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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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congratulations, in russia there is a traditional victory parade, but this year it seems that even the weather shows them that they are doing something wrong, but in principle i... this is how the snowfall began in moscow during the inauguration of putin on may 7, so they lasted all these days, and not only in moscow. russian regions in general are currently experiencing an arctic invasion, frost has covered 85 territories of the european part of the country, it was generally minus 6 at night in the suburbs of moscow, snowfall in the urals, and snowdrifts in places up to half a meter high. well, myself the parade also passed. to the accompaniment of snow,
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they all snowed so little, it was sweeping there, and in principle, somehow , the weather must be whispering something to them, because i don't remember a time when it snowed in may, and that on may 9, this could have happened, but this time, apparently, they have everything at the same time, including snow and... well, traditional fires, also in russia, all this at the same time, and you can see that it somehow coincides with them with these sacred and some such holidays, then there is an inauguration, then there is a victory, well, actually, they themselves talk about their weather somehow so sadly.
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it snowed heavily, it got dark suddenly, the wind picked up, a blizzard started, the lawns froze, but everything ended just as quickly and now it is sunny in the capital, but it is still abnormally cold, today it is no more than 7° and the situation will not change in the coming days, frosts at night and up to -6, warming is promised only until the middle of the month and up to 20° above zero by may 15, well, not only with the weather, of course they won't be back there. it was not asked, in principle also with advice, because it came to putin very, very few guests, the eurasian meetings literally stayed there, several leaders of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, and even not all who came stayed, well, the armenian leader, for example, left, and in order to somehow create mass, russia wrote out the president of guinea. wow, and how did she do it, she
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wrote off the debt of guinea-bissau for 26.7 million dollars, and thanks to this, in principle , the president of this country came to stand in the parade together with putin, well, in general, it looked a little, i would say, pathetic, because to talk about some big victory when almost no one came and no one stands together there, does not celebrate, well, this is a big breakthrough, because even 10 years ago it was not like that at all, and there were much more guests, this once, you see, it is quite sad in this regard, well, in their own way, it must be said, they also congratulated ukraine, well, more precisely, how they congratulated traditionally, as they have recently congratulated ukraine with strikes on the energy system, inflicted a new...
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military industry of ukraine . explosions thundered in vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk, lviv, in the ivano-frankivsk, poltava, kyiv and kirovohrad regions, it is known that kinzhal flew into the city of stryi, where a large underground gas storage facility is located, and that a missile strike was also carried out on the target in a charitable manner. where tets is located, they also write about a series of explosions in kyiv, arrivals were also recorded in the area of ​​ladyzhinsky tets, that near vinnytsia , dnipropetrovsk region, strikes were made on the middle dnipro hes, in total , more than 50 rockets and more than 20 geraniums were used for the strike, on this map marked the approximate flight path of various missiles. and the drones of the ministry of defense of russia reported that the targets of the strike. which is characteristic of no military purpose,
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that is, all he listed was a gesture, that. a gas storage facility, i.e. exclusively objects of civil infrastructure, well, this is how they celebrate the victory over, as they say, nazism, well, what makes them different from the nazis, it is difficult to find a difference, i would say, it is impossible to find a difference in this situation at all, and that is interesting, what is the impression that russian propagandists actually have. the most surprising thing is that other countries they don't make dances around it , they still talk about the victory in the second world war, as well as the war itself, as a basically tragic
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thing in general and a tragic moment in the history of mankind, and that's what it is perceived exactly as a tragedy, and not as a holiday, they... somehow they are particularly outraged. take a look. on the eve of may 9, europe and ukraine continue to go crazy. in latvia, it is now not possible to put carnations even to the place where the monument to soviet soldiers is now threatened with up to 6 years in prison. the reason is may 9 in latvia declared a mourning date: all mass festive entertainment events are prohibited. may 8-9. it will also not be possible to set off fireworks, while gatherings and processions are allowed to honor the memory of the victims of hostilities and to condemn russian aggression. there were also persecutions of the letters z and the st. george's ribbon, these are symbols associated with the russian army, so they are prohibited to demonstrate publicly. the same
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was done in estonia, in this small but very russophobic republic. on may 9, it was also forbidden to hold processions and any other gatherings symbols associated with russia. at the same time with everything that can at least somehow remind of the soviet past. he has already turned may 9 into europe day instead of victory day in ukraine, ukrainians celebrate the day of remembrance and reconciliation. the main message of this so -called holiday is that it was the anti-hitler coalition, not the soviet union, that won the second. and offers everyone to reconcile, that is, the descendants of the doctrine interprets those historical events in its own way , the millions killed and burned in concentration camps
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should reconcile with the descendants of those who committed these atrocities, you think what they mark the scoundrels. and reconciliation, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it turns out that now in russia it is, well, not like that, well, directly, i don’t know, it’s probably a criminal case to say that the anti-hitler coalition won, and not only the soviet union, well, that is, the people it seems that they have already forgotten even what they said literally, well, i don't know, 3-5 years ago, even when they celebrated together... with all the members of the anti-hitler coalition, now it turns out that all this was as if it had never happened, and they talk about the fact that they won themselves. well, this is a story we have known for a long time, which dates back to the soviet union, but now they have returned to it, and what is characteristic is that it is
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not only said, in fact propagandists on the airwaves, it is the official version of the story, putin signed it. this is, you know, a law, one of the first laws in its fifth term, and this law about historians, the so-called teaching of historical memory, probably all the things will be there, in particular about the fact that now it was won by one the soviet union and putin himself at the parade also not only threatened the world war, and... but he also told again, just like this propagandist, that the soviet union had won on its own. russia will do everything to prevent a global collision.
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but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us, our strategic forces are always on alert. the west would like to forget the lessons of the second world war. and we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov. minsk, smolensk and kyiv. in severe hemorrhagic patients battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. during the first three, long, most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union and all the republics of the former soviet union fought the nazis practically alone. at that time, almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. well, it actually hit the russians with historical memory,
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because let's look again, this is the parade on may 1, 1941 in moscow, here is this parade on may 1, 1941, and in this parade, who is in it present, it turns out, officers of the wehrmacht, the same one, are present the german, the nazi, with which the soviet union will literally be in a couple of months, here they are standing calmly, as you can see, walking in the parade, marching there together with the soviet troops, greeting the soviet military leaders, at the moment when europe is already the second year is fighting with the german army, at the moment when london is being bombed, at the moment when england is waging war in general, at this moment, the germans are celebrating together. and the nazis, that is, this is the story, and now they tell that how did they open
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the second front, the second front was opened in in the year 39, and it lasted from the year 39, this is russia, or rather the soviet union entered the war only when they were attacked in the year 41, and before that they attacked other countries, in the year 39 they attacked finland. also for some reason, out of such a good miracle, they suddenly decided to go to war, then they invaded part of poland, and all this was done by the soviet union. and it should not be surprising that for some time no one rushed to the aid of the soviet union, because it was unclear, well, actually two dictators who had something between them collided found out, all the peoples, yes, they are simply victims of this whole history, and now... now at this clash of two dictators, the russians are trying to export their papidebesia
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around the world, and here they are, well , you know, in such disgusting forms, because to arrange dances, songs, etc., to dress up in all incomprehensible forms that have nothing to do with them, well, here, for example, in frankfurt, the russians climbed there. with russian flags, it should be mentioned, by the way, that they actually fought under this russian tricolor in the second world war vlasov people are on the side of the nazis, just german, that is, there was such a russian volunteer army that fought on the side of the nazis, and this is their symbol, the russian tricolor, the st. george's ribbon, all this is actually theirs, and this is also, well, you know, absolutely wild.. . well, actually, this immortal regiment that they conduct is
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also another such export option of how they try to promote themselves, now, their war, this, now, as something that is as if as a consequence of that struggle, but this is not so, and it is not surprising that in a number of countries prohibit it simply all this. and pobedobesi and all that, well, these parades of dressed-up men are so disgusting. meanwhile, russian television talks about how they are trying to export their militarism to other countries, under the guise of celebrating the victory over nazism. well, let's go. the immortal regiment campaign covered all countries. and continents with portraits of their heroes have already walked the streets of new zealand, vietnam, argentina, india, and
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the united states of america. in turkey, the procession took place on the territory of the russian embassy in ankara, 600 people took part in it. the participants carried the main symbol of victory, a huge george ribbon. in madrid , the event took place for the ninth time to the songs of the war years and the smiles of passers-by, the participants marched to one of the main squares of the spanish capital. in our country, this... and why this year in russia there will not be a procession with grandfathers on sticks, well... there is only one reason, because the sticks can suddenly touch those who died in this russian war, and then with it turns out that there are somehow too many of them, and already even more than grandfathers can be gathered there suddenly by accident, so this year grandfathers on sticks are only for export, there are no grandfathers on sticks in russia itself, but
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luckily this will not happen in ukraine either, there are isolated cases when some other dressed-up people come there, well... in kyiv, for example, women dressed up with carnations came to the monument to the unknown soldier, and it also looked as disgusting as possible, their cries that they have the right to cling to other people's awards, to wear someone else's uniform and, in general, to arrange this sabbath is incomprehensible. we registered by the ministry of justice of ukraine, an organization with the right to wear uniforms and awards, uniforms and awards. i don't know, show me, someone bans a pilot. what wildness? i repeat. we are vso, the all-ukrainian union of officers. the organization is registered in ukraine. we won. you were not in the world yet. you were not in the world when our parents
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defeated the fascists. you know, you come here thanks to... well, there is a question whether these aunts were in the world, most likely they were not, and obviously no relation to the victory of parents, grandfathers, who whatever, they don’t have it, that’s why they can’t wear it, but here it’s a slightly different story as well, because they simply came to the symbols that are prohibited in ukraine, in ukraine the symbols of both nazism and... soviet symbols are prohibited, because it the same thing, why is it the same thing? here i want to remind you of the words of the great soviet russian writer viktor astafiev, who described it beautifully when he talked about his attitude in general, both to nazism
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and to the soviet government, let's listen, because you never know. .. never it is not superfluous to listen to the words of a person who really fought in the second world war, who really saw the horrors of this second world war, who described these horrors of the second world war, and who really, unlike all these dressed-up aunts, has the right to wear orders, had more precisely , and can really tell what it was, how it was, and how it should be treated. in every russian family, whom did hitler... kill, my grandfather was killed, yours was killed, only we had our own murderers, wherever he took them, they exterminated so much of their people, unlike hitler, i.e. it is scarier, how can those fascists be, what difference does it make who among them killed more, if the shoes there saved germany, that the authorities had fascism for 12 years, and germany was only lucky,
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because it had this comrade for only 12 years, well... so, after 70, we can't help but get up and fix something, but why did i mention this? and because, you know, literally a week ago, all of russia celebrated the centenary of viktor astafiev and they were also terribly proud that such a great russian writer and such a great russian person, but you know, even in defining this, they somehow managed to omit that. what views did astafyev have on russia, and on stalinism, and on what, in general, they are reviving now, but as a result, they even uh, well, they made something so incredible out of this great man, and somehow incredibly vulgar they tried to bring it all to themselves,
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but let's just see a small story like this from what literally, well, there... last week, kiselyov told, told in the program about astafiev's centenary. childhood without parents, the front, injuries, working youth and life in the siberian hinterland in russia marks 100 years since the birth of the outstanding master of words, the world-class writer viktor astafiev. he was baptized twice. the first baby was christened, christened and walked around the whole village. the family was walking, everyone was walking. in the morning, mother... went to ask the baptized person who no one could remember, and had to baptize him a second time. astafyev's birthday in oatmeal, a national holiday, noisy, fiery, not dry, of course, you will involuntarily remember. when the baby vitya was baptized, the village changed, but the house it was preserved, next to it is the astafiev national center. i asked how long they had been making the exposition, they told me that they came in january, and
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now on may 1 they are opening, well, that is, they decided to privatize astafiev very quickly, but they somehow forgot how astafiev felt about such wars and how fought in general, what he said about this and what he thought, well, actually a crime. fought in the second world war, which for some reason neither putin nor those people who are now talking about the fact that he is a great russian writer does not say viktor astafyev, not all these propagandists who try to use him, talking about the fish there, about some intoxicants, and not about what really made this writer world famous, because he really talked about how they fought in the second world war. the war and what blood it all cost and that we shouldn't probably dance on the bones when we talk about the second world war, let's listen again to what
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he said about it, about how they fought, did the germans really fight better , than we russians are better in every way, and the people do not know the truth, only god knows the whole truth about our war, it is so criminal, so bloody, comprehensive. so much went into it, we shot a million people at the front, who can still afford it, who can, people who carried out collectivization, shooting left and right, people who keep 12 or so millions behind bars, and the same number protects them, inventing all kinds of crimes for them, we dug so hard and worked so hard that in july we could take a spoon from a gymnast, that is. "we worked for five, for ten, because those faces were sitting there, exterminating our people, they were being exterminated, and
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in fact, the modern russian government, and putin, and the russians themselves are following the same path, exterminating a bunch of people in the war, because they want to seize ukraine, no there is no other goal there, only to grab something extra, and again." this is exactly how these russians are killed in droves in this war, they have already been killed, well , more than the russian army was when it invaded ukraine in february 22, already killed more russians during this time, and you you know, well, it is also extremely disgusting that at the same time they tell that no, they were forced into this war, no, they were not forced. and it is most disgusting how they are now pulling out all these songs of russian war mongers again, but now i also want to show you the last ones, because this, you know, it is somehow straight
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, well, somehow cynical, and well, i just don’t know, it’s really disgusting what they do when these are warmongers who glorify war, who feed off of this war, who live by war, who in general do not need them for anyone but that, that russia is at war, that is, if russia moves tomorrow... to fight, all these people are simply stupidly useless to anyone, because they know nothing else, except to lie about the war. so , they organized singing there, and it is even more disgusting that they involved not only ukrainian collaborators who work for them in the occupied territories, from the russian patriarchate of this abomination, who are there together in melitopol, but they shoved them there, they children, ukrainian children, now they are trying to... try to rewire children under occupation as much as possible and involve all these actions, and all this, you know, is so disgusting that when they
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sing the praises of the russian war, it is clear that they are singing about how they want this war, how they dream about it, how they directly enjoy it, it is felt in the way they do it, let's see if the russians want, do the russians want wars, we are true to this memory, do the russians want, do the russians want , do the russians want wars, do the russians want, do the russians want, do the russians want do the russians want wars? do the russians want, do the russians want wars, do the russians want, do the russians want? katyatka
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ruskie wars, well, just some, you know, devils have gathered, but i can’t call it anything else , it’s just such madness, some knowing faces, that’s all, that’s all that can be said about this, and in the end these knowing faces, for what are they fighting for, why are they killing people again, why are they burying everything around them again, for what? so that they are not considered like other countries, that they are somehow not like that, well, we know, they are not like that, they are much worse, they are simply not like that the impression is more despicable than russia and the russians themselves, with such opinions that they express that they are somehow exceptional, this is what nazism is, to actually think that you have some special rights and
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should... dictate something to someone, this is the real such true nazism, this is how this is, for example, you know, i do not want russia to have equal rights with the current lithuania, well, i do not want, as a citizen, i perfectly understand what you described, this is an ideal world system, which is written in the un charter, when there are non-permanent members of the general assembly in the security council, "i i answer your question very simply, little lithuania will never be able to ensure its security, others can ensure it, for example, russia, china, the usa, france, great britain, nuclear powers, for this they must have the dialogue that will allow lithuania to be safe today, she is not safe. i want lithuania to stay,
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let it stay." i am interested in lithuania not seriously threatening the citizens of russia, conditional lithuania there, let luxembourg, germany, the united states, it doesn't matter that they do not carry a threat citizens of russia. we achieve this by force, by force, we achieve a guarantee of security, everything is true, it is true, today we do it through force, there is simply no other way, but we do not achieve equality, through force we achieve a guarantee of security for our citizens, and then we will decide , that we will have equal rights with lithuania, will they sit quietly and remain silent, well , that is, lithuania is already threatening the citizens of russia, well
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, that is, everyone is threatening the citizens. russia, you see, is just as disgusting as possible talks about how everyone threatens the citizens of russia with something over there, well, you know, what else is interesting about all this, let's remember, how completely false are all these talks about the fact that nuclear countries can guarantee someone some kind of security, you know, security was already guaranteed to ukraine by the nuclear countries when ukraine passed the nuclear test. and between them was russia, such a coincidence, yes, a nuclear power that guaranteed the security of ukraine, for the fact that ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons, decided to live peacefully, not to touch anyone, not to attack anyone, and how it ended, that we were attacked, unfortunately, no one can guarantee the security of countries that have no way to defend themselves, that's what i 'll tell you, and that's why everyone... especially when it comes it is
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about the russians, here are all these delusional stories that they are striving for some other world order, no, they are not striving for a different world order, they are striving to simply be able to dictate to other countries, which is what they say, that we want not equality, but for someone to sit there and just listen to what we tell them, that's it after all, now you know, well... i think that this is a big turning point in general, but this year, well , firstly, the mass ignoring of this victory by other countries, and secondly, the fact that it just started to be banned, banned in europe , so that they don't go, because everyone now understands, first the grandfathers come on sticks, all these immortal sticks, after that they come there howling.


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