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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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we joined, and our time is over, i remind you once again about the collection, please join, the qr code is in front of you, it is for the repair of armored vehicles, and stay with the espresso tv channel, in the end. in ukraine, it's 2:00 p.m., and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. an elderly woman died in the morning due to shelling of the esman community in sumy oblast, and her granddaughter was wounded. the
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regional prosecutor's office reported. the enemy covered the border villages with fire artillery the authorities are urging locals to evacuate from dangerous areas. the russians tried to break through the border in the kharkiv region. this was officially confirmed by the ministry of defense. at five o'clock in the morning, the enemy, supported by artillery , tried to pass through armored vehicles from the side of vovchansk. ukrainian defenders repelled the attack at the border. the fighting is still going on. to strengthen the defense in this area of ​​the front. directed reserve units. meanwhile , mass evacuation of the population from vovchansk and surrounding villages continues. as the head of the city administration tomas gambarashvili told. in comments to the public radio, people go mostly by their own transport. those who do not have a car are helped by volunteers and the police. in kyiv , power outage schedules are being introduced for industry and business. this is due to... the difficult situation
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in the country's energy system, the capital city military administration reported. the restrictions will come into effect today at 6:00 p.m. and will last until 7:00 a.m. the lights will not be turned off for residents of the capital, but the authorities ask to save electricity, especially in peak evening hours. the increase in light tariffs is being discussed in the ministry of energy. this is one of the options to... get resources for recovery after the russian attacks, deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk said. according to her, there is currently a significant shortage of electricity due to constant shelling of the infrastructure. so this can lead to blackouts. at the same time, the tariffs may also be affected by financial assistance from western partners. volodymyr zelenskyi will retain the powers of the president after the end of the five-year term on the 21st. in may,
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minister of justice denys malyuska emphasized this in his comments to journalists. according to him , all decisions of the current head of state will be legitimate until the election of the next president. the next elections in ukraine were supposed to be held in the spring of this year, but the law prohibits conducting detection due to the legal regime of martial law in ukraine. dozens protesters took to the streets of warsaw in the center of the city, the demonstrators are protesting against the implementation of the european green course policy in poland. more will be told by our correspondent maria chernyakhivska, who is in direct contact with us from the polish capital. maria, i congratulate you and await all the details from you. congratulations iryna, the protest started in the center of the old city, and now about... a huge column is moving towards
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the building of the polish diet. of course, the entire city center is closed, neither public nor private transport is moving. many policemen, because we remember that at past protests there were clashes, in particular with policemen. actually, today it cannot be said that this is a protest of farmers, under flags of certain pro-union organizations. and these are representatives of various working professions, today they are protesting against the implementation of the course of the european union, the green system, this is such a long-term project aimed at improving the environmental situation in the eu, but it affects changes in many areas, both in the field of transport and in the field of industry, and agriculture. today , trade union activists announced that they will collect signatures for a referendum. so that poles
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can decide whether they want to take participation in this project or not, they will also present a petition to politicians today, but we decided to ask the people... who are marching under the flags today, specifically, what exactly they don't like about this green course. let's hear what they had to say. we are fighting for a green order. we are fighting for the abolition of the rules imposed on us by brussels. warming of buildings, thermal insulation of machines. we are simply fighting for the protection of the motherland and for our polish land, so that everyone remembers that for us... the raw materials that are available must be replaced other technologies that are not tested, i do not like the fact that our polish will provoke a wave of unemployment and high prices, i
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do not agree with this, it is a blow to polish families and the least protected citizens. i will add that this protest is supported in particular by representatives of certain opposition parties, and the day before the minister of agriculture and rural development of poland said that he sees in this protest a political subtext to shake up the situation in poland on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, which will already be held in poland. maria chernyakhivska from warsaw. and we are moving on, and the first f-16 fighter finally appeared in ukraine, although in the form of a simulator, it was handed over
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to us by the czech republic - said air force commander mykola olyschuk. representatives of the czech company have trained five specialists who will work on simulators, and will later become. by f-16 piloting instructors. the unique device is already being tested and prepared for operation by our military. we take off, pass along the route, reach the target and use our weapons. we have the first in the aviation simulator of the american fighter provided by the czech republic to ukraine, its main module is already being tested by experts at the base of one of the tactical aviation brigades. next, hydraulics will be installed. into the cockpit so that the pilot can experience the realism of the training flight as much as possible. this is not a simulator, this is a full-fledged flight simulator with a real f-16 cockpit from vrgener. the pilot can clearly feel where the controls are located, what he saw in
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flight, what signals are passing, we are performing a takeoff, a passage along a route, an exit to a target and use of our weapons. now we have ... air-to-air amram 120 missiles, and now we will try to use the search for a target, the capture of this target and the launch of said missiles. in the kyiv region, the security service of ukraine detained five more bloggers who were working to disrupt the mobilization in ukraine. they filmed provocative streams, created fakes about servicemen and representatives of military leaders. such content was picked up en masse. russian propagandists, as well as those involved, spread information about the movement of ukrainian defenders. the perpetrators face up to eight years in prison. at least 107 people have died due to flooding in southern brazil. another 136 are considered
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missing, reuters reports. more than 165,000 residents of the affected rio grande dusul state had to leave their flooded homes. houses, escaping by boats and helicopters. currently , search and rescue operations continue. the rescuers were also able to free the horse, which spent about two days on the roof of the house surrounded by water. and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone hostilities in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. renovation. the recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver to the zone military operations, mobile
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repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 63,000 uah. join our gathering and me i hope you can now see the card number that is in the credits, so you can join and... donate to the armed forces of ukraine. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our espresso website. also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. well, my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, so what, we will inform you about all the most important events of this day, there are extremely many events, an extremely alarming situation in the kharkiv region, yes, well, let's talk about this and not only about this, ivan stupak is in touch with us, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-15, glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, thank you for invited, congratulations, well... powerful activation of the enemy in the kharkiv region, that is, if we take the official message from the head of the kharkiv regional military administration , sinigubov. yes, the direct speech of the kharkiv governor. the occupiers intensified their shelling in the northern direction. first of all, the enemy strikes the city of vovchansk. the shelling of skabiv, arsezave, and artillery continued all night, all night, and there were unsuccessful attempts by the drg to break through the border. the armed forces of ukraine confidently hold their positions. the enemy's group does not pose a threat to kharkiv, its forces are only sufficient for provocation in the northern
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direction, on the other hand, there was information at the time that the enemy was forming and concentrating manpower there, forming a certain combat group, numbering about five tens of thousands of personnel . mr. ivan, i speak to you, kharkiv region. yes, look, well, in principle, you mentioned everything that really is such a big drg, a big assault, but as it was... so once again we refer only to open sources, so we do not operate on any gossip, official sources say that so far , well, at the moment, the russians do not have the strength to break through, so of course there are attempts to go into the nearest villages on the border, to take them, there are even photos of russians, well, members of the russian drg, who are lying down, and do not show signs of life, well, normal history for the russian drg. with regarding the number, there are such very preliminary figures. we cannot verify them yet, but approximately 8-10 thousand russian
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troops are in the bryansk region, in the kursk region there are 8-10 and the other 8-10 thousand, and in the belgrade region there is such a figure, it is called under 30,000 personnel composition, what is there, well, the number that is located, it is called several hundred tanks, armored cars, so far we have not seen this in person, er... satellite images of the territory about the placement of such a large amount of equipment, well, we do not have them, but they are in in principle, there are still instructions that can try and further shake up the situation, we don't know how much resources they have, but they really do have such attempts so far, and we are watching them. mr. ivan, can we talk about the fact that this attempt to break through the border now at 5 am, as officially stated by the ministry of defense of ukraine, is already the beginning of the offensive. the operation that our intelligence spoke about, that the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk spoke about, that
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there will be attempts to go to kharkiv oblast and sumshchyna, do you think that these are already certain glimpses of those efforts? well, certain, certain glimpses, we don't know how it will end, maybe these attempts will end everything, maybe it's just a preparatory stage and then they will swing much more seriously, well at the moment it's hard to understand, again, i just don't want to introduce your viewers to... say, for example, that it’s okay, it’s all okay, it’s just that they tried, everything will end, or on the contrary, give a polar opinion, all this is what they said, a large-scale offensive has begun, it is necessary run away, well, that is, we understand that we must stay as far away from these two polar situations as possible, but constantly observe, constantly trust official sources, i strongly urge your esteemed viewers not to trust, well, again, telegram channels of information like, familiar classmate . a colleague of budanov’s or malyuk’s best man said that everything is a sham, everything is a khan, you have to run away, well, please
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don’t forget that the russians are also standing on this side, they are also trying to shake the situation, and panic is the most appropriate for them right now and quality ally. well, an important, important message from andriy kovalenko's center for countering disinformation of the nsdc. russia may have the resources to intensify actions on the border of the kharkiv region, but about the attack on kharkiv. there is no question, the defense forces control the situation, and the actions of the russian troops, according to mr. kovalenko, are predictable, yes, well, but we understand that there are many. very important news inside our country, not related to the situation at the border, well, let's hope that the chief of the border was dismissed general rudy's state security department, well, i would like to point out to our tv viewers right away, that is, the udo is not just some
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structure there that is engaged in the protection of state facilities, they are responsible for, in particular. and for the safety of the first persons of our state, well , a few days ago there was scandalous news, well, in principle, the news is good, but a scandal remains a scandal, that two colonels of the udo, as if playing along with the enemy in extremely dangerous games, that is, it is about attempts on the first persons of our state. after that there was a certain pause, so the name of even a certain one of the colonels was made public. well, now the general has put uh, not a party ticket, well, with his own statement on the table, yes, as far as we understand, there will be certain personnel changes, the absolutely correct decision of the president, absolutely, because it was impossible to reduce this situation to the brakes, to say well there are such punctures, of course, it's nothing, this puncture could
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have cost the life of the president, kid budanov, that is, to put it mildly, well, it's a very... catastrophic situation regarding the dismissal mr. rudy, come on, there are such evil gossips , there are also gossips about the fact that one of the detainees, who, by the way, testified to the camera, his face was obscured, he is the godfather of the chief, the former head of the state security department, and that's the kind of closeness that is, she mumbles in plain language, yes, but once again this is evil gossip, i can’t forge... there is no certificate with a seal of an extract from the state registry of comity, we don’t have such a thing, but there is such information, it’s really unpleasant, but once again, these colonels, they did not belong to of the president's inner circle, they did not follow the president 2.4 out of 7, they provided a certain security for his events, outings, one of them, by the way, was responsible for
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outings, for example, ternopil oblast, khmelnytskyi, odesa, in the direction. line of demarcation, that is, he used to be in charge, but the last year he was, as they say, already out of control, they tried to transfer him to a lower position, i guess, maybe this is my guess, that it is precisely that the last year tried to knock this person out of positions and transferred to a lower position, it led to great resentment, and perhaps, i suppose, he decided, well , to get some satisfaction, to take revenge and surrender to the russians, or to take part in this... operation to destroy president budanov malyuk, but i guess again. mr. ivan, look, today the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense announced in its official channels that it warns against a new round of hostile ipso and calls for the unity of ukrainian society. it is about the fact that the enemy is intensifying
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destabilizing efforts aimed at the division of ukrainian society, in particular, it can use for this mass mass... measures, where it throws its own provocations, the military targets of the enemy are not only military facilities, but also civilian infrastructure, and we understand that the enemy also works in the media and social networks . now , such treason by a traitor is spreading very much on tiktok, no mobilization, no evasion, so on and so forth. we understand that this may be due to useful idiots who are afraid of mobilization, because of this they are pushing all this hysteria on other people, but in a different way. side there are also those who do it completely consciously , what do you think is the right thing for ukraine and for us, ukrainians, to fight these trends, because we can already see what the situation is going to, it is simply absurd, when you can already buy uhylyant t-shirts, uhylyant mugs on the internet , that is, you already know this, such a trend
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, the military is absolutely shocked by this, and you know, and this ultimately led to the fact that... at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , we had great piety and respect for the military, and now there is a certain digestion civilians on the military? oh, a difficult question, well, let's try to answer it, look, i'm not a fan of constantly blocking everything, everything, everything, i'll explain why, because you say, there are indeed t-shirts, there are symbols, paraphernalia, and this is a distraction for law enforcement officers, don't forget that for to block a certain resource, it is necessary to spend a certain period of time, it is necessary to prove. that this resource is harmful, it is necessary to go to court, that is , there is a certain procedure, and thus our law enforcement officers, employees of the national police, employees of the sbu will run, block... there is some telegram channel that sells such symbols to the instigator, at that time really serious, hostile information resources will be actively working, which will
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spread information, by the way, what was meant in the main intelligence agency that from the 21st president zelensky ceases to be legitimate, the russians are already asleep and see how they will shake this situation, that is, i believe that the main goal here is to concentrate on what is important, what is important, this is true. if possible, of course, find instigators, if there are people who operate this story from the russian federation, but to run after everyone, well, it is inappropriate, it will simply be a distraction and an impossibility to work according to the work priorities of both the sbu and the national police. mr. ivan, look, maybe it is expedient for our people's deputy to change the legislation and prescribe what? what is freedom of speech and expression of opinion, and what is outright disinformation, because we are now very good at manipulating these concepts successfully, and accordingly, everyone who
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is now really a pest and is trying in every way to draw people to his side in terms of the fact that mobilization is apparently unnecessary, maybe we really need to change the legislation so that we can clearly understand who is the one who spreads misinformation, and the one who who really expresses his own. opinion and has this own freedom to express that opinion, i never say such things, but it seems to me that it is impossible, because there is a very fine line between disinformation and freedom of speech, and do not forget that even your information, which is provided from your channel at one wonderful moment, well, in quotation marks , a wonderful moment, can be recognized as disinformation, that is, which side of the barricade are you on and do you have a machine gun called legislation in your hands, that is, you can turn it in one direction. and in the other, i do not think that our deputies, moreover, listen, you know their fag very well, we know individual representatives of different factions there, and there are many of them, that if they take up this
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law, it can get out there, i'm sorry, i'm very sorry, and we will be terribly sorry for that they were allowed to do something at all, we agree with you, mr. ivan, very often, so to speak, the unprofessionalism of certain characters can negatively... affect the overall situation in the country, but there are people and professionals in the verkhovna rada, let's be honest too, specialists, and you, mr. ivan, it is with great pleasure and joy that we communicate with you, have a nice day, unfortunately, we have to go further, with us for the baby was ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-15 , we are now moving to kharkiv oblast, andriy kanashevich, head of the kupin district military administration, glory to ukraine, mr. chairman, well, we know that the enemy has become more active in the kharkiv direction, in particular , a message has already arrived that there were drgs, there were
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attempts to break through, and attempts by the enemy, or imitations of enemy attempts, to open additional aspects of the front in the kharkiv region. the enemy also hit kharkov with an s-400 missile, and we understand that extremely difficult battles are ongoing in the kupinsky direction, we would like you right away. ask about everything that does not constitute state secret. you have a word. well, the kupinsky direction, as it was, is still quite tense. by and large, the situation in our country has not changed, with the exception of the fact that in the last months, perhaps, our geography has expanded a little, so now the front line in our country stretches along the entire line of the petropavlovsk community from kivka to kislivka, from kislivka to tabaivka, from tabaivka to berestovo, i.e. thieves, if earlier he focused more on sinkivka,
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then switched his attention to tabaivka, then to date, we have the most threatening and most active point on the map of the kupyan district, it is kislivka, kotlyarivka, these settlements where battles are taking place. and where the enemy constantly conducts its assault actions, and also conducts its assault actions near the settlement of beristové, where cabs periodically fly in, and continues the same actions in the populated area near the settlement of senkivka, but we know there, they have been trying there for more than six months to break through our defenses, they suffered very heavy losses there, but that's not it less here, they continue their... efforts to reach the left bank of the city of kupyansk and thus go further to kupyansk nodal, that is , the situation remains difficult, however... according to
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the testimony of the military leadership, it is fully controlled, there are forces and means for that , in order to control this situation, well , today we have really shifted our attention a little and are looking at what is happening in our country in the north, because there we have the vilkhuvat community, there is the veliko bburlut community, they are right on the border with by the vovchansk community, where tonight the enemy inflicted on it...massive attacks with kaba and they are continuing as of now, and we are monitoring the situation, because, in principle, there is from the kupyansky district on the border with the chuguyivskyi district, which includes the ovchansk community. we are looking at the situation now in order to quickly make a decision, if necessary, regarding the evacuation of the population, and what about fortification, if possible,
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please share the situation, is it now... our borders are well fortified so that we can to oppose the russian naval offensive, if it does attack on a large scale on the northern border, well, first of all, we do not see, we do not see , today, a large-scale event there, if it were, there would be such an opportunity to implement it, plus we have military units in that direction and certainly we have fortifications there. which the military units are already entering, since they are to a certain extent already ready to receive, that is, i can say that what concerns the possibility of holding the front and giving a decent resistance, everything is there for now. yes, mr. chief, i completely agree with you, our armed forces demonstrate miracles of heroism and endurance, but the enemy is powerful and,
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unfortunately, the enemy is prepared. pretty good, kislovka and kotlyarovka, yes, you mentioned them at the beginning of our conversation, heavy tough battles are going on, i would just ask you to describe the nature and specifics of those battles on the one hand, and on the other hand, i would ask you to clarify what operational tasks are approximately makes an enemy, so we understand that in some places he is trying to grope, to pump the defense line, in other places, maybe he is preparing for... certain more massive actions, well, kislovka-kotlyarovka according to the testimony, according to the information given to us by the military, they are not very convenient from the point of view of maintenance, since these settlements, they are so so to speak , they are in the lower part of the country, and we have certain positions that are further north, these are the heights from which we can control what
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is happening at the moment in the kisli... boiler house, plus from these settlements there is already an exit to a very good road, which leads directly to petropavlivka, and from petropavlivka to kupyansk, and this is the kupyansk-svatove road, this road is currently very close to it, and it is partially controlled by the enemy, and it is very close to kislivka boiler house, but there is a zsu. the armed forces of ukraine are controlling the situation at the moment, they are controlling what concerns this road from the north from the same heights, the enemy was also trying a little lower there, if you look in the area of ​​the settlement of beristov, they are making certain blows, certain probing, so to speak defense in the direction the settlement of pishchany and they did not succeed there, but they leave these intentions...
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and continue to try to push the defense there little by little, nevertheless they have no success there, the defense is holding, and we understand for ourselves that their plan, well, in principle, it has not changed, and even if you look at the map, it will be clear that their task is to go to the shore, the bank of the oskil river in the area of ​​kruglyakivka settlement and... and in this way, you can say that they are simply cutting off certain communications, and, well, there remains a large enough territory, which on one side the front, and on the other, and on the other side will be the bank of the oskil river and the oskil river itself. they would like to take kupiensk nodal under fire control, but if we just clarify to our tv viewers who is not too strong in
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geography. or with the specifics of the topography.


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