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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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well, azov, since its founding in 14th year, as we told biletsky, azov has already undergone significant changes and transformation, in terms of views, did it really happen and what were these changes? in general, i would carefully analyze the unit of the armed forces of ukraine, well, before that, the national guard in terms of views or ideology, it is about the existing unit in the ranks. defense forces of ukraine, what other ideology, except for the protection of state sovereignty, territorial integrity and the existence of the ukrainian state in general should have and does not have in our country, well , political activity in the ranks of the armed forces is prohibited and not carried out, for active servicemen it is not possible to be members of political parties at all, because the defense of existence. the ukrainian state,
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the protection of the existence of the ukrainian state, he is outside of politics, and here i would separately analyze the views of, for example, the founder of azov, personally, andriy biletskyi and the ideology of the political projects he led, and how it affected azov and those who joined the defense forces of ukraine in... a unit with this one name, with all its transformations, and how it affected the external image, the fact is that andrii beletsky really led a right-wing radical movement, a right-wing radical organization until 2014, there was a lot in the ideology of this organization, including the statements of andriy bilyatsky personally.
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many elements that can be qualified as racist, xenophobic, definitely homophobic, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and in general , i confidently qualify the ideology of the patriot of ukraine as neo-nazi, unfortunately, andrii beletsky most likely planned to use certain social capital that he acquired as the founder of an effective. section of azov for political activities, and he used, for example, the emblem of the political movement that he previously led as the emblem of azov, ah, and the emblem, which is quite recognizable as the emblem of the radical right movement. in his further political activity, when he left azov, he was a member of the verkhovna rada and founded the national corps political party. tried in every possible way
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to emphasize ties with azov, what veterans of azov participate in his political movement, he, ah, positioned his political activity as the creation of a certain azov movement, that is, he artificially connected political projects, including a political party, with an active unit of the national guard, and this association link, which definitely helped him a lot in his political career, unfortunately, it was very convenient. used against an active national guard unit, because andriy biletsky provided many illustrations of how a national guard unit is connected to right-wing radical political activity in ukraine, with an emphasis on the emblem, symbols, on certain tattoos spread there, or on the ideological and political statements of andrii biletskyi and his political associates in...
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the western mass media created an image of azov as a certain right-wing radical militia, such as sometimes they wrote, that is, not even a part of the armed forces, but such a paramilitary paramilitary formation, this is the concept, national radical militia was used in 2018... it was even submitted to the american congress the petition to recognize azov as a terrorist organization, fortunately this stupid thing did not pass, but the american congressmen really made such an exception for azov, so that american aid did not fall into this unit, so that american taxpayers were sure that their aid will not benefit... the radical
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forces in eastern europe, in ukraine, and due to certain inertia, this amendment is still valid, although azov has experienced many transformations. and he is in no way affiliated with any political party, andriy biletskyi is a direct relationship, but not as a political figure, as a military figure to another unit, and the third stormtrooper, but this is preserved by inertia. vyacheslav, but you mentioned mr. andrii biletsko, i would like to point out that we are ready to give him the floor and it would be important to talk to him on the air as well, so if... he has a desire , of course, as you mentioned, that the founder azo, he is now the commander of the third assault brigade. vyacheslav, but something can change the attitude of the united states of america towards azov, because we see there on the president's website there is a petition about this, can it be resolved
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at the diplomatic level, for example, and on the facts, let's say this, in these last two years, already the third year of a full-scale war, and this is how ? it is possible to influence these processes only in diplomatic circles, is the ukrainian government somehow supposed to push it and raise these issues, or is this topic closed to the us? but no, i think that there is an opportunity to influence, and it is definitely worth doing it, because it concerns not only the direct supply to a specific unit, but it generally concerns the image of the defenders of ukraine in the world community. and this image is critically important for help not only from the united states, but also from the world community in general, so it is certainly necessary to work in this direction and work not only by a state body, because if we are talking about the american parliament, then its
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public organizations, the diaspora , and different analytical centers are involved, they have a significant influence on the formation of opinion in... the american parliament, and, as practice shows, sometimes our civil, public organizations are more effective in external communication and advocacy of the interests of ukraine than state authorities, therefore, it is probably necessary to work in this direction, what should be changed in order for this to be possible, in addition to actually starting to work in this direction, it seems to me, that it was simply forgotten during the last years for... well , taking into account the context and more priority areas of activity for the advocacy of ukrainian interests, and i think that in fact it is possible to change this norm, to remove this norm from the american legislation, if you add
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significant efforts, i'm not sure that re-initiating a debate in the united states right now about whether azov is or was azov a neo-nazi group is a very... a very constructive way to do that, because it can be used to raise again there are some materials that can discredit the ukrainian armed forces, so i am not sure that it is really time to activate it at the moment, but it seems to me that it can be done, but it also requires certain steps from the ukrainian side, for example, despite that this emblem is now sanctified by blood. defenders of mariupol and is perceived in a completely different way in ukrainian society, but it seems to me that it is still a long time ago to change the emblem, which was inherited from political projects, so that it does not cause unwanted associations, including among
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our foreign partners. uhu, i'm still talking about the criticism of azov, i'll just read a few facts so that the audience has a broader understanding, which is from the research of the center for international security and cooperation. stanford university, the update was in the 22nd year, azov and the ukrainian far-right generally mix classic right-wing themes such as anti-semitism, ethnocentrism, homophobia and racism with more populist economic proposals for a greater role for the state in society. a strong argument for american lawmakers was the report of the south center, a new york-based analytical structure that monitors the activities of radical groups and terrorist structures. the document states that azov has been recruiting for years. radicalizes and trains american citizens, one of the of the authors of this report, colin clark called the congressmen's demands regarding azov fully justified, and the decision to treat them as a foreign terrorist organization reasonable, such a quote, i note, you know that vyacheslav, that we invited many parties to participate in this conversation, and experts, and
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the representatives of the authorities were addressed there, and they also addressed azov, which is important to say , and when the materials were on the radio liberty website, they also addressed azov. we have not yet received a comment, but we are ready to provide this word, because the topic, as you noted on the beginning, very difficult, very difficult, so i can still encourage viewers to write yours in the comments. questions, arguments, perhaps, regarding whether it is somehow possible to fix it between ukraine and the usa so that azov receives weapons, whether it is appropriate, we are waiting for your opinion in the comments, to you vyacheslav, thank you for joining, vyacheslav likhachev, an expert at the center for civil liberties, a researcher of right-wing movements and a historian was a guest of freedom mornings. and in the swedish city of malmö, the second semi-final of the international song contest eurovision 2024 took place the winners were austria and latvia. the netherlands, norway, israel, greece, estonia, switzerland, armenia and georgia.
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they, together with the winners of the first semi-final , will meet on the stage tomorrow, and now we will show you the school, for the restoration of which the representatives of ukraine at the eurovision song contest, alyona alyona and jerry hale, are raising money. this is a gymnasium in velika kostromka, dnipropetrovsk oblast. we were just in the ukrainian language class and there was an inscription. which the teacher did in front of us on february 23 , we had the ukrainian language, it was the last one, i was i stayed here, maybe i left there twice, and it was there for 3-4 days, but that’s how i stayed here, we lived with my mother in the cellar of my grandmother and grandfather, and that’s how it was, sometimes we ran on the road, fell from this, then that flew, and then many people were killed, and we came out in such a way that we saved, when a missile flew here to the school, you remember, you heard somewhere that... i heard, i woke up from it at night, and in the morning they already said , that
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there is no school, and it was difficult, never in my life, you know, did i pray on my knees, and then i knelt down and began to read the lord's prayer, and... we were sitting in our basements, we heard these explosions, we were hoping that it was somewhere nearby and just not at school, and when olga anatolivna wrote to us in the morning to come to school... the school is in trouble, we need to sort it out, take something out, well
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i went with the hope that, after all, well , maybe the window flew out somewhere, well, there was a tear somewhere, but in no case did i think that this would happen to my class, for which i worked for 38 years, taught lessons for six months in the basement, because there was no way to drive in the apartment, and then, well , i lead lessons from the apartment and now i do, huh. it i really want to go to school, just when we went to see them off to the eurovision song contest, we talked with them, they are very simple, emotional, cheerful, young girls, and they were very happy that i brought this little picture drawn by my... granddaughter, because she really wanted me to bring signatures from them, and
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they said that everything, our whole school, the whole community of our village, will pray for them to represent ukraine in a worthy way, their song, it has a very deep meaning the content, er, she, the whole world should know about her, what she is going through today ukraine, about what it is going through today. a woman who wants to protect her children, i believed that our school would be rebuilt, and every day i tell my children that you see that the whole world is worried about us, the whole world knows about us, i watch eurovision, the last years something like that i'm watching, i'm rooting for ukraine, cheryhey, alyona, alyona, well done girls too, i'm leaving the ninth grade, but it's important for me that there is still a school here, so that i can see that it is here and in others. .. children had a childhood that i had, although it was torn apart by the war, but at least some good. i see in the comments that you touched on the topic
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of this broadcast, you continue to discuss mobilization, and this is not surprising, you also respond to the topic of the petition that appeared on the president's website to somehow establish relations with the usa in the sense that the usa would provide armed support, military support of the azov battalion. and therefore continue to comment, share with... your thoughts, this is important for us to form the following topics and to understand what questions to the speakers, to the guests of this broadcast, are of interest to you, and of course, thank you for sub... radio svoboda for your likes, for sharing this video, for being subscribed to our channel, this is important for the promotion of this content created by journalists, working in ukraine and aim to discuss important topics with you. thank you, take care, my name is kateryna nykrecha, this is the freedom of the morning and until the next meetings.
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a camera and a smartphone, if you do not have a camera and smartphone, there are card numbers at the bottom, so you invest in ... bicycles, and in the meantime we will communicate with international lawyer ivan lozovy in connection with our studio, mr. ivan, good morning, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, three we waited for months and now it happened, zelensky appointed zaluzhnyi as ambassador to great britain, our general begins his diplomatic service, and of course we have great hopes and expectations, britain is already our partner, but what can be more and in what time frame? well, great britain in general leads relatively to a certain extent military aid to ukraine. that is why recently we have seen russian kremlin trolls speak out against great britain very clearly,
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putin's spokesmen talk about a possible nuclear strike against great britain and so on. therefore, the purpose of such a figure. as a dedicated ambassador to great britain, it will be a big plus for our armed forces, for sure. ok, but aren't you surprised by the selection for very important diplomatic positions of people who are not diplomats by profession. for zaluzhny, as well as many other suspended generals bearers of military experience that is not found anywhere in the world. this is the new russian-ukrainian. war and here to appoint him as an ambassador, well, we understand that he is certainly a better ambassador than, for example, the minister of defense there, who should be investigating, but is sitting in slovenia. am i talking about a battering ram, or did that surprise you? not especially, because there is a war, a large-scale, big war, and to send a military person, even
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in the position of ambassador, to such a key country and which helps us a lot, more than proportionately to many other european countries, i think this is a good step. another issue that you, which you touched on, is the general removal for... from the position, but that is a broader issue that does not concern him now, he is already a private person. yesterday there was an unannounced visit of the head of the european parliament, mytsola, she arrives, the head of the parliament meets her, speaks, gives her the floor, and immediately after the air alarm, he says that he is strengthening it at all levels, including the parliamentary level. contacts with the european union, because this is our final path to the european union, and this is what the speaker of the parliament says, who personally forbids deputies of the wrong party sexual
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orientation to make any external contacts, and at the same time he suddenly promises her that these contacts will happen, does this mean that metzola's arrival will change the rules of the paralyzed parliament, or was it another lie. well , such trips are mostly symbolic, the main work is done before and after such trips, and in recent days, one of the spokespersons of the european union even stated that ukraine can join the european union as a full member by 2030, which it would be nice, this visit does not solve anything in particular, but in europe... let ukraine know clearly that further progress on the way to europe, to the european union requires changes in ukraine, real reforms, which, unfortunately
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, are so difficult for us and they come hard. mr. ivan, eu ambassadors, currently at this level, but this is already a huge step, agreed that funds can be allocated from immobilized assets for reconstruction, to support the reconstruction of our country. russia, we have been waiting for this, and we hope that it will be officially approved in the near future this process of transfer, use of these funds will begin. how do you see this algorithm, how do you see this process? well, this is a very positive step, but here it is important to understand that this, europe does not allocate for ukraine, in fact , the seized assets of the russian federation itself, it allocates interest, then... the income from these seized assets, which amount to approximately 3 billion dollars per year, that is, we are talking about these 3 billion dollars so far, this is a good step, it is
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very positive, but it is not such, let's say, a large amount, because mainly europe keeps somewhere over 200 billion dollars of seized russian assets, they are mainly located in belgium, they are located in a company called euroclear, which served as such a ... depository for such sovereign funds, and what is good is that this step of allocation for ukraine and in including for military aid to ukraine, these 3 billion, which came as interest, were calculated on the 200 or so billion dollars that are in europe, this is the first step towards already drawing 200 billion, and we need them not only for development , primarily in order to win this war by the way, you said about the funds, there is one such interesting enclave, it also played an interesting role, regarding the funds of the hitlerites, there are about swiss banks and about
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switzerland, on the one hand, switzerland supports the confiscation of assets, as if something is freezing, but yesterday already once again there is official confirmation that it is through swiss banks that the kremlin's money flows are served. even against the background of the fact that the global south, india and china, under the threat of increased sanctions, stopped these financial arrangements with russia, so why are the swiss with one hand behind support ukraine in this war, and with the second hand help to launder russian money? unfortunately, this is the traditional position of the swiss, who consider such a position, such an approach , to be neutral. that is, both yours and ours, to a certain extent, unfortunately, it turns out, it follows from their history, switzerland has always been separate
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from the rest of europe, it is not in... in nato, it is clear, and will not enter, they defended themselves back in medieval times from attacks from other european countries, and thus they grew up as a little separate in the center of europe, but on the other hand russia now circumvents a lot of different routes of the sanctions of the european union and the united states, through turkey, through central asia and... you absolutely rightly pointed out, it is a very important thing that india and china are beginning to be subject to secondary, so-called sanctions, which the united states introduced back in december. this means that the transactions involved go through chinese or hindu banks and may benefit the russian army, these banks will be subject to sanctions there already on the spot, and already the first chinese banks have been subject to such sanctions, and this
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a very important step, because in this way, there is a burden on the neck of the russian economy, although , of course, it's the russians, as you know, that slippery slope is trying to get out of the way. europe has begun the process of, well, it looks like, at least, cleansing itself of russian agents. both germany and britain have now realized that there are already many such russian agents who, under the guise of local and decent people, are acting against their states. britain is expelling the russian embassy's chief of staff, germany is taking similar steps, but whether it will be possible in a short time, i'm not even talking about weeks, probably in a few years, for these countries to clear themselves, or is the network of russian agents so deep that it is a prospect of many tens of years? europe, like many developed countries, is moving slowly, but very
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confidently. i think this process of cleansing from russian influence will not take very many years, already the 14th package of sanctions against russia, which was prepared by the european commission, it is now considered by the members of the european union, it provides for the prohibition of financing from any russian sources. for example, public organizations in europe, of course political parties, that is, this struggle has begun, it is very good, and you know, i have confidence in the europeans, they will go very confidently and very clearly along this path of cleansing from russian influence, here we must not forget , that they did not have this influence in america either, and one of the members of the us congress recently said that the roots of this russian propaganda influence in the republican party went very deep and
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far. just one more minute if you they mentioned the americans, they have one independent candidate there, kennedy's nephew, very curious, because during his divorce proceedings he told about parasites that ate half of his brain, and he froze there, an interesting story, a mirror of the week, by the way, too it was recently written about, but he completely spit on the green, he says that there are no ukrainians, that russians live here, they were captured by some people from bandera, bandera was in... yes , that clinton is in his head, and what about this candidate, with does he take him seriously, or is he the same freak as green? well this one robert fennedir, he's a scion of the very illustrious kennedy family, so he's got a certain amount of notoriety and access, and he's used that public access to pick up on these, well, conspiracy theorists, different radical
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views about some... you've mentioned it, but of course the thing is that he has a chance to win the presidency, he will eat rednecks precisely from the trump audience, and at least there is some positive in this, yes, not only rednecks, it is, first of all, somewhat unbalanced people, the main thing is that he will really take away votes more than anything at joe's biden, but i would, because biden... firstly, he's vulnerable, and secondly, there's an extreme wing of the democrats, which, in fact, their views coincide completely with this candidate, and there are concerns, especially in the biden camp, that this rfk. might help trump win, i would n't be too afraid of trump winning. mr. ivan, we even stole a little time from our journalists, but we are very grateful to you for an interesting conversation.


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