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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday. 17:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. the project is for the smart and the sane.
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espresso in the evening. we are back, as promised, we are adding to our conversation viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy, mr. viktor, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good luck health to you how are the sums? in sumy, there was an explosion in the morning, what did they slap around the city this time? well, it is still unknown. well, they were hit with something, not only that, the dawn was like this today, they say that yesterday they hit the khatin community with some phosphorus bombs, and this was a very unusual dawn, it must have been phosphorus with sunlight and something fantastic , well , so, thanks to our neighbors, we are the northern lights. we see some unusual
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dawns, somewhere like that, but the sums are kept, that's all everything is fine, the children are walking, the mothers are happy, they are walking with their children, well, you say, mr. viktor , everything is fine, you told us that ipso, it is time to knock down, we are running away, it worked, remember, we talked last time, now, on the eve of our conversation, we are watching , partly worked, partly it was like that, but we are told by the sumy regional military administration that in addition to that... psotsi ukhylyanski also works well and so on, that there are some telegram channels in which they simply disrupt the mobilization in the sumy region, that's about that yesterday , moreover, purposefully set up to be to spread nonsense in the minds of young people, yes, i agree with you, and well , telegram channels know very clearly what their target group is, yes, there are telegram channels that unite youth... some kind of environment
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in them as well they attack, especially, well, if twenty-year-olds can’t talk about the war there, because we have 25-year-olds, that’s exactly the main target group of 25-27-year-olds for those telegram channels that are thrown into the doghouse in which these pictures are posted: i a dodger, i'm a dodger's wife, i'm a dodger there and i'm proud of it, so of course someone comes in, somewhere of course, and myself... exactly, exactly what comes in, there is really like, why don’t you want to go serve there, but let the majors go there first, go to serve, or let them go serve first, zhenya kashovyi there and other residents of the neighborhood, and it goes to the urals, but, but i'll be honest, it goes to many, the only thing, i say, stop, stop, stop, you have to divide, yes, at all times. there were those who left sincerely, those
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who simply, well, most of my friends left on february 24, yes, er, some more, who were already older, who understood that he is over 40 there and it will be difficult for him to fight, but the summons came and went, there is not a single dodger among my friends, and it could not be, but there are acquaintances of acquaintances who, if they say that there is a type, well, i do not want , let the porridge go. i say, let's separate, i, ukraine, kashavy and zelenskyi, because zelenskyy is not ukraine either, he only thinks of himself that way, but kashavyy is not ukraine either, there is no need to hide behind someone, something, how will these things go, so am i right now, you think about yourself, let the porridge think about himself, we will give him an assessment later, i also wanted something if you look at chevy's groom, he is so strong that i think he can carry a 120-millimeter...
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they can wear it, yes, well, at least that's the impression one gets from him, but, but everyone must talk about themselves, about their family yu, about his vision of ukraine, about his role. the logic is clear, mr. viktor, you probably also saw how quickly the government of national unity was created in leaps and bounds, how all the agents were purged, all the combat generals were returned to the front, all the spies were imprisoned, but it was a dream, i don’t know if you are my we watched the dream, let's go to reality, no watched, but well, let's get down to reality. you, you probably know this person, who yesterday under the walls, under the dome of the parliament, heard a specific report, vice prime minister kubrakovy, in particular about billions of hryvnias for the protection of energy facilities, and you will tell us now, who knows who heard this report, you know
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, yes, yes, unfortunately, well, i don't know, at least neither i nor anyone under the dome heard it, maybe i don't know, somewhere in the president's office kubrakov reported, although i also doubt it, because. .. the president's office did not warn him about the that he will be fired, unfortunately, in our country, this is already a method, a method when, contrary to the european tradition, incoming ministers do not set plans and outgoing ministers do not report on their work, especially if the work was related to let's say so, with the implementation, well, of significant budget funds, yes with mastering. as it is customary for officials to say, tens of billions of funds were mastered, and how was mastered, and i would like to ask, and what kind of kickback, so we did not hear, well, for me this would be the most important question, and what kind of kickback ? that is, if you have a scheme, if you,
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for example, in the port there in odesa, there you transfer 5 dollars to turkey, and the shipping costs per ton, and you have 25, well, that means 20 to someone ... back off, but they don't tell anyone how much they don't tell you why you can have a platoon base in sumy oblast built for 40 million, and then when everyone is raising it, if you're hot, what are you, are you crazy or what? then they build everything for 11, how, and if you have 40, then 11, you will decide, but they cannot decide, there are many of these questions for kubrak did not answer, i absolutely do not like this person, but we... it is a pity for ukraine that we have, we fight for european values ​​and standards, and no one adheres to them, that is, we, well, there is still, there is still a structural one the problem is, when kubrakov came under him
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, the ministries were glued together, now kubrakov is gone, that is, he is gone, then they will again be divided into two, why two, why not seven, why not play chess? some kind of show here is even more interesting that a month before that both zelenskyi and shmygalal announced: we will knock down the ministry of water, we don't need the ministry of youth and sports, we will combine it with the ministry of culture or education changes, we will reduce the number of officials, why do we need two ministries and six provinces in each, if we now have one the minister and six orders and we are there minus seven top officials to cut. we are good guys, here, here hop, disconnect, stop, so when you were telling the truth, then a month ago or now there is a tip, and here we are, well, in a situation where we understand in the grand scheme of things that it was all- just an excuse to fire kubrakov, that the ministry will be separated, who will be
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the successor, and according to what principle the successor will be chosen for the castings, yes, for example, he will say, i will return personal income tax, well, what did they say to kubrako. did not work precisely at the regional level, but the regions were lost somewhere, yes, and the successor can say, i will return them to ukraine, our regional development will be great, and the basis of regional development is budgeting, we will return the pdf of the military there and the communities will become more decentralized , more independent, but no, but there will be a casting again based on the principle of whether a person can speak or whether you will free the office of the president. does she know how to sit there, sit on the diagram, but for fate i draw everything, or does she call one person the greatest leader of our time, well, this is the first in the test, this is the first question, that is, you do not pass this question, they do not go any further, that is are they ready
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to listen to the office of the president, but to growl at the regional military administrations and especially those who are building, some rural and urban ones will persistently drive them away. if there is such a readiness, it will be casting according to which criteria will be selected, and not at all according to professional qualities, not at all according to a list of european criteria issued directly, directly. this is not about any actual optimization of the work of the state apparatus, but about specific people, and we continue to create ministries under surnames, and not surnames under corresponding positions, yes, yes, exactly, exactly like that, and there is nothing more to add to what you said , that's right, byzantineism, mr. viktor, and how did the sumy oblast react to the story with solsky, his council fired him, we understand what is there own line... works, but we remember that it all started right there in your native
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lands, what do the people say, the locals, what do the locals say, what do they say, what did they get, well done, they took their shares back, they took their shares from solsky, i don’t know that, but you know what this scandal was about, the former state farms that did n’t even... and these things are permanent, permanent, i hope that something will still be left for the state, they have not been stolen that's all, i even know this topic from the past, even from the year before last, and even there and somewhere they addressed me, but to be honest, our organization never had to deal with it, so it was necessary to go there , wander there and so on, i am very glad that this scheme was twisted after all, but it is not a fact that
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with the arrival of solsky's successor that this scheme will not be untwisted again, it is not a fact at all, because the method of this, of this environment, which we know under the name of servants of the people or the president's office, well, these are such allied environments, their method is to steal and pawn. i listen to you and understand that the optimization of the structure of the government is in the unification of the two ministries of agriculture, where there was the tosol ministry, which was also dismissed by the ministries of wages, it will be called the ministry of wages and agriculture, and they appointed the head of the ministry of agriculture and everything that they they are not following the path that will save them, not only the country and the people, why don't they want to create a government, their own military cabinet in... rescue, we can say so, we have half a minute, it's just that simple the question, well, like truskavets university
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almost, their instincts do not allow them to do this, and this is the first and the second, they believe that they are looping, and somehow it will, somehow win, that you can steal, and create ungodly things and at the same time to win, they are such optimists, yes. well , that's the end of it, thank you for participating in our program, mr. viktor, viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy, was in touch with our studio from sumy, we have the opportunity to immediately continue on the same topics, maybe only more is better statistical analysis, because the movement honestly and carefully monitors all servants of the people, regardless of which party they belong to. factions and so on. oleksandr salizhenko , a parliamentary analyst of the chesno movement, is in touch with us. good
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morning. mr. oleksandr, if we may ask you to reflect briefly. actually , viktor boberenko and i were just talking about all these dismissals, appointments, reassignments, about the fact that kubrakov was dismissed, the ministries were first united, and now they will be separated. in general. how much time and resource can this whole process occupy, and where would it be more expedient to direct it under the given conditions during the war? it seems to me that the situation with the government and with the ministers, in general, the absence of ministers has significantly increased, it is meant, it demonstrates and very vividly that there is a crisis in the majority, so because of the fact that some... such as the minister of culture has been gone for eight months, and this is a very good example
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of the fact that the majority of the people's servants are unable to appoint a new person to this position, on the other hand, it also demonstrates the loss of subjectivity of the parliament in the conditions full-scale invasion, as well as in war, and demonstrates that decisions are not made that way. in the verkhovna rada, by people's deputies during voting, as the decision is made mainly in the president's office, and if the decision is not determined in the president's office, then it... will not be forwarded to the verkhovna rada, a vote will take place, but in general the trend is not very encouraging because , that well, in the conditions of a full-scale war, the absence of such a number of ministers for a long time, of course, it is not beneficial for the state and in general for everyone state institutions, but while
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there were still shots there, the regional assistant was just speaking from the podium, and during that time i remember how it was in those days when ukraine had a parliamentary-presidential republic, you probably also read this fiction book, yes, that we have a parliamentary-presidential form of government, and in this case it is also very important that the parliament works during the war, and finally , not even five years have passed since the journalists were returned to the verkhovna rada, at first we rejoiced, but then i remembered, yes i then remembered one. such a thing: in order to have an exclusive comment from some would-be criminal who ran off to smoke, it was necessary to have some kind of pretense of an assistant to the people's deputy, if only on public grounds in order to pass that door that the security guards, you know, there on the second floor, well, the rest had to be caught on the second floor, so that at least some comment or something would be explained, when they said that
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they were returning as many as 30 journalists to the third floor, i remembered that i used to like to hang out with the socialists there. mainly there were some exhibitions, well, there was an additional floor where you could hang out, there were almost no deputies there, this, this is the return of the media to a transparent parliament, this is the pinnacle of transparency, yes, i agree with you, we are also an honest movement, representatives of the honest movement used to go all the time, even in pre-war times, when it was possible to work on the sidelines, on the balcony, and on the third floor with... they equipped the press center, already when the quarantine began, that's why we also remember the restrictions , additional passes that have been introduced and have now resolved this return to do in a similar format, of course we welcome that although in this form journalists have finally returned to the parliament building
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in the last more than two years, this is the first time this has happened, but of course there is a number of but, due to the fact that journalists still do not, do not have being able to work on the balcony, follow the voting and speeches, but still in a separate room on the third floor, watch from the screen and meet only those people's deputies who themselves decided to go up to the third floor, and to hold, for example, a briefing or give one or another comment, but still, these are some ways to get... more, well, the third year of the war continues, i hope it will be like this, because we, in fact, are a movement honestly, in july 22nd, i made a public statement, one of the first, we announced that the return of journalists should take place, and since then we have systematically reminded about it in public statements and in our materials, but since
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then time, for example, we heard both from the leadership of the parliament and from people's deputies separately that it is... dangerous, that there are limitations to security, of course, we did not deny this, but as we can see, it finally happened, although not to the full extent in such a limited way, but it happened, and i hope that over time both the leadership of the parliament and the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, they will also expand this access and increase the number of public journalists working in the parliament, and will increase the area where they can work, first of all, on the balcony of the verkhovna rada, oksana, i am listening to you two, you are such dreamers, you talk about some resistance of journalists, i imagine such a journalistic revolution on the maidan, which is led by inter journalists accredited from the only marathon, leading pobedobesia, i look at you two and wonder if the inter journalists will start it, or if it’s the pros who will start this revolution,
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among parliamentary journalists, accredited journalists who worked in the verkhovna rada. there are not only them, due to the fact that i, for example, also used to go there all the time, and there are a number of colleagues who i think are able to unite and stand up for, that is, they even let journalists in, thirty journalists they even allowed journalists in, so there is hope that this will change over time, look, but now we will not complain that we do not have access, certain broadcasts are taking place. we can even say that almost online, sometimes there are several people's deputies who either make such broadcasts that are true, or add to themselves. in telegram channels and report that we are talking about it now, so-and-so is speaking here, how is this different, why one can do it and others
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can’t, what will change if you start, let’s say 30, but send different journalists there kudinyhn, the keyword, the keyword different, yes, i completely agree with you that this situation looks somewhat absurd when there is a ban on online broadcasting, but individual people's departments... it is carried out and not only in one social network, but immediately in several, and in youtube, and in tiktok, and in telegram, and there are different audiences, well , of course, and it works despite the fact that there is a voted separate resolution that prohibits it, but due to the fact that it is relatively difficult to apply any specific sanctions people's deputies are much more difficult than journalists, that's why we we see that there are broadcasts, and of course, on the one hand, this is an alter... so at least we can see what is happening in the session hall, on the other hand, well, it is still a distortion of the picture due to the fact that it is a broadcast of individual deputies , who are politically engaged, and not
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an objective picture from journalists who work in a designated place, yes, on a balcony and broadcast online, that's why it seems to me that the situation, if, of course , parliamentary journalists will not... will remain silent, yes they will declare their rights and the problems that exist in the work parliament, then the situation should change for the better, and actually the future of ukrainian parliamentary journalism looks like this, a separate room, 30 frightened people look at a small tv screen, on all platforms there are streamers working on all platforms , and accordingly hop-hop and this is what parliamentary journalism looks like approval control. of laws in parliamentary-presidential ukraine, which is rapidly approaching the european standards of the european union, did i finalize correctly? i partially agree with you, for
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us, for example, and we also analyze the data, that's why it is not necessary for us to be, for example, like other journalists directly on the balcony, we can analyze the data that appears on the website of the verkhovna rada, but it is obvious for other parliamentary journalists, colleagues from the tv channel. from other media, their presence on the balcony and in the hoods is absolutely necessary, and it directly affects their work. we absolutely agree, because from the stream of koli kotlety, well, koli obolonsky, nothing is clear, which law they will next consider, what amendments there will be. thank you for analysis and commentary, oleksandr salizhenko, parliamentary analyst of the honest movement, about the days of the flourishing of parliamentary democracy in ukraine. well, what you need to know about ukraine is that kharkiv region was under very heavy fire all night today, from the very morning, the russians are unsuccessful there, fortunately they are attacking, in a few minutes there will be news, much more about everything,
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10:59 am
free delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need, call, 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in... in ukraine and the world at this time khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. the increase in light tariffs is being discussed in the ministry of energy. this is one of the options to get resources for recovery after the russian attacks, - said deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk according to her, there is currently a significant energy deficit due to constant shelling of the infrastructure. so this can lead to blackouts. at the same time on...


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