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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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and the un charter is an embargo, all countries must apply an embargo, no one wants to, everyone wants to play such games, as a result, we get this story, so until there is such a decisive action, unfortunately, this is all a story spinning, putin is he understands, he sees it, that's why he, unfortunately, china plays along with him, and i will tell you frankly, you should not expect that china will suddenly become different, because china still has such a situation. which is profitable, although they lose economically, but seidzen's visit to europe, the geography of this visit sets everything out clearly, everyone, well, you mean that he is not only to macron, but to orbán, well, me too, frankly speaking, not that not only to macron, to europe, to europe, when visitors go , who have not been there for 5 years, they go to brussels, they communicate, well , after all, europe has brussels, that is, it is the eu,
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and yes, well, there is one country there, france, but not with such a visit, where there is such a crumpled and incomprehensible thing, cognac was given by macron for 300 dollars, such a good, very good cognac, but even so, give us brandy, not brandy, but cognac, which means french, so that he could enter china without those additional duties, well, this one said no, well, we also want electric cars there for... i will, well, what is this about, this is in conditions when there is such a war goes on, that is, further demonstratively bombed our building here 25 years ago in serbia, a gesture, well , such an anti-gesture, and so is hungary, this is an example of how to work with china, just lie down with us, we will inject you with a loan under the state guarantees, then we will take you as how china is expanding around the world, i have seen it is even himself as an ambassador. of these
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small caribbean countries antigua barbuda antigua barbuda airport chinese investment yes there is a chinese port, a chinese main road, for chinese money under chinese control, what embassies are there in the country, chinese, american, russian, well there are also neighboring countries four or 5%, everything that's how they work, why don't they continue to do so, they already have the economy, the potential, they are one belt, one road. one way and what hungary accepted, well, to europe for china to europe, the so-called silk road, only in a slightly different way, no, one belt - one road - it's not even about geography, it's more about expansion, by economic methods, well , everything was going successfully for you, it was still going, you gradually took over influence, what has now attracted such in fact, well, such power, yes? in
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competition with the united states, i don't know, it seems to me that this is a false start in china, and if, well, we are so on the side, they know the situation inside, or maybe the time has come when in china the middle class and this upper middle, you you see what they did, they dispersed their business, the one that did not fall under the communist party, but these are all companies and everything, which 12 years or how many of them are there, which have been working, but they have all already fled to japan. everyone scattered, those who did not obey, shot, put these businessmen in prison, that is, they have concentration camps, they have constabarina, part of the territory of china, let's call things by their names, it pisses them off, because these are realities, they are just gynocytes there, nationality suits them part of the population, and they want to live in their own world, well, i'm sorry if you've already lived like that and you don't like it liked that it is seen as a violation of human rights from the side, then why you? then
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you impose an otaku model and use russia as a torpedo in order to reduce the influence of the united states in the world, and you yourself impose a model that is not unattractive to the whole world. who wants to go to work in china now, except for some delusional mask, who thought something, but nothing was done in the end and thinks there is a delusional plan of ideas that can be obtained in china by capitalist methods. the result, so they don't want to, production from china is transferred, first to the territory free economic zones, hong kong is over there in taiwan, then they flee to india, the chinese see it all, that on the one hand they want to be like mazedun, but on the other hand they still need to develop as capitalism, someone from the americans once said, well, this kind of socialism is capitalist , it won't take off, well, they dragged until today, then i think, people rose up, and they
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began to pose a threat to this regime in the way that it developed, and now they did not come up with anything else, but to set the task get into the first roles in education, divide by amera. what kind of education in two parts, showing force methods in taiwan is not a very good scenario, and you have to understand that, so it is very difficult to count on the chinese that they will change something and it will work, there you can only influence with the americans, what do we need to calculate, then i will say, and i am sure of this, we need to make a response to this war, to threats adequate to the level of these threats, what does this mean? this means that self-defense cannot be an adequate response when you are attacked by a nuclear power with the help of iranian weapons, north korean weapons, chinese equipment, pictures of chinese space companies, it is impossible, it must be a collective
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defense, as long as the countries of our partners lack the courage to enter this war, and yes ... the moment will come, if, if, of course , they will not allow russia to further impose its model in europe, this is the end of europe, if they do not give it back, then they will have to enter the war, not only with supplies of heimers, which are three, now the germans will still buy from the usa, three heimers systems, 30 tanks, well , well, what are we talking about? we say, on the kharkiv direction , 600 armored vehicles were transferred today. 600, that is, well, there are numbers, i don’t know how reliable they are, well, there are such numbers, there are 600 tanks, 800 machines, well, something like that , a few days, we have 30 avrams, three installations of additional weapons, what are we talking about, a package 400 million, now the new package is american, it sounds powerful, 400 million,
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missiles for patriot and bredley, bredley costs, well, i don’t know at what price they include the package, but somewhere on the order of 3200 million, this is a missile... up to three, count, 40 missiles, there 50 bradley, well, it's not that, so putin will threaten until he gets an understanding of the readiness of the collective, power from sweat. and could there be some kind of unity, or at least the drawing of the contours of this unity at the global peace summit in switzerland, because there is a lot of talk about it, and zelenskyy says that this... could be a chance to guarantee a just peace for ukraine and of all europe, and named the topics of the upcoming summit. now we will hear what president zelensky said. putin is really afraid of the peace summit. afraid that the world
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the majority will begin to force russia to make peace. that is why we need an absolutely clear position of every state, every leader, every international organization regarding. participation in the peace summit, regarding the support of our joint peace-making efforts, there are also the first steps regarding the humanitarian aspect, the exchange of all for all, and the return of our children home, deported ukrainians, women of the country, and the important moment of nuclear security is important for the whole world, as well as food security, food security, mr. valery, if... these are the main ones the topics on which the ukrainian side and president zelensky are betting will not be worked out and discussed at this global peace summit, will it not be such a disappointment for official kyiv, because it seems that for most of the participants of the global summit, well, it will be an exchange opinions
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about something, and zelenskyi says that this may be a chance to guarantee a just peace, well or not. we do not have such inflated expectations, as was the case at the july nato summit in vilnius, when we thought that we will we get an invitation there, or at least guarantees of an invitation to the north atlantic alliance? well, it seems to me that now there are no exaggerated expectations, that it should have been ideal, it is clear, there should have been an international forum, a conference, a peace summit, whatever, which would reformat the international system, that is, liquidate the un, well, how did it happen in its time with by war the league of nations did not fulfill its function, it was dissolved and then after the war the un was created, that is, now it is obvious to everyone that it does not work, why should such large global summits be held, because the un is not works, not the retbes does not work, not the un does not work, the charter does not work, in the basic issue
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it does not work, therefore it should be, well, there is the aggressor russia, there are countries that do not recognize this system of international rules and international norms, syria is iran in part, well, iran declared about it, north korea, obviously, that is, well, cuba, which is poor and... it is not known where there, although i always treated cuba normally, but it is there for the country that you are normal, you treated the people normally, but well, it just so happened that it is constantly spinning somewhere in this list, and without these countries, everything else is going, and they are forming, that means, a new organization with new rules, without the place of security of the ou, which was captured by russia from soviet times, but for such a model, china is needed, india is needed. well, brazil, south africa, that ’s all, so in principle, everything else will be, yes,
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there will be discussions, but even the very fact of supporting a large number of countries in the conditions when russia initially tried to torpedo this story, well, so that it doesn’t happen, no came there, and now i see with china, they are trying to blur the discussion there to propose if your formula for peace, yes, and if he understood this story, he would show: "yeah, you have your own formula there, ukraine is a western country", and the global south has another formula to fulfill the russian role, yes, which is not invited to this site, here they are they want, what will it lead to, well, from the point of view of this year, conducting active hostilities will not lead to anything, it will still remain, well, i see no reason, from the point of view of the impact on the future. we'll see, i , well, i don't have high expectations, i think
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that if i can at least have there, well some new countries, yes, that would say, yes, well , we are on the boss of ukraine and we will vote, in the un, yes, this would already be a very good signal, and if it succeeds, let's say, or they will be drawn into a conversation about some lower-level plan , where to freeze the war, if they use it... this is another thing, it will be our failure if we, if we planned this council, as a result, it was used by china to tolerate these initiatives there, well, china has not yet agreed to participate, but again, there is hungary, which can fulfill this role, yes, something will be announced there such a plan, so it seems to me that it, you know, it did not coincide in time, the delay in weapons, uh,... in the large-scale supply to ukraine, the delay that was created, if
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i would say it diplomatically, for some reason everything coincided , that she was lying in wait for putin, yes, that he would have in six months, 7-8 opportunities to attack donetsk, take donetsk-luhansk, and for some reason it coincided with many materials that i found in analytical centers, american ones, including that putin will be fine... donets, luhansk should be taken away and something must be given to him, because he will not calm down, and he did not manage to take the donetsk-luhansk region in these 6-7 months, he did not manage, but even after that if it turned out that there was no way out, everyone understands where it can go next, and the process continued . the summit fell on time, it was planned in a completely different context. think about it as if it were for six months. earlier, from the point of view of the development of events, then the backstage conversation developed, there is the second, third track, which plant
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is december, the americans discussed with the russians, the russians asked a lot, they were very i wanted to record it, it was december last year, and they probably planned that the circumstances would turn out like this now, well, they will not turn out like this, because everything has changed, everything has moved forward for another six months, even more, so... six months, plus more two or three months of logistics, at least, that's nine months, so count nine months from this summit, and that would be the date of a possible summit, but according to the expectations that existed then, then, that's why the result is already for us diplomatically will be positive if we maintain attention to the russian aggression, you see what is happening, russia has already removed the issue... they are hitting our civilian objects, all this
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is not discussed anymore, as if, well, well, they hit and hit, yes , this is a disaster, as soon as this is translated in everyone's mind into an ordinary conflict between two countries, which hit one, hit the other, listen, but where, where is the fact that russia has been violating international law so profoundly for what year, the chinese turn a blind eye to this, well, they tell their... theory there, which is not worth a penny, the image of china is perfectly understood by everyone, but in those countries that want chinese influence, it will grow there, in countries that understand. situation, well, i think that after this attitude towards china in ukraine, it is clear what it will be, yes, after such a position, although we still have a strategic partnership in the document, with whom? with those who are now helping to kill ukrainians, who turn a blind eye to violations of international law, do not call russia an aggressor, well, what are we talking about, so of course china
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will no longer invest money in ukraine, and maybe, thank god, well, on their terms , and will be in hungary try to invest yes, well, don't invest money, if it were, they give a loan and then take everything, so we have to understand, we won't sit on the fence, we need to work now with those who help us, well, it's very simple, who are helping us now in the war , realistically and in large volumes, these are our partners, as it turned out, who have what interests, but in fact we need to look at real actions, well, that is , the united states of america, great britain, france, germany. who are we, and all the neighbors , yes, all the neighbors and the northern countries, as well as the european ones, are also very active, absolutely the scandinavian countries, i will say that they surprised me this time, i was very surprised by the netherlands, denmark, denmark, which danes generally take warehouses, transfer the netherlands, remember how
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they were skeptical about our european path there, and now everyone has such an approach . that this is little europe, european security, it must be protected all together, it has woken up, gradually europe is waking up, i would like to see more, of course, something . or not, the statements of the minister of defense i was a bit wary of italy, because he was such a supporter of ours, well, seriously, and there it got to the point that... they didn't compromise and tried to do whatever they wanted, but he had everything politically in history, but now he says that it's difficult , it is difficult, but it is difficult to win, but if we change this history, which is difficult, it is very difficult now, for the ukrainians first of all, but they also have this, you know, a pause, it seems that the decision is already being made, let's build up already, you understand, we are not
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going anywhere, we need to produce weapons, we need everything, this it is necessary to do, but there is still such a hope, or maybe... this is the stage, if it is like this, you know, when, when the decisive action comes, it comes before when everyone begins to get tired and expect the end, and then it comes, or that's it, it's the ending that doesn't suit anyone from the point of view of development, but the ending, or something like that happens, so that it just comes to a logical end, so everyone concentrated. in the elections in the usa on november 5, well, count on november 5 plus a few months, but for some reason , until until february, i understand until the inauguration before the swearing-in of the new president, well, on january 20, but the question is not that, i think that this is an exaggeration, it’s just that in the heads of people, well, the presidents already have this date of november 5
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, the elections in the usa, or maybe everything , whatever, maybe the situation will change, we didn't expect an attack there. israel, yes, there, for example, it affected the situation, the same can happen here, so we have to hold on, unfortunately, the situation now is such that we cannot expect drastic changes on our side from this summit, but it also lays certain foundations for the future. another short topic, the president of the european parliament roberta metsula visited ukraine just these days, and at a press conference in kyiv on europe day, she is in favor of... that official negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu should begin by the end of the first half of 2024 . let's hear what she said. accession negotiations should start as soon as possible, and i am optimistic that the non-negotiable framework will be accepted by the eu member states. in june , the european parliament will help ukraine
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move forward in all possible ways. i i promise, we will stay and will continue to loudly declare our support for ukraine, which is also evidenced by my visit today. mr. valery, what determines the speed of ukraine's movement towards the european union? the pace depends on the date of ukraine's accession to nato. that is, if the date of accession to nato is determined, then the pace of accession to the european union will also be determined, of course, because in principle, my position is that without security, it is impossible to talk about security in europe. about the investment of large sums in terms of investments, economic development, it will go, it will will go now, well, if at a short stage
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it depends on what, well, it depends on the essence of our specific actions to achieve the requirements that were set there now, yes, well, but in a strategic plan, i believe that european integration is where it will be very we have a lot of disputes with our neighbors, with poles, romanians, there are slovaks over... the sector, and it would be a mistake if we thought that joining the eu would solve the issue of security for us, no, it won't, so it's logical, it's security , well, now nato, maybe a different scenario, further accelerating the pace of accession, i.e., i.e. very briefly, the end of the war, the accession of ukraine to nato and the eu, well, roughly so, regardless of what mytsola says, that we will start there by the end of the first half of the year. well, it does not take away from him the moment of negotiation, they have been going for 60 years in turkey, some years more like that, well, it has been more than 50 years, yes, so it should not
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be faster in our country, of course, but i believe that the key for ukraine is security, nato or another model, and the eu is already a derivative thing. thank you, mr. valery, friends, i want to say and thank valery chalam for participating in the program, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, former ambassador of ukraine. in the united states of america, and a person who knows about ukrainian diplomacy, about not only ukrainian diplomacy, about world diplomacy, everything. there are discounts, represented by coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. allergy, few lions can overcome ts3 lion. citrev neo protects against the most common allergens. present coco may discounts on dolgit cream 150 g, 20% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great
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ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we let's start two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now , we will talk more about... the war, serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is living now, about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have a word, two hours to be up to date with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and news of sports, a review of sports events by yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenia for information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather. on the day of the festival, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture. russian culture was imposed on us as the culture of a superior nation. the name is chaiko. in the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously looms over the symbolic cemetery on the maidan, mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m
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with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, and today we have a journalism club, and today we will talk about such things. putin's fifth presidential term. the coronation of the kremlin dictator, as an attempt to legitimize his power, what threats it carries for ukraine and the world. kubrakov is leaving the cabinet, one of zelenskyi's closest associates. no longer needed by his team. what government reform is being planned in the office president? democracy above all, war
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changes the political. values ​​of society, why ukrainians no longer believe that a strong leader is more important for the country than a democratic system. throughout our broadcast, today we ask you the following question: do you agree that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video, and of course, subscribe to our youtube platforms. these are my colleagues, andrii yanitskyi, a journalist of the tv channel, andria, congratulations, congratulations, and kateryna nekreche, journalist of radio liberty, kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings, colleagues and viewers of espresso. thank you, katerina. well, colleagues,
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since we ask our viewers. audience about whether they agree that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader, let's try to find out what you think, andriy, in a blitz poll format, i think that after all, the question is asked in a strange way about the leader, democracy, ago that all ukrainians should be strong leaders, well , at least in each, in each community, in each city there should be leaders of public opinion, leaders, activists, mayors, they are elected, we have passed that stage of decentralization, and when democracy is opposed to a strong leader , well, it’s not about the leader, it’s about her dictator, it’s about some authoritarian leader, the leader is usually not one, there are several of them, and one leader within the country leads other leaders, that’s how i perceived it, thank you, andriy, kateryna , well, it seems to me that our story
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the last one there for 30 years shows that it is certainly cool when there is a balance, on the one hand, because to lead ukrainians and simply say there what to do this way or not, no matter who the leader is, in time we will still say whether elections, well now because of the war, later it will be, but nevertheless, whether in the elections, or by their dissatisfaction or anti-ratings, it will be seen that the actions of one or another leader there. politics, they don't agree on something, so it seems to me that ideally it should be a balance, and of course according to the characteristics of us to all of you, then you probably just don’t need a hard hand, although if you look at the leaders of all political parties during all the years of independent ukraine, those parties were called by the name of specific politicians, and this is also important for ukrainians, so it is probably the key to
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success in the balance of this. there were leadership parties, and there were quite a few of them at one time, there were their own leaders, headliners who actually pulled the whole list, even when there was no name, for example, the servant of the people party, everyone understood that it was a party leadership type, where the leader is zelenskyi and even more, most of the deputies who came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine were also people who were anonymous, but they came, as they joked at the time, with the passport of one person, volodymyr zelenskyi. so, why are we actually asking about democracy, about a strong leader, because the results of sociological data of the kyiv international institute of sociology led us to this survey, they show that ukrainians have changed their opinion about democracy in recent years, now they believe that it is more important for ukraine a democratic system rather than a strong leader. if in october of the 20th year, 54% of respondents answered that for ukraine a strong leader
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is more important than democratic system, and 31% answered about the priority of democracy, then in december 23, on the contrary, 59% answered that a democratic system is more important for ukraine, and only 32% spoke in favor of a strong leader. andrei, why could such a correlation of these data occur, well, it is quite serious, if 32 and there is 54 - this is about a third, well , this is a classic ... cycle, when the president, who was just elected, they have great faith in him, and of course, at that moment in the 20th year, ukrainians still hoped that their hopes for zelenskyi would come true, and in addition, people voted for various reasons, we remember that campaign pre-election zelenskyi, when nothing concrete...


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