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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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it included the baltic states, the balkan states, the visegrad four, and it was quite a successful project at first glance, because at some point it even became a 17+1 initiative, because greece also joined it, but during the last two years from 17 +1 it turned into 14+1, because latvia, lithuania and estonia took the initiative. a look at that now a similar decision is being discussed in... the czech republic and there is a possibility that the czech republic will also leave the initiative. in 2022, 16+1 was supposed to hold another summit and it would be found, because it would be ten years initiatives it became known that on the eve of this date, when they wanted to hold the summit, the chinese special representative visited eight countries from the 16+1 with a request to gather for this summit, but all of them refused, primarily because of china's position. due to russia's war against
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ukraine, which china calls a crisis, and due to the fact that, in principle, there was a lack of investment, against the background of such a diplomatic defeat, china must demonstrate that, after all, its presence in the region is preserved, and this is where orbán appears, who ready in every way to support this cd ping initiative, and what will orbán gain, it was already discussed that chinese electric cars will be produced, besides there are a number of other projects that are quite important for hungary. the first such project is, as you know, quite a long time, the belgrade-budapest branch of the high-speed railway, in principle, this is an important project for both china, because it allows to be an intermediate on the transport branch from the port of thessaloniki and piraeus in greece to europe, to the european of the union
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e-e to hungary through macedonia, through serbia, why is it important for hungary, because it is also a big infrastructure project, of course there are some delays with it, it was supposed to be implemented 4-5 years ago, the deadlines kept shifting, but from the point of view of infrastructure importance, this project is interesting, it was also discussed about the fact that china and hungary are likely to start cooperation in yada. energy, and this was a very interesting decision for me, because it is not completely clear how exactly the chinese manufacturers and russia will divide the hungarian market, it is no secret that hungary is still cooperating with rosat regarding construction of a nuclear power plant in the city of cabg. so, rosatom allocated a loan, rosatom allocates technologies to carry out this expansion, and suddenly it is about...
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that china will also cooperate in the nuclear field, but in fact the chinese cnnc is not yet with the nuclear national corporation and rosatom are competitors, and cnnc is already tried to enter the market of central-eastern and eastern europe, even projects in ukraine were discussed, when ukraine was thinking of giving up russian fuel and was looking for an alternative, discussed projects in romania, namely the construction of the romanian nuclear power plant. station chornovod, but there, and there, nothing happened with it, and now we hear that cnnc is likely to appear in hungary. it can be assumed, uh, purely hypothetically, that orbán is actually afraid that under the pressure of sanctions rosatom will be forced to leave this european country, and that's when, that's when cnnc will be a replacement, or at least a way to trade with the same ... by
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the americans themselves, with westin house, regarding who exactly will be present and under what better conditions on the nuclear market of hungary. well, with that, that ’s clear, but you mentioned china’s peace plan, viktor orbán stated that hungary will support china’s peace plan regarding the war in ukraine, i want to ask how to understand this, what does support mean, let me remind you, just in what is this peace plan, it has 12 points and it provides. he is calling for a permanent ceasefire in ukraine, and this plan, we know, has been largely rejected by the west, particularly because of china's refusal to condemn russia for the invasion, so what exactly is orbán supporting in this plan, all and which his motivation to support this plan? it is obvious that this is purely about rhetoric, because let's start with the fact that, if we are terminologically correct, then there is no peace plan, there is a chinese vision for the settlement of the ukrainian crisis. this is the name
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of this document, it is difficult to say what orban supports, the plan was really rejected by many of ukraine's european partners, although, if my memory serves me correctly, i... koleba said that there are points with which you can to work, and in principle i agree that there really are such points, to which at least you can appeal, because they are almost identical to the ukrainian points, this is the exchange of all for all, a humanitarian issue, and it is, it is mentioned in the chinese plan, it is a priority of food security, and it is also in the ukrainian peace formula and in the chinese vision in regulation , this is a question of food without food. security, humanitarian exchanges of all for all and nuclear security, and china is also obviously interested in not having a nuclear war, because for a state that has built its power primarily on trade, a nuclear war is obviously not the a scenario that is seen as optimal or even acceptable, so the plan can
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be worked with, but of course not in the way, not in the interpretation in which orbán proposes it, namely through a ceasefire, because in this case it is clear that the cessation.. the fire will only come from one side, that is , they turn to ukraine, not to the russian federation. it is interesting that the other day the newly elected slovak president pelligrini also spoke about the need to cease fire, and this was also addressed to a greater extent in ukraine. ot. and what is interesting, in hungary they promise to build chinese electric cars, in slovakia they are already building chinese cars, although under the swedish brand vol. because it's no secret that china bought volvo, so now it's a chinese car. so, we can talk about some kind of peace plan of china and the possibility of its implementation, we can only talk about the okay elements of the mosaic, but not about the entire document, which in principle cannot be implemented, because the fault is
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too optical. i will quote to you what bloomberg writes about, based on the results of xi's visit of europe, xi jinping during a visit to europe on... tried to drive a wedge between the eu and the us, and although xi spoke of the need to avoid a new cold war, his diplomacy revived the differences of the last war, turning the east of europe against the west. and you, you can state or confirm that sijipin went to europe with approximately this purpose. i don't think that there was a cross-hatching of the east of europe to the west of europe. i think that, of course, everyone was ready to fuel the fears of europe, which... produced by the uncertainty about what will happen to transatlantic relations after the elections in the united states of america. we remind you that at one time donald trump actively launched actions that some european
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union states classified as a trade war between the states and the european union. everyone obviously, appealing to... the question makes it clear that if europe starts a trade war with both china and the united states at the same time, then the export-oriented economies of the european union, and this is primarily the german economy can hardly stand it, especially considering that the german economy is already gradually sliding into recession, so in general i would look at all these visits as one big cycle, starting with scholz's visit to china and ending with putin's visit. to beijing, uh, in the course of all these visits , both whips and gingerbread were used, some attractive offers, some ultimatum offers, and it is obvious that all these are attempts to solve some issues now under
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the pressure of the uncertainty that awaits us through elections in the united states and through elections in the european union itself, to the european parliament, the rotation of the european commission, but... we must remember that no matter what agreements have been adopted now, there can always be a player who overturned it, i just want to record here what probably all the consequences we will find out about this european tour of xi just after putin visits china, it will probably be the final stage of this story, it will be a chord that will allow us to understand, in principle, to what extent the agreements were reached, absolutely, let me here... i put three dots, i have one more topic, and we have very little time, i wanted to discuss it, it does not directly concern xi jinping or china, but it concerns ukraine. eighth, a year ago, well less than a year ago, in the summer of last year, hungary gave its consent to the appointment of a new ambassador of ukraine, and
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he was to be fedir sandor, a professor at uzhgorod university, supposedly there should not have been any problems, but we see that it has been almost a year since ukraine does not send sándor to hungary. in january, minister kuleba said that the new ambassador was about to go to budapest, but does not go. rfe/rl repeatedly appealed to the ministry of foreign affairs. we have not received an answer as to what the problem is. what do you see as the problem, do you have an understanding of why the ambassador has not left yet, and the absence of the ambassador, just now, what does it affect, and it can hardly get worse, because everything is already quite bad in our bilateral relations , it is obvious that it could be better, because there were hopes that the ambassador, who knows well the region where the hungarians live. hungarians of ukraine, the hungarian minority in ukraine, could find a common language with
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budapest, and at least to communicate the ukrainian position in an accessible, understandable language. why this has not happened yet, unfortunately, i also cannot say with any certainty, because if it is obvious that there is a lack of information, and, what is interesting, it is lacking even in expert circles close to the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine and hungary, so unfortunately i can't. without resorting to speculation to answer you this question, and you said that the relations between hungary and ukraine are already so bad that even the presence of the ambassador is of little use saved it seems to me that if we have reached a very low point in relations, and it seems to me that equalizing relations will be possible, except after a change of power in hungary itself. we can play with what the parties exchanged there. by phone calls, orban spoke with zelenskyi about the process,
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inertia, and even if there are any breakthroughs now, in fact, so much damage has been done to relations that this inertia will be there for years both in relations between states and in relations between societies, because if you look at the survey, then also between societies we have a certain cooling in relations, despite the fact that no one considered hungary hostile, consider until... the 22nd year, uh, uh, i understood you, please tell me, why do you say that, in societies there are cooling, and on what grounds do you make such assumptions, were there any serious sociological polls, or what do you think about us, we conducted a survey back in the fall of 2022, and even then there was a trend towards a cooling of relations, that is, it was noticeable that a lot ukrainians consider hungary an unfriendly state, and so do many hungarians considered... an unfriendly state of ukraine, despite the fact that there was some empathy, including for those
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fugitives from the war who were in hungary, hungary, we conducted this survey in eight countries, the visegrad countries, romania, moldova and lithuania, and the indicators of hungary were destroyed. well, it's interesting, in fact, if coldness and cold relations at the level of diplomacy and politics are added to it, then the crisis probably deepens. thank you very much, serhii orasymchuk. deputy executive director of the ukrainian prizma foreign policy council. in that's all for today. i encourage you to subscribe to radio liberty's website . like this broadcast. in this way, you will appreciate our work and support our work. well, svoboda live will return to the air on monday. an evening of boxing that will go down in history. the battle for the title of the absolute champion in super heavy weight, between
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zhusyk and fury. and the lightweight title fight between berinchyk and navarete. turn on may 18 exclusively on meko. there are discounts presented by koko may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and savings. there are discounts represented by coco discounts of 15% for fannistil in may in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, and now about what happened in the world in more detail. yuriy fizar will speak, yuriy, good evening, please, you have a word, two hours to be informed economic news, time to talk
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about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about culture news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in
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an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday. 17:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, a quad bike is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yav. greetings, we are looking for this girl, her name is valentina baranova, she is 15 years old. valentina disappeared at the beginning of a full-scale invasion in the kherson region, in the hanichiv district, however, on
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unfortunately, it is not known exactly in which settlement the girl lived. for one of the whole. she could be taken to the territory of russia. however, of course, this is only an assumption, and valenty can be in the territory under the control of ukraine, and, for example, in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. so, i ask everyone who sees this video to look at the girl's face as carefully as possible. if you know anything about valentina baranova, don't delay and immediately contact our hotline by dialing a short number. 11630. if you have it is not possible to call, you can always write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. also, i really ask you to repost this video. perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances will recognize valentina and help you
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find her or find out at least some information about her. do not remain indifferent and give together. let's try to find valentina baranova. in general, after the full-scale invasion, the children's search service received thousands of missing persons requests and many boys and girls disappeared during the occupation. of course, for obvious reasons, the search process in territories not controlled by ukraine is very complicated. in particular, due to the lack of communication and the paralyzed work of the police and services for children. however, for... advice if you have a missing child in occupied territory, if possible by any means available contact the police or magnolia children's tracing service and report the missing child with any information you know that may assist in search collect data about the child, write it down in full name, date of birth, circumstances and place
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of disappearance. of course, if possible, find photos of the child and report. about her special signs and social circle, in the future follow the instructions of the police or consultants of the magnolia child tracing service hotline. one of these girls who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory is 17-year-old yulia kurbel. for more than two years, we have been doing everything possible to find the girl. and now i will remind you of her story. they turned to us for help. yuli's relatives and her friend. unfortunately, she did not want to chat on camera, but in a private conversation told some details that can be very useful in the search. so, yulia kurbel disappeared in the city of severodonetsk, luhansk region, at the beginning of the war, yulia first made herself known, but in march 2022, when
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severe shelling began in severodonetsk, the connection with the girl was cut off, and since then, she has been unfortunately, there is no report. at the same time, we know the exact address where yulia kurbel lived, it is severodonetsk, gagarina street 117 a, and here is the actual photo of the house where yulia lived. and now i am addressing first of all the residents of occupied severodonetsk. if you suddenly see this program on the internet, i ask you to come to gagarin 117a and ask the residents of this building about the 17-year-old. whether she still lives there or where and with whom she may be now. if you find out at least something about dolya yulia kurbel, please let us know immediately on the free hotline. the child tracing service line on the short number 11630, but if you are occupied and unable to call, you can always
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write to us in the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. however, at the same time, there is a very high probability that yulia is no longer in north-donetsk. moreover, precisely at the beginning of march 2022, when the connection with the girl was cut off, an evacuation was carried out in severodonetsk. civilian population, and maybe yulia and her parents managed to leave for another region or even abroad, so i ask everyone, please look at the face of yulia kurbel, she is 17 years old, she has light hair and light eyes. if you know anything about julia or about where she might be, call us on the hotline 1163. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine.
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welcome to voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time, my name is ostap yarysh. the united states announced a new package of weapons for ukraine. for 400 million dollars, it included air defense missiles for the patriot and nasams systems, additional hymers systems and ammunition for them, shells for artillery, armored vehicles, bradleys, additional stingers, javelins, and more. weapons are allocated from warehouses of the united states, so it is expected that it will be able to get to ukraine in the near future. read about the full list of weapons provided by the united states on the ukrainian voice of america website and on our social networks. the package of american aid was announced against the background of russia's plans to break through the defense line in the kharkiv region. in the coming weeks , the russians will probably increase the intensity of attacks, trying to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border, said the white
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house communications adviser, john kirby. he added that the united states is working closely with ukraine to help prepare for this, and that ukraine retains key advantages in this fight. we are confident in the ukrainian armed forces, said john kirby. and we work around the clock to provide them with equipment and weapons. necessary to protect against these attacks. for its part , the ukrainian ministry of defense stated that fighting of varying intensity is ongoing in kharkiv oblast. the armed forces of ukraine gain positions. earlier, the pentagon noted that it would take time for the new military support to have a noticeable effect. about currently, the changes are not particularly noticeable, says the chief sergeant of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, rustam mustafayev. the military expects that the necessary ammunition should reach them in the near future. in the conditions of a shortage of shells, ukrainian defenders use fpv drones, can they compensate for the work of artillery and what is the main advantage of such drones, the military said in the voice of
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america briefing. fpv drones are actually a very powerful tool, but they will completely replace artillery systems and other systems that we will have provided by our us partners, they can't completely replace, but it's very nice. an alternative and very effective in deterring the enemy, that is, this entire period for our brigade, i am speaking now, i am speaking specifically for our brigade, ah, thanks to our unit, we have very powerful crews that work with fpv drones, kamikaze drones , it was thanks to them that most of the enemy's storms were contained, but this is only the containment of the storm, it does not mean that you can completely defeat the enemy and advance there. but it turns out to be very successful, well, somehow, that is, we need artillery unequivocally, and the lack of shortages, at one time, had an effect on the fact that
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we had to leave the position somewhere, our unit, we do not save on drones, we use them, even if it is an enemy in the composition of one person there, it gives its results, we believe that this is not a big... cost there is $500, it costs about one drone, to use it on one enemy, it gives its result, first of all, on them, it has a very negative effect on them morally plans, er, that is, they, when they know that during the assault we are ready to use 15 drones there to repel a group of 15 people, they are already refusing to go to a position for an assault, that is... more than once, from interceptions and from information from our partners, we knew that they were simply going to refuse, well, there is such a thing as refusal , they refuse to complete the tasks, realizing
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that they are simply... destroyed by drones, when compared to artillery here, artillery cannot always hit a moving target accurately, and fpv can catch up with both equipment and personnel. this week, russia announced plans to produce small rockets and the average radio judge, they say, in response to the actions of the united states and the supply of western weapons to ukraine. these are announced at the same time as the nuclear rhetoric of the kremlin. experts believe that this can provoke a missile arms race, in which china can join, oleksiy kovalenko will continue. russia says it will increase production and upgrade its arsenal of medium- and shorter-range missiles. the russian foreign ministry said this week that the actions were in response to the us deployment of similar missile systems in europe and the asia-pacific region. also
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, the west supplies more and more advanced weapons to ukraine. i interpret this statement as an attempt to scare or deter the usa, great britain, france and other nato allies from supporting ukraine. none of this is unprecedented, it's just troubling, it makes the situation more tense. the statement also mentioned the united states' recent deployment of an intermediate-range cruise missile system and. tried in the philippines, which was banned until 2019 as part of an agreement to control the arms between the usa and russia since 1987. the united states withdrew from this treaty in 2019, accusing russia of violating its provisions. moscow denies this accusation. so we see that in the absence of effective arms control agreements, the united states and russia may begin
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redeploying these types. so far, russia has rejected an american offer to return to talks on new arms controls, and experts say that without such an agreement, arms production will increase. there is a possibility of an unlimited arms race not only between the united states and russia, but possibly also involving china, which is also building up its nuclear arsenal. expert william gill notes that russia has previously threatened to use nuclear weapons. battlefield in my opinion, this is a very dangerous tactic, it is playing with fire, and it increases the chance of an accident, but i know, because i have worked for a long time with high-ranking officials of the russian army, that they understand the dangers of these weapons. i know they understand how serious it would be to even think about using it. russia and the united states has the largest number of nuclear weapons in the world, holding together over.
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85% of world reserves. oleksiy kavalenko, hanna tverdohlip, kateryna beseyedina, state of america, washington. these are the experts' assessments of russia's nuclear rhetoric. but the former commander of the united states ground forces in europe, benhodges, believes that the kremlin is resorting to nuclear blackmail only in order to deter the west from providing ukraine with more and more powerful weapons. hodge is convinced that russia will not use it on the battlefield neither strategic nor tactical nuclear weapons. let's. we are listening: history shows that russia respects only force, and we allowed ourselves to become victims of their threats. of course, russia has thousands of nuclear weapons, they clearly don't care how many innocent people they kill, including their own. so you can't just dismiss these threats, but the likelihood that they will ever actually use nuclear weapons is extremely low. they have no use for
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cores. weapons, their greatest benefit is the threat that they can with it take advantage, because they see how we restrain ourselves, so i think that not only the administration in the usa, but also the german government and others should step over it. russia has successfully planted the idea in golovin's and many people's minds that russia can use nuclear weapons. no one has heard what it really means because there are different types of nuclear weapons. there are strategic nuclear weapons that have existed since the time of the holo'. a war that is launched from the mines, and it is aimed at washington or new york, chicago or other cities in the united states. and we have strategic nuclear weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles that can be launched from mines as well as from bombers, or submarines, what we call the nuclear triad. the entire strategic balance was based on the capability of mutual, assured destruction if russia ever launched a nuclear weapon. that's why we
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've never used it for 70 years... against each other, as well


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