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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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and they call, of course, we leave all the information on the brigade pages, candidates call, and what our recruiters do is accompany the candidate from the very beginning, that is, from the time he or she called, to the next, we already write out the relationship, the person leaves to the military headquarters, then to the training center, and while he is in this training center, our recruits still write daily, asking how he is doing, whether his legs hurt, how the training is, and so on, because... at the moment, even to me in units are being replenished, and i asked how many there are training, i was told two months, i was very surprised, because when i got to the training center in 2022, it was two weeks, regarding which expectations, well, we hope that there will be as many conscious ukrainians as possible who will join the armed forces of ukraine, because there are many opinions about the fact that it is not quite time. there yes
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to win this war at the expense of others, people want to rest, people want to go home, because many of our poor people say that the children are growing up without me, without a father, everyone is sad and everyone wants to go there yes to return to some kind of normal life, so we hope that as many ukrainians as possible will join the armed forces of ukraine, but on the other hand, you know, i have analyzed this way, this attitude is not quite right now. to those who are not yet in the armed forces of ukraine, because they are called such, they shame these people, although at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many ukrainians came to the military headquarters and said: "take me", but these people were told everything, the armed forces of ukraine are there will cope, then everyone broadcast exclusively the victory, and those people adapted, adapted to this life, there yes in the evening to be under rockets at night to go to work in the morning, and then suddenly no, you have to go quickly. you are joining the alaf armed forces
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of ukraine, that is, i understand that this communication was a bit of a failure, but what about me. ms. ancier, thank you very much for your explanation, for what you and your brigade are doing to protect our country, i would like to remind our viewers that it was anastasia blyshchyk, the press officer of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently holding back the enemy to the west of avdiyivka here these were the main military results of that era, and more international and economic ones. more news on vasyl zima's broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zagorets, thank you to anastasia blyshchik for the conversation, for more information, a great ether is going on and a lot of interesting and important information is ahead. well, now i will ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone of military operations in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions.
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the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called the gray area in the open sky in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment, ours... and 63,000 uah, i just literally updated our bank, and let's see how much we were able to collect, we were able to collect 95,322 uah, i want to say that these 45,000, well, a little less, we collected literally in a few days, because for a long time the collection was somewhere at the level of 52,000, we will be able to do it, i believe in you, i also contribute my donations to this collection, to other meetings, in what i can. i always do this and
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say that while we are in the body, well, for now, because the situation is such that things can change, well , at least for men, we have to do what we can do, and besides informing our community, we have to and give the money earned to support the armed forces of ukraine. the situation is very difficult in the kharkiv region, this morning the enemy began offensive actions, yevgen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv from... in touch, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i will start with what, in fact, somewhere around 5 o'clock in the morning, the enemy began offensive actions on the border of the kharkiv region, well, ukraine in the kharkiv region and the russian federation, to describe what is happening there on the front line, where fierce battles are currently taking place, as the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi says, people say , which attached to the military and political leadership of the state, so i am not asking you to comment on this issue, but in general... and the information that
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kharkiv residents are receiving today, because the enemy has clearly already targeted kharkiv, there is no doubt that today, by the way, the information and psychological operation of the enemy was quite powerful, let's go, kharkiv, that's all. let's get rid of some occupying power there, well, it's supposed to be the ukrainian occupying power, what's the mood in kharkiv today, let's talk about it, first of all, related to the intensification of offensive actions the enemy is on the border, well, and then we will talk about the shelling, which, unfortunately, there were also and the population is even being evacuated, please, yes, of course, everything was said correctly, the enemy today carried out attacks on the territory of ukraine from the northern... part of the city, more precisely the northern part in the kharkiv region, regarding the mood in kharkiv, everyone understands what is happening, everyone follows the news, everyone is adapted, and the enemy has long told us that he wants to advance, everyone understands that one of
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the enemy's goals is kharkiv and the territory as a whole the military of ukraine, including the kharkiv region, were fully prepared for this, so everyone understood that it could happen from... from day to day, there was such information from the military, from the local administration, from the public in the telegram channel , that's why everyone was preparing, this happened, and we are ready, we meet the enemy, i thank our armed forces of ukraine for defending our country and protecting and keeping the enemy at the border, and two dead and five wounded on the border of kharkiv oblast as a result of enemy fire the attack that happened, well this offensive is not an enemy attack. this is an offensive, i don’t know what to call it, a full-scale, local offensive, in any case, these are offensive actions, and with the involvement of artillery, aviation, armored vehicles, manpower of the enemy, that is, all this works in a complex, and it is clear that the defense forces they were ready, they are holding on, somewhere the enemy went further, somewhere it didn’t go that far, in any case the situation
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is a combat situation, and here you can’t say controlled, uncontrolled, critical, a combat situation, plus in any case we will wait for official information from those people who should be responsible for the direction east, as far as... i understand, it is about this direction, if we talk about the operational command, but here are the wounded and two dead, and the evacuation from vovchanchansk and populated and surrounding villages has begun, a logical question arises here, which is not the first time during the period of a full-scale invasion, why couldn't people evacuate earlier, despite the fact that, according to the military, it is not the military's responsibility for the evacuation, i will say right now, it is not the military's responsibility for the evacuation population, but from the words of the military that i read. today we knew that it would be on may 10, that is, when there was an understanding of why it could not be done earlier, and again , the evacuation, how it happens, must be understood, just as it was, say, in avdiivka or chasovoy yar, or in other settlements, and there in bakhmut, is this a different story, plus there was information that the enemy
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blew up a bridge in the vovchanchansk region to complicate logistics, but this is information that needs to be checked, this is what the telegram channels with the link there give on different sources, i i am not stating that this is a fact, because there are a lot of such facts now. appears, but for now these facts need to be checked, please, and yes, everything is true, look, regarding the question of why she was not rescued earlier, evacuation crews and people who are engaged in evacuation face it every day, a person who is in his place, which is near his building, he has his own household, he has it there, he survived there, lived the whole war and his whole life, he may have lived there during the occupation of the occupied were, firstly, he has already adapted to shelling, he understands how to live under these conditions, secondly, he does not have reliable complete information, there is a description of why he does not go to the kharkiv region or to kharkiv or dobespechino, so that he
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may not have any relatives there, there may not be any help, it will be difficult to find a job, he does not have this information, and or does not believe this information, when volunteers are emergency crews... and the local administration asks him leave, in general we have people, in volunteers, there is a list of more than 15 points of reasons why people do not leave, so the reasons may be different, and we ask people to leave, they simply do not want to leave, because they find any reasons for this, this is how evacuation is carried out, it is carried out , yesterday we just had a big coordination of volunteer... organizations on evacuation issues, but we were planning it, and no one understood that it would already be planned for tomorrow, but this morning the whole volunteer community, with whom we communicate, everyone directed their efforts to to evacuate people from the front-line
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areas where mass shelling began. please tell me about this, you know, i just won't say that you can answer this question now, but simply because i don't have another address now. santa for my question, i will ask you, now a lot of different information appears, as a journalist i always trust, well, i start working with information that has at least three sources, and one source is not about anything, the sources are more or less three sources should at least be independent, let's say that the territory on which the enemy is currently moving or not moving, or where the fighting is going on, or where he was able to enter, was allegedly demined last year, well, because it was a territory controlled by ukraine, well, obviously, maybe there was some sense, you heard something like that, i am not now, i do not claim that this is so, i just want people who are also currently reading this in telegram channels, read it on other resources, they heard at least the opinion of a person who is in kharkiv region, because... if there was any large-scale demining there, for example, of the vovchan community, well, i think that would be known about it.
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well, look, i can’t answer this question because i don’t have complete profile information, it’s better to ask the military or the state emergency service, i didn’t have such information, so i can’t say, well, then we closed this issue, again i will also say to our viewers, please don't trust everything they write, maybe it was true, maybe it wasn't true, you should always wait for official information, i'm just voicing it again, i think maybe people will say no now , well... our guest doesn't know, and well, we'll finish with that, but what writes reuters, the russians want to create a buffer zone, that is why they went on the offensive in order to expand the bridgehead, and of course, to prepare obviously for the movement to kharkiv, how much is 40 km and to kharkiv from approximately, approximately yes, yes approximately yes, roughly so, what is the mood again in kharkiv, let's talk about it, the preparation of the population, well, it should take place in any case, underground... coverts, actions in case, something is happening, what we are there they didn't expect,
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the enemy gave up, well, anything can happen, it's war, yes we can't say how it can be, how it can't be, there can be a nuclear strike, we don't know, well, the enemy has all the means and defeats that are in the world today, for sure, if we are talking about the russians, that's why it's happening this work, is it possible that it will begin to intensify in the work with kharkiv residents, because the phrase is that everything is normal, people go to work, leave work and everything is fine, well... during the war, they plant flowers and go to theaters , this is great, and we perfectly understand that the situation is tense, threatening, and it is better to be always ready, what is the mood in kharkiv and are certain local services that were supposed to deal with this, are they working, is it possible that they will start to notify the population and work with the population in case of various possible situations, different, again, we cannot give a guarantee that it will be right or wrong, we believe in the armed forces, but again, no one gives guarantees, so with... look, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, kharkiv was one of the first to meet the enemy, and we already, well, then we
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were not as ready as we are now, after the de-occupation of kharkivska oblast, we are active, well, look, civil society, just civilians who go to work, plant flowers, go to institutions, they are not involved in the work of preparing the city or oblast for such cases, either the services work, or they are helped by volunteers , with the resources that they... have, they attract international donors, physically help to set up shelters and so on, there are certain city and regional programs for organizing shelters for notifying the population, the state emergency service is working very hard on this issue, it is me for sure i know, because we cooperate with them, i can say the same about shelters in kharkiv, last year, when the kharkiv region was decoupled, profiled from the very beginning, when this happened, the city began... prepare and prepare shelters, and in the city the placed shelters are fast, and the entrances are done, well
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, most of the entrances, because of course there are some moments that have not been completed yet or have not been done due to some - obstacles, but i encounter a lot of it, because i drive around the city, we deliver there humanitarian aid, and we see that there is always a shelter somewhere, we check it and go in, there is access to them, so in most houses it is... they have coverage, plus there is a subway where you can definitely, even if there is no electricity, the subway works as a place where you can hide from shelling, so specialized services and volunteers worked to ensure that the city and the region were protected in these matters and adapted to times of war, and everyone was ready for this, so what depended on our work, i know and can report on it and answer responsibly, and about some... which do not reach me and through local authorities or through some services, i
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don't know about them. thank you very much, first of all, for your work and civic stance, and for the comments yevgen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, we will continue to keep the events in the kharkiv region in the informational focus as of now and see what and how the situation will change, but more once again i urge our dear viewers, listeners, readers of the espresso site, trust verified information, a lot of different information. alexei people's deputy gencharenko is in touch with us of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. i would actually like to start a conversation with you from kharkiv oblast as well. a lot of hostile ipso appears, a lot of information now appears, which again. after all , people do not have time to check, they are reposting, but how do you assess what happened this morning with the enemy offensive in kharkiv oblast, what are the threats to the city, and what do you think should be done now with the population, and above all with the military and political the leadership of the state, well, the military, who are currently fighting fierce battles, i i understand that they know what to do there exactly without my advice from anyone else,
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please, yes, well, first, my assessment, i think that giving some final assessment there. it's very, very early, it's clear that the situation is developing, it's clear that there's tough fighting, it's clear that the enemy has advanced in some areas, but it's clear that there are no enemy breakthroughs, and i really hope, i'll be honest with you , i'm sure that there are not there will be these breakthroughs, so i do not see kharkiv as an immediate threat, again at this moment in this situation. well, well, the situation is difficult, of course, and requires a lot of attention from the military and political leadership of our country, uh, what is this, really, the big offensive of the russians that they talked about, reconnaissance by combat, an attempt to distract, stretch our forces before striking
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in another place, that's all, all options are possible, and which option is real, well, we don't know. at the moment, we will know this only in days, and maybe even weeks, but it is obvious that the situation there has become very, very acute, and the enemy is opening a new, certain hot area, which was so hot until the last there were no days, but i will say it again, there is no threat to kharkov today, and the enemy is not cutting any roads, it is not even approaching there... there is still a distance to kharkov, well, but definitely, well, this situation, the sooner we will stop her this advance, and the best we will repel the enemy in the initial position, the better. well , the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg senigubov, said that all the offensive attacks of the russians in the north of the kharkiv region were repulsed and no loss of territory was allowed there, this information is about 5
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an hour, and all the options you talked about are also being considered. but there is another issue here that the commander of the ground forces, general pavlyuk, if i am not mistaken, said today that there is a possible threat to the capital of ukraine, brigades are being formed and up to 10 formations will be involved in the defense of kyiv. again, we won't reveal here, and you certainly, even if you have access to this information, as a people's deputy, you won't reveal certain secrets, and you don't need to reveal them, but are the threats really such that the enemy can move again to lean on kyiv. well, we understand that chernihiv region borders not only with belarus, where, let’s say, the formation of strike groups has not been recorded, but also with the russian federation, and of course, that putin will obviously try to use this period between the vote for aid to ukraine and the actual arrival weapons and the distribution of weapons by units, this is a certain time, and putin still has this time, your
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assessment of these statements of the general, the political assessment of perezatsi, whether kyiv can really be a target for the enemy again, the offensive itself. actions ground operation, well, look, it will be strange for me to argue with the commander of the ground forces of ukraine, because he definitely knows the situation better than me, i will say my personal opinion, right now i am in the city of kyiv, and i do not think that there is the enemy has the opportunity to threaten kyiv in some way, so i think that, well, definitely... we have to be vigilant, and i can't rule anything out, well, but i express my personal opinion that i don't understand, i can't even imagine how the enemy may threaten kyiv now, it's hard for me to imagine that, well but in any case, the armed forces will be ready, i am sure that they will be ready, i believe in the armed forces of ukraine,
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so i think that everything should be fine, but... i think that it is quite possible that the russian formations and disinformation are being thrown in, and perhaps they are making some maneuvers, because their task is to stretch the ukrainian forces, as we are talking to you now, perhaps this direction of attack today, which is far from being the last and may not be the main one, we are not we know, but here it would really be what you started with, i would also like to turn to ours citizens, it is obvious that this russian offensive in the kharkiv region, which is accompanied by a powerful russian offensive in information. field, we can see how the reports are spreading, the enemy is already storming vovchansk, someone has broken through somewhere and so on, well, this is a lie, the enemy is not storming vovchansk. did not break through anywhere, so let's understand this, don't panic, but maintain informational hygiene, but here, too, there is a request, of course, to our
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informants from the armed forces, well , to respond promptly, to inform people, so that, you know, there was no feeling that we were being lied to , a because if it appears, then there is immediately a kind of trust in all this russian information, and they will definitely use it against ukraine, therefore... here it is such a mutual work, well, here too, it is definitely not worth it, it is not worth thinking about , that it is not important to refute fakes, fakes should always be refuted, because there are a lot of them, and they, i see that today in various messengers, just on some sites almost selling phones, signatures appeared in the comments saying that we are leaving to kharkiv, we are going to kharkiv, that is, it is they, they climbed from, but the important issue here is of course the confrontation with the enemy, it is the issue of effective mobilization, and i mean effectively. motorization of people who can really be useful at the front or in other areas where the defense forces are based, and here are two points, two
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important points, the first is the mobilization of prisoners voluntarily, and the second is what is currently being considered in the council , well, so m, the issues of economic booking will be considered, let's start with the related ones, what was declared, which is approximately. 10-20,000 such citizens can only be called up to the army as much as possible, comment, because there are still such risks here, you know that there are a lot of people who can be imprisoned for corruption or something else, but can come out voluntarily and be mobilized, and then for a certain amount, well, we understand that there are there are always people who are ready to take a bribe, not to go to the front, for free bread, please, there is no such risk, let me explain, i am a co-author of this law, and even today's situation in kharkiv region demonstrates that it is needed, friends, come on. .. don't pretend, let's go to talk honestly with each other, we need people who fight, and why can you take away a plumber, teacher, dancer or manager,
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but not a hooligan or a thief, especially since some of these people have combat experience, served in the ato or served in army, and they want to protect the homeland, but these are not our best citizens today, but they are also citizens of ukraine. they also have the right to defend the motherland, and when the motherland needs people, why should we refuse them, and instead keep them in places imprisonment, feeding, guarding, when it is possible to give these people the opportunity to fight, how many of these people will there be, yes, well, who will not be allowed, so this does not apply to those who have committed particularly serious crimes, rapists, mass murderers, by the way , on corruption to all top officials. that is, everyone who held a particularly responsible position, i.e. deputies, ministers, deputy ministers, and was convicted, by the way, not necessarily, even for corruption, may have committed a road accident or something else, they will not be subject to exit and
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mobilization, on them it does not spread, those who worked for the enemy, russian spies, agents too, well, that's why i don't see any risks here, everyone else of a suitable age can apply, then he decides... this decision goes through the court and through the military medical commission, that is, if health allows to serve them, then please go and serve, then this is the so-called conditional early release, that is, it means that they serve until the end of martial law, as long as it lasts, after that they are released, but they finish their service and they remain free citizens, but until the end of their term, well , only as long as, for example, there were three more years. sit, serve two years, that means another year, this person is under the following condition, that if he commits some new crime, he will receive not only
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the punishment for this crime, but also the full punishment for the past crime for which he did not serve time, and the full term, it doesn't matter how much she has served, that is, it's a very harsh punishment, in that case she will be, so i think that's enough safeguards, how many people like that... is mobilizing, we do not know, because it is their good will, i think that several thousand men, this is not a critical number, but listen, several thousand men, these are several battalions, which today, oh, how they are needed there at the front, well and and always, well, this number is 10-20 thousand, in any case, we understand that the situation can change, but the fact that people will have the right to defend their state is great, if they... did not commit the crimes that they are not given such a right, they are not given such an honor, well, what about economy booking, yesterday there was information that after all two options will be considered, well, there is a tax
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of 35. for with from the salary and or 10% of the booked for the company according to the choices of the management of the company, well, the top management and with payment for each booked 20 thousand uah as if on receiving one military, well, such options are possible, there are still third ones , how promising it is and what is the reason for it, because again it is a question of justice and again this phrase will circulate that the rich have redeemed themselves and the poor will be, although again i am a human being and you and i i will not say this phrase right away... i will monitor what will be offered specifically, but any form that provides that you can pay money, either directly or, for example, through an enterprise, after signing up and bringing it to the cash, the enterprise it lists somewhere, well, it’s actually ransoms, it actually means, the rich don’t fight, the poor fight, well, it’s wrong, it’s not constitutional, it’s not humane, i understand that today there is also corruption, and there are cases where
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the rich are bought off ... but it is necessary to fight with it, not to lead it and not to declare that it is normally. well, you know, the most important thing is that it should be calculated, and perhaps the specialized committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine should give an understanding of how many people should be involved in production in order for key enterprises to work, so sorry, you said in production, i the last word, look, i understand, for example, a plumber who works at a water supply company in a small town, and may receive uah 10,000 there, but he is super needed, because without him... a water supply company becomes a water supply company and 20,000 people there cannot drink water, everything, i.e. the city is dying, therefore, this locksmith is needed there, not in okop, obviously, and the driver of the president of the bank in kyiv, who receives 50,000 hryvnias. listen, the president of the bank will somehow survive without a driver. therefore , it cannot be counted and measured with money. there should be completely different approaches here. well, there should
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be an understanding that everything. must work, and the army must be replenished effectively, and communal services must work, both critical, and hospitals, and everything else, again, to what extent do you think there will be a dialogue here, and will there not be certain decisions that will turn out to be wrong in the long run , and, because you can win somewhere, lose somewhere, as a result you can have more negatives, i say again, everything should be perfect, but everything is not perfect, will the parliament offer a dialogue and a serious conversation on this matter in order to coordinate all these points with business. it happened many times, so i really don't want it to be the same this time. i thank you very much. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy. thank you for participating, thank you for your comments, for your work as a lawmaker, and above all, i also thank oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. well, literally in a moment about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. from ukraine. well, the second
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hour of the great broadcast has started, a lot of interesting and important information is ahead. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr monshchevka, sports news with yevhen postakhov, and also the weather from natalka didenko. today. and plus, we will monitor the situation in hot destinations. now we understand that the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions in the north of kharkiv region, and again, the information that will appear, we will track i emphasize to you once again, once again. again and again, trust verified information, maybe it does not appear as quickly as some telegram channels start posting reposts every tenth hand, but this is your safety, information is your safety, your understanding of how to act and exactly, this, well, information should encourage action, the question here is not that we should be reassured, but we should not be under pressure 350, and we all understand that we should adequately perceive reality, no matter how complex and
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this reality will not be difficult. or there is no other way, so stay with espresso and let's start with the news: there is no threat of a ground invasion of kharkiv now, the local authorities assured, they say the enemy does not have sufficient potential for this, the counter-offensive, which the enemy launched this morning in the kharkiv region at 5 o'clock in the morning, the current one, succeeded to stop the defense forces, this was confirmed by the president of ukraine and supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, he also added that at the moment , heavy fighting is going on on the front line, to strengthen the defense in the... section of the front directed reserve units, meanwhile , the deep state combat map marks a gray zone in front of the border from the ukrainian side, as evidenced by the map data: the zsu withdrew from the strilech and pylno forces. meanwhile, from shelling , ukraine met them there with our troops.


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