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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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this duel between him and his literary hero, whom he gave birth to, formed the basis of the plot of the play picture. we thank you. taras tomenko, director of the film house of the word, an endless story. we invite you to visit this film screening, if it will be in your city, and watch this film, you have seen the trailer, taras tomenko, one of the creators of this film, well, we will now pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who... you inform us about the main events as of this moment, iro, we congratulate you, pass the word and ask to briefly tell what we managed to find out about. greetings marto, greetings to all our viewers, literally in a moment i will tell you about the situation on the border of the kharkiv region, as well as the schedules of power outages and many other things, so wait.
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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. let's start with the situation in kharkiv oblast. the russians are trying to break through the border in the kharkiv region. this was officially confirmed by the ministry of defense and the president's office. at on the morning of the 5th, the enemy, supported by artillery , tried. pass by armored vehicles from the side of vovchansk. ukrainian defenders repelled the attack. to strengthen the defense on this part of the front, reserve units have been sent. heavy fighting is currently going on there. meanwhile , mass evacuation of the population from vovchansk and surrounding villages continues. as the head of the city administration, tamas gambarashvili, said, people travel mainly by their own transport. those who do not have a car are helped by volunteers and the police. it is important that they can
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gather and tighten more forces in this direction, this is a fact, but our military, the military command, knew about it and calculated their forces in order to meet the thieves with fire. now there is a fierce battle in this direction, with artillery fire. the elderly a woman died in the morning due to shelling of the esman community in sumy oblast, and her granddaughter was injured, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the enemy covered the border villages with artillery fire. the authorities are urging locals to evacuate from dangerous regions. in kyiv , power outage schedules are being introduced for industry and business. this is determined the difficult situation in the country's energy system was reported by the capital's city military administration. the restrictions
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will start at 6:00 p.m. today and will last until 7:00 a.m. the lights will not be turned off for residents of the capital, but the authorities ask to save electricity, especially during peak evening hours. the increase in light tariffs is being discussed in the ministry of energy. this is one of the options to get resources for recovery after the russian attacks - said deputy minister of energy svitlana. according to her, so far a significant amount has been recorded shortage of electricity due to constant shelling of infrastructure. so this can lead to blackouts. at the same time , tariffs may also be affected by financial assistance from western partners. volodymyr zelenskyi will retain the powers of the president after the end of the five-year term on may 21. minister of justice denys malyuska emphasized this in his comments to journalists. for his words. you, all the decisions of the current head of state
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will be legitimate until the next president is elected. the next elections in ukraine were to be held in the spring of this year, however, the law prohibits the exercise of will due to the legal regime of martial law in ukraine. france will transfer long-range scalp cruise missiles to ukraine. they had to be disposed of because of this expiration date. however, expired missiles will be made suitable for... and after that they will go into service with the armed forces of ukraine. this is the second time that paris has provided such weapons to our troops. the first batch was used mainly in the black sea. the scalp rocket is the french version of the british storm shadow. it can hit targets at a distance of up to 500 km. drunken road accident in kyiv. 19-year-old car driver. on one of the capital's streets
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, he exceeded the speed limit and ran into two parked cars, a renault and a jeep. after that, he drove into a tree. as a result of the impact , an 18-year-old passenger was seriously injured. - informed the kyiv police. drager testified that the driver was intoxicated, for which the violator faces up to eight years behind bars. and in st. petersburg, russia, a bus with passengers fell into the river. on the video from the public there , it can be seen that the bus first crashed into two cars, flew into a fence and eventually took off from the bridge into the water. four passengers died. previously, the driver... felt sick behind the wheel and could not manage to drive, he was already detained, but they promise to provide medical assistance. the protest of polish farmers started again in warsaw. tens of thousands of people
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have gathered in the city center and are marching to the representative office of the european commission and the diet. the farmers' demands are unchanged, the rejection of the european green course and the ban on agricultural products from ukraine. participants the rally also collects signatures for a petition to hold a referendum on the green course, after which they will be transferred to the seimas. politicians, in particular representatives of the opposition party law and justice, joined the protests. at least 107 people have died in floods in southern brazil. another 136 are considered missing, reuters reports. more than 160... residents of the affected state of rio grande dusul had to leave their flooded homes, saving themselves by boats and helicopters. currently, search and rescue operations continue. the rescuers were also able to free the horse, which spent about two days on the roof of the house surrounded by water
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days they have been waiting for a return for 33 years. religious community. the church of st. nicholas never received legal ownership of the roman catholic church. the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine had to hand it over by may 1 of this year. however, the church still does not belong to the parish. what is the problem? our journalists know. there are keys, but no rights. on may 1, the religious community of the roman catholic church was supposed to take possession of the church of st. nicholas. still from the progolo. of ukraine's independence, just in front of the church doors, the faithful were promised that at all soon it will be returned to the parish, the president also promised, president kuchma personally promised st. john paul ii, who was in this church, that the church is already being handed over, even our
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president zelensky in 2020 personally wrote a letter to pope francis that the church is already being returned, but we see still. this, unfortunately, did not happen. the official name of the temple is the house of organ music, because of this the institution is subordinate to the ministry of culture and information policy. in june 2022 , the ministry of culture and the parish signed a memorandum according to which the church was to be transferred religious community. however, on may 1 , the representatives of the ministry of culture did not show up for the liturgy of the faithful for the return of the temple. a month ago, on... we sent a request to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which obliged the ministry of culture to return the church to the parish no later than may 1 , 2024, with a request to identify responsible persons for the preparation of this event, but we
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have not received an answer so far. on september 3, 2021 , a fire broke out in the church of st. nicholas, and then the organ suffered the most. the fire in... the house of organ music and the parish on the street, however, believers still performed services in the open under the temple. after the russian full-scale invasion, the parishioners were finally given the keys to the building, only without documents. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when kyiv, many people left, we stayed in this building, and the keys remained with us after 84 years when they were there. where else in the state, here was an archive, here was a warehouse, and for the past 40 years there was a house, a music hall, an organ hall, and we still have only the keys and no documents. due to the fire, the general condition of the building is significant
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worsened, the parishioners cleaned the walls of the fungus with their own efforts. according to the abbot , the repair crews, in order to report on the emergency work, simply hid his ply. the faithful have already developed a plan for restoration works, in order to implement it, an official handover of the building is required. more was poured on the walls of the church. we can also see the consequences of this in the cracked colonie wall of the temple, but first of all there was a terrible flu here, because these 600,000 liters of water penetrated into the basement, where ventilation has not worked since 2000. roman catholic church saint nicholas was built by roman catholics. we are fighting for justice and... this is justice, which has already been promised for the first time, and simply so that what
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was built, what was built as a church, should be a church. on august 24, ukraine will celebrate its 33rd independence day. the roman catholic religious community hopes that by this time the church will already belong to the parish. tetyana golunova, yuliya belska, espresso tv channel. and i'm asking you. to support our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air, in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumatics. personal jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. you have all the details now
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see on the screen, so join our gathering. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. also a brief summary of the main things in our social networks. and of course, watch our unique content on youtube. come on, my colleagues. marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. we will see you at 4 p.m. thank you to iryna koval. thanks to the news editors , there are a lot of events during the information day of the tv channel at 12:30 p.m. russia began a new wave of counteroffensive counteroffensive actions against the kharkiv region. our the military knew about it and were prepared accordingly. this was stated by the head of state at
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a briefing with the leader of slovakia, zuzana čaputova. i am quoting our president now: ukraine met the enemy there with our troops, brigades and artillery. it is important that they can increase and pull additional forces in this direction, but our military, military command knew about this and calculated their forces to meet the enemy with fire. now it's going hard. battle in this direction. we will now add to our ater oleg synyutka, oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. oleg, we welcome you to our broadcast: "glory to ukraine". glory to heroes. i congratulate you. yes, mr. oleg mykhailovych, we understand that there are extremely many multifaceted events in the verkhovna rada, but at the same time we understand that the situation on the front line is extremely acute now, there is a feeling that the enemy may be preparing. to open an additional new line of attack, in particular, it is about the north of kharkiv region. i know you
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communicate with our military, maybe share some signals from the armed forces forces of ukraine? well, i think that it is a question of each of us today to unite our efforts to protect the homeland, and indeed, here is a question again about fortifications, because today... journalist yuriy butusov, or a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, speaks about the fact that today the enemy entered the territory in an area of ​​30 km and pointed out the settlements that are captured by the enemy today, and then the question arises, where are the fortifications in this area, which there was definitely enough time to create and there was enough time to prepare, i hope that... this is all done and our warriors are ready to repel the enemy's attack. well, in any case, we
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realize that when we talk about the readiness of our society, it is also a question of the motivation of those people who may not be completely and morally ready, and we understand that the verkhovna rada voted in the second reading the law on strengthening the administrative responsibility, this is an extremely important bill, we understand that it is all now under the president's signature, but in... how to make this bill or law soon, so that it is fair and effective, yes, we understand that the administrative fees will rise. fines will be able to issue certain statements about the commission of administrative violations and so on and so forth, and even, as far as we understand, there is a prospect that our citizens who disobey the law may be detained. oleg mykhailovych, is there any information about certain safeguards in order for the law to be fair for everyone, in particular for those people who can,
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i repeat, can undeservedly in something to blame well, it seems to me that here... just the draft law, which, by the way, was also supported by the deputies from european solidarity, it very clearly sets out the things that every citizen of ukraine is obliged to carry out, because let's say frankly, should citizens of ukraine of conscription age to be registered in territorial recruitment centers, and the answer is clear, so every citizen of ukraine is obliged to be registered in territorial recruitment centers. the second question is whether the state should have a means of inducement in the event that a citizen is illegally obedient, he is encouraged to commit certain actions. the answer seems to me to be unequivocal: yes, the state is obliged to have appropriate incentive measures for unscrupulous citizens. and i believe that
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raising fines is a sufficient mechanism to... encourage citizens, i have already heard complaints that if a citizen does not pay a fine, then his accounts can be blocked accordingly, well, dear friends , let's be honest before , first of all, before the soldiers of the armed forces to ukraine, to society and to the state, we are obliged to register with the tsc, if we do not register, then we must understand that there will be responsibility for this, and if such a... fine is imposed, then it must be paid, it will go away state income should be used for the armed forces of ukraine. between the first reading and the second reading, we got things taken out that i think are too harsh, because in the first draft there was a question that people could be arrested for were not registered in the territorial
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assembly centers, we took this thing away, because we believe that at this stage it is enough... and enough of such responsibility of the citizens of ukraine. second, it was a term, because it was written in the previous draft law or in the decision that passed the first reading, there was an indefinite term. we shortened this term of responsibility to one year, so that it does not happen that a person will atone for the rest of his life, he must bear responsibility within a clearly defined period. and in general, we raise this once again. the issue of the mobilization bill, because we believe, and you know that european solidarity had comments on this bill at the time, we believe that this bill does not motivate people, because the three things that are basic, they are, unfortunately, today are not prescribed, despite how much we, as deputies from european solidarity, insisted, and the first
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is a clearly regulated term of service, the second is fairness in relation. all citizens are treated the same, regardless of property, regardless of positions, regardless of any other factors, and the third is social protection of servicemen and families of servicemen. by the way, today during question time to the government, european solidarity deputies raised the issue of paying the voted additional 70,000 to those who are on the front lines and those who today defend with weapons in their hands. our state and you and me, therefore, the decision that was voted, in my opinion, it, well , first of all, it actually repeats and duplicates decisions and legal regulations that already existed until this time, and secondly, it seems to me that it is absolutely fair and the same for everyone. mr. oleg, you mentioned that there was an hour of questions to
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the government, and actually about those 70,000 payments, and whether the government officials actually found an opportunity to pay them. funds, do you know anything about, in fact, how our government will ensure the possibility for our military to receive this additional payment, well, so far the answer that was heard in the hall from government officials is that everything will be paid, such payments were supposed to take place from april 1, today on the street, may 10, we hope that the words of government officials will not run away from the deed, well, in the end, this is also a certain progress, that for the second week in a row... already, as provided for by the regulations of the verkhovna rada, a government appears in the parliament hall , and he answers those questions, those challenges that the state faces today. society, last time it was vice prime minister kubrakov, well, as you can see, his answers, his speech ended with the fact that yesterday the verkhovna rada voted for his
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resignation, today he answered questions the vice-prime minister for european integration, well , we hope that she will not share the participation of her previous colleague, and what happened to kubrakov, oleg mykhailovych, well , kubrakov worked for himself, did he enter? to the president's team, worked, worked, worked, something happened here that we don't know about, well, marta and i at least don't know, and this is where the story about kubrakov's resignation began, that is, with solsky, yes, well, taking into account those criminal cases initiated on charges of embezzlement, it is clear, so to speak, but what about kubrakov, as what rumors are circulating in the parliament, by the way, with sosky, this is quite strange. yesterday there was a story, on the one hand, his servants greeted him with applause, and during the speech, a representative of the servant of the people faction sang in honor of the minister
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of agriculture, and then they all unanimously voted for his resignation and we said to the representatives of the authorities: friends, you or do not applaud standing, or if you applaud standing, then do not vote for resignation, and it somehow turns out so incomprehensible, on the one hand... they sing deferambas and standing applaud, and with on the other hand, they vote on the minister's resignation. as for kubrakov, you know the government's official version that this was allegedly done in order to divide the ministry he supervises into two ministries: the ministry of infrastructure and the ministry of regional development, because the government allegedly pays too little attention to regional development. the fact that the authorities pay too little attention to regional development and actually kill decentralization, well... this is a fact, and we have been talking about it for the last four years actually, because the powers money is taken from local communities, funds are taken from local communities, disagreeable leaders
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are dismissed, criminal cases are brought against them, i do not think that changing the name of the minister or creating a ministry will change anything in this order, the state policy in relation to decentralization must change and to status. of territorial communities, so the official version that the representatives of the authorities are talking about today, well, in my opinion, it is, to put it mildly, untrue, especially since a few months ago the prime minister spoke about the fact that they will reduce the number of ministries, then suddenly the ministry is divided into two, that is, they will increase the number of ministries, they really have no strategy, no understanding, and no professionalism to manage the state, well, the second rumor, which... parliament is spreading, it is about the fact that kubrakov and the head of the president's office yermat allegedly have a conflict, and this is a kind of clarification of relations, i do not know
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how much truth and ground it has under it, well , thirdly, and it is definitely a fact that kubrakov is responsible for these corrupt things which today they are working on the construction of fortification structures, on the construction of structures that should protect... energy facilities, because last week, last friday, when the vice-prime minister gave a report, he was not able to explain, but where shared the funds and why the effectiveness of the use of these funds is zero, because the funds were spent, after spending the funds on the alleged construction of protective structures around the energy facilities, these energy facilities were destroyed by moscow missiles, so i am convinced that there must be created as a minimum... er special a parliamentary commission that should verify all these facts, and as a maximum law enforcement agencies should verify the use of these funds and give an answer to the question of where
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the money went and who will be responsible for its inefficient use, although the worst that could happen from this is that that energy facilities are currently destroyed and everyone in ukraine is talking about a shortage of electricity. oleg mykhailovych, i would like to ask you a question. about the situation with the possibility of mobilizing people with criminal records, so we understand, the story is extremely serious, and so on the key story, on the one hand, it is positive, that is, people who feel empowered, who will pass through the vlk and so on and so on, have a chance to rehabilitate themselves before our society, there is a list of articles for which you cannot be mobilized, well specified , on the other hand, there is a feeling that representatives may want to avoid imprisonment in this way. those or other various economic and other structures that engaged in abuses, for which they were, so to speak, sent to prison. how do you see this
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story? well, you know that european solidarity did not support this draft law, and here we are in solidarity with the arguments that the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zalushny, once made, when this discussion began during his leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, he also advocated that the armed forces cannot to transform the forces of ukraine from the elite of the ukrainian nation. to the collection of people with a criminal past, and here it is difficult to disagree with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, especially according to those expert assessments that are not public, but those who talk about the number, perhaps , of such people who can take such a path, well, i would not like to say that it is already so significant, although every soldier on the front line, at the front, is very, very important.
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it is very important that now, against the background of this , the russian ipso, russian propaganda, their punitive units of the wagnerites, storm and others, who are actually recruiting from people with a criminal past with criminal responsibility, do not spread the word that, look, the ukrainians are doing the same, what do you want from our bagnerites and from them similar, and of course those... things to which we did not receive such an answer, those things that the representatives of the anti-corruption committee also had in mind, the question is whether the people who are in prison today for corruption, for embezzlement , they will not simply find their way not to the front line, to the war, to the defense, to really regain their name, but they will simply
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escape from the prison cell to somewhere near lviv. near uzhhorod, near lutsk, and will pretend that they are in the armed forces of ukraine, because, as a rule, they are such fraudsters, they very quickly find such a variety of moves and combinations, and of course, i would very much not like people who are currently imprisoned for drug addiction or some other crimes to return to army and in such a way that they do not discredit good, honest. the name of a ukrainian soldier, a patriot, who today is trusted by more than 90% of society. thank you, mr. olezh, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our airwaves, we will continue to inform you about the difficult situation on kharkiv region, there is information from the head of the military administration of kharkiv region, oleg sinigubov, that there are dead and wounded near the border of kharkiv region under shelling of the settled people, at 9:45 a.m. russian troops
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attacked the village of bohaivka, vovchansk. community , the house was damaged, there were no victims, 10 am. russia shelled vovchansk, two civilians were injured at 12:50 p.m., a 55-year-old civilian man was killed as a result of shelling in the village of cherkaski tyzhky of the kharkiv district, and at 1:22 p.m. the occupiers attacked vovchansk again, inflicting attack on a private house, a 60-year-old woman was wounded, at the same time, as a result of enemy shelling of a private house , a civilian man was killed, two more were injured, one of them was under rubble. at home, yes, we will inform you, dear tv viewers, in operational mode, what will happen in kharkiv region, but after a short pause, wait for us, watch espresso, you will learn everything, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed plot, there is a solution, garden three rex from unpack tv, make time
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