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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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it is completely different, what is the responsibility here, the law must work, the investigation must work, the court must work, and in this way it should happen there, so that the society saw what the officials saw, the powerful saw that something would be done against the law, there will be corruption, well , there will certainly be responsibility, but the global responsibility for this lies with the leader of the state, and we can say for individual actions of individual officials, well, this is a debatable issue, no one can control it. so much and all and guarantee that a person, who is cool there today, whom you trust, tomorrow she won't do, well, some such illegal thing, and on the other hand, the question here in general , again, i return to the attitude towards ministers, because there is a story about how there is a shortage of personnel, that we know that we have a number of ministries there without heads for a long time, there is also a ministry, for example, of culture, information policy, and it is very strange that at the moment when for some reason it is impossible to find people.
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to put in this place, is it simply convenient for departments to be without a head, well, i don't i know what the logic is, but at the same time saying goodbye to people who have done their work for a certain time, well, it means that the next applicants who will want to, or who will be offered to occupy certain positions, may be for a long time to think, they will think a lot and maybe even refuse one precisely because, well, obviously for some reason they can say goodbye to them. it is very ugly there and their rating there and all their work, it will simply be reduced, not even a rating, but just the work of people, it will simply be reduced to nothing precisely because of this and that such public communication and such a public attitude, well, such public communication, by the way, i will remind you, colleagues, that it was also in march of the 20th year, in fact, when the government of oleksiy honcharuk was dismissed, because one way or another we see that, in principle, it ...
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it was denys shmyhal who sat in the prime minister's chair for the longest time during zelenskyi's time, and that government was changed quite quickly, and they searched for these ministers in political circles very quickly and told that some of the people who were called simply did not pick up the phone, that's why what they saw, what the first ministers ended, regarding the absence of some ministers, well, the same question, including the ministry of culture, or rather the question of the ministry of culture and information. the absence of a minister, well, the ministry is working, it is clear that there are acting ministers, but during the war, information policy is quite a component, such an important culture component in the war against the russian federation, but, well, there is no tkachenko, they fired, there is no this minister, regarding the future of andriy , but with regard to the restoration, with regard to the prospects for the restoration of ukraine, we obviously have such stories we will see more than once. because big money
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requires a lot of control from western countries, from donors, and from our anti-corruption bodies, what do you think, in this story, will we have the narrowing of zelensky’s entourage to three or four managers, because they want a control center of some kind of government or whatever it 's called there, that is, some reforms. spend there so that, in principle, the ministers fulfill the role of, well, simply the heads of departments, conditionally speaking, but no more, that is, they were not too independent figures, by the way, as it was the same kubrakov, so actually, if we remember the government of hancharyuk, no matter how strange, sometimes outrageous it was, and all these scooters around the cabinet of ministers and pathetic speeches. which sometimes promised us some
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miracles, but that government was such a government of naive romantics, they followed procedures, maybe not all procedures, but they at least declared that they wanted turbo changes, quick reforms, set ambitious goals, and well, it was something alive, yes, well, it might have been something from the category of a tv show, but it was alive, emotional, interesting, but... the government that came to replace it, the government of obedient technocrats, yes, former top managers who worked for ukrainian oligarchs, it looks rather gray, so vague in the informational, such an emotional field , and against this vague background, of course, the representatives of the president's office look better, and the president himself looks better, there is no political competition, as soon as... a person appears
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who more or less draws attention to himself, well, let's remember the industrious, let's remember, how much there was an interview with budanov before, and how they don't have them now, let's remember kim, who became very popular at one time, and how he is not on the air, on the air, and well, you can simply analyze the telethon, which is completely controlled despite , that there is no minister of information policy and culture there, but it is clear that he is controlled from other offices, and simply the content analysis of the telethon will give us an understanding of who is in favor today and who is not. thank you, andriy yanitskyi, kateryna nekrecha were guests of our program, our journalism club today, ms. tapanova, thank you thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, about this, do you agree that democracy is more important for
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ukraine than a strong leader? so, let's look at the results of the poll, 89% yes, 11 no, this is the result of a tv poll, it was a program. verdict provoi serhii rudenko, i am saying goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 p.m., at 8:00 p.m. we will have yurii lutsenko, the former prosecutor general of ukraine, on the air, we will talk about everything, everything, everything, everything, about foreign and domestic politics, about zelenskyi's team, wait, and for now rest, have a nice weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, bye, bye. there are discounts represented by cocoa discounts in may on valerina-bolgarska tablets 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad and discounts represent cocoa discounts in may on aestesifin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad only you. on the air
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause a resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. process analysis. that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be
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terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world mr. norman dreams of, we can only imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on spresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zuma, and my colleagues and i are with you for the next
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hour and 45 minutes. disturbing news today. early in the morning, the enemy crossed the border and began an offensive in kharkiv, in kharkiv region, in principle. the direction of his movement is the city of kharkiv, the situation is difficult, threatening, but controlled. about today we will talk about all this in more detail, and we will actually monitor this situation throughout our broadcast, but we will start with... the military results of the day and i think that serhii zgorets will definitely pay attention today to this important topic, the topic about which the president of ukraine and many other people responsible for the events at the front have already spoken. serhii, good evening to you, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl,
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i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about what is happening on the front line, about the activation of the enemy in the kharkiv region and... about the pokrovsky direction, where the 47th separate mechanized brigade is holding the defense, about all this in a moment. now , another increase in the intensity of combat clashes is being recorded on the front line, for the first time this week , more than 150 enemy attacks were recorded in one of the actions, while foreign media, in particular, the cnn agency there , believe that the threat of increased attacks is connected with russia's plans launch a large-scale offensive in early summer. in fact, the enemy is already on the offensive. since october last year and now we in fact, we are at its next stage,
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the enemy wants to capture as much as possible, until the armed assistance from the usa has arrived in sufficient quantity, and today the enemy just surrendered to actions in the kharkiv direction. the activation began with shelling with various means of fire impression and numerous dropping of cabs for airplanes, against the background of which there were unsuccessful attempts. drg to break through the border and the enemy then, under the cover of armored vehicles , tried to enter a number of settlements along the border. the attacks were repulsed, but reserves were sent to strengthen the defense units and now the enemies are still trying to break through our defenses. now these are primarily areas of the kharkiv and chuguyiv districts, in particular the settlements of shooters. krasne, pylna and borysivka. now we will again show you the map where
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the russian troops are located, and i will also remind you that the concentration of the enemy is noticeable in the attacks on the city of vovchansk. this city of ovchansk now plays an important role in the defense of the north- east of the kharkiv region, as an important logistics hub, a large part of our logistics passes through it. siverskyi donets, the enemy understands this, and there was a video where the enemy strikes the bridge over the vovcha river, near vovchansk. the population is being evacuated from the city of vovchansk and surrounding settlements, and it can be assumed that with these attacks, primarily on vovchansk, the enemy wants to make it easier for them to advance towards kupyansk, where they have been trying to attack for a long time without success. a group of russian troops called zahid, and when we talk about
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kharkiv, then there is a military group operating there, and can we now talk about what this the pivnich group is enough to carry out offensive attacks on kharkiv. if we look at the map now, we can see that the russian troops are part of the grouping near bryansk, kursk and bilhorsk regions and so on. so to speak, we see a total of about 50,000 personnel, and that number is not really sufficient for any deep advance, but sufficient to force the use of our reserves in these areas, and this constant threat of raiding she is in the direction of kharkiv will on estimated sure against. to encourage our command to keep a certain
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grouping of troops in the siver and slobozhan operational directions to deter enemy activity, this is exactly what is happening now. we will continue to monitor this difficult situation. we understand that the general staff predicted these risks, our brigades shifted in this direction. artillery is working now, and in those directions where the enemy wants to, relatively speaking,... continue to carry out raids . at this time, hostilities continue on others directions, in particular, we know that after the enemy achieved certain tactical successes and captured the village of ocheretyn, now he is trying to operate on this bridgehead as well, trying to expand this bridgehead, this is actually the pokrov direction, where our 47th separate mechanized brigade operates, and what is happening there, we can now talk with... in more detail, we are joined by anastasia blyshchyk, this is the press officer of the 47th
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separate mechanized brigade, mrs. anastasia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i wish health and glory to ukraine . glory to heroes. what is the current situation in the brigade's area of ​​responsibility, what happened yesterday, what is happening today? look, the situation in our direction is consistently difficult and consistently tense, the enemy does not stop trying to storm our area of ​​responsibility. they use both armored vehicles and huge numbers of infantry, but all we can do now is try to repel these attacks, and so far we are succeeding. that is, the enemy is now getting a good beating, there was literally yesterday or today such a good video, which demonstrated a battle nearby ocherytyny, where your brigade repelled another enemy attack, there were tanks, bmps, and mtlbs. how did this attack end for the enemy? look, for the enemy, this attack
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remained the fact that all their equipment was burned with the help of fpv drones, and our... bradley crews and our gunners did a good job, this is exactly this frame, this fragment, that is, also the infantry, which was in a hurry , they just got good, too, as i have already said, they were also liquidated, one was a russian serviceman, he remained alive, he was so lucky, but he still chose death and blew himself up with a grenade. anastasia, to what extent are such typical attacks of the enemy using... armored vehicles, because there were both infantry assaults and assaults with armored vehicles, there were also assaults on these golf carts, motorcycles, which the enemy now most often uses to carry out such assaults actions? well, if we talk about this week, then they will use armored vehicles every day, both new and old-style equipment, the same were
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the t-90 tanks, the m-breakthrough, three of them were burned tanks, too. with the help of our fpv drones, that is, during this week, such assault actions are daily, but all the equipment is of course noticed by our air reconnaissance, and then all our units that work to destroy, er, in general, the enemy, are already joining the battle yes, they do it intermittently, that is, they use this technique actively, armored vehicles, then they just have this field littered, burned. this technique, but if we talk about the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade for the entire period of time that we are here in the avdian direction, it is almost 200 units of armored vehicles burned by the enemy, that is, when they do not have time to raise reserves, then they use more infantry, and in this case, they have now started
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to use armored vehicles again. anastasia, how are our or our american tanks being used now? abrams and bradley infantry fighting vehicles were literally absent from combat, it seems that last week there was a report in the foreign media, which said that, relatively speaking, the brigade took the abrams tanks from the line of contact, because it is very dangerous for them there. then there have been rebuttals from your team that this is not the case at all, so explain to our viewers how both abrams and bradley are now being used in combat? well, it is dangerous for all of us to be here on the front line and for all of our equipment. however, we do not have the right to take this equipment out and hide it somewhere, because after all, it is powerful fire support, we have to support our infantry, because at first i was surprised by this message, of course, i immediately recruited both the tank battalion commander and the brigade commander, on that they said that this is not true, and then already i went there with my own eyes, i saw that abram tanks really use
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drone videos, that’s all there is, that is, i understood that the news was... right in the background, you know, of the news that help is coming, yes from our american partners here to us, and maybe it’s because the russians have launched such a scam that you see, americans, you are helping the ukrainians, and the ukrainians are hiding this equipment somewhere, no, that’s not true, everything is used exactly as it is used, we use american armored vehicles, of course, we use them we cannot reveal the details, but the american machines, they are working at full capacity, because... this is what saved us all this period of time, as we are here in the avdiiv region, in the conditions in the conditions when we did not have enough artillery shells. anastasia, there was a video where bradley destroys a russian tank there at a distance of 1.5 km at night with the help of a pturtou, now we will probably find this video and show our viewers whether anything
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additional is known about this battle, and whether in fact for... such destruction of enemy equipment, our calculations receive some financial bonuses, because there were reports that for every destroyed enemy tank there you can get 50,000 hryvnias, do they pay such bonuses? well , look, in relation to this battle, then the enemy stormed things simultaneously in two directions in the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade, this t-80 tank is enemy, bradley, our american car, the crew, simply heroic, thanks to them, they left, saw the target, of course, they worked out, then also a lot of enemy armored vehicles were engaged that day, if i am not mistaken, it was six units, and all the equipment. it was burned thanks to the crew of bradley and fpv drones, in general, this is such an effective weapon of our bradley and fpv drones. as to whether
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i'm sorry, recall the bounties, bounties for the destruction of machinery, yes. yes, yes, bonuses for the destruction of equipment are of course paid, the only thing that should be confirmation, video confirmation of the destroyed equipment, of course, our fighters are paid. well, now i will confirm. destroyed equipment can be obtained easily, because thanks to the mavics, the same drones, that is, now the battlefield is like in the palm of your hand, you can see everything, it is not for nothing that he says, that now the war is live. and has the use of artillery on our side increased now, or have you increased the number of shells and mines, because this was the first video that showed how your brigade was destroying enemy armored vehicles, and it can be seen that the artillery is working quite so densely against the enemy, maybe ... there is indeed more ammunition, yes, yes, help is already arriving from our american partners, the battlefield has improved , of course, we want even more
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artillery shells, because there were cases when they were really critical cases, then fpv drones came to the rescue, which became a cheap alternative to expensive shells, and yesterday i spoke with the commander of one of our artillery units, he said that supplies... there are and will be even more, and what is the current situation with the use of fpv drones , which you mentioned, is there parity, do we have the advantage, or the enemy advantage, what does it look like now? well, thanks to the volunteers and thanks to the ukrainians, who will constantly contribute, the advantage in fpv, drones, well , this, look, i am now talking about the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade, then we we outnumber the enemy, but we have to understand that they have a lot of artillery shells, which they simply scatter, so maybe they don't... they don't have such a need to have more fpv drones. and what are the expectations of your teams, your comrades rely on
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the implementation of the law on mobilization, and does such direct recruitment to your brigade work? yes, we have launched a recruiting department, in this recruiting recruiting department our fighters who were in the infantry, but then... got injured and now others are doing other functions, er, calls, of course, we leave all the information on the brigade pages, candidates call, and what our recruiters do is accompany the candidate from the very beginning, that is, from the time he or she called, to the next we already write out the relationship, the person goes to the military headquarters, then to the training center, and while he is in this training center, our recruits still write every day, asking how he is doing, whether his legs hurt, how is the training and everything else, because at the moment even my units are being replenished, and i asked
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how much training is there, i was told two months, i was very surprised, because when i got to the training center in 2022, it was two weeks, regarding what expectations, well, we hope that there will be as many conscious ukrainians as possible who will join to the ranks of the armed forces. country, because yes, there are many opinions that it is not entirely fair to win this war at the expense of others, people want to rest, people want to go home, because our soldiers say a lot that children grow up without me, without a father, everyone is sad and everyone they want to return to some kind of normal life there, so we hope that as many as possible will join the armed forces of ukraine and its ukrainians, but on the other hand, what you know, i analyzed in this way - it is not quite right now to treat those who have not yet in the armed forces of ukraine, because these people are shamed for such a thing, although
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at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many ukrainians came to the military headquarters and said: take me, but these people were told everything, the armed forces of ukraine will cope there, then everyone broadcast exclusively the victory, and those people adapted, adapted to this life there , yes, in the evening, to be under... taquettes at night , to go to work in the morning, and then suddenly no, you have to go, quickly join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. that is, well, i understand that this communication was a bit of a failure, but that's how it is. ms. alsier, thank you very much for your explanation of what you and your team are doing to protect our country. let me remind our viewers that it was anastasia blyshchyk, the press officer of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently holding back the enemy to the west of. that's how they were the main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the spresso channel. thank you very much to serhii zagorets,
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thank you to anastasia blyshchyk for the conversation for more information, a great ether is going on and a lot of interesting and important information is ahead. well , now i will ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone of military operations in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air behind any hours day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630, i just literally updated our bank and
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let's see how much... we were already able to collect, we were able to collect uah 95,322, i want to say that these 45 00, well, a little less, we collected literally in a few days, because for a long time the collection was somewhere at the level of 52 00, we will be able to do it, i believe in you, i also contribute with my donations to this collection, to other collections, in what i can, i always i do, and i say that while we are in the body, well, for now, because the situation is such that everything can change, well, at least for men. we must do what we can do, and in addition to informing our community, we must also give the money earned to support the armed forces of ukraine. the situation is very difficult kharkiv oblast, this morning the enemy began offensive operations. yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, is in touch with us. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i
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'll start, that's where it actually comes from. in the morning, the enemy began offensive actions on the border of the kharkiv region, well, ukraine in the kharkiv region and the russian federation, to describe what is happening there on the front line, where fierce battles are now taking place, as the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi says, people who are involved in the military and political leadership say of the state, so i do not ask you to comment on this issue, but in general the information that the people of kharkiv are receiving today, because the enemy has clearly already targeted kharkiv, there is no doubt here, by the way today... the information and psychological operation of the enemy was quite powerful, let's go to kharkiv, that's all, let's free some occupying power from there, well, it's supposed to be the ukrainian occupying power. what is the mood in kharkiv today? let's talk about it, first of all, related to the intensification of the enemy's offensive actions on the border, well then we'll talk about shelling, which, unfortunately , also happened, and the population is even being evacuated. please, yes, of course, everything
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was said correctly, the enemy has come true today. attacks on the territory of ukraine from the northern part of the city, ah, more precisely, the northern part of the kharkiv region, ah, regarding the mood in kharkiv, everyone understands what is happening, everyone follows the news, everyone is adapted, and the enemy has long told us that he wants to advance, everyone understands that one of the enemy's targets is kharkiv and the territory of ukraine as a whole, and that including the kharkiv region, the military... were fully prepared for this, so everyone understood that it could happen from day to day, there was such information from the military, and from the local administration, from the public on the telegram channel, so everyone was preparing, this happened, and we are ready, we meet the enemy, i thank our armed forces of ukraine for defending our country and protecting and keeping the enemy on the border, and two dead and five
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wounded on the border. as a result of an enemy attack that took place, well, this attack, it is not an enemy attack, this is an offensive, i don’t know what to call it, a full-scale, local offensive, in any case, these are offensive actions, and the involvement of artillery, aviation, armored vehicles, manpower of the enemy, that is, all this works in a complex, and it is clear that the defense forces were ready, they are holding on, somewhere the bunch went further, somewhere the bunch didn't go so far, in any case the situation is a combat situation, but here you can't say controlled, uncontrolled, critical, the situation is combat, plus in any case we are. .. we will wait for official information from those people who have to be responsible for the direction east, as far as i understand, it is about this direction, if we talk about the operational command, but here are wounded and two dead, and the evacuation of vovchanchansk and populated and surrounding villages has begun, a logical question arises here, which has arisen not for the first time period of full-scale invasion, why couldn't people evacuate earlier, it's because...


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