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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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with us, see you next week, korushkenzh, bye. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers and tell you about the most important events for this time. there is currently no threat of a ground invasion of kharkiv - assured the local authorities. like, the enemy does not have enough potential for this.
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volodymyr zelenskyy confirmed that the counteroffensive, which... the enemy launched this morning in the kharkiv region, was stopped. he also added that at the moment there are heavy clashes on the contact line battles to strengthen the defense on this part of the front, reserve units have been sent. meanwhile, deb state's map of hostilities shows a gray area in front of the ukrainian side of the border. as these maps show, the armed forces of ukraine moved away from the targets of strelech and pylno. ukraine met them there with our troops, brigades and artillery. it is important that they can increase and raise more forces in this direction, this is a fact, but our military, the military command, knew about this and calculated their forces in order to meet the enemy with fire. now it's brutal.
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fight in this direction. artillery fire. meanwhile, the civilian population in the border communities of kharkiv oblast is suffering from shelling. a 55-year-old man died in cherkasy tishke. a resident of vovchansk was also fatally injured. five more civilians were injured, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, said. he added that there is no ground threat to kharkiv, and a mass evacuation is underway from the border. it is about vovchanskyi. and lipetsk districts, people travel mainly by their own transport, those who do not have a car are helped by volunteers and the police. these border settlements are actually located one or two kilometers from the border with the russian federation. at the moment , there is active fighting there, so of course, in this direction, given that the enemy is only hitting civilian infrastructure, and... we urge people
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to evacuate. farewell visit. slovak leader zuzana chaputova arrived in kyiv. this is her fourth visit to ukraine during the presidency and the third during the war. chaputova noted that she had arrived with good news about foreign aid to ukraine slovakia. according to the ukrainian media, it is about more than 4 million euros collected by the slovaks, which will be used for the purchase of artillery shells for our army. the slovak leader is already with with his colleague volodymyr zelenskyi , a meeting with the head of the government denys shmyhal is also planned. our engagement now is what lays the foundations of security for our peoples for decades to come. today we discussed the situation at the front in detail. i informed madam president about another russian attempt to expand offensive actions in our east state donetsk and kharkiv regions,
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as well as about our needs, in particular armed needs, to thwart what the occupier is trying to do. and this tragedy must be stopped, and the whole civilized world must take part in it. we see ukraine as a sovereign, sovereign state that will choose, that will choose its own path. dear volodymyr, i want to thank you all. to your team, the ukrainian government, and all ukrainian partners and people, to achieve a just peace, only such a peace is acceptable, we greatly respect your bravery and indomitability, you defend not only your own state, but also the principle on which our security is based. the government allocated over 7 billion hryvnias for the restoration of the damaged power system. as a result of russian
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attacks. these funds will be used for the purchase of equipment for the restoration of the high-voltage network, as well as for better synchronization with the european energy system, prime minister denys shmyhal said. at the same time, he added that the situation in the energy industry is now one of the most difficult. network and generation repairs last around the clock. the headquarters for preparation for the next heating season is already working on a permanent basis. the government is making a big bet on the decentralization of the energy system. the energy efficiency fund launched the "green deam" program, condominiums can receive compensation of up to uah 1 million for installation. solar power plants and up to uah 2 million for the installation of heat pumps for heating. accordingly, the nkrkp decided that new generating units will be connected to electric networks according to a simplified procedure and without paying a joining fee. in the
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meantime, the increase in light tariffs is being discussed in the ministry of energy. this is one of the options to get resources for recovery after the russian ones. and so declared the deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk. according to her, there is currently a significant shortage of electricity due to constant shelling of the infrastructure. so this can lead to blackouts. at the same time , tariffs may also be affected by financial assistance from western partners. the agreement on the membership of ukraine in the european union should not contain no restrictions on territorial application. this was stated by the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna during the hour of questions to the government. it was about whether the rules will apply to crimea and the occupied territories after ukraine becomes a member of the eu. today, our representatives
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of agriculture in many branches are engaged in the cultivation of land, in fact, on minefields. we are today. we have shelling of odesa, which has become another window for the export of ukrainian goods. we see how the enemy is doing everything to bleed our economy and destroy our energy. if the taxes from our trade with the european union do not go to the ukrainian budget, then it is obvious that we will not have enough funds to maintain our army. first the drones, then the treats. the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo budanov , recognized the 81-year-old woman. from lutsk, which helps to sink russian ships. despite a small pension, the woman always finds an opportunity to help the army. she writes down all her contributions in an old notebook, and also keeps it account of destroyed russian ships. the video with a list of liquidated enemy equipment gathered
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hundreds of thousands of views and encouraged other ukrainians to follow the example of the volyn grandmother, vhur said. without you and millions of ukrainians who support our army, it would be much more difficult for us to send serhiy kotov to the bottom, and many other russian ships, and the rest of the enemy equipment with which the occupier is trying to conquer us, your example inspires ukrainians to continue supporting our army, destroy enemy and pray ukrainian victory, pension is coming, so i am already the first on drones. for medicine, well, the rest is for good, here i wrote about drones, you see, all benefactors have to report in such a way that everything is transparently visible, clearly, yes, this is here, and this is here, and these are ships, in st. petersburg, russia
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a bus with passengers fell into the river, the video from the local public shows that the bus first crashed into two cars and flew into a fence. and eventually flew off the bridge into the water. four passengers died. previously, the driver became bad at the wheel and he couldn't handle the steering. he has already been detained, but they promise to provide medical assistance. metropolitan law enforcement officers undertook to fulfill the dream of two small cancer patients. they learned that the boys maksym and andriyko had long dreamed of seeing the work of service dogs and trying themselves as a dog handler, so the children were given a tour of the dog training center, where they were shown how four-legged companions help to apprehend criminals, as well as how to search for missing people explosives and drugs. at the end of the meeting
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law enforcement officers gave the children souvenirs and soft toys in the form of service dogs. and i have to add that... you did not forget to join the meetings of the espresso tv channel, and this time it is for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions, repair and restoration. the regiment operates mainly on the contact line or in the gray area of ​​the open air in all weathers day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, it is necessary a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. all of them. you can now see the details on the screen. you can
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find more news on our site espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main points, and of course, watch our unique content on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i wish you a quiet evening, i say goodbye to you before tomorrow, and literally in a moment, meet my colleague vasyl zymo. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - release under control. to feel life, not heartburn, take
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there will be a rest, alloholk, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, my name is. vasyl zima, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. alarming news today: early in the morning, the enemy crossed the border and began an offensive in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, in principle, the direction of his movement is the city of kharkiv, the situation is not easy, threatening, but controlled, that what is happening in kharkiv oblast, what is the situation in
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the city, what is the situation in those areas where fierce battles are currently ongoing between the defense forces about... the defense forces against the enemies who have crossed the state border and are trying to move to the regional center, we will talk about all this in more detail today , and we will actually monitor this situation throughout our ether, but we will start with the military results of the day, and i think that serhiy zgorets will definitely pay attention today to this important topic, a topic that the president of ukraine and many others have already talked about people responsible for events at the front. sergey, good evening. i congratulate you, please, you have the floor, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about what is happening on the front line, about the activation of the enemy in the kharkiv region and about the pokrovsky direction, where the 47th separate mechanized brigade is holding the defense, about all this in a moment.
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currently, another increase in the intensity of combat clashes is being recorded on the front line, for the first time this week , more than 150 enemy attacks were recorded in one of the actions, while the foreign media, in particular the cnn agency there , believes that the threat of increased attacks is related to russia's plans to carry out a large-scale offensive at the beginning of summer. in fact, the enemy offensive is already underway, starting from october last year and now. we are actually at its next stage, the enemy wants to seize as much as possible until the armed assistance from the usa arrives in sufficient quantity, and today the enemy just surrendered to actions in the kharkiv direction. the activation began with shelling by various means of fire impression and numerous drops of cabs from airplanes, against
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this background there were unsuccessful attempts by the drg to break into... the border and the enemy then, under the cover of armored vehicles, tried to enter a number of settlements along the border, the attacks were repelled, but reserve units were sent to strengthen the defense, and now the enemies then they are trying to break through our defenses, now these are primarily areas of the kharkiv and chuguiv districts, in particular the settlements of strelech, krasne, pylna and borysiv. now we will again show you the map where the russian troops are located, and i will also remind you that that the enemy's concentration of attacks on the city of vovchansk is noticeable, this city of vovchansk now plays an important role in the defense of the north -east of the kharkiv region, as an important logistics hub,
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a large part of our logistics east of siverskyi donets passes through it, the enemy understands this and... there was a video of the enemy striking the bridge over the vovcha river near vovchansk. the population is being evacuated from the city of vovchansk and surrounding settlements, and it can be assumed that with these attacks, primarily on vovchansk, the enemy wants to ease advancing in the direction of kupyansk, where a group of russian troops has been trying to advance for a long time without success. called the west, and when we talk about kharkiv, the sever group of troops is operating there, and can we now say that this north group is enough to carry out offensive attacks on kharkiv, if we look at the map now, then we see that russian troops are part of the grouping
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near bryansk, kursk and belohorod region, there linguistically speaking, we see the number in person. composition, which in general is about 50,000 personnel, and this number is not really sufficient for any deep advance, but enough to compel the use of our reserves in these areas, and this constant threat of raids in the direction of ha, it is estimated that the enemy to encourage our command. to keep a certain grouping of troops in the siverskyi and slobozhanskyi operational directions to deter enemy activity, this is exactly what is happening now. we will continue to monitor this difficult situation. we understand that the general staff predicted these risks, our brigades were deployed in this direction, the artillery is now working, and in those
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directions where the enemy wants, relatively speaking, to continue conducting raids. at this time , hostilities continue in other directions as well, in particular , we know that after the enemy achieved certain tactical successes and captured the village of ocheretyn, now he... is trying to act on this bridgehead as well, trying to expand this bridgehead, this is actually pokrovsky direction, where our 47th separate mechanized brigade operates, and what is happening there, we are now we will be able to talk in more detail, anastasia blyshchyk joins us, this is the press officer of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, mrs. anastasia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i wish health and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. what is the current situation in the brigade's area of ​​responsibility, what happened yesterday, what is happening today? well, look, the situation in our direction is stable, complex and steadily tense, the enemy does not
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stop trying to storm in the area of ​​responsibility of our 47th separate mechanized brigade, they use as armored vehicles, as well as a huge number of infantry, but all that depends on us now is to try to repel these attacks, and so far it is being successful, that is, the enemy is now getting a good beating. there was literally yesterday or today such a good video, which showed the battle near cheretino, where your brigade repelled another enemy attack, there were tanks, and bmp, and mtlb, how did this attack end for the enemy? look, for the enemy , this attack remained the fact that all their equipment was burned with the help of fpv drones, and our bradley crews, and our gunners. they did a good job, this is exactly this frame, this fragment, that is, also the infantry, the one that was in a hurry, they just got a good job, as i said before, they were also
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eliminated, one was a russian serviceman, he remained alive, he was lucky , yes, but he still chose death and blew himself up with a grenade. anastasia, how typical are enemy attacks using armored vehicles now, because there were... both infantry assaults and assaults with armored vehicles, there were assaults there and on these golf carts, motorcycles, what is the enemy most often using to carry out such assaults? well, if we talk about this week, then they use armored vehicles every day, both new and old-style equipment, the same ones were t-90 tanks, mproriv, ​​three such tanks were also burned with the help of our fpv drones. that is, during this week, such assault actions are daily, but all the equipment, of course, all our air reconnaissance notices it, well, from then on , all our units join the battle, which
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work for destruction. in general, the enemy, that’s right, they do it intermittently, that is, they use this technique, active armored vehicles, then they just have this field strewn with this technique, but if we talk about the zone... of our brigade during this entire period of time, what we are here in the ovidian direction, that is almost 200 units of armored vehicles burned by the enemy, that is, when they do not have time to raise reserves, then they will use more infantry, and in this case, now they have started using armored vehicles again. anastasia, how are you now? are our or american tanks used, our abrams and bmp tanks in bradleys. actions, because literally, it seems, last week there were reports in the foreign media, where it was said that, relatively speaking, the abrams brigade took tanks from the contact line, because it is very dangerous for them there. then
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there were rebuttals from your brigade that this is not the case at all, so explain to our viewers how both the abrams and the bradley are now being used in combat? well, it's dangerous for all of us to be here on the front line and all of us equipment, but we do not have the right to... hide this equipment somewhere, because after all, it is a powerful fire support, we have to support our infantry, because at first i was surprised by this message, of course i immediately recruited the commander of the tank battalion, and the commander of the brigade, to which they said that this was not true, and then i went there with my own eyes, i saw that abram tanks were really being used, and videos from drones, that’s all there is, that is, i understood that was just in the background, you know those... news that help is coming, yes from ours american partners here to us, and maybe this is the case, the russians have launched such a scumbag that you see, the americans
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are reporting to the ukrainians, and the ukrainians are hiding this technique somewhere, no, this is not true, they use everything exactly as it is used, we use american armored vehicles, of course we cannot reveal these details, but american machines, they work at full capacity, because this is what saved us all this time, as we are here in the avdiiv region, in conditions in conditions when we do not there were enough artillery shells. anastasia, there was a video of bradley at night with the help of pturtou. destroys a russian tank there at a distance of 1.5 km, now we will probably find this video and show our viewers whether anything additional is known about this battle, and whether in fact for such destruction of enemy equipment, our calculations receive some financial bonuses, because there were message that for each destroyed enemy tank there you can get 50,000 hryvnias, do they pay such bonuses? well
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, look, in relation to this... battle, then the enemy stormed the thing simultaneously in two directions in in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, this t-80 enemy bradley tank, our american machine, the crew, simply heroic, thanks to them, they left, saw the target, of course they worked, then also a lot of enemy armored vehicles were engaged that day, if i am not mistaken, this there were six units, and all this equipment was burned, thanks to its crew. and fpv drones, in general, these are our effective weapons, breadly and fpv drones, regarding whether, sorry, remind, enemy equipment, yes, yes, bonuses for destroyed equipment are of course paid, the only thing it must be confirmation, video confirmation of the destroyed equipment, of course our fighters are paid, but now confirmation of the destroyed equipment can be
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easily obtained, because... thanks to the mavics, the same drones, that is, now the battlefield is in the palm of your hand, you can to see everything, it’s not for nothing that the war is live now, but has the use of artillery on our side increased now, has the number of shells and mines increased, because this is the first video that showed how your brigade destroyed enemy armored vehicles, and there you can see , which is quite true artillery is working hard on the enemy, maybe there is really more ammunition? yes, yes, we are already receiving help from our american partners, the battlefield has improved , of course we want even more artillery shells, because there were cases when they were really critical cases, then fpv drones came to the rescue, which became a cheap alternative to expensive shells , and yesterday i spoke with the commander of one of our artillery units, he said that the deliveries are and will be even larger, and... what is
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the current situation with the use of fpv drones, which you mentioned, is there parity, do we have an advantage, or does the enemy have an advantage, what does it look like now? well, thanks to the volunteers and thanks to the ukrainians, who will constantly contribute, the advantage in fpv, drones, well, look at this, i am talking about the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade, then we outnumber the enemy, but we must understand that they have a lot of artillery shells, which they simply are scattered, so maybe they don't have them and there is no such need to... to have more fpv drones. and what are the expectations of your commanders, your comrades, for the implementation of the law about mobilization, and does such direct recruitment work for your brigade? yes, we have launched a recruiting department, in this recruiting recruiting department our fighters who were in the infantry, but then got
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injured and now. already perform other functions, uh, they call, of course, we leave all the information on the brigade pages, candidates call, and what our recruiters do is accompany the candidate from the very beginning, that is, from the time he or she called, to to further we already write out the relationship, the person goes to the military officer, then to the training center and while he is in this training center, our recruits still write every day, asking how he is doing, whether his legs hurt, there is training and everything else, because at the moment even my units are being replenished, and i asked , how much training is there, i was told two months, i was very surprised, because when i got to the training center in 2022, it was two weeks, in relation to which expectations, well , we hope that there will be as many conscious as possible ukrainians who will join the ranks the armed forces of ukraine, because there are many of them.
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thoughts that, well, it's not quite time.


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