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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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but we still do not know whether this is true or not, because it is difficult to confirm from the left bank, on the left bank there is the moscow patriarchate in its entirety, you cannot talk about ukraine there, only partisans can be priests there, so quietly in their own way , but as it is, everything is very difficult on the left bank, on the left bank, which doesn't just annoy me, it worries me, there is now something that is being done with the children. there, with the children , such propaganda work is currently being carried out, that mom is dear, and what to do with this, this, that is, the children are being rewired to become such rusamir janissaries, and in general, you are a deputy of the regional council, we understand that this is not your competence, but at least you understand how to apply the law, well, there is a gendelik there, the anthem of the soviet union is heard from him, where they passed a rough text, and this... the sbu or the police at the local
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level, do they have something legislative, like, for example, our baltic brothers, they have very clear laws there, and they can instantly either deprive them of citizenship, deport them and all other things, or apply other actions for the propaganda of russian fascism, but when this happened in kherson, are the russians playing? further, i am a member of the city council, so look, well, it doesn’t matter, in fact, you have to call the police first of all, first of all, the police, but will they come, how soon will they come, will they want to deal with the police, too, different people, well, there are cases with the police and the sbu, but they need to be recorded immediately at first, record on video because... you have to confirm later, because
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everyone will deny it and say, no, we didn't have that, and i'll tell you that it's difficult from the security service of ukraine too, well, at least i understand that everything is happening very slowly, because when we were under occupation, we submitted a lot of data on collaborators at local and different levels, and yes, but so far only treason has been presented. only those who went to the left bank, well, such as salda, there semenchev, who were, who were obvious collaborators, who became gauleiter, who, of course, and those who were, those who remained, there is no action against them, as if , of course, i hope, now in kyiv they can hear us in the central ones as well they say, in the offices of the security service of ukraine, ms. oksano, hold on, thank you for participating in our program, oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council. the council was with us,
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this is such a difficult situation, although there is nothing to be surprised about, i am just in such a flash mob deja vu, it happens once a year for the last, well, at least 10 years, we will now show this photo, it is one of the two red-haired grandmothers of kyiv, so here she is, there used to be two of them, they always came with a portrait of zhukov, this babushka is a stalinist. comes out once a year, regardless from the fact that there is boyko nearby, medvedchuk, shufrych, or other rabinovychs, whether they are not there, one and the same, despite the fact that any of our viewers can understand this stalinist that she just started in bretsk fortress, and then reached japan, because we immediately see that she was no less than 98 years old when the second world war began, dressed in such a way. schizoids, who, in principle, have
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these mantras sewn into their heads about zhukov, marshal defeated stalin, well done, they sit with this for 364 days somewhere in kyiv, and only once a year on pobedobesia, how the hell do they get out of this job , it’s just one day a year, but look, what’s the problem, the baltics have legislation, here they stand... i feel sorry for them, they actually don’t have a normal enough amount of means to to act except one, to stop the babushka, because she carries fascist symbols. we know that, in principle, the symbolism is soviet, and it clings to it, it is equal to the swastika, and in terms of the number of victims, it even exceeds it, yes, and in this case, well, what can i say, remove it, and everything that can to make policemen, nothing more, well, but...
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this is already much more than nothing, that is , at least nothing, as we were told about kherson, the one where the collaborators, as they say, worked on the list, there is, well, that. accordingly, we hope that they will really hear us in kyiv and in the locations, the security service of ukraine will not only go to the moscow fsb priests, but also to these churches that captured these priests, which as a sign of solidarity with putin, who threatens nuclear weapons from red square war, they are ringing church bells, i don't remember where it is it is written in the church books that if there is a victory day on may 9, ring the bells, right? in their version, the church is being modernized, we are going to odesa, because this is actually one of the three areas where our air defense forces, mobile groups worked that night and shot down everything that flew from the south, with us demyan hanul, a public figure and military volunteer, mr. demyan, we welcome
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you, good morning, i would like to briefly ask about this night, how it passed in odesa, we know that in general everything is in the south, all 10 shaheds who flew around... killed, how difficult it was and work, if you have such information, well , in fact, this night was not as difficult as the previous ones, because with the shaheds of odessa and the defense forces of the south, they know how to fight, and i would not say that this night was difficult, everything was worked out, everything was clear, as always with the shaheds, ugh, we'll show the footage now, it's not this night, it's the previous one, but it's actually very nice just... an impressive sight, how exactly the mobile groups work, it's actually the border guards working, this is what it looks like please often-frequently: the night in odeshchyna, mr. dymyan, and the previous two days, may 8-9,
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a sacred date for the russians, when they always try to get their paws into our affairs somewhere and they also climb into odesa, and eighth, our own commemoration together with the whole of europe. in memory of the victims of the nazis and actually the victory over nazism? yes i remember there were ballistic missile launches which are in my opinion the most difficult ranged weapons because they are hard to react to, fly fast, uh, very large charge, so there were those, but mostly they were blows in the region, the city itself did not suffer any such serious ones precisely... neither ballistic nor cruise missile attacks were also noticed, but before that there was actually heavy shelling, if you remember, of the coastal zone, and when people and animals died, after that, in comparison,
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other shellings are not like that seriously, i say as a true odessan that in comparison , this is not so difficult, not so scary, and the eighth child... went relatively calmly, because the day before there was a terrible shelling. mr. demyan, you actually mentioned this when ballistics hit the kyvalovsky castle harry potter, well, i remembered it like this, it was a hit with an ammunition with a cluster part, right in broad daylight, on the coastal area where people are walking, and there is actually a house nearby. this is, as it is called, his kyvalov house, harry potter's house, where the vice-chancellor of the actual law academy, kyvalov, died, so kyvalov himself went somewhere in an express car, but in this case yesterday's explosion, which was during the ninth, about him at 5:10
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p.m. trukhanov, the mayor, reported, what kind of explosion was it in the city? er, it's hard to say right now, but above all this was the work of air defense. yes, because odessa recently, i want to remind you that very, well, for the last month, probably, enemy reconnaissance drones have been working very actively over odessa, this had never happened before, and they are now directly recording, i understand that there are very good cameras there, they record everything, and here is such an example, there is already a certain pattern that after the reconnaissance uav works. then in the evening or in the morning there will be a ballistic attack, because this is already a pattern, and on the one hand we have russian missiles flying to odesa, and at the same time in odesa itself there are people who post congratulations on
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may 9 in russian, and on may 2 , you remember the kulyak field, you remember how many of them were near the crossing. yesterday, it happened yesterday, people simply, vadym shkadovskyi, a deputy of the odesa regional council from opz, yes, yes, well, it is forbidden. but why is he still posting this, since yesterday he found out that the sbu, how it reacts to all kinds of posts, or is there already any result, read and visited, i also wrote about these posts yesterday, addressed the attention of law enforcement agencies, because this is a violation, this is a violation of the law, there are some people who published these very public and prohibited symbols and... shkarovsky, who is a representative of the opzh, for some reason he still sits in the odesa regional council, solves various issues
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, affects these issues, and for me it is actually a secret why in the third year of the war this person feels so good that he allows himself to celebrate europe day, actually with some kind of victory, he does everything the same as they do in the swamps, the same texts, same dates, 41st year, 45th. although the war started in 1939 with the division of poland, well, there are a lot of questions, and for some reason the bodies that should have reacted, for some reason ignore it all, people need to talk about it, remind them who is who, who is the fifth column , and that we need to fight them, because if we don't defeat the internal enemy, then we will hardly be able to defeat the external one, i wanted to ask you too , it would be very strange to do it yourself. eyes to see this square in odessa in the winter, i see that now in the spring it has even
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changed its name, i am talking about the square in odessa, where its a time with mordoboys, but this one with advocacy, then the mayor was hurwitz, they put ekaterina the second, well, such a german-russian scumbag and a fool, and in the fight for the demolition of this, this executioner was very much. and now i look, some uncles are standing, solemnly, opening a sign, they renamed it to the european square, how was it interpreted in odessa, the uncles stood under the flag of the european union, went their separate ways, how do the people of odessa perceive it? well, the people of odessa themselves did not even notice this, because it happened without any announcements, it was actually such a short action, short gathering, because we understand that this is a painful topic for the city council of odessa, namely the dismantling of the monument and everything that is happening with the resurfacing of the streets, they
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are dragging it out as much as possible, they are clinging to this past with russia, with the empire, with the soviet the union, and for them it was actually not a bad thing, what was the holiday, if you can say so, but who in your council is this brake of perestroika and a russomir, but in the kyiv city council , the servant of the people, that is, the party of power took, became and left, when they wanted to make a prospectus of truth... a prospectus of the european union, that is, it looks like this in the capital, who in odessa? well, in odesa, the mayor’s party is the majority, trusting the actions of the mayor gennady trukhanov, who directly trukhanov is publicly against katya standing, katya is insistent, and the trukhanovites are in favor, or what kind of schizophrenia, look, well, in public, you have to say what you have to say, because it won't be any other way, but you can do other things. not to publicly influence them and say that he cannot influence it, that he has nothing to do with it, let's also take the taponomic
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commission of the city council, which includes such a well-known, actually servant of the moscow patriarchate, seraphim, who was a party of regions and so on, and she is now deciding the fate of renaming streets to odesa, well, how can this just not fit on her head, how is this possible in ukraine in the third year. war, also mr. trukhanov, i want to remind you that the monument to suvorov, which was dismantled, together with the monument to catherine ii, was erected with the money of gennady trukhanov in the 12th year, when he began his such a great political career , so of course these are painful topics for him, of course, sir smokey, we even see similar ones, but you tell stories, only these brothers change. or the mother of the name, but a similar story as with kherson, well, i say again
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oksano, maybe this one in the central office of the sbu will hear today and in the end they will pay attention to such interesting characters from kherson and odesa. mr. demyan, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso, thank you for the story. demyan, hanul, public figure, military volunteer, we too, look at his page, you are very interesting. learn about the life of odessa, a short pause, and we will return to you, but already with news from the eastern front. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmers, unpack the tv, order in time at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful,
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spared no expense to promote its culture. russian culture was imposed on us as the culture of a superior nation. tchaikovsky's name in the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously hangs over the symbolic cemetery on maida. he mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect
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our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who attack the enemy with heavy fire and is returning our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. we are coming back and will now talk about the eastern part of ukraine, about the front-line zone, about the former, unfortunately, the avdiyiv direction, and now the pokrovsky direction. andriy
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kremchenkov, editor-in-chief of the social donbas, joins our conversation, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes . we would like to briefly ask for a few words about the current situation, how the last day in donetsk region passed, and how they survived the night. well, look, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports about 98 combat clashes per day, of which 28 are in the former avdiyivsk direction and 21 in the bakhmutsky, i.e. these are still the two most hot defense directions of the armed forces of ukraine. and more. the third most active direction is the so-called orichivskyi, it is on the border of zaporizhzhya and donetsk regions, where the russians are storming our bridgehead all the same. in the rabotny region and are advancing on the staromaisk region of the donetsk region, in general, among the areas of the front that worry me the most, it is in the ocheretiny region, there this
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the edge of the front has expanded, the russians are strengthening their wedge in the ukrainian defense, and for understanding, if you measure on the deep state map, then from the nearest point that is controlled. the russians are about 10 km from the pokrovsk-kostyantynivka highway, well, that is, they are about to take the pokrovsk-kostyantynivka highway under fire control, and this is literally the road of life, which supplies the entire group on well in the donetsk region, another direction that is very important - it is the russians who continue to storm the times in the very. city ​​of the russian military not yet, but they are gradually coming to the sivorskyi donets donbas channel, and to
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understand why this is so important, thank you, by the way, for the map, to understand why it is so important, in the time gap, this is such a height that dominates the area , on one side over bakhmut, and on the other side over the entire valley where the kramatorsk agglomeration is located. that is, the cities of kostiantynka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk and sloviansk, they are located in such a river valley, actually chasiv yar is this, the height is such, and there is a ridge there, if you look at the topographic map, then midnight from chasovoy yar and such a ridge of elevations from which the russian military will be able to take fire control over the entire kramatorsk agglomeration, that is, in fact. this city is very important, and that is why the russian military is so frantically trying to storm it, in fact , let’s explain to mr. andriy that in the donetsk ridge and
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plus this channel, the tsiver channel, these are the two natural lines of our defenses, yes, if they cross them , then the operational space for the occupier will look completely different, well, look, if... read books about the second world war, you will see that there appear the same settlements that we are talking about now, because the strategy is geography, and the rivers are the same, the heights are the same, accordingly, the terrain on which the military operation develops, it has not changed since then , maybe there are fewer forests, or larger urban agglomerations, but the terrain has not changed much since the times of ... the world, accordingly, if the russians come out for the time of ivya, take it, then fire control over all these four cities will open for them ,
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which i have listed, in which currently concentrated, well, probably the majority of the population of the donetsk region, well, maybe the geography, the landscape has not changed, the people have changed one hundred percent since the second world war and today, we just gathered information from the south, that kherson, that odesa, there are simply eh... there are no poor people there , there , in the literal sense, russians and moscow women are raging, for them yesterday was just such a day of their manifestation, and in this case we are not talking about the occupied territories, we are talking about the controlled ones, and there everything is based on mothers and fathers and other fsb officers, i.e. the moscow order of alenino, the patriarchate became more active, and the deputies reached the point that the russian national anthem was already played. what are the moods in connection with the fact that the situation on the eastern front is not easy, or what are you observing, that is, the moods, the zhduns are sitting
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quietly, the zhduns have become more active, what are the moods, well, look, it is difficult for me to say something relevant here, because it seems to me , those who are waiting for the russian liberation in quotation marks, they do not comment on the public. that is , the people we talk to in donbas in the ukrainian language, who want to say something to us on camera, i think that these are pro-ukrainian-minded citizens after all, as for the people who stay until the last in these towns and villages of the frontline, the spectrum of the situation there is very wide, i don't want to say, that they are all greedy, someone has sick people lying on their arms, someone had a case where a person said: i have 12 cows, and i have already sold some of them, that is, a person cannot leave his farm and go anywhere, because if you are on the dosle. how
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idps live and where, then it becomes clear why they return, in many cases we observed people who went for evacuation and returned to their gutted villages, live in their houses, because this is a better option for them, unfortunately, than those who the ukrainian state is creating for them in shelters for displaced persons in the depths of the territory of ukraine, how many are now left... this is the civilian population actually in that front-line zone, we are talking about 10 km to the pokrovsk highway from pokrovsk, which actually provides all of donetsk region with the necessary how many civilians remain there, and we have already heard arguments about whether there is a chance that at least some of them will agree to evacuate, well , there is always a chance, as you know, the white angels police unit evacuates people even from
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those places. where hostilities are already taking place, but i would like people to leave these territories in safer times and be able to gather normally comfortably, rather than simply, conventionally speaking, leaving in their clothes under fire in an armored police car, how many people remain there, it's hard for me to say, but filashkin, the head of the regional military administration of donetsk reported about a month ago that in january... a million people left donetsk region, well, for understanding, this is the entire population of sumy region, andrii, we have literally a minute before the news, or your colleagues, our colleagues from public managed to see with my own eyes these glorious billions spent on the construction of the defense line, at least to see them with my own eyes and understand whether they are planks covered with dug channels, or really a system
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of... these defensive lines with all overlaps, bunkers, communications and all the necessary minefields and points, air, ground, ground air shelling, well, in a word , we will not retell military science, but whether you personally or your colleagues managed to see these lines of defense, this is how we saw the construction of a line of defense around kramatorsk, for example, trenches are being dug there, dugouts are being built, and concrete bunkers are being built. how thorough this defense line is, i am not the general of the engineering forces, it is difficult for me to say, but the construction of the defense line is going on, it is absolutely certain, we are saw, ugh, well, at least this is good news today, the first good news of the whole morning, otherwise we only hear war priests, opezests and others on our airwaves, mr. andriy, thank you for the story, editor-in-chief of social donbas, andriy kramchenko was on. ..
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with our studio, news is coming here. we still have a little time, and actually i just want to add that russia is also not very excited about this night, we talked about the refinery in the kalutka region, about the fact that it is not the first time there, which means i did not want to, they do not like svo theirs is obviously not enough need to repeat and add more. a little later in our broadcast, we will talk about drones that fly very far into the depths of the territory. russia is 1,500 km away, and there too they are able to bring good news, good news, at this moment the russian ministry of homicide reports that they have repelled a drone attack in three regions, they do not say about the kalutsk region, because there is a fire there and everything is already so obvious that there is no point in denying them, they say about three drones in the bryansk region, one in
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the moscow region and one in the belgorod region. by the way, it seems that the people of belgorod are not at all happy with what is happening in them, because they are already crying a lot. well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, because news is the prerogative of khrystyna parobii. khrystyna is ready to talk about everything that is most important at this moment. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you. the details of the shelling of kharkiv that night have become known, i will tell about it in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, in a moment, wait. news on the espresso studio , khrystyna parubiy works. new details of the night attack on kharkiv. two people were injured, he said oleg sinygubov, head of the region. the occupiers hit the residential quarters. 12 houses were damaged.
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a fire broke out in three private houses. rescuers... continue to eliminate the consequences of shelling.


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