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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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died because the russian invaders came to our ukrainian land, a moment of silence for the fallen. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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why does the us not provide military support to azov? who will pay new fines and uah 17-25 for not updating data in the tsc. this is svoboda ranok, i'm kateryna nekrecha, and we're starting. and let's start with the large-scale fire in russia, according to the telegram channel ridovka in the city of kaluga, kaluga, sorry, drones attacked a local oil refinery, and in the footage shared by the public, in particular , a fire can be seen on the territory of the enterprise. rydovka writes that around one in the morning, residents of the dzerzhyn district of the kalusa region heard several explosions. according to the telegram channel, it was allegedly the drones of the armed forces that attacked the refinery. let's now look at... the reaction of witnesses
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to the incident, which was published by the baz telegram channel. still got it, still got it, right? the governor of the region, vladyslav shabsha, reported that the fire at the oil refinery was extinguished and the victims were not injured there is no officially, accusations from the russian authorities about the attack of ukrainian drones were also not commented on this situation, even in official kyiv. the russian ministry of defense only noted. that the air defense forces destroyed five ukrainian uavs, three of which hit the territory of the bryansk region, one hit the territory of the moscow region, and one hit the territory of the belgorod region. the day before, in russian bashkortostan, a ukrainian drone struck an oil refinery, hitting a catalytic oil cracking unit. this was reported by radio svoboda. informed source. it was a drone of the security service of ukraine, which set a historical record, among other things, by covering a distance of...
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1,500 km. there was a lot of noise in the temporarily occupied mariupol, where explosions rang out late the night before, the mariupol city council reported in a telegram. after the explosions, black smoke rose in the city. with reference to the resistance movement in the city, the advisor to the legitimate mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko , stated that the epicenter of the explosion was in the former confectionery factory, in the yard of which the russian military is based. russian state the rianovosti agency said with reference to sources in the emergency services about the alleged downing of a missile over mariupol, and russian telegram channels wrote that the attack was apparently caused by atakams missiles. there are casualties and damage, as reported by local channels. there are currently no further details. but the air force of ukraine reports that on the night of may 10, russia used 10 rocket-propelled grenades from the territories of the temporarily occupied crimea. and two
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s-300 and s-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles from belgorodskaya oblast in the direction of kharkiv oblast, all 10 attack uavs were destroyed within odesa, mykolaiv and kherson oblasts, the air force reports. and now let's talk about the situation with electricity supply. by the way, write in the comments, do you save, save light in the evening? ukrenergo denied fake reports about the alleged blackout in ukraine, which. appeared on the network, fraudsters are once again using the logo and name of our company for their own purposes, they wrote this to ukrenergo, and added that the fake message about disconnection distributed through the telegram channel, which notifies the movement of russian missiles or drones during air alerts. the company reminded that up-to-date information about outage schedules can be tracked on the official oblenergo website. due to recent power damage. vows as a result of the russian
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attacks of the past day in ukraine limited the electricity supply to industrial consumers, and the energy company clearly once again called on consumers to save during peak hours, which... to avoid blackouts. to our broadcast serhii kovalenko, ceo of yasno, joins. greetings, serhiy. thank you for joining. good morning. tell us what is the situation with energy after the last shelling, and in general, are there current outages, and where is the most difficult situation and where , if possible, were there outages in the last two days? okay. well, what is the situation. we have two regions that suffer the most, the first is kharkiv. what we have there, we have network restrictions there, that is, it means that it is not possible to supply the electricity that is there to other parts of ukraine, so to speak, in the city itself, due to network restrictions, and there every hour some 200-250,000 people
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are without electricity, of course the local network operator tries to do this in a fairly balanced way, but 100% every hour is not possible. well, consumers, the second, the second story in our country takes place in dnipropetrovsk oblast, in one of the industrial regions there are also industrial restrictions since march, since the march shelling, and there are restrictions there, they primarily concern industry, which consumes a lot, but everything one thing is, well, it's network restrictions, what as for the general situation, i would briefly characterize it in one word: deficit , that is, we all have to understand that at the moment, almost all hours of the day, in the system, in the energy system of ukraine, there is a so-called generation deficit, that is, we want, we want to consume as a country more than we can
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produce, plus imports, which come in at the maximum, that is, we have a deficit, of course there are several... it is during the day, when the sun is shining and the solar plants are working at full capacity, this deficit may not exist, but in the morning peak hours and evening peak hours, we already have a deficit, we need to understand two more things about this deficit, firstly, april and may are the two months of the whole year in which consumption is as low as possible, so we already have heat , we already have a long world day. and we have not yet got the heat when all the air conditioners are turned on, that is, we have to understand that even at low consumption we already have a deficit, so these appeals that you said, we are there every day through different channels trying to do it so that people ,
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businesses have been saving electricity, answering your direct question, have there been outages for the last few days, and indeed, when the deficit cannot be met with... with any uh-uh degeneration stories, ie either imports or domestic generation, uh- eh, from the main dispatcher throughout ukraine there is a command to limit consumption. currently, first of all, they are asking to limit the consumption of enterprises, and secondly, it reaches only end consumers, well, just like you and me, but i, well , i personally believe that there should be a balanced history and for now... the system is learning, and finding a solution, what to do in the future, when there is this deficit, so we all must understand that we need to live, we need light, and enterprises also need electricity to work, because we all work there, we receive wages, it's taxes, that's why i'm grateful there, but yesterday i can
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say about kyiv that it was an evening trip home there, i already saw that first the lights were turned off a little. in terms of general lighting of the city, i see that many businesses is already trying to reduce this consumption a little bit, which is from six to ten o'clock there in this evening meal, so to put it very briefly, the situation looks like this, and please tell me, well, you are talking about a deficit, this is very important , it just seems that the majority of ukrainians, they do not notice that there are problems, there are appeals, but it is interesting to what extent you notice or not, these appeals are heeded and whether they are ukrainians. reduce the load on electronic carriers? let's say so, in terms of consumption, if to sum up, that is, if we talk about everyone, so far we do not see any significant, well , any such deviation from
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our expectations, that is, people, people, the company consume as usual time, well, this can be explained, but so far we do not see , but i 'm saying, there are already er. there are already such and such signs that little by little, because there people are already starting to dim the lights in the evening in the chats of condominiums, there in the chats of homes. visible enterprise, i hope that it will become, if not a fashion, but it will become, well, as they say, such a norm, our habit, and i always say, that we have summer, in order to get used to it, when, well, before the heating season, i, well , i think we can save a little bit, because, to be honest, if you do the math, each household can save about 20%, without such... significant civilizational losses, well, that is, either to spread consumption to the night when, when there is no shortage,
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of course, or to reduce consumption, well, in absolute terms, and these are not significant such, well, civilizational losses, it is not that we we completely refuse to cook there, do laundry and so on, i hope that this one a gap of 15-20%, we, if everyone joins in, we will be able to do it, tell us under what conditions we... blackouts may return, but you are now talking about the fact that enterprises feel it themselves, if we are talking about people, about the light in the apartments, and the blackouts are like that, there are four hours, for example, and more, it is already waiting in the fall, winter or summer because of the air conditioners, it can be, what are your realistic forecasts for the next six months there, well, look, we have to do it again i emphasize the fact that now is already yesterday and this morning already there is a shortage, that is, there are already some... restrictions on consumption, if someone is personally affected by these
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outages, he has electricity at home or at a business, then this does not mean that someone will not be limited, that is, now there is such a thing, well , the deficit is under control here, it is still possible to somehow reduce it through enterprises, a little, a little, find some kind of balance there, when will it grow, well, my forecast is that when will the temperature of the environment rise? environment, uh, everyone will start turning on the air conditioners and it will start to grow consumption will grow, and we have, well, from this, as of today, we understand that our generation will not increase, our imports will not increase, that is, the amount of electricity in the system will not increase, consumption will grow, that is, what we have, our deficit will grow , and of course, when the deficit grows, one or another shutdown will be applied, in which we, well, there will be four of them. hours a day, two hours a day, one hour a day, on schedule or emergency, it's too early
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to talk about it, because it's always about this balance about the size of the deficit, but to answer your question directly, when the temperature is stable there at 25°, i think that some or other shutdowns will be applied, i hope that according to the schedules, if we talk about what is expected. er, the expected size of these outages, i do not think that it will be more than a few hours a day, but it is summer and ukrainians will not freeze in their own homes, and what can i say, this is a possible realistic forecast, i understand , that the situation is dynamic, as you describe, but still, maybe yours tips on how to prepare for this fall and winter, er, thank you for focusing on winter first, because the main enemy is not the lack of light or electricity, the main enemy is the lack of heat. uh, that's why i encourage everyone who has any, how has
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the opportunity to think first of all about their autonomy, from batteries, solar, big, small, to inverters, generators and batteries, why, because your this energy independence on at any time will help you, well, it is quite safe to go through any, any, any blackouts, any disruptions to the world. if there is no such possibility, then you need to think about how to insulate your houses, homes, your, well, your apartments, why, because the loss of heat is our biggest enemy there, and we usually heat it, and lose it, we have a big loss heat, they go through the windows, through the doors in the entrances, and so on, and i mean , last winter, the winter before last, i saw people preparing in our house, we would lay mines there... last winter they did everything possible to reduce heat loss, in my opinion, this
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the main thing is, now it is may, it is already worth preparing for winter in different ways, everyone has their own situation, their own opportunities, but it is worth doing, thank you mr. serhiy for joining, and there are five months, it seems that it is a lot, we need to start already now, because in reality there is not so much time to prepare all this, to buy it and all these are certain costs, thank you for your advice and your realistic forecast, serhii kovalenko, general director. the yasno company was a guest of svoboda ranok. write in the comments, share your life hacks, like you are preparing, maybe you are already ready, prepared, you have everything, you have everything, you are calm about... the next cold autumn and winter there, if not, then are you really going to be more serious after this information that you just heard to consider and prepare for this, i will definitely read the comments, it is interesting when you share your own experience, and then there is an important topic that raises many questions every day due to new and new changes - this is mobilization, and here is another news that
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a man of draft age , from 18 to 60 years old, who evade mobilization, can fine in absentia for... the verkhovna rada adopted a draft law on strengthening responsibility for military violations. 256 deputies voted for it. according to the document, changes to the criminal code and the code of laws on administrative offenses are foreseen. according to the changes , individuals can be fined up to uah 25,500, and officials and legal entities can be fined up to uah 60,000 for appearing before the tcc, refusing a summons or evading mobilization. thus, if the conscript has not updated his data or did not inform about their change, or did not appear according to the summons, the military officer issues a decision on a fine. the document provides that it is issued without a protocol, in absentia. i would like to remind you that on april 16, zelenskyi signed the law on improving certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military
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service, and this law will come into effect on may 18. the document provides, among other things. that men aged 18-60 are required to update their credentials within two months at the military headquarters, the center of providing admin services or in the conscript's electronic account. by the way, it should be noted that the conscript's electronic office is not working yet, the authorities promise that it will start working on may 18. we are also following this. lawyer yuriy tanasiychuk joins our broadcast. mr. yuri, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, apparently everything is simple, the news appeared, there are old amounts and new amounts, payment for a fine, in fact, there are a lot of details and nuances and incomprehensible things. that is after this law, for which i voted yesterday the verkhovna rada draft law, it will enter into force, who will receive fines and for what, does this apply to all men of draft age
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who have not yet updated their data in the tcc, or does it apply only to those who have not... during this period from may 18 for two months, well, from this version of the approved changes that i read, there is no special period for correction there and before entering data, that is, in other words, from the moment it enters into force, this protocol is canceled, and but the decision of the tsc can be there on the same day. or on the next day, or for a certain period, in relation to persons who have not updated their data, to be such that imposes an administrative penalty in the amount of 17 to 25 00 uah, i.e. initially 17 uah and again 25 uah. well, that is, there is no
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clarity, okay, how to be with the terms, well, relatively speaking, people who will go to update their documents now from may 18, this means that they will automatically receive fines, if so, this means that they can automatically receive fines of uah 17, if the data were not updated, if until now, the law will be signed by the president, published without any delay, quite likely, why? because at the time there after the 18th, the law will be in force, and if a conscripted person came, the fact of not updating the data was recorded and the tcc , according to its powers, made
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the recording of this fact unrecorded, but for the imposition of this fine there all things being equal... there must be proof that the individual was properly notified, that he knew that his data, or some particular part of the data, was missing, i.e. it will also not be such, let's say, arbitrariness and apply to anyone and to anyone and at any time. the only thing is that the protocol was taken away, and coming back, so if at the moment after the 18th, this fixation will be, the person was notified, did not make changes and... for the law of immediacy, it is obvious that there is a high probability of receiving a fine of 17 000 hryvnias if a person has not been notified, but has not updated their data within the last two years. if not, if it was not notified, then the tcc is deprived of the opportunity to immediately impose a fine in the amount of 17, well, and
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those who were notified, apparently they are interested in updating their documents by may 18, as i understand it, so that the fine is less, and because this law is a bill that was passed yesterday, under after the signature of the president, it comes into force on the next day, there is no month, month of time or something like that, but tell me, no, there is no transition period. and who will be able to issue these fines, well, how does this happen technically and how much time is given for their repayment, where does the fine go, if there is no need for it personally will he be handed over somewhere in action in the office of a conscript or something? the fact is that legislators prescribe laws, mechanisms and procedures are already regulated by so -called by-laws, that is, this is the decision. the ministry of defense, the cabinet of ministers, because the cabinet of ministers in one way or another administers the fines that will be collected
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throughout the country as a whole, and after the law comes into force, i think, the corresponding regulations will be published immediately, which will regulate the procedure, i think, what... well here nobody will come up with a bicycle, the details for payment and data will be from the electronic office to any territorial assembly center and tsnap, i think that the state will also be interested in these charges, because the situation with the budget, to put it mildly, is not the best, here are your tips, probably regarding which package of documents to prepare. you for a visit to the tsc, to update your data, medical certificates of any kind, if they are from private clinics there, are they taken into account there, for example,
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what should such a package be, my advice first of all, let's divide it into two parts, natural persons, legal persons, because these changes also concern legal persons, and especially heads of enterprises, so do not forget about natural persons first of all. that we are living in the period of an extremely brutal war with the moscow occupier, with all the huge losses that we observe every day, and updating data in territorial assembly centers is not the exercise of a right, it is a duty that must be fulfilled , and there are no other options. second, in order to convince more the data has been updated, because i also faced a similar situation, uh, you need to, uh, first, either go to the electronic office when
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access to it will be open, or uh, check yourself in the territorial center assembly, which men do not want to do, because here it is not about a visit of the tsc, but about a mass e-e fleeing through the streets from... representatives of the tsc, nevertheless, it must be done if a person really cares about abstinence administrative penalty in the form of 17 or 25 00 hryvnias. regarding the documents that are mandatory to be submitted in order to update the data: passport details, actual address, place of residence, current contact phone number, uh, maybe the functionality will include, and should include email, other digital means of communication, uh, to add permits,
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for example, for the possession and storage of weapons, from hunting to traumatic, what is currently allowed in ukraine, driver's licenses, to provide the possibility of a wide selection and completeness of tck. information, what skills a person has, this is, in fact, this affects, er, and other, this is key information, including you, you noticed well, and it is important to notice that it has been a year since the changes were made, almost a year, and it is possible to provide health certificates, including from private institutions. of medical private health care institutions in order for this certificate to be included in the case materials and the passing of the fork. they are yuriy tanasiychuk, a lawyer on our
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broadcast, we have problems with communication, but, in principle, mr. yuriy told a lot, and if you still have questions about how to pass the vlk, how to enter the tsc, what to do, then be sure to write in the comments under this video, you see that we often discuss this topic and pay attention to it, so zovo communicate with journalists in order to speak, so that we speak in the studio about really relevant questions for you, our viewers. zelenskyi is asked to instruct the government and the ministry of foreign affairs to negotiate with the united states in order to unblock military aid for the 12th special purpose brigade of the azo. a petition with such an appeal was registered on the website of the president of ukraine 3 days ago and already yesterday it received
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the required number of votes. namely 25,000. now volodymyr zelenskyi should consider it and actually give his answer. and here is how this petition says, a ban on providing american weapons, funds, as well as conducting training of fighters or helping the azov battalion. as otherwise provided in the united states consolidated appropriations act. the commander of the 12th azov special forces brigade, denys prokopenko, says that this ban appeared in american legislation in 2017 at the request of congress. he is the democrat john conyers and that is conyers jr introduced this amendment on the basis of a publication in the magazine foren affairs, in which the azov battalion was characterized as a neo-nazi and fascist movement. prokopenko is sure that this characteristic was formulated in the western media under the influence of russian propaganda. in addition, he notes, this wording is applied to a unit that no longer exists, because at the end of 2014
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, the azov battalion stopped its own. existence and became a separate special purpose unit, and since february 2023 it has been a special purpose brigade as part of the national guards i would like to add that the azov battalion itself was created in berdyansk after the beginning of russian aggression in the east of ukraine in may 2014. at that time, this battalion was a unit of the special purpose police patrol service, and its first commander was andriy biletskyi, a member of the patriot of ukraine organization, which positioned itself as an ultra- nationalist . biletsky led azov until october 2014, then the battalion was reorganized. according to the radio liberty website, an updated study by the center for international security and collaboration between stanford university, azov, and the ukrainian far-right in general mix classic right-wing themes such as anti-semitism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, and racism with more
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populist economic ones. proposals for a greater role of the state in society, around the same time azov was recognized as a terrorist organization in russia, and journalist lev golinkin also consistently criticized azov in the united states. he criticizes the western media, which began to write more discreetly about the azov people after the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, i would like to note that the people of azov, in particular, stood in defense of mariupol and remained at the plant in 2022. zovstal until the moment when they received the order to stop the defense. we will understand this difficult issue further, we will be helped in this by vyacheslav likhachev, an expert of the center for civil liberties, a researcher of right-wing movements and a historian. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. for understanding, we told a little in the introduction to this, yes, but tell us about the history of the creation of the
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azov battalion, from the moment of its foundation in the 14th year, what we told biletsky about, azov underwent significant changes and transformation there in terms of views, did it really happen and what were these changes? in general, i would carefully analyze the unit of the armed forces of ukraine, well, before that, the national guard in terms of views or ideologies, we are talking about the existing unit in the ranks of the defense forces of ukraine. what other ideology, except for the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity and the existence of the ukrainian state in general , should not have and does not have in us, well, it is forbidden and political activity is not carried out in the harbors of the armed forces, it is not possible for active servicemen.


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