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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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with iryna kuval, who is ready to share relevant information with us, we are at this moment. iro, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us what we managed to find out about. thank you marta, well, about the counteroffensive in the kharkiv region, about the evacuation and about the visit of a high-ranking person to kyiv, wait, i will tell about all this in the issue. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. congratulations to all viewers, and now to the main events. the enemy launched a counteroffensive in the kharkiv region, but managed to stop it. he confirmed it volodymyr zelenskyi during a press conference with the president of slovakia zuzana chaputova. he also added. that at the moment
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heavy fighting is going on on the front line, reserve units have been sent to strengthen the defense on this part of the front. meanwhile, the dep steate combat map shows a gray area in front of the ukrainian side of the border. according to these maps, the armed forces of ukraine moved away from the villages of strelecha and pylna. ukraine met them there with our troops, brigades and artillery. it is important that they can increase and pull more forces in this direction, this a fact, but our military, the military command, knew about it and calculated their forces in order to meet the enemy with fire. now there is a fierce battle in this direction. artillery fire. meanwhile, from shelling. the civilian population is suffering in
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the border communities of kharkiv region, a 55-year-old man died in cherkasy tyshki, a resident of vovchansk was also fatally injured, and five more civilians were injured. a mass evacuation is underway from this city and surrounding villages. as the head of the city administration, tamas gambarashvili, said, people are leaving mostly with their own transport, volunteers and the police help those who do not have a car. farewell visit. slovak leader zuzana chaputova is in kyiv. this is her fourth visit to ukraine during the presidency and the third - during the war. chaputova noted that she arrived with good news about slovakia's assistance to ukraine. according to the ukrainian media, it is about more than 4 million euros collected by the slovaks, which will be used for the purchase of art shells for our army. the slovak leader has already met her. colleague volodymyr zelenskyi
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also in the plans of a meeting with the head of the government denys shmyhal. france will transfer long-range scalp cruise missiles to ukraine. they had to be disposed of due to expiration date. however, expired rockets will be made usable within three months. and after that, they will join the armed forces of ukraine. this is the second time that paris has provided such weapons to our troops. the first batch was used mainly in the black sea. the scalp rocket is the french version of the british storm shadow. it can hit targets at a distance of up to 500 km. in warsaw the protest of polish farmers started again. tens of thousands of people have gathered in the city center and are marching to the representative office of the european commission and the diet. the demands of farmers are not variable. refusal of the european green course and the ban on
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agricultural products from ukraine. the participants of the rally are also collecting signatures for a petition to hold a referendum on the green course, after which they will be handed over to the diet. politicians, in particular, representatives of the opposition party "law and justice" joined the protests. we are fighting for a green system, we are fighting for the abolition of regulations, which brussels imposes on us. insulation of houses, thermal insulation of cars, we are simply fighting for the protection of the homeland and for our polish land, so that everyone remembers that for us, polish farmers, polish land is sacred. i do not like the fact that our polish raw materials, which are available, should be replaced by other technologies that are not proven, this will trigger a wave of unemployment and high prices, i do not agree with this. dates
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practice deploying forces to support an ally in the event of an attack. the training is part of the sustainable alliance training program defender 2024 of the largest exercise since the end of the cold war. in total , about 90,000 military personnel from all 32 nato member countries participate in them. i'm not going to make predictions about what may or may not happen. happen, but as military personnel we have to be ready and there is no point in waiting to prepare, we have to be ready now, what is happening in ukraine gives us lessons that we have to learn and so we have to be as ready as possible regardless whether
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there is a threat today, tomorrow, next year, or in 10 years. tall columns of black smoke, a fire broke out at a landfill in silesia, poland. with waste, according to local media, chemicals can also burn there. as noted, the fire covered several hundred square meters. several dozens of fire brigades are working on the spot. the flames have not yet been brought under control. drunken car accident in kyiv. a 19-year-old driver of an opel vectra exceeded the speed limit on one of the capital's streets and hit two parked renault and jeep cars. after. he drove into a tree and was severely injured as a result of the impact 18-year-old car passenger, reported the kyiv police. drager testified that the driver was intoxicated, for which the violator faces up to eight years behind bars.
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a bus with passengers fell into the river in st. petersburg, russia. the video from the local public shows that the bus first crashed into two cars, flew into a fence and eventually flew off the bridge into the water. three passengers died, four more are in a state of clinical death. previously, the driver felt sick behind the wheel and could not manage to drive, he was already detained, but they promise to provide medical assistance. at least 107 people died due to flooding in the south of brazil, another 136 are considered missing, according to the rowyters agency. more than 160... 5 thousand residents of the affected state of rio grande dusul had to leave their flooded houses, saving themselves by boats and helicopters. currently, search and rescue operations continue. the rescuers were also able to free the horse, which spent about two
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days on the roof of the house surrounded by water. life is a feat. in the walls of the lviv polytechnic, a pure academy was held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the translator of the ostrozka bible father rafail turkonyak. he made three different translations of the bible into ukrainian from church slavonic, greek, and ancient hebrew languages. rafail torkaniak worked on his most famous translation of the ostrog bible for more than 30 years, and in order to type the old slavonic text, the father created a special computer font with his own hands. tried to do scientific translations, and his father for him, as patriarch joseph the blind once said, that there are two wings that raise the human essence to heaven, and these wings are faith
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and science, and actually, faith and science became the essence of father raphael's life, you know, we are in our... complicated, we are all looking for spiritual support, it is very difficult now, everyone is talking about the stability of the ukrainian nation, it does not take off, it does not fall from the sky. we have to rely on something, what we can rely on now, we can rely on the reasoning, the work, the authority of our spiritual people. and i am asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone on soledarsky. and zaporozhye directions , the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone open air in any weather day and night. therefore, for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers,
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a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. you can see all the details on the screen now, so please join the gathering. they were like that. news at this time, read more on our site espresso tv, also subscribe to our, on follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue the broadcast. we will see you at 5 p.m. we thank our tireless journalists, we thank irina koval personally
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for her extremely serious work, not only on the information front, but also on the field, so to speak, of her philanthropy. irina koval manages to close a lot of important meetings with the joint efforts of the tv channel. thank you to iryna koval for everything she does, an important message from the head kharkiv regional military administration of sinigubov, border area. shchyna under increased mass shelling are killed and wounded. at 9:45 a.m., russian troops attacked the village of bugaivka of the vovchan community around the 10th. russia shelled vovchansk at 12:50 p.m. a 55-year-old civilian was killed as a result of shelling of the village of cherkasky tyshki in the kharkiv district. at 13:22, the occupiers attacked vovchansk again. a private house was hit. thus, the ministry of defense stated that... the russians tried to break through the line of our fighters in the kharkiv region, but threats to kharkiv
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currently there is none. well, we see what you write to us in the comments. stefan novak writes about the fact that i am now in kharkiv on saltivka and i see how the tanks are burning. god, the great, the only one, save ukraine for us. well, let's hope that the situation in kharkiv region will be controlled, that's what our military says about it, so let's not panic prematurely. everything is calm, yes, everything. controlled, therefore it is not necessary now maybe not calmly, but controlled, the main thing is the main thing, i meant, the main thing is that people do not try to create panic now, so that this does not help the situation, on the contrary, let 's keep calm, donate and believe in our armed forces, we can do this with you. well, now we're joining ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express military expert. glory to ukraine, ivan. good day, glory to the heroes. well, we would like to ask for an assessment of your expert environment. of the defense express group regarding russian offensive activities in the north of the kharkiv region, what
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forces the enemy currently has there, what the regular shelling of the border strip means and not only the border strip, what should the people of kharkiv prepare for, which approximate forces, when we talk about armored vehicles, the enemy also possesses, that is, they are simply trying, so to speak, to shake the border line, or are they preparing for some scale. what actions? it seems that this is the maximum that can be shaken out of the array of forces that they have, because to begin with, it is necessary to clarify the number of the russian group there, because before this the number of 50,000 russian bayonets circulated in the infospace, i do not think that the russians are ready simply to throw in the direction of kharkiv, that's how pointwise, but there, let's say, some assinteri teams have already calculated and worked more accurately, it turns out that 50 00 - that the russians now have a total of 700 km of land on the border with ukraine, that is, on the kharkiv region they have
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one hundred groups of only 30,000, in addition to the 50,000 total group, there were also 411 armored vehicles, but i understand that they decided to divide it proportionally, that is , roughly two hundred units of armored vehicles of various types, tanks, bmps, armored vehicles, according to such an order of forces, from experience let's say, what the russians did in the sumy region, well, they should... it should be enough for just such a demonstration of breakthrough attempts there, for a certain regularity of shelling of the border areas, but definitely not even for a breakthrough. in principle, taking into account the fact that the russians began their attack at 5 in the morning, now it is the fourth of the day, and there were no reports of a breakthrough in the defense of our troops, it can even be immediately confirmed that if the russians were not able to break through in the first 12 hours because of our soldiers, who are there at all, then they are in in principle already in... the opportunity has been lost, accordingly, it can be such long battles with the russians on the border, but
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no one can even dream of breaking through to kharkiv in this case, so unfortunately, it will just be another hot spot where it will be necessary on our part to divert a certain amount of forces and means there, but on the other hand, who said that it will be easy for the russians there, and they will not have to remove units from other directions for these battles, well, let's say, 30,00 bayonets , which the russians decided to distract there to kharkiv and they would call them more precisely the kharkiv direction. the russians would need these 30,000 bayonets very much in the chasovoy yar area there, or in the bilogorivka area or in the ocheret area. if these 30,000 bayonets were there, it would make the situation at the front more difficult for us, so it turns out that the russians decided to spend this amount of forces irrationally in an attempt to destabilize our border in the kharkiv region, and they will get a somewhat natural result, i.e. failure to achieve their goals . mr. ivan, look, well, zelenskyy spoke about the fact that the russians are preparing a new batch of
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mobilized people from june, so we understand that there may be more of them, well, of course, it will depend on the number. losses that they will bear in the coming months and weeks there. well, we have information from lieutenant general oleksandr pavlyuk, the commander of the ground forces. he says that the next two months will not be a critical phase of the war, that currently the main shortage is in artillery and armored vehicles, not in people. he also said that the idea of ​​capturing kyiv is an enemy still did not give up, and here it is important to note what he said about the form. he says that we are preparing 10 new brigades to prepare for the offensive, some of them will be deployed to defend kyiv. if we are talking in general, about the readiness of the enemy to mobilize additional forces, about the fact that our military is preparing for a possible potential enemy attack on the capital, then can we talk hypothetically about another
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threat to the ukrainian capital? i think even hypothetically there. there is no point in talking, if you take us, let's say, people civilians, what's the difference here, military people, they are forced to plan everything from the worst option, well, that is, you know, well, if it would be hypertrophied to say that it's not the case that the russians just like that, with the armoring method, another plus three 300 will appear and for example, that they will get a tanugu death star somewhere and everything that is possible in this world and that allows imagination, with this they will try to go to kyiv, well, if so , it is hypertrophied, but this simply explains the... . well, how deep the military has to plan in order to prepare for certain options, so that it does not happen that there is no preparation for anything, there are only kebabs, but unfortunately, we have certain lessons there, so you have to prepare for everything, accordingly, even if it goes we are talking about the fact that out of the 10 new brigades there, five should be left for the capital, but we, let's put it this way, do not know how many there can be there now, maybe it's
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simple, well, there is the same word rotation now , well , that is, or the release of reserves, that is, when in... the command of the armed forces is looking for, let's say, free units that can be used to replace comrades at the front and the like. accordingly, we are talking about these five brigades, which should be formed there and placed there for the defense of the capital, it is possible there to liberate those units that previously guarded kyiv, and so that they could replace those at the front, because on the other hand, let's ask even such a rhetorical question, from time to time the kyiv city military administration announced and requested the holding of certain exercises, including in the districts of the capital. people are not to panic, but, well, roughly speaking, in order to conduct some large-scale training so that it is so visible, it is necessary to have a visible array of forces and means, so the category that kyiv must somehow be defended there, guarded, is until the end of a full-scale invasion of the refon will not go anywhere, but this does not mean that russian tanks will go there the day after tomorrow, especially since according to the same pavlyuk, who actually
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spoke about it a few weeks earlier, well, our military managed to dig 100 km of fortifications around the capital, maybe . basically now the most fortified point on the planet, well, which to storm, if only for the russians, even despite their irrationality, there is not much. agree with you, mr. ivan, on the other hand, knowing, so to speak, the specifics of the information war, no one, not a single command, will incite panic, everyone is always in command, i emphasize in the command of all warring countries without exception, they said, that everything is fine, everything is under control, but in... in the case of our capital, we absolutely agree with you, we understand, we know how much effort was put into strengthening the defense of kyiv, but still the enemy will be extremely active now, that is, quoting the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, general pavlyuk, quoting cnn, in the next few weeks russia will intensify ground and air attacks on ukraine,
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this time is used, well, when not military aid arrived from the outside. the united states of ukraine, the united states of america, you see, i am speaking according to freud. so, if we talk about the pace of the delivery of american aid, how long can they escort such and such caravans with weapons. as far as i understand, now the longest term in question is additional patriots from germany, who in theory will just be there for just two days, but to train the staff and deploy the infrastructure in us. at the moment, it is somewhere oriented towards the end of june, but this is from what can be said publicly, because artillery, ammunition for highmars and so on and so on, what is important on the battlefield, but just right, just right... here the non-public part just begins, because a significant, weighty, let's say, part of the work to be done, carried out by american logisticians for the delivery of military aid to ukraine, it is precisely about,
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you know, hiding, disguising in all possible ways, and at the same time, the methods of disguising include hints that it will arrive there too late or will arrive there at a different time in other directions, so i think, i just propose to orientate here that the hot period within which, well, the allies need to be slowed down, let's... faster, faster, faster, it's just until the end of june, here are some of the first of the munitions handed over by the americans, well, it is possible that they already are now, because we already have one official video that was released yesterday, but it's very characteristic that our gunners from the polish self-propelled gun krap are firing american remote mine rounds called raam, these remote mine rounds, they are very rare, expensive, are made only in the usa, and accordingly could end up in the hands of our gunners only in one case. and we all understand him, mr. ivan, look, even today, officially, the armed forces of ukraine, the air force informed us that
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the simulator has arrived, the first full-fledged one for the f-16, now ukrainian pilots can test it all right here, and it is important to understand what this simulator is, because the f-16s themselves are not yet available, we are waiting for them, but we have the first simulator. we hope this is the first swallow, please share, do you know anything about this particular car, so what does it represent? well, in this case, we are not just talking about some computer program, where using, for example, glasses of augmented reality, such impromptu training, here we are really talking about an improvised simulator, which can, in terms of training, even replace a real airplane as a flight, but i would not say here that it is just some kind of ... primordial swallow, because it is necessary to install such specific equipment , as a full-fledged flight simulator, long before the first v16 should be, well, it’s a little strange, so
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maybe there’s nothing strange, and we just have to assume that we don’t officially have an f-16 yet, ugh, look, mr. ivan, wanted to return to the situation on the front line, we understand that we all hope that american help, when we talk about artillery, ammunition and so on. according to the list of nomenclature, that it will arrive plus or minus on time, well, but still, the enemy has a window of opportunity, if we talk now about the pro-russian accumulated resources, we are talking about both manpower and armored vehicles, to activate new additional areas of the front, the enemy except people need equipment and artillery, maybe somewhere they saw certain statistics or certain assumptions, so to speak by some respectable analytical agents. but the problem is that now the respected analytical agency for some reason is too lazy to count, they are too lazy to count even the current missile stockpile for the russians, so you know, we have to start simply from the old
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hot estimates for such a strategic depth that the russians at their pace will be enough for a maximum of two years and that's all, with regard to the fact that they can simply have this assessment for a depth of one or two years, it just demonstrates that the russians will still be able to throw at such rates battlefield. losing, and there are at least 20-30 armored vehicles per oak and 40 arc systems, well , but on the other hand, i still suggest not being so pessimistic about how quickly the necessary help reaches us there, because there is another such specific criterion , well , we don’t know how to make 203-mm projectiles against pions, because it’s a specific caliber, several countries know how to do it, in particular the united states of america, and here, well, there was such an unofficial news that about... there was also a day or two ago, that here is one of our artillery brigades, which officially demonstrated there that it has the same pawns, self-propelled guns caliber 203 mm, what you see there, an unlimited bk has driven up,
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they have been shooting since the very morning, well, with the correction , it is not that the pawn is somewhere there aimed at one or two shots per minute, and here the question arises, if we do not have our own production of 203 mm shells, the americans have 200 mm, well , where did so many shells come from for one of our artillery brigades, to shoot at the russians from in the morning itself, and just another nuance is that the peony - this is the same gun that can hit at a distance of 40 km, and just to defeat various enemy accumulations in the near-front zone, so there is a certain reason for restrained optimism that the window of opportunity for the russians is beginning to close there, we already have a reason for there is, well, in particular thanks to these flowers of death from peonies, thank you, mr. ivan, ivan kyrychevskyi, military expert of the dfn agency. the express spoke now about the most important, the most important of what concerns the russian-ukrainian war, let's go now for a short break, but if excuse me, i have important information
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from oleg synigubov, the eyes of the military administration of the kharkiv region, he says that the loss of territory is not allowed, certain messages have already started to appear on social networks that the enemy seems to have captured certain territories , yes, official information from the head of kharkiv oblast says that the loss of territories is not allowed, but in the direction of kupina, enemy deregs can enter some of our territories, but they are repulsed by ukrainian defenders. yes, we are going on a break, after it we will return, and you will learn a lot important information, please wait. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. corce dreamers are compact, light and very powerful.
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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture, and russian culture was imposed on us as the culture of the highest nation tchaikovsky's name in the name of the kyiv conservatory. ominously looms over the symbolic cemetery on the maidan, mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. information day of the tv channel in rozpol. 16:30 minute. oleksiy garan, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy, scientific director of
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the democratic initiatives foundation.


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