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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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live far from russia, they don’t feel it, and for them the imitation of russian elections, well, you are equal to the elections they hear about from other countries, that is why russian propaganda is in a winning position here, really, when it says that ukrainians do not have elections conducted, and we conducted, and for people who do not go into details, for them it sounds convincing, but the western elites, of course , they... know and understand the situation, including with the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the russian president, the question of why some western countries sent theirs representatives to his inauguration, lies not only in the plane of his legal legitimacy, but also in the military sense of russia in nuclear weapons, with which russia... threatens the world and in
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attempts to leave some door for negotiations with putin in order not to cause this nuclear conflict, that's how the western elites explain their continued communication with the russian dictator. katerina, you and we all, in one way or another, were obviously following what was happening during. inauguration, how putin behaved, what statements he made, it is clear that he spoke again about nuclear weapons, about the fact that we will not allow anyone, we have strategic weapons and everyone should understand all this, but from the point of view of a person who was actually crowned, and who probably should not be named in including with our western partners, the president, well, is it the head of russia , or is it the leader of russia or her... the dictator of russia,
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well, there are such definitions, that's how he looked, did he look confident, the fifth presidential term, 24 years in great power at the head of russia, that is, as you saw putin, i would rather not see it, but here you can remark, but in fact, well, looking at putin, especially the last 10 years after the beginning of the invasion of ukraine. and working in the crimearealia project, where we did a lot of broadcasts there, paid attention to what he said, and constantly followed his press conferences there and everything, i, like everyone, probably who watches journalists there, can say that there on the one hand, i'm an expert, on the other hand, we don't know doubles, not doubles, it doesn't matter, he has such an appearance and manner of presenting information that, for example, i wouldn't like the leader there...
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i wouldn't like him and wouldn't listen to him. for me, he is fundamentally unsure of many things, and his behavior and appearance do not characterize him in a good way for me, but despite that, in the same place in russia it is a completely different field, and by the way, when we talk about legitimacy or not, but are we sure that not the majority of russians, they support vladimir putin, and do not the majority really vote for him, well, we have some polls, we we can pay attention to it, and we can see how it goes the russian-ukrainian war, how these people are recruited there, and then when they become prisoners, what they say, what their relatives say, well, there is obviously support there, and putin, unfortunately, probably, this is not the only problem of ukraine, in principle, the whole system, well, conditionally speaking, there will be no putin, this does not mean that the russian, ukrainian war, it will stop and that's all, russia will withdraw its troops, absolutely not, that's why everything seems to me to be more global and scarier than the figure of vladimir himself putin, to whom... you can
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find fault there in the sense of this one ceremony, that he was going somewhere for a very long time, this is very strange, as always on victory day , they have a background of those older people who are presented as veterans, and there, based on their age , it is in principle clear that they are probably children of war there, and that's why he rallies his people, his population around the war and that kind of victorious rhetoric, he promises something, he says that... what we, we, we, together have to achieve there, and everything inspires, probably in this way, unites, i.e. as for the citizens of russia, especially those who support him, well, probably, probably that works, and you know what still amazes me, abroad, when citizens of russia, or maybe not citizens of russia, but consider themselves russians, go out, celebrate with flags, and so on, in germany we know, and that on the day of victory in...
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they banned any symbols of the russian military, but there are a lot of countries where russian citizens go out and celebrate something, so there are nesting dolls, that's all, and i'm so surprised that people don't... . a long time ago, i even asked the russian politician yulip namaryov why this is the case, what is the trick, what do they get out of it, well, they show their patriotism, they remember their great-grandfathers, grandfathers who fought there, well, this is such a different psychology, i would be ashamed if my country was the aggressor and did what it does, that is, such murders and all that russia is doing, i would be ashamed in principle to even show my passport there, and even more so to go out. abroad, and celebrating it, that is, we do not understand the logic of all this, our logic is that in the 14th year as citizens of ukraine, he came to us the enemy, murders began, disappearances began, mass repressions in the occupied territories, illegal elections in the occupied territories, they have actually been taking place since 2014,
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the question is for the western world, and why was this illegitimacy not recognized there then, yes, that is, it cannot be for the citizens of ukraine it is not clear why this again is not... determination, not the maximum efficiency of the western world, and now actually even recognizing putin as the acting, legitimate president there, it does not fit into our logic, into the logic of the western world, where it is necessary to somehow communicate, to agree, well, obviously, it is included, unfortunately, for us. thank you, kateryna, andriy, but considering what actually, and how putin presents it, obviously he perceives another presidential one. as legitimization or the right to continue the war, and obviously this will somehow shape his further steps, and we can already see these further steps, because literally three days ago putin, the so
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-called president of the russian federation, was inaugurated, we can already see how the russian offensive is unfolding in the kharkiv direction. already talking about that this offensive may also affect the neighboring sumy region, well , they have been talking about this for a long time, so what can we expect from the crowned putin? well, actually, i just read on the espresso website that there are heavy battles on the entire front line, zelenskyi listened to syrskyi's report. indeed, putin perceived this procedure of his inauguration, legitimization, as permission and the attention of western countries to him, as permission for further aggressive actions for further escalation, and of course he is also taking advantage of the moment, we know that the americans so supported and financial and military aid to ukraine, but
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it will take time to directly transfer the weapons to the places, and the first f-16 planes, for example, will be available only in the summer now. the first loaded one is not a mockup, but the first simulator on which you can train directly in ukraine, and the planes themselves will come later, it is impossible to actually stop the offensive when the russians use cabs, such heavy bombs by the forces of one infantry, infantry, drones and the usual means of combat for us, because... this is a real innovation of theirs, which did not exist before and what kind of crap they fill the line with the front, the last six months and many losses, well , it will be the last six months and many losses, well , we will monitor the situation at the front, of course it can change, and we can already see
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the reaction of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, he says what he said with oleksandr syrsky, there is a rather tense situation. we, on the spresso tv channel and on radio svoboda, monitor all these processes, and of course we also comment live on the air and present the situation in our news and in our programs, we discuss that is happening right at the front. however, colleagues, before moving on to another topic, i would like to remind our tv viewers that today we are conducting a survey and we are asking you whether you agree that democracy... is more important for ukraine than a strong leader, everything is quite simple on youtube , yes, no, if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel and our social networks, and most importantly, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or
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phone and vote if you think that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader (0800-211-381), no 0800 211-382, all calls are free. are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. another event, but already an internal one of our domestic political life, which happened yesterday, is the resignation of oleksandr kubrakov from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine, minister of development of communities, territories and infrastructure of a person who was quite close to the office of the president of ukraine, and even the president of ukraine himself, and it turned out that on the eve of his dismissal, kubrakov refused to come to the profile committee of the verkhovna rada for a report, he himself wrote on social networks that the resignation came as a surprise to him, but he was ready to announce. i will quote mr. kubrakov. i am always ready for an open dialogue and a detailed report on
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the work of the ministry in all areas under my responsibility. the leadership of the faction , the head of the government, denys shmyhal, did not discuss this decision with me. at the faction meeting and the specialized committee was not invited. the day before, the servants of the people faction talked about the need to divide the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure into two separate departments. but the most interesting thing. that it was the representatives of the servants of the people who molded this great ministry, now they say, listen, there is no kubrakov, we do not need such a great ministry, but observing this, kateryna, what conclusion do you come to , that in principle there is a single center decision-making, sometimes those who believe that they also enter this decision-making center and find themselves outside this center, well, that is, these five or six men... about whom zelensky once spoke at the final press conference in the 23rd year, it turns out that those who even
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think , that they are included in these five or six managers, well, like kubrako, for example, they are simply fired and without even warning, there is no prior conversation with the prime minister, how should this be perceived? well, it is perceived very badly, it looks very strange, that the decision-making center is at the bank, it is... we just hear about it from everywhere, somewhere from our own sources, somewhere from the sources of journalists who specialize in these topics there, behind the scenes from deputies, yes, you can hear, well, it’s obvious, it’s already like a fact, but i just can’t understand why it can’t be at least it would be more clear that these processes would be conducted publicly, and that the minister who was dismissed should actually speak in the verkhovna rada so that the deputies could ask questions or express their views. his dissatisfaction with some decisions, processes that took place in
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the ministry when it was headed by mr. kurbakov, well, so that the society at least sees that there is a dialogue and what is happening in general, we understand that in our country it is not, in principle, that the citizens of ukraine know the faces of all ministers and such important top officials, well , this is also true, that is, there is faces that are familiar, that are recognizable. but there are people whose activities are not recognizable, among, well , what can be said that this is a person who, who is not talked about so badly, who presents ukraine well enough there, has his own connections with western partners, and the team is strong there, i don't know anyone there personally, but there, from a professional point of view , you see that the people there are worthy, for example, and that is, there is no such impression that the person there did not cope at all, so we will not even... say goodbye to him normally, well, in any situation a normal office, she is a person, probably calls hr there, at least,
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and will tell what the issue is, what the problem is, what is the reason for the dismissal, communication, well, as always , not very well, it is not worthy, because the ukrainians should be explained in general, what, what activities of the ministry, what is there now changes, and so on, this is not enough and not for the first time. oleksiy goncharenko from european solidarity. says that the story of kubrakov's dismissal and plans to split his ministry indicates the absence of a systematic personnel policy in the state, let's hear what goncharenko said. all this looks strange, the result is the same, there is no subjectivity either in the government or in the parliament, all decisions are made in the president's office, a command is sent, this command is quickly executed, there is no systematicity in this. and this is some kind of kindergarten. united the ministry, united the ministry, just so you understand, it is not such a simple process, it is millions of hryvnias, it is
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months of time, it is the fate of hundreds of thousands of people, and it is lost time for work, and it is during the war, i am afraid of such a personnel policy, its complete lack of system policy, such government policy is frightening, because where there is no actual government, i.e. andrii, there is no such government, there is a parliament, but it works in manual mode, five or six managers run the state , this is all during the war, what threatens such a state administration. or, say yes, mono- power, as they say, but well, when we talk about mono-power, i guess we should talk about mono-responsibility, because yes, i would argue, it is, of course, the only decision-making center that is concentrated in the office of the president , but to legitimize these decisions, a parliament is needed, no matter how
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obedient it is, there are still people with their own point of view sitting there, very often they need to be convinced or. well, with some other incentives to force people to vote, that's why kubrakov's dismissal was known in arrears, the truth was there is a widespread disinformation fake that the ministry will be divided and he will be appointed to lead the infrastructure ministry again, but the part about development and restoration will be in the hands of another minister, or another person, this did not happen, as far as i know, i voted for his appointment no, well... which means that the president's office does not really want to appoint him to ministers again, and what is it about, that this minister had money in his hands, or at least the tools to spend multibillion-dollar tranches on recovery, but there were probably hopes that the recovery would be quick, that the war would end quickly, and that these billions would already be in
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the country, we see that the situation is dragging on, that perhaps this money will not be there for a long time. and in the meantime, the minister gained weight and, as my sources say, began to communicate very frankly with nabu, with the american embassy, ​​and of course the president's office did not like this, we generally have a double system of state management for a long time, just this all the time share of formal power structures and informal power structures, it took place in different proportions, if... before zelensky, formal authorities still played a role and ministers had their own political weight, but now under zelensky we see that the government has actually turned into a decoration , and informal methods of managing the country are flourishing and all kinds of advisers, well, now there, for example,
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they say about the ministry of defense of ukraine that the information policy there is managed by advisers, and not officially appointed persons. well, about something else the ministry, i think, can also be said so. but kateryna, in this story with kubrakov, and in general with other appointments and resignations, obviously the political responsibility still lies with the leader of the state, because he has a monomajority in the verkhovna rada, he has a government that is appointed by a monomajority, he has his own managers who manage the state, but in... in all these stories, let's say, where the political responsibility is borne by volodymyr zelenskyi, the president, we don't often see this direct political responsibility, that's why what about mykola suvskyi, who was the minister of agrarian policy, who is accused of flooding with state land worth 291 million uah and attempting to seize land
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worth another 190 million uah, well, that is, there is no such... sign of equality, or is there such a sign of equality, that , what happened with solsky is a sign, whether zelenskyi’s team is equal, or zelenskyi directly, president zelenskyi, as ukrainians, they understand that these are the same thing, and that the political responsibility lies with the leader who actually, well, brought all of them people to power, that is, it is not some big one the majority, which consists of... political groups, it is not, no, there are no foreign people there, because they are all their own people, after all , they have been in power for 5 years, and it is not a government of national unity, and which can also be distributed there, for example, there would be this responsibility, because there are also such ideas, but here it is such a difficult question, because on the one hand, yes, everyone understands who the president is, who has the majority, and there are all
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opportunities , yes, but on the other hand, so is the president, he cannot answer. actions of all, and he does not directly appoint, that is where he directly appoints ministers, that is one story, where it does not happen directly, in fact, i am there legally, technically it is completely different, so what is the responsibility here, the law must work, the investigation must work, the court must work, and so on in such a way that it happened there, so that the society saw that the officials also saw, maybe the rulers saw that something would be done against the law, there would be corruption, well, it would happen. responsibility is also inevitable, but the global responsibility for this lies with the leader of the state, one can say for individual actions individual officials, well, this is a debatable issue, no one can control that much and all. to guarantee that a person who is cool there today, whom you trust, will not do, well, some such illegal thing tomorrow, and on the other hand, here is the question in general, again
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, i return to the attitude to the ministers, because there is a story that as if how there is a personnel shortage, what we know, we have a number of ministries there without heads for a long time, there is also a ministry, for example, of culture, information policy, and it is very surprising that in at the moment when for some reason it is impossible to find people to put in this place, or it is simply convenient for departments to be without a head, well , i don't know what the logic is, but at the same time saying goodbye to people who did their job for a certain time, well, this means that the next applicants who will want, or who will be offered to occupy certain positions, then they may think for a long time, think a lot and maybe even refuse just because, well, obviously for some reasons they can say goodbye very there... ugly and their rating there and all their work, it will simply be reduced, not even a rating, but simply the work of people, it will simply be reduced to nothing precisely because of such and such public
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communication and such public attitude, well , such public communication, by the way, i will remind you, my colleagues, that it was also in march 20 , when the government of oleksiy honcharuk was dismissed, because one way or another we see that, in principle, for the longest time... it was denys shmyhal who sat in the prime minister's chair during zelenskyi's time , and that government was changed quite quickly and they were looking for these very quickly ministers in political circles told that some of the people they called simply did not pick up the phone, because they saw what the first ministers ended up with, regarding the absence of some ministers, well, the question , including the ministry of culture, or rather the question about the ministry of culture and information, the absence of... a minister, well, the ministry is working, of course, there are acting ministers, but during the war, information policy is quite a component, such an important culture component in
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the war against the russian federation, but well, no, tkachenko was fired, this minister is gone, regarding the future of andrii, regarding these restorations, regarding the prospects for the restoration of ukraine, obviously we will see such stories many times, because the big... this money requires a lot of control from the western countries as well, and from the side of the donors, and from the side of our anti-corruption bodies, what do you think, in this story, will we have the narrowing of this entourage of zelensky there to three or four already managers, because they want a control center of some government or whatever it is called there , that is, what some reforms should be carried out there so that, in principle, the ministers performed the role of, well, simply heads of departments, relatively speaking, but no more, that is, they were not such overly
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independent figures, by the way, as was the same kubrakov, and actually , if we remember honcharuk's government, no matter how strange it was, sometimes outrageous, and all these scooters around the cabinet of ministers and pathetic speeches, and... which sometimes promised us some miracles, but that government was such a government of naive romantics, they are procedures , maybe not all procedures adhered to, but they at least declared that they wanted turbo changes, quick reforms, set ambitious goals, and well, it was something alive, yes, well, it was possible something from the category of a tv show, but it was alive, emotional, interesting, and that . the government that replaced it, the government of obedient technocrats, yes, former top managers who worked for ukrainian oligarchs, it
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looks rather gray in such an emotional field, and against this vague background, of course, representatives of the president's office look better, and the president himself looks better, there is no political competition, as soon as they appear... a person who more or less attracts attention to himself, well, let's remember the hard worker, let's remember how many budanov interviews there were before, and how there are none now, let's remember kim, who became very popular at one time, and how he is not on the air now, on the air, and well, you can simply analyze the telethon, which is completely controlled despite the fact that there is no minister of information policy there. of culture, but it is clear that it is managed from other offices, but simply content analysis telethon will give us an understanding of who is
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in favor today and who is not. thank you, andriy yanitskyi, kateryna nekrecha were guests of our program, our journalism club today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, about this, do you agree that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader? so, let's look at the results of the poll: 89, yes, 11, no, these are the results of a television poll, it was the program verdict about... and serhiy rudenko, i i say goodbye to you until monday, until 8:00 p.m., at 8:00 p.m. , we will have yury lutsenko, the former prosecutor general of ukraine, on the air, we will talk about everything, everything, everything, everything, about foreign policy, about domestic policy, about zelenskyi's team, wait, for now, rest, have a nice weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, bye, bye. lakal fix
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10:00 pm
congratulations, in russia the parade is a traditional victory parade, but this year it seems that even the weather is showing them that they are doing something wrong. in principle, as the snowfalls began in moscow during the inauguration of putin on may 7, so they continued all these days, and not only in moscow. russian regions in general are currently experiencing an arctic invasion, frosts covered 85 territories of the european part of the country, in the suburbs of moscow it was down to minus 6 at night, in the urals there were snowfalls, and snowdrifts were up to half a meter high in places, and...
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the parade itself also passed,


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