shown all over the world. the founder says that since the beginning of the great war, the audience has been formed anew, because domestic viewers have started watching everything ukrainian in addition, the main task now is to bring ukrainian voices to the audience abroad. we now work much more
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abroad than in ukraine, because now it is very important to speak to foreign partners in the language they understand. and now you already have news, you can't surprise with art , you can still surprise and make your way, there is no protection from art, the play will be shown once in ukraine in kyiv in june, and then the play will be taken around the world, in particular to spain and the canary islands. the spoiler in the sad story of ukrainian refugees is happy the ending you will know after watching. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. you can find more information on... our youtube channel, there are live air broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorst section, subscribe, comment on your important thoughts for us. you will find more news on our website
7:09 am, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. this is the end of the issue, welcome my colleagues further on the air. oksana vysochanska and roman chayka, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, we welcome you to espresso, we remind you that due to the good work of the armed forces of ukraine, a new place for heating has opened in the moscow swamps. as it is called the point of invincibility, and this is the second time it has been opened, the first time obviously
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not everyone warmed up, meanwhile at night they also attacked ukraine, shahedis and rockets, to the south odesa, mykolaiv, kherson and to the north - kharkiv, by the way, in kharkiv drg also became more active, we will ask about it our first guest today, andriy demchenko, spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, is in touch with us, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, please tell us about these drgs. perhaps, how active are they in the kharkiv region now, compared to the previous period, and are these the old, familiar methods for them to get into the territory of ukraine, or have they come up with something new? well, actually, what you are asking about now, the majority, and what was reported earlier, is a more active enemy drg exactly along the line, along lines of combat in the kupinsky direction, including... when they try to find out the location of the defense forces of our state, if we talk about the state
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border line, then in the recent period the russian drgs are less active than they were a little earlier, but actually yesterday also along the border line, in the direction of the border line, the attempt of an enemy sabotage-reconnaissance group was exposed, on which fire was opened, which retreated... beyond the line of our state border, beyond the borders of our territory, after all , behind, as before, the most threatening the direction of the enemy's use of sabotage-reconnaissance groups remains precisely the sumy direction, over the last period there has been a certain decrease in the intensity of attempts by enemy sabotage-reconnaissance groups, but of course. that these actions of the enemy have not disappeared, because yesterday there was also an attempt to enter
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the enemy derge, which opened fire in order to knock it out of our territory. it is in this direction that sumyshchyna, the kursk region of the russian federation and intelligence spoke about the process of accumulation, accumulation of some group, from 30 to 50,000, such estimates were heard yesterday on tv by military experts. what do the border guards see in this direction? well, for my part, i can add that one cannot, of course, underestimate the enemy, even though it is possible that he does not have enough forces to achieve some strategic goal, but at any moment the enemy can try carry out actions in order to achieve tactical goals, therefore , we must be ready for the development of any situation and in the direction of the kharkiv region and by direction sumy oblast in the direction of chernihiv oblast, we must strengthen our
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defense capabilities, both in terms of engineering and fortification, and , of course, strengthen our units with weapons and equipment. if i may say a few words about the adventures on the western border, because yesterday was an unprecedented story, we were told that the polish border guards were ukrainian evaders who crossed without documents. the river was returned, if possible details, well maybe without details, but i will note that when there are violators who cross the border illegally and fall into that other country, those countries, including the border guards of that country, apply to violators the legal norm that is in force on the territory of their country, we see, of course, that in some cases... as part of readmission to ukraine, those persons who
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illegally enter the territory of one or another country, including the territory of poland. but we understand that these are precisely those who were caught right at the border, this does not apply to those who have already crossed it illegally and somewhere in the depths of poland understand that the readmission procedure can be applied to those detained. directly at the border or detained deep within the territory of the country, but each country considers the situation separately for each violator, of course. and applies the norms of the legislation under which he falls, it has become more active now on the polish border, or something, because we remember earlier that most of the ukrainians actually tried to cross the border somewhere in the area of ​​romania, after all, well, you are talking about activation , but we have been before they said that there are attempts to illegally cross the border along the entire length of our
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state border, including the section of the border with poland, but... there are fewer such cases on the border with poland than, for example , on the border with romania or moldova. thank you, mr. andrii. andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border guard service of ukraine, you were with us, and according to statistics , it turns out that what is caught in tesa is much larger than what concerns the western god. actually, actually, what you are he said, they fish in the tisza, not on the other side, on the other side of the tisza, but it happens, it happens. there with romania there are just such moments that they are already pulled out of the water and not always in the best condition. we ask you not to shy away, at least from donating, because our collection is ongoing, from scratch to the life of such a project, this is
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a separate brigade for atvs for the cold ravine 93, we are collecting uah 4 million for evacuation. to transport ammunition, to move quickly and efficiently along the front line, you need to collect such a large amount, but you are sure that you can help us to close this collection, let's be active and responsible, we'll take a short break, and actually it's time to make a donation, you can now scan the qr codes, rewrite the card numbers, whichever is more convenient, we 'll return to kherson in a few minutes . well, let's actually go there , the shaheds flew that night, it was very, very difficult there, we'll be back in a few minutes, a night of boxing that will go down in history, a fight for the title of absolute champion in super-heavyweight between zhusyk and fury, and also a title fight in lightweight between berinchik and navarete, turn on 18
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did the defense of kyiv actually take place? colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu. memories of a brilliant ukrainian. by the translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics with the country in the center of the main ask the country magazine at the points of sale there are discounts representing coco may discounts on dolgit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america, too , they say, let's make better roads, and they will be even better. we have a special view on the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is it dreaming of, but the norm, can we imagine it? all
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this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, a ride for the boys, a quad bike is a dead end. from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. as our military says, we must definitely return crimea, because we are tired of everything flying out of this occupied territory every evening. i... i don't do ballistics during the day, but shaheda at night, but now we will ask about this situation our next guest, but before that we ask you to make one movement of your finger,
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you can subscribe to the espresso youtube channel, and we will be with you 24:7, there is not always time to watch a program at the right hour, but our editors will select the most important for you, the most interesting thing, just subscribe to the youtube channel and you will have all ours. in programs and e-shorts, this is how it is easy to do, we will prepare everything for you, so that at the end of the day you have a complete picture of the day, even if you did not have a minute to turn on the tv during the day, so on in the afternoon, we will move on and talk with oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council, on the connection with us, mrs. oksano, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, what was flying in your heads... did they attack and try to attack the kherson region itself or flew into the depths of the country? they flew into the depths of ukraine, probably because
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it was more or less calm at night in the kherson region today , except for air alarms, but there in the area where i live in the evening, there was very loud shooting, probably ours tried to shoot someone down, because there was a lot of automatic fire . queues and i don't know what else our people are shooting there, yes, that is, we should just thank the kherson region for intercepting, shooting down there, and it does not fly further, accordingly, and the alarm does not spread, and the whole of ukraine sleeps more peacefully. well, what should we do, we are at the front? that is, you perceive in your native places, in the front line as well, right? well, yes, and what, we have the rear, we have for the dnipro, thank god, for. now kherson itself is no longer being hit by mortars, and even there were mortars, but they are firing from everything they have, and there are further suburbs, then from
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mortars are still flying, that's why i perceive that we are on the front line, and as yesterday passed in kherson, at one time many people wanted and loved to go out to play in the communist-stalin victory frenzy, were there any attempts? because they were in kyiv, so that you could understand, in these communes, the stalinists were going to populate somewhere, or was something similar observed in kherson? in kherson, no one goes to any rallies now, simply because they are afraid of what will happen, and only because of that, only because of that, i think because i read today, well, this is not confirmed news, today i will ask our people at the volunteer center, those who live there. in that area, yesterday evening in one of the handels, there was such a word for the russian anthem, but it was the anthem of ukraine, oh,
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russia, and, ah, they celebrated this day, eh, but this is not confirmed data, because i read there are also comments, and people said, calculated what kind of gendelik he was, maybe he also worked with the katsaps, but i didn't hear it. people that anthem, that's it, but yesterday several moscow churches, the moscow patriarchate were beaten, yes, and this is actually in the territory under the control everything was happening in kyiv, that is, here we are, yes, here, that is, now i have such a general picture here, and it actually looks very lonely, sad, because it is also connected with history, when the son of a priest from a bare pier, a priest of the uoc . mp, yes, it is important to clarify here, he was charged with suspicion for what, because he is simply agitating directly for joining russia, for russia, and all that you... say
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so, paints the village in the russian tricolor, this is widespread a phenomenon among clerics, among people of spiritual rank, because he is not just the son of a priest, he is also he is also a subdeacon of the metropolitan of kherson and tavriysk, that is, a person who also has a spiritual status, well, i can't say that it is widespread, but as of now, in my opinion, it is somewhere 50 to 50, that is. er, the ukrainian patriarchate, the moscow patriarchate, i am for the city of kherson, because i cannot say for the villages, but thank god, now there are no inscriptions glory to russia, thank god, there are no tricolors in kherson, but who knows, what they talk about in their churches, i will tell you that ours is the most important the cathedral, which has always been there since the time...
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since the time of our foundation of the city, and even before the invasion we voted, tried, the balance tried to extend the grant of this cathedral from the land into a life-long use, literally it was the end of the 21st year, no voted, in the 22nd year we fought for personal voting, otherwise we would have delayed the handover of this land and... this cathedral, it worked quietly in, this is the moscow patriarchate, it worked when there was an occupation, it was open , people went there, balances there constantly went, i don’t know whether to pray for sins, or to collect valuables to take out, and now he works quietly for himself, this cathedral, and after our release, one of our residents...
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told me that there was a service in russian, she was passing by, said her fe, and she was chased away from there, these believers, that is , we still have a struggle ahead with the patriarchy, unfortunately, we cannot now go out there to protest, or ugh, well, they actively use the church for their own propaganda, we understand well, and accordingly our church the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine is constantly oppressed. we remember the story from skadovsk, where from okolits skadovsk, where a man became a modern martyr to a priest. how widespread and popular is this practice for them now? yes, at least in kherson they don't do it very openly, but they do. and not only, and not only the moscow patriarchate, there is more, there is more. i don't
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know much about this, but they are there, i still downloaded the sbu video just before the invasion, when the fact that they are in russian propaganda is one thing, and the fact that they are conducting propaganda that glory to ukraine is wrong, it is necessary, we must praise only god, that we should be friends with rusnia, that all people are brothers, and that war is fratricidal, and so on and so forth so on. is this the right bank of the kherson region or the same on the left bank? well , on the left, there was just one incident in kalanchuk, a priest was killed, our ukrainian was tortured, and recently somewhere else, i just can’t remember something now, somewhere i heard that a person was missing, but we haven’t yet we know whether it is true or not, because
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it is difficult to confirm from the left bank, on the left bank... the moscow patriarchate is in its entirety, you cannot talk about ukraine there, there, only there, only a partisan can be a priest, so quietly in his own way, but well, as it is, everything is very difficult on the left bank, on the left bank, which doesn't just annoy me, it worries me, there is now something that is being done with the children, there is now such a propaganda work being done with the children, that dear mother, and what then to do with this, this, i.e. children by... they sew on such rusamir janissaries, but in general, you are a deputy of the regional council, we, we understand that this is not your competence, but at least you understand how to apply the law, well, there is some gendelik there, he plays the anthem of the soviet union, where the sloppy text was rewritten, and this...


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