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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, allohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. we are coming back, and as promised, let's make an agreement with you, you donate, and we tell interesting, important things, actually we don't tell, we ask, our guests tell, our next guest will be serhiy rudenko, tv presenter, writer, publicist, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations oksana, congratulations romana, well, we congratulate you too, we congratulate you actually with the new book, and this is very important, you you... tim
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more that the book, as they say, is hot in all senses of the word, the anatomy of hatred, putin and ukraine. you know, i am like an author who collected everything, including insider things, which may not have been particularly publicly recognized in our transparent democratic society, in a word, after easter in april and barbecue in may , two and a half years have already passed since the war, do you give in your book... an answer to the question of those who are still breaking spears in the deep body in social networks about whether or not the choice of ukrainians became the cause of a full-scale attack by putin and russia on ukraine, did you find an answer to these contributors in your book? i think that ukraine is doomed to war with russia and has been doomed for a long time, actually this war has never ended. for several centuries, i am
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convinced that the great war would have been in in any case, russia against ukraine, because putin's task during the last 24 years of his stay in power is either to destroy ukraine, or, well, at the first stage, to tame ukraine, this is the period of yanukovych and the period of yushchenko, this is the beginning of the 2000s, and. .. or destroy, actually this period began in 2014 and continued in 2022, of course, in 2022 , putin felt his strength and the weakness of the current ukrainian government, which is why he actually went on a major invasion, but i was and remain convinced that did not prepare for the war only putin, and yeltsin was also preparing, and this was all during the last 33... years of our
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independence, obviously, in this case we can also talk about whether we were preparing for this war during these 33 years, obviously not . mr. serhiy, in what way did they prepare for this war, i am not talking about recent years, not about some military accumulation of equipment and personnel, but about how deeply they took our country under their control, how deeply... this their network of agents was formed by these cans, which now also very often give up their positions, and the pso conducts and so on, the fact is that this creeping annexation of ukraine began from the moment ukraine gained independence, and maybe even before ukraine, because in the 90th year absolutely everyone understood that...
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that it was about the possible collapse of the soviet union and that ukraine was and remains an important element of the entire russian empire or part of the soviet union or the post-soviet union, that is why they tried to hastily drag ukraine into the commonwealth of independent states, then they were various agreements regarding the black sea fleet and ukraine's gas debts, then a rather powerful russian political lobby was formed. political lobby in ukraine, the majority of ukrainian politicians and presidents in one way or another were tied to the gas facilities of the russian federation, that is , a whole generation of ukrainian politics and ukrainian business grew up on russian gas money and on business with the russian federation, humanitarian annexation, informational annexation took place in parallel , when both show business and the information field.
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ukraine tamed, or tried to to be completely destroyed by the representatives of the russian federation, we, we remember it all very well, by the way, the current president zelensky was also a part of... this humanitarian field, which putin's team tried to water very abundantly, and not only putin, and also yeltsin, because we remember how, until the 14th year , a lot of those people who we now call putinists, or those people who support the putin regime, appeared in the shows of the current president. and this was also a large humanitarian annexation that was spread on tv channels that were controlled in one way or another by the russian federation, we have seen what happened to political parties, let me remind you that we even had a party once called the putin party, which in 2006
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ran for the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was completely recently, and when the party of putin's politics, it was called, yes, yes, yes, yes, and in 2006 it scored. there are some percentages, but of course these percentages were given by sevastopol, but the very fact that this party was even admitted to the parliamentary elections, for a very long time putin himself, as a figure, as a political figure, had a corresponding rating in the ukrainian state, he was supported there, or at least somehow identified there by 60 or 55 percent of the population, it seems to me, that is, this whole story, it is ancient, ancient the history of this war. that is, at that time there was a lot of all this, as an association, but i, on the other hand, wanted you, as the author of the book anatomy of hate,
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to actually tell us whether you managed to find an answer specifically to the question of anatomy, because once upon a time romantic westerns... .singers like sting sang that russians love their children, just like everyone, russians loves her children too, and the russians loved to go out and sing do they want russian war, and now during this invasion we just see mass psychosis, and they want a final solution to the ukrainian issue through genocide and the destruction of every last ukrainian, maybe even more than putin, and there are a lot of them, have you found the key to this anatomy... of genocide against ukrainians in your book? the fact is that russians have hated ukrainians for centuries, they believe that ukrainians are the same russians, only they speak in some strange language of their own and say that they are ukrainians, in fact they are not
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ukrainians, they are the same russians, only they are showing off, and it is clear that over the centuries in the consciousness of all russians . it was said that there are no ukrainians, that there is no ukraine, and that everything that is on the territory of ukraine is russian, it is simply, well, let's say so, with its own local flavor, and of course, here, when we talk about the anatomy of this war, putin agreed with his hatred of people and hatred of ukraine with this great horde that we call russian. people, i.e. their goals now completely coincide, i would like to remind you that this topic, which the russians are now quite actively pumping information about the fact that ukrainians are nazis over there or ukrainians over there are fascists, they
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started long before the war in ukraine, long ago until 2014, in 2003, i was in the pool of journalists who flew with yushchenko to... donetsk, it was october 30, 2003, and when we sat down at the donetsk airport, quite dramatically, and we began to drive through the streets of donetsk, we were met by bordy, where viktor andriyovych was in a nazi uniform, well, that is , they present him with a pumpkin, well, roman definitely remembers this, they present a pumpkin, they say that they say we did not expect you here and that in general you are fascists and you are not expected here, it was 2000. the third year, and that’s when this topic of our ukraine and the political-technological distortion of the name of this bloc to nashists, oh nashists, nashists, they very actively promoted this topic, as a result, they then began to talk about
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the fact that we are fascists and nazis, we simply did not yet understand that as a result of this, these rather funny boards, well, how funny, well , they were not funny, but rather incomprehensible to us, so... well, they were perceived wildly then , but if you put this puzzle together now, here is sergius, here is the fascisization of ukrainian-speaking ukrainians, at least in the form of those boards, or creation. even in 2006 , the flag of the dnr was already the flag of this organization, and in the same donetsk, they were looked at as urban lunatics. now this is all one plan to prepare for this war. i will tell you more one plan, which is not so often mentioned now, but this plan, which was probably from the end of the 90s, when russian political technologists, who are now ideologues of racism, well, in particular , timofey sergeytsev, there kulikov, kirill kulikov, all of them. are now representatives of putin's this big flywheel,
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which is called putin's propaganda. tymofiy serhiytsev worked with many ukrainian politicians, he was a political technologist, he worked with kuchma, he worked with pinchuk, he worked with other ukrainian state leaders, in 22 wrote a large text, during already, when there was a full-scale invasion, said about that. that we should in general destroy the entire country and burn ukrainians, that is, these fascists actually controlled some headquarters and some politicians in ukraine in terms of political technology, that is , when i started to write all this, i honestly had thick hair, because when i put it together everything is a puzzle, i understood that this war, it has been going on forever, it is just an open phase of it, the biggest phase began on february 24 , 2020, but mr. sergey, you are for yourself found an answer to the question of how much
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our society has changed, we have already seen now, from the point of view of today, that then, who was then wrong and who was a fascist then, who was a nazi, now the russians are trying some of the same methods, the same patterns to use against ukrainians, they simply find other places where they can divide us, divide us, call us names. can we overcome it, or are we now so smart and wise that we can pass, be above it, or do we need to place some new accents and emphasize that attention, be be careful, the point is that oksana, these are the things that divide them, the political-technological division of ukrainians, there are easterners into westerners, russian-speaking people into ukrainian-speaking people, there is the first class, the second, the third, as they once drew these maps in 2004, that is, they were all , it was an artificial
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division of the country, and which did not allow ukrainians to gather into a single strong nation, which would not allow them to be divided, quarrel among themselves, several churches, the moscow church is still working, the ukrainian ocu church is working and received tomos, but a lot of people go to moscow the church now an artificial division has begun, who is in the army, who is evading, who is not evading, that is, these lines of division were still there, they remain in ukraine, and the sooner we overcome them all together, we have not overcome - these divisions, it is clear that people who live in the south and east of ukraine, even after moving to europe, speak the ukrainian language, and the poles there or the germans do not understand how the ukrainians came, they speak russian , that is, we have... there are still a lot of issues to be worked out for of becoming a single strong nation, but the basis of this single strong nation
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nation is the armed forces of ukraine, this is the structure that united russian-speaking, ukrainian-speaking people from the east, south, and west, and this is the structure that is now trying to sew, well, as zelensky once said that i want ukraine to be stitched together, he... failed as a politician, it succeeded, well, nothing new on this dvdpera planet, divide and rule only in the wild performance of the wild golden horde orts, mr. serhiy, we thank you once again, congratulations that with a new book as an author, it can already be bought somewhere, or do you need to pre-order it, where you can get it, it's just here... today it was opened as a pre-order, so go to the website of the old lion publishing house, you can see
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the pre-order price here, and from the 10th it starts selling, and on may 24th the mailing of this book with a beautiful cover with a beautiful cover by andriy yarmolenko, we know the beautiful andriy, so once again we congratulate you, see where you can already make pre-orders in the stary lev publishing house, our colleague and writer was with us, he, at the finish of our morning program with oksana we have one more guest, people's deputy rostyslav pavlenko. mr. rostislav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations, very glad to see. perhaps, mr. rostislav, you are the very person to whom, in secret, yesterday, kubrakov reported, well, in particular, about various funds and programs, and you will share with us how the vice-prime minister and the minister gloriously ended their journey with a report on the completed, over-fulfilled
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obligations, i would have gladly shared, only he forgot to get to the council, as far as i understand, he was not exactly on the podium, so all of us and the whole hall and the whole country can only guess what kind of achievements these are, but the way he was escorted in quotes by all the telegram scum associated with the bank show that, well, the plot about spiders in the bank is a little like that, he is very in demand now, and it was just very strange, when, let's say, we know all the jokers and other stuff, and when they mixed it with shit, it was. wildly, because the very same telegram channels once explained that kubrakov was cooler, well, well, unless it was schwarzenegger, well, that’s why they talk about what you know, using the terms about ate, pushed out and so on, that's how you explain the situation that happened, but in order to be able to quote all these tricks and other jokers here, let's just say that
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the interaction with obviously someone didn't like the partners very much. among the five or six managers of the bank, there is one less manager, it will just be interesting to see how it will now be functionally filled. mr. rostyslav, please tell me if there is already an answer, or if an unofficial reaction is possible either from the prosecutor general's office or from our from the security service of ukraine of workers, i am talking now about the deputy's appeal regarding the speech of the 95th quarter, where history is actually ridiculed. with an employee of the tsk from rivne, this is the army there, who got into a scandal because the cameras captured how he was having a good time with his friends at the same time, the legal cameras and the video were leaked by a temporarily alive sharia, who is being hunted by our law enforcement officers, so that the full picture is this
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whole video, in addition to the fact that there is this story, there are important details, because there are also... elements of sexism, there are elements of military in the form that actually we also give a couple of frames to a warring country, so here it is, please see if you have any reaction, yes, mr. rostislav, you hear us, because we do not hear you, i hear and see, i just even to comment or yes, studio, well , to be honest, just a little bit, well, you have a law on the media... you can express yourself as you want, these are the emotions, so let's say, within the limits that the law on the media allows us, these are not similitudes, and should not simply end in public condemnation, therefore, in european solidarity, we decided to turn to law enforcement agencies, there is still no reaction, but well, we will insist that there be one, they have some 5 days or so for an official notification, if they do not
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register, they will tell us that all this is not under their jurisdiction, not theirs cases and so on, well... there is an opportunity to force them to do it through the court, because this is just a continuation of the tradition that not a quarter goes without a hitch, yes, even at the beginning of the year there was a horror about the abuse of forcibly displaced persons, now it's just mockery of military uniform, well, it just needs to be stopped, listen, and what i remember is that at the legislative level in our country it is not allowed to put on a military uniform for anyone, except for the ones worn by our defenders, our armed forces, why then it can be used in such show, in such shootings, well, at the same time, let them answer this too, they will probably say that this is some kind of stylization, but nothing is stylization, and there are definitely elements of flattery here, well, at least in our opinion, and this is precisely what colleagues have addressed to law enforcement agencies. sir
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rostislav, help our program and our guests, today we spoke with kherson. today we spoke with odesa and mykolaiv, and this is the situation. it was at the local level yesterday in pobidobesiya that the selective inaction of the security service of ukraine was absolutely manifested, at least, in relation to people who were submitted to the authorities according to the lists of collaborators, for example, in kherson. now they actually played in pobedobeys and further in the russian measure, they remain... in kherson and in the territory under the control of the list of known inactivity that applies to odesa, mykolaiv, the situation is different there, the moscow pope as a sign of solidarity with they rang the bells and they continue to do the same thing that they have been doing since the beginning of the invasion and preparing for this invasion, that is, the agency is working, the faces of the faces are known
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, surnames, attendance records, passwords, all this is there, but the sbu at the local level does not train them, can you you, as a people's deputy, reach the kid's offices, in fact, this is what our guests from the south asked for, well, it's obvious that we will do it, we will also respond. address to direct because it this is unacceptable, and unfortunately, in the southern region there are a lot of questions about the collaborators who walk the streets, and some even get a position, here you just really need to push, if someone pretends not to notice it, but you mentioned the moscow priests and, well , the plenary week is actually coming to an end, and already there the meeting is almost over, but they didn't find time to put a law on the ban of the moscow church, and that's how it was postponed. when the leadership of the verkhovna rada will agree with the president's office, when the session will be convened again, and it is not a fact that even then this law will come up for consideration, and it is obvious that
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the moscow popes are watching, because they see that the ukrainian state is somehow as ill-equipped as their curators from moscow say to deal with their question in essence. we have about two minutes left, and in continuation of this topic, you remember, there was a story with cameras that simply broadcast everything that happens. they show shelling, the russians use it, but now the sbu, this is just a positive example of their activity, they detained a resident kropyvnytskyi, who tried to install such a camera in order to track how they move and then adjust the blows, that with this initiative, when all the webcams in public places should be somehow more controlled, it is not possible anywhere, anywhere who is to set all this and, accordingly, also observe it. then on the streets of our cities, well, i really hope that just this information from kropyvnytskyi just proves that this work is being carried out, because at that time there was a scandal when there were
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hits in kyiv, and here, by the way, speaking again about the anonymous telegram channels, it all merged from the cameras to those telegram channels almost immediately, and rusnia could coordinate the hits accordingly almost online, that's why after that it was so very... the sbu made loud statements, some heads even flew there, it seems, there were stories that all these systems will be taken under control, i really hope that this information from kropyvnytskyi shows that at least something has been done in this direction. yes, look, i'm looking at farewell poems now from our enemies, stand up, children, write the letter z, there is no better letter in the world, a half-swastika of victories drawn in blood, this is what is happening in the south as well. the anthem of the soviet union or the anthem of russia is playing from kabaka, the lyrics are just stupidly written. in a word, mr. rostyslav, we will be very grateful if you
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convey these messages from the south of ukraine to the kid and to those correct sbushniks of ours. thank you for participating in our program. rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine, in particular, about the prospect of adopting the final law on the ban of the russian church to the 300th year, on this note roman and i also say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, take care, donate to the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine and stay with espresso in a few minutes of news, khrystyna parubiy summarizes today's morning with the most important information . gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from repack tv. hurry up
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12:00 pm
let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the espresso channel, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. the occupiers intensified attacks on the northern border of ukraine. first of all, they strike. in vovchansk, kharkiv oblast. all night there continued shelling from the air force, as well as zersev and artillery, said the head of the kharkiv region oleg senigubov. he assured that the enemy group does not pose a threat to kharkiv. the russians, they say, now have enough strength only for provocations in the northern direction. also , during the night , enemy drgs tried to infiltrate in the direction of vovchansk - a serviceman reported. 24


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