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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parobiy is working in the studio. the increase in light tariffs is being discussed in the ministry of energy. this is one of the options to get resources for recovery after the russian attacks, said deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk. according to her , there is currently a significant deficit energies through constants. arrows
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of infrastructure. so this can lead to blackouts. at the same time, tariffs may also be affected by financial assistance from western partners. and to operational news. russian terrorists attacked the regional center with a s-300 missile in kharkiv oblast. an 11-year-old girl and a 72-year-old woman had an acute stress reaction. as a result of the attack, two houses were completely destroyed. 27 are damaged, 80 consumers are currently without electricity, four more have no gas, mayor ihor terekhov said. except moreover, according to the information of the head of the kharkiv region , oleh synigubov , a 62-year-old woman was injured as a result of the shelling of the village of liptsi. the russians also dropped a guided aerial bomb on an infrastructure object in dergachy. 25 buildings and 33 trade pavilions were damaged. and in
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the direction of vovchansk , the enemy drg tried to penetrate - said a serviceman of the 24th separate assault battalion aidar. according to him, the russians were looking for weak areas, but were repulsed. at the same time , the occupiers are charging in this direction. additional reserves, so the situation at the border with kharkiv region is very tense. one injured per day in kherson region. the occupiers aimed at residential quarters. damaged... 28 private houses were damaged, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the russians also hit a critical infrastructure facility and a gas pipeline, destroyed farm buildings and a warehouse. one person was injured in zaporizhzhia, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, reported. the occupiers struck the region 547 times during the day. 17 residential buildings were destroyed.
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he has already caused losses of half a billion dollars to the russian the ukrainian magura drone to the black sea fleet. such estimates were announced in the main intelligence office. the latest modernized version of the drone is already equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, so the functionality of the drone has significantly expanded. this week, magura's next target was the russian high-speed cadre in crimea. in general, during the year of using this marine drone, our scouts have already sunk more than half a dozen enemy ships and landing craft. tried to set up a webcam near the bridge to spy on the military. the sbu detained a russian informant in kropyvnytskyi. according to the investigation materials, he was going to film the movement of military echelons of the armed forces of ukraine and transmit the data to the russians in real time. and the occupiers wanted, according to these data. carry out strikes on the railway to
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disrupt the supply of arms and ammunition to the front lines of the eastern and southern fronts. the collaborator faces 12 years in prison. a sea mine was discovered at night on the coast of odesa, it was washed ashore by water. this was reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. on luckily no one was hurt. explosive technicians neutralized the ammunition by means of controlled detonation. on the day of trust, another 980 occupiers got their intuitions wrong and fell into ukrainian land. in total , almost 480,000 russians have gone into oblivion since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. also, our armed forces sent the garbage dump of history, five destroyed tanks, 32 bmps, 47 artists, four salvo fire systems and two anti-aircraft systems, as well as 77 units of cars and special equipment. the enemy,
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the general staff emphasizes, the data are indicative, and we we ask you to support our military: with your help, we collected funds for cars and equipment. for our defenders. two suvs for the air reconnaissance group of the air defense forces group. a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of fallen heroes, have already arrived in ukraine. but they need training for military service. our goal is uah 120,000. and it remains to collect only 800 hryvnias. so don't be indifferent. even the smallest donation makes a huge difference. all details. on the screen. germany will buy new installations for ukraine hymers, defense minister boris pistorius said. according to him, berlin together with the united states of america will transfer three additional systems of salvo fire. these
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installations are currently on the balance sheet of other western countries, but berlin is ready to pay for them. pistorius has not yet announced the approximate dates of the purchase and transfer of the systems. the us has announced new arms deliveries to ukraine, the statement was made by state department representative matthew miller. according to him, help will arrive in the coming weeks, but what exactly it will include, it is currently unknown. treatment of childhood trauma, fight against addictions and neuropsychological rehabilitation of military personnel. in the walls of the first medical association of lviv, doctors from all over ukraine, as well as... and france , exchanged their experience in helping patients with mental wounds. kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. nine-year-old mykhailo from kherson. six months ago, the boy was injured by mortar shelling by the occupiers. a fragment
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of ammunition pierced his skull and entered his brain. doctors were able to save his life child mykhailo was lucky to stay alive. the first two operations took us to mykolaiv, but the fragment remained in the head, and only the third operation was performed in lviv, we removed the fragment and collected his skull, placed a titanium-metal plate on top of the missing bones. after the experience, the child developed anxiety, mykhailo is afraid to leave his mother, and does not speak much, to heal the mental wound of the war, the lviv people from the unbroken kids center are helping the boy. currently, while he is still in a state of such active rehabilitation, he and i do not touch the injury, which he experienced, although he was conscious and remembered everything that happened to him. we don't talk about it, we concentrate more on
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game activities, on resource activities. in order to better investigate the mental wounds of the war in adults and children, they have already conducted in lviv. the third international conference on mental health. both clinical psychologists and educators took part in the discussion. foreign specialists from france and austria also joined the conversation. they discussed the specifics of treatment of children's trauma, post-traumatic diagnosis stress disorder, art therapy techniques and neuropsychological rehabilitation of military personnel. trauma always stops. trauma is always isolating. and when it stops, it isolates a mature person. age, in principle, there is damage, but this damage can somehow be processed with the already existing value systems in the head, the child, he is on the march of development, and when an injury stops him on the march of development, he does not have enough resources to fix it and help to
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himself air strikes, explosions, forced relocations and other factors have a negative impact on the psyche of children, it manifests itself in mood swings, irritability. high level of anxiety, sensitivity to loud sounds and sleep problems. school psychologists can recognize signs of trauma and help deal with stress properly. in fact, it's very important here to teach children relaxation and self-soothing techniques, and that's probably what we work on the most, yes, because we live in a state of war, and accordingly, children have to be able to cope with that, and the first thing we do , well, what i personally do is teach there are different breathing techniques. grounding technique, when children work on it in a normal everyday way, and when they, for example, have this moment of a stressful situation, they already know how to cope with it. according to the statistics of the international organization
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unicef, as of february this year, 36% of young ukrainians suffered psychological trauma from the war. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. we will summarize the morning at 12 o'clock, you will find more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your likes, my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the ater, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. well, actually, just as our colleagues told us, the most brutal shelling of the north of the kharkiv region, especially vovchansk, lasted the whole night, and this fits into the overall picture of this situation. an emotional and psychological attack on kharkiv, but the cpd also says that despite the fact
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that vovchansk is 70 km from kharkiv, it is not the body, the means and the forces that could repeat the tragic events of 22 we had to knock out russian tanks right on the ring road near kharkiv, this is quite another thing, but the terror is massive enough, because everything that shoots, it fired all night in kharkiv region, and further... battles are raging in kharkiv region, russian infantry is attacking, trying to storm somewhere, this is borysivka, watchful, beautiful, unsuccessfully, luckily and we thank our defenders, this is the direction of the shooter and the gunner, they say that there are places where our boys and girls drove the enemy away so effectively and efficiently that you don’t really want to leave them to come back and try... more once somehow attack. artillery, mortar calculations are working successfully, they are working on
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the russian occupiers, on their clusters, on tactical groups, fpv drones are used, so if you somewhere donated fpv drones to those directions, know that perhaps your participation in this process is also significant. and actually, if you have the opportunity to donate, you can do it now, because at the bottom of the screen there is a qr code and a card number, it is not for fpv drones, it is... quad bikes, but it is also a necessary thing, because they can deliver ammunition, they can evacuate the wounded, allow our defenders to move quickly along the front line, this is for the cold ravine of the 93rd brigade, please support, and after all, any levy that our defenders now announce is what needs to be supported in the first place, here are these two qr codes, here are these two cards, they are on... you can see below them, but i don't know if we already have a video ready, which
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we just can't help but share, this video made our morning with oksana, if we we have the opportunity to show it, then it will be a good summary of what happened during the other day, on the territory of the country, the aggressors were having fun in pobedobesiya, although the parade came out kind of unflattering and... and with one t-34 and another nuclear threat, but now look at this video, i believe that this is a total answer to the question of whether they want russian wars, but since the casting of the actors is chosen like this, i especially like this action movie on the right of the pope, the pope in budyonovka, and it seems to me that you and i are becoming eyewitnesses to how quentin tarantino will film the continuation of the infamous bastard. two and it was a casting, these are the ones who you probably won, well, you want to watch it
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again, this video will really make your day, in the meantime we will talk about our brothers and allies sakartvelo, we are in touch with the georgian politician khatiya dekanaidze, mrs. khatiya, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, yes, we don't hear you yet, but we can already see, actually we will ask what is happening now. in georgia, and how much of a chance is there to overthrow the pro-russian regime by the hands of the people, to stop this russian law on foreign agents and to remove this curse that is already being heard from europe that it is necessary to suspend the status of a candidate for the european union for georgia precisely because of these attempts at russian practices and undemocratic laws, as mentioned above.
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and the most important thing is that we will not stop, next week, next week there will be the third reading in the parliament of georgia, after that there will be a committee meeting, and then there will be a session, and tomorrow we
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will have a huge march, a european march, and we will... we will try again on tuesday and wednesday to see when the legislation will be adopted, and what concerns of terror, literally the day before yesterday and last night, these aunties appeared on almost all the streets, and they put up stickers of others. and this is precisely the russian terror that is happening in our country. ms. khatiye, in your opinion, is it necessary, if even more people come out, and if so, how many more people are needed in order for it to come out, so that the authorities do stop, to stop arresting, beating people in order to
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stop this process, well, a lot we need people well , a lot of people are needed, and i think there will be a lot of us, last week we had a lot of people, about 120,000 members, and i hope there will be a lot of people tomorrow as well, you know, even yesterday they called the kids, you know, and just argued on the phone, they called my house as well and threatened me, that is, they. .. should understand that we are not afraid of them, we are not afraid of ivanishvili, we are not afraid of the police who use force against the demonstrators, we have no way back, because we are acting in the national interests of georgia, what will happen, well, maybe the european commission will actually reject the actual status of the eu candidate for
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georgia, maybe there will be those. apply some sanctions against those who oppose the people of georgia, that is, it concerns those deputies who voted for the russian law, namely ivanishvili and the representatives of the presidential administration, that is , we have a very difficult situation now, we have russian terrorists like me already said, in our country people call... belarus, in 2012, 10, 11 years, and the same thing that happened during yanukovych's time in ukraine. yes, actually, mr. ms. khatya, you took it straight from the tongue, i am watching this footage of a protester standing with a flag
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of the european union, the police shoot him down with a water cannon. in fact, similar shots before... the beginning of the euromaidan in ukraine , commentators present us with the distribution of forces in georgia now in such a way that, in fact, the government, this georgian dream of ivanishvili, relies on something, appeased or relies on the support of the rural electorate, but georgians, city dwellers, especially capitals, these are the ones who are against... against this russian scenario and russian legislation, or is that how it all looks, because this is how they show us in a simplified way this diagram of the schedule of support forces for and against in georgia? i wouldn't say that they have an electorate in the form of a rural population, yes of course, you are right, the entire police force goes to the streets,
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there are demonstrations in big cities, but do you know who supports him? of people who work in the public sector, that's the biggest sector where people find work, and you know there's still about a million people, well maybe not a million, but about 800,000 who are on welfare. and the most important thing is that the people who are now in
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the majority in the parliament, in the parliament in the majority, they cannot leave. mrs hatiye, alarming signals from brussels, because meps are now calling on borel. say stop georgia's candidacy to the eu, precisely because of this law. we remember about such an advance , actually about this step towards meeting georgia, but now they want to take this step back. if this happens, if they convince burel, if they convince all their colleagues, what damage will it cause to georgia, will people actually understand those who oppose the law, will they understand that they are losing support and are they ready to fight for it? look, well, again, i already am spoke, it seems that the connection has been lost, but the main platform for ivanishvili is
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the special services and the police, but the most important thing is that we must consolidate our forces with our foreign partners, and accordingly, when we negotiate with partners, the most important thing is that everyone understands , that ivanishvili is a pro-russian oligarch. it must be sanctioned, all those who voted for the adoption of the russian law must be sanctioned, you know, there are so many people who have children, family members studying in the united states, in europe, receive the citizenship of the united states, for example, baribashvili, who is the former prime minister of georgia, yes, the biggest pro-russian such a bright representative, his son studies at the university in pennsylvania. that is, they must all be sanctioned, and they must all understand that they will not actually be able to receive this welfare that
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our western partners give us in the case of a different policy. ms. hatiye, in conclusion, let's sum it all up, as of now, this is an intermediate stage, it's actually a new wave protests, but nothing is clear that in the end, that is... for you, it will be a revolution, it will be you who will sweep away this pro-russian government and security forces, or they will transplant you all in one way or another, and they will stop, is there any third party the scenario of the end of all this, well, look, you are absolutely right, either they us or we them, that the parliamentary elections. there are parliamentary elections already in october , we wanted to change the government peacefully, and this was initially
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discussed, because we do not want any conflict, especially for our youth, because the youth are protesting, well, let's see, i don't have any script at the moment, we are trying to do everything so that they do not accept this law and we will do it. all for the sake of it, and what happens next week, i think it's going to be a very difficult week. and in short, what is your plan of action? am i talking now about the resistance to this law, and about resistance, and about the movement after all in the direction of europe? and we have a plan for protests, a plan for a demonstration, tomorrow we will have a march, next week we will have several. sessions, many of our partners should come to georgia, of course, we will have meetings, we will have a very consolidated approach, that is
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, we are not going to stop, we will continue to fight with all our strength, we have a moral platform on our side, because we are right, we are on the side of light history, on their... side is old history, that is, it is very important that everyone understands, all citizens of georgia understand what will await them, and accordingly, that they also protest, and we wish a free european sakartva, and good luck to you, ms. khatia, khatiya dekanavidze, georgian politics, about what is happening now in georgia, yes, one way or another it already looks like a kind of revolution, will it win and gain a foothold, will it? we will see in the coming weeks, when they will move to the third final reading of this law, let's go now for a short break, then we will talk
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about global affairs in general. and more philosophical will be with us serhiy rudenko, our colleague, tv presenter, writer, publicist, we will talk about why the russian-ukrainian war happened, stay tuned by us when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the mattrick stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. top order toperick for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will not only a new item of interior, and still quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and
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inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. from the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and. attention to liver and bile are coming back and as promised, let's make an agreement with you, you donate, and we tell interesting, important things, actually we don't tell, we ask, our guests tell, our next guest will be serhiy rudenko, tv presenter, writer, publicist , mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations oksano, congratulations roman, you, well, we congratulate you too, we congratulate you actually with the new
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book. and it is very important, you are.


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